Summary of an outdoor game in the second junior group “Wolf and Hares” lesson plan (junior group) on the topic. Summary of "card index of outdoor games in the second junior group" Summary of the game in the junior group

Lesson notes on educational field " Physical Culture»
for children of the 2nd junior group
(from outdoor games during a walk)

Compiled by:
teacher first
qualification category
Gordybaeva Elena Vasilievna

Software tasks:

Expand the functionality of the life-supporting systems of the pupils’ body;
-form purposeful motor activity through play activity;
- cultivate friendly relationships with each other in joint motor and play activities.

Methods and techniques:
- a surprise moment;
- artistic word;
- outdoor games of varying intensity;
- encouragement.

Materials and equipment:

Letter from Santa Claus;
-toy hare, bear, fox, Santa Claus costume.

Preliminary work:
-learning moving and round dance games;
-learning the song “We’ll warm ourselves up a little”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today a letter arrived in our group. It contains an invitation from Santa Claus. He invites us to visit him, in a magical forest, we don’t take anything with us. Let's go light. Children go to the sports area.
Educator: Oh, guys, there is so much snow, how will we get there?

Outdoor game "Legs"

Goal: to develop children’s skills to jump rhythmically, softly on two legs, moving forward.

Legs, legs
Walked along the path (walking)
We ran through the forest (easy running)
Jumped over bumps (jump while moving forward)

Jump-jump, jump-jump!
We galloped onto the meadow
We rode for a long, long time
And they lost their boots! (sit down)

Come on, where are you, little boot? (shrug)
We will find you, friend! (they shake fingers)
Let's knock our heels,
Let's run along the path! (stomping feet)

(The children ran along the path. A bunny sits on the path and cries)
Educator: Why are you crying, little bunny?
Bunny: Santa Claus invited me to visit, I walked, I was tired, I was cold, I couldn’t go any further.
Educator: Bunny, we will warm you up and take you with us, we are also going to visit Santa Claus. Really, guys?

Outdoor game: “The gray bunny is sitting”

Goal: to continue to strengthen children’s ability to listen carefully to the text and perform movements in accordance with it: jump in place on two legs, quickly run away at the teacher’s signal.

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit
I need to warm my paws
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny needs to jump
Someone scared the bunny
The bunny took it and ran away.

Educator: Bunny, are you warm? Then get ready for the road. The snow is deep, raise your feet high to avoid getting stuck in a snowdrift.

(Children approach a pine tree, a bear sits under the tree)

Educator: Why are you sad, little bear?

Bear: I was bringing pine cones to Santa Claus as a gift, but I dropped the basket and scattered all the pine cones, how will I collect them all now?

Educator: Don’t worry, bear. We will help you. Really guys?

Outdoor game: “Who will collect the most cones?”

Goal: to train children to walk in different directions, to develop reaction speed.

Game description: Cones are laid out on the site. Children walk between them, trying not to touch objects. At the signal “Take it!” cones quickly rise.

Bear: Thank you guys, you helped me out. Can I go with you?

Educator: Well, guys? Let's move on.

(Children move to another part of the site. The children are met by a fox who is crying)

Educator: Why are you crying so loudly, fox?

Lisa: How can I not cry? I built myself a hut out of snow and ice, it turned out beautifully. It's just very cold.

If only someone could cut some wood for my stove. Maybe you guys can help me?

Children: let's help!

Outdoor game: “There will be firewood for the winter”

Goal: to develop children’s skills to perform coordinated movements in pairs, to develop a sense of rhythm.

We'll cut the log now
Saw-saw, saw-saw
One-two, one-two!
There will be firewood for the winter.

(Exercises are performed alternately with the right and left hands)

Lisa: Thanks, guys! The amount of firewood they have prepared for me is now definitely enough for the whole winter. Because you helped me, I will take you to Santa Claus by the shortest route.

Turn around, turn around
Find yourself in Santa Claus's yard.

(Santa Claus met the children) Santa Claus: Oh, I’ve been waiting for you, kids, girls and boys. You will amuse me and you will dance with me.

Outdoor game: “We’ll warm up a little”

Goal: To train children in the ability to perform rhythmic movements to music.

We'll warm up a little
We will clap our hands.
Clap-clap, clap, clap, clap,
Clap-clap, clap, clap, clap.

We'll put on mittens
We are not afraid of blizzards
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

We'll warm your feet too
We'll drown soon
Top, top, top, top, top.
Top, top, top, top, top.

Frost and I circled
How the snowflakes swirled
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Santa Claus: Well done, the kids danced well and amused grandfather. A gift from me to you.

Educator: Together we will say to Santa Claus and the forest animals: “Goodbye! Thank you!" For hosting us, playing with us, we will go home along the forest path.


  1. 1. Curriculum of Preschool Education. - Mn.: NIO, 2012
  2. 2. Glazyrina, L. D. Physical education for preschoolers. Younger age/ L. D. Glazyrina.-M.: Academy, 2001
  3. 3. Likhadievskaya, T. G. Outdoor games in kindergarten / T. G. Likhadievskaya, I. M. Ivanovskaya. - Mn.: Aversev, 2002

Gorbunova Galina Vasilievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU" Kindergarten" № 82
Locality: Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Summary of an outdoor game to improve running in a forward direction for the younger group
Publication date: 27.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of the outdoor game “Mice in the Pantry”

for the II junior group.


tasks: strengthen the ability to crawl under a tense



act on the signal “Meow”.

