Codes gta 5 ps. Cheat codes for GTA: San Andreas on PlayStation. Time codes in San Andreas

Below are all cheat codes for GTA 5 for the PS4 version of the game, which is not much different from its predecessor, the PS3 version in terms of gameplay, which is why their codes are similar. We are constantly monitoring new codes and cheats and will update this list as soon as they become available, so check this page often or bookmark it!

As always, we do not recommend that you save your game after entering any of the codes below. If you save, then you will not see any achievements, trophies, or other pleasant features of fair play. Use the codes for fun and pleasure, but we do not recommend saving the game.

Also, remember:

- Codes for GTA 5 on PS4 must be entered directly during the game and in right place. For example, trying to spawn a Buzzard helicopter indoors is simply stupid, and no one knows what will come of it;
- All commands “Right”, “Left”, “Up” and “Down” must be entered using a cross;
- The game with the entered codes cannot be saved. This means that if you entered the code and then saved, then after loading the code will not work, you will have to enter it again;
- Codes only work in single player GTA mode 5. These codes will not work in GTA Online.

All codes for GTA 5 on PS4

Codes for GTA 5 on PS4 for immortality,
all weapons, health, armor, money and player effects in GTA 5

This group of codes will help you get ready-made weapon sets and endless
ammunition, restore the health of the main character, and also get fabulously rich,
unlearn how to drown, turn into a real superman or change others
its characteristics.

Code name and description:

Code for immortality (God Mode)

After entering the immortality cheat, your hero will be invulnerable for
5 minutes, after which the code will need to be entered again.

Right, X, Right,
Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Code for money

Unfortunately, the developers did not do code for money in GTA 5, But
from our article you can find out how you can quickly make a lot of money.

Health and armor code

The cheat code replenishes your hero's health and armor levels to the maximum.

Circle, L1, Triangle,
R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
Code for all weapons

After entering this cheat code, your hero will have everything at his disposal
available weapons.

Triangle, R2,
Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
High jump

The longer you hold down the jump button after entering this cheat,
the higher your hero will jump.

Left, Left, Triangle,
Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, R1, R2

After entering this code the hero will become a little drunk.

Triangle, Right,
Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left
Explosive Melee

Enter this cheat and every time your hero hits someone,
explosions will occur.

Right, Left, X,
Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2
Fast run

The hero will start running fast.

Triangle, Left,
Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
Fast swimming

After entering this cheat code, the hero will learn to swim faster than usual.

Left, Left, L1,
Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
Restoring special abilities

A cheat that allows you to fill the yellow special ability scale.

X, X, Square, R1,
L1, X, Right, Left, X
Slow aiming

A very good cheat that allows you to slow down the passage of time when aiming.
You can enter the code four times and each time the time will slow down even more
more, and the fifth time the slowdown will turn off.

Square, L2, R1,
Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X
Skyfall (fall from heaven)

Immediately after activating this cheat, your hero will fly to the skies and begin
fall down. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use a parachute if you fall.
so you will have to enter the code for immortality.

L1, L2, R1, R2,
Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right

Codes for GTA 5 on PS4 for items (parachute), cars,
helicopter and tank in GTA 5

This is probably the most popular group of codes for GTA 5. After entering them, the player
can get a rare vehicle, such as a helicopter, at its disposal
Buzzard or even a tank. Immediately after entering the cheat, the requested vehicle
will fall right on the head of the main character.

Code name and description:

Get Buzzard

A Buzzard combat helicopter appears in front of the hero.

Circle, Circle, L1, Circle,
Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Get Sanchez

A Sanchez motorcycle appears in front of the hero.

Circle, X, L1, Circle,
Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
Get a garbage truck (Trashmaster)

The Trashmaster garbage truck appears in front of the hero.

Circle, R1, Circle, R1,
Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Get Comet

A Comet car appears in front of the hero.

R1, Circle, R2, Right,
L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
Get a Caddy

A Caddy golf car appears in front of the hero.

Circle, L1, Left, R1,
L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
Get Duster

A Duster corn truck appears in front of the hero.

Right, Left, R1,
R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1
Get a Limo Limousine

A Limo limousine appears in front of the hero.

R2, Right, L2, Left,
Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Get Rapid GT

A Rapid GT car appears in front of the hero.

