Kingdom hearts 2 walkthrough. Computer game Kingdom Hearts II - review, features and reviews. Final Mix re-release

Kingdom Hearths II is a direct continuation of the first part. The game is an Action/RPG released jointly by the studio Square Enix and Disney Interactive. The project was created for the PlayStation 2 console and was released on December 22, 2005 in Japan, and then, the following year, it became officially available in the USA, Australia and Europe.

Another first part of this game series acquired a huge army of fans. Kingdom Hearts II did not lag behind her at all and only increased the already considerable audience of fans. But what caused such great popularity of the entire series and the second part in particular? You will find the answer in this article.

Development history

The team began working on Kingdom Hearts II even before the release of the re-release of the first part of the series (2002). Nevertheless, the developers took a very long time to formulate game concept, so this process dragged on for many years.

According to project manager Nomura Tetsuya, the team’s main task was to work on the mistakes made in the first part. Thus, many gameplay elements were revised, some characters were better revealed, the camera was improved and combat system, and also made other, no less important changes.

The game's debut announcement took place in 2003 at the TGS exhibition. Chain of Memories was also presented there, which is a plot link between the first and second parts. Then, already in 2005, the game had an official teaser website, marking the beginning of the advertising campaign. By the way, the developers themselves admit that they were in a hurry with the announcement of Kingdom Hearts II. That is why practically nothing was known about the game until its release.


Kingdom Hearts II is first and foremost a game for children. Yes, there are, of course, intrigues, plot twists and all that, but this should not mislead you at all. Kingdom Hearts II, in essence, is a good fairy tale, as its age rating: Everyone hints at.

So, you have to play as a guy named Sora, who travels through all sorts of locations representing various films and cartoons from the Walt Disney studio. Moreover, each of the game zones is made in its own unique style, and in each of them separate tasks will await you. You can help Mulan join the army, take part in love story Beauty and the Beast and so on.

In addition, the game also features a main storyline based on the confrontation between Sora, as well as his allies, and the ominous Organization XIII. The latter’s plans include the revival of the Kingdom of Hearts, and, of course, the concurrent seizure of cartoon worlds. Naturally, the heroes cannot allow this to happen, so they start fighting the villains.


As mentioned earlier, the main character is Sora, whom you have to control using a third-person view. In addition, you will be accompanied by constant companions in the person of Donald Duck and Goofy. True, you will not be able to directly control your partners, relying on artificial intelligence in this matter.

In the computer game Kingdom Hearts II, as in most representatives RPG genre, there is a pumping system. Winning victories over enemies, main character, as well as his companions, gain experience and, upon reaching a certain amount of it, earn levels. With each new level, certain characteristics of the characters increase, as a result of which they become stronger.

Battles in the game take place in real time. In battle, you can use regular attacks, magic, summoning, and also perform attacks together with your partners. In addition, there are several items that can be used directly during the fight.

It is also impossible not to mention ship flights, necessary for traveling between worlds, a wide selection of optional tasks, a transformation system (dive form) and much more.

Differences from the first part

In addition to noticeably improved graphics, improved controls and a redesigned camera, Kingdom Hearts has another significant difference from the first part - the mechanics of diving energy. As he fights enemies, Sora accumulates a unique resource that can be tracked using a bar on the screen. The resulting energy can be used both to summon companions and to transform into a special dive form.

If, in principle, everything should be clear with the call of allies, then we should dwell in more detail on dive forms. This transformation allows Sora to literally merge with his companions and temporarily gain new abilities.

Final Mix re-release

Almost immediately after the release of Kingdom Hearts II on PS2, rumors began to spread that a re-release of the game containing additional content would appear some time later. It must be said that these assumptions were not unfounded, because exactly the same story happened with the first part of the series.

The re-release, called Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, was announced in 2006, and the game was released in Japan on March 29, 2007. As expected, in updated version included English voice acting for the characters (the text remained in Japanese), bonus bosses, as well as several additional tasks. In addition, the title vocal theme of the game was changed (Sanctuary was used instead of Passion).

Twilight Town.

This is where our story begins. The world of Twilight Town is the largest in the game; at first there will be no monsters in it, so you will have the opportunity to calmly explore the streets of the city without being distracted by endless battles, but after a while monsters will appear in this world. Almost every location has skateboards on which you can instantly get to the place you need in the city. You can also play a variety of mini-games here, of which there are as many as eight, including sports called “Struggle” and all sorts of “tricks” on a skateboard. At the very beginning of the game, some places in Twilight Town will be inaccessible for exploration; they will open as you progress through the storyline.

Day 1 (Roxas Day 1: Town of Dusk).

After watching the intro and a few more story scenes, you will finally get control of Roxas, the guy from Twilight Town, the main character of the game (for now). You need to find out what exactly happened to the guys, and who is to blame, and how to get back what was stolen.

Required actions:

This is where the events of the first day end, but our adventure continues.

Day 2 (Roxas Day 2: Reality that moves).

Necessary actions:

Day 3 (Roxas Day 3: Passing Each Other).

Roxas begins to realize that something incredible is happening around him, and even then he begins to think that the summer holidays for him may drag on forever. Where and how to find answers to his questions?

Necessary actions:

Boss: Twilight Thorn.
This monster will be stronger than other monsters you have already fought. Roxas is much smaller than him,
therefore, such a colossus cannot be defeated with ordinary keyblade attacks, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the “Reaction Commands” abilities, without the use of which you will not defeat such a large monster, during the battle you will be shown at what point in the battle you need to press “triangle”, to use a super attack. When the monster is out of sight, run to the edge of the platform, perhaps it will appear again, after the next use of Reaction Commands the monster will fall to the ground, find its weak point by pressing "R1"
(its weak point will be its head) and attack the monster. In the future, he will call on assistants, kill them and collect green balls in which he is hidden. life force, then by pressing the "triangle" use the "Reserval reaction command" to reach vulnerabilities monster. This battle will not be difficult at all, but if you are playing on Proud mode, then it is advisable to have the third level at this point in the game>

Day 4 (Roxas Day 4: Road to a Decisive battle).

Now a very interesting event awaits Roxas - the Struggle Championship. Struggle is a favorite sport
all the boys of Twilight Town. Roxas will also take part in it. Whether he wins or not depends only on you. To win this sporting competition, attack your opponent as often as possible and collect the round balls that fall out of him.

Necessary actions:

Day 5 (Roxas Day 5: A Distorting Life).

Now Roxas understands for sure that somewhere there is a parallel world, where, perhaps, he himself comes from. Now he and his friends are going to look for the 7 wonders of Twilight Town. For his friends, this quest for the Seven Wonders is just fun, but for Roxas it has a slightly different meaning.

Necessary actions:

Day 6 (Roxas Day 6: The End of Summer).

Roxas is completely confused in himself, in his purpose and purpose in life, the time has come to put an end to all his guesses and dot all the i’s.

Actions required:

Boss: Axel.
To get it, attack with the cross + circle combination, although it is quite possible to defeat it with regular attacks by pressing the cross. When Axel jumps into the fire, run up to the point closest to him and press triangle. Don't forget to be treated with Potions. After winning, Roxas will meet Sora and the tutorial will end>

All the i's are dotted, and this is where Roxas' story ends, but our adventures are just beginning. Now we play as Sora, wearing funny shorts, accompanied by Donald Duck and Goofy.

Walkthrough for Sora

1. Twilight Town.

Sora saves the world again, but in addition to saving the world, he is also looking for his friends. Well? Forward! The world of Twilight Town has not changed in any way, however, I recommend that you look for treasure chests, you may find something new.

Necessary actions:
Finally, you will gain control of the Gummi-Ship, now you will have the opportunity to travel through the worlds of Kingdom Hearts 2, but for now, apart from Twilight Town, only one world will be available to us, in fact, this new world and the whole noisy company needs to fly>

2. Hollow Bastion.

It's quite an eventful world that... this moment is the hideout of the characters in the series Final Fantasy, in it you will find many different shops and two research centers in which Sid and Leon work (the rest of the characters in computer matters are complete dummies :)), you will find one center immediately, and the second is hidden underground (when you first visit this peace you will not get there). In addition, you will meet Cloud, who is looking for Sephiroth. Cloud is sure that Sephiroth is in this world, if you meet him somewhere, be sure to tell Cloud.

