Warlock cards, game strategy. Budget Warlock deck Possible combos with a budget Warlock deck

Hearthstone is one of the most popular collectible card games developed by the well-known company Blizzard. Even at the beta testing stage, the project attracted the attention of a wide audience. People gave tens of dollars and bought keys to the closed beta. And all this in order to be one of the first to try out Blizzard’s new brainchild. Interest in the game has not waned even now, two years after its release. On the contrary, Hearthstone is only gaining momentum. For example, in May last year it was found that the game was downloaded by more than 30 million players. These are pretty impressive numbers. So why does Hearthstone attract gamers so much? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Why is Hearthstone so popular?

What is the secret of success? Everything is quite simple. The first elephant on which the game rests is: To play Hearthstone, you don't have to pay a penny. All you need to do is go to the official Blizzard website and download the client. Of course, the game has a donation system, but nevertheless, no one is forcing users to donate real money. You can play comfortably without any investment.

Another advantage is simplicity. At the core Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft are such legendary CCGs as Magic: The Gathering and Berserk. Blizzard took the basic concept and mechanics of the above projects and greatly simplified them. The end result was interesting and at the same time simple game, which even a child can appreciate.

Regular updates are another feature of Hearthstone. The guys from Blizzard do not forget about their project and constantly release updates. At least once every six months, a new adventure or patch is released that contains more than a hundred cards. This adds variety to the game.


Hearthstone also boasts an abundance of classes. There are 9 characters available in the game, which you can play as from the very beginning. Each class has a unique set of cards and hero powers, giving characters strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Hunter is capable of inflicting a ton of damage to the enemy hero (rush), but he does not perform well in board control. The paladin, on the contrary, is able to gain control of the field without any problems, but he has obvious problems with the pace of the game.

In this article we will talk about one of the most popular and interesting classes in Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft. We will discuss the Warlock (aka Warlock, Gul "Dan). Want to know what the most effective Warlock decks look like in Hearthstone? Then this article will help you with this.

Parsing the class

If you are familiar with the expression “Sacrifice little for the sake of more,” then this class is for you. After all, most Warlock cards harm the character in every possible way (for example, they cause damage, discard cards, break mana crystals, etc.). However, in return, the Warlock receives incredibly powerful creatures and powerful spells. Perhaps the most striking example is the “Fire Imp” card. It costs only one mana and has very high characteristics - 3/2. But when the demon enters the field, the hero receives 3 units of damage, which is quite unpleasant.

The Warlock class ability works in a similar way. It costs two mana and allows you to draw a card from the deck. In fact, this is very cool, because every move you can get additional card. Thanks to this ability, the Warlock never has problems with firewood. However, in addition to two mana crystals, the Warlock loses 2 units of HP.

Overall, Warlock has very strong cards with huge potential. Warlock decks in Hearthstone boast powerful monsters, board clears, and even heals. However, this comes at a cost. To play well as a Warlock, you need to always monitor your HP indicators. You need to be especially careful when playing against rush and OTK decks. For example, Face Hunt or Frost Mage can defeat Warlock without any problems.

Top Decks: Warlock in Hearthstone

Since Warlock is a fairly popular class, many decks have been created for this character. Best players from all over the world puzzled over overall strategy, combinations and combinations of cards. As a result, we have a lot of interesting and worthy of attention Dec. But not every one of them can be considered a legend. In this part of the article we will look at top decks Warlock in Hearthstone. With their help, you can not only achieve high results in a rating game, but also win various tournaments and championships.

Perhaps, best deck Warlock in Hearthstone - Handlock. This deck was developed back in the CBT. But even two years later it does not lose its relevance. Of course, during this time it has changed a lot, cards from new addons appeared in the deck. However, the strategy and essence of the deck remained the same. The Handlock deck aims to turn the class's main disadvantage (self-damage) into an advantage. For example, the "Fire Giant" card (10 mana) with stats 8/8 costs 1 mana less for each damage received by the hero. A warlock, using his cards and abilities, can lower his HP and summon such a powerful creature (or even two) for 0 mana. And in order not to die from some “Pyroblast”, the deck contains “Ancient Healer”, “Soul Drain”, “Lord Jaraxxus”.

Very popular in Hearthstone deck Warlock on demons. "Demonlock" boasts excellent table control. Control is provided by sweeps and powerful class creatures, which become even stronger from the synergy of demons. In addition, it’s nice to have saving cards, like the same “Ancient Healer”, which will heal you in difficult times. However, this deck is quite expensive. After all, it must include such legendaries as “Lord Jaraxxus”, “Mal” Ganis.” What can we say about epics.

