King of Diamonds card combination. Secret sign of playing cards. The meaning of the card in the layout

Our distant ancestors also used playing cards as the most common means of predicting the future. The first mention of decks was found in European literature of the fourteenth century, and since then they have been popular. Regular cards directly related to the mystical Tarot; in many fortune-telling they have similar not only the layout, but also the meaning. The Ace of Spades, for example, is similar to the Ace of Swords, and the suit of Pentacles is similar to the Diamonds.

When preparing for fortune telling, as a rule, a person does not stock up a full deck of fifty four cards, but a shortened version, from thirty-six. It is recommended to carry out the ritual in a room without icons for a more accurate result; the cross should be removed from the body, and all pets, especially cats, should be driven away. The meaning of the cards is described below.

Ace (of spades)

First of all, you should pay attention to the position of the card. It could be as follows:

  • Ace of spades point up. The meaning of such a card can be considered generally positive. Traditionally, it is perceived as a sign warning about the imminent connection between the fate of a fortuneteller and a state-owned house. Don’t be scared and think about prison; perhaps it’s just a trip to a government agency - an administration building, a military registration and enlistment office or a hospital. The second meaning is more pleasant. A dropped ace of spades can foreshadow activities that bring pleasure; their mood promises to bring only good, but there is no need to relax. This card also acts as a warning: caution is required in matters related to the legal side of what is happening. The environment of the ace plays a significant role, and in some cases its appearance in the layout predicts passionate love.

  • Ace of spades point down. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to interpret it on the positive side. Such a card promises early disappointments, possible illnesses, and defeats in business. The betrayal of a loved one or the betrayal of a friend or family member is not excluded. The presence of other cards of the suit of spades nearby only enhances the negative nature of the omen.

Ace of spades in front of the king of spades

The meaning of this combination of cards is often misinterpreted. Some girls, wanting to know a man’s attitude towards themselves, resort to fortune telling, but the answer from mystical forces may not suit the questioner, and then she begins to look for positive aspects in him. The most common mistake is to consider the ace that falls after the king as a sign of complete repentance of the person who has wished for him in relation to the woman. If the lovers had a fight, the answer of the cards does not mean that the man is sorry, it only shows that this moment time he feels bad, and the reason for this can be anything.

If the ace of spades falls in front of the king of spades in an upright position, this predicts an early and final separation of the couple due to the fault of the man. If the card is turned upside down, the woman will be a prisoner of strong, but causeless experiences.

Ace of Hearts

As a suit directly related to love relationships, “heart” is also of great interest to fortune tellers. In the upright position, the card has an extremely positive meaning. This is certainly a speedy happiness, a great joy, which is extremely difficult to overshadow. If a card with the image of any figure (house, king or jack) appears next to the Ace of Hearts, this could mean a meeting with friends, a fun feast, a date, or just a get-together drinking alcoholic beverages.

The inverted position of the card will please the fortuneteller less. The promised joy will be diluted with a fly in the ointment, a cheerful feast will turn into disappointment. Neighboring cards will help you understand what exactly will go wrong.

  • Ace of hearts, six of clubs - the acquaintance promises to be useful, but it will certainly entail a waste of money;
  • Ace of hearts, nine of spades - a fortuneteller will face unpleasant news related to health problems;
  • Ace of hearts, ace of spades - the meaning of this combination is interpreted as negative news, promising a quarrel with a loved one. However, it can act as a pleasant sign. In order to understand this, you need to pay attention to the neighboring cards. The eight of clubs, next to the combination of aces, promises good news.

Ace of clubs

The main meaning of the card is related to financial issues.

  • Ace clubs pregnant « point up" This card promises financial income. There may be a good profit from a planned enterprise, a sudden inheritance, a gift. If a figure lies next to you, you can understand the sender of the gift; the absence of one can be interpreted as a surprise from a stranger.
  • Ace clubs pregnant « point down" The card advises the fortuneteller to be careful in financial matters; unfounded gossip is possible.

