Competitions for quests for children. Organizing a quest party: ideas for scenarios and practical tips. Game quest task for adults and children movement with element replacement

When do you plan children's party, the easiest option is to contact people who professionally organize holidays. They will offer you a lot of options, various types of entertainment, among which quests are especially popular today.

Quest- this is a chain of tasks connected to each other by some topic or common goal.

It is not surprising that children are delighted with quests, because they so love to solve mysteries, go to the goal and receive such a coveted prize as a result.

But to arrange an exciting quest, you don’t have to contact anyone. Using ingenuity and imagination, any parent can write a script for their own special quest, which will be compiled taking into account the hobbies and interests of your child. And such a quest will be even more valuable, because you have put your soul into it, and even more interesting, because who, if not you, knows how to interest your own child.

To create a scenario, you will need tasks for a quest for children. Let's consider different variants children's tasks, by arranging which you can create your own unique scenario.

To read it, you need to do certain things with it. Examples of such a letter:

  • inscription with milk. Appears when heated. To do this you will need matches or a lighter, so this task should not be given to children. But even if you are doing a quest for schoolchildren, at this stage it is advisable for the participation or at least the presence of an adult for safety reasons.
  • wax candle or chalk. The paper with the hint must be painted over with a pencil so that the inscription appears. An excellent safe option for the task.
  • pressed inscription. We take two sheets of paper, place them on a soft surface and write the message so that it is imprinted on the bottom sheet. This will be our secret letter. To read the inscription, it must be painted over, just like in the previous version.


You can easily compose it yourself. For example, the answer to the next stage will be the word “sun”. For each letter of the word we come up with another word: the letter “C” is a dog, etc. Moreover, this may not necessarily be the first letter of the word. Then we select a leading question or riddle for each word. The answers are entered into the cells and the result is a clue word in one of the columns. We paint it some color. An example of such a crossword puzzle can be found here.

Hidden clue

For this type of task, you will need a container with sand, any cereal or pasta, in which a capsule with a hint is hidden. You can also use a bucket of water.

Such tasks are more suitable for a quest that takes place in nature.

You can hide the clue not in a container, but in a certain area. It could be some bushes or thick grass.


One or more questions, after solving which, participants receive a hint. It is advisable that the quiz questions be united by one topic. These can be phrases from fairy tales, from which you need to guess the fairy tale itself.

More quiz options:

  • we take several objects or pictures, we need to guess which movie or cartoon these objects are from;
  • Geographic quiz - guess countries, cities;
  • quiz with questions about animals, birds or insects;
  • a quiz with questions about household appliances or any items used in everyday life.

If the quest is carried out with schoolchildren, the quiz can be dedicated to any subject that they study at school. In this case, the task will be not only exciting, but also useful.


More suitable for nature, but can also be organized at home. On the street it could be taut ropes, between which you need to crawl, or a tunnel made of branches - this already needs to be determined from the availability of materials.

At home, you can use a special children's tunnel or stretch tape between the walls in the hallway.


It can be either in prose or in poetic form. The answer is the key to the next task.

To complicate the task, write the riddle backwards - then the children will have to try to read it, and then only guess.


We depict the key word using a rebus. You can choose a ready-made rebus, or you can come up with one yourself.


We first print a word or picture on paper, glue the paper onto thick cardboard and cut it into pieces. The child's task is to put the puzzle together to get a clue.

Word encrypted using phone buttons

Phone buttons have letters, which means each letter in a word can be represented by a number. But each number corresponds to several letters, which complicates the task. Such tasks are suitable for schoolchildren; children may not be able to cope with them.

Word encrypted with icons

Each letter of the alphabet is indicated by some kind of sign - a circle, a square, an asterisk. Children are given a code of signs and an alphabet with symbols. Their task is to pick up the letters and solve the word as quickly as possible.

find 10 differences

A well-known childhood pastime is to compare two pictures and find the differences. It could easily be made into a children's quest. Looking for differences as a team is much more fun and interesting.

Relay races

This is a component of a quest in nature. There are a lot of relay variations. You can come up with your own, stylizing it to match the theme of the quest. For example, if the quest is dedicated to the New Year, then instead of a ball, children can pass each other a toy snowman or Santa Claus’s bag with gifts.

Who's the odd one out here?

Children are given a few words or pictures. Their task is to determine which object or word is superfluous. The extra word will be the key to the next stage. An option with a complication - we make each word a riddle or a rebus, then the children first need to unravel the words, and then look for the odd one among them.

Do the math

We prepare cards with hints in advance, on each card there is a word and a number. To find out which word is the key, you need to count something. You can count steps in the entrance, benches or trees on the street, windows in the house, etc. Let's complicate the task - you need to count several objects, then add these numbers to get the key.

Find the right box

You need to prepare several identical boxes, one of which contains a key or a word. The participants' task is to open all the boxes. The option is more complicated - we put a key in each, but only one of them fits the lock, or we put a piece of paper in each, but only one of them has a hint.

Mirror reflection

We write a word or riddle in a mirror image. Participants must guess for themselves that they need to use a mirror to read. By the way, the mirror can also be hidden, thereby making the task even more interesting.

General assignment rules

Here we have selected only the main variants of tasks, you can take them as a basis or come up with your own, but you must follow several rules:

  • All tasks should not be dangerous. You cannot force a child to swim across a river or light a fire;
  • the problems must be age-appropriate for the participants to actually solve them. But at the same time, they should not be too simple;
  • the stages of the quest should be united by one theme, smoothly transition into each other, and be built in a logical chain;
  • at the end there should be a prize waiting for the participants, and it should be such that no one is offended. If the game is a team game, then the prize should be for the whole team. If desired, you can give small prizes at each stage of the passage.

We hope that our tips will help you and you will organize your own original and exciting children's quest!

Event form: quest game.

Age of participants: middle school, grades 5-6.

  • popularization of geography, physical culture both scientific disciplines and school subjects, through extracurricular activities.
  • creating conditions for the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of students.
  • stimulating students' cognitive interest in the subjects "geography", "physical education" and increasing interest in their study;
  • expand the connection between geography and physical education with other school disciplines: mathematics, literature, history through creative tasks
  • school team unity
  • formation of an active life position of students.

Relevance of methodological development.

A game - one of the most important activities of a child, his self-expression, a way to improve him. During the game, attention, memory, imagination are developed, skills and habits are developed, and social experience is acquired. The game is a recreation of social relationships between people, their behavior and decision-making in a simulation of real situations and social life. The game is educational and developmental in nature, therefore it is widely used nowadays in the educational process.

