Kks Dutch Gambit. Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England. "Dutch Gambit", different options for passing

Big doesn't mean strong.

I accompanied the merchant to Tortuga, or rather to his lighthouse, and he gave me the plans of his competitor, another merchant, whose hold was filled with mahogany. He said that in two weeks he would have to appear on Cayman Island to replenish drinking water supplies. I thanked for the information and did not bear a grudge against my former companion, instead I moved to the port of Tortuga and exchanged my Lugger for a Sloop, which was slightly better than mine and could accommodate 15 more people, not to mention a more capacious hold, additional guns more high caliber. I did not load my ship, because my sailors were not very good gunners, and I myself, not very accurate, so I took 6-pound guns (3-pound on the Lugger), loaded the ship with gunpowder and shells, provisions I took enough for the voyage to the Caymans and more for the days of waiting for the ship. I didn’t load the ship too much and relied on speed and maneuverability, because the battle lay ahead of me against Flute, whose hold was supposed to be bursting with mahogany, therefore, there would be a battle against a clumsy heavyweight.

Cherishing dreams of a mountain of gold and glory, I set my ship towards Cayman. Along the way there were pirates and Spanish patrols, but they would never catch up with my swallow. Arriving on the island, three days earlier than expected, I decided to inspect it for profit and other hunters, like me. As soon as I landed on the shore, the sailors immediately ran up. It was clear from them that they had not eaten for several days and were very happy to see my ship. They asked to join me in my service, but I recruited sailors in the Tortuga tavern and I did not have room for them. Well, I didn’t leave them there on the island with empty hands and stomach. He ordered his sailors to provide them with a boat, medicines and provisions. This would be enough for them to reach the crowded shores of Cuba, and he himself headed into the interior of the island. After several hours of searching, I discovered the entrance to the cave. There was an empty chest in it, and in the cave itself there was a disgusting atmosphere - it smelled like a curse, so my bodyguard and I hurried to leave it quickly. Having examined the entire island, I returned back to the ship. There is no trace of those sailors, apparently they decided to try their luck and try to swim to the mainland or to Cuba. Good luck to them with that.

I ordered the ship to be camouflaged and began to wait for that merchant. Three days later he appeared on his flute under the French flag. His “friend” forgot to mention this, so I ordered to change my French flag to the Jolly Roger and headed to meet the flute. My sloop cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter and half an hour later you could already see the merchant’s surprised face through my cheap binoculars. On the deck of the flute, sailors began to run around, disturbing each other. Newbies, I thought.

The battle went on for several hours. My sloop seemed to be dancing near a large and clumsy elephant and stinging its most vulnerable parts. I didn’t have much gunpowder, because I didn’t want to overload my ship, so the first thing I did was fire at the ship’s crew. They may be newcomers, but there were three, or maybe even four, more of them than us. It's not worth the risk. So the reserves of buckshot ran out, and the crew of the flute was noticeably reduced, and its sails were also damaged, now it was even more clumsy. I did not allow this unfortunate captain to turn his ship sideways towards me, I constantly adjusted my side to his stern and fired from all five 6-foot cannons. Well, the gunpowder ran out in the hold.

There are only 30 of my 59 sailors left, what a pity that not all of them will be able to see the gold that I will receive for the goods that lie in the flute’s hold, if it really is there. But there was nowhere to retreat, and it was stupid - we took up arms and went to board. For each of our sailors there were three enemy sailors, and this is taking into account the fact that we fired at them with grapeshot for so long that it would have been enough to cast a large bell.

How many deaths. Of all the sailors, only four were squeezed out, and even then, three of them were seriously wounded. It was impossible to allow the death of the others to be in vain and, armed, my Indian friend and I went down into the hold, where ten more French sailors were waiting for us. Their numbers are against our skill. I did right choice that saved this Indian from the gallows. Victory was ours, and I had a meeting with their captain. The merchant turned out to be not accommodating, but I wanted to invite him to surrender and sail on, with his surviving sailors or those taken prisoner. He thought he could defeat me and doomed his people to slavery - well, that would be on his conscience.