Necessary actions:

3. Beast's Castle.

The Beast's castle is beautiful and very huge, here you will have the opportunity to walk along the huge but lonely corridors, and fight off hordes of heartless in a secret dungeon, and relax in the castle's courtyard. In addition, the castle has a huge hall for balls, but now in it you can only meet hordes of heartless, including the evil Large Body. Your task is to find out what exactly happened to the Beast, why he did not recognize his old friends (that is, you). First of all, go to the maid Bell for advice.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Thresholder/Possessor (137 HP).
Attack with normal physical attacks, but before attacking the main enemy, concentrate on
the creatures he summons. After you deal with them, turn on Drive and attack the “leader”. Get treatment if necessary. In proud mode, this battle will be quite difficult, but even if you are defeated, King Mickey can come to the rescue, who can not only attack the enemy, but also revive Sora and his assistants.

Save the game, return to the previous room, pay attention to the passage above, you can get to it by climbing up the boxes that are located on the right or left in the room. Talk to the dishes - they will open a passage for you. Go inside. Get the task, here's what you need to do: move forward, together with your utensil friends, destroying all objects on your way so that the utensils can follow you, in addition, you need to turn on the lights everywhere using the "triangle" button. After completing this dungeon, constantly move forward until you come to the Beast's room.

Boss: Beast (156 HP).
Constantly attack the boss and call the utensils for help using the "triangle", but do not overdo it, because while you call the utensils for help, the Beast will attack you, and in proud mode it has "monstrous" attacks. When the boss's HP remains below half, use Drive to finish off the enemy. Then repeat the same steps again to end the battle.

Return to the maid in Belle's Room. Beware of opponents called Large Body (a large monster with a big belly, you can attack him only in the back and nowhere else, those who played the first part of Kingdom Hearts are very familiar with this heartless) - on a difficult level he can kill you in two hits. Attack him in the back, or with magic. Later in the story, you will learn that Belle has been kidnapped. Run into the main hall and through the middle door, into a huge ball room. A serious boss will be waiting for you there .

Boss: Shadow Stalker/ Dark Thorn (176 / 390 HP).
This boss is much more difficult than the previous ones. The first form is the simplest, just attack it with standard attacks. You can spend all the healing, since you most likely won’t need it in the second battle. The second form has stronger attacks, and the enemy uses various tricks - he becomes invisible or hides in a column (in this case, you will have to attack the column, aiming at "R1" in advance). If you see a lamp, try to spin on it as soon as possible (Reaction commands). Battle on Proud Mode: use Limit (set the command marked limit in advance in the character settings in the abilities menu), then wait until the mana is restored, and run away in your free time, or, if you have ether, use it to restore mana. And repeat this until you defeat the boss.

Now fly to the nearest unexplored world, which will be located just above the Beast's Castle>

4. Land of Dragons.

The world of Mulan immerses you in the uniqueness of Chinese culture. He is very handsome, but, unfortunately, he looks rather faded. Here you will see a huge Chinese palace, a Chinese village, training center and several other interesting locations. Destroy unattended carts, they contain a large number of Drive balls, which increase the speed of filling the Drive line; and when some carts are destroyed, new treasure chests open up for us. Let's go save China!

Necessary actions:
1) Defeat all Heartless (to prevent the dragon scale from falling, collect balls falling from monsters).
2) Kill the enemies and keep all the chariots intact.
3) Destroy Heartless and collect the balls that fall from them so that the morale bar does not fall (don’t worry if the tents explode, there’s nothing wrong with that, everything was paid for in advance :)).
Then, run to the Checkpoint and climb the mountain, collecting dragon balls (and, of course, treasure chests) to maintain your morale bar. Just before the end of the location, turn right - there will be a further road, to activate it, press the triangle to destroy the stone wall. You will find yourself in a village. Save, buy something from Moogle if necessary, and run further (you won’t find any chests in this location). Turn right at the first opportunity, into the cave (saving in advance, since a surprise awaits you in the cave). It will be very hot at the end of the cave. Sora and Ping will fight alone. Take out all the little Heartless first and then move on to the centaurs. There will be three centaurs. The main thing is to fight each one one by one, and if they attack you all three at the same time, run away immediately. After the battle, leave the cave, save and run up the mountain. A difficult challenge awaits you there. For quite a long time you must survive without the drive and support from Donald, Goofy and Ping, destroying the evil bees. Whenever possible, attack with the “cross+triangle” combination and don’t forget to heal. Next, save, return to the Checkpoint, and then forward towards the palace. The boss will meet you:

Boss: Shan-Yu (442 HP).
He is a weakling even in Proud Mode - you need to constantly attack him (cross + triangle), and when Sora’s HP is critical, run away from the enemy and heal. Then all that remains is to finish off the boss. Also in the battle there will be an opportunity to measure your strength with him; in this battle, press “triangle” as often as possible to win.
A much greater danger than the boss are the heartless, of which there will be a lot. You must kill each of them immediately, otherwise they will break through the wall and rush into the palace, which will mean the defeat of China. The "Castle Door Health" line is also available in this battle, keep an eye on it>

5. Olimpus Coliseum.

Although this world is still called Olimpus Coliseum, the main events will take place underground, in the Underworld. The storyline here will be dedicated to the fight against the ruler of the Underworld - Hades.
Among the pleasant moments, I would like to note that in this world we will meet Auron from Final Fantasy X as a playable character (almost all of his phrases are references to Final Fantasy X). Underworld gloomy and terrible, but this is not a problem for Sora and his friends. In the overworld there is only a training center, but gladiator tournaments have not gone away - now they are simply held underground. Let's hit the road.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Cerberus (440 HP).
The difficulty is that, as in the first part of Kingdom Hearts, getting to weak points It's not easy for the enemy, because his head is much higher relative to the ground than Sora and Auron. To reach his head during battle, you need to jump using the circle button. Auron's "Overdrive" limit will also be very useful; in fact, I used it to kill this monster. If you succeed, you can jump on Cerberus's back, although he will immediately throw you back and cause additional damage, but if you reach his head, you can cause him enormous damage.

After the battle, run to the overworld, “to the light,” to the Colosseum. Talk to your old friends and start training. First you will need to destroy the “pots” (this is practice) - try not to destroy as many pots as possible, but to collect as many balls as possible, and they give you points. Then the same thing, only the name is different - “Maniac Mode”. You can score points without any problems. Try to find larger pots, which will give you more points. After completing the task, talk to Hercules. Then, run back into the dungeon and now through the large left door. Here is the underwater world. In the first underwater location, find a passage to the next one, directly in the water. Here you can find many treasure chests to go further along storyline, move forward and gradually to the left, there you will notice a large Large Body monster, run around it on the left side, and move up. When leaving underwater world, having walked a little forward, Demyx, a member of organization XIII, awaits you.
You won't have to fight him, but he will summon a large number of Nobodies to help. They will need to be defeated.
To win, constantly press triangle using the super attack "Wild dance". Otherwise, there is no way to defeat these monsters. After the battle, enter the room in front of you and save. Activate the central substance by pressing "triangle" and go inside. A battle awaits you with...

Boss: Pete (264 HP)
The battle will be easy. The main thing is to heal on time and attack Pete all the time. Keep an eye on your HP, when the level drops, run as far away from the enemy as possible and heal. There is no need to fight with the heartless, but if they bother you, you can destroy a couple of monsters.

After the scripted scene, run to the Colosseum again. Another boss awaits you there, which the weakened Hercules is unable to cope with. This battle will be more difficult than the previous one, but Phil will help you.