By participating in the game, schoolchildren learn to enjoy the successes of friends, worry about their failures, and provide help to those who need it. Such an event brings the team together, creates an atmosphere of emotional comfort and passion.

The game involves 2-3 teams of 6-10 people per team. Teams need to go through 6 stages. The event is held indoors at the school (several classrooms and gym). The quest game provides the opportunity to find answers to questions on the Internet. For this purpose, information has been prepared to help students use it when completing the quest game. As a result, it takes less time to find the necessary information

Time for implementation of the training session: 60 minutes.

Required resources: PCs with Internet access.

A supervisor accompanying students’ activities: to provide timely assistance to them in eliminating technical errors that arise when working with a PC and maintaining a working atmosphere.

Progress of the game.

Hello, dear friends!

Today we will do trip around the world. Your path will be difficult, but interesting. Along the way you will have to make several stops to complete tasks. As you complete tasks, you will receive hints that will show you the direction of your further movement, as well as one of the elements of the famous emblem that you will have to collect on last stage. The team that completes all the tasks the fastest will win.

Any seasoned traveler will tell you that such a long journey can be full of all sorts of surprises and surprises. And in order to successfully cope with difficulties, be attentive, friendly, brave, and dexterous.

Game conditions

In order to make the trip, you need to divide into teams, come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. The journey will consist of 6 stages. You will need to complete the tasks offered at each of them.

So, we hit the road!!!

The twenty-first century is steep and complicated,
It burns hot...
But the Apocalypse is postponed -
What else, brothers, should we wait for?
Let's go search around the world
The place where we are not yet,
Let's spin the planet with our legs,
Which is many, many years old.
Let's fly over the ocean
Where there are palm trees and warmth.
We'll arrive in the foggy twilight
To the pirate city of Saint-Malo.
There aren't many places in this world,
Where we dreamed of visiting!
The world is too gray without travel.
Let's start opening the roads.


First hint.

You go to an office where they speak the language of Byron, Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes.

I stop. "Europe". Located in the English classroom.

We begin our journey from the continent, which is often called the Old World. You probably guessed the name of our first stop.

II stop "Africa". Located in the library.

Hello, dear guys. We are glad to welcome you to our continent. Well, try to guess where you ended up. There are cut sheets with a poem on the table. It needs to be compiled. Who wrote this poem, what is it called. And where did you go main character save sick animals?

"We live in Zanzibar,
In the Kalahari and Sahara,
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where does Hippo walk?
Along the wide Limpopo."

When answering questions, you can take a hint: either find the answer on the Internet, or use an atlas.

  1. The largest desert in the world? (Sahara)
  2. The largest monkeys in the world and where are they found? (gorillas, rainforests)
  3. The shortest people on the planet? (pygmies)
  4. Animal with the longest neck? (giraffe)
  5. The largest tree in Africa? (baobab)
  6. The navigator who was the first to circumnavigate Africa? (Vasco da Gama)
  7. The fastest animal, reaching speeds of up to 120 km/h (cheetah)
  8. One of the oldest states in Africa (Egypt)
  9. The longest river in the world? (Nile)
  10. What is the longest lake in Africa? (Tanganyika)
  11. The largest peninsula in Africa, shaped like a rhinoceros horn? (Somalia)
  12. The sea separating Africa and Asia. (Red)
  13. The largest country in Africa by area (Algeria)
  14. The pig's largest relative? (hippopotamus)
  15. The river on which Victoria Falls is located? (Zambezi)

If all the questions are answered correctly, they receive a picture of a black Olympic ring.

Answer: These are living beings. Next station - biology room

Third stop "America"

Located in the biology room

Eat potatoes and tomatoes, smoke a peace pipe,
and with an Indian it’s like visiting the pyramids with your brother...
Columbus succeeded at once, getting lost along the way.
Name the continent so you can find it on the globe...

Next, students are offered pictures depicting plants, animals and natural objects of the continents of South and North America. If everything is guessed correctly, they receive a picture of a red Olympic ring.

Fourth stop "Australia"

Located in the geography room.

We welcome you to the most unusual continent on the planet.

She is located below us
They're obviously walking upside down
It's a year turned inside out.
The gardens there bloom in October.
It's summer there in December, not July.
Rivers flow there without water.
They flow somewhere in the desert.
There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets,
There cats get snakes for food.
Animals are born from eggs.
And there dogs don’t know how to bark.

What continent is mentioned in Galina Usova's poem?

Students are asked to use cut pieces of atlas maps to create a map of the continent of Australia. If the task is completed correctly, then the students receive a picture of a green Olympic ring.

You have to go to the office where they study substances and their transformations.

Fifth stop "Asia"

Located in the chemistry room.

One of the countries in this part of the world gave the world great inventions that we still use today. There is a compass, paper, and book on the table. Your task is to guess what country we are talking about and what part of the world we are in.

Answer: China, Asia.

Exercise. I use a map of Asia, name what minerals are mined there, and give examples of how they are used. Each combination: “mineral resource - example of use” - one point. In order to get a picture with a ring you need to score 10 points. After completing the task, the team receives a yellow ring.

There is a lawn at our school,
And on it there are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess what!



Sixth stop “Olympiyskaya”

Located in the gym

We are glad to welcome you at the last stop. Our trip around the world is coming to an end. And what is the name of our last stop, you can guess if you determine what kind of multi-colored rings you have in your hands. There are five of them, and they are all part of the famous emblem. Your task is to create this emblem and explain what it means. As always, you can use additional tips.

What is the symbol Olympic Games? (five colored rings)

What do they mean? (five continents).

Which continents do the rings represent? (Australia - green, Asia - yellow, Europe - blue, Africa - black, America - red.)

What other Olympic symbols do you know?

Where and when will the next Olympics be held?

Hint 1.

Five rings, five circles -
Five continents sign.
A sign that means
that sport is like a mutual friend.
All nations are invited,
into your World Peaceful Circle.

Hint 2.

You can answer which ring represents which continent if you remember which rings you received at which station.

Hint 3.

Presenter: In Africa in ancient times, one of the favorite sports was bull jumping. In modern gymnastics there is a similar exercise: jumping over …………. (gymnastic goat).