  • Any six, ace of clubs - this combination predicts good news.
  • Seven of clubs, ace of clubs - an extremely joyful event will happen in the personal life of the fortuneteller; in a competitive environment, victory is expected.
  • Nine of spades, ace of clubs - these cards are a harbinger of great troubles and severe disappointments.
  • Nine of hearts, ace of clubs - on the threshold of future events there is mutual love, which cannot but be accompanied by other joyful events.
  • King of clubs, ace of clubs - a fortuneteller should expect betrayal from a relative or friend. This is exactly how this meaning of the cards is interpreted. “Ace of spades - ace of hearts” is very similar to this combination of clubs.
  • Ace of spades, ace of clubs - they promise strong fear.

Ace of Diamonds

Symbol of future news. In the upright position they can be either positive or neutral. You can find out the nature of letters and other messages if you look closely at the surrounding suits. The presence of positive cards promises corresponding meaning. The Ace of Spades warns of difficulties, while the Hearts promise a love confession or an invitation to a celebration. If the card falls point down, the fortuneteller should prepare for negative news. Any card without a figure, belonging to the black suits, suggests that hopes are not destined to come true, the nine of spades acts as a signal for betrayal by an important person, a long journey is possible. Separately, it is worth considering the situation when the ace of diamonds lies between the king of spades and the nine of spades; this alignment promises a happy future or a promotion at work.

King of Spades

The interpretation of the provisions is as follows:

  • Straight position. A person directly connected with the public service will soon intervene in the fortuneteller’s life. They could be a military man, an official, or a representative of any other government profession. In another interpretation, the king of spades is called a person occupying a high position, respected in society. Friendship with him will bring a lot of good, but enmity promises to end in tragedy. Very faithful in love.
  • Point down. A person who has no moral principles is inclined to take bribes and is excessively cruel and rude. The cards warn: cooperation with him will bring a lot of problems. Exhausting proceedings in court, the king can take this meaning too. The Ace of Spades in combination with this card is discussed in another part of the article.

King of Diamonds

This is a very positive card. In the first position, it predicts a young and pleasant person, usually blond. Such a friend can be useful due to his influence in many areas, as well as his willingness to put aside his own affairs and come to the aid of a friend. However, he has an overly inflated ego, which can cause a lot of unwanted trouble. If fortune telling occurs with the goal of finding out how a relationship with a certain person will develop, the appearance of this card means a positive answer. Wedding or friendship - the king of tambourines has this meaning. The Ace of Spades next to the card promises a quarrel over money. The second position (inverted) indicates the appearance of an unwanted person in the life of the fortuneteller.

King of Hearts

If this card from the deck appears in the layout, you can expect the appearance of a good-natured, fair person in the fortuneteller’s life. He can act as a lover, or as an ordinary patron, whose help will be very useful at this stage of events. As a rule, this is a man with a fair face and light brown hair, still young, but has already crossed the line of youth.

In the reverse position, the card advises to be wary of a person with a changeable character; he is not inclined to answer for his words, but willingly scatters false promises. Sometimes the Ace of Spades appears next to the King of Hearts. The meaning of the card in fortune telling enhances the negative side of the answer; troubles are expected.

King of Clubs

IN correct position- the most reliable comrade, not stingy, always ready to listen to any request. For a person doing business, it means the appearance of a good partner. He is faithful in love and can become an ideal husband. Appearance dark-skinned, dark hair.

In the opposite position, the person as a whole is extremely unpleasant. Unfair, angry, perhaps old. To understand the reason for this attitude, you need to look at the environment. The Ace of Spades directly indicates anger and hatred. As a rule, the king of clubs in this case is an outsider, an envious person, perhaps a stepfather or neighbor.