2. Developmental tasks: develop flexibility in climbing, speed in running

with speed.

3. Educational tasks: develop the ability to act together.


height - 40 cm.,

cat toy,

attributes of mice.

Location: music hall -2 half day.


included in

Organizational guidelines

Gathering of children

Guys, listen to my tale: in one

There lived a big, beautiful cat at home. During the day he

ran out

a crust of bread to chew on. And the cat

woke up


“Meowed!”, the mice immediately ran away to their

minks so that the cat doesn't catch them.

masks for children

let's play


little mice, and I'll be a cat.


The cat lives in his own house (I show mine

high chair),

(I show the children – the “mice” – to the stand with

rope on the other side of the hall, opposite

cat's house and explain that this is their house -



I have a bushy tail.

I love mice very much

I catch them, I catch them, I catch them.

The cat sits in his house and falls asleep.

I cover my eyes with my hands and don’t peek.

The cat fell asleep.


under the rope


come out

take a walk

"Climb up

rope, leave the house “Pee-pee-pee”.

The mice ran away, found a crust of bread,



/I entice the children to follow me around the hall,

performing squats and imitating a find

crusts of bread/.



run away

bend over,



What fast and dexterous little mice.


"cat") he left and fell asleep again, and we again

let's go for a walk.


2. Children mice walk quietly, inaudibly,

don't stomp, don't push.

Run away into your holes only after words

"Meow". That's how brave Natasha's mouse is -

it reaches the cat itself, and then runs away.


Mice, don’t forget where your houses are,

bend over


Game summary

I liked it

let's thank the cat. The cat helped us do



They weren't afraid of the cat .

Natasha Vladimirovna Romanchenko

Summary of the outdoor game

Summary of outdoor games in I younger group

"Sparrows and the car"

Target. Develop auditory skills, motor activity, ability to follow rules games.

Tasks. To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place, to learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher;

Equipment: toy car, tambourine, toy steering wheel, sparrow hats.

1. Gathering children for PI

Recorded singing of a sparrow

Educator: “Children, who is singing this?”.

Children's answers.

The sparrow is jumping and jumping

Calls small children

Throw crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing you a song Chick-chirp!

Throw in millet and barley

I'll sing to you all day long

Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet!

2. Create interest in IP

- a story about sparrows:

“Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day they flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects. They flew up to the puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day a large car suddenly appeared and honked its horn. "bi - bi - bi". The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests.

3. Rules games.

Let's play this game. You will be little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will be the car.

Turn around yourself and turn into a sparrow!

Let's remember how sparrows fly and jump.

I fly along the street, I live under the roof (flapping their wings)

The little sparrow is looking for crumbs in the yard (bend over or squat)

The bird is small, has claws, cannot walk (jumping on two legs).

And now the rules games: sparrows sit on chairs, these are nests. At a signal, they fly out, jump, and peck the grains. And as soon as the car, I will be the car, starts honking "beep beep", all the sparrows fly to their nests.

4. Explanation games in progress

Play with children

“The sparrows flew to us. And they began to live in nests here on chairs. “Let the sparrows fly into the house” (the tambourine is silent).

“And here in the garage there was a car (I take the toy car and put it aside)" “The car is in the garage - sparrows run out of the house (tambourine sounds). Let's wave our wings (I show, let's peck some grains (showing). Let's tweet for joy ( "tweet")". I go to the car, take the toy and I say: “The car left the garage - beep, beep - fly away sparrows to the house so that the car doesn’t run over you” (the tambourine is silent). I drive the car by the rope. When the children all sat down on the chairs I say: “Well done, sparrows, they flew away quickly, the car didn’t run over anyone.”. I'm driving the car "to the garage": “The car has left - fly out sparrows”. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

And now the car will be driven by another driver, Dimochka. And we will continue the game.

5. End games.

Sedentary game"Let's go for a ride in a car"

And now all the sparrows will get into a big car and go for a ride. I place chairs in pairs in one direction, assign a driver, and give the child a toy steering wheel.

Analysis outdoor games in the first junior group.

This game teaches you how to manage your behavior. The task of children is to perform game actions in a timely manner, which are determined by the role. The game situation involves alternating two groups actions - active movements and their inhibition, which requires certain efforts. These efforts are made easier for children by the activity of their imagination when fulfilling the role they have taken on. Thus, this game also helps develop imagination.

An emotional mood has been created for carrying out

goal achieved

Prospects: continue to work on children’s understanding of the rules in games

Publications on the topic:

Goal: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. Equipment: low plastic jars with lids, beans, peas, pasta.

I would like to share with you colleagues what we did: playing a game with our children. A small photo report. The purpose of this game is to educate.

Fun game in the first junior group “A kitten came to visit us”“A kitten came to visit us” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of folklore works, geometric shapes, intensify cognitive activity.