But the merchant did not deceive. The hold of the flute was completely filled with mahogany. We spent several hours reloading the goods into the hold of our ship, and then headed back to Tortuga. The way back turned out to be quite calm, and the wind was glorious. The risk paid off and I earned fifty thousand pesos, ten thousand of which were spent on repairing my swallow, recruiting a new team and replenishing supplies. Arrghhh, what a nice day it was!

“This cannot be taken away from the Corsairs” (c)

Today we'll talk about a game with an amazing story. Created by a team of Black Mark Studio fans, it attracted the interest of the official distributor of this series of games. Thus, a full-fledged version of the continuation of the epic, “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” was released.

Lots of Easter eggs, updated fleet improvement system. It also became possible for the main character to create items and ammunition. In addition, the world has become more open and the plot less linear.

The beginning, or Where to get a million

In this game you play as the French aristocrat Charles de Maura. Your father has asked you to find his missing son, your brother, in the Caribbean.
So, after you get off the ship in Saint Pierre, Martinique, you have two options for further development of the plot at your disposal. Variety is the beauty of Corsairs: To Each His Own. Quests can be done in many ways.

The first is you go to the authorities. For a beginner it is more correct, but there are some tricks here. Things will need to be hidden, and the weapon will need to be replaced with a harpoon. You can make a stash in the box that stands to the right of the fort gate.

Why such a turn? It’s very simple - then you will be arrested and all your things will be taken away. The governor-general of the island himself will come to the prison with a proposal. He frees you, and you pay off your brother’s debts. The amount is impressive, a million pesos, after all. Help would be useful here, but cheats are not very common in the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own.”

Having agreed, you go to the quartermaster, who will give you a basic set of armor and weapons. If at the beginning you hid things in a chest, further development It will be easier. We're just going to see our brother in prison.

The second path of plot development is suitable for more experienced people familiar with the game “Corsairs 2: To Each His Own.”

Here we, having felt the freedom and freedom of pirate life, avoid the authorities and figure it out ourselves. You will need to run around the city and chat with residents. We are interested in the fate of our brother. In the process, you learn about the abbot from one person. Next, the path leads to the church. Benoit, through a friend, will help you get to your brother in prison.

Let's find out about - oh, God! - a debt of a million pesos, we get the first task. Please note, it is temporary. The point is this. Michel paid a deposit for the ship, but still owes 17 thousand pesos. You need to find this amount in three days, otherwise you will end up with a wreck.
Where can I get the money? Let's figure it out.

Call girl

For this quest you will need to find one lord. He usually hangs out in the square near the church. Look for a light-colored camisole and hat. The passage of “Corsairs: To Each His Own” is open and non-linear. Therefore, the name generated is different.

The point is. You need to go to the brothel and negotiate with its owner about the girl Lutisse Montagne. She must be brought to this aristocrat after eleven o'clock in the evening. He gives 6 thousand for all expenses, your earnings are the amount saved.
The secret is that you need to save before accepting the quest. When you receive a task, the cost of a girl for the night is randomly generated. It can be from 2,500 to 5,000 pesos. We load until we get the minimum number.

When talking with the hostess, choose the option that talks about the girl’s inexperience. You can pick it up from 23.00 to 00.00. In an hour it will be easy to manage and take her to the aristocrat.

In the meantime, we have some time, let’s earn some more money. Remember - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the map of the island is an indispensable assistant when completing quests. Don't forget to check it out from time to time.

Warehouse worker

There is a shop near the brothel. Our path lies there. There the owner will complain about his fate and talk about the runaway worker. We agree to find him. The reward is one thousand pesos. And that's just for discovering it. According to the orientation, it is located somewhere outside the city walls.

Our path lies to the pirate settlement of Le Francois. By the way, we’ll complete two more tasks along the way. They are described below.

So, the worker is in or near the tavern. After talking with him, we understand that the owner of the store is a miser, and Gralam will never return to him.

What can you do. We return with bad news. The merchant is upset, but gives a reward. And, in addition, he promises more if we help him hire a new employee. The higher your qualifications, the higher your earnings. The game doesn't let you relax. What can you do - “Corsairs: To each his own”! The ships will be redeemed soon, remember? So let's push ourselves.

We run to Le Francois. Where to look for an employee? At the tavernkeeper's. He turns out to be a sympathetic little guy. For just a thousand pesos, he will help with the task, but you need to walk for an hour.
While we wait, you can play dice; a possible win won’t hurt. After the agreed time, we return to the tavern and see the applicants. And this is where things get really great. In addition to the fact that the owner will only take 500 pesos for help, the workers also offer you bribes!

