Cossacks robbers game progress. Dashing folk fun. Cossack robbers. Video game “Cossacks - Robbers”

The film, the TV series, and several literary works of various genres have this name. But above all, Cossack robbers are a favorite children's game.

It's no secret that the time for yard games is almost over. Gadgets have replaced communication and physical activity for children. But all this is true until there is an enthusiastic adult who will “open” other games for children. More than once I witnessed pictures when children, with wide eyes, listened to “Rucheyok”, “Tens”, “Traffic Light” - simple games of past generations. And then they enthusiastically plunged into such “unusual”, “new” game conditions. Cossacks-Robbers - a game with a century-old history - always arouses special interest.

There is no exact information about the time the game originated, but it is known that it was played even before the revolution. The name of the game is probably taken from life, since its rules imitate reality: in Tsarist Russia, the Cossacks were people's self-defense, protecting the civilian population from raids by robbers. There is an opinion that the game originated in the 16th century, when city Cossacks from settlements caught “thieves” Cossacks for a reward.

Play from six people or more (the more, the better). The players determine the territory on which the game will take place. Divided into two teams, they determine who will play for the “Cossacks” and who for the “robbers”. Sometimes atamans are chosen.

Then there are differences in the rules of the game. In the classic version, the “robbers” confer and come up with a code word (secret password). This can be a word or a set of numbers (its length is agreed upon in advance). In other variants, “robbers” make up a phrase in which the number of words is equal to the number of players. Everyone remembers “their” word.

At the signal, the “robbers” run away to hide; the “Cossacks” should not peep. The “robbers” mark their route of movement using arrows on the asphalt and other surfaces (walls, fences) so that the “Cossacks” have clues where to look. Most often, the team runs together at first, then splits up to confuse the opponents. The faster the “robbers” run away and the more intricately they draw arrows, the more chances they have to hide reliably.

At this time, the “Cossacks” are setting up a “dungeon” or “headquarters” and figuring out how they will “torture” the prisoners. After a specified period of time, usually 15-20 minutes, the “Cossacks” set off to look for the “robbers”. The found “robber” is caught, as in tag, and taken to prison. The captured person has no right to break free and run away.

In some versions of the game, the “Cossack” who has caught the “robber” remains in the “dungeon” to guard him. In others -
a guard is appointed who constantly monitors the "robbers" in the "dungeon", while the rest of the participants can run to catch other "robbers".

In order to find out the secret password, the “robbers” are sort of “tortured” - they are tickled, they slip insects, they burn with nettles. The types of “torture” are specified in advance: they should not be cruel or offensive. The game ends when the “Cossacks” become aware of the entire password or code phrase.

What added special spice to the game was that the “robbers” could rescue their comrades from the “dungeon.” Then the arrows indicating the direction became even more confusing, and the “Cossacks” had to start their search all over again.

This game is essentially a mixture of hide and seek and tag with storyline. I must say that the game is useful in every sense. In addition to physical activity, it presupposes strategic thinking (it is difficult to draw arrows and hide or find them using landmarks), patience and endurance (“the robbers” had to sit quietly “in ambush” and not give away team secrets even under “torture”). A wide range of human relationships was revealed to the players: excitement is excitement, but it is impossible to cross the boundaries of reason in “torture,” because next time the player risks ending up in the place of the caught “robber.” It's no surprise that Cossack Robbers is a long-lived game. In modern conditions, you can play it not only in the summer, using chalk, but also at any other time of the year. Guidelines can be left, for example, on adhesive stickers or washable water-based paints. The main thing is that this is a large company that is ready to experience a game with a century-old history.

The article was prepared by Anna Fedorkova based on materials

Cossacks-Robbers is a game from childhood, a memory game of the history of our Fatherland.

Let's play this wonderful outdoor game with you. Our rules are classic, but it wouldn’t hurt to discuss the details.

