When will the rast be released? Game development in Rust. My history. Minimum System Requirements

Imagine Minecraft without blocks, DayZ without zombies, and Stalker without anomalies. Introduced? Now mix all this together with similar sandboxes (like Stranded) and you get something vaguely reminiscent of Rust.

The main genre of the game is survivalMMO. To survive, you must clearly understand the line of your behavior, the tactics of the game and, depending on these tactics, act. And act harshly and ruthlessly. It is in Rust that you can play either a carefree farmer or an evil and cunning scoundrel who is just waiting to take away honestly acquired property from others.

In other words, the game forces the player to actually survive, motivating him to learn crafting recipes, various tactics and form groups. Complete freedom of choice. Rust does not limit the player in any way.

And there are a variety of players in Rust. Get ready for the fact that most of them will be against you s, and only with the help of a group of friends (well, or high skill in playing alone) will you be able to survive, developing along the way.

The psychology of in-game relationships deserves professional sociological research. Don't be surprised if the first person you meet tries to attack you and take what little you have. Of course, there are experienced players too, but they are in the minority. These are the people who will help you hunt, build shelters and develop. But still, the developers recommend reading the F.A.Q before starting, or looking through the specialized Wiki for the game Rust.

WITH technical side the emphasis was clearly on ease of use, reducing and optimizing the cost of computer resources. The developers, indie studio Facepunch, creators of the acclaimed Garry’sMod, decided to take the path of least resistance.

The use of the Unity Engine, coupled with frequent (last February 11, 2014) updates to the current Alpha version (on which the game is currently being developed) indicate continuous work on the project. And it pleases.

Moreover, the project pleases not only ordinary people - sales of even the raw Alpha version of Rust have already reached 4 million copies. The developers themselves never cease to be amazed at such phenomenal success. As one of the creators, Harry Newman, put it in an interview with GamesIndustry: “We gave the players funds. The players built their own world. The success simply exceeded all our expectations".

As you know, since its release in December 2013, the game is undergoing significant changes, although it is in the alpha stage. The developers do not indicate exactly when the full version of the Rust game will be released, but, obviously, the full version will only be released after many updates (the nearest of which is April 7, 2014), passing the Beta stage along the way.

As proof of the obvious uncertainty regarding the release date full version Rust can give an interesting reaction from the Facepunch studio workers. The abundance of spam and trolling for questions about when the full version of the game Rust will be released only causes the account of the person who asked to be blocked on the official forum.

Let's hope that official sources will provide information about the release of the full version in the near future!

Every day, technical support for the Steam digital store usually receives from users related to refunds for games. It would be logical to assume that a considerable part of these requests are for games in early access, the number of which is steadily growing, but the situation is better than it might seem. At least Rust is one of the most popular games in Steam Early Access - lost only $4.3 million in returns, which is equivalent to 6% of sales. About this the founder of the Facepunch studio Gary Newman (Garry Newman) told in your microblog.

Since the release of Rust on December 11, 2013, 329,970 copies of the game have been refunded to users. According to Newman, the most common complaint from gamers asking for refunds was that the game was poorly optimized and wasn't engaging. The developer named both claims "very fair" and admitted that "completely understands" such gamers, because Rust is not easy to master mechanics and is demanding of the player.

“I think people are using game refunds as a replacement for demos.”“,” Newman said in an interview with a PCGamesN journalist. “Overall, it seems to me that thanks to the ability of users to get money back on the game, we have only increased our profits.”“, the game designer added, referring to people who buy a dubious game with the expectation of a return, but subsequently decide not to exercise this right.

According to official data, by March 2017, cumulative sales of Rust exceeded 5.2 million copies. According to SteamSpy, on this moment Over 5.5 million copies have been sold, but it is possible that the service simply does not deduct returned copies from sales. In the future, Newman plans to create a section on the studio’s official website that will display Rust sales statistics. Recent user reviews for the game are described as "mostly positive" and overall user reviews as "very positive".

According to official Steam statistics, on June 29, technical support staff received 205.7 thousand requests from users in the “Refund” category. An unusually high number of such requests are related to the summer sale, which ends on July 5th. June 23, the day after

Rust is a popular survival simulator with a very developed production system and fun developers.