Presenter: The Indians who inhabited America loved to play ball. It was allowed to hit the ball with the elbow or knee. However, it was possible to win immediately if the ball flew through a ring mounted high above the court. 100 years ago in America ……… was invented. (basketball).

Presenter: Many modern sports originated in Europe, mainly in England. It was in Europe that competitions between teams began to be organized and uniform rules were created for everyone. What sports are we talking about? (Tennis, football)

Presenter: Australia was inhabited by tribes whose main means of subsistence was hunting. Representatives of these tribes were excellent shooters. This is how …………… appeared in sports competitions. (sports shooting).

Quests are considered a popular and exciting way to spend time, celebrate a holiday with colleagues or friends, and entertain children. Overcoming fun stages on your own or in a team, the opportunity to receive a reward - such a surprise will give you a great mood and unforgettable emotions, regardless of age and social status.

How to do

It’s easier to entrust the organization of the quest to professionals: animators will select a theme, provide paraphernalia and give a holiday to all participants in the competition. But this approach has a drawback - cost, good quests- it’s fashionable and popular, which means it’s expensive. Thus, the game “Copycat”, during which the player is “placed” in a horror film and his task is to stay “alive” or culinary, carried out in a studio with professional equipment, is not cheap entertainment.

There are many options for organizing an event yourself, and even a beginner can organize it. You can choose one of the presented scenarios or combine several types of quests, use your imagination and create your own, unique and inimitable.

However, for the success of the event, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • age and number of players - tasks must correspond to the level of development, be neither easier nor more difficult;
  • venue (on the street or indoors, private territory or public and others) - if there are more than 7-10 people, it is better to choose large areas or open space, but not an apartment;
  • game duration - on average, number of stages 10-15;
  • the event to which the quest is dedicated (birthday, alumni meeting, corporate party, wedding anniversary, etc.) - thematic ones imply an additional choice of costumes and other details;
  • the main prize does not have to be an expensive item; the gift must meet the expectations of the team members or the hero of the occasion.

Typically, the financial costs of such events are minimal: it’s easy to make paraphernalia on any topic with your own hands from scrap materials, ask the players themselves to come up with and appear in an interesting image.

For adults

To organize a quest for adults, you need to decide on the plot of the game and prepare the necessary props. The advantage of entertainment for young people is the fact that it is not necessary to have bright attributes; usually cards with tasks are enough, which are easy to find on the Internet, print out, or write yourself.

In the office

Various scenarios that need to be “tailored” to the theme of the corporate event and the tastes of your colleagues will help you become a real quest giver. It is better to choose team competitions that are limited in time, since in a relaxed holiday atmosphere there is a risk of not arriving at the final destination, but of lingering at one of the stations with a glass of champagne in the company of attractive employees.

Competitions that require both thinking and moving are good for a company.


All you need is paper and a printer (or pen). At each stage, the team finds a description of a famous film, program, fairy tale or book title, but with the opposite meaning. The players' task is to name the original. It can be:

  • Giantess (hint in the note) - “Thumbelina” (correct answer);
  • Good morning, oldies - “Good night, kids”;
  • A free woman from the Urals - “Caucasian Captive”;
  • The ravine of everyday life - “Field of Miracles” and so on.

Guess the phrase

At the station, the team finds a card with a quote from a famous movie or literary work, names it and receives a hint where to move next.

Pseudoscientific nonsense

The presenter reads a phrase in which the words of popular proverbs and sayings are replaced with scientific terms, and the participants must unravel it. It’s easy to come up with examples yourself or use the ones below:

  • Under a stationary rock particle, a liquid containing 2 oxygen atoms and 1 hydrogen atom does not make smooth flowing movements. (A rolling stone gathers no moss).
  • Excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol interferes with an objective assessment of the depth of the reservoir (the drunken sea is knee-deep).
  • Labor activity has no similarities with wild animals and cannot move with acceleration towards an area overgrown with trees (Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest).

Guess the country

At the station, players find a map with the name of the attraction: the Eiffel Tower, pyramids, Manneken Pis, Big Ben and others. You need to guess the country whose symbol is the image in the picture, name the capital and create the indicated architectural monument from team members and improvised objects in the room.

Such tasks and puzzles can be easily organized without outside help, completely free of charge, spending a small amount of time on planning the event and preparation. The optimal number of stages will be 10-12 for each team; they can be repeated and alternated. So logical and funny Games They will bring fun and excitement to the company of work colleagues.

At home

Quest events at home for friends and family are usually timed to coincide with a holiday: birthday, wedding anniversary, New Year's Eve, etc. They can be carried out by dividing into teams or all together, with the exception of the leader, who explains what needs to be done. The objective of the event is to find a gift, a cake, a box of alcoholic drinks for a party, and fireworks.

In addition to cards with tips and tasks, invitations should be prepared and presented in advance. They indicate the date and location of the holiday, its theme, and wishes for the image. It would also be useful to have some props, which you can then use for a cool photo shoot.

A variety of themes are suitable for organizing a holiday for adults.


You need to collect evidence and find the hiding place of the criminal who stole the main prize. You can complicate the game by making one of those present the villain. At the same time, among the evidence they name the character traits, hobbies and other signs of the criminal, whom the guests must guess.

For the New Year

An adult version with a stolen Snow Maiden and a bag of gifts. Santa Claus is the host. Only this time adults will have to perform competitions and read poetry along with children.


Only after completing logic tasks can you discover the key to get out of the locked room to the location of the holiday.

Examples of tasks and questions:

  • name a number in which the number of digits is equal to the number of letters (answer: 100);
  • collect a logical phrase from newspaper headlines;
  • determine the code word using the book and the presented set of numbers, in which each corresponds to a page, line and letter, and so on.

For children

Children's quests are held in anticipation of New Year's holidays, on a birthday, so that the birthday boy or girl is looking for a gift, for school graduations, and so on. In this case, the game can be for one child or a whole company, “one-time” or extended over several days. For example, 10 days before the New Year, the child finds a task, and after completing it, he receives a hint the next day.

The main condition is that at the end of the game a valuable gift must be prepared for the child, which will be an excellent reward for his efforts in solving puzzles and solving riddles.

Quests are carried out in an apartment, on the street, in a park or in a country house, depending on the time of year and weather.

For schoolchildren

Ideas for tasks for primary and secondary school children should be selected so that they develop the child’s logic and thinking, and test knowledge and skills. They should be bright and placed around the apartment or outdoors so that players can reach them safely and easily.