Boss: Hydra (462 HP).
To win this battle you need a special approach. It will be divided into several parts:
1) Beat the Hydra (preferably using Valor Form and “cross+triangle”), then press triangle if necessary and cut off the head.
2) Attack the three Hydra heads that are on the ground. When you win, press triangle to cut off one of Hydra’s heads; when Phil calls (he will scream very loudly), run to the tail of the Hydra, and climb up the back, where you press “triangle” to catch the barrel that Pete will throw to you in order to attack the Hydra with it.
3) This is a rather difficult stage, the heads of the hydra will be high above you, if possible, jump, trying to reach them, and use combo attacks. Whenever possible, call Pegasus by clicking on the “triangle”; it is Pegasus who “finishes” this monster.
4) When the Hydra's HP is at zero, cut off its head by pressing "triangle".
Now leave the Colosseum and fly to the leftmost world on the world map, to the left of Bastion. This is Disney Castle>

6-7. Disney Castle & Timeless River.

The uniqueness of Timeless River lies in the fact that all locations in it are made in black and white style, in order to completely immerse you in the atmosphere of those old Walt Disney cartoons that were broadcast back in pre-war times. The Disney castle is quite standard, just like the first part of Kingdom Hearts. In the Disney Castle, frankly speaking, there is nothing special to do, except perhaps once again hear Daisy’s reproaches towards Donald, or chat with Queen Minnie. Timeless River - good world for pumping Drive, in it you can find legendary characters black and white Walt Disney cartoons. Well, let's save another world from the invasion of the heartless.

Necessary actions:

1) Go to the right one first, the battle there is the easiest. Destroy Heartless and save the King. After the victory the king will shake your hand :)
2) The next room will also be simple, but there you will be confronted by two evil machines that will constantly ram you, and you can’t do anything about it, you can only heal or try to jump to the side. When they finish ramming you, run up and attack.
3) There will be helicopters in the third room - jump to get them by pressing "circle".
4) You will find yourself at a construction site. Use Air Slash to reach opponents by pressing Triangle.

After the scripted scene, save the game and go right to Waterway. When you have to catch up with Pete, who is sailing away on the ferry, press "triangle" to hit the object directly at Pete, but you need to aim, if you hit him, Pete will lose control of the ferry and the ferry will instantly end up at the shore, then run up to the ferry and attack ("triangle + cross"). The triangle must be used in order to stay on the rope and not fall. After winning, run forward to the next area, where Pete from the past will fight Pete from the future (present).

Boss: Pete (784 HP).
This battle will be somewhat more difficult than the previous ones. Jump away from large energy balls and attack the enemy as hard as you can without wasting time. If Pete uses a combo, press triangle. Heal yourself when your health is critical with Potion. It is also advisable to start attacking the enemy in a jump, and preferably not from the front side, so that he does not counterattack, but to attack from the side or in the back. During the battle, Pete will constantly move from one arena to another, but this will not affect the outcome of the battle in any way. If things get really difficult, go to a corner and wait for Donald to restore your health with the “Donald's cure” spell, if, of course, you set it for Donald in his abilities settings.
Now head to the world south of Disney Castle>

8. Port Royal.

In this world you can meet Jack Sparrow himself! Here you will have a ship, treasures, and adventures, although already known from the film "Pirates" Caribbean". Unlike the film, Port Royal is very dark and gloomy, but Sora, his friends and Pete dilute all the gloom and grayness of this world. From the mini-games here you can ride a skateboard for a while, like in many other worlds. Don't forget this mini-game if you want to get 100 percent in Jiminy's magazine.

Necessary actions:
Next, when you go on deck, a serious battle awaits you on the ship. You need to destroy all the pirates, and if they take the medallion from you, urgently switch your attack to the pirate who stole this medallion from you, the medallion will be marked with a special icon on the enemy who took it from you, you have a minute to kill the pirate who stole this medallion from you.
In the next battle, which comes almost immediately after the previous one, your task is not to destroy Heartless - in this case, you need to fire from every cannon that is on the ship. Run around the edges of the ship and fire from each cannon using the "reaction commands", it is not necessary to fight with the heartless. After victory, you will again find yourself in the second area. There, head forward, opening treasure chests. You will have to go a long way, at the end of which a boss awaits you.

Boss: Barbossa.
Your main task at the beginning of the battle is to press "R1" and find an opportunity to light the light in this location (run to the lantern towards the light, having previously found where the light source is located, using "R1"), attacking the light source. When it becomes light, proceed to battle with Captain Barbossa. Use Drive - you can move faster with it, and the attack becomes stronger, preferably Valor Form, Wisdom is less useful in this battle. When the light goes out again, find the light source again and light it, and so on until until you completely kill the zombies.

Now fly to the world on the right - the world of Aladdin>

9. Agrabah.

The world of Aladdin again offers us a big beautiful city in an exotic style, absolutely new dungeon, and new town, within which it will be possible, like a bird, to explore the airspace on a flying carpet. There will be another mini-game on a skateboard, as well as various difficult tasks performed using a magic carpet. In this world you will meet old friends and enemies: both Aladdin and Abu, and Iago and Jafar, but Iago may have changed his attitude towards you, still try to get to the bottom of the truth.

Necessary actions:
Upon returning to the city of Agrabah, go to the Palace to Jasmine. Pete will already be waiting for you there.

Boss: Volcanic Lord, Blizzard Lord (351 HP).
In this battle, try to fight only one enemy for a while until you defeat one of them. Run back, or to the edge of the battlefield, if suddenly both opponents attack you at once, so that they lose the target of the attack, that is, you. In this battle, it is important to use the magic of the opposite element on the enemy (if it is a fire monster, use ice magic on it, if it is an ice monster, use the magic of the fire element on it, and also in the reaction commands the spells "Blizzagun" and "Firagun", please don't ignore them if you don't want to lose the battle. Don't forget to use Drive - forms, character limits, especially Aladdin's limit, and, of course, don't forget to heal. When you deal with one boss, finish off the second one same method.

Now fly to the world to the left of Agrabah>

10. Halloween Town.

Finally, Skeleton Jack, the main character in this world, will be able to see Sora and his friends again.
His world is too monotonous and boring, but after your appearance everything will change. The world consists of two large parts - Hallowen Town and Christmas Town. The first one is gloomy and terrible, but the second one, on the contrary, is beautiful, the snow in the city shimmers very beautifully in the sun, you can also ride a carousel there and meet Santa Claus, that is. Mini-games include the standard skateboard and gift wrapping, which will be discussed a little later.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Prison Keeper (1140 HP).
You won't always be able to reach the boss with your keyblade when he flies into the sky - climb onto the stump located in the center of the battle arena and attack the boss while jumping. Any combo with Donald or Goofy will be very useful in this battle, which, however, will cancel all mana. Also in battle, Sora's "Widom Form" will be very helpful, a form that has ranged attacks.

After winning, return to Santa Claus's house again and go through the door that is located near the exit.

Boss: Oogie Boogie (300 HP).
This bag looks c... (we won’t specify what exactly it contains), of course, funny, and powerful physical strength he also does not have it, however, he will control the field from which you must find a way out. First, you need to approach each moving box and press triangle to somehow attack the boss by throwing these boxes at him with a keyblade. Then, run forward and press triangle - you will move to another platform. Avoid attacks from a distance by jumping. When the enemy falls onto the platform, attack him with all your strength as quickly as possible until he climbs back up. Then, repeat the same procedure, but only on a different platform. And so on until you defeat him.

Now fly to the very lower world left>

11. Pride Lands.

The world of the cartoon “The Lion King” is the very last one in the game; you won’t see anything beyond it when traveling on the Gummy Spike. Sora and his friends in this world will take on the guise of animals inhabiting this region of habitat. Sora will turn into a cute creature, very similar to Kovu, the son of Zira (if you watched the cartoon, then you should know these characters). At first it will seem that the heroes feel somehow ridiculous having acquired such appearance, however, after some time, Sora will take the keyblade in his teeth, gain self-confidence and go to save last world in Game. The locations of the world are huge, but it is quite difficult to get lost in them, since they are all straightforward or represent a huge plateau, and besides, just in case, you always have a map at hand.

