Combinations in the game poker hold'em. Texas Hold'em Combinations. Starting a Hold'em Game

Combinations in poker are necessary so that you can easily navigate your pocket cards and the cards on the flop, turn, and river.

You can learn Texas Hold'em poker combinations using videos from the Poker Academy, as well as in a free course with a trainer. You can sign up for training by clicking on the button below.

Below video information is described in more detail.

The entire list of poker hands by seniority in Texas Hold'em:

Royal Flush

Royal flush– the strongest combination in poker. It consists of five cards of the same suit, from ten to ace. All suits in poker are equal, which means a heart royal flush is equivalent to a spades, clubs and diamonds.

Straight Flush

Straight flush– these are five consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, a straight flush to a queen. If two or more players make a straight flush, the one with the highest card wins. For example, a straight flush to a queen (as in the example) beats a straight flush to a jack.

Four of a Kind

Kare– this poker hand contains four cards of the same rank. This example shows four eights, plus a five (remember that all poker hands must have five cards). If two or more players have collected four of a kind, then the one whose cards are higher in rank wins. For example, four nines beat four eights. If several players have collected four of a kind of the same rank (this can happen when four cards of the same rank are laid out on the table), then the one with the highest fifth card wins. For example, four eights and a five will lose to four eights and a king.

Full House

Full house– contains three cards of the same rank plus a pair. The rank of the three cards determines the strength of the full house. Thus, three jacks with a pair of fives beats our hand (three tens and a pair of fives). If players collect identical triplets, the winner is determined by the rank of the pair.


Flash– five cards of the same suit in any order. If two or more players have a flush, the highest card determines the winner. If the players have equal high cards, then victory is determined by the value of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th cards, respectively.


Straight– this combination contains five consecutive cards of different colors. Our example shows a straight to jack. If several players make a straight, the winner is determined by the highest card. Street consisting of 6, 7, 8, 9, T, would have lost to our combination. But the street, consisting of T, J, Q, K, A, would have won. It is also worth noting that the Ace can be used as the lowest card for a straight from A, 2, 3, 4, 5. And such a poker hand would lose to a straight from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 .

Three of a Kind

Three (set)– three cards of the same rank and two unrelated ones. A triple of sevens would beat our poker hand of a triple of fives, a triple of nines would beat a triple of sevens, and so on. If players have the same threes, the value of the highest unconnected card determines the winner. If they are equal, then the value of the second unconnected card. So, a three of fives with a jack and an eight would beat our poker hand of three fives with a nine and a three.

Two pairs

Two pairs– two cards of the same rank with two more cards of a different rank + additional card. If several players have two pairs, the highest pair of one of them wins. If players have the same top pair, then the value of the next pair is taken into account. For example, a pair of Aces and a pair of sixes would break our hand. If two or more players have two identical pairs, then the value of the fifth card is taken into account. So, a pair of Kings, a pair of sixes and a four would break up our playing combination.


Pair– a combination of a pair and three unconnected cards. If several players have made a pair, then the winner is determined by the seniority of the pair. For example, a pair of tens beats our combination. If players have collected the same pairs, then the one with the highest unconnected card wins. So, a pair of eights with an Ace, a nine and a two would break our hand.

High card

Senior card. If your poker hand does not fall into one of the above categories, then it is ranked according to the rank of the highest card. In this example we have a poker hand with the highest card Queen. If the players have the same high card, then the value of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even, if necessary, the 5th card is taken into account. A poker hand of Queen, Ten, Nine, Five and Four would break our hand.

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The main goal of poker is to collect winning combination from cards, and for different types of poker these poker combinations can differ significantly.

Of course, the most mature, famous and popular poker is considered to be Hold'em, which uses card highs - combinations in poker according to seniority (there are 10 of them, the older the combination, the better for the player). These same poker combinations, in addition to Hold'em, are used in Omaha, Dro-poker and in a game called Seven Card Stud.

There are also new types of poker, no less interesting and exciting, but radically different from the “traditional” ones. So, for example, in varieties Omaha And Herds It is not high combinations (high ones) that are considered winning, but poker combinations called "Ace to Five", i.e. collected from the lowest-ranked cards. The same “low” combinations are also used in the game Razz.

In several types of poker, low hands made from cards win "from 2 to 7", and there is the most the new kind poker – “Badugi”. Those who win are the ones who win poker combinations, who do not play any other poker.

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No-limit Texas Hold'em (Texas hold'em) is the most popular type of poker. In order to start playing Texas Hold'em, you need to learn simple rules. As in other types of poker, the game begins with sitting at the table. The number of players at it can be different, from two to ten participants, and you can choose any free seat. In poker, the positions of the players at the table move clockwise. To avoid confusion, a special marker is used, called " Button" or " Dealer" is a nominal position as in online poker, and in the casino, it is used to subsequently determine the positions of the players at the table and passes each hand to the next player in a clockwise direction.