R2, L1, Circle, Right,
L1, R1, Right, Left, Circle, R2
Get PCJ-600

A PCJ-600 motorcycle appears in front of the hero.

R1, Right, Left,
Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
Get a BMX bike

A BMX bike appears in front of the hero.

Left, Left, Right,
Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
Get Stunt Plane

The Stunt Plane appears in front of the hero.

Circle, Right, L1,
L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
Get a parachute

After entering this cheat, the hero will have a parachute.

Left, Right, L1,
L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1

Cheat codes for GTA 5 on PS4 to change the weather and time

This section of codes will help you change the weather conditions (summon sun or thunder), speed up or slow down the passage of time and even change the color of the sky, feeling like a real GTA 5 god!

Code name and description:

Weather change

Each time you enter this code, the weather in the game will change between sunny,
clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast, rainy, thundery and snowy.

R2, X, L1, L1, L2,
L2, L2, Square
Time dilation

Each time you enter this code, the game time will slow down.
The cheat can be entered four times, with the fifth entry the flow of time will return
to the usual state.

Triangle, Left,
Right, Right, Square, R2, R1

Gameplay codes for GTA 5 on PS4

This group of codes contains cheats that directly affect the gameplay of the game, or radically change it. This includes codes to increase and decrease the wanted level in GTA 5.

Code name and description:

Increased wanted level

After entering this cheat, the level of your hero's search by the police will increase.
Few? Enter the code again!

R1, R1, Circle, R2,
Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Wanted level lowered

If you're fed up with cops chasing you, then enter the code at
Lower your wanted level and life will become easier.

R1, R1, Circle, R2,
Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Flaming Bullets

The cheat code will cause your victims to burst into flames immediately after you
you will hit them with weapons.

L1, R1, Square, R1,
Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
Bang Bang (for explosive bullets)

After entering this cheat, the hero will start shooting special bullets that
will explode when hitting a target.

Right, Square, X,
Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
Lunar gravity

This cheat code changes the normal gravity force to one similar to that of
on the moon. The hero's jumps will become longer, and cars will be able to hover above
the ground after a ski jump.

Left, Left, L1,
R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left

Codes for GTA 5 on PS4 for car characteristics, traffic and controls

These cheats will help you upgrade your vehicle. In addition, you can play with traffic and traffic lights, teach boats or cars to fly, make them jump, etc.

Code name and description:

Sliding machines

After entering this code, the cars will begin to slide terribly. Getting into the transport
means, you won’t be able to drive even a hundred meters!

Triangle, R1, R1,
Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
Car repairs

This code must be entered when the hero is in the car. He
will not only repair the car, but also replenish your health and armor reserves

Start, X, Circle, L1,
Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1 (three times), Start

These are all the codes for GTA 5 for PlayStation 4 known to the world on this moment. But if you have some other cheat that is not on our list, then be sure to write to us and we will definitely update this material.

