Computer games ex machina fashion. Modifications. Game physics mod

Here comes the next mod of the kto MOD series. Now under version 5.0. Just before Programmer's Day
There are practically no changes in the ideology of the mod relative to 4.0, but the mod has been significantly expanded in terms of the capabilities provided to the player.

Thanks to Apocalypse007, StarT, csotany888, 7 Machs (aka Semimakhov) and many others.
Special thanks for your help in creating the KoYoT modification.
Also thanks to testers Demon, Seel, Apocalypse007, KoYoT and OverLine.
If I forgot to thank anyone, sorry, memory does not last forever)
But in any case, I am extremely grateful to you for your help, ideas or pieces of your projects.

The modification has greatly changed the gameplay, so it needs at least a brief introduction. 1_. First of all, the car will not drive without an Engine, Transmission and Gas Tank. Don't sell them unless you're sure you can afford to buy another one. 2_. The mechanics of the game are such that if you remove the gas tank while driving, you will lose all the gasoline. In fact, it will simply spill out onto the ground. 3_. Try to use missile defense - it helps a lot in this hostile world. 4_. By purchasing a garage, you can develop 2 cars at once. While one is in the garage, you can drive, fight and trade with the second one. 5_. If you are asked to deliver a package to a caravan, you will need to look for it yourself, since no one knows exactly where it is going.


1_. Sometimes, when transitioning between locations, the game may crash. Don't forget to save. 2_. Theoretically, flights in cities are possible when changing the cab/body, if the vehicle previously had a trailer. Just when entering the city, look to see if the trailer has become disconnected from your vehicle after the horn sounds. 3_. Using the garage requires saving and loading before entering. This is a mandatory condition that allows you to avoid garage breakdowns inherent in version 4.04. Autosave and pop-up windows have been introduced as a reminder.

1 option

1_. Install Launcher with Mod Manager: /viewtopic.php?f=73&t=1444 Launch the game to check. Exit the game and close the Launcher. 2_. Download the modification from the website (the modification must be adapted for the Launcher. All modifications from File archive site adapted). 3_. Unpack the modification into the "Ex Machina\mods" folder. You should get the following structure: Image Inside the modification folder, the structure is as follows: Image 4_. Launch the Launcher, select a modification and Load it using button block 7 (see Controls:). 5_. Start the game using button block 4 (see Controls:). Note: The StateInfo.txt file will appear as you use the program. Don't be alarmed.

The mod kit includes a Deymoslex physics mod and a test module (slightly expanded). Besides:

  1. Changed weapons: Hurricane moved to BIG_GUNS, where it should be, both in size and in meaning. The firing speed is adjusted to match the rotation speed of its drum. The rest of the rocket launchers, both SIDE and GIANT, have a rate of fire set to 180 - since the design of these rocket launchers, logically, allows you to fire at least all the charges at the same time. For balance, the recharge time is set to a long time.
  2. Added weapons: SIDE_GUN “Gloom”, GIANT_GUN “Dragon”, hit of the season - SMALL_GUN “Half-Hunter” (the right half of the hunter, now available for installation on the Van).
  3. The method of target acquisition has been changed: now it’s easy to catch a stationary target, but actively maneuvering targets are still not so easy.
  4. The flight time of missiles has been increased to 10 seconds. Also, the limit for cutting off graphics has been shifted to 1000 meters, which ensures stable destruction of targets within a radius of up to a kilometer.
  5. The player is presented with the Explorers logo (since our Fox belongs to the explorers).
  6. Fixed a bug with mixed up pictures for cabins and bodies.

Super Van

On the first map in the city of Yuzhny, an improved version of the Van appears for sale (different cabin, body, radar radius - 300m). Installation features in the readme file.

First weapon mod

Adds new weapons:

