Competitions for September 1. Holiday script for first-graders "September 1st" class hour (1st grade) on the topic. Role-playing game "Summer Fun"



"AY, yes WE"

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys. We are glad to see you in our hall for the traditional game program dedicated to September 1st.

Our hot holidays are over, they flew by like one day. You rested, got better, and someone else, perhaps, lost weight and gained new strength. And there is such an endlessly long academic year ahead. But you and I will not be sad, we will have fun and play. And in order for the games to be fun, we will now greet each other.

I will now read a line to you, and you will continue it:

1. Game "Hello"

When we meet the dawn,

We tell him... (Hello)

With a smile the sun gives light,

Sending us your... (hello)

When we meet after many years

You will shout to your friends... (hello)

And they will smile back at you

From a kind word... (hello)

And you will remember the advice

Give to all your friends... (hello)

Let's all answer together

We will say to each other... Hello!

2. Game "Don't laugh"

Presenter: the next game is “Don’t Laugh.” I invite everyone to stand in a circle. I warn you, you can't laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game. So, listen to the task.

Take the neighbor on the right by the nose.

Grab each other's hair.

Put your arms around each other's shoulders.

Pull back your neighbor's cheeks.

Pull back your neighbors' ears.

Pat the knees of those standing next to you.

Twist at the temple on the left side of the person standing.

Well done!

3. Game “Move the book”

Host: As is known in eastern countries, women carry things not in their hands, but on their heads. And now I suggest you try carrying the book on your head.

4. Game "Grapes"

Presenter: Those interested are invited to the hall, the materials at hand are ready for you - plasticine and a board. At my command, you must make a bunch of grapes. 3 minutes to complete the task.

5. Playing with the audience. Quiz “Believe it or not”

In Japan, students write on the board with brushes filled with colored ink. (Yes)

Is the turkey originally from India? (No)

Is elk a type of deer? (No)

The marmoset is usually the size of a kitten. (Yes)

Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, he sold leeches)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)

Rhinoceros horn has magical powers (No)

Penguins fly north for the winter. (No, penguins don't fly)

The Romans wore trousers (No, they wore togas and tunics)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs (Yes)

Do mice grow up and become rats? (No)

At night, using echoes, do giraffes find the leaves they feed on? (No)

6. Game "Lapta"

4 participants are invited to the hall. The first throws a tennis ball, the second hits it with a tennis racket. The pair with the most successful throws wins.

7. Game “Mixed Up Newspaper”.

Two groups of participants must fold a multi-page newspaper in the correct order in 1 minute.

8. "Ruler"

Presenter: School days are approaching, and I want to check how ready you are for school. You see broken lines on the sheets, your task is to measure its length using a ruler, who is faster.

9. Quick Eraser

Host: Answer me, just honestly, have you ever erased two marks in your diary? Didn't wash it. Well done. But since our game is a joke, I suggest you play the role of an inveterate loser. In front of you are sheets with huge twos. They need to be erased. Who will complete the task faster?

The Day of Knowledge holiday is a holiday associated with school. Therefore, competitions, quizzes and all kinds of competitions that are held on this day should also correspond to the school theme. Entertainment can be carried out both at school (in the classroom) and at home, arranging it after the festive table. Both first-graders and anyone for whom this day brings back good memories of their first day spent at their favorite school can take part in them. Here are some sample competitions.

Games and competitions for Knowledge Day


What comb should you not comb your hair with? (Petushin.)

What is between the window and the door? (Letter "I".)

What are the clouds floating on? (Across the sky.)

How does “day” and “night” end? (Soft sign.)

What can you see at night? (Dream.)

What is the easiest domino? (Six - six, since it has the most holes.)

Why are people's hands different? (Because one hand is left, the other is right.)

What are we walking on? (By the floor.)

A, I, B bought a house, but did not live in it for long.

A went abroad, B sneezed, and went to the hospital.

Who is left in the house?

(B stayed because he just sneezed, and I went to the hospital.)

You can ask first-graders riddles, and for each correct answer there is a prize.

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

He wags his tail, has teeth, but doesn’t bark. (Pike)

Two rings, two ends, studs in the middle. (Scissors)

Covers everyone in the world; what he sews, he does not wear. (Needle)

When they walk, they knock; when they are silent, they stand. (Watch)

The miracle artist applied herbs, leaves, and twigs of roses to the windows. (Freezing)

There is a scattering of stars very high in the sky, like milk. (Milky Way.)