A brief history of PS4 codes for GTA 5

Welcome to a quick guide to cheating in Grand Theft Auto V for Playstation 4! Here you will find the most full list codes for the most new game from legendary developers from Rockstar Games. To avoid misunderstandings, we note right away that the codes used in GTA 5 are very different from those that you can find in other games. Codes in GTA 5 go far beyond the banal “god mode” and “incredible murders.” Rockstar knows how to approach the creation of cheats with style. These are unique, creative, high quality combinations. Rockstar infuses its games with saterical, sparkling humor, so codes are the cornerstone of the comedic madness that happens in the GTA games. If you play GTA V following all the rules, you can spend hundreds of hours playing it. What happens if you use codes? Then this figure will begin to grow exponentially! However, be careful, because these codes are only available in the single-player mode of GTA 5. If you are creating a mess in a world inhabited only by soulless creatures, then do what you want, but if there are others in it as well players, then you should learn some courtesy. And you simply cannot use these codes in GTA Online, since Rocsktar simply disabled them, but we know that this has never stopped the hooligans, so they often find various glitches, exploits and loopholes, but there will always be fewer such people than honest players. In the meantime, developers are trying to maintain peace and tranquility, hastily blocking access to hackers and cheaters who are trying to gain advantages over other players by dishonest methods. The fist of Rocsktar is strong and merciless, so civilians of GTA Online can live in peace, since every day it becomes more and more difficult for cheaters to remain undetected. As for the codes themselves, their range is quite diverse. If you're worried that one code won't be enough to brighten up a boring day in Los Santos, then relax - cheats can be combined the way you want. You have codes at your disposal that affect the hero, revealing to him access to special abilities like super jump or immortality. In addition, you can replenish your ammunition and diversify your range of weapons using the appropriate code. Well, if you are seriously bored in this already fun world, then you can resort to the last but surest method - teleport high into the sky, but without a parachute, of course. You can also change the wanted level, for example, if the cops are really annoying you, then you can reduce their pressure, and if you’re completely angry, then get all the weapons and deal with them once and for all! If introspection is not your thing, then we can offer you codes for environmental changes. You can change the weather in Los Santos to suit your weekend plans without any storm ruining your next bloody showdown. And changing the force of gravity can make many things easier in this world. If you have already figured out where you are going, but you simply have nothing to go there, then don’t worry and just enter the code to get a car or any other transport that will take you to your destination. Remember just one detail - if the wind is blowing in your purses and pockets, then you are really in trouble, because due to the common stock markets in single-player mode and GTA Online, the developers decided to exclude the code for money from the game - it is not in GTA Online!

Codes are entered during the game. After successfully entering the cheat, you will see a corresponding message on the screen. To disable a cheat or enhance its effect, enter it again.

Some of the codes may prevent you from completing the game 100%. It is not recommended to save the game after activating any of the codes listed below.

Codes for health, armor and money in GTA: San Andreas

Full health, body armor and $250,000
You will receive protection from bullets, impacts and fire, but you may die from an explosion, falling from a height or drowning. You can also be hit by a car
Endless breath underwater
Never hungry
Adrenaline mode
Slow down the game and add extra power to hit harder and push cars

Codes for weapons in GTA: San Andreas

Weapon set 1 for fans
Brass knuckles, Bat, 9mm Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can
Weapon Pack 2 for Pros
Knife, Desert Eagle Pistol, Sawn-Off, Tec-9, M4, Sniper rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher
Weapon Pack 3 for Psychos
Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, MP5, M4, RPG, RC Charge
Infinite ammo and shooting without reloading
Maximum proficiency level for all types of weapons
Auto-aim when shooting from a car
After entering this cheat, CJ will be able to conduct accurate targeted shooting from the car

Codes for police attention in GTA: SA

Reduce wanted level
All wanted stars disappear
Freeze wanted level
Wanted level does not increase
Increase your wanted level by 2 stars
Maximum wanted level
6 wanted stars

Codes for attractiveness and statuses in San Andreas

Maximum respect
Maximum attractiveness
Maximum Stamina
Change the skin (model) of the hero

Codes for cars in GTA: SA

Rhino tank
Stunt car
Race car 1
Race car 2
Coffin carrier
Police jeep
Garbage truck
Golf Cart Caddy
Gasoline tanker
Monster Jeep
Jeep Rancher

Codes for airplanes in GTA SANANDRES

Hydra Fighter
Helicopter Hunter
Stunt plane

Codes for other equipment in GTA: San Andreas

Jetpack (jet backpack)
Get a parachute

Codes for car characteristics and traffic in GTA: SA

Maximum skill in driving all vehicles
All cars have nitro
Its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car
Blow up all vehicles
All cars in the player's field of vision will fly into the air
Invisible machines
All vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels are visible on the cars
Perfect control
Press L3 to jump
Traffic lights are always green
Cars go faster
Aggressive drivers
Drivers and their passengers engage in shootouts with police
Pink cars
Black cars
Cars fly
Once you accelerate the car, you can take off. Airplane-like controls
Cars drive on water
Boats fly
All boats and yachts fly, although you can’t fly high on a yacht, because... she's too heavy
Expensive cars everywhere
Cheap cars everywhere
All the cars and people are from the countryside
Cars fly off in a collision
Death machine
Vehicle - tank: destroys any vehicle it touches

Weather codes for GTA: San Andreas

Sunny clear weather
Very sunny weather
Cloudy weather
Rainy weather
Foggy weather
Hurricane with thunderstorm

