When the game shadow fight 2 came out. The history of the creation of Shadow Fight games. How developers choose when to release

Coming soon to mobile platforms and computers long awaited game shadow fight 3. The novelty promises to be a big breakthrough in the series of fighting games Shadow Fight. Before the release of Shadow Fight 3 on Android and other platforms, we decided to remember how one of the most popular mobile games - Shadow Fight 2 and its browser predecessor began. Read under the cut.

How it all began

Strange as it may seem, but Evgeny Dyabin, today's general producer and technical director of the Nekki studio, came up with the concept of the Shadow Fight game back in 2001 in his student years. Then Dyabin was a big fan of the films of the Matrix series, where the fight scenes were performed on high level. The developer wanted to implement something similar in his game.

Roughly speaking, Evgeny Dyabin wanted to make a game with fights from The Matrix. Then the story of the so-called Shadow Fight 0 began - this is how Dyabin called the game on which he had been working since 2001. Then they managed to add smooth animations to the game, fights with interesting tricks, including wall running, as well as accurate hitboxes (model collisions).

Fights in Shadow Fight and scenes from The Matrix

The concept of shadows (black skins of characters) was chosen not based on the plot or style of the ninja, but simply because of the ease of implementation. Tritely did not want to draw detailed models.

In 2002, Evgeny Dyabin opens the Nekki studio, with which he will release many game projects(mostly browser games). At the same time, the development of Shadow Fight 0 is postponed indefinitely. And only after 10 years the studio will return to the “Shadow Fight”.

Shadow Fight in browsers

Somewhere in 2009-2010, the Nekki studio, headed by Evgeny Dyabin, returns to the development of Shadow Fight (Shadow Fight) - a fighting game for browsers in in social networks. The game has been heavily modified to fit the realities " happy farms” on social networks, but the basic concept has not changed - it was all the same fights with cool tricks and smooth animations.

The game implemented fights between two players, a map with several levels, a small plot, and even tournaments. To participate in the latter, one had to pay in-game currency. In addition, over time, the developers have added those integral parts of Shadow Fight, which will later appear in the second part - bosses and weapons.

Titan fight in Shadow Fight

Weapons could be bought or earned as you progressed, and bosses were offered to fight in co-op mode with other players. The final boss of the game - Titan - guarded the very Gates of Shadows, behind which there were new locations.

After that, Nekki will release their first mobile game- , where some things from Shadow Fight will find application. And then the developers will take on the second part of the Shadow Fight.

Shadow Fight 2 - mobile boom

After the great success of the usual "browser" studio Nekki starts the development of Shadow Fight 2, which will eventually get huge popularity on smartphones and tablets. The main goal for the developers was to provide deep and interesting gameplay with long progression and leveling. They wanted to make the game hardcore and simple at the same time.

The main idea remains the same - beautiful and spectacular fights between shadows with weapons. The controls for the touch screens were quite simple: one joystick for movement and three buttons for kicking, punching, and performing a special move (magic or throwing). Despite the fact that the graphics in the original Shadow Fight were flat (2D), the second part was much more beautiful than its predecessor. Animations have been polished, backgrounds on locations have become more picturesque, art for characters and other elements has become much better.

Titan in Shadow Fight 2

One of the big innovations was a full-fledged map, on which the player progressed like a story. At the end of each chapter, a boss waited for the player. By the way, the same titan remained in the second part - there he also guarded the Gates of Shadows. After main character passes through the Shadow Gate, the game is officially cleared as the character returns to normal and the shadow is separated from him.

To reach the end, you need to go through 7 demons, each of which has five bodyguards. Thus, the game is stretched for quite a long time. This is exactly what the developers wanted. Also in Shadow Fight 2, a lot of emphasis was placed on a variety of weapons. There were really a lot of different blades, swords and shurikens in the second part. As always, they could be bought for money or earned for passing. Along with a large arsenal, there is magic that enchants weapons. Thus, additional effects can be obtained. The system of upgrades and progress was spied on in the popular mobile race CSR Racing.

Shadow control Fight 2

You can play Shadow Fight 2 for a very long time without getting bored. Despite this, the game has lost many multiplayer features and co-op - the costs of mobile platforms. The full release of Shadow Fight 2 on Android and iOS took place in 2014. The game was later released on Windows and macOS. Back in 2016, developers reported over 150 million unique players.

Shadow Fight 3: 2D to 3D

The third game will be a big leap for the series. Firstly, it will be released on consoles, and secondly, the game will be translated into 3D graphics. Despite the full-fledged graphics, those same shadows will not go anywhere. Characters during the battle will be able to transform into shadows to perform cool tricks. Combat in normal form will be realistic, and when switching to shadow mode, the characters will fly, run along walls and perform other unrealistic stunts.

They promise the return of a full-fledged multiplayer from the browser-based first part. Online battles will be implemented in the following way: there are six players on both sides of the battle (3 in one team); they take turns fighting and everyone can watch the others fight. You can also expect a similar co-op, with three players fighting one boss and his minions.