This map pleasure, it foretells joy, happiness, love and abundance. However, it can occupy such a position in the chart that it will symbolize a waste of effort and money and the squandering of spiritual values ​​in exchange for temporary pleasures. Like everyone else Aces, Ace- explosive power card. It may herald a strong romantic attachment, the birth or rebirth of spiritual faith and happiness. If Ace of Hearts is in the center layout, then the joy that it symbolizes will form an organic whole with the personality of the Client. If the layout includes several picture cards or Tens, the Client will have the opportunity for new interesting connections in society. He will be the center of enthusiastic attention, will make friends who will value him more highly than he realizes. If on both sides Ace of Hearts clubs are located, then the foreshadowed joy will take modest forms and will have the character of calm pleasure. If layout Diamonds dominate, this means success in business and increased job satisfaction. If Ace of Hearts located in the lower left corner of the layout, the Client is the object of someone's love (or worship, or affection), which he knows nothing about, or to which he does not respond. If the central cards- spades, in this case the likelihood increases that the Client feels unloved - because he did not bother to surround himself with people or make friends due to shyness, cynicism, workload or due to underestimating his own abilities to attract the love of other people. When appears Ace of Hearts, it should always be taken as a claim to share joy with others. Its appearance means that the Client is not making the most of what fate has given him. If the scenario is dominated by Ace of Hearts, then the Client should be advised to expand his circle of friends. Dominant position Ace of Hearts confirms that the Client is gifted with the ability to identify the hidden positive traits of others. He must succeed in social work, or in the spiritual, or in the pedagogical field of activity, as well as anywhere where it is necessary to establish contact with many people. If between Ace of Hearts and the picture card is located, this indicates the presence of some kind of barrier between the Client and some other person, but this barrier can be eliminated. The Client should be advised to think seriously about this problem, as its satisfactory solution will increase his happiness. If on either side of Ace of Hearts is located, or it blocks one of the corners of the layout, then the Client should be warned that there is some circumstance that threatens his happiness.

People who turn to card fortune telling should be very careful, since it is very important to understand that ace of hearts can carry a positive and negative message at the same time. The exact value will depend on the combination with other suits and the position in which this difficult card fell.

The meaning of the card can tell a lot about the near future, warn against possible mistakes, describe the character of a particular person, and so on. If such a card appears in fortune telling, then its meaning speaks of an unexpected meeting, a useful acquaintance, a long-awaited gift, good news or a meeting with old friends.

When guessing at a certain person, it is possible to say that this person has leadership abilities, holds a good position at work, knows how to manage finances rationally and is guided by well-developed intuition.

And also such a person is very emotional and sometimes cannot contain his feelings. He values ​​inner balance and spiritual harmony, wants to be loved and at the same time give his love to his other half. This person has talent and a sharp mind, and has high career prospects.

The negative traits of this person are hidden in the fact that in moments of overwhelming emotions there is a risk of completely immersing oneself, forgetting about the feelings of other people. Sometimes he is not able to make a decision on his own that will be fateful. In matters of his personal life, he often needs advice from a friend or close relative.

Reversed meaning:

  • There is a risk of becoming a participant in a rather unpleasant but calm dispute.
  • May be haunted by feelings of anxiety and restlessness.
  • The result of the efforts made will not live up to expectations.
  • There is no need to be arrogant towards other people.
  • Small problems may arise that will lead you a little off the intended path.
  • The combination “ace of spades ace of hearts” warns of the illness of a loved one.
  • There will be financial losses, but such a measure will be necessary for the family.
  • If the seven of spades falls nearby, this indicates a trial in court.


In matters of professional growth, the Ace of Hearts denotes good changes: a transition to a new position, success in a new project, material rewards from superiors, gaining authority in the eyes of colleagues, approval for the implementation of one’s own idea. A person will experience the joy of long-awaited success and a new stage in his career.

What events to expect:

  • If there is an opportunity to work with documents, you will need to be careful;
  • if there is a lot of work, an excellent assistant will appear who will help cope with difficulties;
  • a business meeting will take place, which will end beneficially for both parties.