Time codes in San Andreas

Speed ​​up game time
Speed ​​up game process
Slow down gameplay
Can be administered several times to enhance the effect
Always midnight
The clock stops at 00:00. The weather will suddenly change. Death will advance and stop the clock at 12:00
Orange sky
After a quick weather change, the sky will be orange and the time will be set to 21:00

Codes for gameplay in GTA: SA

Passers-by fight with each other
Everybody's got a gun
Pedestrians attack you
Pedestrians attack you with weapons
Commit suicide
Gangs control the streets
The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions who are skirmishing without respite.
Bandits are everywhere
Gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas)
My streets
All the streets are under the influence of your gang
Elvises are everywhere
Elvis Presley lookalikes walk the streets
Beach party
All the people are dressed like they are on the beach. CJ wears shorts. All transport in beach style
Ninjas are everywhere
Exchanges pedestrians for Asians with katanas. Most vehicles are black motorcycles
Magnet for girls
The streets are filled with girls of easy virtue with dildos who are drawn to the main character, do not hesitate to get into his car and protect him from ill-wishers
Prostitutes pay you
Instead of you paying them
Country theme
On the streets you will only find creaking village carts and villagers
Chaos Mode
Pedestrians become rowdy, as if latest missions game campaign. Houses are burning, people are stealing TVs
Cloot theme
Pedestrians become fast food workers and clowns. CJ in shorts and a clown mask
Super Jumps
Super Punch
BMX jumping
You can jump even higher on BMX bikes
No pedestrians, little traffic
Accept a pedestrian with a 9mm Pistol into the gang
Pedestrians receive a 9mm pistol if they do not already have one.
Accept a pedestrian with a Grenade Launcher into the gang
Pedestrians receive a grenade launcher

Below is a list cheat codes for GTA 5 for PlayStation 3 version of the game.
It turned out that Rockstar decided to return to GTA times San Andreas(codes
for GTA San Andreas), so codes now need to be entered not via mobile
phone, and the old fashioned way - using the joystick buttons. Owners of pirated versions
GTA 5 for PS3 discovered their existence shortly before the official release of the game.

As always, we do not recommend that you save your game after entering any of the codes below. If you save, then you will not see any achievements, trophies, or other pleasant features of fair play. Use the codes for fun and pleasure, but we do not recommend saving the game.

Also, remember:

- Codes for GTA 5 must be entered directly during the game and in the right place. For example, trying to spawn a Buzzard helicopter indoors is simply stupid, and no one knows what will come of it;
- All commands “Right”, “Left”, “Up” and “Down” must be entered using a cross;
- The game with the entered codes cannot be saved. This means that if you entered the code and then saved, then after loading the code will not work, you will have to enter it again;
- The codes only work in GTA 5 single player mode. These codes will not work in GTA Online.

Trainers are better than codes

Using codes can ruin your saves! Download a special program (trainer) to get even more opportunities for cheating without harming your saves.

All codes for GTA 5 on PlayStation 3

Codes for GTA 5 on PS3 for immortality,
all weapons, health, armor, money and player effects in GTA 5

This group of codes will help you get ready-made weapon sets and endless
ammunition, restore the health of the main character, and also get fabulously rich,
unlearn how to drown, turn into a real superman or change others
its characteristics.

Code name and description:

Code for immortality (God Mode)

After entering the immortality cheat, your hero will be invulnerable for
5 minutes, after which the code will need to be entered again.

Right, X, Right,
Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Code for money

Unfortunately, the developers did not do code for money in GTA 5, But
from our article you can find out how you can quickly make a lot of money.

Health and armor code

The cheat code replenishes your hero's health and armor levels to the maximum.

Circle, L1, Triangle,
R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
Code for all weapons

After entering this cheat code, your hero will have everything at his disposal
available weapons.

Triangle, R2,
Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
High jump

The longer you hold down the jump button after entering this cheat,
the higher your hero will jump.

Left, Left, Triangle,
Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, R1, R2

After entering this code the hero will become a little drunk.

Triangle, Right,
Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left
Explosive Melee

Enter this cheat and every time your hero hits someone,
explosions will occur.

Right, Left, X,
Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2
Fast run

The hero will start running fast.