Not everyone has the dust to craft the necessary cards. And Warlock decks in Hearthstone are quite expensive. In such cases, you have to get out and assemble light decks that are based on standard maps. Budget decks contain a minimum of legendaries and epics. It is for this reason that they are uncompetitive. Therefore, achieving high results with such a deck is not an easy task. Perhaps the best basic cards for budget decks are Fire Demon and Abyss Demon. Among the inexpensive cards, it is worth noting “Terror of the Abyss”, “Doomguard”.

Fan decks

Also quite often, players make fun decks. They are not meant to win. The main goal of such decks is to get maximum pleasure from the game. One of the most interesting decks recently - "Malilok". The deck's strategy is to summon Malygos and then OTK the enemy with cheap Warlock spells. Despite the fact that the deck is fun, it performs well in the meta. Some players even managed to take the “Legend” with its help.

" Chapter: Guides


Your soul will know torment!!!

Hello HearthStone fans! On this page you can find decks and tactics for playing as the Warlock (Gul "Dan)

1. Zoolock.

Zoolock is probably one of the 3 most common decks in the game. She can be found everywhere: on the ladder, in tournaments, in normal game. The deck has become popular due to its low cost and ease of use. Moreover, she has a fairly high win rate (win-loss ratio) and short games. Although now there are many decks countering Zoo, it continues to be relevant and strong.
Its peculiarity is that it consists of almost 100% cheap creatures that combine well with each other. Thanks to the Warlock class skill, you will summon 2-3 creatures per turn, and such an aggressive approach often confuses your opponent - he will not always be able to counter them.
Today there are many varieties of Zoolocks. Let's see what the classic deck looks like, and then we'll look at which creatures can be changed and replaced.

Classic Zoo lock

So, as you noticed, this deck only has 1 spell with 2 cards - Soul Burn. All other cards are exclusively creatures.
Although the creatures in this deck are cheap (the most expensive are only 6 mana), they have valuable abilities and complement each other well. The following are used as finishers (i.e. spells or minions that will deal the last 4-5 points of damage to the enemy hero): Soul Burn, Doomguard, Vanguard Commander.
The remaining creatures cause global spam of the board and irritate the enemy. There are also provocateurs who will help protect them. These are: Abyss Demon and Shield Bearer. Usually 2 demons and 1 shield bearer are taken.
It should be noted that it is worth observing the order of summoning creatures to the board and even their placement on the board itself.

How to play this deck:

  1. Try to play all the hero's mana per turn;
  2. Summon creatures without Warcries first, and then enhance them with creatures with Warcries. You should not summon a creature that cannot use a battle cry;
  3. Try not to place more than 1 provocateur on the board per turn;
  4. If you have a coin, try to play it in such a way that: on the first turn, summon 2 creatures for 1 mana, or on the 1st turn for 2 mana. For a zookeeper, the sooner the coin is played, the better.
  5. Trade only with your opponent's key creatures. Protect your key creatures (for example, the dagger thrower);
  6. Strengthen 2 creatures with Argus Defender. Never place it on an empty table.
  7. Always place Dire Wolf Leader in the center of the table (between all your creatures). This way you can get the most out of it.
  8. If your opponent has 10 health or less and you still have one Soul Burn card or any other finisher in your hand, don't be afraid to use them. Most likely you will have enough damage on the next turn to bring the game to victory.
  9. Try not to play Dagger Thrower on turn 2 without a coin. Use it on the 2nd move with a coin or on the 3rd move and cover it with a provocateur.
  10. Do not summon Doomguard if you have more than 1 card and you are not sure that you will win on the next turn.