Actions at the table

All poker hands begin with mandatory bets. Before the cards are dealt, the two players to the left of the button are required to post the small and big blinds. The small blind amount is half the big blind. These bets are needed so that the participants in the distribution have something to fight for. If we are talking about cash games, then the size of the blinds is determined by the selected limit with which they play at a given table. Traditionally, the table limit is designated as 100 big blinds, i.e. at the NL10 ($10 No Limit) table the blinds will be 5c and 10c. Thanks to mandatory betting, there is always money in the bank.

Each player then receives two cards face down, and the game begins from then on. In Hold'em, as in most other forms of poker, a player can do several different things:

CHECK– if there are no bets in the current round, the player can check. In this case, the turn passes to the next active player sitting on the left. Checking does not mean giving up the fight for the pot, it is only giving up the opportunity to bet in the current round.

FOLD– refusal to continue fighting for the pot in response to a bet or raise from an opponent. In this case, the player's cards are removed from the game. The player who folded can no longer bet or participate in the current hand.

BET– if there are no bets in the current round, the player can make a bet (bet). In this case, he sets the price for continuing the game. The players sitting behind him can throw away the cards (fold), equalize the bet (call) or raise (raise). The minimum bet in the game is equal to the big blind.

CALL– if a bet was made in the current round, the player can accept it by calling and adding the same number of chips to the pot equal to the last player’s bet or raise.

RAYZ– if a bet is made in the current betting round, the player can raise it by raising. To do this, he must place a bet higher than the last player's bet. To qualify for the pot, all subsequent players must accept or raise (reraise) this raise. Otherwise, they can only discard their cards (that is, fold). In No Limit Hold'em, the size and number of raises are unlimited.

Trading Circles (Streets)

All of these actions are taken by Hold'em players during each of the four betting rounds or, as they are also called, four "streets":

  • Preflop
  • Flop
  • Turn
  • River

In each round, betting continues to the person to the right of the last player to bet or raise. When the turn returns to him, the next round begins or the hand ends if all players before him chose to fold.


After the players have received their cards, each of them can give up the fight by folding, continue the game by making a call of one big blind or a raise of at least two big blinds. The player to the left of the big blind speaks first. The word then passes to the next player clockwise. If no raise was made preflop, then the big blind acts last. If one of the players raises, then the game will develop according to the scenario described above until all players have their say.

At the end of the betting round, all bets made by players are collected into one common pot, for which the fight will continue on the next street.


This round of betting begins as soon as preflop ends. Three community cards are laid out on the table, called the flop. These cards can be used to make your own combination, but you cannot take them into your hand or change your cards to the flop cards - they are available to all players who continue to fight in the hand.

Betting on the flop starts with the first active player clockwise from the button. The last action on the flop (as opposed to preflop) is the button. Players have the same actions available to them as preflop, however, if no one has bet before, the player can check, passing the move to the next player and not putting anything into the pot.

After all players have had their say, all bets made are added to the current pot.


After the end of betting on the flop, the fourth community card is dealt - the turn, which is also used by players to make their combinations. Another round of betting occurs, similar to the flop. It starts with the first active player clockwise from the button.


After bidding on the turn is completed, the fifth and final card, the river, is placed on the table. The betting round begins again with the first player clockwise from the button, and the same betting rules apply as on the flop and turn.

All money deposited by players into the bank is added to the current bank, and the game enters the final stage.


Those players who have equalized all bets on the previous streets take part in the last round of the game - the showdown. This is where it is determined who will win the pot. All players show their combinations.

The best five-card hand that can be made from all the cards available to the player wins. In other words, to create your combination you can use all five common cards, and one of your own cards and four community cards, or two pocket cards and three table cards.

Remember: the winning combination is always determined by five cards

You can view all poker combinations on this page.

If two players have the same combinations on four cards, the so-called kicker comes into play - this is the highest unpaired card. For example, if the players have A K and A Q on the table A 6 2 8 7, then the combination A A K 8 7, which is higher than the opponent’s five-card hand with a queen (A A Q 8 7), wins.

If the combinations and kickers completely match, then the pot is divided equally between the players. An example of such a situation would be on the A K T T 2 board, where two players show A J and A 9 respectively - in this case their common hand is two pair of aces and tens with a king as kicker.

Natalya Shibanova

Among all types of poker, Texas Hold'em is the most popular. One of the reasons is that the rules of playing Texas poker are accessible even to dummies. That's probably why most poker tournaments in the world are held exactly according to the rules of Texas poker.
From this article you will learn about the rules of Texas Hold'em poker.