If the Ace of Hearts is reversed, the meanings are as follows:

  • obstacles will appear, the solution of which will require time and effort;
  • a project in which a lot of work has been invested will not be appreciated;
  • financial difficulties are possible;
  • there is a risk of an unpleasant situation with business partners.

Relationships with the opposite sex

When guessing, girls and boys wonder what the suit of worms means in matters of personal life.

If this map If the worms fall in an upright position, then it means a new hobby, a secret message, and even an upcoming wedding.

If a girl or young man is just looking for his soul mate, then they need to remember that they need to value themselves, have a sense of dignity and pride in any situation.

When the six of clubs appears in a combination, you should expect a frank date, during which you can learn a lot about your loved one. A more serious event cannot be ruled out - a wedding, engagement or the birth of a child.

Ace of Hearts reversed has the following meanings:

  1. You are about to experience unrequited feelings, which will become a very sad experience.
  2. There is a high probability of quarreling with your partner by making hasty conclusions about him. But you shouldn’t worry, reconciliation will come quite quickly.
  3. A combination of cards together with the nine of spades promises fun, a long-awaited meeting with friends, a luxurious feast, during which there is an opportunity to meet your destiny.
  4. You have to learn about betrayal or even betrayal from a loved one.
  5. There will be an opportunity to try a relationship without obligations, which will be rich in adventures and new sensations.

The Ace of Hearts has an ambiguous interpretation for the topic of personal life. You can expect joyful changes (a marriage proposal from your chosen one, a new love, a pleasant surprise, a series of exciting dates) and unpleasant events (betrayal of a partner, unrequited love, a quarrel with your loved one). It is worth paying attention to the position (inverted and upright), combination with other suits and the gender of the fortuneteller (the interpretation may differ significantly for a girl and a guy).


IN general meaning The ace of hearts indicates the appearance of new acquaintances, unexpected joy, receiving positive emotions and impressions, a gift or a visit to married friends.

In addition, it can denote a person who has taken a dominant position in society. Such a person may be a boss, an older relative, the owner of a house, etc. The card is also interpreted as the intuitive perception of a fortuneteller. It is not uncommon for her to define his home.

Characterizing a specific person, the card speaks of an emotional person for whom peace of mind is very important. In addition, this person needs love, but he himself is ready to give his heart to dear people. For such a person it is very important to experience strong feelings, passion or love, since at such moments her life becomes fruitful and interesting. At the same time, when a person overdoes it a little with emotions, a vacuum forms around him, which leads to certain difficulties.


The inverted position of the Ace of Hearts can be interpreted as the emergence of a dispute, which will take place in a calm and reasonable manner, more reminiscent of a discussion conversation. He also talks about anxiety, lack of achievement, or questionable results from his actions.

At the same time, the Ace of Hearts can mean an arrogant person or difficult situations, the solution of which can be debated for a very long time.

The negative interpretation is often emphasized by neighboring cards. So, next to the seven of spades, it should be considered a warning about the upcoming trial. If a ten of spades falls nearby, then the fortuneteller will have to spend money on family needs, and, most likely, these expenses will not be useful. When the Jack of Spades lands nearby, it is considered a warning about the illness of one of the family or friends.

Love relationship


In fortune telling about relationships, the ace of hearts is interpreted as a new romantic attachment or the emergence of sensual attraction. If we are talking about an event, then it most likely means an imminent wedding. Moreover, if the queen of spades is in the pair, then the fortuneteller will have to work hard while preparing for the celebration.

At the same time, if we are not talking about a promising relationship, then the card can be interpreted as receiving a love letter or written confession. Another meaning is an active search for a partner, while the seeker does not lose his dignity and maintains his pride.

If a six of a cross falls nearby, this predicts a meeting during which there will be a lot of conversation. In cases where the card is placed with the seven of the cross, the fortuneteller can prepare for a wedding or the birth of a baby.