Game participants

Parents with children. The age of younger children to participate in the game should probably be from 7 years(from 1st grade).

Formation of teams

Formation of teams begins on Saturday morning 8:45-9:55 - foyer in front of the dining room, with 10:00-10:25 — children's playground (on the street, in the backyard of the residential building). Start of the game in 10:35 .

General provisions

All participants in the game are divided into two teams, each of which takes turns playing either the role of “Cossacks” or the role of “robbers”. Teams, to recognize their own among strangers, receive "epaulettes" their Cossack regiment, which differ in color. The shoulder straps of both regiments bear the insignia of Cossack ranks. Shoulder straps must be worn on your shoulders until the very end of the game, all stages. After the game, the shoulder straps are given to the participants as souvenirs.

It is decided by a draw or a duel which team will start first as the “Cossacks”. After this, the “robbers” receive their robber attributes - bandages on their headdress and bandages on one eye - an eyecup. These two headbands cannot be removed until the end of the role of “robbers”, and the headband can be torn off by the “Cossacks” while chasing you. Let's talk about this in order.


Having lost their honor and conscience, the “robbers” stole the ark from the “Cossacks”, where the covenant was kept to the descendants of “all Cossacks”, tore it into pieces according to the letters, and distributed one letter to each robber so that no one could read this covenant.

The “Cossacks” became angry and decided to catch all the robbers like “mad dogs”, collect all the letters of the covenant and read them to everyone at a general gathering. They did it as they decided. And there was no place where the “robbers” could hide from the dashing Cossack horses, and their violent heads flew off, as a warning to all those who encroached on the commandments of their fathers...

Continuation of the rules of the game:

After determining who starts the game first (by lot or duel), the team of “robbers” receives two headbands (an eyepiece and a headband) and a set of numbered letters. Within 10 minutes need to put on(be sure to tie a ribbon on your headdress and put an eyecup on your face) and hide the resulting letter in your outerwear (under a jacket, in a hat, in trousers, in shoes, etc. - in outerwear). The remaining time should be devoted to a meeting about robber plans, about your actions as “robbers.”

The “Cossacks” at this time are discussing their plan of action to capture the robbers and return all the letters of the covenant, adding the letters into the text. Receive a encryption sheet.

Beginning of the game

The game starts red rocket. From this moment on, the “robbers” have 10 minutes to hide in the street territory of the village. Starts in 10 minutes CHASE.


The time for the chase is 50 minutes.

The rules of the chase are:

It is necessary to find the hidden robber on the territory of the village, catch up with him and neutralize him, for which it is enough to remove the bandage of the robber from his head (headdress) (the eyecup should not be touched). The “robber” has the right to run away and prevent the “Cossacks” from tearing the ribbon off his headdress. If the “Cossacks” managed to remove the ribbon from the “robber’s” headdress, then from that moment the “robber” is considered caught. A caught robber has no right to resist or run away. Everyone! PROHIBITED be rude!

Now you need to take the “letter” from the covenant from the robber. You can offer to voluntarily give up the “stolen” letter. If the “robber” refuses to voluntarily give up the letter, then it is permissible to apply “torture” to him, well, in the sense of a search from head to toe.

ATTENTION! A search of a caught “robber” is allowed at the place where the “robbers” were caught only in the presence of a senior officer (not lower than a captain) or in prison. In prison, caught but refusing to give up the letter “robber”, he is escorted (holding by both hands) by two junior ranks (Cossack, clerk, etc.)

The letters collected in this way are returned to the clearing to the “scribe”, and he, together with the “atamans”, restores the text of the covenant. After the end of the chase time (1 hour and green rocket) the text of the commandment is read out three times to all those present.

IMPORTANT! If the “Cossacks” were unable to find a letter from a captured robber during a search, then they have the right to refuse to search for the letter and announce this to the “robber”, but at the same time demand that he present the letter that was not found during the search in order to make sure that the letter was for "robber". In this situation, if the not found letter was presented by the “robber,” then the robber should be released, the letter and the removed tape should be returned to him and given 10 minutes to hide. If the letters are not found at all, this is equivalent to a violation of the rules of the game.

