Corsairs gpk dutch ruler walkthrough. Download modifications for the game corsairs. Pirate storyline

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The game can be played with three characters: Peter Blood, Ian Stays and Diego Espinoza, each with their own unique storyline.

Storyline for Peter Blood

You appear at the Oglethorpe estate, England. In the courtyard on January 1, 1665. Servant Jeremy Pitt informs you that Lord Gilda is injured. Enter the house, talk to the servant Andrew James and proceed to the bedroom, in the west wing on the second floor. Go to the bed with the dying lord. A servant will appear and report that he has brought everything you need for treatment. You find yourself in your office. Talk to Andrew James. A second servant, Jeremy Pitt, will appear and report that royal dragoons are galloping here. He will advise you to take a sword from the balcony and run away to hide. leave the office, take the key from the table on the left and go up to the second floor. Unlock the chest on the balcony and grab Brett's sword, pistol, and ammo. Captain Gobart will appear soon and a dragoon will attack you. If you kill him, two more will attack you. You cannot kill all of them. As soon as they defeat you, they will capture you and put you in jail according to the plot.

You will appear in hard labor. April 1, 1665. Jeremy Pitt will inform you that Colonel Bishop wants to see you. Exit the room. Talk to Colonel Bishop. Go through the houses, you may find something useful. But do not take your weapon - the guards will take it away from you when they meet. Leave the plantation and run along the path to the right. You will find yourself on the streets of Bridgetown. Head to the Governor's Residence. You will have a talk with the governor sitting at the table, go into the door near him and go up to the second floor to the bedroom of his wife. Talk to Mrs. Steed. Talk to the governor. Tell him you went to look for Mr. Dan and you need money to buy the medicine. Take 1000 piastres. Go outside and turn right. There you will find Mr. Dan's house. Dan himself is not in it, but there is your competitor - Dr. Wacker. He will ask you to come to the tavern the next day for an important conversation. Leave the house and you will meet Mr. Dan. Tell him you came to get medicine from the governor's wife. He will give it to you completely free of charge. Return to the residence and give the medicine to Mrs. Steed.

You will appear in the tavern the next day. Mr. Wacker is gone. Ask the innkeeper where you can find Dr. Wacker. Head to the tavern room. There you will find Dr. Wacker, who will promise to give you a loan of twenty thousand piastres to help organize your escape. Return to the plantations and find Jeremy Pitt. Tell him that he is the only navigator and the fate of the escape depends on him. After he agrees, you will need to find three slaves: Hagthorp, Ogle and Nicholas Dyke.

Nicholas Dyke will tell you that Colonel Bishop wants to sell him. Talk to Colonel Bishop. You will find him at his plantation residence. Head to the tavern and have a drink with one of the drunks. He will tell you that an important merchant, a friend of Colonel Bishop's, has recently arrived in the city. This is probably Vernon. Find his home. Exit the tavern to the right, pass by the house of the moneylender you need before - next. Wait for Vernon to go up the stairs and search the chest that is directly below it. Take everything that is in it and go outside. Talk to Nicholas Dyke and inform him that the deal will not take place and he can calmly prepare to escape.

Find also a slave in a spotted bandana - Levays Mouyer. He will complain of a headache and ask you to bring him medicine. Return to town to Mr. Dan's house. He himself is not now. Go to the second floor and take the medicine in the box next to the scales. Return and give the medicine to Levays. In return, he will give you a light dagger that the guards will not be able to detect.

Now find one-eyed slave Ned Ogle in one of the houses. Return to the city, find the house of the moneylender and repay him a debt of 5,000 piastres.

Talk to Pitt and report that you have found a weapon and a team.

You will find yourself in your hut the next day. Go to the tavern and talk to Dr. Wacker. Instead of the promised 25,000 piastres, he gave you only 18,000. The rest must be obtained somewhere. Go to the moneylender, he has a little business for you. After talking with him, return to the tavern and talk to his owner. Give him 500 piastres or he will refuse to speak. Head to the shipyard. Talk to the impostor. Tell him that he is your old debtor.

He will be scared and will give 55,000 piastres instead of 30,000, although this will negatively affect your reputation. Now you can either nobly return the money to the moneylender, or leave it for your own needs. Now that you have the required amount on hand, return to the tavern and talk to the carpenter at one of the tables. Exit the tavern. A soldier will approach you and order you to go to the plantation. Return to the plantation. On the way, Nathaniel Hagthorpe will meet you and report that Pitt was captured by the guards. After the conversation, you will find yourself at the gates of the city at night.

Run to the plantation. You will need to sneak past the guards to the edge of the plantation unnoticed and take a weapon from the chest. Please note that each guard has its own patrol zone. The visibility zone in the dark is small, so the main thing is not to pass directly on the path they follow. Get to the longest white building. In the corner of the plantation closest to it, you will see a pile of logs and planks. Among them is a chest with weapons. Unfortunately, you only have to be content with a saber and a few healing potions. Fighting the guards is almost useless. near the colonel's house you will see the captured Pitt and two guards near him. You will see the guards somewhere around the corner and deal with them. Then talk to Pitt. He will say that Natall escaped on your sloop.

Now leave the plantation past the guards, trying not to engage them in battle. Enter the city. kill all the Spanish guards, luring them out one by one, and a lady will come up to you to thank you for saving her. She will tell you that the Spaniards took over the city. Head towards the shipyard. Sail the shipyard on the side of the sea and find your comrades. Swim to the ship. Climb onto it and kill the guards. Then go into the cabin and fight one-on-one with the captain. The ship is yours. Exit the cabin and talk to Pitt. Talk to the team. Only Ogle will agree to serve you faithfully, the rest will ask you to drop them off at the first port. This is where the uniqueness of Blood's storyline ends.

To start a national storyline in the game, you need to obtain a privateer patent (if you want to play pirate line, You need to talk to Morgan at Port Royal). To do this, you need to complete about 10 small orders from the governor of the city belonging to the line you need. Possible variants of these tasks are described below.

1) Destroy a gang of thugs in the jungle. Run through the jungle, find a couple of thugs, destroy them, soon you will come across the head of the gang. Having defeated him, you can return to the governor for a reward.

2) Search for an enemy spy in the city. You need to look for it in houses. As soon as you enter the desired house, a conversation with him will immediately take place, after which the battle will begin. After killing the scout, you can return to the governor for a reward.

3) Destroy the smugglers.

4) Get into the enemy fort (city) and take the documents from the messenger. This is not an easy task. You will have to make your way under cover of darkness, from the nearest beach through the jungle. Soldiers in the dark can only see in front of them and not very far. Therefore, you have a chance to sneak unnoticed.

Dutch national story line.

The Governor-General of Holland, from whom you will take tasks, is located in the city of Willemstad.

1) The first task is to deliver the head of the Jansenists Chumakeiro to Curacao, at the moment he is on the island of San Martin. Having sailed to the island, go to the tavern keeper and ask about Chumakeiro, he says that he took a house for himself, which is located near the governor's residence. As soon as you enter the house, you will be attacked by two people. After killing them, enter the room on the second floor where Chumakeiro is standing. Now sail to Curacao, where at the residence of Peter Stezzant, Chumakeiro will give you 30,000 piastres.