Games and exercises in this group will help develop children’s ability to identify from one to four different properties: color, shape, size.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; physical development.

1. Game "Mice dance in a circle"

Objective: to develop motor activity.

Material: house

Progress of the game:

Educator: “Today we will play the game “Mice dance in a circle.” What kind of mice are they? What do they like to do? (run, jump, have fun). Show! (children show). How do they squeak? What happens if the mice see a cat? (they will get scared and run away quickly.) We will all be mice. And Vaska will be the cat (we choose a cat child)."

Teacher (addressing the cat child): “Show how a cat meows. What kind of claws does it have? How does it catch up with a mouse?”

The teacher takes the child cat to the house.

The teacher addresses all the children: “We are mice, we will dance in a circle, run, play, have fun, but as soon as Vaska the cat wakes up, immediately run away so that the cat doesn’t catch you.”

Progress of the outdoor game:

The adult sings, and the children move quietly and sing along with the adult:

The mice dance in circles:

The cat is dozing on the stove.

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Vaska the cat will wake up

Our round dance will be broken!

The mice don't listen, they run and squeak.

Vaska the cat woke up,

The round dance has started!

The cat runs after the mice: “Meow-meow-meow!”

The "mice" are running away. At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2-3 times.

Self-analysis of the game:

12 children took part in the game. They listened attentively and with curiosity to the rules of the game, and actively and cheerfully performed game actions. I especially liked running and hiding from the cat. The game evoked positive emotions among the children.

I believe that the task of developing motor activity was completely solved by me.

The game, initiated by the majority of children, was repeated 3 times. The child playing the role of a cat changed.

I played the game myself.

While playing the game, I felt like I was still a child myself.

2. Game "Don't hit the object"

Task: to develop motor activity, start the movement with music and end with its end.

Material: various toys according to the number of children.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Today we will play the game “Don’t touch the object.”

Teacher: “I’ll lay it out on the floor various items: bucket, soft toy, airplane, car, cube, skittles, doll, etc. There will be enough toys for everyone."

Objects are randomly laid out around the room, while the children sit on chairs and carefully watch and listen to the teacher.

Teacher: “Now I will ask you to stand up (the children stand up). I will now turn on the music, and you listen to it” (turned it on). The children listened to some of the fun music. The music turned off. "Happy music (fun)? Shall we play to it? (we will). But on one condition: as long as the music is playing and your ears hear it, you children can move around the hall as you wish, trying not to touch or pick up objects on floor. As soon as the music stops and your ears stop hearing it, you need to quickly stop and pick up one of the objects."

Children take turns naming the object that is in their hands.

Self-analysis of the game:

15 children took part in the game. They listened carefully and with curiosity to the rules of the game and actively performed game actions. The game evoked a variety of emotions in the children.

I believe that the task of developing motor activity was completely solved by me, but starting and ending movements with music was not completely achieved, because the kids were very interested in the objects lying on the floor. They were focused on getting the toy they liked as quickly as possible. And if several children liked the toy, they began to share it, which led to tears and resentment.

The game, initiated by the teacher, was repeated 1 time.

The game was carried out by me with the help of a teacher

While playing the game, I felt emotionally exhausted.

Outdoor games with children of the junior group “Bird Day”


To develop children's auditory attention and the ability to move in accordance with the words of the text; through the game, to reinforce in children the names of some birds (crow, heron, owl, chicken), their habits and characteristic features.

Progress of outdoor games:

The teacher offers children illustrations depicting birds: crow, heron, owl, chicken.

Kids, look who is shown in the pictures? (listen to the children’s answers, clarify)

Let's remember the names of these birds.

The teacher draws attention to the illustrations one by one, invites the children to name the bird, and, in case of difficulty, names it herself. Then the name is pronounced in chorus and individually. After looking at each illustration, the teacher invites the children to play an outdoor game.

Outdoor game "Crows"

Purpose of the game:
To develop children's auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with the words of a poem, to practice the correct pronunciation of the sound [p], to learn to speak either loudly or quietly.

Progress of the game:
Children pretend to be crows, they stand in the middle of the room and perform movements in accordance with the text that the teacher recites. The words “kar-kar-kar” are pronounced by all children.

Here under the green Christmas tree
The crows are jumping merrily:
“Kar-kar-kar!” (loud)
They screamed all day long
The boys were not allowed to sleep:
“Kar-kar-kar!” (loud)
(Children run around the room, flapping their arms like wings)
Only at night they fall silent
And everyone falls asleep together:
“Kar-kar-kar!” (quiet)
(Squat down, hands under cheek - fall asleep)

Outdoor game "Heron"

Children stand on one leg or the other.

It's very difficult to stand like that.
Don't put your feet on the floor,
And don't fall, don't sway,
Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Outdoor game "Owl"

It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time. (Children stand in a semicircle, depicting sleeping birds)
All the birds are sleeping, only the owl is awake,
He's flying and screaming
Big head, sitting on a branch, (Children depict an owl in accordance with the text)
He turns his head, looks all around,
Yes, suddenly it will fly!
