Book different destinies choose us read online

Beginning of the End

The weather was terrible! The rain lashed the windows, and in the semi-darkness outside the window lightning flashed from time to time and thunder rumbled. The princess, contrary to usual, was now very beautiful.

I sat in front of the mirror and watched with an absent look as my first lady, Lady Mariolle, turned the girl Alya into Princess Alexandra Vere Tollyman. Still, an event such as a meeting of the Guardian Council is worth attending in all its splendor. Especially considering the reason why such remarkable personalities from all sides are found in full force. All eight available! What an honor...

Besides them, today in the palace Hall of the Elements my crowned father will also be present, whom we, unfortunately, could not ignore with the good news that his illegitimate daughter is ready to “dance with the elements.”

Once the Clans learn that the bastard princess will soon become the heir, the game will be released on new level. If, of course, I pass all the tests and gain the power of a full-fledged Guide.

Oh... How complicated everything is. Where is my quiet country life? So sometimes she is missing...

In addition to intense study and games with the Clans, there is also complete discord in his personal life. If, of course, what is available can be called that... There is a red-haired childhood friend who, having reappeared on the horizon, took an important place in my heart. However, it’s more likely that he never left him. Evgran the Flaming, heir to the Scarlet Clan and head of their security service. Red

And the two-faced snowy blond who has been fooling my brains with his masks for two months! And I was tormented by my supposed promiscuity that I liked both the deputy chief of the imperial security service, Lord Hoare, and Guardian Lirvain!

However, while my moral character is in no hurry to “take off”... Previously, I liked three, but now it turns out that there are still two. We cannot count on this trend continuing. And, probably, fortunately. Because both Evgran and Lir-Khor are worthy men.

Lear made a mistake completely by accident, because he never expected that respectable princesses would crawl around the bedrooms of their mentors at the midnight hour. However, this time the mentor behaved in a far from exemplary manner, so I have nothing to show him. Otherwise we will have to raise the topic of the intemperance of some in desires of a certain kind.

I smiled wickedly and, catching Mariol’s questioning glance, explained:

Well, I rejoice at the consciousness of our submariner.

The friend shook her head and said worriedly:

I, of course, am not against moral triumph over the “enemy,” but don’t you think that this is not what we need to think about now?

Yes,” I immediately became sad. - Advice. I wonder when the “dancing with the elements” will begin? And what does this even look like technically?

As I understand it, these are more like thoughts out loud,” Marie smiled, placed the last bobby pin in her hair and stepped aside. - Well... you're ready.

I sighed and rose from the chair, straightened up and looked at the girl in the reflection. It's funny... Just three months ago, I also stood in front of the mirror in our estate and was very worried before meeting the Guardian. I didn’t know why he came, and I assumed, as I thought then, the worst: that they had decided to marry me off after all. The truth turned out to be much more interesting than the wildest guesses. The girl Alya was taken away to make her an Empress.

I smiled boldly at Alexandra Vir Tollyman. She sent me an answering smile, straightened her ivory dress and raised her chin proudly. The Guardians have not yet received the Empress. But a princess - quite.

Walking through the echoing, deserted corridors of the Golden Palace, I remembered how I first appeared here. Just two months ago, the desperately cowardly bastard princess was walking down this path in the same way. But then she was possessed by completely different emotions. And they looked at her differently. Previously, with hidden disdain, now curiosity and interest increasingly appear in the views of the court predators.

Already on the way to the Hall of Elements, where the Council of Guardians was waiting for me, I cast a casual glance into one of the side corridors. And she met her gaze with eyes the color of malachite. The red-haired man bowed briefly, and I responded with a slight nod and clenched my fingers to keep them from shaking. However, the presence of the “red sun,” as always, gave me strength, and after a few seconds I was calmly entering the hall and there was not the slightest sign of recent nervousness on my face.

“Greetings, gentlemen,” she nodded to the Guardians sitting at the round table.

“Good evening, lady,” a faceless voice rustled, and one of the figures wrapped in a gray robe stood up from behind the table.

Judging by the bright mask, on which the fancy feathers of an unknown bird were painted, it was the Guardian of Dreams, aka Midyar Le-Kinaro, head of the Illusions Department of the Migrants Department and, probably, the only one among the Guardians for whom I had the warmest feelings. Although he is the oldest of all the incarnations of the elements and no less thoughtful than his toothy, blond security colleague. Lyra-Hora, yeah...