  • The Rapier SWP Mk I is a long-range 23mm cannon. There is a strange inscription Made in China (SWP) on the barrel.
  • The SWP Mk III Rapier is a long-range 23mm cannon. Equipped with a 3-round magazine (SWP).
  • Rheinmetal SWP Mk I is a 20mm rapid fire cannon (SWP).
  • Rheinmetal SWP Mk III - rapid-fire 20 mm cannon with extended magazine (SWP).
  • The Vulcan SWP Mk III is a modified 5.56 caliber multi-barreled machine gun (SWP).
  • KPVT SWP mod. - a 14.5 caliber machine gun modified by scientists in Midgard (SWP).
  • Vector SWP Mk II - vector modified by Olm workers (magazine and damage increased) (SWP).
  • Cyclops SWP Ultima is a long-range 37 mm cannon with a 2-round magazine - it always has the last word (SWP).
  • Octopus SWP Mk II is a 23 mm rapid-fire cannon. This modification has a greater lethality and a larger magazine, but a lower rate of fire than the standard Octopus (SWP).
  • Thor's Hammer SWP is a lighter and faster-firing version of the regular Hammer of Thor (SWP).
  • Gray-haired Odin SWP is an improved version of Odin (SWP).
  • Elephant SWP Mk II - this modification of the Elephant was developed by the Druids to protect their caravans. Reduced damage, but faster charge (SWP).
  • Super Hornet SWP - a hornet with increased damage (SWP).
  • Spectrum Model 2 SWP - Spectrum with increased rate of fire and magazine (SWP).
  • Model 2 SWP cord is a cord with increased rate of fire and magazine (SWP).
  • Maxim SWP - cheap Maxim with reduced damage, but increased charge flight speed (SWP).
  • Golden Bassoon SWP - increased rate of fire, damage and charge speed. Every bandit's dream. The only drawback is the price (SWP).
  • Anaconda SWP Mk I - Anaconda rocket cannon - newest look weapons developed in the laboratories of Arzhan (SWP).
  • Anaconda SWP Mk II - Rocket Gun The Anaconda Mk II is an upgraded Anaconda with increased damage and rocket speed (SWP).

The weapons were created based on standard prototypes from the game, so the 3D model and icons for them are standard.

Modification tester

Designed for testing modifications to the characteristics of weapons and equipment. To check the changes made, start the “machine” and start new game. Immediately after the start video, do not go anywhere, but press “enter the city.” All five trucks, all types of cabs and bodies, all weapons and upgrades are sold in Glukhoy. Accordingly, you can immediately check all modifications made to weapons, etc. There's enough money. Installation features in the reabme file.

Limited Ammo

This is a hastily assembled weapon modification. Adds consumable ammo to all weapons. Now reckless shooting can cost a pretty penny. The firing range of the Flag has also been corrected. Apparently, the authors simply made a mistake by one zero in the original value. This is the second version of the mini-mod. Added prototype weapons with infinite ammunition for stationary firing points. Installation features in the reabme file.

Game physics mod

  • 1. Weapon rebalance. Added medium shock waves on impact for Cyclops Rapier Omega and all mortars, now it is not necessary to shoot accurately. The shock wave will do everything for you. Kord and PKT have been slightly changed. Energy weapons have been reworked (the projectile speed is higher but the damage is lower).
  • 2. Changed the physical characteristics of all destructible objects. They are three times easier to destroy, the process of destruction itself has begun to look more realistic Belaz or Peacemaker, they demolish pillars without losing speed, and the Ural is not far behind.
  • 3. The weight of all five trucks has been changed, increased by 2 times for Vienna; Molokovoz, Ural, Peacemaker by 2.5 times and Belaz by 3 times.
  • 4. Changed physical properties their suspensions and behavior model - trucks no longer fly over bumps, but drive over them.
  • 5. The survivability of trucks has been changed: Ural - 2200 units, Belaz - 3500 units, Peacemaker - 3000 units.

Installation features: Copy the data folder to the root directory of the game, agree to replace the files, the game must be uninstalled.

Config Tonny

  • the controllability of the Belaz and the Peacemaker has been improved (jumping ability and nose-down in flight have been reduced);
  • enemies appear further (there is an opportunity to escape from them), but there are more of them;
  • radar radius increased by 3 times;
  • the Rapier cannon received a clip of 3 charges, a rate of fire of 90, and a reload time of 4 seconds;
  • the guns received an increased blast wave;
  • vehicle upgrade slots have been added to the peacekeeper cabins;
  • One of the peacekeeper bodies was increased to 129 units as an experiment. cargo;
  • The power of Belaz and Peacemaker has been increased by 25%.