Triangle, Left,
Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
Fast swimming

After entering this cheat code, the hero will learn to swim faster than usual.

Left, Left, L1,
Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
Restoring special abilities

A cheat that allows you to fill the yellow special ability scale.

X, X, Square, R1,
L1, X, Right, Left, X
Slow aiming

A very good cheat that allows you to slow down the passage of time when aiming.
You can enter the code four times and each time the time will slow down even more
more, and the fifth time the slowdown will turn off.

Square, L2, R1,
Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X
Skyfall (fall from heaven)

Immediately after activating this cheat, your hero will fly to the skies and begin
fall down. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use a parachute if you fall.
so you will have to enter the code for immortality.

L1, L2, R1, R2,
Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right

Codes for GTA 5 on PS3 for items (parachute), cars,
helicopter and tank in GTA 5

This is probably the most popular group of codes for GTA 5. After entering them, the player
can get a rare vehicle, such as a helicopter, at its disposal
Buzzard or even a tank. Immediately after entering the cheat, the requested vehicle
will fall right on the head of the main character.

Code name and description:

Get Buzzard

A Buzzard combat helicopter appears in front of the hero.

Circle, Circle, L1, Circle,
Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Get Sanchez

A Sanchez motorcycle appears in front of the hero.

Circle, X, L1, Circle,
Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
Get a garbage truck (Trashmaster)

The Trashmaster garbage truck appears in front of the hero.

Circle, R1, Circle, R1,
Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Get Comet

A Comet car appears in front of the hero.

R1, Circle, R2, Right,
L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
Get a Caddy

A Caddy golf car appears in front of the hero.

Circle, L1, Left, R1,
L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
Get Duster

A Duster corn truck appears in front of the hero.

Right, Left, R1,
R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1
Get a Limo Limousine

A Limo limousine appears in front of the hero.

R2, Right, L2, Left,
Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Get Rapid GT

A Rapid GT car appears in front of the hero.

R2, L1, Circle, Right,
L1, R1, Right, Left, Circle, R2
Get PCJ-600

A PCJ-600 motorcycle appears in front of the hero.

R1, Right, Left,
Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
Get a BMX bike

A BMX bike appears in front of the hero.

Left, Left, Right,
Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
Get Stunt Plane

The Stunt Plane appears in front of the hero.

Circle, Right, L1,
L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
Get a parachute

After entering this cheat, the hero will have a parachute.

Left, Right, L1,
L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1

Cheat codes for GTA 5 on PS3 to change the weather and time

This section of codes will help you change the weather conditions (summon sun or thunder), speed up or slow down the passage of time and even change the color of the sky, feeling like a real GTA 5 god!

Code name and description:

Weather change

Each time you enter this code, the weather in the game will change between sunny,
clear, cloudy, foggy, overcast, rainy, thundery and snowy.

R2, X, L1, L1, L2,
L2, L2, Square
Time dilation

Each time you enter this code, the game time will slow down.
The cheat can be entered four times, with the fifth entry the flow of time will return
to the usual state.

Triangle, Left,
Right, Right, Square, R2, R1

Gameplay codes for GTA 5 on PS3

This group of codes contains cheats that directly affect the gameplay of the game, or radically change it. This includes codes to increase and decrease the wanted level in GTA 5.

Code name and description:

Increased wanted level

After entering this cheat, the level of your hero's search by the police will increase.
Few? Enter the code again!

R1, R1, Circle, R2,
Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Wanted level lowered

If you're fed up with cops chasing you, then enter the code at
Lower your wanted level and life will become easier.

R1, R1, Circle, R2,
Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Flaming Bullets

The cheat code will cause your victims to burst into flames immediately after you
you will hit them with weapons.

L1, R1, Square, R1,
Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
Bang Bang (for explosive bullets)

After entering this cheat, the hero will start shooting special bullets that
will explode when hitting a target.

Right, Square, X,
Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
Lunar gravity

This cheat code changes the normal gravity force to one similar to that of
on the moon. The hero's jumps will become longer, and cars will be able to hover above
the ground after a ski jump.

Left, Left, L1,
R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left

Codes for GTA 5 on PS3 for car characteristics, traffic and controls in GTA 5

These cheats will help you upgrade your vehicle. In addition, you can play with traffic and traffic lights, teach boats or cars to fly, make them jump, etc.