Alternative spells/creatures in the Zoolock deck

  1. The face of decay- this is perhaps the only spell that, besides Soul Burn, can look organically in Zoolock. 1 mana, card draw and 1 unit of damage are quite nice characteristics. Take no more than 1 per deck.
  2. Ironbeak- if you often come across druids or any other heroes who place a lot of provocateurs, you can add 1 iron beak. This bird can inflict silence for just 2 mana. It can also protect your creatures from Herald of Doom, the Frost Magic deck that is so popular today. Take no more than 1 per deck.
  3. Faerie Dragon- characteristics of 3/2 for 2 mana are already good, but even more pleasant is his ability to be invulnerable to the hero’s abilities or spells (cards). It is very difficult to remove and it a good choice against magicians, druids and shamans. Take no more than 1 per deck.
  4. King Mukla- This is an ideal legendary for aggro decks. In 90% of cases, it will give you unlimited control over the board and make your opponent nervous. Place Mukla on an empty table or as your provocateur and this card will work 100%. Don't be afraid of bananas, if you follow the above rules, they will not bring any benefit to the enemy.
  5. Leeroy Jenkins- This is another legendary that is a 100% finisher. The only nuance is that in 99% of Zoolock, she will be the finisher. You won't be able to play a single combo with her in this deck, and if she doesn't finish the game, she'll look ridiculous on the board.
  6. Black Knight- copes well with provocateurs. Take it instead of Ironbeak, as it is too expensive for the deck, and the stats for 6 mana are not impressive. However, it is indispensable against Druids and Handlocks. If the majority is against you, feel free to take it.
  7. Blood Knight- the meaning of this card is similar to the “King of Mukla” card. With the help of Warcry, this minion can become stat 6/6 or even higher. Due to the popularity of using Divine Shields in the game, the map will look pretty cool. Even if she doesn’t “eat” a single shield, the characteristics of 3/3 for 3 mana are already good. Don't forget that your deck has 6 creatures with divine shields: 2 Vanguard Squires, 2 Scarlet Crusaders, 2 Vanguard Commanders. Take 1 or 2 as desired
  8. History Teacher Cho- situational map. Can be added to your deck if spells are often cast against you.
  9. Leprognome- excellent one, capable of dealing 4 damage or more. In some cases, it can deal 2 damage, even if there are a lot of provocateurs on the table. Take as many as 2

This deck is made up of basic cards - this means that all the cards used in it were received for training and for leveling up to level 10. While there are obvious flaws, this deck is fairly balanced. With this deck you can defeat players using rare, epic and even legendary cards in their decks in Game mode.



Weapons, secrets:

Strategy Overview

As a Warlock, you should try to gain a huge card advantage over your opponent by frequently using class ability. and will allow you to deal significant damage quite early.

Before using a card that will discard from your hand random map( or ), try to use your key cards from hand.

Brief analysis of maps

- this is the only one base map, which allows you to neutralize enemy weapons. When playing against Hunters, Paladins, Shamans, Warriors and Rogues, you must save this card until the enemy takes a weapon. If you are playing against other classes, you can use Slimer just as a 3/2 minion.

is a very effective 3/3 minion with a cost of 3 mana, which can also be used to buff your other minion by +1/+1. This is very convenient, as it allows you to exchange your minions for more expensive ones.

- a very good minion for 4 mana and is a good choice for decks larger high level. Yeti can kill most 4 mana minions and still survive. As an added bonus, this minion is good against priests because it has exactly 4 attacks. Several priest spells, such as , cannot target a creature with 4 attack.

Although the value of provocateurs is highly debatable, it is still recommended to have one or two of them in your deck. - Perhaps one of the best provocateurs in the game, given the amount of health and cost.

Warlock class cards

We did not include basic deck cards like . The utility of Sacrificial Pact is very situational and we don't think this card has a place in our deck. Corruption allows the enemy to make a move with the creature before it dies. He can simply trade this minion and then the Corruption will be wasted.

Going back to the beta, I was excited about the extra challenge brought on by the overload mechanic, and the Shaman was my favorite class. Not surprisingly, I soon felt the need to change classes and started trying out Warrior and Paladin. I was so hooked on the latter that Paladin became the first class I took to legend. After that, I tested Handlock for a month, then another month for Paladin. I'm currently playing a Warlock and don't think I'll be switching classes anytime soon.

Warlock, warlock is always changing

Warlock has always been one of the biggest winners when expansions open. From the Curse of Naxxramas, Zoolock received powerful new creatures such as Haunted Crawler, Nerubian Egg, and Voidcaller. This true grunt-death trio has greatly increased the durability of the deck and cemented the love for the sticky creatures. At the same time, Handlock received the Slime Belcher control card. Finally, the Servant of the Sun can retire. Then there were Goblins and Dwarves, and with them a crazy legendary: Mal'Ganis. Lord Jaraxxus has set the bar high, but "immunity" is an extremely powerful keyword in Mal'Ganis' defense. You only need three mana with a coin to pull off the Void Summoner -> Mal'Ganis combo. The merciless explosion turned the dream into reality, and made the Dagger Juggler even more effective. Another important GvG introduction is Dark Bomb, which adds a classic answer to single threats and early-game removal to Gul'dan's spell set.