The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it. (Light bulb)

I walk forward from dawn to dusk, but there is no trace of the steps on the path. (Day)

I am bent in an arch on the meadow grass, resting in winter on a nail in the pantry. (Sickle)


Very funny game. She develops speech, which leaves much to be desired for some first-graders. In this game, everyone present becomes a participant. The volunteer is given three plums (preferably large and pitted); if the plums are very small, then you can give five. This volunteer must put all the given plums into his mouth, but not chew them (when the competition is over, you must check the integrity of the plums!). Then he is given a printed text, which he must read while holding plums in his mouth. Everyone else should understand it. Whoever understands the reader most correctly wins a prize.

You can repeat this game several times with different text and new (!) plums. Instead of plums, you can take some other tasty treat (sweets, pieces of apples, pears), the main thing is that your whole mouth is filled with food. Then the game will be more fun.


In this game, participants need to be divided into pairs. Give each pair a short rope or ribbon. One participant from a pair will need to tie 5 knots on a rope (ribbon). The leader should not give any instructions as to which knots should be tied. When all the knots (for all participants) are tied, the remaining partner must untie all the knots offered to him as quickly as possible.


For this game you will need as many participants as there are puzzles prepared. Puzzles can be made like this: take cardboard (or thick paper, you can use whatman paper), on one side of it draw some picture related to the school, for example, a briefcase, a textbook, the school itself, or whatever you have enough imagination and artistic skill for. On the other side of the cardboard, write a clever saying, proverb or riddle about studying, which the participants will then have to guess. Proverbs can be like this.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Learning is beauty, and ignorance is simplicity (dryness).

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Teach others and you yourself will understand.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Without flour there is no science.

Learn good things, so bad things will not come to mind.

And strength gives way to the mind.

You can't get out in front of people with someone else's mind.

You can't buy intelligence overseas if you don't have it at home.

Riddles can be written like this.

White field, black seed, whoever eats it understands. (Book)

I’ll write everything you need and put my thoughts on a piece of paper. (Pen)

A country without people, cities without houses, seas without water. (Map)

I'm a small suitcase

I’ll fit it in my briefcase for you.

I have pens, pencils,

Eraser, look for brushes! (Pencil case)

I’m sitting under the glass, looking in all directions;

Will you climb into the forest with me -

You won't go astray. (Compass)

It’s better not to write the answer. You need to cut the cardboard so that each puzzle has a part of the picture, and on the back - the entire words from the proverb (riddle). Place all the puzzles on the floor, pictures up, mixing them. Participants must take each of their puzzles and find it right place. When the picture is collected, the presenter (or one of the little participants) needs to turn over the collected picture and read the assembled proverb. If it was a riddle, then the children must guess it.


In this game, participants must be divided into two teams. For each team you need to set up your own “goal” and give it a soccer ball. Players stand one after another at a distance of 5-6 steps from the ball. Each player carefully looks at where exactly the ball is located, then he is blindfolded (a neckerchief or scarf is suitable for this purpose) and turned around its axis with the words: “No matter how you spin, you will hit the ball!” After the player has been spun, he must walk up to the ball and kick it. After the kick, the “football player” opens his eyes, stands behind the team, and the next participant takes his place. Teams can help their members by guiding their movements with words. The team that ends up scoring more goals will win.


This is a game of medium mobility. It develops reaction speed in its participants. A presenter is selected (or it can be one of the adults). He becomes the dispatcher, and the rest of the participants become the planes. Each “plane” draws a circle around itself. This is the landing site. The “dispatcher” leads the “planes” into the sky. But as soon as he commands: “THE WEATHER IS NOT FLIGHTABLE,” all “planes” must occupy any landing site as quickly as possible.

The “dispatcher” also tries to occupy the circle and becomes the “airplane” if successful. And the one who does not have enough circles becomes a “dispatcher”. To make the game more fun, the “dispatcher” can organize it, for example, as follows.

The “dispatcher” commands:

— I authorize takeoff. Follow me!

Participants spread their arms and line up. The “dispatcher” leads everyone around one tree, then around another (if there are no trees in the place where the game is being played, then another obstacle can be used), funnyly commenting on the progress of the flight.

“There’s not a cloud in the sky,” says the controller. — The flight takes place at an altitude of 8000 m. We turn right. Do all “planes” know where their right wing is? Now we turn left. “Airplane” Masha (Seryozha, Lena, Petya), where is your left wing?

