Team game in social studies “Tournament of legal experts. Scenario of an intellectual game in social studies for high school students Games and entertaining tasks in social studies

Intellectual game "Weakest link"

Extracurricular social studies activity for students in grades 8-11


2. Game "Weakest Link".

3. Summing up the week of history and social studies.

4. Awarding the winners.

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Dear Guys! Let's begin an exciting journey into the world of social science. The subject of social studies studies society and its elements (individuals and large and small groups) and the relationships that arise between the various elements. To make it easier to master social knowledge, we study various areas of public life. Name them.

2. Game "Weakest Link".

Rules of the game: The game involves 7 people. I ask each player questions of equal difficulty. The one who answers the fewest questions is eliminated from the game. So in each round there is one less player left. There will be only two left in the final round. They will play against each other and answer four pairs of questions. The one who answers the most questions correctly will win.

Each round has a specific topic.

1 round. Economic sphere of society. (7 participants)

Name it in one word or phrase.

1. A special product that plays the role of a universal meter, a universal equivalent in which the value of other goods is expressed.(Money)

2. Depreciation of money, expressed in rising prices.(Inflation)

3. Product of labor intended for sale. (Product)

4. The quantity of goods of a certain type that buyers are willing to buy at a certain price level for these goods.(Demand)

5. The difference between revenue and costs.(Profit)

6. Issue of bank and treasury bills, paper money and securities.(Emission)

7.Financial plan that summarizes income and expenses for a certain period of time.(Budget)

8. The desire, intention of the manufacturer (seller) to offer their goods for sale.(Offer)

9. Legitimate economic activity aimed at making a profit.(Business)

10. Mandatory payments collected by the state from individuals and legal entities to state and local budgets.(Taxes)

Round 2 Social sphere of society. (6 participants)

In this round you are given a term, you need to give a definition.

1. Family - (a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.)

2. Morality - (recognized norms (values) implemented in life.)

3. Social mobility -(transition of people from one social group to another).

4. Status - (social position of a person in the social structure of society

5. Social role -(expected behavior associated with a certain status).

6. Deviant (deviant) behavior -(actions that contradict written or unwritten norms accepted in society).

7. Ethnicity - (collective name for large consanguineous groups of people forming a tribe, nationality or nation)

8. Altruism – (selfless concern for the welfare of other people, the opposite of selfishness)

Round 3 Political sphere of society. (5 participants)

Fill in the missing word in the diagram.

1. Separation of powers.(executive power. Government of the Russian Federation. Ministries)

2. Participants in political relations.

3. Signs of the state.

4. Forms of the state.(Forms of government)

5. Political regime.

Round 4 Right. (4 participants)

In this round, you must answer as a number (age).

1. At what age does responsibility for a disciplinary offense begin (absenteeism, tardiness, failure to comply with a manager’s order)?(from 16 years old)

2. At what age does criminal liability begin?(from 16, and for especially dangerous crimes from 14 years old)

3. At what age does legal responsibility begin for failure to fulfill obligations under a contract or causing property damage to another person?(from 14 - partial, from 18 - full)

4. At what age does responsibility for an administrative offense begin (petty hooliganism, violation of traffic rules, construction rules, rules for keeping pets, ticketless travel)?(from 16 years old)

5. At what age does legal capacity begin?(from birth)

6. At what age does full legal capacity begin?(from 18 years old)

7. At what age does full employment rights begin?(from 16 years old)

8. At what age can one be elected to the presidency of the Russian Federation? ( 35 years)

Round 5 The spiritual sphere of society. (3 participants)

There will be 3 questions in this round (one each from Arts, Science and Education, and Religion).

1. Name the genres of art presented in the presentation.(painting, theater, arts and crafts)

2. Name the genres of art presented in the presentation. (architecture, ballet, literature)

3. Name the genres of art presented in the presentation. (sculpture, photography, circus)

4. Name the sciences you know, at least three.(Exact, technical, natural, social, humanitarian)

5. Name the stages of education, at least three.(Preschool, primary, general basic, complete secondary, secondary vocational, higher vocational)

6. Name at least three religions known to you.(Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, etc.)

7. The purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state is...(education).

8. The form of social consciousness is a set of spiritual ideas based on belief in supernatural forces and beings. which are the subject of worship(religion).