End of the chase

The signal for the end of the chase and the urgent return to the clearing for all participants in the game (“Cossacks” and “robbers”) is: time - exactly 50 minutes from the start of the chase (clocks are checked before the start of the game); trumpet sound signal; green rocket. Music starts playing loudly in the gathering clearing.

Summing up and determining the winning team

The team with the most points wins:

Points are awarded

For a blue ribbon - 5 points, for a blue ribbon - 20 points, for a turquoise - 35 points, for a dark blue - 50 points, for a purple - 75 points.

For a pink ribbon - 5 points, for a red ribbon - 20 points, for an orange -35 points, for a raspberry - 50 points, for a burgundy - 75 points.

For 1 letter found - 5 points

For correctly composed from the found letters and voicing the covenant three times for everyone - 500 points.

Glasses are removed

For intentional violation of the rules of the game, rudeness and disrespect for people, namely:

For rudeness towards the participants of the game - 300 points or whipping 30 times;

For minor violations and failure to comply with basic rules - 100 points for 1 actual episode or 10 suggestions with a whip.

Cossack ranks and titles used in the game

Cossack, constable, cornet, centurion, captain.

We ask everyone to remember, especially the senior participants, that this is just a game, fun, and whenever you see a violation of the rules of the game, human relations, we ask you to tactfully intervene. If you and I all look after the children together during our event, then nothing bad can happen. Well, of course, don’t play around with it yourself.

Now it’s winter, and the most unpleasant thing that can happen is to lose a child, who is hiding somewhere in a snowdrift from the “Cossacks” and is afraid that they will find him, and he himself is already all blue... This is the kind of game we don't need. Keep your eyes on the "small ones" during the game. Inform everyone immediately if the child is lost from sight. more than 5 minutes. We will immediately start looking for him with the whole world.

Before playing, try for yourself and your children to sew “brakes” on your outer trousers - elastic bands that will prevent snow from getting into the gap between your shoes and trousers.

Have a nice walk, brothers!

We have TV and computer, sports stadiums and clubs. What did our ancestors do for fun?

We continue to get acquainted with Russians folk games, so dashing and cheerful, reflecting the broad Slavic soul! The next entertainment of our ancestors that came under our consideration was the game “Cossacks-robbers”.

She is known to many school age. In every courtyard of the Soviet Union, children necessarily set up “Cossack” and “robber” headquarters. Its rules are simple, and everyone knows them. It seems that it’s impossible to say anything new about her, but it’s not that simple!

Game history

Games serve an important function in raising children. They teach how to communicate, build relationships, show useful qualities of character, and develop physical strength and dexterity, imagination and ingenuity. Also, some games allow the child to gain work, family, and military skills. Each nation has its own games for children. Their features consist of the mentality of people, the social and economic system.

Rus' has always been famous for its skillful and brave warriors. Maybe because from the cradle Russian boys learn to punish the enemy and win? After all, since ancient times, Slavic children practiced games reminiscent of modern “Cossack robbers.”

There is evidence that similar games were held among servicemen, archers and Cossacks back in the 15th century. To maintain morale in peacetime, they were also not averse to exercising. True, the rules of the ancient “Cossack robbers” were much stricter and more severe: caught “robbers” were punished with a whip on the back, and you could escape from your pursuers either into the forest or into the mountains. And the games themselves would now remind us more of military exercises than entertainment.

A more common version is that the game originated in the 16th century. At that time, order in the cities was maintained by hired Cossacks, whose duties included catching robbers. The name of the game speaks in favor of this.


This game combines elements of hide and seek, tag, tag and orienteering. It requires team spirit, perseverance, ingenuity and strategic thinking. There is no place for the weak, slow-witted and cowardly in this game.