Code name and description:

Sliding machines

After entering this code, the cars will begin to slide terribly. Getting into the transport
means, you won’t be able to drive even a hundred meters!

Triangle, R1, R1,
Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
Car repairs

This code must be entered when the hero is in the car. He
will not only repair the car, but also replenish your health and armor reserves

Start, X, Circle, L1,
Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1 (three times), Start

These are all the codes for GTA 5 for PlayStation 3 known to the world at the moment. But if you
If you have any other cheat that is not on our list, be sure to write
us and we will definitely update this material.

Code conversion table for GTA 5

With this table you can convert Xbox 360 version of GTA 5 codes to
codes for PlayStation 3 version of the game. The table shows the correspondence of console keys
each other. Thus, knowing the codes for the Xbox 360 version of GTA 5 using the table
you can use them on the PS3 version of the game - you just need to find the appropriate ones

Button on Xbox 360

Button on PlayStation 3:

B Circle
Y Triangle
X Square
R.B. R1

We present to your attention the newest and most popular codes for GTA 5 on PlayStation 3, which you can get from this page without any material costs. Codes add madness and zest to the game, using them makes playing much more interesting. using any code you can break some stereotype and prove to the whole world that you were right...

Naturally, this list of codes is not complete; in the future it will be replenished with new codes, so stay tuned! I would like to note that these codes will work in single player mode of GTA 5, they will not work in multiplayer and GTA Online!

The following are currently available codes for GTA 5 on PlayStation 3:

Main character:
- Get weapons: Triangle, R2, ←, L1, X, →, Triangle, ↓, Square, L1(3x)
- Maximum health and armor: Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, →, Square, L1(3x)
- Immortality (code valid for 5 minutes): →, X, →, ←, →, R1, →, ←, X, Triangle
- Lower wanted level: R1, R1, O, R2, →, ←, →, ←, →, ←
- Increase your wanted level: R1, R1, O, R2, ←, →, ←, →, ←, →
- Explosive Melee Attack: →, ←, X, Triangle, R1, O, O, O, L2
- “Drunk” mode: Triangle, →, →, ←, →, Square, O, ←
- Fast run: Triangle, ←, →, →, L2, L1, Square
- Get Parachute: ←, →, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, ←, ←, →, L1
- Explosive Shot: Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
- Incendiary ammo: L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
- Restore special abilities: X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X
- Aim Slow: Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X

- Fall from the sky: L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
- You will be reborn in the sky

- Buzzard (helicopter): O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, O, Triangle
- Comet (sports car): R1, O, R2, →, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
- Limo (limo): R2, →, L2, ←, ←, R1, L1, O, →
- Sanchez (dirt bike): O, X, L1, O, O, L1, O, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
- Trashmaster (garbage truck): O, R1, O, R1, ←, ←, R1, L1, O, →
- Stunt Plane (airplane): O, →, L1, L2, ←, R1, L1, L1, ←, ←, X, Triangle
- Caddy (golf cart): O, L1, ←, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X
- Rapid GT (sports car): R2, L1, O, →, L1, R1, →, ←, O, R2
- Duster (fertilizer plane): →, ←, R1, R1, R1, ←, Triangle, Triangle, X, O, L1, L1
- PCJ (racing motorcycle): R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
- BMX (bicycle): Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2

Game world:
- Change the weather (there is snow!): R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
- Cars will become sliding: Triangle, R1, R1, ←, R1, L1, R2, L1
- Time dilation: Triangle, ←, →, →, Square, R2, R1
- Enter up to 4 times to increase the effect, on the 5th entry it will turn off
- Lunar gravity: Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left

We recommend that you do not save the game after using any code, as saving the game will not leave you with any achievements or trophies. We advise you to refrain from using codes, but if you still cannot, then use codes only for fun!

In GTA 5, intended for previous generation consoles, codes must be entered directly in the game itself using a controller, but on modern consoles and PCs, the developers have added the ability to add cheats using an in-game smartphone. However, on a PC there is another way - using the console.

How to enable the console to enter cheats and codes in GTA V?

The most convenient way, of course, is to enter cheats Grand Theft Auto V using the console, that is, on a PC. Still, constantly taking out your smartphone and clicking on its buttons is not very convenient. You can call the console by pressing just one key - the tilde (~), located directly under the Esc key.