9. The system of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking is...(the science)

Round 6 Final. (2 participants)

This round will help determine the winner of the game. You will be given the beginning of famous statements that you need to complete (4 statements each).

1. N.A. Dobrolyubov."A man who hates another people does not love(and your own)

2. C. Montalembert . "You can't help but engage in politics, anyway(politics deals with you)

3. I.V. Goethe. "Tell me who you know and(I'll tell you who you are)

4. I. Becher. "Man becomes man(only among people")

5. Aesop. "Life is still (better than death)"

6. Seneca. “Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how long it lasts.”(it's well played)

7. T. Plautus. "Good product, easy(finds a buyer)

8. H. Mackay. "The market does not give medals for bravery. The market can only offer(one reward: money)

3. Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 26"

Lesson - game on the topic:

"Social sphere"

Grade 11

History and Social Studies Teacher

Artemyeva Svetlana Nikolaevna

A general review lesson on the topic “Social Sphere”.

Grade 11

Three teams of arbitrary size take part in the game, which, using the diagram below, choose the topic of the question and its cost.

The right to respond belongs to the first team to raise a sign with its name. If the answer is correct, the team's account receives a number of points corresponding to the value of the question, and the team gets the right to choose the next question. If a team gives an incorrect answer, then the number of points corresponding to the cost of the question is deducted from its account, and the right to answer this question passes to other teams.

The following sub-rounds are found in the game:

- "Pig in a poke." Questions from this sub-round must be passed on to any other team.

- "My own game". The cost of a question in this subround can be increased within the entire amount of points that the team currently has. Opponents can buy the right to answer this question by betting more points. The right to answer this question belongs only to the winning team. If one of the teams goes all-in, that is, puts the entire amount of points in their account on the line, other participants can outbid the question only with their all-in if the amount of points in their account is greater. In the case of an all-in game, if the answer is incorrect, the team’s account will remain zero points; if the answer is correct, the amount of points on the team’s account will double.




Social norms, social control

All sorts of things


5 What is social mobility? (Transition of people from one social group to another)

10 "Pig in a poke" Name the concept: an individual’s mastery of social norms and cultural values ​​of society. (Socialization)

15 Horizontal mobility is... (Moving from group to group without changing social status)

20 After graduating from technical college, the young man got a job as a consultant at a computer manufacturing company. After some time, he entered advanced training courses. Changes also occurred in his personal life: he married the daughter of the company’s co-owner. The completion of his studies coincided with his appointment as the chief manager of the enterprise. What kind of social process can this plot serve as an illustration? (Upward vertical mobility)

25 Give examples of social elevators. (Getting an education, serving in the army, getting married, acquiring property)

30 How does a closed society differ from an open society? (In a closed society, youth inherited belonging to a certain social stratum, corresponding rights and privileges, and the occupations of their parents; moving from one social group to another was prohibited)


5 Is the family a social institution or a social group? (Both a social institution and a small social group)

10 Continue the series: reproductive, educational, recreational (leisure)… (…economic, economic, primary social control, social status, emotional – family functions)

15 "Own game" What family is called nuclear? (Husband and wife or parents and children)

20 What is polygyny? (Family in which a man is married to several women)

25 Describe the family. “My mother left us when I was 8 years old, and my little sister was only a year old. We stayed with dad, grandparents. We live together. My brother and sister go to kindergarten, and I go to school. The head of our family is the father, everyone obeys him, even the grandfather” (Incomplete, multi-generational, large, patriarchal)

30 "My own game" Explain the concepts: brother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, matchmaker. (Brother-in-law is the husband’s brother. Brother-in-law is the wife’s brother. Sister-in-law is the husband’s sister. Sister-in-law is the wife’s sister. Matchmaker is the wife’s mother for the husband’s mother)


5 What is social status? (The place an individual occupies in the social structure of society)

10 "Pig in a poke" What status of the person are we talking about: boy, prince, Frenchman. (Ascribed status is a status obtained on the basis of membership in a social group and determined by social position inherited from parents)

15 What is the name given to a status acquired by an individual through his own efforts and requiring from him certain individual abilities, knowledge, and labor. (Achieved status: mother, wife, doctor, deputy, president)

20 Translate into Russian “marginal”. (Located on the edge)

25 Continue the series: income, education, age, place of residence... (Criteria of social stratification: power, prestige, gender, nationality, religion, occupation)

30 The essence of social equality in modern society. (Equality before the law, equality of rights and opportunities)

Social norms, social control.