We choose the one that gives a bag of amber fragments. We will need the jewelry later, and in the city the store owner will pay us 5,000 pesos for it. But that will happen after the interview. Time is money, so we run to the head of the port department. It starts the quest "Cannibal".

Side quests

On the way to the pirate settlement, you can earn some more money. The first task will be “Scarce Goods”. Do you remember where you hid things at the beginning of the game? There is a city guard standing near this chest. Talk to him. It turns out that he is also French, like you. And his delicate stomach cannot stand the local swill. You will be asked to bring good wine.

It seems to you that it’s difficult to earn money in the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” codes would obviously not hurt. All wrong! After this quest you will forget these thoughts forever!

The income from this task is one thousand pesos. Time to complete - 24 hours. Simply and easily. Where can I get alcohol? Check the chests in the fort. If fortune is not on your side, a bottle from any merchant costs seven hundred pesos.

We take it after returning from Le Francois. The guard will be waiting on the upper platform of the fortress in the evening. But it was not there! This is not a mission, but the Klondike! The insatiable French are ready to buy 60 more bottles for 1,000 pesos. What to do? Where can I rob a carriage?

Don't panic! We go to any merchant and for a thousand coins we buy information that there is alcohol in the store. Having gone there, we come across a misunderstanding of the owner. Let's return to the scam. And he demands another 2000 for You need to pay. With this leaflet we return to the seller. You can now buy 60 bottles for P500 each. But! This is a one-time offer, so clear your inventory!

Net earnings - 27 thousand coins. And received in the following story mission game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the map will greatly help in the future.

In the city, all quests available at this level have been taken. We go out the gate. But what is it? There is a corpse on the road, and the local aborigines are running away. Let's go through the dead man's pockets. 560 pesos for expenses, sundries and earrings. Save this decoration, we will need it later, when we return from Le Francois.

So, we dealt with the hard workers in the village (the quest is described above - “Warehouse Worker”). It's time to remember the find. We go straight to the Governor General. You can, of course, ask the price from traders, but the price there is lower. De Poincy will give you a “Cheap Map of the Islands” for them. Such a gift will make your passage much easier. “Corsairs: To Each His Own” is a game that is designed specifically for making money in the spirit of piracy.


Tropics, starving local population, sleek European aristocrats... It turns out that the port master is looking for an assistant to his friend. Prospero's daughter was stolen. The poor father used most of his property to buy a musket and is already outside the city walls. We'll run in later to get the money promised by the store owner, now - to save the girl!

We find Trouval near the well. From his story we understand that kidnappings have become more frequent, and this is carried out by cannibal Indians. They get food, so to speak.

In this task, we will not only enrich ourselves financially, but also gain a lot of experience, if there is a desire. Only if fencing is not pumped up, it will be bad. In the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” cheats are aimed specifically at this area.

The point is. Father will tell you how to act. If you do this, you will complete the quest quickly. If you destroy all the Indians yourself, without his help, you will gain a lot of experience.

In the cave we find a daughter and another hostage. We accompany them to the city and receive a reward. And this is neither more nor less - 8 thousand pesos, 35 doubloons and a good amulet.
In principle, the minimum of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own” has been fulfilled. The ships can already be purchased. Do the math, you should have more than 17 thousand in your pocket. However, we still need officers, a crew, and ammunition. In addition, there is a whole day in stock.

How to have a fun night

What to do in a tavern while waiting for morning? Don't sleep!
There are several entertainment options to choose from - gambling, duels, “divorce” of the waitress. But first things first.

So, dice and cards. You'll have to save a lot here. How to win? Just. We always start with the maximum bet - 1000 coins. We bargain until the opponent agrees. For example, we play for 800 pesos. You win. It's better to save. If he wins, and then begins to drain his bank from you, we rejoice and earn money.
The main thing is not to win very often, otherwise they will call you a cheater and stop inviting you to the table.

When everyone is broke, you can still make money. Accuse someone of cheating. Or drink yourself to the point of quarrel. Duels are won easily, and those killed drop good things and a lot of gold if you're lucky.