While I looked at the Artisan with a smile, the rest of the Guardians also stood up, greeting the princess. She turned her gaze to the frozen gray figures. At least somehow they could only be recognized by their multi-colored masks. Automatically, she caught sight of the blue pattern on Vodnik’s mask and could hardly restrain herself from blushing. Lirwein...

Let me introduce myself. - Three figures stepped forward. First, the man with the red snake on his mask bowed. - Guardian of the Fire.

Guardian of the Earth,” the man in the overlay with a green pattern bowed.

Guardian of the Wind,” the latter finished.

Yeah. As far as I understand, they will not remove their masks. Tradition? I briefly touched my cheek and looked questioningly at Lirwein. He nodded, confirming my conclusions. OK…

I was escorted to a chair and gallantly helped to sit down. She waited until the Guardians took their places, and with all her appearance pretended to be ready to listen. They looked at each other and made eye contact with a man in a white pad with metallic inserts. Asgard. Guardian of Steel. The brain and common sense of the company, which is always “extreme” for this very reason.

I think the reasons for our meeting are known to everyone present, and therefore there is no point in announcing them again,” the Gunsmith began quietly. - Lady, your “dance” is in a month.

Where? - she smiled serenely, squeezing her cold fingers under the table and only thereby betraying her excitement.

Temple of the Elements,” Rowena’s voice sounded melodiously. Svetoch adjusted the hood of her robe and continued: “By the way, “dance” is rather a general expression. It’s just that the first Emperor danced. But the tests are always different. So don't relax, Alexandra.

Wow! Even fairy Ro, adhering to officialdom, addresses me exclusively as “you” and calls me by my full name. And I didn’t plan to relax. After all, they have warned me more than once that the test could be my first and last. If I can stand it, I will be an heiress, and then an Empress. If not... then no.

But I decided myself. Daddy offered a choice. The first reaction was: “What the hell with such alternatives!” Moreover, I expressed all this at the very first audience and I do not regret what I did.

We would also like to discuss with you...

I never found out what exactly Asgard wanted to discuss with me. Because there was a sharp knock, the doors swung open - and, without waiting for permission, Keiran the Shimmering from the White Clan appeared on the threshold. My father's advisor. I wonder what Korshun wanted here?

The man froze for a second, then adjusted his glasses, grabbed his constant folder more conveniently and walked into the Council Chamber.

“Good evening, Shimmering One,” came Lirwein’s cold voice. - What do we owe?

“Greetings to the Council of Guardians,” the newcomer bowed his head. - Today I represent the Emperor here. Due to health reasons, he himself cannot attend.

I don’t want to seem rude,” the Guardian of Water said softly, “but this is the Council of Guardians.” And your presence is unwelcome, lord.

I don’t want to seem intrusive,” Keiran almost repeated Vodnik’s phrase, smiled and once again adjusted his already perfectly fitting glasses, “but the Emperor has the right to be on the Council. And today I represent his interests... and powers. - The brunette raised his right hand, allowing the imperial signet to flash in the light, and continued: - I hope the gentlemen have nothing against it now?

Apparently, the gentlemen had nothing to object to.

I watched with curiosity as the nosy Bely politely refused Ace’s forced offer to sit at the table and settled into a chair by the window. For a moment our eyes met, and I, as at the first meeting, was struck by the cold expression of his amber-brown eyes. True, the eyes behind the glasses barely noticeably sparkled with irony, but the next moment there was no trace of it left. I even wondered if it was just my imagination. After all, glass so often distorts...

“You continue, continue,” said Korshun briskly. - I won't bother you.

I could barely resist shaking my head. Admiringly? Judgmental? I haven't decided yet. On the one hand, one can bow to the arrogance of this eminence grise of the capital, on the other... the guy is on his own mind. Down to the smallest step and shade of emotion in the voice. No, it’s not for nothing that he behaves this way.

Alexandra Cherchen

Different destinies choose us

Beginning of the End

The weather was terrible! The rain lashed the windows, and in the semi-darkness outside the window lightning flashed from time to time and thunder rumbled. The princess, contrary to usual, was now very beautiful.

I sat in front of the mirror and watched with an absent look as my first lady, Lady Mariolle, turned the girl Alya into Princess Alexandra Vere Tollyman. Still, an event such as a meeting of the Guardian Council is worth attending in all its splendor. Especially considering the reason why such remarkable personalities from all sides are found in full force. All eight available! What an honor...