5 Name the concept: means of reward or punishment that encourage people to comply with social norms. (Sanctions)

10 List the types of social norms. (Customs and traditions, legal norms, moral norms, aesthetic norms, political norms, religious norms, etiquette rules)

15 What type of sanctions include: awarding an order, presenting a certificate, punishment by a court verdict, community service. (Formal sanctions)

20 Define the concept of social control. (A set of means aimed at preventing deviant behavior)

25 "Pig in a poke" What a complex of symptoms that F. Pataki identifies in his classification can lead a person to:

    affective type of behavior;

    family conflicts;

    aggressive type of behavior;

    early antisocial behavior;

    negative attitude towards studies;

    low level of intelligence.

(Towards deviant behavior)

30 Peter the Great, once sitting in the Senate and having heard many cases about recently committed thefts and bribery, became inflamed with anger and ordered Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky to immediately draw up a decree that if stolen money could be used to buy a rope, then the thief would have to be immediately hanged without the slightest investigation. Yaguzhinsky took up the pen, and then put it aside. “Write what I ordered you,” the king repeated. Then Yaguzhinsky told Peter. What did Yaguzhinsky say to the emperor? (Most gracious sir! Do you really want to remain an emperor without subjects? We all steal, with the only difference being that one is more noticeable than the other. The king, lost in his thoughts, laughed and fell silent)

All sorts of stuff.

5 Find a generalizing concept in the list: clan, tribe, ethnic group, nationality, nation. (Ethnos)

10 Genocide and Holocaust – are words synonymous or not? (Genocide - actions committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial, religious or other historically established cultural and ethnic group as such. Holocaust - persecution and mass extermination of Jews living in Germany, on its territory Allies and in the territories they occupied during World War II)

15 Name the concept: obsessive, artificial fear of people of a different nationality, fabrications about their depravity, inferiority. (Xenophobia)

20 What is the essence of the policy of multiculturalism? (Recognition of the rights of arriving migrants to preserve their national differences)

25 "Pig in a poke" Does depopulation depend on migration? (No. Depopulation is a population decline in which the birth rate is insufficient to compensate for even a very low mortality rate. Migration is the movement of population)

30 "My own game" Women trying to make a career sometimes face a phenomenon called a glass ceiling. What does this metaphor mean? (This metaphor reflects the fact that in some organizations there is an invisible ceiling beyond which women cannot advance)

At the end of the game, the results are summed up. Participants receive grades based on the team's opinions about each participant's contribution to the game.

Activity a person’s way of relating to the outside world, consisting in its transformation and subordination to the person’s goals.

Human activity has a certain similarity to the activity of an animal, but differs in its creative and transformative attitude to the surrounding world.

Motive a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity. Motives can include: needs; social attitudes; beliefs; interests; attractions and emotions; ideals.

Purpose of activity this is a conscious image of the result towards which a person’s action is aimed. An activity consists of a chain of actions. Action is a process aimed at achieving a set goal.

People's activities unfold in various spheres of social life; their focus, content, and means are infinitely diverse.

Types of activities in which each person inevitably becomes involved in the process of his individual development: play, communication, learning, work.

A game this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation.

Characteristics of the game: occurs in a conditional situation, which, as a rule, changes quickly; in its process, so-called substitute objects are used; is aimed at satisfying the interests of its participants; promotes personality development, enriches it, equips it with the necessary skills.

Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. It is often expanded to include exchange and material objects. This broader exchange represents communication [material or spiritual (informational)].

There are several classifications of communication.

In modern science, there are several approaches to the issue of the connection between activity and communication:

– communication is an element of any activity, and activity is a necessary condition for communication, you can put an equal sign between them;

– communication is one of the types of human activity along with play, work, etc.;

– communication and activity are different categories, two sides of a person’s social existence: work activity can occur without communication, and communication can exist without activity.

Teaching This is a type of activity whose purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities by a person.

The teaching may be organized(carried out in educational institutions) and unorganized(carried out in other types of activities as their by-product, additional result).

Teaching can take on a character self-education.

There are several points of view on the question of what labor is:

– labor is any conscious human activity. Where there is human interaction with the outside world, we can talk about work;

– labor is one type of activity, but far from the only one.

Work This is a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Characteristic features of work: expediency; focus on achieving programmed, expected results; presence of skill, skills, knowledge; practical usefulness; obtaining a result; personal development; transformation of the external human environment.