The third fun is related to the waitress. You need to flirt with her until she invites you to spend time with her. We order a room from the tavern owner and wait. Instead of the girl, an accomplice appears, eager to rob us. Kills easily. The beauty of this task is that the waitress apparently has a lot of thugs. And from everyone you can get things and money. Without such pranks, the passage will be boring. “Corsairs: To Each His Own” allows you to experience the wild life to the fullest.

Rum for the bartender

Morning. The owner got rich by renting your room “for an hour,” so he’s kind. When asked about the task, you receive an offer to smuggle cargo.
It is important to remember your password when receiving a task! He won’t sign up anywhere, and the quest cannot be completed without him. There are several options, but the most common are: “the bay is ready for landing” or “Old Thomas has been waiting for beer.” We repeat: yours may be different. I'll have to write it down.

So, at seven o’clock in the evening we go to the pier, board the longboat and quickly move to the right of the pier. If the wind is fair, it will be easier, if not, we go in zigzags.
Destination - the ship "Ghost" near Lamentin beach. When the boat from the longboat approaches it, you will need to write a password in the dialog box. You remember him, right?

We receive the smuggled cargo and quickly move towards Le Francois Bay. There you hand over the ship with alcohol to the tavern owner’s people, and you yourself go on foot to him. You get 5,000 pesos, a couple of bottles of rum and a gift.

Spanish engineer

We bought the ship. Where can I get the team? That's right, in a tavern. After much questioning and persuasion, the bartender gives a tip. There is one sailor written off ashore.
We introduce ourselves and answer a meticulous interrogation. He agrees to come to you, but only with his entire team. Not bad! Immediately 40 sailors for 8,000 pesos.

But where can you get a navigator? The tavernkeeper doesn't know. We run to the port. Good people say there is one. He is in prison for debt.

We go to the moneylender. You will have to overpay 11,000 pesos. Or maybe there is another option? Eat. We need to free his friend from captivity. Easily!

Freebies are the basis of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own”! Quests are complemented by gifts. Hide your gun before meeting a loan shark. He will give you a new one, with cartridges!

At half past eleven at night we go to the beach and fight off the Spaniard from the pirates. The secret is that the first robber you meet must be killed first, immediately after the conversation. The rest are easy to put in. But even the saved one will attack you. We beat him until he gives up.
Now comes the hard part. Patrols roam around the city at night, so you need to avoid getting caught. We save in front of the city.

After completing the task, we get and therefore a navigator.
We are purchasing provisions for the ship. Collect more charges for guns - buckshot and nipples. At the exit from the bay he will attack

It's easy to get rid of. Let's lower all sails. We immediately destroy all the rigging with clips, and then with maximum commands with buckshot. We board and rob. You can't take it for yourself.

"Corsairs: To each his own." "Dutch Gambit"

The second part of the epic is related to West India Company. Here you will have to master the entire archipelago. At this stage, you can already have several ships and a slightly more pumped up crew.

During the second part you will visit Guadeloupe, Cuba, Maracaibo and other places. This is the advice. You will often come across tasks to destroy pirates, or you will meet them while sailing. Always attack several times with nipples, and then constantly with buckshot. Then board. Only this tactic will allow you to constantly win and get rich quickly.

When you're done storyline- the reward will make you happy. A stunning ship and a great experienced officer. Next will be the last part - “Corsairs 3. To each his own.”

Pirate Saga

Hooray! A million pesos have accumulated! Let's ransom my brother. But it's not that simple. The Governor-General took the money, but does not want to release the prisoner. Like, we still need to help him become the leader. Well, what a problem! Go against all the pirates at once!
Compared to this, the second part of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "Dutch Gambit" - is just child's play!

But it is not all that bad. There will be helpers here too. Especially if you know the secrets. When you find yourself in Cartagena (it is advisable to raise it), find a pirate in the city. He has a very good sword. Have you already learned how to fight a duel?
To capture Tortuga, you will need influential connections. Next, the path lies to Zacharias, to Cuba. He will send us to look for the cartographer. This is how the next branch of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own” begins - “Island of Justice”.

After the task “Shadows of the Past” we will receive a Morgan flamberge, which has no equal in the entire Caribbean.