- We are now flying over big city. And this is not a blue ribbon at all - this is a wide river. We are descending. Bend your knees. Below, below. Clouds appeared. We gain altitude. Higher, higher. A black cloud with thunder and lightning is coming towards us. WEATHER...

All participants rush to occupy the landing sites.

- FLIGHT! - says the “dispatcher”. - We are not afraid of black clouds with thunder and lightning!

Everything is being built again.

- We are flying over the sea, over the mountains. Their snowy peaks shine below us... We are flying over golden fields... Fog! THE WEATHER IS UNFLIGHTABLE! - the “dispatcher” shouts and is the first to rush to occupy the landing site.

Here the game may end, or it may continue, but with a new “dispatcher”, who becomes the participant left without a landing pad.

Leading:Hello children!

We are very glad to see you today!

A variety of people are in a hurry to learn.

The Day of Knowledge is celebrated in our Motherland.

Festival of Knowledge in September.

This holiday is the most important

This is a holiday for all children.

This day is everywhere for us

The whole country celebrates.

This day is the best

Good calendar day!

Leading: We congratulate you all on the holiday and want you all to like it and remember it. This day opens the school year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends.

Leading: Guys, what time of year is it today?

That's right - autumn! And it's time to go to school. You are ready?

1 competition "To school"

1 players have backpacks behind them, children run along the path, run around puddles, come back and pass the backpacks to the next players.

Leading: Do our children like to play?

Children. Yes!

Leading: Then I suggest you play an interesting game.

If you agree with what I say, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you don’t agree with me, then remain silent.

2 competition

Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Kindergarten came to life today

After summer holidays.

The world of knowledge, children, is very complex.

Who is ready to go there? (answer).

Who will study letters?

Reading slowly?

Will not pester mom:

“Well, read at least a little bit” (answer).

Who is the designer, friends,

Can you master it without difficulty?

"Jeep" and "Volvo" will assemble,

Will you take dad to kindergarten? (answer)

Who will sing and dance,

So that later the rating is “5”

Receive in lessons? (answer)

Who loves to sleep in the morning

And miss exercises?

Who is capricious and lazy

Come on, answer quickly! (answer)

Leading: Well done guys, no one made a mistake! But it is true that they say that the most cheerful people on the planet are children.

Leading: Children, what should your teacher give as a gift on Knowledge Day?

That's right flowers!

3 competition "Pick up a bouquet!"

There are flowers in a large vase in the center of the hall, children take turns running to the flowers, taking 1 flower each and giving them to their teachers.

Leading: What a great fellow you are, guys! To know everything in the world, We will gain knowledge in kindergarten! Which ones?

Children:(in chorus)



Leading: Forward! The world of knowledge is waiting for you!

4th competition "World of Knowledge"

In the center of the hall on the table are all the school supplies, the children run in turns, choose 1 of them, put them in the briefcase and run back, pass the briefcase to the next one, etc.

Leading: Had a great game, kids. And look who came to visit us (music is playing and a fixie from the cartoon is playing)

Fixik: Hi guys! And I came to you with riddles, I want to know how you prepared for the new school year.

Listen carefully:

1. If you hone it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?. (Pencil)

2. Glue the ship, soldier,

Steam locomotive, car, sword.

And it will help you guys

Multi-colored (Paper)

3. I am an important subject for school.

To make a paper cube,

Airplane, cardboard house,

Application to the album,

Don't feel sorry for me.

I am sticky, viscous. (glue)

4. It contains a pencil case and notebooks

And a sandwich for breakfast.

All textbooks are ok

The student carries it to school.

It shines like gloss -

Beautiful behind the back. (knapsack)

5. All drawings will be erased instantly,

If she goes ahead. (Eraser)

Fixik: And now it's time to dance!

Children perform a previously learned dance.

Dance "Fixies"

Leading: Happy Knowledge Day, guys!

Publications on the topic:

"Zarnitsa" sports entertainment for children of the middle group Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 41 “Swallow”, Ulan-Ude “Zarnitsa” in the air for secondary preschool children.

Sports entertainment for the Children's Day holiday Sports entertainment for the holiday “CHILDREN'S DAY” Educator: Golikova N. A. Purpose: 1. To form an idea of ​​the holiday.

Venue: gym. Program content: continue to expand knowledge about the culture of the peoples of the Southern Urals, consolidate knowledge.

Festive entertainment on September 1 “Candy of Knowledge” Festive entertainment dedicated to September 1st. 2016 For all groups All children enter the hall to the music and take their seats. Ved. :.