This position of the ace of hearts will indicate unrequited feelings or a state of melancholy. This could also mean a conflict with a lover or lover. However, even such an interpretation does not carry a serious negative charge, since a quarrel between lovers will help strengthen their relationship.

In combination with the nine of spades, the card will indicate time spent at the table, drinking, or will be spent searching for new emotions, in a word, the combination speaks of an upcoming revelry. If the ace of spades is nearby, then the fortuneteller will face treachery on the part of someone close to him. When paired with the cross six, the card indicates the cancellation of an important trip due to family reasons.

Work, business, career


In business life scenarios, the ace of hearts indicates complete triumph, high social status or an authoritative person. Moreover, it can be interpreted as the beginning of something interesting and successful, some promising project or business. At the same time, the card can be read as the satisfaction of the questioner that he has finally achieved material well-being and a high career position.

When talking about an event, she predicts the receipt of documents or a business letter.

In combination with the jack of hearts, the card will indicate a person who provides invaluable assistance in the matter, and the assistant will be well versed in all the working details and processes. If the Jack of Diamonds appears nearby, the fortuneteller can count on a long-awaited business meeting.


This position of the ace of hearts warns of difficulties in business and obstacles in the implementation of the project. Characterizing a person, he points out his rigidity and peremptory nature of his opinion. In cases where we are talking about a woman, this speaks of her strong, one might say, masculine character.

In combination with the cross ace, the card indicates possible problems with the authorities. The combination with the lady of the cross warns of an unfair decision that will be made regarding the project conceived by the fortuneteller. If a nine of hearts falls nearby, then the fortuneteller will face financial difficulties.

Fortune telling has always attracted people. And the point is not at all that interesting figures are drawn on the cards, but in the secret that is revealed during the process. When telling fortunes, you always expect, hope and fear something. Afterwards, all these feelings remain. It is always interesting to know how a fortune teller is able to see different things in the same cards. For the average person, these are just pictures.

Aces are cards that represent something specific in each layout.

Why do cards always point to different events?

When fortune telling with cards, a regular deck is used. Learning to arrange them appropriately is not difficult, but telling the past and future from them is quite difficult.

If a beginner is able to do a spread for three months plus past recent events, they are a little easier to decipher. Using hints, you can tell only what is written on paper, look for a combination of several cards, but you cannot find out the truth, or you can tell it superficially. Why is this happening?

Professional fortunetellers and soothsayers have their secrets and most often do not talk about them. But, we will be able to lift the veil of all the magical methods of card fortune telling professionals. First of all, the deck of cards must be unopened (it has never been played). In order for the cards to always tell you the truth and show you events, they must be tamed.

Taming tarot cards is easier, but playing cards are much more difficult:

  • buy a deck in any store, but in the evening;
  • the purchase is made on any day except Sunday and the day on which the deck of cards was purchased;
  • Having brought the cards home, carry the cards with you for at least 12 hours, after which remove from the mass everything from 1 to 5 plus the Joker: for fortune telling they are completely useless and do not carry much meaning - 4 suits are used, a total of 36 cards;
  • wrap the deck in any black cloth and hide it in a secluded place, where they should lie for at least a year - ideally 3 years;
  • For the whole year, do not take them yourself and do not allow anyone to touch them.

Making a fortune telling card from a playing deck of cards is difficult, but possible

After the expiration of the term, your cards have become fortune-telling and will be able to reveal to you many true stories about you or your friends. But having just a deck for fortune telling is not enough. You need to know all the nuances of layouts and meaning options. For a detailed acquaintance, let's take aces.

All about the ace card

There are 4 aces in the deck according to suit: diamonds, spades, crosses and hearts. Each of them carries information in each of the layouts. If you use question-answer fortune telling, then if a black ace of any suit falls out, the answer is negative, if a red one falls out, good luck and a positive answer.

The card itself does not represent a person or situation. It’s easier to say a variant of one or another action. When it comes to events, the presence of the ace of diamonds will indicate news and papers. If fortune telling was carried out on a person under this suit, then this is his life and changes in it. The same can be said about the Ace of Hearts and Crosses.