2) The second task is to buy a batch of coffee, black, red and sandalwood for Curacao from Fort Orange. You will be given papers for the purchase of goods at a special price and an amount of money. The entire load will take 6800 centners, be prepared for this. The goods must be delivered to Stavezant within 2 months. Sail to Jamaica, dock at Cape Negril and go to Fort Orange. First go to the governor and hand over the papers for obtaining preferential prices, then go to the store. After purchasing the goods, come back. For completing the assignment, receive 75,000 piastres.

3) The third task is to get information about the plans of the British in relation to Holland in connection with the trade war. Travel to Hispaniola and speak with the Mayor of La Vega. The head is Edward Mansfield, but in fact, his surname is Mansvelt, he is Dutch by nationality. He is also Modiford's confidant for the robberies of the Spaniards. But Mansfield cannot tell you anything about the plans of the British, but recently an English envoy from Modiford came to him with a proposal to attack Curacao, naturally Mansfield refused. Edik will also say that it is better to learn about the plans of the British from the great and terrible Henry Morgan. Go to Jamaica and there you will find out that Morgan is in Antigua. Go there and talk to him. He will say that if you help him, he will help you too. We need to find out if his companion Pierre Picardian is honest. It is located on Tortuga, then ask the moneylender, the owner of the shipyard, the owner of the shop, in the tavern and in the brothel. It turns out that he spent a lot of money. Now go to Morgan, he says that Vaschet knows nothing about the plans, but one of his officers, who was imprisoned, knows about Modiford's plans, go to the Prison, interrupt the guards. You will learn that the British want to attack Fort Orange. Sail to the Governor-General and he will pay 50,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to intercept the British and save Fort Orange from ruin. Sail to Jamaica as quickly as possible. A small squadron consisting of 3 British ships will cruise around the island. Sink them and land in the bay. Kill all the British in the bay and in the next location. The task is completed. You can go to Stavezant, he will pay 100,000 piastres.

5) The fifth task is to escort three flutes to the La Vega pirate settlement and back. Swim to La Vega, land. It turns out that the Spaniards attacked the settlement and killed Mansild. Buy provisions and go out to sea. The more ships survive, the greater the reward will be. If all the ships survive, it will amount to 60,000 piastres.

6) The sixth task is to find Morgan and inform him that the Dutch want revenge. Sail to Jamaica, make your way into the city and go to the Morgan residence. Henry will say that the attack was organized by the Spanish governor of Santiago, Jose Sancho Jimenez, and we need to conduct reconnaissance to find out if Don Jose will be in the city any time soon. Sail to Santiago and dock at the lighthouse. Make your way into the city and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the governor, under the pretext that you want to enter the service. Several Spanish officers will come in. Kill them and run to the ship. The task is completed, you learned that the city will soon have a holiday and the governor must attend it. Return to Jamaica to Morgan. Quest complete. Sail to the Governor in Curacao and receive 200,000 piastres.

7) The seventh task is to deliver the dispatch to the Governor of Tortuga Bertrand d'Ogeron. Sail to Tortuga in order to deliver the dispatch to d'Ogeron, then he will ask you to walk for two hours while he writes a letter to Stezzant. After two hours, you will receive a letter. At the port You will be met by a messenger and will say that a messenger from the Governor of Holland is waiting for you in the tavern. Go to the tavern and go up to the room, Then you will be stunned and the letter will be taken away. Go to the Governor d'Ogeron. He will tell you to find out which ships left the port in the near future.It turns out that the port has left the brig La Rochelle, which is going to San Juan. on the galleon Isabella, which is going to Santa Catalina. Catch up with the galleon, take him on board and Antonio will surrender. Take the letter and go to Stezzant, he will give out 150,000 piastres.

8) The eighth task is a business trip at the disposal of Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro. His house is located in the city, not far from the residence. Aaron will give the task to find an ancient book that some English privateer was trying to sell in a pirate settlement in Bermuda. Go to Bermuda and go to Jackman's residence. After talking with him, sail to Martinique, to the local brothel. Ask all the girls there, one will give you new information, for a fee, the filibuster who wanted to sell the book, in an incomprehensible language, was called Laurent de Graf, he usually lives on Tortuga. Swim to Tortuga. In the local tavern you will find out that now de Graf has already gone on a raid to Cartagena for two weeks. Swim there. Near Cartagena Laurent fights the superior forces of the Spaniards. Sink the enemy squadron, preventing it from sinking the French ship. Send the boat to Laurent de Graaf's ship. Find out from him about the thing you are looking for, he will offer to buy a card of the buried treasure from him for 235,000 gold. Pay the required amount. The treasure is hidden on Turks Island. Swim to the Turks, go to the cave and find the chest. You will find a holy book there, as well as a blunderbuss, a couple of good pistols, an expensive cuirass, 200 bars of gold, rings, brooches, and a couple of idols, including a very useful idol - the rat god. Sail to Curaçao to Chumakeiro and give him the Bible. You will receive 1,000,000 piastres as a reward. Then go to the residence to report on the success of the mission.

9) The ninth task is to capture four ships of the line of the first class, namely the Manowars. They are commonly found in large trade caravans, military squadrons, and gold caravans. For each ship you will be given 50,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task - the defense of Curacao from the attack of the Spanish squadron, consisting of 8 ships, including Manovars. Go to the port and go out to sea, where the fort is already fighting the invaders, help him defeat the Spaniards, After the last Spaniard goes under the water, the mission to defend Curacao will be completed. Return to the residence for your award of 200,000 piastres.

11) The eleventh task is to repel the attack of the Spaniards on San Martin. Get out to sea and sail the Marigot as fast as possible. After reaching San Martin, engage in battle against 8 enemy ships. After sinking their fleet, return to Willemstad and receive a reward, again 200,000 piastres. The Governor General says it's time to retaliate against Spain.

12) The twelfth task is the capture of Maracaibo. The fort there is not so powerful and it will not be difficult to smash it. After the capture of a colony for Holland, you will receive 300,000 piastres of awards and the possibility of capturing English and Spanish colonies for yourself or Holland.

French national storyline

1) The first task is to escort the French privatier Pere Legrand, who captured a military galleon with a rich booty on a lugger and now wants to return to France. Go to the tavern and talk to Pierre, he will become our passenger. Now head to Martinique Island, Le Marne Bay. On the shore, five thugs will be waiting for you, who need Legrand's gold. Fight them, trying to save Pierre. After defeating them, you will receive the promised reward of 20,000 piastres. Swim to Tortuga and report to complete the mission.

2) The second task is to deliver a letter to the Governor-General of the Dutch Republic, Peter Stezzant. After arriving in Curacao, go to the Governor's residence. You will be put in jail, mistaken for one of the pirates who killed envoy D'Ozheron. After a while, the jailer will be in prison. Talk to him. It turns out that his relative is one of the officers in this colony. Persuade him to ask a relative to search our ship, which has a French corsair patent. The jailer will want to take some things from the ship in exchange for help. Peter Stezzant will come and apologize. Now we need to find out more details about this story with the pirates. Go to the tavern. There you will overhear a conversation between two people in a tavern. Then it will be necessary to follow them. And so, having reached the bay, it turns out that these are not pirates at all, but sailors from the Spanish galleon, who, under the pirate flag, robbed ships in the local waters. Next there will be a fight with the Spaniards. Now go to the port. A Spanish galleon is waiting for you there. Take him on board, then the captain of the ship will tell you everything at death. Go to Stezzant and tell them that filibusters are innocent, you will receive 20,000 piastres. Go to Tortuga, tell the governor everything and get the rank of Commander of the French Navy.