Texas poker - rules: basic nuances

To play Texas Hold'em, a deck with a set of 52 cards is used - from deuces to aces. Up to 10 poker players sit at the table. The point of the game is to collect the best combination of 5 cards. Each player will receive a maximum of 7 cards from the dealer (two are his own, hidden from everyone, and five are visible to everyone, because the dealer puts them on the table).

Community cards in Texas poker

Before the first distribution of cards occurs, the game participants use a round chip called a “button” to determine the dealer. It is needed for the player sitting to his left to make the first bet. The dealer also deals the cards when playing at home (in a tournament this is done by a special person, and in online poker the deal is automatic).

First, two players are identified who make mandatory bets. These bets are called the small blind (SB) and the big blind (BB). This is necessary so that the bank always has capital. Players make “blind bets”: they have actually already paid, although they have not yet seen the cards.

So, the first player makes the SB, and to the left of him, the second, respectively, makes the BB, which is most often twice the small bet. In each subsequent distribution of cards, the dealer is new, i.e. all tournament participants alternately become the SB and BB buttons for a while.

When the blinds are set, according to the rules of the Texas Hold'em poker game, each poker player is dealt 2 cards face down.

The first round of the game is called “preflop”.

Preflop - the first round of the game

It begins with trading, the meaning of which is betting on the game, which is made clockwise by all participants in the game. They can do things like:

  • fold/pass (discarding your cards and leaving the hand);
  • a check (refusal to place a bet, but not fold your cards) is simply a transfer of the game move;
  • bet (bet), which poker players will have to equalize or fold. You can go all-in i.e. bet all the remaining chips (money) - then the player remains on the hand until it ends;
  • call (equalizing the previous player's bet), i.e. the same amount is sent to the bank;
  • raise (increasing the bet), which forces the rest of the championship participants to either equalize the new bet or increase it.

The first round of betting ends when the largest bet of that hand is called.

The second round of betting is called the flop.

Flop - second round of the game

The dealer removes the top card from the deck and lays out a 3-card combination (flop) on the table (board). According to the poker rules in Texas Hold'em, the second round begins with the poker player sitting to the left of the dealer. If a player makes a “pass”, then the turn goes clockwise to the next one. Player applications are similar to those in the 1st round. They only add the opportunity to bet (be the first to raise bets in a given round) and check.

The third round of betting is called the turn.

Turn - third round of the game

The dealer places 4 cards from the deck onto the board, after which betting begins. Next, following the rules of Texas Hold'em, the fifth and last card (river) is laid out.

River - final round of the game

As a result, each of the tournament participants has 7 cards (2 pocket and 5 community cards on the table). The player's task is to collect the best combination.

If two or more poker players have the same card combinations at showdown (cards shown), the player whose card combination includes the kicker (higher card) wins. The kicker is possible in combinations - pair, 2 pairs, three of a kind (set) or four of a kind. In other poker hands the kicker rule does not apply.

For more information about card combinations in poker, read another article on our website “Card Combinations in Poker”.

Rules for playing Texas Hold'em poker - video:

Texas Hold'em is the most popular poker discipline. It is impossible to learn how to play this game without thoroughly knowing what card combinations look like in Texas Hold'em poker. These are the basics, without understanding which a gamer risks losing his money. For this type of sports card entertainment, it is used standard deck, consisting of 52 cards.

Features of combinations in poker

When making Hold'em combinations, the gamer can use a pair of hole cards dealt at the start gameplay dealer. The poker player also has at his disposal five community table cards, distributed by the same dealer, but during the game.

Thus, the player has seven cards. From these, you should select the five that will help you create the best Texas Hold'em poker combinations. When designating the winner, the remaining pair of cards is not taken into account.

Learning combinations in Hold'em poker is not difficult, fortunately there are only ten options developed here. Often there are only five to seven weakest combinations. It's very rare to see strong hands in poker. But those gamers who take possession of them can become owners of large banks.

Before learning combinations of cards in Texas Hold'em, you need to understand the general hierarchy of cards: Ace is the most high card, the smallest is 2. Here all suits are equivalent, there is no advantage of one over the other.

Texas Hold'em: combinations by seniority

Combinations in Texas Hold'em poker (pictures can be viewed in our article) by seniority (from strongest to weakest) look like this:

  1. Royal flush.
  2. Straight flush.
  3. Kare.
  4. Full house.
  5. Flash.
  6. Straight.
  7. Seth (Trips, three).
  8. Two pairs.
  9. One pair (Pair).
  10. Senior card.

Poker Holdem: combinations – type and frequency of formation

Royal Flush. The combination consists of cards arranged in order of decreasing or increasing dominance and differing in the same suit: from Ace to ten or vice versa.