Description: Spoiler

A little history:

Kraycity is one of the very first mods for Ex Machina, released back in 2007.
Today, it is no longer a worthy creation in terms of interestingness, quality or technology.
Nevertheless, Krycity is firmly rooted in the memory of old-timers of Ex Machina, and largely due to the fact that at some point it became the first and only “combined” mod.
On May 3, 2007, the official assembly was released, combining kto MOD (author: kto) of the then first version and the Kraycity mod.
Although the use of modifications in one set was a purely personal matter for users who had the opportunity to install the mod they needed separately, since there were no alternatives at that time, a large number of players using mods, if not the absolute majority of them, preferred to see it on their computer single version kto MOD + Kraycity.
This is how Kraycity continued its life with kto MOD - the most popular series of modifications both then and now, until its third version, released a year later.
Then there were kto MOD 4 and 5, which raised the quality bar by new level and, taking into account public opinion, have undoubtedly become the best modifications for Ex Machina of all.
It is clear that old Kraycity turned out to be no match for them and was forced to retire to the outskirts of file hosting services.

This version of the mod, partially redone, is designed to remind fans of the game of the old days.
And since this Kraycity was improved, albeit by an outsider, who brazenly got into the holy brainchild of modders, and prepared to work with kto MOD 5.0 ​​- now he will be able to demonstrate himself in his new paint.
By the way, it should be noted that even in new versions of kto MOD there were pieces of that same Kraycity...

Original Kraycity mod (

Adds 5 new villages to the Edge location:
1. Sosnovka is a small village, the main resource is wood. There is nothing to buy here at all, but there is a bar “At the Sawmill”.
2. Rzhavensk - the village is also small, but there are people here who know how to make weapons.
3. Chesnokoil - oil workers’ village. Poor on the outside, rich on the inside.
4. Old village - a village located on ruins. Books are sometimes found in these ruins and happily sold.
5. The collective farm “Sickle and Hammer” is quite prosperous, produces a whole bunch of potatoes, but is in great need of fuel.

Upgrade mod Kraycity (

Allows you to install Kraycity on top of kto MOD 5.0 ​​(this version of the mod only works with it!).
1. The textures of the modified parts of the map have been repainted (now they are no longer scratchy).
2. Fashion roads have been partially redone (now they don’t get confused with each other).
3. Grass has been removed from under the roads.
4. The position of frequently duplicated mod objects has been changed (now they are in different positions relative to each other).
5. Modified locations are displayed on the in-game map.


1) Install kto MOD 5.0 ​​on Ex Machina.
2) If you are using a mod manager, make sure that kto MOD 5.0 ​​is already loaded into the game.
3) Unpack the "data" folder from the Kraycity archive into the game folder and confirm replacing the files.
4) Start a "new game".

Rusya_27 - ​​Made a small mod for the meridian. Meridian, because apart from the shortcomings in the short plot, in my opinion, it is much more dynamic, interesting and brighter than the first colossus. The mod does not contain anything fundamentally new; rather, it is a collection of features for the colossus. But no one has done this to Meridian before (at least not made it publicly available), so I decided to post this mod. What if someone who is not yet sufficiently knowledgeable in modding wants to see the various achievements of mods for the colossus in Meridian, but due to his inexperience he himself will not be able to do any of this.

Changes introduced by the modification:

1. Previously unplayable cars have been added to sale (bug, cockroach, ant, grasshopper, hunter, cruiser, tank, bulldozer, all-terrain BelAZ).

2. In the Living Jungle and Metal Jungle locations, a combat robot and a reconnaissance robot have been added for sale. Each robot has two cockpits for different types of weapons (robotguns and giantguns).

3.Cars with models from Ex Machina Arcade (Dodge, Pickup, Patriot, Bigfoot) have been added for sale. Other cars from Ex Machina Arcade will also be present in places in the gameplay.

4. All weapons have ammunition.

5. Added engines from kto MOD 4 (thanks to kto MOD 4 and everyone who took part in its development).

6. Weapons that were previously unavailable to the player have been added for sale (Gloom, Typhoon, Tank Tower, Eye of the Oracle-I, Eye of the Oracle-II, Eye of the Oracle-III).

7. Weapons with models from Ex Machina Arcade (Unique KPVT, Unique Vulcan, Unique Storm) have been added to the game. Like any other unique weapon it can be found in boxes scattered throughout the maps.

8. New goods have been added (construction board, jewelry, medicines, drugs, composite alloy - a more valuable analogue of scrap metal).