3) The third task is to find a way to bring Donna Anna to Tortuga. For this mission, you will be given a Spanish trade license and a ring by which the wife of the commandant of the fort will know that we are D'Ogeron's envoy. There are three ways to get into Havana. First. Having raised the friendly Spain flag, enter the port and dock. Second. Disembark at the lighthouse and then go to the city. Third. If the license has expired, then go to the city at night, landing on the Lighthouse. Next, go to the tavern and ask the servant to take the ring to Donna Anna. After 3-4 days, the maid will say that she took the ring and Donna Anna will wait for you at night, opening the door. Enter the house and kill the soldiers waiting for you. Go to the bedroom and talk to Donna Anna. Now run to the ship and sail to Tortuga. And there you will receive 25,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task - escorting the first class battleship to the island of Dominica. Rumor has it that this ship is already being hunted by the Spaniards, 3-4 galleons, under the command of Juano Galeno. Near Dominica, the ship is to connect with the squadron of the island of Guadeloupe. Go to the port office and take command of the Soleil Royal. Now your course is on Dominica. 4 galleons will be waiting for you near Dominica, but there will be no French squadron. After the sinking of Juano Galeno's squadron, you need to go to Guadeloupe and find out why the promised squadron did not meet you. The governor of the city of Bas-Ter will justify himself by the fact that he received a letter about the promotion of your squadron only yesterday and did not have time to prepare anything. He will take the royal manowar and thank you for completing the mission. Return to the Governor-General. You will receive 28,000 piastres as a reward. Also talk to d "Ozheron again and get a promotion.

5) The fifth task is to protect Donna Anna. It turns out that the relatives of the murdered commandant of the Havana Fort want revenge. Go to Havana to find out the details of revenge from Donna Anna's friend, Iness de Las Sierras. Disembark near the lighthouse and run into the city, there as quickly as possible run into Iness's house, not paying attention to the guards. It turns out that relatives are walking somewhere in the jungle. You will find them at the lighthouse, followed by a fight with relatives. Then sail to Tortuga, where you will receive 5,000 piastres from D'Ozheron, at the same time go to Donna Anna, and receive gratitude from her.

6) The sixth task is to deliver the letter to François Olone. The letter should under no circumstances fall into the wrong hands, and if you get into trouble, before you die, you must first destroy the package. Get out to sea and head for Guadeloupe. As you approach Guadeloupe, you will be attacked by a Spanish warship. Having finished with the ship, dock at the port and go to the house of the French filibuster, which is located almost opposite the governor's residence. At first, François will not receive you in the best way, but as soon as he finds out the purpose of your visit, his attitude will change. Then you can choose one of the options:

1) Refuse to attack Kumana and receive the promised reward of 10,000 piastres.

2) Agree to the proposed adventure to participate in the attack on Kumana, but there is one condition, your squadron should have only 1 ship.

The squadron will include yours and 3 more ships, a frigate and two corvettes. Keep heading for Kumanu and hurry. Having defeated the fort, disembark and after a fight in the city, go to the residence and demand money from the local governor. Then you can either divide everything honestly and get a legal share equal to 50,000 piastres, or keep the money for yourself, but then you will have to fight with Olone and his comrades. Now head for Tortuga and talk to the governor.

7) The seventh task is to free Roca Brazilian from prison. He is kept in Santiago. Land at the lighthouse, then go to the church, ask the priest about the Inquisition, then leave the church. There is a door under the stairs. Enter there, then ask the prisoners where Rock Brazilian is and kill the guards, then together with Rock, who cannot hold weapons, leave the city. Sail further to Tortuga, where the Governor-General will give you 30,000 piastres, and Rock will hint that he has something hidden in Martinique, namely an expensive cuirass that can withstand 35% of the blows.

8) The eighth task is to go to the disposal of the Marquis Bonrepos. Monsieur Bertrand d'Ogeron asks you to report to Guadeloupe, to the Marquis Bonrepos, the French naval commandant. Sail to Guadeloupe and dock at Basse-Terre. own assignment... It consists in the persuasion of famous pirates (in Jamaica, Jackman in Bermuda and Morris in Trinidad and Tobago) not to participate in the war against the Dutch. You will not be given funds for this operation. Sail to Bermuda, to Jackman, he was not even going to get involved in this business. Next, sail to John Morris, Trinidad and Tobago, tell him about the upcoming events. He does not like attacking the Dutch, but for this, he will demand to carry out a small order for him - to deliver him the log of Captain Gay. Sail to Jamaica and go to the local tavern, ask the owner where to find Captain Gaia. He rents a room. Enter the room and kill Captain Gay. Search the body and take the log and personal belongings. Go to the residence to Henry Morgan, but he is not there. The servant will say that he is in his house in Antigua, and will warn that Morgan's house is always closed. Now make your way back to Maurice, give him the ship's log and in return you will receive what was required of him, his consent not to attack the Dutch. It's time to go to Antigua to visit the famous English pirate Henry Morgan. The door to the house is locked, go around his dwelling, behind the house is a hatch to Morgan's basement. Go to his house and talk about non-aggression against the Spaniards. Henry does not want to attack the Dutch and will demand 250,000 piastres. Give him the money. The task is completed, it's time to go to the Marquis Bonrepos. Instead of the yellow award, you are awarded the title of baron. Return to Tortuga, where you will receive congratulations from Bertrand d "Ozherona, and your next title.

9) The ninth task - repelling the attack of the Spaniards on Port-au-Prince. For this task you will be given a "Soleil Ruyal", however, it must stay afloat. Next comes the battle with Spanish ships. Travel to Tortuga for 5,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is the capture of Santo Domingo and its transfer to the possession of France. Swim to Hispaniola, destroy the fort and land the troops. After the battle inside the city, go to the residence and embrace the Spanish colony by the French. Return to Tortuga and receive a reward of 40,000 piastres.

11) The eleventh task is the capture of Santa Catalina. The city is located on the Maine and controls the pearl industries of the New World. After breaking the fort and landing the troops, having dealt with the soldiers in the city, go to the residence to declare Santa Catalina a French colony. Return to Governor-General Bertrand d "Ozheron. As a reward, you are given everything that you plundered in Santa Catalina. Now it is worth going back to Guadeloupe to the Marquis Bonrepos.

12) The twelfth task is a meeting with the Marquis Bonrepos. Head to Guadeloupe, where you will learn that peace has been concluded with Spain, the Soleil Ruyal is withdrawn from your squadron, the Louvre knows about you and that's all. Do not forget to visit D'Ozheron, he will make you an admiral, and now you can seize colonies for yourself or for France.

Spanish national storyline.