Using the existing key, identify the letters, and then compose a word or phrase from them. More difficult option- find the key to the cipher yourself and read the encrypted message - a hint for the next stage.

Examples of encryption are shown in the picture.


These can be letters in words or objects in pictures. These letters form a clue with the name of the location of the next stage.

Code by extra letters: Avocado, Pineapple, Akhpelsin, Potato, Moyarkov.
Guess: Kitchen.

The code for items is compiled according to the example presented in the picture. The initial letter of the extra image will be the letter of the code word.

Depending on the theme of the game, tasks for the rules are added traffic, knowledge of the basics of etiquette, riddles about living beings (fish, insects, animals, birds) and others.

For children 7-10 years old, the optimal number of stages will be 10, and the questions should not be too easy or too difficult, otherwise the children will quickly lose interest.

For teenagers

Creating a quest for a teenage group is not an easy task for parents or teachers, which is explained by the processes of personality formation and the denial of everything childish. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a more adult, youth event, but adapt it to the knowledge and abilities of children 12-14 years old.

The legend of the quest plays a big role: you should not touch upon personal or romantic relationship, it is better to base it on horror or superhero movie characters, and preferably spend it outdoors, in the forest, to ensure mobility and a boost of energy.

The tasks should be varied - logic, ingenuity and physical activity.

Based on films and computer games

A quest based on your favorite horror game or movie will be an unforgettable adventure. To do this, you need to decorate the venue in the appropriate style. If this is a game associated with the movie “Friday the 13th” or similar, it is advisable to do it in the park in the form of a kind of hide and seek. The guys have to find certain items to escape from a maniac, played by an adult in a hockey mask.

Code lock

A suitcase with combination lock, which contains prizes. The treasured numbers are hidden in the apartment and need to be found using the presenter's hints. To obtain them, you need to pass various tests. The code numbers can be put into one of several balloons. Participants will receive it only by bursting the correct one. Or place it in the freezer, giving a hint to look for the answer in the coldest place in the apartment.

For babies

Preschoolers are among the most active participants in quests. An important condition for success is brightness and colorfulness, so you can’t do without paraphernalia corresponding to the theme.

Children's energy requires an outlet; it is better to choose street quests. It is preferable to dress in costumes, depending on the theme of the game: pirates, princesses, gnomes and other characters, which the organizers should take care of in advance or instruct parents to prepare them (if the holiday is designed for big company 15-20 people).

For children 5-6 years old, you should choose tasks where you need to read words or phrases; for younger participants, prepare pictures with images or photo riddles.

Violent activity

Most stages should be moving. Children need to dance, knock down pins, run a relay race, catch fish and other active activities. Such tasks are performed one at a time, in a team or in pairs with a friend.

Find differences

A game familiar to everyone, where you need to find 5,7 or 10 inconsistencies in identical pictures.

For friends

City wander (hint quest)

A great idea would be to conduct a hint quest as a city walk between two teams, and it can be carried out in any weather and time of year, adjusting stopping points depending on the conditions.

The optimal number of stations is 12, divide friends into teams. Before you go on a walk, you should prepare the props in advance:

  • 12 notes with tasks for each team;
  • fun attributes: masks, hats, toy swords, Balloons, false mustache, bright big glasses and others;
  • Grand Prize.

The task is to complete tasks in which the answers to questions are the location of the next stop or complete tasks after which they receive the address of the destination.

The questions chosen are quite difficult, since the word “hint” itself means “hint”. If the participants do not know the answer and say: “Give me a hint,” they will have to work it out: dance, squat, do push-ups, ask passers-by to read poetry or sing, and others.
The host's duty is to photograph all the cool moments so that there is something to remember in the evening.

For students

The development of a quest includes choosing a location: in an educational institution with the involvement of teachers, on the street, in a shopping center, or a dormitory.

Where will the route lead?

A walking quest can involve all places at once. To do this, they draw up a route sheet, which involves passing through several points, where various questions can serve as tasks. At each new site, players receive letters or words of a code, which at the end of the tests must be matched and solved - the place where the holiday is held is encrypted there.

For example, the most unexpected option: a room where students replenish energy between pairs (dining room) and so on.

For the beloved and beloved

A quest for a dear husband or girlfriend will be an unusual gift. An original idea is a walk through places that are memorable for the couple, at each of which you need to hide a task. A more complex option - answers are sent to mobile phone, if it is correct, a new address is sent.

The intrigue will intensify if the invitation also comes by phone in the form of a video. The tasks may be different, but always related to romantic feelings and the couple themselves:

  • translate a foreign phrase (only from a very rare language!) that will sound like a declaration of love (again, a mobile phone will be useful for this);
  • drink a cup of coffee (paid in advance!) in your favorite cafe;
  • sit in a taxi that arrives and send a photo with a rose, which will be received in lieu of paying the bill.

Birthdays will also come to the rescue famous people, related to the dates of the first date or kiss, which are easy to determine via the Internet, news from the lives of stars who starred in your favorite films, and others. The final destination could be a restaurant, a honeymoon hotel room, or a wedding or jewelry salon.


Fun and simple competitions are suitable for families, which can be performed at home, in the country, and in the park.

Search for treasure

Treasures can be buried in the garden or hidden in a secluded place in the apartment. Then a map is drawn and marks are placed on it where the treasure may be. It is advisable to put more marks, but the main prize is only in one place. In the rest you can put notes with tasks, comic gifts and jokes, tips on where to follow (sometimes deceptive).

Treasures include a chest of chocolate coins for children or a box of rum for adults. For pirate quest You will need the appropriate attributes: bandanas, hats, blindfolds, sabers and swords.

This kind of entertainment will be an excellent alternative to the usual going to the movies or gatherings in a cafe, will unite the family and give a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions.

To create a map, you can use the proposed templates.


This game is well suited for high school students, students and young people, that is, the target audience is from 15 to 40 years old, as it allows you to get to know yourself in the form of a game, gain new skills and put them into practice.

The tasks are psychological situations, the way out of which in the future allows you to look at many problems from a different point of view.

For assignments, it is better to seek the help of a professional or look for ready-made templates compiled by psychologists, and solve assignments in a community of like-minded people.


  • age of participants: for schoolchildren and adult men or women, tasks should be of different complexity;
  • time to search for answers;
  • the ability to use hints (the Internet, books in the library, passers-by).

The game can be team or individual, the one who scores the most points wins. It is better if it is thematic: travel (geography), in the animal world, works of classics, entertaining physics, historical facts, economic development countries and others. The main thing is that all topics are related to science, knowledge of which is required to be demonstrated.