Spade as a suit always carries negativity. And when doing fortune telling, you cannot present a person as the king or queen of spades. There is a ban here if you are not a witch or sorcerer. But even these people try to choose a suit for themselves based on the color of their hair and eyes, and avoid spades. The Ace of Spades has two meanings: upright and inverted, so this is also taken into account during any of the layouts for life, situation, personality.

There are individual fortune telling, where the cards mean completely different things. Meeting or love. And suit will not play a role here.

Fortune telling about the situation and life

It should be noted right away that it is best to do layouts for a short period of time: a month, three, maximum six months. In this case, the fortune telling is true, and the person will not be confused by a large number of meanings.

After deciphering the cards that talk about the past, future, present and what a person wants to forget about, all the cards in the layout are collected and laid out in pairs. Those that turn out to be a complete set promise interesting things. So four aces mean the fulfillment of a wish.

Did you get 4 aces at once? This promises fulfillment of desire!

If the fortuneteller set out to find out what awaits him when looking for a job, then this means: getting the job that he has long dreamed of and strived for. When fortune telling a situation, the fortuneteller will get what he wants (reconciliation, divorce, wedding, etc.).

Many fortunetellers, even before the moment of fortune telling, suggest making a wish or asking a question. If 4 aces are rolled out, it is a definite positive “yes”. In a circle, aces have different meanings, much depends on what is nearby.

Ace of diamonds. If fortune telling is carried out on a young man or man, girl or woman with blond hair and eyes, then here, when an ace falls, it means his (her) hopes for a normal life. He tries to get everything right and sees life only in the best colors. The fortuneteller's obvious concern for everything that happens to him. If a person is of a different suit, then the ace of diamonds indicates news. The nature of the news should be looked at on nearby maps.

Ace of Hearts. Again, if the person being told fortunes is one of the hearts, then these are all his experiences and hopes for his life. For everyone else, this ace means love, wedding, the purest and brightest feelings. Indicates events in one’s home, but more details can only be told from the cards that are nearby.

Ace of clubs. He means everything related to money and material goods. If the cards are negative or a person has a bad streak in life, then the ace of the cross indicates: imprisonment, problems with the bank, possible trial, a visit to the hospital. Everything related to government agencies and places. You can only be more specific after viewing all the cards in the layout.

Ace of spades. The upright position speaks of fun, a feast or a wonderful feast. There will be trouble or a fight (quarrel), but this is indicated by the nearby 7 of spades, 9 of spades or 6. An inverted value in combination with a nine will indicate the approaching death of the fortuneteller or a person close to him. Near the 6th peak - a definite unpleasant trip with major troubles.

The Ace of Spades in combination with the 6 of Spades symbolizes a bad trip.

If there is an Ace of Crosses, the person will become seriously ill, and the illness will be very protracted and unpleasant (surgical intervention). The Queen of Spades or the King is nearby - this means that a magic ritual will bring damage or serious problems. They just want to kill people. The card itself, falling “in the heart,” will indicate that the damage to death and trouble has already been done and is in effect.

If you guess by percentages and love

The most common fortune telling is for love and relationship percentages. 80% of fortune tellers come for this problem - to check the love of their couple. There are many options for fortune telling about feelings and relationships.