Necessary actions:
After negotiations with the local "roosters", that is, hyenas, according to tradition, you will have to fight Heartless. Destroy them, save and run forward to the next location, it will be divided into many paths, but at the end of this location all the roads will join together, so the choice of path does not matter. Run across the huge green plateau, moving to a hill, there you need to enter the room located immediately after entering this location from the side of the plateau (cave). After talking with the sage Rafiki, save and exit the cave. Now run to the plateau, but in the other direction, to another road (the plateau has three exits, including the one you just left, now move to where you have not been yet). You will need to run for a long time, first run through the rocks, then the jungle, and ultimately, in the last location, you will meet Simba. In this place there will also be a save point and Torn Pages, and also treasure chests to boot. After the conversations, leave the area, talk to Simba and take him to your team. Now head back to the plateau. After the scripted scenes you will find yourself on a hill, go inside the cave, a simple battle awaits you there:

Boss: Banzai, Shenzi, Ed (305 HP).
Concentrate on attacking one hyena until you kill it, then finish off the rest with the triangle + cross combination. When one of the opponents lies unconscious, do not pay attention to him, he will not come to life until the end of the battle. The main thing in this battle is to act quickly.

Another boss awaits at the top of the mountain, this time more difficult:

Boss: Scar (915 HP).
This opponent is not easy; in fact, Simba had to fight him alone in order to prove that it was he, and no one else, who was in charge here; but still, Sora and his friends will also help him. I advise you to defeat the boss not with attacks, but directly with limits, especially Simba’s limits, they are the most effective in this battle. To restore mana for the next limit, use ethers, but don’t get carried away, they may run out. If necessary, move as far away from the boss as possible and restore health using "Cure" or Potion.

Now follow to Twilight Town>

12. Twilight Town.

This is your second visit to this world, and not the last. Finally, we stop fighting the heartless for a while, following the storylines of Walt Disney cartoons, now we can understand the main events of the storyline of Kingdom Hearts 2. Carefully follow the events taking place so as not to lose the essence of the main plot of the game.

Required actions:

13. Hollow Bastion.

Before your second visit to Hollow Bastion, I advise you to prepare your team well, set both limits and skills, among which you must install “Scan” on Sora in order to know how much health the enemy has left, and the “Donald’s cure” ability on Donald. Take Donald into your team so that he can heal you as needed, but only at the moment when he has enough mana, in addition, always make sure that you have a sufficient amount of potion in your pocket. Now it will be really difficult in this world.Your opponents will be not only the heartless, but also Organization XIII and Malefecent.

Necessary actions:

14. Space Paranoids.

In the World of the 1982 film "Tron", you find yourself hostage to a computer Operating System; it is quite difficult for a person unenlightened in computer matters to survive in such conditions, but Tron will help you; I won't tell you who he is for now. To survive a prisoner in world Space Paranoids, you need to play games. One of them is an electric motorcycle race, very similar to the famous mini-game from Final Fantasy VII. Let's start a revolution in the computer world!

Required actions:

Boss: Hostile Program (640 HP).
Be sure to turn on Drive and during this time, use attacks to remove as much health from the boss as possible. During the battle, collect purple balls - when you have collected the entire line, run up to the enemy and press “triangle”. This will stop the system for a while and you can safely attack it. Sometimes there are cases when you don’t have to fight the boss, but only collect these purple balls, since there are a lot of them, but, accordingly, in this case you need to dodge the boss’s attacks. The battle will not be easy, but it will not be the most difficult. If your health becomes critical, it is not necessary to use treatment, you can use “Master Form” instead, this will restore both mana and health.

After winning this difficult battle, you will again be transported to the world of Hollow Bastion. Run upstairs, towards Bailey. At the very beginning, while in the sewers, you will meet Maleficent and the Heartless. We'll have to fight, the battle will be difficult - against fireballs nothing will help, all that remains is to heal in time and run away. Use character limits for a quick victory, they are more effective in this battle than Drive. Before the battle, it is advisable to stock up on ethers by equipping them in Sora's pocket. And also don’t forget to use the “Cura” ability, which Sora and Donald have, but Donald will use it without your participation, if necessary. Run upstairs to the save point, do not destroy the enemies, as they will be of little use, and you will lose a lot of time, and besides, you may die, and then you will have to start the battle with Maleficent. After leaving the sewer, save the game and in the next location, having prepared in advance, fight the Nobodies. Use "Master Form" and heal on time. Also, your characters must have the ability “Donald Cure” for Donald and “Trinity Limit” for Sora in their settings. Next, run forward, but do not go up to Bailey, another, new road will be available to you. After the scripted scene, a very difficult battle awaits, and if you have not visited all currently available games worlds, then in Proud Mode the battle will be very, very difficult.

Boss: Demyx*** (1000 HP).
I warn you right away that the battle will be shortly after the previous one (with Nobodies) and much more difficult, so accumulate Drive up to the fourth level in advance. Equip Donald and Goofy with Potions, and also connect Donald's Cure ability to Donald. Program Sora's Hi-Potion and Cura to the joystick buttons in the settings so as not to waste precious time. The boss's attacks are very strong, but Sora cannot die, unlike from Danald and Goofy. First you have to use "Wild Dance" - on the "triangle". You must be sure to kill all the monsters in time, otherwise you will see the Game Over sign. During the dance with swords, your Drive level will accumulate to the fifth level. Next, you will have to fight with the boss himself. When the enemy throws you back, do not run head-on, but rather run around him and deliver several blows. Or even better, approach him in a semicircle, at the end jumping on him and at the same time attacking, then he will not hit in you. Attack until you lose your pulse, watch your HP level. When your mana line is at its maximum, use limits, with the help of them you can defeat the enemy much faster. And repeat everything again until you kill the enemy. He may not have too much HP, but Demyx constantly attacks, and from a distance.

What follows is a battle with a THOUSAND monsters. And Sora will fight alone. However, the battle is very easy, you don’t have to strain at all, but just constantly press the “triangle + cross” combination, the main thing is that after all this your hand doesn’t sag; if it gets really tight, press pause to rest.

15. Land of Dragons 2.

From now on, Organization XIII will constantly pursue you, since Sora is important to them, but there is no need to worry, and the plot will become more intense. Despite this, the battles with the heartless are also not over. Now in Land of Dragons we have access to the Great Palace of China, and we will, of course, take the opportunity to explore it.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Organization's ??? (4 HP lines)
Concentrate all your attacks on the boss only. The battle will be very easy if you heal in time with Hi-Potion, and when your mana is restored, use "Trinity Limit". You will not be able to use Drive in this battle, since Donald or Goofy will not be on the team.

After the fight, go down and run towards the Palace through the Checpoint. When you enter the palace square, the following battles await you:
1) Heartless - there will be about five to seven riders on a horse, kill everyone one by one.
2) Nobodies - use Trinity Limit.