Such quests are usually conducted by teachers in schools and other educational institutions in order to consolidate knowledge. In this case, the classrooms are stations to which students sequentially move.


Spy (military)

Few people know what it is, because necessary props making it yourself is quite difficult. Spy or military quests are often included in this category, since during the tasks you need to:

  • study fingerprints;
  • open safes;
  • defuse bombs;
  • collect microchips;
  • conduct chemical experiments;
  • use night vision devices and others.

It is possible to slightly simplify the equipment for completing the task at home: a safe will replace a combination lock, an ultraviolet flashlight is suitable for detecting fingerprints, microcircuits and bombs are assembled using children's electronic construction sets.

Identifying fingerprints with an ultraviolet flashlight

Microcircuits from children's construction sets

Approximate replacements of props are made based on financial capabilities and imagination. The quest is more suitable for men, especially if the design of the venue is made in the appropriate style.


This term can denote any quest, since it in itself is a surprise, for example, for a beloved friend on her birthday.

Alien Capture

The legend of the game is the war of earthlings with an alien civilization. To defeat them you need to answer tricky questions (on space topics), study their language (read the text in reverse side), change your appearance to gain confidence. And, of course, find the main weapon - fireworks, which you need to launch at the villains.


Like in the movies

Humorous role-playing game based on comedy plots familiar from childhood. Each participant plays the role of a specific hero. Tasks involve performing actions and pronouncing catchphrases, playing episodes, often unexpectedly changed. Quests are usually designed for team play.

It is quite difficult to perform independently, as it requires a spacious room and the presence of props, so before doing it, it is better to notify the participants in advance, giving them the opportunity to prepare.

Movies suitable for plot:

  • "Operation Y";
  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus";
  • "The Diamond Arm";
  • "Alone at home";
  • “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession” and others.


The style of the game corresponds to the name: horror, thrillers, werewolves and vampires, dead people and zombies. To carry it out, you will need a room without light and the necessary paraphernalia: inscriptions in red paint, creaky cabinet doors, mournful music, a synthetic web and other objects that convey the reality of the situation.

The goal is to find a way out of the room or save a fictional character from the main villain in a limited period of time. It is best to play the game in the country or in an apartment.

Several people can participate. Players are seated blindfolded and with their hands in different parts of the room. They must reach each other and help unravel. Next, the goal is to find the key to unlock the door. Notes with tasks serve as hints (find a book and read a spell, eat a beetle made of marmalade, and others).


It is easy to arrange both for a holiday and on any other day within an apartment or house.

You need to place cards around the room with task-questions (7-10 stages) related to the second half. Choose original places - a freezer, a rug in the hallway, a cosmetic bag, a concierge table, a mailbox, and so on. The couple can communicate only through SMS messages, and in the end you need to meet the player at the designated place and give a beautiful bouquet to the girl or a culinary creation (cake, duck with apples, pizza or just scrambled eggs) to the guy. Or yourself.

To complete tasks, they use puzzles on the theme of love, counting various objects: perfume on a shelf, windows in an apartment and steps on the floor, pairs of shoes in a closet, numbers on billboards near the house (telephone numbers, for example). At the end of each stage, you should get a number that, when deciphered, will make clear the name of the meeting place (each number corresponds to a letter).

A suitable option to propose marriage.


This event will be an excellent gift for those who, during their school years, read the adventures of the legendary Sherlock Holmes and dream of the glory of a tough detective.

During the game, you need to solve a complicated case, and to do this, find and study evidence, analyze and classify facts, draw conclusions and logically explain each of them so that the criminal is identified correctly. They take any detective story as a basis and adapt it to existing realities.

The quest is designed for a different number of participants: one, a family, a group of friends, and even a whole class. Age also does not matter, since both children and adults can solve the biggest secret of the century, but for the latter, the riddles should be selected that are complex. The image of the players is also important - mustaches, pipes, magnifying glasses and raincoats will come in handy.


Such a quest is suitable for children, and so that even those who do not like to cook can enjoy it, they select their favorite delicacies as the menu - pizza, burgers, cakes and other harmful things allowed on holidays.

Children 4-7 years old can roll out the dough and lay out the filling on it, beat sauces in a blender, children 11-14 years old can cut food, cook cream and knead the dough.

The conditions of the quest are that all the ingredients and the sequence of their preparation must be deciphered, so riddles about the refrigerator, stove and oven, appliances, and various products would be appropriate.

And the end of the adventure will be eating the prepared masterpieces together, but first you will have to make a surprise for your mother - clean up a little in the place where the holiday will be held.

For a birthday

Here everything depends on the imagination of the organizer, since the principle of holding the holiday is standard, and the theme can be anything and depend on the hobbies of the hero of the occasion.


A good theme is a photo quest, where the search for a gift is carried out by identifying places, some of which are shown in the photo. The latter can be printed and hung at key points or sent to your mobile phone via instant messengers.

Board game

Another idea is text quests, which are sold in stores in the form board game. This is in case the weather does not allow running around the city or the desire to solve the “mystery of the century” suddenly arose among the whole group of friends.

For a wedding anniversary

The scenario is romantic, the prize is at the discretion of the organizer. The basis can be a greeting card, which is cut into 10-12 parts, and after searching for all the components, an image of the meeting place is obtained.

The tasks include dates and numbers, places memorable to the spouses, favorite songs and films. Drawings on the postcard are welcome, as well as decorating the envelopes where the assignments will be enclosed.

On the street

Open space is a treasure trove for quest ideas. These could be sporting events for one or several teams, music (dance and song) competitions, tasks for logic and ingenuity.

The theme can be one or include different directions, with the involvement of passers-by or only for players.

Condition - no more than 12 stations, unlimited time, territory - optional.

Survey of passers-by

A quest for friends that takes place on the street. It is necessary to conduct a survey of passers-by, asking humorous questions:

  • Which character do you associate me with: SpongeBob, Smesharik Krosh, Snow White, Rapunzel and other options.
  • How many steps are there from me to the next pillar?
  • How would you describe me? and others.

For each respondent, a code is given, and as a result of the game, the place of the gift or celebration is determined.


A good scenario would be a tourist quest. Here players carry out various assignments and tasks of the leader:

  • make a fire;
  • pack backpacks correctly;
  • navigate the terrain;
  • looking for edible plants.