1) The first task is to free three Spanish citizens who were taken prisoner by Henry Morgan, a famous English pirate. For the release of the prisoners, he demands an amount of 500,000 coins. You are required to enter the Port Royal prison and free the Spaniards. The term is one month. Sail to Jamaica and dock in Portland Bay, then make your way through the jungle to the enemy fort, if you have an English trade license and the flag of a friendly England nation, calmly pass through the guards to the prison. If not, you will have to break through with a fight or just run a little. In the prison, kill all the soldiers and free the prisoners. The way back will be easy if you run out of the prison and run to the bay. Return to Havana. Oregon and Gascon will thank you for your successful assignment and give 50,000 piastres.

2) The second task is to work for the Holy Inquisition. The meaning of the assignment is this: a high-ranking Jesuit, Antonio de Suoza, has arrived in the archipelago. You are put at his disposal. Head to Santiago, the seat of the Inquisition is under the church building. Find Suozu and get the data for the second mission from him. It consists in the following: it is necessary to collect an indulgence, which is 50,000 piastres from three merchants: Joao Ilhaio, Joseph Nunen and Jacob Lopez de Fonseca, if they refuse, then you need to kill them. You can find them in Curacao. They organize a sect there called Janensinta. In the port, a priest will come up to you and say that it is highly undesirable to kill them. Go to Curacao. First, go to the tavern and ask the owner about the three Jansenists. Get information from him that Joao Ilhaio and Jacob Lopez run a store, and Joseph Noonen is a usurer. Go to the store first and talk to Joao. He will say that he does not have that kind of money, When asked where his companion, Jacob Lopez, is, he will answer that he does not know. He will offer a deal. If you find Lopez, their families will collect 100,000 piastres and can buy indulgences. Agree. Sail to Panama, go to the store and ask about Lopez. It turns out that he should have stopped by a month ago, but never came. Now go through the houses of Panama and run into the bandits in one. Kill them and go up to the second floor, where you will find the missing. He will ask you to do him a favor, which consists in finding the stolen Gospel of Judas Iscariot. The thief was last seen at a shipyard in Bermuda, from where he did not return. This request is optional. But if you took up the execution, sail to Bermuda, go to the shipyard. Talk to Alexus, he will open the door for you. Next, go to the dungeon, kill several skeletons. In one of the chests you will find a treasure and a Gospel. Now head back to Curacao to see Joao Ilhaio. He will give the promised amount of 100,000 piastres, tell him about the gospel for Jacob. He will issue an award of 1,000,000 piastres. Go now to the moneylender, he will refuse to talk to you. Go to the tavern. Ask the waitress about the moneylender's son. It turns out that he sailed to pirate near Jamaica, to Fort Orange. Sail there, take his ship on board, take the son prisoner, and give your son for ransom in the form of indulgence, now the task is completely completed. Swim to Suoza and get a reward, which depends on the timing of the task. Then report to the Governor-General.

3) The third task is to capture Roca Brazilian and hand him over to the Inquisition. Rock lives on Tortuga. swim there, make your way into the city and go for information in the tavern. It turns out that he is now not on Tortuga, he is pirating near Maracaibo. Head for Maracaibo. Take his ship on board, Rock Brazilian will surrender. Take him into the hands of the Holy Inquisition, to Monsignor de Suose. António will send you to the Governor-General. Oregon and Gascon will tell you to come to him in a few days. Return to the residence in a few days and get the task to find the treasures of the Brazilian rock, which are located in Cuba, Hispaniola and near Belize, on the Maine. The exact location of the treasures is unknown. The first will be the treasure found in Cuba. Sail to the Ana Maria bay, dock, then turn left, and then straight ahead, go into the cave and open the chest, which contains 150,000 piastres and several idols. Next, sail to Hispaniola, to the Samana bay, go straight and find a well that serves as an entrance to the cave, find in it a chest with a treasure that will amount to 150,000 piastres, diamonds, bars with gold, gold rings, gold brooches. Now head for Maine, for Belize. Dock at the port, go out of the city gates, turn left and then right, go into the cave and search the chest, which will contain 150,000 piastres. Return to Don Francisco and give him the money, 500,000 piastres (you will have to fork out for more than was in the chests) and get 100,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to investigate the murder of the commandant of Havana, Jose Ramirez de Leyva. Go to the commandant's house, then on the second floor in the room you will find an unfinished letter, then go to the tavern, there you will find out from the waitress that she handed over a letter to the commandant's wife from some ladron. Now go to Oregon and Gascon, get a trade license. Next, sail to Tortuga, talk to the owner of the tavern. After talking, he will tell about D'Ogeron's passion, a Spaniard by nationality Donna Anna, brought her by one of the governor-general's trusted officers, Henri d "Estre. Then go to Anri's house. The servant will say that the owner is talking next to the house, then Anri will run Run after him into the cave in the bay, there he will stop you and ask why you are chasing him, then kill the ladron. Now go to the Governor-General for a reward in the form of 120,000 piastres.

5) The fifth task is a business trip to Santiago. Travel to Santiago and go to the residence, as instructed by the local governor. The task will consist in the complete destruction of the pirate settlement of La Vega on Hispaniola. Sail to Hispaniola, dock in La Vega bay, passing to the next location, the assault will begin, kill all the pirates and go to the city where the carnage will continue. After destroying everyone in the settlement, go to the residence, there you will have to fight with the leader of the filibusters of La Vega, Edward Mansfield. Kill him and leave the residence. The task is completed, you can return to Jose Jimenez. Don Jimenez will present an award of 100,000 piastres. Return to the Governor-General and receive thanks from him.

6) The sixth task is to intercept the messenger Governor-General of Holland on Tortuga. You will be given a trading license. Go to Tortuga, go to the port office there, the chief will agree to send a messenger when the Dutch messenger ship arrives, then rent a room in the tavern for a week, wait a couple of days, then you will be informed that the Dutchman has arrived. Next, lure the messenger into the tavern room, where you will take the dispatch from him. Receive a reward of 50,000 piastres.

7) The seventh task is to help Manuel Rivero Pardal. We urgently need to go to Antigua, to the aid of the Spanish corsair Manuel Rivero Pardal, who is in search of British merchant ships in the waters of the island. French filibusters, under the command of Moses Vauclaine, went to intercept it. Sail to Antigua as quickly as possible and fight between the unequal forces of the Spanish corsair and the French pirate squadron. After sinking the last ship, go for a reward, which will be 25,000 piastres.

8) The eighth task is to protect the Cumana from the attack of the united Franco-British squadron of pirates. Sail to Cumana, sink the enemy squadron and get 100,000 piastres in Havana.

9) The ninth task is the task of the governor of Porto Bello to escort the ships. Sail to Porto Bello, where Governor Cabral will brief you in detail. You need to deliver 4 galleons, loaded with gold, to the uninhabited island of Cayman, where you need to transfer the squadron to the powerful Spanish fleet sent to Europe. Take command of a squadron of 4 galleons laden with 10,000 quintals of gold. Near Cayman, instead of Spanish ships, pirate ships will await you. The galleons entrusted to you must stay afloat in order to receive the maximum reward. Having sunk the last pirate, head for Havana, where tell the Governor-General about the strange events that happened to you. He cannot understand at all why the meeting point was Cayman, if it was necessary to escort ships to Belize. He will promise to sort out this situation and will reward you for saving all the galleons in the amount of 220,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is to protect Maracaibo from invasion. Don Francisco will say that the problems in the previous assignment were the result of uncoordinated actions, this will not happen again. And you need to go to Maracaibo to repel enemy attacks. Head for Maracaibo, go to the local governor and then go out into the street, where you will meet a Spanish officer carrying bad news: an English pirate squadron attacked the city. Go to the governor again, he will order to start repelling the attack. Go out to sea and start a battle against 8 ships, among which there will be several manowars. There will be a fort on your side. After sinking all the ships, dock and go to the residence, where you will receive a reward from the saved city, in the amount of 70,000 piastres. Return to Cuba to receive a commendation from the Governor General.