3) Boss: Storm Rider** (1200 HP).
Wisdom Form will make the battle much easier, but there is no need to relax, especially if you are playing in Proud Mode. First, press "R1" and run after the enemy, without hesitation pressing "triangle" at the slightest opportunity. This is possible in two cases: first - when this boss substance flies towards you, stand in front of its head and jump up using "reaction commands"; the second case - run up to the whirlpool, which will appear occasionally during the battle, and jump onto the boss’s body, and once at the top, attack with the “cross + triangle” combination so as not to accidentally fall. When the boss gets into a corner, don’t run at him head-on, it’s better to approach the edge and attack in order to avoid a powerful direct attack>

16. Beast's Castle 2.

This is the best world for procuring Drive-forms from Sora*. Now you can walk around the expanses of the castle without any restrictions, in addition, you have access to the courtyard of Beast's Castle, but Organization XIII will stand in your way. You will have to help the Princess and the Beast in battles with mysterious opponents from the Organization, In addition, you need to find out the real goals of the Organization, perhaps now you will have this opportunity.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Xaldin*** (1150 HP).
This battle is rightfully considered one of the most difficult in the game. Before the battle, it is advisable to accumulate the Drive line to the third level, or better yet to the fourth, in addition, you need to be well equipped the best things from the store, or by synthesizing items in the Moogle store. Constantly stay away from the enemy, approaching from the side, and when you get closer, jump on him and attack with the “cross + triangle” combination, using various air combos set in Sora’s abilities settings. Run up to him to attack only after he has performed his next combo on you. It will be very useful to use Trinity Limit, this is the most useful ability at the moment, the limits of your friends will also help you, however, Donald's mana must always be kept at maximum so that Donald can heal you during the battle using his ability "Donald's cure" , and if he uses the limit, then all his mana will run out. When your health becomes critical, activate "Master Form" and thus attack Zaldin. When Zaldin flies away from the battlefield and attacks you from a distance, try to jump, however, quickly In all, you won’t be able to dodge - you need to heal in time and wait for the boss to return to the battlefield>

17. Olimpus Coliseum 2.

Now we have access to gladiator fights, which are held in the name of Hades in the Underworld. At first, only the simplest competitions will be available to us; more complex battles will be available to you later. In the meantime:

Necessary actions:

Boss: Hades** (1200 HP).
Hercules will help you in this battle. Use Sora's "Trinity Limit" and Drive Form to attack Hades. At a time when Sora's attacks do not bring him success, notice light auras on the battlefield, run up to each of them and press "triangle" in such a way as to send them to Hades in order to make him vulnerable again for a while , after which you can attack. If you send every aura to Hades, then he will be vulnerable to your attacks constantly during the battle, and you will be able to deal with him without any problems>

18. Port Royal 2.

Now you will be able to move around the locations you have already explored without any special obstacles, in addition, you will also have access to a third island on the map, which was previously inaccessible.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Grim Reaper*** (790 HP).
The enemy will attack all the time, and you need to defend against his attacks, waiting for the moment when he begins to “steal” gold from the chest, and at that moment attack the monster by pressing “triangle” several times. Collect the required amount of gold and put it in the chest by pressing "triangle", just make sure that the boss does not attack you again. When all the gold is in the chest, the enemy will become vulnerable to your attacks, use the most powerful skills, the same “Trinity limit” or “Comet”, or “Master Form”. After the boss takes all the gold again, repeat the same procedure from beginning to end. For example, I managed it in two attempts (Proud Mode)>

19. Halloween Town 2.

Christmas will soon begin, and Jack is very carefully preparing for his participation in this holiday, he wants to help Santa Claus in preparing and distributing gifts to children for Christmas, and it comes to the point that Jack abandons and cancels Halloween and proclaims the celebration of Christmas even in his world.
What came of it, you will soon find out. Among the mini-games, another mini-game awaits you on a skateboard: now you must earn as many points as possible by doing various tricks, just like in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Another interesting mini-game awaits you in Santa Claus's house, in which you will need to use a special device to wrap gifts for Christmas.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Lock, Shock, Barrel (172 HP).
Defeat one small abomination and hit the box in its direction so as to cover its head by pressing “triangle”, taking aim in advance. Your task is to cover each of the pranksters with boxes.

Now run to the doctor in Halloween Town, to the very first location. When you reach the very end, there will be a battle with Heartess - it turns out that they are the ones who steal gifts from Santa Claus and, for some unknown reason, take them to the professor’s house. Task: Your task is to defeat all the heartless and keep all the gifts in your hands, but do not pay attention to the gifts, when you defeat all the heartless, the gifts will be on the ground and you can simply pick them up. After the script scenes, go again to Santa Claus's room, to where you fought with the 3 dwarfs. Approach the "elf" and talk to him, choosing the second option. We'll have to make gifts. This task will not be for a while - you just need to do a hundred pieces. Shoot gifts by clicking on the “cross” and reload with the “triangle”. After successfully completing this task, talk to Santa Claus. After scripted scenes, you will find the culprit of stealing gifts. It turned out to be the Professor and his Experiment.

Boss: The Experiment.
Attack him all the time while running away from his attacks. Jump as if in the direction of the boss, but slightly away from him, but in flight, turn the camera on him and attack in the air with a combo. Such flights in the air are needed in order to dodge the boss's attacks, since he has very effective frontal attacks. Donald's "Master Form", "Trinity Limit", and also "Comet" will solve all problems. If there are difficulties, run a considerable distance away from the boss and heal>

20. Agrabah 2.

The evil Jafar is back (again...). We must again help Aladdin and the entire kingdom defeat this tyrant once again. Now in Agrabah we will have access to new location, where you can travel exclusively on a magic carpet, viewing the city from a bird's eye view, but don't think that you won't see the heartless there.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Genie Jafar (840 HP)
An interesting and easy battle, you will fight the boss on a magic carpet. First, get to Jin's belly, dodging his attacks - up and down and forward at the same time. When you get to the body, simply attack Jafar on the stomach, aiming for "R1" in advance, and then on the head. However, after a while, he will start throwing boxes through the air, and you must either dodge them or attack them. It’s better to dodge - “up-down + forward”. Then again attack first the body and then the head until you defeat the boss>

21. Pride Lands 2.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Banzai, Shenzi, Ed (445 HP)
Your main task is to catch up with them. You will catch up with one or two and defeat them without problems, but with the last one you will have problems. Note that he constantly runs along the same trajectory, but the battlefield is replete with all kinds of other paths along which you can shorten your path. By constantly taking shortcuts, you can catch up last enemy, then attack him, or use Simba's limit, which is more effective in this case.

Now run to the Jungle, to the place where you met Simba when you first visited the world. After the scripted scenes in this location, return to the large plateau again and take on the most difficult battle with the heartless.

Boss: Groundshaker**** (1500 HP).
This battle somewhat reminded me of the battles in Shadow of the Colossus, now we also have to fight an enemy who is many times larger than Sora. Equip Sora with Potions and better equipment, as well as strong weapons, remove auto-limit abilities and the limits themselves, since you simply won’t need them. Whenever you have the opportunity to press triangle, use it (usually at the very beginning of the battle, when Sora begins to run quickly, dodging the boss's blows). Don't wait until your health is critical, it's better to heal at the moment when Potion can restore HP to maximum. All your mana will go to Reflect and Cure, which are best placed on the “quick buttons” in Sora’s “abilities” settings menu. Don’t try to climb on this creature’s head, it won’t work anyway - run to its front paw and press “triangle + circle” several times. That's it, you have found the monster's weak spot, you can attack, but this will not last long - they will throw you off, you will have to defend yourself and again climb on this creature's back and attack. If she sends white beams at you, just run to the very edge of the battlefield. Around the moment when the boss has half his HP left, attack him in the body from below, running up to the very center. Then, the boss will summon a transparent muck that will remove your HP - do not pay attention to it, just climb onto the back of the huge monster again along the front paw and finish it off. If you don’t finish it off, no big deal, you need to try to climb this monster again>

22. Space paranoids 2.

In this visit to Spae Paranoids, the events of the movie "Tron" are completely repeated, your task is to remove MCP from the computer's memory directly inside the computer, Tron, of course, will help you. New locations will open before us, in addition, a mini-game on motorcycles will now be available at any time.

Necessary actions:

Boss: MCP + Sark***.
Tron MUST take part in this battle. First, hit Sark on the legs, and when he falls, hit him on the head, all the time jumping up to reach that very head. However, before you have time to defeat him, your legs will recover, and Sark will get up again and attack you, now attack Sark on his legs again and go to his head. Then, hit the orange fence, you won't be able to aim at R1 to attack, but don't panic, after a while you will break through the fence, after which you can remove the MCP. When you break through the fence, come closer, press triangle and remove the MCP, but after a while Sark will regenerate again and you will have to fight him again. Your task is to completely remove MCP>

100 Acre Wood.

The world of Winnie the Pooh is a bonus, you won’t have to fight the heartless in it, Organization XIII doesn’t come here either. What to do here, people who haven’t played the first Kingdom Hearts will ask. Here you can play the fool very successfully, playing various exciting and absolutely stress-free mini-games, and also collect treasure chests and chat with your favorite Disney characters. Two very noisy companies have found each other, now we can organize a party.