To carry it out, you will definitely need a route map and pre-prepared caches with tools, tips and equipment designed to make your stay in the forest (notional or real) easier.

Around town

Today, in large and small cities, there are companies that organize games for every taste.

Their goal is to introduce residents and guests of the metropolis to places that are rarely paid attention to in everyday life.

It is possible to organize an event yourself, but it requires imagination and preparation.

Shopping mall

The next task could be to search for a gift for the birthday boy according to its description and the place where it is located (in a storage room, a store, a cafe, and so on). The key to getting it is also to earn it.

Every year, on the eve of their birthday, all children are overcome with such impatience that words cannot express it! If only the time had come to celebrate their next birthday! Here's how to make this day memorable for the birthday boy: long years, was interesting and unique? Of course, go in search of an unforgettable adventure.

Here you should not let everything take its course, study the proposed scenarios that abound on the Internet, because you should organize the event according to all the rules. You can invite animators, there are no problems with this in Moscow, or you can use a ready-made holiday script, which the Internet is full of. Perhaps the most beloved and interesting, both for children and adults, crowning any rating, is an adventure game, that is, a quest, as any entertainment event speaks about this.

A quest (quest from the English “task”, “search”, “hike”) is a mini-adventure, its script usually has several stages. Today, this is one of the popular and modern ways to celebrate a holiday at home or outdoors. Depending on the focus, all tasks must be completed collectively or individually.

Each interesting stage ends with a new task or mini-prize. There are so many steps that need to be completed so that the children invited to the birthday party don’t get bored. IN best selections, helping to organize adventures to find a gift, they say that 6-10 is the optimal number of tasks. You can do it outdoors, in the forest, or an ordinary room will do if the game is not a team one.


The key element of the quest, when you are planning to organize a search for a gift, are clue riddles hidden according to the adventure scenario. You can come up with them yourself or borrow them from various sources where there are ready-made scripts for children’s birthdays. The rating of the puzzles depends on the difficulty.

The tasks can be designed beautifully and creatively, or you can find a ready-made template in which to enter the tasks and then print them out. For children who cannot read the assignments, you can read them out or use pictures. To make the search more enjoyable, you can add sweet prizes to the tasks in the form of sweets, chocolate coins and other things.

Use simple and poetic riddles that are easy to solve, otherwise the task risks getting stuck and your mood ruined. You can use mathematical and logical problems, you can make, for example, a homemade puzzle. You can use gadgets and send tasks by email, stick QR codes on objects, or leave links to videos or pictures on the Internet.

If you want to give several gifts, you can use
poetic riddles to search for:

Looking for a hidden surprise

You can take riddles, the answers to which will be your favorite cartoon characters (in the form of toys, books or pictures), who will give a hint:

The next stage of preparation in an adventure scenario for children is laying out tasks and surprises to carry out the search. You need to make sure that each subsequent riddle points to the next waypoint in your game.

You can start by hiding the first clue in a place where you can quietly push the guests or the birthday boy in the right direction, if the room in which the search for a gift is going on does not want to part with its secrets. You can also hand over the first task in person, send it as an SMS, or ask your friends to hand it over in the form of a letter. Next, distribute subsequent tasks along the chain.

First, come up with an original text in the scenario of the adventure itself; you can include a happy birthday greeting in it, giving a start and setting the tone for the chosen scenario. It all depends on the hobbies of the birthday boy and the invited children.

The next question that needs to be addressed is: where is it most convenient for children to conduct a quest on such a significant day? There can be a lot of options: from your own apartment, to an outdoor adventure: in a city park, in a country house, and even on your own personal plot.

Quest Garden plot, at home or in the country

Team quest for children, looking for a gift

A team game is a special type of game, as it can include previous ideas for a search team or be, for example, a competitive type adventure when 2 teams participate. This script can be used not only for birthdays, but also for joint events in class or kindergarten. Based on the results of the game, you can make a rating of the smartest players.

The goal of this game is to find a hidden gift faster than the opposing team or the second option, which involves group game both teams. Alternatively, each team separately from the other must find its own part of the map, combining which you can find a common prize.
For team competitions you can take various games, For example:

Game “I am a director today”

You can also play mimes and pretend:

Progress of the game

The course of the birthday game for children should be smooth, moving from one point to another; you, as the leader of the holiday, should, if necessary, guide and prompt players who may get stuck and become confused (anything can happen). Although you shouldn’t rush, still give the children a chance to figure out the task themselves.

Entertainment such as quest rooms have become quite popular. This is where the imagination of the authors will provide you with real scenery and special effects, as well as unimaginable scenarios for the development of familiar plots; just type it into a search engine and you will be given a rating of the popularity of these establishments in Moscow.

Quest for a boy

As mentioned above, scripts for boys may differ from the plot in scripts for girls. Therefore, you need to prepare properly and take into account the interests of the birthday boy and his friends and do everything perfectly.

You can use logical tasks from matches (how to turn one number into another), easy chemical experiments, mark the numbering of books on the shelves, you can use stereograms, mixing paints, and tongue twisters for hints.

If you don’t have time for personal preparation, you can visit a room with theatrical quests in Moscow. The rating of such entertainment for children and adults is quite high and the themes depend on age, and you can also participate with your children. Themes are varied: space, cartoon, literary, military, pirate, fantasy and horror.

For example, a detective script:

1) Preparation

All tasks are designed for one participant, but if desired, a group of friends will not hurt.
Presenter: adult (one of the parents or a guest animator).
Time: about 1 hour.
Venue: apartment.
Age of participant: boy 7 years or older (can be remade for a girl if she likes this genre).
This scenario would be ideal if you decide to give your child a live puppy or kitten.

Necessary materials:

  • an envelope with the image of your favorite detective (classic Sherlock Holmes, Dasha the Explorer, Diego and others), paper and pen
  • some attribute of a “detective costume”
  • flash drive, phone, tablet, or laptop - any gadget on which you can play recorded audio files
  • 5 different "footprints" of a dog or cat's paw cut out of paper (each in several copies)
  • toy or live dog or cat (depending on the gift)

2) Beginning

We start in the hallway. There is an envelope with the first task sticking out in the door or under it; if the child does not notice it right away, say that “it seems like someone was knocking” or “oh, what is that.” So, the envelope is in your hands.
The child must print the envelope and read the letter.