Musical and sports entertainment for children 3–4 years old “Health Day”(junior and health groups) Purpose: creating a festive mood; strengthening children's knowledge about healthy way life; clarification.

Sports entertainment for children 3–4 years old Goal: creating a festive mood; consolidating children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, developing speed, jumping ability, and dexterity in games.

Sports entertainment in senior group"Carlson visiting the children" Purpose. To encourage children and parents to embrace healthy things.

:s:As usual, the first of September passes primary school? It’s fun and joyful, because this is a real holiday for both schoolchildren and teachers. A new academic year begins, full of impressions and discoveries and, of course, gaining new knowledge. The first bell rings at the ceremonial assembly, and the children go to their classes. And to make it easier to adapt them to the new year of study, you can organize a holiday on September 1 with games and competitions. In them, children will be able to get to know each other better and simply relax before new educational achievements. We present to your attention several interesting competitions, which will make the first of September interesting for teachers too.:f:

  • Available materials
  • Good mood :)
  • "Understand me". All students in the class will be able to take part in this funny competition. It will need to be divided into two teams. Each of them will take turns guessing the names of the objects depicted by a member of the opposing team. A table will be required for the competition. Pre-prepared cards will be laid out on it, on which the task will be depicted. At the beginning of the game, a member of the first team takes a card and shows the members of the opposing team what he saw on it. You need to try to explain as clearly as possible, but without words, only with movements. You are allowed to move from place to place and use your legs and arms. Participants who guess the hidden word can ask questions. In response, they may receive the word “yes” or “no” - the question should be posed only in such a form that it can be answered in monosyllables, nodding or shaking the head. The team that guesses the most words will win the competition.
  • "What a word?". All participants are also divided into two teams. The teacher, who is leading the competition, will think of a word, and the students must guess it. First, the first team answers, and if the answer is incorrect, then the second puts forward its version, but if it is also wrong, then the first answers again, and so on until the correct answer is given. In the next round, the losing team will answer first. The right to the very first answer can be played out. Victory will remain with the team that guesses the most words. For such a competition for schoolchildren on September 1, you will need to prepare in advance by finding suitable questions. For younger schoolchildren they should be simple, for older children they should be more difficult.
  • "Plum Speaker". Another funny competition, which in game form helps develop speech in first-graders. Instead of plums, you can use other small berries, pieces of fruit or cookies. The volunteer who becomes the first participant takes a mouthful of food and begins to recite some text prepared in advance for the competition. All other students should try to understand him and retell what they heard. The one who manages to do this most accurately will win - he receives a prize.
  • "Putting together puzzles." You will need to prepare several puzzles in advance. To do this, all kinds of school supplies are drawn on a sheet of whatman paper - a briefcase, a desk, a globe, a textbook, etc., and on the other side of the sheet a riddle is written that must be guessed by the competition participants. Afterwards the sheets are cut into puzzle pieces. They are laid out on the floor with pictures facing up and mixed. The students' task is to each take a puzzle and begin to compose an image. When this task is completed, they turn the puzzle over and give their answer to the riddle. The team that does this first wins.
  • The first of September is not only a school holiday, but also a family holiday. With the help of the competitions we offer, you will turn the day of getting to know the school into an exciting adventure, a real holiday for the whole family.


The girl is a hooligan and doesn’t like school.

The boy is a nerd and loves to study.

The boy Petya comes on stage. Stand in the middle of the stage in a shirt and trousers. The music begins, cheerful and perky. The girls run out, put his jacket on him, take out his briefcase, and begin to collect his briefcase. They gathered and ran away.

P.- Hello boys and girls, we are glad to welcome you today to our holiday! Does everyone know what day it is today?

Children answer “day of knowledge”

P.- Absolutely right with Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1!
The first school bell rings across the country, announcing the start of the new school year! In any educational institution, a new academic year begins on this day - a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Learning is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! The Day of Knowledge!

The girl Sveta comes out.

D. – Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! And so every year. How can? What's special about this holiday???! NOTHING! Bored at school, are you forced to study? They give two! And who likes getting bad marks? They ask a lot. They force you to read, but everyone loves to read? Well, you see, that’s why I won’t go to school this year. I'd rather go for a walk every day and have fun!

P.-Who are you?

D.I am the most cheerful, mischievous and hooligan girl Katya!

P.– it’s immediately obvious that I didn’t go to school! Weren't you taught good manners? Would you like to say hello to the guys?

D.- A! This?! It's so easy!

Hello guys! Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart, dear kids!
Comrades, adults, hello to you too!
And I have no more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again I say to everyone, everyone, everyone: “Hello!”