In order to get to this world, you must find the Torn Pages located near the save points in different worlds. The book of the world itself is located in Hollow Bastion, in Merlin's Home, at the first save point. Pages can be found in:
-Land of Dragons (in the Palace, behind the column)
-Hollow Bastion (before where you fought 1000 Heartless)
-Pride Lands (in the location where Simba was first met)
-Agrabah (inside the tower, which can only be reached by flying carpet).

After you find a couple of pages of Torn Pager, follow into the world of Winnie the Pooh and talk to Piglet, who is sitting on the tree.
- In the third area, go to the center of the tree and a story scene will begin.
- In the fourth area, talk to Tigra, who is sitting on the left side.
- In the fifth area, go a little forward and talk to Kanga, choosing the second answer.
- In the sixth area, run to a hill, talk to Pooh and select the second option.

In each case you have to play a mini-game. For a description, see the "Secrets" section.


Unlike the first game, in Kingdom Hearts II Atlantica is also a bonus world, like 100 Acre Wood. The events in this world will be no different from the events of the Disney cartoon, and will tell the story of beautiful love and the confrontation between good and evil forces. Ursula appears again as the evil forces. This time you won't have to fight the heartless. Atlantica is now a fascinating musical world containing a set of mini-games in which you need to press the joystick buttons in time to the beat of the music. New levels will appear as Sora gains more and more magical abilities, so I advise you to go through Atlantic at the very end of the game, when all the other worlds have been completed. The world itself is on the left, just above Halloween Town. To start the mini-game, you need to talk to Sebastian the crab. There are five levels (musical compositions) in total:

1. Swim This Way.
2. Part of Your World.
3. Under the Sea.
4. Ursula's Revenge.
5. A New Day is Dawning.

The process itself vaguely resembles a mixture of Dance Dance Revolution with the Shadow Hearts combat system: music plays, characters sing and dance, while empty round spheres appear on the screen, which eventually fill completely, moving clockwise. At the moment of filling the sphere, you need to click on the button indicated in this sphere, depending on how you complete the task, you will be given a rating for completing each action: “bad”, “good” and “excellent”. Try to get “excellent” out of each strip. After completing the entire world, you can always replay all the compositions again by going to the large sink in the middle of the first location and pressing "triangle".

23. Twilight Town.

Necessary actions:

24. The World That Never Was.

Thanks to Axel, you were able to cross the mysterious portal. The whole team, including King Mickey, is assembled, Kairi is somewhere in the castle, the head of Organization XIII is also in the castle. Well, it's time to put an end to all this.

Necessary actions:

Boss: Higbar*** (1300 HP).
This is a very difficult fight. This boss can teleport around the map, attacking you from a distance; can remove the floor underneath you, leaving you standing on a very small platform, and attack: in this case, you must instantly restore your health to maximum (before the boss attacks) and defend certain time using "reaction commands" until the boss finishes attacking you; Higbar can also hide from the battlefield and attack you in such a way that you won’t even know where he is now, at which time you must constantly defend against his attacks using the “triangle”. At the beginning of the battle, Higbar will leave the battlefield, envelop you in a triangular aura and attack you, you must constantly move around the battlefield and defend yourself using "reaction comands". Use the Drive form that you have the most pumped up than others (most likely it will be Valor). "Wisdom Form" and "Thundaga" can attack the enemy from a distance, so take this aspect into account as well. Throughout the battle, aim at the enemy, jump into the air and attack the enemy, however, in order to be able to get close to the enemy as early as possible and carry out a successful air combo, in the “abilities” settings of Sora, set the following abilities, if available to you: " Aerial Sweep","Aerial Spiral","Aerial Finish".

After the victory, follow further, you already know where Kairi is, so the question is where to go, should not arise. You can destroy mobs with simple attacks, but berserkers need special tactics. It consists in the fact that first you must hit such a monster with a keyblade a couple of times, and then take away the sword that has fallen from his hands using “reaction comands”, and attack directly with its help with special attacks (“triangle”). Reach a room with two teleporters, a save point and a path up. There, save the game and first go to the left teleport.

Boss: Luxord (1300 HP).
Even though Sora will be fighting alone, this battle is much easier than the previous one. Don't be alarmed if the boss turns you into a card - after a certain time you will return your appearance back. Heal up and press the cross+triangle combination to attack. You must manage to destroy his HP as quickly as possible before you become a card again, so don’t slow down and press the “cross” as often as possible.

Now return to the previous room, save and go to the right teleporter.

Boss: Saїx (1500 HP).
He will constantly accumulate Berserk. There is no special strategy. Use your Berserk, and "Final Form" will completely blow it to pieces, if, of course, you have already obtained it. If you haven’t received it yet, then before the battle accumulate your Drive line as much as possible and use Drive during the battle, then you will notice that in addition to the usual three forms you also have a fourth - “Final Form”. Try to avoid his attacks by jumping.

Go back again, save the game, and go up the steps. Next, constantly go up. When you get to the platforms, go to the blue stripe on the edge of the platform and the road will appear on its own. Reach the end, climb to the very top.

Boss: Xemnas*** (1500 HP).
This battle is like a TV series Star Wars, as Zenmas will attack you with two keyblades, much like a Jedi sword. When the boss envelops you in a dark aura, run to the very top of the building, to the glowing windows, and press “triangle”, then run towards the enemy and, when you get closer, jump and attack. If your health becomes critical, heal yourself, he doesn’t have a super combo, so don’t worry. In battle, you will benefit from using the "Trinity limit" command, which consumes all your mana, first you can attack with "Thundaga", and when the mana runs out, use "Trinity limit", heal exclusively with Potions. If you see that the boss is swinging his keyblade to strike you, immediately press the “cross” in response, this will reflect his attack, and then attack yourself.

Save and move forward!

25. Final battle.

Now you only have to follow forward, when the walls block your passage, have time to press “triangle”, and then move on. Finally you come running to a closed door. Attack it after destroying all the monsters. Next, you will be on platforms where you need to fight with the “midges” by jumping up and attacking them. After a while, you need to press “triangle” to jump to another platform, but just don’t slow down, you have limited time to move from one platform to the next. There will be six such platforms in total. In the future, you will have to fight together with Riku.

Boss: Xemnas (1000 HP).
This is a fairly easy fight. Get close to the boss and attack. Just DO NOT waste treatment - it will be useful to you in the last battle. Use Curaga to heal and then wait for your mana to regenerate.

Boss: Xemnas** (3000 HP).
Riku will control the ship, and Sora's task in this battle is to protect the ship from the Nobodies attacking its opponents, so in this battle Sora will have to wield the keyblade a lot. At this time, Riku's task is much more difficult: he will fly on a ship, a la Gummi-spike, and confront Zenmas, dodging his attacks and attacking the enemy with a laser beam, at the same time collecting energy, after which, when the energy block is full, click on "triangle" when the corresponding icon is displayed and perform a very strong attack. This will remove a significant part of the enemy’s health, of which the boss has a lot. You'll be controlling both Sora and Riku at the same time, so be careful.

Boss: Xemnas** (1000 HP).
In this battle, DO NOT WASTE HEALING, let Riku heal you, he has such an ability, or wait until your mana is restored, then use the "Curaga" ability - all healing must be saved for the last battle. This is a more technical battle, there is almost no need to destroy the enemy with weapons, but to win the battle you need special tactics and sequence of actions. First, attack the boss, removing a significant portion of his health. Next, it will throw you a long distance into space. Fly forward (“square”), and when red rays threaten you, jump up by pressing “circle”. Look for a large house-shaped asteroid that is not moving; when you approach him using "square", click on "triangle" and you will find yourself inside the sphere with the boss. Until you get inside the sphere, do not get too close to it, otherwise the boss will throw you back. When you find yourself inside, you won't see the boss, but you can reach him with magic - use "Thundaga", or any other magic that attacks from a distance. Do not use ethers, it is better to stand and wait until your mana is restored. Also, when your MP runs out, heal yourself using "Curaga", your health will be fully restored, and this is much more important than depriving the enemy of an additional hundred health, since at any moment the boss can throw you back into space again, and if If you have neither mana nor full health, then you risk losing this battle. You will have to conduct a similar session several times.