A large space is chosen for the game, replete with all kinds of “hiding places” - places where you can hide. The players are divided into two equal teams by drawing lots, in which “chieftains” are elected. Rules and details are discussed before the start of the chase, namely: the contents of the cache, methods of punishment and torture of those caught. Usually this is tickling or nettles, but children with imagination can come up with something more interesting, the main thing is that the punishments are not humiliating. Then hiding places are created - sweets, toys and other children's valuables are hidden.

The “robbers” guess a password (a secret word that indicates the location of their cache), and the “Cossacks” set up a headquarters where their cache is kept and where the prisoners will be interrogated.

When the game starts, the “robbers” run away, leaving signs (arrows, colored stones) on their way. At first they go together, but then they split up more and more often. Their main task is to confuse their pursuers and not get captured.

The “Cossacks” begin the chase after some time. Their task is to catch all the “robbers” and find out their password. The captured enemy is taken to headquarters, where only one “Cossack” remains with him. Thus, the teams are reduced in direct proportion. At headquarters they interrogate and “torture” prisoners.

"Robbers" can attack the headquarters and rescue their own, or try to seize the cache. In this case, the game ends - the “robbers” win it. The Cossacks win if they catch all their opponents or if they manage to guess the password. The contents of the cache are usually divided between both teams.

This was my favorite game as a child. In the yard we chased each other almost every day. What were you playing back in the day?

There is a huge variety of such games including the game “Cossacks-Robbers”.

Description of the game Cossacks-robbers

Cossack robbers are a mixture of tag and hide and seek. This yard game was most popular during Soviet times. In order to find out how to play Cossacks Robbers, you can ask your parents, who probably played it in childhood. However, modern children also play it in schoolyards. You can play it anywhere where there are secluded corners in which you can hide.

To play Cossacks, robbers must be collected big company consisting of 6 people or more. Next, all participants in the game need to split into two teams. This can be done by drawing lots or by mutual agreement. Each team has its own name: one is “Cossacks”, the second is “robbers”. At the same time, there may be slightly fewer “Cossacks” than “robbers”.

Children's outdoor game Cossacks robbers: rules

Cossacks Robbers has the following game rules that must be followed by all participants:

The main goal of the game is to find out the Cossacks' secret password from the robbers. In this case, the Cossacks are considered winners. Also, if all the robbers are in the dungeon, victory is awarded to the Cossack team. As a rule, losing players get one click each.

The game “Cossacks-robbers” is beginning to regain its former popularity among children's groups. Playing street games, children learn to interact with each other, negotiate, set certain goals and objectives and find ways to achieve them.

What are “Cossack Robbers”? The rules of the game are, of course, familiar to each of us since childhood. This entertainment has always been incredibly interesting. These games are usually played in the yard by girls or boys between the ages of six and twelve. Six (or more) guys take part in this fun. The more people gather, the more fun the children's game “Cossacks-Robbers” is.

They usually play over a fairly large area. It could even be several neighboring yards. The larger the territory, the more interesting it is.

"Cossacks-robbers": rules of the game

So where does it all begin? What is the essence of such entertainment as “Cossacks-Robbers”? The rules of the game are not difficult to understand. Initially, participants are divided into two teams. Some are Cossacks, the second are robbers. After this, it is decided where the “dungeon” will be located. Caught robbers will be imprisoned there. This could be a bench, a small platform, or just a drawn circle.

At the beginning of the game, you are given a few minutes to find the code. The words chosen for the game “Cossacks-Robbers” are, as a rule, long and complex. They should be difficult to figure out. After this, the robbers run away and hide.

They can do this as a whole team, in small groups or one at a time. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be in one place. The Cossacks cannot spy where their rivals are running away. Robbers leave arrows on walls, asphalt, and fences indicating the direction of their movement. However, it may also be false.