At the end of the line, you will kill Levasseur, report the change of power in Tortuga to de Poincy and free your brother. The reward is a frigate with a crew and a privateering patent from France.
But this is not the end of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own”! The gambit was played out brilliantly. Now we rush to defend Saint-Pierre, our brother's former prison. After all, now our hero is a French officer!

Do you want to become invincible right away? Or is it easy to complete all tasks? We will tell you about tricks and bugs.

So, in the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” codes are few in number, but there are a lot of “crude” moments.

For example, when you capture an enemy ship, you can combine his crew with yours. To do this, hold down the “shift” button. You may not succeed the first time, but the next ship will reward you with an endless crew. It's time to bomb the forts!
By the way, about this. With the entire playthrough behind us, “Corsairs: To Each His Own” is not over. It's only begining. No quests. Absolute freedom. We recruit officers from taverns with upgraded pistols and fencing skills, and then use the F2 button to add them to our squad. And among pirates you will have no equal!

Now you must sail to the island of Antigua to find the informant on it. He is the one who can tell the right person, through whom a message can be conveyed to Fleetwood. Head there and anchor in Falmouth Bay. Then move to the city. Be careful, because the Mirage ship robbed the British more than once. Try not to be exposed. Once at the fork, go left and go through the city gate. Then move further until you find yourself near the stairs. Stop and find a pharmacy nearby. There you will meet a man who will provide information about one of Fleetwood's friends. You can continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and return to board the ship.

Open your map and travel to Dominica. After Longway does not come to your aid, wait until the Valkyrie ship, under the leadership of Fleetwood, looms on the horizon. Make every effort to capture this ship and talk to the captain. Only after you talk to him will his lives be restored again and you will have to get rid of him again. If you don’t want to fool your head, then just let the ship sink.

Then return to the island of Curacao and tell Rhodesburg what you have done. This will add 150,000 gold to your balance. You will also learn that the ship on which you performed the assigned tasks has now become yours. And the previous one was flooded near the pier. Then head to the governor to receive one of the state awards in the amount of 1000 gold.

Fourth task. Jew's money

After you take a break for a week, return to Rodenburg and receive the next task in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own. He will tell you that he is in love with a girl named Abigail. However, she resists marrying him, without giving reasons. You have to figure out what's what. Head towards the residence and turn left.

Once you are not far from the gate, go into the house on the right. Go inside and go up to the second floor, where you will find the girl. It turns out that she does not want to marry Roddensburg, so that she will not be condemned for doing it for profit. In order to avoid such rumors, you need to find a chest on one of the islands that her father hid. Don't waste time and go down to chat with the old man. However, he will not remember the location of the island.

Leave the building and move along the street until a stranger approaches you. After talking with him, you will find out that his name is Joaquim Merriman. He will ask you to follow him, agree. Once you are in the room, talk to him. It turns out that he is interested in the skull, which is hidden in the same chest as Solomon's savings. If you bring him this skull, you will be rewarded with half a million pesos. Continue passing the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and agree to complete this task.

Open the diary and read that the coordinates of the desired island can be found in the records of the Berg and Fleetwood baths. Now you will need a compass, hourglass, astrolabe and chronometer. Bring up the alchemy menu and combine the chronometer with the hourglass to create a functioning chronometer. Then hurry aboard your ship and go to the cabin. Then use a function with which you can find the island only by coordinates.

Once you have the information, begin your journey. This piece of land is located between the island of Curacao and Martinique. After you reach your goal, disembark and go to the fork. Move left from it, and then go into the grotto. There you need to find the desired chest. After you take the contents from it: skull, gold, money. You can return to Solomon and give him what you found. It's up to you to decide whether to return the skull to him or get half a million pesos. Then go up to Abigail and tell her everything. It turns out that she now agrees to marry Lucas.

Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should head to Lucas and report this. He will reward you with an amulet and 50,000 pesos. However, he has no work for you yet, so take a little break and do something else.

Fifth task

After some time you return to the island of Curacao, a stranger will suddenly run up and say that Rodensburg wants to see you. Talk to him and find out that you need to kill the traitor Murdoch before he does so. Open the map and start your swim to Antigau. Drop anchor in the port and go to the church. Stop and see two buildings opposite it, go to them and find a hatch between them. Open it and start going down into the dungeon. No matter how hard you try to avoid getting into a dead end, you will still end up there.