Final Boss: Xemnas**** (1500 HP).
In order to defeat him, you need at least level 50, otherwise it will be very difficult to cope with the final Zenmas. What to do from the very beginning is up to you: either dodge his attacks using “reaction commands”, try to attack him, but if you tirelessly hit the boss, you risk losing the battle (and you will have to start all over from the very beginning), since he moves very skillfully across the battlefield and constantly teleports. Do not jump - jumping will do no good, on the contrary, it will only do harm, since it is difficult to aim at the enemy, since he is constantly teleporting, and while you are in the air, he can perform a combo attack on you. When your HP drops below forty percent, heal yourself, or Riku will heal you. Now, all the time press the “triangle + cross” simultaneously. When the boss has a little more than two bars of HP left, he will capture Sora in a dark cage-sphere, and you will fight for Riku, so constantly make sure that Sora has the maximum amount of health at this time. Playing as Riku, always use only "Dark Aura" in response to Zenmas attacks, and move forward, there is simply no other tactic. You will not be able to heal at the moment. When Sora is very close, jump towards him and press triangle. Now restore your health if necessary and finish off the boss. Press "triangle + cross" at the same time and do not jump. When you almost completely destroy all his health, use the mega elixir URGENTLY. You will have one moment to use it, and if you do not have time, you will most likely have to start all over again, since now you have to defend yourself. Now you will only defend yourself, repelling all possible attacks from the boss, constantly pressing “cross + triangle” at the same time, the main thing is not to lose the pace. Well, that’s it, the worst is over, now just finish him off.

Watch the ending when you see the credits on the screen, do not rush to turn off the console, because after the credits you will see the continuation of the ending, and if you scored 100 percent in Normal mode or completed all the worlds in Proud Mode, then you will also be shown the Perfect Ending.


You are on the page of the game Kingdom Hearts 2, created in the Adventure genre, where you can find a lot useful information. The game was released by Square Enix. The Kingdom Hearts 2 walkthrough we found will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, codes and cheats for the game Kingdom Hearts 2 are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

Considering that Kingdom game Hearts 2 was not released in Russian, you will obviously need a localization to make the game clearer, because playing in your native language is much more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2007-06-01, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix game process. You can download them in our file storage.

Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance

Previously, it was exclusive to Nintendo 3DS under the name Kingdom Hearts 3D, but has now made its way to PS4. The game is a direct continuation of the second part of the series, and again stars our heroes: Sora and Riku, who were sent in search of the “seven sleeping doorways (keyholes)”, traveling through both familiar and completely new worlds.

In terms of gameplay, DDD is almost the same as the previous numbered parts: quick battles using magic and objects in Disney worlds. This time, these same worlds were attacked by “dream eaters” - creatures that replace the Heartless and Nobody, but are more colorful and bright. The bosses are massive and varied, and all the dialogue is fully voiced, which is very satisfying.

DDD also added new game mechanics:
  1. « flowmotion"Gives heroes the ability to bounce and run along walls, which allows them to launch new special attacks and combos. At first, to be honest, it was unusual, but after getting a little familiar with the mechanics, you can calmly and easily rush around the locations.
  2. System " Drop" to change between two playable characters. Since Sora and Riku are thrown into the same worlds, but with parallel realities, where they cannot meet each other. The events for both heroes will be different, so you won’t have time to get bored.
  3. Dream eaters themselves, who act as both opponents and members of your team. Friendly eaters are called "spirits". You still have to create them if you have the necessary materials, and then grow them. They, in addition to the usual assistance in battle as you level up, will provide new joint attacks and spells. I was upset by the situation with the companions, I would really like to run with Donald and Goofy again, or even such famous characters as Quasimodo from “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” and Quorra from “Tron Legacy” appeared in DDD, and they would have performed much better interesting companions than these perfumes. I still haven't figured out how to get materials for more powerful spirits, so the system itself isn't very ideal.

Since the game was originally released on a portable console, Dream Drop Distance has a deck-building system, like Chain of Memories and Birth by Sleep. Skills and spells are assigned to hero decks, which makes fights in the style of classic Final Fantasy, but in active combat. The Key Sword can be used an unlimited number of times, but other abilities require recovery time. It is not arranged as conveniently as we would like, but this is a matter of taste.

And we all know what is remarkable about the series itself - these are the Disney worlds. It was so interesting to get into the world of Tron, the amusement park from Pinocchio, Fantasia, etc., because these are solid great classics straight from childhood.
But it’s worth noting that Kingdom Hearts can’t do without its original worlds, because for the most part the main plot develops there. Also, completely new characters appeared here.

The series is memorable for its delightful and occasionally incomprehensible script, but DDD HD lets you relax. Each previous part is explained in DDD through magazines and glossaries, so sudden beginners can read it if they wish to be aware of what is happening. Therefore, the game does an excellent job of tying together the lore of the 16-year-old series and could very well set the stage for the upcoming sequel.

As a remaster, DDD HD has its pros and cons.

Of course, the picture is much better compared to the version on 3DS - it has high quality textures and a stable 60 frames per second. What does it come from? best version games.

But there are no flaws either. The game has empty environments, poor lip syncing during dialogue, and low-poly character models d expect, far and away the prettiest version of the game. Controls may not be very convenient in mini-games dedicated to your spirit companions using the Dualshock 4 touchscreen (it’s much more convenient with the stylus in the 3DS version).

However, Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance turned out to be quite a good game in the series, being a good warm-up and preparation for the third part of the franchise.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage

Chronologically, it is assumed to be the epilogue of Birth by Sleep and the prologue of Kingdom Hearts 3. You find yourself in a world of darkness and take on the role of one of the main characters of Birth by Sleep - Aqua, with only one goal - to get out of it and return to your team.

0.2 cannot be called a full-fledged game; apparently, Square Enix decided to use it to show off their skills on the new Unreal Engine 4, and it’s worth seeing. The engine is simply amazing graphically and conveys all the Disney magic. The spells look amazing and powerful, and the enemies perfectly reflect their dark nature. Why can 0.2 be called one of the most beautiful games on PS4.

This engine also raised the bar for quality in level design. The locations here are quite large, do not irritate with their visual style and provide an incentive to explore them. Although touched upon briefly, the worlds of Cinderella, Snow White and Destiny Island, enslaved by darkness, are partly present.

Mechanically, it turned out to be a mixture of numbered parts and Birth by Sleep. BBS decks are being retired, but here are some options like “ Shotlock” (a skill for destroying a bunch of enemies with a huge magic ball through manual aiming) is still with us. There's also an interesting mechanic with accumulating meter by attacking enemies, then using it to power up spells or completely new fighting styles for a limited time, then ending with a finishing attack. It makes the gameplay more varied and dynamic.

There are few bosses here, one of them was a huge flying tower of hundreds of Heartless, which is very active and can knock you out pretty quickly.

Back in 0.2 there's a wardrobe that's a little less than useless. For completing hidden tests you will receive some cosmetic accessories for Aqua, either wings or cat ears, and the main costume can be painted.

It turned out to be strange that in the cutscenes all these accessories are not displayed on the heroine.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep A Fragmentary Passage was simply the best moment of the entire 2.8 set. While its work as a prologue to KH3 is well done, its short length is a bit disappointing because... I really want more of this goodness.

Birth by Sleep rating: 8.6

Kingdom Hearts x Back Cover

This CGI film was the weakest part of the set. It seems that it was added only because 1.5 and 2.5 also had 358/2 Days and ReCoded, respectively. But unlike them, Back Cover is not worth much attention.