The text of the letter can be changed according to the chosen chief detective and style: “Dear friend! I have to ask you for help. A terrible story happened to me: (let your imagination run wild and write in the plot). I ask you for help! You will find everything you need for your search in the place that is located in the house, and at the same time - on the street.

Sincerely, (name of the chosen hero)."

The child’s task is to figure out where the box with the necessary attributes is hidden. This is a balcony. If it's hard to understand right away. Then use the hint and form a word from the letters left in the envelope. The little detective must form the word “balcony”.

3) Investigation

We go to the balcony and find a box there, take out the attributes of the “detective costume”, and put it on. The box contains a memory card (any memory medium, depending on the selected gadget), a note and “traces”.

The text of the note: “Evidence has been collected here, it will help in our case. Listen to the recordings and identify the voice of the Baskerville dog (hero cat and others - according to the script), and then follow the trail.”

Five sound audio files with different voices of barking dogs or meowing cats are pre-recorded on the memory card. Files need to be numbered. One of them will belong to the Hound of the Baskervilles or (hero cat). We do it this way - let the child listen to the desired voice 1-2 times to remember it. Then listen to everything in any order and find out which of the recordings belongs to the desired dog or cat.

It may happen that you don’t succeed the first time, no problem, repeat the task.

When the desired file is recognized, the child must remember or write down in a notebook, like a real detective, the number of the desired file.

Now it's time to study the mysterious footprints of the dog (cat) in the box, all the “paw prints” are numbered. In the room we will also have 5 types of different traces without numbers, but of different sizes, you can even play with the color, going from the balcony to certain areas of the room (glue it with tape to be sure). Only one of them is correct.

The task is from the traces in the box, take the trace from the required number(this is the number of the guessed sound file), and find the same one on the floor. Having found the right direction, we will follow the trail until it leads us to the next goal. This will be the closet.

4) Search

Inside the closet, in a visible place, there is a note attached and several wardrobe items are hanging, for example, a shirt, coat, jacket, jacket, trousers, etc. It is better to temporarily move unnecessary and repetitive items to another closet.

Text of the note: “Dear friend! You are a real detective! Be careful: here are hanging the things of a criminal who is hiding the location of the dog (cat). You need to carefully search these things and find the missing puzzle pieces, from which you need to assemble a word. This word will show you the further path.”

Seven pieces of paper with letters are hidden in the pockets of things, each with 1 letter. If things to be searched have many pockets, then the search will be more exciting. The child’s task is to find all the letters and form the word “corridor” from them. From the letters you need to make up the name of the next room with the task, for example, kitchen, corridor, living room.

After this you can move to this room.

5) Brainstorming tasks

On the floor in the selected room lies an envelope with another note for the young detective.
Note text: “Great job! You are getting closer and closer to the goal. The next task is to use logic and deduction to solve all the riddles. Only then can you get an answer as to where to move next.”

The presenter sequentially asks riddles:

You can find a lot of logic puzzles. You can use numbered cards and a card with the voice (trace) number from initial tasks, will be about a home environment item, in this item you will hide the next clue.

After that, he needs to search the hidden object and find a dog collar in it (if the gift is a puppy or a bow on a string if it is a kitten). A note “go to the next room” will be attached to the collar (bow) (if there is only one room, then you can use the kitchen or bathroom).

A stuffed dog or cat (if a toy is planned) will be waiting for the winner in the next room. If the animal is real, then it is unlikely that you will be able to persuade it to sit quietly, so in the end the search should take you outside and there your assistant in the person of a relative or friend will present the treasured gift.

This is, of course, a short script, but what prevents you from taking it as a basis and creating your own version.

For girl

Girls can cope with tasks for boys no worse, but they still like slightly different genres. The rating of entertainment for girls is headed by: fairies, princesses and fairy-tale adventures.
A scenario for a girl can be based on the plot of her favorite fairy tale or on testing her skills as a hostess, or even combine everything at once - the main thing is that it is interesting, and the birthday remains in the memory as an incredible adventure.

The logic for the scenario for a girl is similar to the above scenario for a boy. Let's just change the main character.

Only after waking up, the girl can find a flower or an envelope, and in it a note that her favorite fairy or princess is asking for her help. You can write assignments in verse, involve your favorite toys, flowers on the windowsill, and outfits in the mysteries. Moving around the room at the end, you can make up a word inviting you to continue the celebration in a cafe or amusement park and present the main gift there.

This is an old team building trick, but always interesting and emotional. One player is blindfolded and launched into a maze, which is laid out on the ground with ropes, or drawn with chalk on the asphalt. The rest of the team must guide the blind poor fellow through the entire maze so that he does not go beyond. You cannot step on the boundary line. Any spade and go through the labyrinth will have to be done from the very beginning.

When guiding a person through the maze, each team member can say only one word and only in turn. If the guides get confused, saying two words, or not in turn, the blind person begins the passage of the labyrinth all over again. Thus, children soon begin to say things like: “Go”, “Stop”, “Spin”, “Stop”, “Go”... etc.

Task No. 2. Cobweb

For this task you need a long rope, a padlock and a key. If several teams take part in the quest, then each team needs its own lock and key. We randomly wrap the rope, like a web, around some structure or several trees. We attach a lock to one end of the rope and a key to the other. We attach the key and lock to a large ring so that they can be easily moved along the rope. The children's task is to open the lock. One group begins to pull the lock towards the center, and the second the key. Somewhere halfway through the journey, the groups meet and open the castle.

If you don’t have a lock at hand, you can hang letters all over the web. By following the route of the rope, children will collect a word or phrase. The hanging letters can be placed randomly to create an anagram.

Task No. 3. Tightrope walker

This is a dexterity task. Players do not need to think, but simply walk along the cables back and forth while balancing. Of all the props, you need a pair of regular car lashing straps to secure the cargo. These belts can be found at any hardware store or gas station. If you pull them very tightly, they will support several well-fed adults.

You can diversify this task with an item at the far end of the route, which you need to take and bring to the start. And don’t forget the most important thing - the entire surface under the cables is lava.

Task No. 4. Cocktail

For this task we will need several bottles and 3 types of syrup of different tastes. Pour a tablespoon of syrup into each bottle and add water. Mix everything thoroughly and ask the children to guess all three ingredients. For each taste you guess, you can get 1 point. It’s better not to mix similar flavors, but take, for example, chocolate, mint and lemon. If the theme of the quest is pirate, then such a cocktail can be called “Red Beard”.