Look around and find a passage in the wall. Go there and examine it to see the entrance to a warehouse with barrels. After you enter it, finish off Murdoch and his accomplice. Then, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you will need to select the third bottom line in the dialogue with Longwei in order to hire him. Now you can search Murdock's body and find the keys to the pharmacy. You can move further around the warehouse and climb the stairs.

Once at the pharmacy, go to the chest and open it to pick up 25,000 pesos and an archive belonging to John Murdock, who once worked for GVIC. Now you need to try to find the encryption, which is located in the subway. Only then can you return to the city. Using the hatch for this, you can go to your ship and climb on board. Start your journey to the shores of Curacao to complete the quests in the Dutch Gambit series. Approach Rodenburg and report to him what you have done.

Dutch Gambit. Secret organization

In order to begin completing this series of quests in the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should meet the following indicators:
- Weapon skill at least level 30;
- Character experience - at least level 15;
- Reputation should also be at the “Unknown Pirate” level.

If you have all this, then you can go to Barbados and chat with the owner of one of the taverns, whose name is Gaston the Bald. It is from him that you will receive your first order.

Spanish Hidalgo

Now you have to eliminate one Spanish nobleman who calls himself Fernando Rodriguez. It can be found on one of the islands under Spanish rule. Since the appearance of this character is randomly generated, simply stop in different cities and visit taverns at night to find him. If you find yourself in the right place at the right time, the owner of the tavern will tell you that he is walking somewhere around the city or spending the night on his brigantine. Then find the ship, board it and finish off Rodriguez. Just don’t think about letting the ship sink, because after you kill the enemy, you need to pick up his belongings and deliver them to Bridgetown to Gaston. If you do not do this, the task will not be considered completed.

Ship's log

After completing the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, Gaston will give you new quest, get ready to steal the ship's log from Richard Fleetwood. After 10 days, he will appear in the governor’s reception room, at which time you need to be in his house, kill the guard and climb to the second floor. There you will find the magazine you need, then exit. Be careful, as three enemies will now attack you. Having dealt with them, run out into the street and finish off the rest. After a while you will lose consciousness.

Preparing a trap

You will open your eyes already in the pharmacist's house. Try to follow him carefully and get out of his house at night. In order to do this, you need to use the dungeon. But when you come to your ship, it will be arrested. But don't worry, because Gaston will now provide you with a courier lugger. However, if you do not want to complete the task on it, then return to the pharmacist. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you need to talk to him to find out what best friend Fleetwood, Charlie Knippel is now preparing to sail towards Curacao. And he will be on the brigantine. So you have a whole week to catch up with him.

Get to the outskirts of the island of Curacao and try to board this brigantine. Afterwards, you can interrogate Knippel, and then move to the city and find Fleetwood’s lover with him. Persuade her to sail with you to Antigua.

Then head to the tavern and find a heavily drunk man there. After he agrees to deliver the message to Fleetwood, he will tell you how much this service will cost you.

Fall of the Valkyrie

Open the map and navigate to Turks Island. After walking a little, you will meet Fleetwood and talk. Then you need to fight him. After winning, return to your ship and head to the island where Valkyrie is located. Try to board the ship, and then return to John. As soon as you report to him what you have done, he will offer you an officer's rank. Of course, we should agree.

Dutch West India Company

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you will have to become an opponent of GVIK and enter into battle with Lucas Rodenburg. Once you receive a tip on the brigantine GVIKA, which is currently located between Antigua and St. Christopher, get down to business. Open the map and find this ship there by its purple color. After you board him and deliver the letter, return to Willemstad.

Once you are there, you will see that the Meinfeng ship is now in the roadstead. Head to the tavern and find out more about this ship. Afterwards you can head to Van Hato Bay. Now you can see a purple ship in it. Try to overtake him and board him. Then continue the passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own and move to the Mainfeng. Go down into his hold and interrogate the Chinese. Just hurry up to carry out the interrogation as quickly as possible, because the Chinese may die from his injuries. He will ask you to drop him off in Guadeloupe. Agree to learn important information.