Besides them, today in the palace Hall of the Elements my crowned father will also be present, whom we, unfortunately, could not ignore with the good news that his illegitimate daughter is ready to “dance with the elements.”

Once the Clans learn that the bastard princess will soon become the heir, the game will reach a new level. If, of course, I pass all the tests and gain the power of a full-fledged Guide.

Oh... How complicated everything is. Where is my quiet country life? So sometimes she is missing...

In addition to intense study and games with the Clans, there is also complete discord in his personal life. If, of course, what is available can be called that... There is a red-haired childhood friend who, having reappeared on the horizon, took an important place in my heart. However, it’s more likely that he never left him. Evgran the Flaming, heir to the Scarlet Clan and head of their security service. Red

And the two-faced snowy blond who has been fooling my brains with his masks for two months! And I was tormented by my supposed promiscuity that I liked both the deputy chief of the imperial security service, Lord Hoare, and Guardian Lirvain!

However, while my moral character is in no hurry to “take off”... Previously, I liked three, but now it turns out that there are still two. We cannot count on this trend continuing. And, probably, fortunately. Because both Evgran and Lir-Khor are worthy men.

Lear made a mistake completely by accident, because he never expected that respectable princesses would crawl around the bedrooms of their mentors at the midnight hour. However, this time the mentor behaved in a far from exemplary manner, so I have nothing to show him. Otherwise we will have to raise the topic of the intemperance of some in desires of a certain kind.

I smiled wickedly and, catching Mariol’s questioning glance, explained:

- Well, I rejoice at the consciousness of our submariner.

The friend shook her head and said worriedly:

– I, of course, am not against moral triumph over the “enemy,” but don’t you think that this is not what we need to think about now?

“Yes,” I immediately became sad. - Advice. I wonder when the “dancing with the elements” will begin? And what does this even look like technically?

“As I understand it, these are more like thoughts out loud,” Marie smiled, placed the last bobby pin in her hair and stepped aside. - Well... you're ready.

I sighed and rose from the chair, straightened up and looked at the girl in the reflection. It's funny... Just three months ago, I also stood in front of the mirror in our estate and was very worried before meeting the Guardian. I didn’t know why he came, and I assumed, as I thought then, the worst: that they had decided to marry me off after all. The truth turned out to be much more interesting than the wildest guesses. The girl Alya was taken away to make her an Empress.

I smiled boldly at Alexandra Vir Tollyman. She sent me an answering smile, straightened her ivory dress and raised her chin proudly. The Guardians have not yet received the Empress. But a princess - quite.

Walking through the echoing, deserted corridors of the Golden Palace, I remembered how I first appeared here. Just two months ago, the desperately cowardly bastard princess was walking down this path in the same way. But then she was possessed by completely different emotions. And they looked at her differently. Previously, with hidden disdain, now curiosity and interest increasingly appear in the glances of the court predators.

Already on the way to the Hall of Elements, where the Council of Guardians was waiting for me, I cast a casual glance into one of the side corridors. And she met her gaze with eyes the color of malachite. The red-haired man bowed briefly, I responded with a slight nod and clenched my fingers so that they would not tremble. However, the presence of the “red sun,” as always, gave me strength, and after a few seconds I was calmly entering the hall and there was not the slightest sign of recent nervousness on my face.

“Greetings, gentlemen,” she nodded to the Guardians sitting at the round table.

“Good evening, lady,” a faceless voice rustled, and one of the figures wrapped in a gray robe stood up from behind the table.

Judging by the bright mask, on which the fancy feathers of an unknown bird were painted, it was the Guardian of Dreams, aka Midyar Le-Kinaro, head of the Illusions Department of the Migrants Department and, probably, the only one among the Guardians for whom I had the warmest feelings. Although he is the oldest of all the incarnations of the elements and no less thoughtful than his toothy, blond security colleague. Lyra-Hora, yeah...

While I looked at the Artisan with a smile, the rest of the Guardians also stood up, greeting the princess. She turned her gaze to the frozen gray figures. At least somehow they could only be recognized by their multi-colored masks. Automatically, she caught sight of the blue pattern on Vodnik’s mask and could hardly restrain herself from blushing. Lirwein...

- Let me introduce myself. – Three figures stepped forward. First, the man with the red snake on his mask bowed. - Guardian of the Fire.

“Guardian of the Earth,” the man in the overlay with a green pattern bowed.