The game became one of the first successful clones - developer Harry Newman decided to combine the unexpectedly “popular” concept of survival with elements of production and construction from Minecraft. The hero starts the game with almost with bare hands, as well as a set of basic drawings - if you get resources, then with their help you can create everything you need for life. Over time, you can find more advanced blueprints to create cool equipment for yourself.

The main character in Rust can die from hunger, hypothermia, and animals. The game originally included zombies, but they were later removed to make the project less like DayZ. But the main danger in Rust is other players - like in DayZ, there is no limit on battles between players. At the same time, you can take all the property of the deceased for yourself, so in Rust you can easily die because of some valuable thing. However, this social game- people gather in clans to protect themselves from enemies, as well as to create the coolest things. However, it is not always possible to completely trust other players - cases when a friend kills you in the back are not uncommon in Rust. Sometimes it comes to funny situations - for example, for some time there was a .

Rust also has a place for construction. To protect their belongings, even single people in Rust build small houses with a confusing layout of rooms and doors. Well, more experienced players prefer towers, where valuables are hidden on the highest floors. Rust was even included in the list compiled by our site, made by players.

You can fight in Rust using melee weapons, bows and primitive guns. Another interesting mechanic is supply boxes that are dropped by parachute from the air. They are visible from afar, so all nearby players rush to the place where the valuables fall - and as a result, everything often ends in a big brawl.

It is worth noting the unusual approach of the developers to creating characters. Initially, Rust featured only men, and the player could customize their appearance. Then your appearance began to be determined automatically based on the player’s Steam ID - and if the game “decided” to make you dark-skinned, then nothing can be changed. well and last step was the introduction of female characters into the game, and belonging to one or another gender is also determined automatically. To the protests of those players who do not want to become women, the developers responded simply - in real life We didn't choose gender, so it might be the same way in the game.

This review relates to the game Rust Legacy and is narrated in a convenient and understandable form - according to the components of the game. First, all the graphical nuances are considered, then physics, gameplay, sound and plot, and finally the result. And also, I present the review in a way that is convenient for me, and, I hope, for people too, from gamer to gamer, from heart to heart. So no need for drool and splashes of bile. Go!

The computer game Rust or simply Rust is a newcomer to the market of video games in the survival-action genre from the developers of Garry’s Mod based on Half-Life 2. Garry Newman leads a small group of people who create this product. Looking ahead, talented people.

They wanted to do something similar to Day Z (), but later they added crafting, resource extraction, hunting (as if borrowed from Minecraft), removed zombies, saying that they did not want to completely copy Day Z =)

Description of the game Rust Legacy

This table contains short description Rust Legacy games.

Current stage: Alpha - Active Development (Early Access)
Alpha release date: December 2013
Developer: Facepunch Studios
Location: Bloxwich, Walsall, West Midlands, England, UK
Website: http://playrust.com
Link to the game on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/252490/
Game Features: First person, multiplayer only, survival
Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX
How much does the game Rust cost (in Russia): $19.99 (419 rubles)
Game engine: Unity3D
Twitter: @playrust
Facebook: facepunchrust
Press contacts:

Game Rust, trailer

Minimum System Requirements

The game can be run on frankly old hardware, the picture will be more modest, but it’s possible! Well, if you have a strong modern computer, turn the settings to maximum and enjoy. More.

  • OS: Windows XP
  • CPU: 2 GHz
  • 4 GB random access memory
  • 1 GB on your hard drive
  • Video card: Any with 512 MB of memory
  • Sound card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX Version: 9.0
  • Net: Broadband Internet connection
  • Keyboard, mouse
  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8
  • CPU: 3 GHz
  • 8 GB random access memory
  • 2 GB on your hard drive
  • Video card: Any with 1 Gb of memory
  • Sound card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX Version: 11
  • Net: Broadband Internet connection
  • Keyboard, mouse

Review of graphics in the game Rust

It's a new time. There are prohibitively high demands on games, everything must shine, and graphics are perhaps the most important according to the new generation of gamers. Although we are not one of those people and love games for their game process, for the plot, for the idea and only then look at the picture... old people. But we are also forced to keep up with the times and current trends, and therefore we start with graphics.