The end of Lucas Rodenburg

Head to St. Christopher and sail the new ship to the Dutch galleon. Once you get close, send a boat to him to chat with Stevezant, and then go with him to the island of Curacao. Once on the spot, you can arrest Lucas to get a decent reward. After you return the ship to GVIK, you can head to Antigua.

Dutch Gambit:

We sail to Antigua, go left and go into Charlie Knippel's house. In order to be given a task for the English side, you must have the following characteristics: navigation – 30 points, positive or neutral honor, and the main character’s rank is not higher than 15.

If you have met all these conditions, you will receive the first task. We need to capture the East India ship. Before taking on this task, go to the taverns and hire a couple of boarders who can become officers. Also purchase nipples and cores. After that, return to Charlie and take on the task. You will need to cross the direction Martinique - Antigua - St. Christopher. Also, fourteen days are allotted for this task. If you do not meet this deadline, the British will not work with you. But in theory you should meet it. As soon as you see a ship with purple sails, this is our goal. Swim towards it and engage in battle. We destroy two small ships and board the big one. After a successful boarding, we assign an officer to the ship with the silver and return to Antigua to Charlie Knippel. We report on the availability of the ship and silver on it, and receive orders to come exactly one day later to meet the commander, receive a reward, and also a new task.

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

Richard talks about the Schneur family, about Abigail, about her father, who thinks he is an evil pirate and therefore wants to marry his daughter to an evil Dutchman, who is Richard’s enemy. Richard will ask you to bring Abigail to him, and we agree. We sail to Willemstad and go into the Schneurs' house, which is located next to the residence. Solomon meets us at the house and begins to tell us about some kind of grandfather’s skull and that we return his money. He will also tell you where Abigail is. We go to church and talk to her. Abigail doesn't want to leave her father until the family treasures are found, so we will need to find them. To search for latitude and longitude, we will need a compass, as well as a working chronometer. We have a compass, and the chronometer is bought in the GVIK building. A working chronometer is made in the inventory (K) by crossing hourglass and a chronometer. After that, go to your cabin, put on a working chronometer and compass, and then use the “thinking out loud” option to look for Right place. Coordinates: 12’48 and 64’41, sail to these coordinates and then go out to sea. By the way, the coordinates do not have to be absolutely the same; an error is permissible. The main thing is that when you go to sea, an inscription about the location of the island appears in the ship's log. After this, land on the island and go to the grotto. A chest awaits us in the grotto, but it explodes as we approach, and a zombie, the Chavinavi guard, will crawl out of the ground. We kill him and rummage through the corpse, after the chest - in the chest instead of money there will be a head. After the events we experienced, we go to Richard Fleetweed and tell him about everything we saw.

Arriving at Richard Fleetweed, we tell everything we saw and show the head of Bald Gaston. Richard will ask you to look into this situation and go to Bridgetown (Barbados) to check whether Gaston really died or this is a deceptive maneuver by our enemies. After this, we should sail to Curacao, to the Blanca Lagoon, to Charlie, who will be waiting for us with money to ransom Abigail. We need to do it in twenty days. We arrive and go to the tavern. There we receive a letter from Gaston with warnings about the Englishman and the Dutchman. And that you can’t trust anyone. Now we need to sail to Curacao, to the Blanca Lagoon, where Charlie is waiting for us. We arrive at the place and find out that there is no need to swim anywhere else. Charlie hands over a letter from Richard wishing him good luck and two hundred thousand pesos, so as not to be completely disappointed in this English traitor. There is nothing to do, you will have to fight with Dutch dogs. Also, Charlie will be asked to join your team. Take it, you won't regret it. At the exit from the lagoon, three Dutch warships are waiting for us. You can fight them, or you can run away. Remember, if you decide to fight, you will ruin your reputation with Holland.

After you detach from the fleet, sail to Antigua to find a pharmacy. Go down into the underground passage, which is located next to the entrance to the church. Wandering through the catacombs, you will stumble upon Murdoch, who, in turn, will not want to give up the papers and will attack you. Be careful, he is not alone, but with a Chinese man.