11) The eleventh task is the destruction of the Dutch colonies. Returning after a while, Don Francisco will ask the question if you are ready to attack the fortified cities. The task will be to plunder 2 Dutch colonies in the archipelago, on the islands of Curacao and San Martin. Sail first to Curacao, destroy the fort, and capture the city. Then attack San Martin. Having captured the city, you can return to Havana. The reward will be all the loot you loot. Oregon and Gascon will ask to come to him in about a month.

12) The twelfth task - the capture of Port-au-Prince. In a month you will be assigned to capture the French Port-au-Prince. All trophies are your property, the task time is not limited. After destroying the fort and killing the French soldiers in the fort and the city, enter the residence and declare the colony a Spanish possession. Return to Governor General Francisco Oregon y Gascon. All tasks are completed and you can act in the interests of Spain.

Pirate storyline

Swim to Bermuda. There, contact Jackman with a job offer. Jackman will say that at the moment he has no assignments, but Captain Goodley, who is currently in Puerto Principe, Cuba, needs help, and will offer to meet with him and discuss the details.

Go to Cuba in Puerto Principe and find Captain Goodley in the tavern. When talking with him, it turns out that you need to take one type named John Bolton, who is waiting in the port of Puerto Principe, to Port Royal in Jamaica to Henry Morgan. Agree, saying that his service is an honor for you. Go to Puerto Principe Port and meet John Bolton there, take him on board and head to Jamaica.

In Port Royal, Jamaica, escort John Bolton to the Morgan house (the Morgan house with columns is on the left side of the city, if you go from the port). On the way to the house, you are stopped by British soldiers. The soldier commander says that you and John Bolton have been accused of having pirate ties. You are sent to prison pending clarification of the circumstances. However, you are freed by Morgan himself, who says that he paid a ransom for you and waits at his residence, after which he leaves.

At the residence, Morgan assigns the black mark to Edward Lowe, who lives somewhere in Martinique. Go to Martinique in Le François. On arrival, ask the innkeeper about Edward Lowe. It turns out that the innkeeper knows Lowe and he lives near the tavern. Exit the tavern and go right to the house, paneled with boards, where Lowe lives. Go into the house and, when talking with Edward, give him a black mark. Lowe will say that all problems with Morgan have already been resolved and will ask him to return the black mark back to Henry Morgan. Return back to Jamaica to Morgan.

After hearing the story, Morgan becomes furious and says that Lowe deceived you. To rectify the situation, Morgan instructs you to track down and deal with Lowe personally without any black marks. So quickly return to Le François and go to Edward Lowe's house. However, he had already left the house in an unknown direction. Go to the innkeeper and ask him about Lowe. The owner will confirm that Edward recently left the settlement, left his things for safekeeping, and where he himself could go, the owner of the tavern does not know. Go to the store and ask about Lowe. The merchant says that Edward came, was interested in the place where it would be possible to purchase a ship, but his business, the merchant, was to trade in goods, and not the ships that are sold at the shipyard. There is no shipyard in Le François, the nearest shipyard is in Fort-de-France. Either go there on foot across the island or by boat dock in the port of Fort-de-France.

First, go to the shipyard and ask the owner if Lowe has dropped by. It turns out that Lowe did come in and wanted to buy a ship (brig), but he had no money for such a ship and Edward went to the moneylender. Since then, the owner of the shipyard Lowe has not seen again.

Head over to the moneylender. He will say that Edward Lowe really came in and tried to borrow money, but the usurer immediately sees swindlers and deceivers, and therefore did not give Lowe a loan. Where Edward Lowe went next - he does not know.

From the moneylender, head to the port office. Ask the head of department about Edward Lowe. He asks: why are you interested in Edward Lowe. Answer that Low is your close friend and you must inform him about the serious illness of his mother, but you just can't catch up with Edward. The port manager takes this trick and says that Lowe boarded a passing ship that went to Bermuda.

In a settlement in Bermuda, head to the tavern, where its owner says that Lowe was here and was interested in the local shipyard. Go to the shipyard to the master Alexus. To the question of the master about who you are with Lowe, answer that you want to catch up with him in order to settle scores with him. The master begins to complain that the rogue Lowe forged Jackman's signature, and he (Alexus) gave Lowe a ship - the brig "Sea Wolf" with unique characteristics, which was built by order of Jackman. Go to Jackman. He is in a state of quiet rage over what happened and asks for only one thing, when we kill Lowe to send him greetings from Jackman. But where Lowe went on the kidnapped brig is unknown.

Ask the people in the taverns in the archipelago about rumors until someone tells you that there are more attacks on mail ships in the Kumana area on Maine. Head towards Kumane. If the ship is more powerful than the 6th class, then it must be parked in the port department of Kumane and any ship of the 6th class must be bought at the shipyard. After that, on this ship go out to sea and sail to the Trinidad and Tobago area. There you will meet Lowe in the brig. Take the brig on board, talk to Lowe, who says that Morgan's power will soon change. Kill him. Go to Morgan with a progress report.

Morgan offers to carry out an operation, the result of which will overshadow all of Sharpe's affairs. Namely, Morgan proposed to rob the pearl divers who would collect pearls on tartans for a month on the Turks Island in North Bay. Morgan offered to deliver at least 1,000 small and 500 large pearls. The profit is halved.

Make your way to North Turks Island Bay. There, pearl divers are already fishing on tartans under pirate flags. At the sight of you, they scatter away. You need to catch up with them and catch up with each tartan side by side, then the pearls will be automatically loaded into your inventory. Collect the required amount and return to Port Royal to Morgan, where you will hand over half of the loot.

At the exit from the Morgan's residence, Captain Goodley meets you and offers to work as a bounty hunter for a good reward. Target - John Avory, who was last seen in Willemstad (Kyrosau Island). Go there and go to the moneylender. The moneylender confirms that John Eyvory was here recently, but that he is no longer in the city. He heard that John was going to Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago. Go there. There, go to the moneylender. The Port of Spain moneylender says that Eyvory did work for him in the city, but after doing it, he left the city and went to the Spaniards on the Maine in the city of Maracaibo. The pawnbroker Maracaibo confirms that John was in the city, but according to rumors he overheard in a brothel, Avory went to the French in Port-au-Prince, on Hispaniola. In Port-au-Prince, the first thing to do is go to the tavern. The tavern owner says that John was here a couple of days ago and killed the sharper. You need to visit the moneylender. The usurer will tell you that Avory did some work for him. But where John went next is anyone's guess. Although the moneylender has an assumption that John could have gone to Willemstad, because a moneylender was recently robbed there. The usurer of Willemstad is still going through what happened, but this is not surprising, because an unknown person stole 50,000 piastres from him. He hired John Avory to find the robber. Also, the usurer promises to pay you 5,000 piastres for bringing the gold to the usurer first. John Avory himself went to Bermuda. The owner of a tavern in Bermuda confirms that John Avory is now on the island, or rather in the house of Orry Bruce, apparently a moneylender robber. The house is next to the tavern, go there. In the house you will meet John Avory and Orry Bruce, sorting out the relationship. Tell them that you have an order for both of them, then kill them and take valuable things from the corpses, and take away 50,000 piastres from Orry Bruce. You can return to the moneylender for a reward and report to Captain Goodley about the completed order.