In each type of activity, specific goals and objectives are set, and a special arsenal of means, operations and methods is used to achieve the goals. At the same time, none of the types of activity exists outside of interaction with each other, which determines the systemic nature of all spheres of social life.

Basic classifications of activities

By objects and results (products) activities - the creation of material wealth or cultural values.

Creation this is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before(for example, a new goal, a new result or new means, new ways to achieve them).

Creativity is a component of any human activity and an independent activity (for example, the activity of scientists, inventors, writers, etc.).

Modern science recognizes that any person, to one degree or another, has the ability to be creative. However, abilities can develop or disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to master culture, language, knowledge, to master methods of creative activity, its most important mechanisms.

The most important mechanisms of creative activity

Combining, varying existing knowledge.

Imagination– the ability to create new sensory or mental images in the mind.

Fantasy(Greek phantasia - mental image, figment of the imagination) - is characterized by special strength, brightness and unusualness of the created ideas and images.

Intuition(Latin intueri – to look closely) – knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized.

Thus, activity is a way of existence of people and is characterized by the following features:

conscious character – a person consciously sets goals for an activity and anticipates its results;

productive nature– aimed at obtaining a result (product);

– transformative character– a person changes the world around him and himself;

public character– a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.

Sample assignment

B3. Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their manifestations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces or any symbols).

Answer: 22121.

The resource consists of a presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, an interactive crossword puzzle (Excel) and handouts. The interactivity of the presentation is ensured by a system of hyperlinks and triggers.

The game “In the World of Finance” can be held among high school students (3 teams of 6-8 people) as part of Financial Literacy Week.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The extracurricular social studies activity “I am a law-abiding citizen” takes place in the form of a game. Students are divided into teams. The social studies activity expands knowledge about the rights and responsibilities of adolescents. There are 4 rounds in the game; Civil law, criminal law, labor law, family law. At each round, the guys complete various tasks, earning points.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The purpose of the event: to develop in students an understanding of the importance of citizen participation in the electoral process; help future voters overcome the apathy that has recently developed in society and increase their civic responsibility.

An extracurricular event was held in the form of a game "Brain Ring" among national teams of 8th and 9th grades. The objectives of the game are: formation of legal culture; practical use of legal knowledge; correction of students' communicative qualities. Students were asked questions on topics studied in social studies lessons. A presentation was developed for the game. It allowed us to diversify the tasks and helped to interest students during the game. During the game, tasks were offered on slides for the audience, which made it possible to reach a larger number of students with participation.

Students’ knowledge of legal issues acquired in law or social studies lessons is consolidated through solving practical problems; repetitions of basic definitions and terms. Both serious and comic tasks are presented.

This development touches on a pressing issue – the legal education of children. It will allow students to become familiar with international documents, articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family Code that protect the rights of the child. The material will be useful to both social science teachers and class teachers.

An interesting and exciting game for students in grades 7-8. The game includes educational didactic material for repetition and generalization of knowledge in social studies in the form of the intellectual game “Finest Hour”. This development can be used to conduct extracurricular activities as part of, for example, a subject week at school.
The purpose of this game: in a playful way, test the level of knowledge and mastery of terminology of the children on the topics: “Society. Historical stages of development of society”, “Right in the service of the state”, “Teenager and his rights”, “Legal responsibility”, “State symbols” , as well as increase interest in the subject.
6 people participate in the game, all the rest are spectators. The game consists of 5 rounds, each of which can contain from 7 to 9 questions. The one who gets the maximum number of points and stars wins the competition.
The game is equipped with a colorful presentation that acts as a video board.

The methodological development of the extracurricular event “Philosophy and Ethical Problems of Medicine” and the presentation for it were compiled by the teacher of social disciplines of the Arkadak branch of the State Educational Institution of Professional Education “Balashov Medical School” Natalya Borisovna Folomkina. Type of extracurricular event - round table. It is carried out using the conversation method. The development contains introductory and concluding remarks by the teacher and material for student messages. Questions for discussion are provided. Discussion can be done in stages or at the end of the event. A group of experts should be present at the event: lawyers, doctors, church representatives. They must take part in the discussion and evaluate the event. The textual development of the event is accompanied by a presentation. You can also use films (excerpt from the film by B. Nathanson