  1. All cards are included in the layout. The king and queen are chosen according to suit (this is our pair). One card is placed between them. The rest of the deck is laid out in one pigtail, under each one. If two identical values ​​coincide, the cards are discarded. In this fortune-telling, if they give out paired aces, then you should look at the combination of colors: black and red - he loves, but not so much as to start a family, two blacks - he is only interested in sex and joy, two red - he definitely loves with all his heart. If an ace, of any suit, falls between a pair (the card that was originally placed between them) - mutual feelings and relationships can be called serious.
  2. In the second layout, only the highest cards (have pictures) participate. It is laid out in piles, according to the number of letters of the name of the person we are interested in. Next, we place the last one on top in the existing stacks, and so on for each batch. There is a reduction to one. Now we lay out two letters “G”. If two identical in value coincide, set aside. In this case, the loss of any two aces indicates love and respect for you.
  3. All cards are included. They lay them out in piles the same way, only we take the middle name in addition to the first name. Stacks must be made up to two. If you do everything correctly, the stacks will have the same number of cards. Now we turn them over in pairs, do not cross them, but place them side by side. Here two aces will talk about possible marriage. Or this person is suitable for you for marriage. We collect everything into one deck (put it one at a time) and lay out “G” again. If two aces coincide, the meaning should be looked at by suit: spades - the person being guessed for is a threat, can harm his couple, suffers from mental disorders, ace of diamonds - only likes you and nothing more, wants to build only friendly relationships, ace of crosses - a person wants to be with you in order to be provided for, there is an option that you will get sick and suffer because of him, the Ace of Hearts - he really loves, his feelings are sincere and a more reliable relationship cannot be found.
  4. The following fortune telling is perceived by many as childish. But this is not true at all. The entire deck takes part in fortune telling. We place them face down on the full name of the person we are interested in, then the next row and so on. It is clear that each name has its own number of rows. Now let's see where the pair matches. It makes absolutely no difference how they will lie and where. The main thing is not at the intersection. In this case, the presence of a pair of aces (the suit does not matter) means real feelings for you. If all four aces fall out in pairs, then the person wants to see you as her soul mate and plans to live together happily ever after.

If you get 4 aces in pairs, your significant other definitely experiences deep feelings and is ready to start a family

For a wish or fortune telling question

Such fortune telling does not carry a specific designation of suits or meanings. But there is a pattern here: all cards are added up from sixes to aces. The meaning of the ace in such fortune telling is the meaning of completeness. Only by collecting all four suits and covering them with an ace does it mean that the wish will come true.

If we consider the technique of the “Pyramid of Desire” layout, then the aces have absolutely no meaning here.

It all lies in a complete analysis of the pyramid you have laid out. It happens like this: first, one face-down card is placed, two are placed on top of it, then three, and so on until there are seven cards in the last stage.

They should be placed open. There are still cards in your hands. They help to collect cards in pairs. All couples recline. If you can disassemble the entire pyramid to the end so that all the couples leave, your wish will come true. If not, then don’t blame me, fate is not on your side.

Sometimes, to get an answer, they use the Four Aces method. From the entire card, choose 4 aces and a queen or king (whoever asks the question). A question and suggested answers are asked. Please note that one of the options must indicate a negative or negative answer to the question. Next, the piece is sent back to the deck and shuffled well.

The aces are turned over so that it is not visible which one is located, mixed and laid out in a row. Now we make a layout under each of the aces. You will get 4 piles. The pile containing the hidden king or queen will be considered the answer.


Of all the fortune telling, the most significant are for life, situation and love. Here the aces play a role and give a full answer. In addition to the fact that the map speaks for itself, the presence of a majority should also be taken into account.

If the ace of spades falls upside down, you should not be upset, provided that in the entire layout you counted five to seven hearts. This will mean that all negativity will be able to soften the love of your loved ones, friends or loved ones. It’s worse if there are more than 5 cards of the suit of crosses or spades next to the ace of spades.

It is clear that trouble has come or will come very soon. Nothing can be done. But as all card fortune telling experts say: “Everything that is bad in a person’s life is done by God not for punishment, but for learning.” These words should be understood in such a way that each of us can stumble and lead a wrong lifestyle, do ugly things, but the time comes and we are given a chance to rethink everything and understand all the actions taken against the will of God.

If there are problems associated with damage or other magical rituals, then the help of a person who has the power and heals with prayers is needed. Now you can see for yourself how correct the predictions were made by the fortune teller, or you can try new methods to reveal your secrets and friends.