Give the money lender of Willemstad, he pays you 5,000 piastres in return. You will find Captain Goodley in the Port Royal tavern and receive a reward from him, also tell him that you will now go to report to Morgan about your successes, to which Goodley only grins. Go to Morgan's Residence.

After hearing the story, Morgan says that John Avory was his confidant and you killed him. You explain that it was Captain Goodley's order. Morgan immediately calls the captain to sort out the situation. Goodley comes and says that he did not give you any orders. To sort out what happened, Morgan assigns a duel between you and Captain Goodley. Kill Goodley. Morgan says you have proven your innocence in this case.

Henry Morgan will ask you to go to Jackman in Bermuda and tell about Goodley's death.

Seeing you, Jackman is very surprised and says that you allegedly captured and handed over to the Spaniards to be torn apart by his captain Sid Bonnet. We'll have to figure it out. Jackman directs you to Cozumel Bay on Maine, where John Leeds anchored on the frigate Antwerp, with whom you need to talk. Head to Cozumel Bay.

There you are met by John Leeds on his frigate. Lower the boats into the water and climb aboard his ship. After a conversation with Leeds, it turns out that the team and the captain of the corvette sunk by Leeds have landed in Cozumel Bay. By the way, the captain of the corvette is very similar to you and, accordingly, all the sins of this captain hang on you. Therefore, you need to deal with your double. Land in the bay, where you will destroy part of the crew of the sunken corvette, but the captain is not among them. Go to the next location from the bay and meet the captain there, who really looks like you. The doppelganger says that he will tell everything if he and the team are released from the encirclement and allowed to quietly leave. Kill him and the rest of his team.

Then return to the ship and head to Bermuda to Jackman. Jackman, after listening to the story, sends you to Morgan with a report on what happened. Report the situation to Morgan.

Morgan will send you to catch up with the pirate Steve Linnaeus, whom he sent to La Vega, which is on Hispaniola, to find out a series of oddities that have recently been taking place in the Coastal Brotherhood. Go to La Vega.

Upon arrival, ask the innkeeper for help. He says he hasn't seen Steve Linnaeus for a while, but his friend just went out to sea. We need to intercept him. Go out to sea and catch up with Linnaeus's friend, who really did not have time to go far, and climb aboard. When talking to Steve's friend, a strange story emerges. According to him, Steve recently left with two strangers in an unknown direction and disappeared. And his schooner "Swallow" seems to be sold at the Santo Domingo shipyard. Linnaeus, according to a friend, would never have sold his ship willingly. Therefore, a friend of Linnaeus weighed anchor and went to sea, so that the story of Linnaeus would not repeat itself with him. In any case, check out the Santo Domingo shipyard.

The owner of the Santo Domingo shipyard said that the deal on the sale of the Swallow was the most successful, because it was given to him for a pittance. Under some pressure, the owner also says that he bought the "Swallow" from a guy who did not introduce himself, but the servant of the owner of the shipyard saw him go to sea on the frigate "Leon". According to the owner of the shipyard, the frigate must still cruise in the waters of Hispaniola. Go out to sea, on the global map, there you will see a ship with purple sails - this is the frigate "Leon", take it on board.

Captain "Leon" invites you to go over to the side of HIS admiral. This is Richard Soukins. He also says that their brotherhood needs people like you, and Henry Morgan himself was promoted to the position of admiral of the Coastal Brotherhood and no one elected him. In addition, the captain of the Leon reports that Steve Linnaeus is already at the bottom of the sea. Refuse the captain's offer and kill him. Head over to Morgan.

After the report, Morgan directs you to Puerto Principe, where, according to rumors, Richard Soukins is planning some kind of operation against the Spaniards, which must be disrupted. This will damage Sawkins' reputation among the pirates.

In Puerto Principe, go to the tavern and ask the tavern owner about the operation. He will answer that something is really planned now, but Soukins keeps all the details in the strictest confidence, even from his close associates, and is almost always sitting at home. We need to get into the house of Richard Soukins and steal documents. Go to Soukins' house, grab the papers from the table and run out of the settlement. Because everyone becomes enemies. Soukins' papers set out a plan for an upcoming operation against the Spaniards. Sawkins learned that the Spaniards had begun transporting the largest shipment of precious stones from Panama. To carry out this operation, the Spaniards abandoned the overland delivery of jewelry from Panama to Porto Bello and sailing along The Caribbean... Only one ship of the line must go around Cape Horn, rise to the fortieth parallel, then turn right and reach Lisbon in a straight line.

Soukins is assembling a squadron and is going to meet the Spaniard in two weeks at San Martin. We need to get ahead of them and intercept this ship below San Martin, sink it or board it. Get out to sea and sail towards San Martin.

Two weeks later, San Martin has a ship with purple sails - this is your goal. Take the ship on board. In the chest, in the captain's cabin, you will find a large number of gems. That's it, mission accomplished, you can report to Morgan.

Morgan will ask about the details of the operation, but evading the answer, say that there was nothing particularly interesting on the ship.

Morgan will offer us to make a trip to Panama. Morgan's plan is to take Porto Bello and reach Panama by land. the Spaniards will definitely not wait for this. Morgan offers to take a more powerful ship (if the squadron consists of more than one ship, then the rest must be placed in the port department) and gives 20 days to prepare. During these days, hire people, buy provisions, medicines, weapons, cannonballs, bombs, gunpowder and return back to Morgan by the appointed time.

It turns out by this time Morgan had already assembled a squadron of 5 powerful ships of the 1st class. He gives you the task of performing and taking Porto Bello right away. Move towards Porto Bello, attack the fort and capture the city. Go to the Governor's House and talk to the Governor. The governor is already aware of the plan of the march to Panama and was ready for your attack on his city and therefore was very surprised that you took the city so quickly. He also said that you will die in the jungle on your way to Panama. Tell this news to Morgan who comes up. He believes that Richard Soukins managed to secretly warn the Spaniards about the plan to march to Panama. Morgan is not going to give up the campaign and offers to split up. You will command the second squad, which will include Sawkins. You are instructed to disembark at Darien Bay within two days and go to Panama. On the way to Panama, you need to shoot Soukins unnoticed, because Morgan does not want to see him at the city walls.

Go out to sea and reach Darien Bay. Drop off there. Soukins will come up to you and say that he is ready for the upcoming operation.

On the way to Panama, your squad will be attacked three times by the Spaniards and the local population.

The last battle will be at the walls of Panama. Morgan approaches and gives the task to find the governor of Panama, tk. Since the Spanish forces were exhausted by ambushes in the jungle, there was no one left in the city.