Set during the events of Kingdom Hearts X, it follows the six followers of “The Master,” a mysterious hooded figure who can see the future. The master gives everyone a special secret task, and then disappears without a trace. After some time, it becomes known that among the followers there is a traitor who can bring darkness into their world and start a war. This begins conflict and distrust of each other, accompanied by separate scenes about secret orders from the Master given to each of the students in the past.

And frankly, that's all. Events develop dullly, the characters do not inspire much interest, and the ending of the story is completely ragged, even if the film looks visually beautiful, again thanks to Unreal Engine 4.
You can touch the Back Cover only before completing the games in the set or simply skip it altogether, as it may leave a bad aftertaste and misunderstanding after viewing.

Twilight Town: Day 1

So, run up to Roxas' friends and start a dialogue. After this scene, talk to the salesman in the accessories store. After another cutscene, latch onto the cat that is sitting on the roof using the R1 button. After the next cutscene, you will have to fight Seifer. But before the battle, you must choose one of the three areas of abilities in the game. The left weapon is responsible for magic, the middle one is for defense, and the right one is for attack. Having made your choice, begin the battle.
Parry his attacks by blocking them with your own. If possible, just don’t let him come to his senses.
After defeating Safer, you must follow Nobody, who has stolen Pence's camera. Having caught up with him, the battle will begin. First, dodge Dusk's attacks using Reaction Commands. Having received the Key Sword, attack the enemy. Defeating him with the new weapon will not be difficult. The first day is over.

Twilight Town: Day 2

The second day begins. First, save the game if you want. Next, go to a location called Market Street. Now you need to dial eight hundred Munny. To do this, you will need a list of jobs hanging on the building right in front of you. There are three types of work: 1. Help a man drive a cart into the garage. To do this, simply hit the cart and drive it into the garage with your attacks. Mount on the cart and attack it while it is in the air.
2. Juggle the ball, kicking it into the air and not letting it fall. To do this, stay on the ball and hit it while jumping.
3. Delivering letters on a skateboard. Drive up to the person who needs the letter and use the Reaction command.
In Market Street: Tram common, you can find three more types of work:
1. Posting advertisements.
2. Clearing debris. You need to destroy all the trash lying on the site in a minimum number of attacks.
3. Destruction of bees. It is necessary to attack the bees flying next to Roxas. The less time you spend, the better.
Dial eight hundred Munny and head to Station Plaza. Talk to Hayner and a cutscene will begin where Roxas will be robbed of all the money you have earned.

Twilight Town: Day 3

The beginning of the third day begins stormy. Roxas is attacked by three Nobodies. But you will only have to fight one. Seifer and his friends will take care of the rest. You can't attack him - use Reaction Commands. Then, after a short cutscene, you will be given a choice again. The sword is strength, the shield is protection, the staff is magic. The choice is yours. Having chosen the item you need, three Nobody will attack you. Use Reaction Commands - Reversal and attack. For defeating Nobodies you will be given Aerial Recovery. Next you will find a chest. It contains Potion. Take it and save it in a nearby save. Then go through the door and fight off the Nobodies. You can gain quite a lot of experience from your enemies - don't waste your chance. The boss is waiting for you behind the next door.
Nobody Knight
This is the first serious opponent. At the beginning of the battle, use Reaction Commands to free Roxas from the magic trap. When the boss falls out of the arena, run to the place where he fell and use Reaction Commands again to prevent the boss from attacking heavily. If you did not have time to make Reaction Commands, use the Potion you received in advance. If you succeed, the boss will fall unconscious into the arena. Hit him on the head, taking advantage of the boss's immobility. But this is not his only attack. He will also call Nobody - what is not an incentive to fill yourself with Exp and replenish your health with green spheres falling out of defeated enemies? Another attack of the boss is shooting with broken lines. They can be dodged using Reaction Commands. For defeating the boss you will receive a Max HP Up bonus & Guard ability.

Twilight Town: Day 4

The fourth day is the day of the Struggle tournament. You are now in Sandlot. Save your game and go to the guy standing next to the board. Listen to the rules of the tournament. At the beginning of the battle, each of you has a hundred orbs. When hit, spheres fall out of the enemy - pick them up. Thus, you “replenish” your supply of spheres. Whoever has the most spheres at the end of the battle wins. After the rules, go to the fat judge and the first battle will begin - Roxas versus Hayner.
Quarter Finals: Hayner
This fight won't be difficult. Just dodge his attacks and don't forget to pick up the orbs.
Semi Finals: Vivi
Vivi is much stronger than Hayner. In this battle, it is better to rarely strike and then run around the arena. If you do get a chance to give Vivi a good beating, take it. After a few successful combo chains, Vivi may faint, which will help you score a few more free orbs.
But don't be too happy about your victory. Four Nobodies will attack you. Use the old Reversal - Attack tactic. Behind this fight awaits you new boss- Axel! Organization No. 8. Axel.
Axel quickly moves around the battlefield - use the Guard ability - this will immobilize him and you will be able to carry out a successful series of attacks. When Axel shouts: “Don't make me mad!” move away from him, because he is preparing his most powerful attack. But Axel has few lives and he falls easily.
Watch the splash screen, after which the final battle awaits you - Roxas versus Setzer!
Finals: Setzer
This battle is not difficult at all. Use Guard and counterattack. When Setzer stands in one place in the block, it is better not to hit him - since after that he will carry out a powerful attack and you can lose quite a large number of orbs. Good luck! For winning you will receive an item called Champion`s belt. It is necessary to equip it, as this is a pretty good thing with magical resistance and an increase in defense.

Twilight Town: Day 5

Yours begins on the fifth day in Twilight Town. You have to find seven wonders of Twilight Town. First, go to Station Plaza. After the splash screen, you can save the game and start searching. Pence will be standing nearby. After talking with him, you will see a map of all the wonders of Twilight Town. Pence is in all locations. From where Pence is standing in the next area, go up the steps, turn right, turn left and you will see Hayner. Turn the alley and explore the wall. Here it is - the first miracle! Just dodge the balls and, when approaching the wall, make the appropriate Reaction Command. From the alley, go straight and then right to the next location. There you will have to beat a lot of "Vivi". They all disappear after one attack - destroying them all will not be difficult. The next miracle of Twilight Town is a fountain, next to which Olette stands. Roxas' Shadow will attack you there. This enemy is also not very strong. Then head to the Sunset Hill location. There you will need to ride the bag and use Reaction Commands. Advice: to easily perform this "miracle" - just click on the triangle when approaching the tank. After completing this "miracle", go to Sunset Hill again. After the splash screen, you will again find yourself in the home section of Twilight Town. You must now travel to the Old Mansion through the gap in the wall in the central location. Go through the forest and watch the cutscene.

Twilight Town: Day 6

The last and most eventful day begins. When leaving the Usual Spot, you will be attacked by Nobodies led by Axel, although Axel himself will not take part in the battle. After winning, you need to go to the Old Mansion. On the way you will be attacked by Nobodies - upgrade them well. Having finished pumping, go into the forest. After passing through the forest, you enter the Old Mansion itself. Watch the splash screen. In the Mansion, continue leveling up. Pick up all the chests you meet along the way. Go to the room Namine. Take the drawing and go to the Library. Go down into the opened passage. Go through, picking up the chests along the way. Watch the splash screen. Save the game in the new location and go further - to Axel. But first you will have to deal with numerous Nobodies. This should not be a problem. And then Axel himself follows.
Organization No. 8. Axel (2) .
In this fight, Roxas will use two Key Swords. As soon as the fight starts, Axel will cover the floor with lava and because of this, your HP bar will fade. To get rid of this unpleasant circumstance, you need to perform an ordinary combo, and when the boss is in the air, use Reaction Commands. After this the floor will become normal. When Axel flies out beyond the Fire Barrier, prepare Reaction Command, positioning yourself on Axel.
Go ahead and watch the cutscenes. Roxas's portion of the game is over.

Material prepared by: Lexaeus & Mr. Wakka

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