“Keeper of the Wind,” the latter finished.

Yeah. As far as I understand, they will not remove their masks. Tradition? I briefly touched my cheek and looked questioningly at Lirwein. He nodded, confirming my conclusions. OK…

I was escorted to a chair and gallantly helped to sit down. She waited until the Guardians took their places, and with all her appearance pretended to be ready to listen. They looked at each other and made eye contact with a man in a white pad with metallic inserts. Asgard. Guardian of Steel. The brain and common sense of the company, which is always “extreme” for this very reason.

“I think the reasons for our meeting are known to everyone present, and therefore there is no point in announcing them again,” the Gunsmith began quietly. – Lady, your “dance” is in a month.

- Where? – she smiled serenely, squeezing her cold fingers under the table and only thereby betraying her excitement.

“Temple of the Elements,” Rowena’s voice sounded melodiously. Svetoch adjusted the hood of her robe and continued: “By the way, “dance” is more of a general expression.” It’s just that the first Emperor danced. But the tests are always different. So don't relax, Alexandra.

Wow! Even fairy Ro, adhering to officialdom, addresses me exclusively as “you” and calls me by my full name. And I didn’t plan to relax. After all, they have warned me more than once that the test could be my first and last. If I can stand it, I will be an heiress, and then an Empress. If not... then no.

But I decided myself. Daddy offered a choice. The first reaction was: “What the hell with such alternatives!” Moreover, I expressed all this at the very first audience and I do not regret what I did.

– We would also like to discuss with you...

Legends of the Primordial Empire - 2

Chapter 1. The beginning of the end.

Never ask for anything!

Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you.

They will offer and give everything themselves!

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

The weather was terrible! The rain lashed the windows, and in the semi-darkness outside the window lightning flashed from time to time and thunder rumbled.

The princess, contrary to sullen custom, was now very beautiful.

I sat in front of the mirror and watched with an absent look as my first lady, Lady Mariolle, turned the girl Alya into Princess Alexandra Vere Tollyman.

Still, an event such as a full gathering of the Guardian Council is worth attending in all its splendor. Especially considering the reason why such remarkable personalities from all sides are gathered in full force. All eight available! What an honor...

In addition to these all-round remarkable individuals, today in the palace Hall of the Elements, my crowned father will also be present, whom, unfortunately, we could not ignore with the good news that his illegitimate daughter is ready to “dance with the elements.”

As soon as the Clans learn that the bastard princess will soon become the Heiress, the game will reach a new level. If, of course, I pass all the tests and gain the power of a full-fledged Guide.

Oh... How complicated everything is. Where is my quiet country life? So sometimes she is missing...

In addition to intense study and games with the Clans, there is also complete discord in his personal life. If, of course, what is available can be called that...

There is a red-haired childhood friend who, having reappeared on the horizon, has taken an important place in my heart. However, it’s more likely that he never left there. Evgran the Flaming, heir to the Scarlet Clan and head of their security service. Red

And the two-faced snowy blond who has been fooling my brains with his masks for two months! And I was tormented by my supposed promiscuity! That I and the Deputy Chief of the Imperial Security Service, Lord Hoare and Guardian Lirvain, like it!

However, while my moral character is in no hurry to take off... I used to like three of them, but now it turns out that there are still two of them. We cannot count on this trend continuing. And, probably, fortunately. Because both Evgran and Lir-Khor are worthy men.

Lear made a mistake in his masquerade completely by accident, because he never expected that respectable princesses would crawl through the bedrooms of their own mentors at the midnight hour. However, the mentor’s behavior this time was by no means exemplary, so I have nothing to show him. Otherwise we will have to raise the topic of the intemperance of some in desires of a certain kind.

I smiled wickedly and, catching Mariol’s questioning glance, answered:

Well, I rejoice at the consciousness of our submariner.

The friend shook her head and said worriedly:

I, of course, am not against moral triumph over the “enemy,” but don’t you think that this is not what we need to think about now?

Yes,” I immediately became sad. - Advice. I wonder when there will be “dances with the elements” themselves? And what does this even look like technically?

As I understand it, these are more like thoughts out loud,” Marie smiled, pinned the last “invisibility” to her hair and stepped aside. - Well... you're ready.

I sighed and got up from the chair. She straightened up and looked at the girl in the reflection. It's funny... Just three months ago, I also stood in front of the mirror in our estate and was very nervous before meeting the Guardian.