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” "Dutch Gambit" for England

From Murdoch's corpse it will be possible to take: seventeen thousand pesos, a trombone, John Murdoch's archive and two sealed letters. You also need to find a code, for this: we leave the dungeon and enter again, after that we go straight and turn right. We search the stones and find the code. After this, we sail to Cayman, to Esmeralda Bay, where Lucas Rodenburg is already waiting for us. If you have a ship of rank 4 or higher, you can board it. If not, then just drown it. After boarding Lucas, you can remove the following things: an officer's saber, a dueling pistol, a good telescope and twenty thousand pesos. In the chest you can find: twenty thousand pesos, a four-barreled pistol, one hundred and forty-five gold doubloons, a “jade turtle” amulet, a “Fisherman” amulet, “Ish-Chel” tears, blue amber, amber, a meteorite. After killing Lucas, get off the ship as soon as possible, as it is mined. After a successful boarding and explosion of Lucas, land on the shore of Esmeralda, go into the jungle and enter the grotto. Inside will be two hundred thousand pesos and the keys to the pharmacy - our new property. Don't forget to visit your new home in Antigua and meet your new friend - Gino Guineili. He will give you a beginner alchemist's chest, as well as a recipe for an antidote.

After this adventure, you should have accumulated a million. If it has not accumulated, then do it side quests, and then go to Michel and make him happy with your first earned million.

Good day, dear friend!

Today the subject of our attention is the half-brother of the Peruvian gambit, which we have already examined. Namely, the Dutch Gambit, a rather original discovery of Dutch chess players.

What kind of gambit is this?

An edgy sequel developed and introduced into practice by Dutch masters, primarily L. Prince and T. van Scheltinga .

The Dutch Gambit or Dutch version, as it is sometimes called, is one of the ramifications of the gambit

I think it's easy to notice that the Dutch Gambit starts from the same position as the gambit we discussed earlier. Instead of 5…Qb6, black is playing 5…cd

The meaning of the move 5…cd– by sacrificing a pawn to get ahead of the opponent in development and seize the initiative.

Significant contributions to the theory and practice of the Dutch Gambit were made by Bronstein, Keres, Geller . Sometimes the “Dutchman” is used by modern grandmasters. He was seen in the debut repertoire Vitiugov, Naiditsch .

Basic options

Let's consider the main options that arise in this original.


There was also a preliminary 6.Fa4+. However, the practical test turned out rather in favor of Black.

For example:

Black's position is even better. Pachman–Prince, 1949 See also the section on errors and pitfalls.


6. Q:d4 Be7

Preparing to gain tempo with your move Ks6

Straightaway 6…Ks6 not good in view 7.B:f6 gf 8.Qe4


The move considered the best. When 7.Kf3 ed it turns out an improved version

Other options:


Example option:

Black has the initiative for the pawn.

7.0-0-0 ?!

This beautiful move also has a dubious reputation.

For example:

Again, Black has sufficient compensation.


Black has the initiative.


With a full game for Black.

Let's get back to the move 7.е4

7.e4 Kc6

A programmatic move within the framework of the idea of ​​the Dutch Gambit.

White before choosing: 8.Bb5, 8.Qa4, 8.Qe3 And 8.Qd2. Let's look at it in order:


This energetic move is not scary for Black.

For example:

Black has the initiative.


Black levels the game.

With counterplay for Black.

With compensation for Black's pawn.


Black has compensation for the sacrificed piece.

Gulko – Giorgadze , 1969

White fought back, but it is not easy to realize a material advantage.

Sadie - Bisguier, 1971

In addition, there is a feeling that Black's play in the last example can be strengthened.

Common mistakes and pitfalls

White's knight is caught. Play it right 7.Q:d4. Better yet, take the pawn a move earlier - 6.Q:d4

As you can see, a witty attack Nb6 allows Black to resist even a seemingly fatal double check from White. And not just to resist, but to maintain material superiority.

For whites the lesser of evils 9.Q:d4

It should be noted that if White plays Nb5 without prior exchange for f6, Black can no longer allow a double check:

And White wins.

Black wins an exchange.

A short summary:

The peculiarity of the Dutch Gambit is that it has quite a lot of pitfalls. Above we were convinced of this statement.

White must play carefully, including in terms of the order of moves. Otherwise, you can not only give up the initiative, but also lose the material already in the opening.

Approximate games

Gradelius - Naiditsch , Douglas, 2016 ½: ½

Tukmakov — Ubilava , Rostov-on-Don, 1980, 0:1

Smyslov - Geller , Moscow, 1955 1:0

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