Instead of syrups, you can use 3 different juices. In winter, use tea with different types of spices that players need to guess. The resulting mixture can be filled into individual bottles for each team, or it can be poured into disposable wine glasses from one large jar or kettle.

Task No. 5. Footballgolf

It's time for our kids to get some exercise. To do this, we will send them to play a game that is a mixture of golf and football. In any accessible place, dig a hole in the ground the size of a soccer ball. For ambience, you can place a bucket in this hole and put a flag. We take the players 150-200 meters away, draw a line and offer to roll the ball into the hole in 5 hits. Children take turns hitting the ball each time. It's a lot of fun playing footgolf in the woods with the ball constantly bouncing off the trees. And it’s even more fun in the car park))

Task No. 6. Treasures from the chest

All children love to look for treasures and treasures, and we will not disappoint them. Of course, we could bury small chests with precious coins, and place a code word on one of the coins. But taking into account our requirements for the budget of the quest, we replace the chests with plastic lunch containers, and the coins with spiral-shaped pasta. In one of these pasta you can hide a piece of paper with a message. Children will excitedly bite through the pasta in search of the code.

By the way, if you need gold nuggets for decoration, then you can buy a can of gold paint for car rims and paint regular crushed stone or large stones with it. The very location of the treasure can be encrypted GPS coordinates, or the old fashioned way - with a cross on a printed Google map of the area.

Task No. 7. Cells

Another team building task. Wind a rope between two trees so that you get two-story cages. The size of one cell should be approximately 30 cm x 50 cm. The player must be passed into these cells by hand so that he does not touch the ground. Each cell can only be used once.

Task No. 8. Shooting

Don't feed the boys bread - let them shoot. A shooting task always arouses increased interest and a children's quest is rarely complete without it. If you don't want to overly militarize the game, you can limit yourself to simply throwing tennis balls into jars. It's especially fun to throw balls at a target over a high fence with a fire spotter. If your children are a little older, you can teach them how to make slingshots and punches, or take a couple of air guns. But under no circumstances should you give children a reason to shoot animals.

Task No. 9. Black water

There are a lot of interesting chemical experiments for quests. One of the most accessible is to make black water transparent. To create black water, we need a bottle of regular water to which we need to add a pinch of starch and a couple of drops of iodine. After some time of non-use, the starch will settle and the bottle will just need to be shaken. You can discolor such black water with an ampoule of sodium thiosulfate, which is sold in any pharmacy. The water discoloration reaction lasts 1-2 minutes. This can be played out in a quest in different ways. You can buy different ampoules - with glucose or saline solution, paint them all in different colors or supply in different words, but only the ampoule containing sodium thiosulfate will work.

Task No. 10. Memory test

Developing visual memory is very useful for children, so be sure to include such tasks in quests. We will need a lined board and a dozen different items. Children study the arrangement of objects on the board for a couple of minutes, and then try to put the objects in their places. Simple and useful.

Ideally, you should have two sets of items and two boards. On the first board you arrange all the items in the right order and cover it with a blanket. The second board is empty, a set of objects lies nearby. During the quest, you tear off the cover from the first board for 10-15 seconds and give the children the opportunity to remember the objects. Then the players must reconstruct the entire picture from memory on the second board.

Task No. 11. underground word

If you have the opportunity to buy or rent children's metal detectors, then you can do a lot with them interesting riddles. You can even organize entire treasure hunting championships. Hide coins of various denominations on the field and send the children to collect them. And we propose to carefully and quietly trample metal chains into the ground in the form capital letters. Children must use a metal detector to determine which letters are buried. Finally, name the whole word. 2-3 large and clear letters are enough. For example the word: "GOAL"

If you want to hold a treasure hunting championship, it is better not to use regular coins, and metal plates, or lids from cans. Such large objects are easy to detect even with the simplest metal detector and can be easily removed from the ground. You can also bury a chest in a clearing and cover it with a metal plate, which must be sprinkled with earth and grass. Players first use a metal detector to find a slab, and then a treasure chest underneath it.

Task No. 12. Treasure from the bottom of the sea

For this task we will need powerful magnets that can be obtained from old speakers or computer hard drives. It’s better to buy ready-made search magnets with special eyes for ropes. The simplest ones cost about $20-$30. These magnets make it very interesting to remove coins from water. Just scatter coins along the shore of a lake, pond, pool, or under a bridge over a shallow river. Just make sure that the coins are newer than 2011, old ones are not magnetic.

You can use large nuts or bolts instead of coins. Give the children a couple of minutes to manipulate the magnets along the bottom and count the treasures raised from the bottom. Don't forget to take a screwdriver or pliers with you; tearing coins off a powerful magnet will not be so easy. It is advisable to entrust the procedure of tearing off coins to adults.

Task No. 13. Word search

This task is very easy to prepare. Just hide various words in a certain search area - on the playground, in the room, on the stairs in the entrance, in the car, etc. Finding hidden secrets is interesting in itself, but you will create an additional riddle. All found words can be words from one popular song or picture that needs to be guessed. In this case, it is not necessary to search for all the words, and the most perceptive will understand what is being said quite quickly. And those who don’t like to think will increase their chances of winning by actively searching.

Write the words themselves on self-adhesive labels and remove them after the quest. At your dacha, you can write down the words with a permanent marker. In the forest, write words on wooden signs and nail them to trees. You can also tape a piece of paper with the word to a pole or tree. Be sure to warn children that removing stickers or signs with words is strictly prohibited. Children will be able to rewrite the words they find in a notebook or take a photo with their phone.

Task No. 14. Photo hunt

Let's try to develop a little creative skills in our players. Now all children have phones that can be used to take photos during the quest. So we invite the children to take fun staged photographs. In the footage, they can jump and hover in the air, they can catch animals or birds in the lens, throw objects, climb trees, or simply make funny faces. Three different pictures will be enough for any quest.

If the photo itself is not enough for you, then you can complicate the task a little. Give the children a long word, for example: WIND GENERATOR and ask the letters of this word to form the name of the object. This item must be found and photographed. The longer the word, the more points you can get for this task. So, players who find and photograph a “crow” or “gate” will receive 6 points. Whoever guesses to remove “car” or “leg” gets 4 points. For a photo of a “ravine” you can get 5 points.

We will gladly accept your donation on your Yandex.Money card

Our charity quests for children look like this. In any case, we will regularly hold games for orphans at our own expense, but with your help they will be much more attractive, more interesting and for a larger audience.

Web design courses: elbow soap dispenser.