Go to the house of the Governor of Panama, find him in the next room and interrogate him. According to him, El Escorial's gold is in a closed chest in the same room, but the key is in the possession of the commandant of Panama, who participated in the defense of the city and most likely died. We need to find the key. On leaving the governor's house, you will meet Morgan. He gives the order to find the key, while he himself goes to interrogate the governor.

Go to Fort Panama. There in the prison on the commandant's desk lies required key, take it and return to the governor's house. Open the chest - there is El Escorial's gold (50,000,000 piastres). At this moment, Morgan approaches and takes the gold with the words that now he will collect gold from all the sailors, and in the evening he will divide it, according to the laws of the Coastal Brotherhood. He also says that the governor could not stand the torture and died, however, he managed to tell about another chest, which is located on the outside of the fort. Morgan sends you there to check the given words. Go to the fort. In front of the fort, there is a narrow path that bends around it from the outside. Follow it, at the end of the path there is indeed a chest, but there is nothing of value in it. Return to town.

At the entrance to the city, a sailor meets you and says that Morgan collected gold from everyone, loaded it onto a galleon standing in the port, and secretly left Panama in an unknown direction. The sailors refuse to go back with you and continue to plunder the city, so you will return to the ship alone.

On the way to the Gulf of Darien, you will be attacked by the Spaniards, but you do not have to engage in battle with them, you can run around them.

Board the ship and head to Port Royal, Morgan's residence. Morgan's secretary says that Morgan himself is in London and will not arrive until a year later. Return back to Morgan a year later and claim your share of the loot. However, Morgan says that the end of the Coastal Brotherhood has come, he himself is now a planter, and he bought his forgiveness and forgiveness to the other surviving pirates from the English crown for El Escorial's gold. End of the pirate storyline.

Main quest

To start the main quest of the game - the quest of the game City of Lost Ships, you must first complete the so-called quest about the killing of beggars. It is taken in the main city of the country of which the hero is a citizen. (for example, for Jan Speins, this is Willemstad).

On the street you will be stopped by Oliver Trust, and will offer, for a reward of 1,000,000 piastres, to kill all the beggars in the archipelago. You can either agree or refuse the offer, this will have little effect on the further outcome. Now you should look for beggars (a man in rags, usually sits on the ground, can move around the city) in cities, and talk to them, find out why they are being hunted. You need to interview at least three beggars. One of them will send you to a vagrant who lives on one of the islands of the archipelago. If he is not in the city, spend the night in the tavern, soon he will be found. The vagabond assumes that the Governor-General of Curacao, Peter Stavesant, himself was involved in this case. Head to Curacao, to the Willemstad colony.

Enter the residence and go into the room (door opposite the entrance), go to the chest near the round table. The chest is locked, but you do not have the key. Exit the residence and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the keykeeper, the innkeeper will tell you to go to the keymaster, Hill Corner, who sits at a table near the counter. The key master will agree to make a copy of the key from the chest in the residence for a decent amount of money, agree to his offer, and wait 2 nights in the tavern. After that, go to the house to the key keeper. Go to the house. An officer and 2 soldiers will come, kill them and go up to the second floor and take the key from the table. Now go to the residence to the chest. When the soldier turns away, open the chest and take away all its contents, a letter (Stavesant's correspondence with the Dutch West India Trading Company) and the treasure. Return to the beggar.

It turns out that Teaser Dan actually visited the Island of Justice. You, again, need to go back to Willemstad, to Stavezant and talk to him. Dock in the sweat of Willemstad, go to the tavern and ask the tavern keeper about Teaser, where Den has disappeared, the tavern owner does not know, and he will also advise not to get involved in the affairs of the Governor-General and the Dutch West Indian Company. Now go to the residence and start a dialogue with Stavesont. But as soon as you mention the name of Teaser, the governor will be on his guard. Say that you are writing a book, but you will not be able to find out really anything. We need to find a representative of the Dutch West Indian Company in the archipelago.

Get to the nearest pirate colony. When you reach the nearest diplomat, ask him about the representative, but the diplomat refuses to name the location of the representative of the Dutch Trading Company. Give the agent the name Oliver Trust and he says the client can be found in San Martin. Sail to this island.

After docking in one of the coves of San Martin, make your way to Marigot and go to Oliver's house, which is just opposite the local moneylender. After a short dialogue, kill the Trust, search the corpse and take the letter from the table. From the letter you will learn the location of the very mythical Island of Justice, which turns out to be by no means mythical. Return to the ship and sail to the familiar beggar.

The tramp will give you Diffindur's key, which will come in handy later.

Before heading to town lost ships, leave your ship at port office and change to a tartan. Give the money to the usurer for safekeeping. Sit the officers on the boats and also leave them with the harbor master. Since you will lose everything when entering the City.

Swim to the upper left corner of the map. You will go out to sea. After the command "swim" a video will go, and then the hero is in the City. The sea is raging, a wild storm. A local resident named George Stokes comes up to you and says that he saw the sinking of your ship. You are the only one who survived. He will give you a little insight into the matter. The city consists of many interconnected incomprehensibly wrecked ships. You are on the Velasco galleon, which is home to one of the established criminal clans - the narwhals. The second clan, the Caspers, is on the barque "San Gabriel". Neither one nor the other spares anyone who dares to disturb them. Stokes will also say that you need to visit the head of this godforsaken place, Admiral Chad Capper, on the San Augustine warship before the storm ends. As it turned out, this is the same missing privateer who came out three years ago for the prize and disappeared without a trace. And now he is an admiral and head of the City.

Turn around and jump into the water. You need the "Fernando Diffindur" flute, which contains the very chest that opens with the Diffindur key. The ship has a rift approximately in the middle. Having found the ship, swim over it and go into the breach. The chest is on the right. Put all your things there and calmly go to the admiral.

You will be officially declared a Citizen of the City. The City has almost everything that is inherent in an ordinary port: a tavern, a shop, a church, a usurer. The moneylender has a special story. Everyone will tell you that he is a terrible, terrible man, a warlock. The debtor will be obliged to return him an amount five times the given. It turns out that Brahms gave the soul of Miclantlecutely, the Aztec god of the dead. If the debt is not returned, after a while, when you go to any location, you will be transported to the sacrificial temple, to Tenochtitlan. God will appear to you and demand money back. If you do not have them, you will not get out of there. This will happen even after you get out of the City.

Now go to the Fleuron caravel, to the owner of the tavern, Hill Brunner, and ask him about Teaser Dan (that same missing beggar). Everyone thinks he drowned. Hill asks you to be silent about the fact that Teaser was able to get to the mainland, because the admiral should never find out about it. The law of the City says that no one can build rafts and boats to sail away. Hill will ask you to come to him later, he should consider the information received.

Return to Hill after a while. He will make an appointment for you after twelve o'clock at night in his wine cellar (this is one of the cabins on the same ship, you need to go out on deck and go to the stern of the ship). After the conversation, you will need to visit the "Fernando Diffindur" flutes, where Teaser often sailed. Hill needs proof that you are right.