9. Added music from Ex Machina Arcade to the radio.

10. The characteristics of some weapons have been changed:

Auto stop began to cause damage;

Mars has moved into the category of homing rocket launchers (thanks to kto MOD 4 and everyone who took part in its development);

Increased rate of fire (and price) of plasma throwers;

The shock wave of mortars and the rate of fire of the Bumblebee have been increased;

Added shockwave to Cyclops;

Cyclops, Octopus, Hurricane were transferred to the biggun class;

The ammunition capacity of rocket launchers has been increased, the cost of charging them has been reduced, acceleration has been increased, and the time it takes to target a target has been reduced - rocket launchers are now more pleasant to use;

The Flag's shock wave has been reduced and the price increased;

A shock wave has been added to Storm and the price has been increased - now you should be afraid of him);

Increased Vector's rate of fire (and price);

The characteristics of robot guns have been approximately equalized;

Typhoon became a salvo launcher (rate of fire - 150, damage - 100);

Hit of the season - Tank Tower) Takes out the Urals with two hits. It is larger in size than the Gyangan, as is the Typhoon. Typhoon and Tank Tower are available for installation on Belaz, Ural, Cruiser and of course the Tank;

In total, there are 7 types of weapons in the game: special guns, small guns, big guns, giant guns, side guns, tank guns (Typhoon, Tank Tower), robot guns (Eye of the Oracle-I, Eye of the Oracle-II)

11. The characteristics of cars have been changed towards realism - they have become smoother (acceleration time has been increased, controllability has been reduced).

12. The characteristics of some cabins, bodies and chassis have been changed:

Increased safety margin, fuel supply, armor;

Some vehicles have increased weapon slots;

A second giant gun has been added to the body of the Belaz Grom;

A working biggun has been made for the bulldozer;

The second cabin of the cruiser has a working sidegun;

Working special guns were made for the cruiser and hunter;

Some cabins have increased the number of slots for gadgets

13. Ural, Molokovoz, Belaz and Peacemaker now have common bodies.

14. Changed the spawn of enemies:

Now you will be attacked by Bulldozers, Peacekeepers, Tanks, cars from Ex Machina Arcade;

Bulldozers and Urals can be found in the Oil Forests;

The number of simultaneously appearing enemies will increase to four, except for the Oil Forests - there’s already enough hardcore there)

15. The race in the Sema Lands has changed - bulldozers have been replaced by bigfoots, and the track has also undergone minor changes.

16. Minor changes to the Living Jungle map. In particular, a bug with a Real Madrid driver crashing into a bridge has been fixed. The town of Loudon has also changed.

17. Flags (Pirate Flag and Buffalo Skull) have been added to sale.

18. New caravans of various allied groups (no trade ones) have appeared on the maps; some are quite well armed.

19. During gameplay Often you will see something new and pleasant (or maybe not).


Run the installer, select the installation path - the root folder of the game.

Despite many gameplay improvements, the game has become more difficult to play for a number of reasons. Therefore, it is worth remembering some things:

For beginners, it’s better to first go through the game in the original (at least to feel the difference) or not play on high levels difficulties;

In connection with the emergence of new expenses, you should not neglect tasks in bars and, in general, various ways of earning money;

In connection with the change in the spawn of enemies, you should remember the basic rules: during the battle, do not stand still, do not neglect the help of pillboxes and caravans, do not forget about missile defense (it can come in handy in the Oil Forests), if you are not confident in yourself, do not interfere na razhon);

Remember the Easter eggs;

Robots have become serious enemies; I’m generally silent about tanks);

If you don’t already have a good enough engine, then before taking on quests it’s better to earn it first, for example, without a fast enough engine you won’t be able to win the race from Konnektsk to Big Head

or without a sufficiently powerful engine it will be very difficult to reach the smuggler through three barricades.

It becomes impossible to use the console. There is no uninstaller; attempting to remove it manually will result in the game not working. Whether to install or not is up to you.

Launchers for all games in the ExMachina series:

* They are relevant for all versions of the game. The launcher also performs the functions Mod Manager.---Launchers for all games of ExMachina series:
  • Ex Machina Hard Truck Apocalypse;
  • Ex Machina Meridian 113 Hard Truck Apocalypse Rise Of Clans;
  • Ex Machina Arcade Hard Truck Apocalypse Arcade;
*Actual for any version of the game.The launcher also serves as a Mod Manager.