The game Rust produces an excellent picture. The most beautiful sunsets and sunrises, recently very beautiful water, sky, mountains. Sometimes I log into the game just to admire the sunset on the roof of a newly built fort.

Sunset in Rast

A lot of players are used to it, but our opinion is that you shouldn’t do this! You can’t turn off such a beautifully realized herb! It is a crime! The grass sways, cloud shadows run across it, you can hide in it, it creates a realistic effect. By removing it, players lose a huge portion of the presence effect.

Grass to grow

The game is written in the Unity engine. And, as we know, he can produce very decent landscapes! The animation of characters and animals, although it looks a little clumsy, is still at a decent level. Moreover, the developers regularly “finish” the game and improve the animation and graphics in general.

In an earlier version of our Rust review, our rating for Rust's graphics was 7. Everything was great, but not perfect, and there was a lack of detail and attention to detail. Now, after what was done with the experimental version, this score can be increased by 1. Total, for graphics – 8 . But I would also like more realistic explosions, weather effects, and changing seasons. And in general, the maximum score (10) can only be given to a game that shows on the monitor screen the same thing that we see outside the window... Yes, this is nitpicking, the game displays an excellent picture on the monitor screen!

Review of physics in the game Rust

The final score at the end of our Rust review, taking into account the impressions experienced and despite some shortcomings, is 9 points! In advance. Thank you, Harry!

Rust is the brainchild of Facepunch Studios. The main idea of ​​the game is survival. Like DayZ, Minecraft or Stalker, RUST will take place in an extremely hostile environment in which you will have to survive or possibly thrive.

I will live!

The main goal of the game is to, starting with only a stone in your hands, carve out a place in the sun for yourself. To do this you will need to collect a variety of resources. For example, firewood can be obtained from trees or bundles of firewood, rocks and ore can be obtained from large boulders. Then you can try to create more advanced tools for yourself, for example, from wood and stone you will get an ax, which will allow you to collect materials much faster.

You will need food. You can hunt a variety of animals presented in the game. Bears and wolves can pose a great danger to novice players. And wild boars, chickens, rabbits and deer will simply run away from you. After you kill an animal, resources such as meat and leather can be collected from its corpse. Next, you can make a fire from wood and cook meat on the fire. You'll end up with good food and a better chance of survival.

I want to live!

When reviewing Rust, I would like to talk about the main dangers. In the game you will face two main dangers - the environment and people.

Rust is a multiplayer game, so it's not the animals you have to worry about, but other players who are also trying to survive. Unfortunately for you, they may try to survive at your expense, find your hideout and try to kill you, taking all your belongings in the process. Luckily for you, you can defend yourself and try to resist the bandits. The best thing is to make friends with other players and help each other survive. The world of RUST is teeming with dangers, so you better find some companions.

The environment in the game is extremely hostile. Bears and wolves will chase you and will definitely kill you if they catch up with you. Falling from a great height will leave you no chance. Exposure to radiation is also not recommended, you risk turning into a walking corpse. Starvation or hypothermia can also kill you pretty quickly.

What is Rust?

The game started out as a DayZ clone. The developers liked the idea of ​​DayZ, but were very upset when they tried to play it. They decided what they could do similar game in less than a month. Four months later we got Rust. Continuing the review of Rust, I would like to quote the words of the game developers.

Developers say

"It became very clear that DayZ had a huge populated world, but we couldn't justify spending time on creating cities and towns, different buildings, furniture and so on. We decided that the world should be empty, the users should build these buildings themselves .Joining another server is like entering another world. Therefore, the game will develop completely differently.

Around this time we came to the conclusion that we were tired of zombies. After looking at the game, we decided we didn't even need them. There are already enough ways to die. Thus, a large number of zombies left the game, only a few remained."

This Rust review is coming to an end, but before you head out to play, you might want to take a look at the minimum and recommended system requirements Rust.