Black Mountain also added new capabilities to the Warlock. Life Tap plays into the hands of the synergy of dragons, and the Twilight Dragon, which was previously registered with the Warlock, receives scaly support. Thanks to the Blackwing Technique and the Blackwing Destroyer, as well as Emperor Thaurissan, Malilok began to sparkle with new colors. Blackrock also provided two great class cards: Imp Band Leader, an incredibly effective midrange minion, and Demonic Wrath, another AoE spell.

Grand Tournament was the first Hearthstone expansion that left Warlock feeling deprived of class cards. Demonic Force and Wilfred Nepopums proved to be unviable, although this may change in future expansions. Common creatures have found a place in some Warlock decks, with Spearman making its way into many Zoolock decks, Handlock dabbling with Vendor's snack, and Twilight Guardian helping solidify Malilock as one of the strongest options in the Dragon deck. However, these cards are difficult to compare in importance to cards like Mysterious Challenger, Totem Golem, and Draconic Envoy.

Needless to say, we are still feeling the impact of the League of Explorers. The flexibility of Black Archaeologist gave him a place in all decks except Handlock and like dragons Black Mountain Reno Jackson benefits greatly from the life tap. Bran Bronzebeard quickly became friends with Zoolock and Malilok, not to mention Handlock due to his combo with Ancient Healer. As a result, Renolock was born, Handlock returned with new strength, and Zoolok and Malilok received new powerful combos.

The most interesting thing about Warlock's growth is his modesty. With the exception of Malygos, neutral card, the class never received a real addition in the form of a killer card. There is no Mysterious Challenger, or Goblin Blastmage or other class cards that allow you to turn the tables on the table in your favor. Even Mal’Ganis never shouted “Play me!” like the Paladin or Mage class cards. Warlock's true strength lies in his core cards and basic design.

Important information about the warlock

The Warlock is best described as a constant self-destructor. The ability to sacrifice life to gain card advantage has given rise to one of the most interesting and wild playstyles in Hearthstone, where you can do terrifying things to your own and your opponent's creatures. This makes Warlocks less predictable than Warrior and Druid, who are more straightforward and monumental. All this thanks to the Life Tap, the most flexible hero power in existence.

Looking at Naxxramas, the Warlock was able to in the best possible way use the death rattle mechanic. No other class has been able to use Nerubian Egg and Haunted Crawler with such stunning effect. Zoolock was the only deck that had room for all the buffers of Abusive Sergeant, Dire Wolf Leader, Defender of Argus, and Overwhelming Power, giving it an advantage over competing midrange decks.

Warlock has such a diverse set of class cards that it is a prime contender for testing out new mechanics. The class has powerful burst damage, tons of AoE, strong creatures, effective spells and a unique mechanics of sacrificing creatures. Oh, and let's not forget the best card draw in the game! As a result, the warlock has amassed one of Hearthstone's most prolific arsenals.

Warlock is always in the meta

Zoolock, Handlock, Malilock, and Renolock are all top tier decks that give Warlock 4 solid options in the meta. This puts it above all other classes, at least in terms of overall deck popularity. The Warrior has control and cartridge, the Priest has control, dragons and burst, the Paladin has midrange, secret and murloc, the shaman has nothing but burst, the Rogue has oil and Malygos, the Druid has ramp or combo mostly. The Mage is the only class that can rival the versatility of the Warlock - Freeze Mage, Tempo Mage, Echo Mage, and Mech Mage.

If aggro flares, Renolock comes out. Likewise, Handlock is always ready to overpower deck control. When midrange decks flood the ladder, Zulok can tear them all apart. Even combo decks don't feel safe as long as Malygos and Hellfire exist. We can use all this in the modern meta. Secretpal and midrange druid dominate the ladder and you can pit Renolock and Zoolock against them, respectively.

This is not to say that the Warlock is always the strongest class and its styles are always superior to other classes. Control warrior can hit Handlock and midrange can hit Zoolock. Warlock's genius lies in his unwavering relevance and creativity. There is no such thing as a bad meta for Warlock because you always have multiple cards available for a suitable solution.

Warlock is a great class for beginners because it uses a lot of replaceable cards. This is the basis of innovation, as it makes it possible to support almost all playstyles. This is a good choice for tournaments because it has few bad matchups compared to other classes. This makes Warlock my absolute favorite class in Hearthstone.