Why is it so unfriendly? Not hot - not cold, not wet - not dry, not bitter - not sweet, not wobbly - not wobbly? Let's say hello in an unusual way. When I say: “Hello!” - all the boys will shout: “Fireworks!” - and wave to me. Let's try. Hello!

The boys are greeted.
Girls, I suggest you say hello in French, like this: “Bonjour!” - and blow me a kiss. So, let's rehearse. Hello!
The girls are greeted.
Dear adults, mothers and fathers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, I ask you to say hello in the Eastern way. To do this, you need to fold your palms in front of your chest, make a small bow and say: “Salaam alaikum!” Hello!
Adults welcome.
Now let's all say hello together, but each in his own way. Boys – “Salute!”, girls – “Bonjour!”, adults – “Salaam alaikum!”,
We said hello very well,
Now let's have some fun,
We will sing, joke, play
And, of course, dance.

P. – that’s a great way to say hello, but we never met!

My name is Petya! And this, as we understand, is Katya’s most important fidget. But we don’t know your names, let’s now shout your names loudly one, two, three times! One two Three…

So, is everyone ready for school? (Yes)

D.- what can you learn at this school?!

- If you agree, say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
If you don't agree, keep quiet.
*Which of you is always ready to live life without teachers?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
*Who wants to be a scientist,
Cheerful, slim and cheerful?
*Who among you does not walk gloomily,
Loves sports and physical education?
*Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he skate like a bird?
*Well, who will start lunch?
From imported chewing gum, sweets?
*Who loves tomatoes?
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?
*Who has eaten and brushes his teeth
Every day twice a day?
*Which of you, from the kids,
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
*Who, according to the schedule
Doing physical exercises?

P. - oh, but do you like physical education??

D. - yes, but what?

P. – then let’s all do some exercises together now?

D. – can I please do some exercises!? I love exercises so much! Are you guys ready???

Hands to the heels and to the ears on the knees and to the shoulders to the sides on the waist up, and now a cheerful laugh hihihi hahaha how good everyone was and laughed from the heart, once they clapped their hands, two stomped their feet, three four pulled themselves up and smiled at each other!

P.- well done
Guys, but physical education is not the most important thing they teach at school, but the most important thing they teach at school is reading, writing, and counting. Do you want to be able to write, count and read? (Yes!) Maybe someone already knows how? (Yes!) Let's check! Can you guys count? Until when? Up to a million! Let's do this. I will read you a funny “mathematical” poem, and you help me!

Once a bunny ran along the plains -
And that means the bunny was... (alone)
The hare ran to him,
Then there were only... (two) birds.
Another one is running - look!
Now there are hares... (three)
A new hare rushes:
“The path is wider for me!” -
So, therefore, there are already... (four)
Bah, here he is running alone again,
So, that means there are now hares... (five)

The counting game is played several times, each time getting faster.

You see how well our children can count.

D.- So then why do they go to school?! And so everyone knows - I can’t understand. What else can you teach them?!

P.- Well, whatever! for example, attention! Dolphin game (I'll explain along the way, you know her)
There are still many, many more at school interesting items and lessons! Physical education, drawing...

D.- yes, but do they teach dancing there? But I know how, do you want me to teach you?

Dancing: little ducklings.

I also have a friend who will teach you how to dance even better!

Then meet me! Dolphin moment.

Dance marathon.

P.- well done guys danced with all their hearts! Can you solve the riddles? Just be careful.

Puzzles.the girl is confused in her answers.

D.- what smart guys. But I didn’t guess a single one.

P.- Don’t be upset, it’s better to go to school with me and the guys.

D. – will you take me with you?

P. - won't you go for a walk?

D. – no honestly, honestly!

P. - Well, guys, let's take her to school with us?

D. – Well, today is a holiday, isn't it? And I invite everyone to start having fun and playing together now! All agree? Yes! Great. Well, the sports ground is open for you today! Also for those who want to compete with our friends in knowledge. Our friends are waiting for you... here and there. Well, what would a holiday be without colorful faces. Artists work for you near the stage, but they are not ordinary ones and will be able to decorate your face according to your desire. I will also be waiting for young artists near the stage for drawings on the asphalt.

Guys, our holiday has come to an end, and it’s time for us to go. But that’s not all for you, from 16:00 to 17:00 courtyards will be open on Nekrasova Street 1a, Sovkhoznaya 7, and behind the Lapland cafe we ​​will be glad to see you at our courtyards.