After entering the required code, simply press Enter. This also applies to entering cheats on a smartphone. True, the first thing you have to do is take out this very mobile device and go to a certain section. To do this, you need to click on the “up” arrow (button), and then go to “contacts”. Next, click on the space bar. A menu for entering a cheat code should appear on the gadget screen.

It's worth knowing that your environment must comply with the code, meaning you won't be able to, for example, call a plane indoors - don't even try. In addition, all these cheats do not work in GTA Online. You can only use them in the single player campaign of GTA 5.

Note: activating cheats in GTA V will disable all achievements, meaning you will no longer be able to receive achievements. So we strongly advise you not to save after adding codes.

List of GTA V codes and cheats

Main characters

  • Cheat for money - unfortunately, it is not available in the game. However, you can use the trainer for GTA V (version v1.0.944.2). Just place it in your main game directory. You can also use it to summon a tank. For a more recent version of the game (v1.0.1290.1), you can download the trainer.
  • Invulnerability (5 minutes duration) – 1-999-724-4654-5537 (PAINKILLER)
  • Increases the health and body armor scale to the maximum values ​​- 1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)
  • Increases the wanted parameter by 1 star – 1-999-3844-8483 (FUGITIVE)
  • Reduces wanted rate by 1 star – 1-999-5299-3787 (LAWYERUP)
  • Bomb Punch (the enemy literally shatters into pieces when you attack with your fists) - 1-999-4684-2637 (HOTHANDS)
  • Activate state of intoxication - 1-999-547-861 (LIQUOR)
  • Endless Fast Run – 1-999-228-8463 (CATCHME)
  • Endless Fast Swim – 1-999-468-44557 (GOTGILLS)
  • High jumps – 1-999-467-86-48 (HOPTOIT)
  • Instant recovery of special abilities - 1-999-769-3787 (POWERUP)
  • Fall from a Great Height – 1-999-759-3255 (SKYFALL)
  • Slow down the passage of time while aiming (this effect is enhanced up to 4 times) – 1-999-332-3393 (DEADEYE)

Weapons and Effects

  • Get all the guns – TOOLUP (1-999-8665-87)
  • Flammable Projectiles - INCENDIARY (1-999-462-363-4279)
  • Explosive Projectiles – HIGHEX (1-999-444-439)

Cars and repairs

  • Sports car Comet – 1-999-266-38 (COMET)
  • Rapid GT Sports Car – 1-999-727-4348 (RAPIDGT)
  • Limo Limo – 1-999-846-39663 (VINEWOOD)
  • Garbage Truck – 1-999-872-433 (TRASHED)
  • Golf Cart – 1-999-4653-46-1 (HOLEIN1)
  • Drifting Cars – 1-999-766-9329 (SNOWDAY)
  • Instant Car Repair (must be used inside the car) – 1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)

Motorcycles and bicycles

  • Sports bike PCJ – 1-999-762-538 (ROCKET)
  • Rally Bike – 1-999-633-7629 (OFFROAD)
  • Bicycle – 1-999-226-348 (BANDIT)

Airplanes and helicopters

  • Combat Helicopter – 1-999-289-9633 (BUZZOFF)
  • Corn - 1-999-359-77729 (FLYSPRAY)
  • Airplane for performing stunts in the air - 1-999-2276-78676 (BARNSTORM)

Special vehicles

  • Armored car – 1-999-3328-4227 (DEATHCAR)
  • Submarine - 1-999-282-2537 (BUBBLES)
  • Seaplane – 1-999-398-4628 (EXTINCT)
  • Go Go Monkey Bista Machine – 1-999-282-2537 (BUBBLES)


  • Changes in weather conditions - 1-999-625-348-7246 (MAKEITRAIN)
  • Reducing gravity (to levels of the Moon) – 1-999-356-2837 (FLOATER)
  • Slow down the passage of time (you can increase the effect up to 3 times) – 1-999-756-966 (SLOWMO)


  • Get a parachute – 1-999-759-3483 (SKYDIVE)

Non-standard cheats

  • Black Phone Access and Air Explosion - 1-999-367-3767 (EMPDROP)