The transition to 3D will allow you to develop one of the most important components of the game - equipment. Now the player will finally be able to see weapons, armor, helmets and other items on his character. By the way, the items will turn into collectible cards. Animations will become more colorful and voluminous.

Pumping will become variable. The player will be able to combine three combat schools: Dynasty (dexterous), Legion (strong) and Heralds (precise). Thus, each player will be able to create a unique character with their own set of abilities and characteristics.

When will Shadow Fight 3 be released?

The last time news from the developers of Shadow Fight 3 came in April 2016. Then it was reported that the third part will be released in the fall of 2016. Thus, we can expect that Shadow Fight 3 for Android will be released in October or November.

Shadow Fight 3 Upgrade

For fans next year, the developers have prepared as many as three surprises.

To begin with, Nekki is going to complete the story part, and the final, seventh, chapter will appear in the game in the winter of 2019.

But in fact, these are just little things, because they are going to introduce two whole modes into the game. The first is synchronous PvP, in which players will be able to fight each other in real time. The opponent can be either friends or a random person from the Internet.

The second mode should be known to you from "Shadow Fight 2" - "Raid". In it, players will be able to unite in clans, communicate with each other and plan joint attacks on bosses.

Most likely, they will come up with something else over time, but for now let's move on to the announcements of new games.

"Shadow Fight Arena"

The first game will focus on PvP and will have the ability to collect ready-made characters from Shadow Fight 3 with certain equipment, statistics and send them into 3v3 battles in the arena. In case of winning the leagues, the player will receive new characters, skins, etc.

It is worth noting that Nekki is going to make an offline mode in the game, in which the opponents will be bots.

Unknown cyberpunk project

The second game does not yet have a name, but the developers claim that they have not done anything like this before. The only thing they are willing to report is that a new game will be a multiplayer action game in a cyberpunk setting.

Work on both projects and on the improvement of "Shadow Fight 3" will be carried out simultaneously, in connection with which the company is going to replenish the staff with new employees. The release date of the new projects is still unknown.

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... which will answer many questions regarding the main plot of the game and the fate of some characters. Players will meet new, unique bosses and try out interesting mechanics, believe me, this has never happened before in any of our projects!

But the end of the story does not mean the end of the game.

Alternate history or "Hard Mode"

After completing all seven chapters, the player is given the opportunity to get into a parallel world where the plot develops differently, while the levels and strength of the character continue to grow.

A total of three different stories are planned. At the time of the release of Chapter 7.2, one of them will be available - 45 story battles.

Alternate history map layout. The final version may be different.

New sets and unique features for them

With the release of the finale of the seventh chapter, new sets for the legendary equipment will also appear. Three legendary sets will be available, each with its own unique feature. We will find out exactly which sets and features only after the release of this update.

The release of Shadow Fight 3 is just around the corner, friends. It's time to get to know the game better. This is a new game from the Shadow Fight series. I don’t have much to say about the first part, since it was stingy with content and was browser-based flash game in social networks.

Shadow Fight 2 is one of the best games of its genre on mobile devices, it is not for nothing that more than 8,000,000 downloaded it and its main score is 5 on the service Google Play, he collected all the good things from the first part in himself, acquired a plot, bosses, a variety of weapons, and generally became great game which is constantly acquiring major updates. Shadow Fight 2 is a furious mixture of fighting game and RPG. You don't just fight best traditions fighting games, but also dress up your character, buy weapons, increase parameters and learn new abilities and attacks: that's what it says on official page Google play.

On the art and screenshots of the game, we can see the level of quality that the authors of the project aim for.

These are screenshots without an interface from earlier stages of development, they were made almost a year ago. It would seem that the game has moved away from its shadow, but why did it retain the name.

There are shadow mode screenshots:

There are also screenshots of the early store, and not only.

And this is a fresh concept art of the Liquidator.

Liquidators are the elite fighters of the Legion.

They are known for their unimaginable strength and endurance, which are legendary. Liquidators are called when the Legion itself is unable to resolve the issue with Shadow energy on its own.

I could still write on my own behalf, but it seems to me that quotes from developers from the official group will do it best, a link to which I will leave in the first comment or not.

QUESTION: Why is your game called Shadow Fight, because there are no more shadows?

There are shadows in the game. During the battle, our hero, as well as his opponents, can take on a shadow form and use shadow abilities at that moment.

QUESTION: Why hasn't the game come out yet? When will she come out?

Shadow Fight 3 is a more complex project than our previous games. We are raising the quality bar, and therefore the development of the game is being delayed.
Stay tuned for a closed beta test coming soon. We will announce it here in the group. The game itself will be gradually released in different countries during a year.

QUESTION: Will the game be Free to Play?

Yes, the game will be completely free to play without any restrictions. We also decided to abandon the concept of energy, which was spent on fights in the previous parts.

QUESTION: What platforms will SF3 be available for?