The following issues have been minimized(on most configurations):

  • problems launching the game;
  • problems with departures;
  • solved the problem of StarForce old versions on Win 7 and higher;
  • increased stability when working with heavy mods such as HTA Booster mod;
  • for Ex Machina Meridian 113 Hard Truck Apocalypse Rise Of Clans, the problem of the game crashing after selecting Anisotropic filtering in the options has been fixed;
  • added modification manager.
---The following problems are minimized(in most configurations):
  • game start issues;
  • game crashes;
  • problem with StarForce of old versions on Win 7 and higher;
  • improved stability of the heavy modes, such as HTA Booster mod;
  • for Ex Machina Meridian 113 Hard Truck Apocalypse Rise Of Clans was fixed game crash after selection of Anisotropic filtering in options;
  • modifications manager was added.


1. Run the game on one (Windows 7) or all (Windows XP) processor cores.2. Launching the game with the console.3. Modification manager.4. Saving game progress with and without mods.5. Clearing the game from modifications.---1. Start game with one (Windows 7) or all (Windows XP) processor cores.2. Start game with console.3. Mod manager.4. Saving game progress with or without enabled mods.5. Clean mod installs.

Controls / Interface

1. List of available installed modifications.2. Description of the modification selected in the list.3. Installed in this moment modification.4. Game start buttons.5. Selecting the startup mode (1 or all processor cores).6. Saving profile and game saves (ONLY without installed modifications).7. Elements of working with modifications: - installation of the selected modification. - removal of a modification from the game while saving the profile and saves of the modification. - clearing the game to its original state.8. Link to the site and exit from the launcher.9. Screensaver for modification.---1. List of available modifications.2. Description of the selected modification.3. Currently installed modification.4. Start Game button. 5, Start Game with console.6. Launch mode selection (1 or all processor cores).7. Save profile and game saves (ONLY without installed modifications). 8, Load profile.9. Install selected mod.10. Delete mod from game (in addition it saves profile and saved games).11. Clear game to its original state.12. Link to website. 13. Close launcher.14. Mods picture.

Launcher installation

1. Download the archive for the desired game.2. Unpack into the root folder of the game (at the same level as the main .exe file of the game).3. Agree to replace files.4. Launch the game from old shortcuts or via Steam. Important! Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required to work. To work on Windows XP need Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 + run file Launcher_For_XP.exe.=> Launcher works ONLY with NOT an unpacked game. More precisely, the Launcher works, but ModManager, when clearing the unpacked game from the mod, will delete the entire contents of the folder data. In the links there is a SPECIAL version for unpacked game(apparently for a non-Steam version).==> Everything works with the Steam version of the game.---1. Download the archive for required game.2. Unpack it to game root folder (at the same level with the main .exe file).3. Agree to replace files.4. Run the game from the old shortcuts or through the Steam. Attention! The program requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 For Windows XP required Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 + run game from Launcher_For_XP.exe.=> Launcher works ONLY with the packed game. Actually the launcher works, but while cleaning installed mods Mod Manager will remove all from data folder. In Links there is a special version for unpacked game(probably for not Steam version).==> Works fine with Steam version of game.


Ex Machina Hard Truck Apocalypse Ex Machina Demo => (delete underscore).==> mediafire
Ex Machina Meridian 113 Hard Truck Apocalypse Rise Of Clans => (delete first underscore).==> mediafire
Ex Machina Arcade Hard Truck Apocalypse Arcade => (delete underscore)==> mediafire
Launchers WITHOUT Mod Manager for the UNPACKED game::

Installation of modifications / Modifications installation

1. Install Launcher. Launch the game to check. Exit the game and close the Launcher.2. Download the modification from the website (the modification must be adapted to the Launcher).3. Unpack the modification into the "Ex Machinamods" folder. You should get the following structure:Inside the modification folder the structure is as follows: 4. Launch the Launcher, select a modification and Load it using button block 7 (see Controls).5. Start the game using button block 4 (see Controls). Note: file StateInfo.txt will appear while using the program. Don't be alarmed.---1. Install launcher. Run the game to check. Exit Game and close the launcher.2. Download modification (modification must be adapted for the launcher).3. Unpack the modification to the folder "Ex Machinamods". Get this structure:Structure of folder modification: 4. Start Launcher, select mod and load it using buttons 9-11 (see. Interface).5. Run game with button 4 (see. Interface). Note: StateInfo.txt file appear after using the program.



MOST mods INCOMPATIBLE !!! / MOST of the mods are INCOMPATIBLE !!!Many mods can be found here: --> remove the underscore in underscore in

kto MOD 5.0 ​​global update / global update=>mediafire ==>
Ex Machina Textures Pack new textures / new textures==>
Sound Mod v1.2 Final new music / new music==>