Such winning combinations in Hold'em poker have the lowest probability of formation - approximately 0.0002%. This layout is the most powerful of all possible in poker.

The combination is formed so rarely that regularly playing professionals manage to collect it only once a year, or even every two years. But, if you manage to form such a combination, then you can win a fabulously large pot.

Straight flush. Such Texas Hold'em combinations are made up of a variety of cards of the same suit, arranged in order of seniority. You get a straight flush only 0.0015% of the time.

The highest card determines the strength of such a combination. It is unlikely that two opponents will be able to collect such a combination. In essence, a straight flush is a variation of a royal flush.

Kare. In Texas Hold'em poker, combinations under this name look like this: four cards of equal rank and an additional kicker card. In doubtful moments, when poker combinations of identical seniority are collected, it is the kicker that designates the champion. 0.024% is the probability of getting a quad.

Using an example, this set of cards will look like this: if there are four nines on the gaming table, and two gamers have an Ace and a King, respectively, then the winner of the Ace becomes the finalist.

Full house. When studying Texas Hold'em poker combinations by seniority, it is worth knowing that “ Full house“aka Full House is a very powerful combination that you don’t see very often. The drop rate is 0.14%.

In any case, the combination consists of three cards of the same rank and two cards of a different value. Example - 8-8-8-6-6. If two or more poker players managed to collect a Full House, then the champion and seniority will be determined according to the first three cards, and then accordingly to the second pair.

Flash. Hold'em poker combinations, distinguished by five different cards of the same suit, are Flush. The permissibility of its formation is exactly 0.2%. If there is more than one flush at the table, then the highest one will be the one with the highest card. When the highest cards also have the same value, the pot is distributed among these opponents.

Straight. A more correct version of this name sounds like Straight. In Hold'em poker, combinations of cards formed from five cards of absolutely any suit, and placed in sequential order, are called a Straight.

For example, 5-6-7-8-9. In 0.39% of cases such a combination can be formed. If several Straights have gathered at one gaming table, then, as in the case of other combinations, the winner is the one who has the highest high card. The combination A-2-3-4-5 is called the Wheel, and the Ace plays the role of a smaller card here.

Set. Looking at Hold'em poker combinations in pictures, you can see the following combination: three cards of equal value and any two cards. This is the same Set or Troika. It falls out in 2.1% of cases. But there are some differences in the composition of such a combination: depending on the number of pocket cards that take part in it.

If the gamer has two of his cards there, then he has collected a Three. This is hidden to everyone and the most powerful combination. If you use it skillfully, you can grab a wonderful jackpot.

Two pairs. A pair of cards of identical rank in the company of another pair of a different value plus a kicker is Two Pair. Such Hold'em combinations are collected with a regularity of 4.75% and are also called Doper.

A pair. In Texas Holdem, combinations with this name occur with a regularity of 42.26%. This combination must contain two identical cards.

Senior card. Texas poker, the combinations of which we describe, makes it possible to get a high card in 50.12% of cases. Quite often the absence of such a combination is called a kicker. This means that the poker player was unable to form a single combination out of all the existing ones. If there are several such players, the holder of the highest high card will win.

At least two participants are required to start the game. Each player must have with him the minimum amount required to enter the game (buy-in), the cards are dealt by the dealer. The deck consists of 52 cards. Before the distribution, the dealer reminds the game participants to make mandatory bets - blinds. The responsibility to place a bet falls to the first two players to the left of the dealer and passes to the next participants in the circle after each hand. The size of the blinds is agreed upon in advance by the players.

During the distribution, each participant receives two cards in their hands. The player must look at his cards and make a decision: continue playing or refuse (discard the cards). Further participation is confirmed by a bet equal to the amount of the small blind. When all players have confirmed their participation in the hand by making a bet, the dealer lays out three cards in the center of the table (flop). After which he invites players to make a decision, make a bet - “bet”, or skip a move - “check”. The first word belongs to the player sitting in the small blind. Further clockwise.

After the players have decided whether to bet or check, the dealer adds another card to the flop (the turn). Participants decide whether to raise the pot or not. And finally, the dealer puts in the last, fifth card (“river”). The bank is taken by the player whose combination of cards turns out to be the highest.

How to understand that a hand in poker has won

The pocket card matches the cards lying on the board, or the presence identical cards in the player's hands forms a winning combination. There are several combinations (in ascending order):

1. Pair – a combination of two cards of equal value.

2. Two pairs– for example, two 8s and two 10s.

3. Set – three identical cards.

4. Straight – having five cards in ascending order (for example, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, regardless of suit)

5. Flush – if there are five suited cards.

6. Full house– Set plus any pair.

7. Four of a kind – a set of four cards.

8. Straight flush– example: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the same suit.

9. Royal flush– ten, jack, queen, king, ace of the same suit.