As soon as the time allotted to the robbers expires, the Cossacks begin to look for them. They must catch their opponents using different attack methods. For example, you can surround the place where the robbers hid with the whole team. Or you can track them down one by one. As soon as the robber is found, he is caught up and captured. A player who has been “greased” by the Cossack is considered to be caught. Before this happens, he must naturally try to escape from his pursuers.

If the robber is nevertheless caught, the Cossacks take him to the “dungeon”. Here he can be “tortured” in order to obtain a secret word. But they can help him out. Any of the uncaptured robbers, touching the hand of his comrade, frees him from the “dungeon”. Therefore, several Cossacks guard it. If the rescue is successful, the robbers run away and can hide again. But if they are caught up, both players are taken prisoner.

The game continues until the last robber is caught or the secret word is solved. After this, the teams usually switch places and start all over again.

More about the "dungeon"

So, let's play "Cossacks-Robbers". The rules of the game are not complicated at all. But the choice of a “dungeon” should be approached very responsibly. This could be a tree, bush, pillar or any other noticeable landmark. It is best if the “dungeon” is protected from attackers by a wall or fence. But, of course, you can’t arrange it in any entrance or shed. And even more so in a ravine or similar places. In any case, the approaches to the “dungeon” should be quite comfortable and open. Choose a place for prisoners that is not too large, so that it is easier to guard. However, it must be large enough so that by the end of the game all the caught players can fit in it. Boundaries are usually marked with stones or sticks. However, the easiest way is to draw a line on the ground. Prisoners have no right to run outside the “dungeon”.


As a result, the place of detention was found in order to play “Cossacks-Robbers”. The rules of the game say that a person must not only be caught, but also taken into captivity. A caught robber cannot over-salt the Cossack who stopped him.

They lead the prisoner by the sleeve or hand. At the same time, he cannot escape. However, if the Cossack for any reason lets his opponent go, he again becomes free and can run away.

The first robber brought into the “dungeon” must be guarded. The same is done with other participants in the game. At least one Cossack must stand guard. If desired, more people can be assigned for security.

Guard Cossack and atamans

It is quite difficult to escape from the “dungeon”. After all, the guard Cossacks are chosen to be the most attentive and dexterous. That is, their mission is very honorable, just like the mission of the ataman. He directs the Cossacks to search for robbers at the beginning of the game and tells who should go where. The chieftain gives advice, but, of course, he also catches his opponents himself.

The robbers also choose their commander. The chieftain advises his charges where to hide. He sends weak players away. After that he hides himself. If possible, the chieftain also organizes the rescue of the robbers, drawing up a plan.

Little tricks

There are some other nuances. “Cossacks-Robbers” (the game described above) may differ in certain rules. They are agreed upon by the participants in advance.

For example, if a Cossack is not sure that he will catch up with a fleeing enemy, he can call for help. Then the robber is caught by a joint force.

It is best to lead him to the “dungeon” in a way where other opponents of the Cossacks were not found. You can also call a partner to take the prisoner away together.

How can conditions be made easier for players?

How should robbers act when one of them is taken to prison? If the terrain allows, you can set up an ambush. The main thing is to quietly let the prisoner know about your intentions.

For example, he can distract the Cossack with some distracting question, pointing in the other direction with his finger. While he is peering in the indicated direction, the robbers will jump out of the ambush, “grease” the prisoner and run away.

Well, it’s best for the Cossacks to set up a “dungeon” in an open place. Therefore, it is quite difficult for robbers to help out their comrades. But the prisoners can help them with this. If you distract the guard Cossacks in some way, for example, by starting a light mess, it will be much easier to get close to the robbers. It is best to attack the “dungeon” with large forces, and when there are already many prisoners in it.

In a word, “Cossacks-Robbers” is an exciting and interesting game. It often lasts for a very long time. At the same time, children do not get bored at all, like many other well-known outdoor games in the yard.

Different games