First of all, these are mobile devices based on iOS and Android. In addition, the game will be available in the Windows Store. There are other platforms in the plans, but we will inform you about them later. Follow the updates in our group.

QUESTION: Will there be familiar characters in SF3?

Yes, we are planning to bring back old characters. While we can not reveal their role in the plot. You need to wait for the game to come out and find out for yourself.

QUESTION: Will there be multiplayer?

Online is for us one of the most important components of Shadow Fight 3 - the possibility of cooperative interaction between players was built into the project from the very beginning.

QUESTION: Will there be clans?

The clan system is under development. Clans will give the opportunity to communicate with all members of the clan and coordinate their actions.

QUESTION: Can I create my character the way I want?

Yes. Creating a character that suits your play style - key moment Shadow Fight 3. The possibilities of character development are extremely wide: a huge amount of equipment (unique for each of the factions), big choice weapons of different styles, the ability to collect combat techniques and abilities. You will have the opportunity to experiment with different combinations of abilities and equipment as you wish.
In addition, you can customize appearance your hero, give him a name and choose a gender.

QUESTION: Tell us about the character development system

Unlike SF2, SF3 uses a collectible circuit. All items, abilities, and combat moves will be available to the player through drops, booster packs, and the store. They can be Common, Rare, Epic, or Legendary. New character levels open access to new items and abilities.

QUESTION: Who did we see in the teaser for Shadow Fight 3?

This key characters Shadow Fight 3. You will meet them in the game.

QUESTION: Will the controls be the same as in SF2?

Yes, the control scheme is the same, but with minor innovations.

QUESTION: Is the game coming to PC?

The game will at least be released in the Windows Store, but mobile devices remain the main ones for us.

QUESTION: How much space will the game take up?

After installation, the application will take no more than 100 MB, but as you progress through the game, the data will be downloaded.

QUESTION: Will my smartphone / tablet pull SF3?

We try to maximize the number of supported devices by covering multiple latest generations. Also in the game will be available graphics quality settings.

QUESTION: Tell us about the Legion

The Legion is a militant faction that considers it their duty to destroy Shadow Energy. Legion fighters prefer heavy armor and weapons, they put on brute force and exhausting workouts. They live according to Spartan laws and are ready to accept into their ranks anyone who is not afraid to give everything to their fullest.

QUESTION: Tell us about the Dynasty

A dynasty is the ruling clan of a developed state. Its capital is a real multinational "anthill", famous for the variety of martial arts schools that compete in skill with each other. They rely on agility and speed.
The Dynasty has a practical attitude towards Shadow Energy. They use it wherever it can be useful, and do not consider it something dangerous.
Concept art of a Dynasty army soldier.

QUESTION: Tell us about the Heralds

Heralds are the real “dark horses” of Shadow Fight 3. No one knows exactly their motives, so everyone, without exception, treats them with distrust, even with apprehension. Heralds know more than anyone else about the true possibilities of Shadow energy, but they are in no hurry to share this knowledge with the rest.
In combat, their attacks are sudden and deadly.

QUESTION: Can I take part in testing?

Similar events are planned in the near future. Follow the updates of the group - and you will be the first to know about the opportunity to test this or that version of the game.

QUESTION: Will there be PvP?

While we are planning cooperative gameplay. PvP is much more technically difficult and may come later.

QUESTION: What will happen to Shadow Fight? (1 part game)

Official support of the project is completed. Additional details will be announced later.

QUESTION: What will happen to Shadow Fight 2 when Shadow Fight 3 comes out?

The development and development of Shadow Fight 2 is in no way dependent or related to Shadow Fight 3. The project has its own development team and many plans.

Well, that's all for now, I'll post the trailer of the game in the video and I hope the site administration will add the game to the list of games on the site, the game deserves it.

The release date is the point in time after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tested if you purchase a licensed copy. For example, the release date for Shadow Fight 3 is November 16, 2017.

Recently, more and more developers allow you to buy the game in advance - to make a pre-order. In response to support from potential buyers, who believe in the success of the project so much that they give money for it even before the release, the developers share various bonuses and exclusive materials. It can be a soundtrack, an artbook, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, a pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before its official release, but this does not mean that the announced release date loses its meaning, since you can fully play only after the release.

Why do you need to know release dates for games?

If only because it is more convenient to plan your time and finances. If you know, for example, when Shadow Fight 3 will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money in advance to buy it, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as it comes out.

A lot of gamers keep track of game release dates with special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. You can find both on our game portal website

How do developers choose when to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. Firstly, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the game process, so games are less likely to come out during the holiday season, as well as in those months when work is usually all hands on deck, and students have a session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers are trying to compare their plans with the announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date indicates the so-called deadline - the very line after which the game is already ready. This means that it must be completed within the stated time. Alas, this does not always work out, and therefore the release date of the game can be shifted one or even several times.

In addition to this, the release of Shadow Fight 3 on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.

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