Now your task is to find Andre Labo, a carpenter in the city. According to Brunner, it was he who helped Dan build the swimming facility. Labor makes an appointment for you in the cabin of the "Protector" corvette. The carpenter betrays you. He brings a policeman with him. Kill them. Tell Hill about what happened. He offers to cover up the traces of the crime and set up one of the clans, namely the "narwhals". To do this, you need to lie in wait for one of the "narwhals" in the bow of their base (galleon "Velasco"), take the clan's amulet from him and take it to the admiral, and thus remove suspicions of murder from you. After doing this, you will be instructed to destroy all "narwhals". Officers will be given to help. After killing everyone, go to the barrels opposite the entrance. Between them lies an ordinary key for chests. Report to the admiral on the successfully completed assignment. Now go back to Hill Brunner and tell him what happened. He will ask to come to him later. Sleep in the tavern for a few days, then go to Hill. He says that today at midnight in the tavern, the Capper will meet with a certain person. You must eavesdrop on the conversation by hiding behind a pillar in the wine cellar (stand sideways and do not move, otherwise you will be discovered). The information turned out to be very important indeed. It turned out that Capper and the leader of the “Kasperov” clan (and it was he) were in one bundle. It turns out that it is not you the admiral, but he circled you around his finger. Destroyed the "narwhals" with your hands. In addition, they mentioned a certain Mechanic. Report everything to Brunner. He will express his thoughts on this matter and try to remember who already lived here before him. This is necessary in order to find out who this Mechanic is.

You will not learn anything else from Hill. After a while, they kill him. The tavern waitress Armo Dulin will tell you that she found Brunner's corpse in the wine cellar, and noted that before his death he asked her questions about the person who lived here before him.

Go to the admiral. He will tell you not to get involved in this matter. Try to find the oldest residents of the City. One of them is Cecile Galard, who lives in the Eva galleon. Going to her, you will see three "Caspers" trying to kill the unfortunate woman. Kill them and receive information about the Mechanic as a thank you (if you cannot save the old lady, Aurelie Bertin will tell you everything). His name is Henrik Wedecker, and it was he who came up with the method of securing the City's ships. It looks like the admiral isolated him on the barque San Gabriel, at the base of the Casper clan. You need to get to it. You will have to destroy the entire clan alone.

Talk to Henrik. It turns out that the City is supported by only three ship wrecks and can be destroyed by any storm. Fortunately, he has a ship to sail away from here. But: firstly, he will sell it to you, and only for one and a half million, and secondly, the ship still needs to be freed from the wreckage. But this can only be done with the help of a gear that Henrik dropped into the water. Your task is to go down under the water in a special suit (this can be done only from 10.00 to 19.00) and get the gear. The suit has only six minutes of air supply, and horrible, gluttonous creatures have started up under the City.

The suit hangs on the wall inside the Phoenix platform. He puts on (and takes off) automatically, you just need to go to him.

Get down under the water. The location of the gear is randomly generated. You will have to fight huge crabs. Only a saber will be able to fight. You cannot run either, and the time is only six minutes.

After finding the gear, return back to the Mechanic. The corvette must be provided with all the necessary goods for sailing. These are cannonballs, buckshot, knipples, bombs, canvas, medicines, boards, provisions, gunpowder and weapons. Go to the tavern waitress Armo Dulin. So, shells for weapons can be obtained from housewives. These are Lea Toors, Aurelie Bertin, Alice Taylor and Eliza Calvo. Eliza will need a lute, 10 clusters of grapes and 3 bottles of wine, Leia - 10 bags of salt. Provisions, planks, and canvas can be purchased from the shopkeeper. Padre Angel will give you the medicine. For gunpowder and weapons, you need to contact the policeman John Workman. He will help with the condition: take him with you.

It remains to recruit a team of at least 15 people. After completing the set, go to the Mechanic, the storm has already begun. But he was arrested by Capper. We need to help out the scientist.

Go to the residence. There is no mechanic here. He's in prison on the Tartarus. Run there as fast as possible. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to free Wedeker - he is in a cage, and there is no time to look for the key. The mechanic will send you to the second mast of the "Fernando Diffindur" flute, to the very place where Teaser Dan hid his chest.

Having reached the indicated place, go through the "open" icon to the open sea. The quest is complete.

to be continued...

So, we get the Dutch patent, and we sail to Curacao in Willemstad to the Governor-General for the first assignment.

Deliver Jansenist leader Chumakeiro to Willemstad.

The first task of the gene. the governor will instruct us to deliver the aforementioned Chumakeiro to Willemstad. He lives in Marigot. It must be escorted to the residence in Willemstad. Heading for San Martin! In Marigot's tavern, we stomp into the tavern and ask the bartender about the object of our search. He will answer us that he found a house for rent and that they have already asked about him today (this is not casual.) We find the necessary house, we go in and see several types, of a bandit appearance. After a short dialogue, we kill everyone. On the second floor we find the head of the Jansenists. He will thank us for saving him. It is done! we sail back to Willemstad and stomp into the residence. There Chumakeiro will give us 30,000 for our labors. Gen. the governor thanks us for the successful work and sends us home.

Purchase a consignment from Fort Orange and deliver everything to Willemstad.

This task is one of the easiest. We are tasked with purchasing a shipment of coffee, ebony, red and sandalwood from Fort Orange and delivering everything to Curacao. The time allotted for delivery is 2 months. In total, the goods should be 6800 centners, so we need several large ships (in general, it will be great if the GG has a rat-god, otherwise for damage to the goods you will have to buy at your own expense. We sail to Jamaica in Fort Orange. the papers received from the governor-general for receiving discounts. After the store. We buy, we return back to Curacao. As a reward, we receive 75 thousand.

Obtain information on the plans of the British in connection with the trade war.

Congratulations! now you are a scout!) we have to find out about the plans of the British. To do this, we need to go to the head of the pirate settlement La Vega, on Hispaniola, who is the confidant of the gene. Governor of England and concurrently, Dutch by nationality. And so that we are not hanged on the yard, gene. The governor will give us a letter for the head of the buccaneers. We sail to La Vega and stomp into the residence. However, a bummer awaits us: Mansfield (that is, the head of La Vega) does not know anything about Madiford's plans (this is the general governor of England), but a messenger came to him from him with a proposal to attack Curacao. Mansfield and the rest of the pirate leaders refused this event. Mansfield will offer us to go to Henry Morgan, maybe he knows something. We will sail to Port Royal. Getting into this city is quite easy compared to others, since the tavern is located next to the exit to the jungle. We change the flag to friendly, land in the bay near Port Royal, and make our way into the city under cover of night. After spending the night in the tavern, we go to the house of Henry Morgan. His secretary will tell us that Morgan is now at his home in Antigua. Heading for Charlestown! Henry's house is closed, so we go around it and find a hatch to the basement, through which you can get to Morgan. After talking with us, Henry agrees to help in exchange for a service, which consists in finding out how Pierre Picardian lives, since Morgan has a suspicion that he has hidden some of the spoils from him. We agree and we saw on the cake, where in turn we go around the following locations: a store, a shipyard, a bank, a tavern, a brothel, asking about the Picardian. As a result of the detour, we learn that the Picardian is really a rat, since he is scattered with money left and right. We return to the house of Morgan in the same way. We tell him about the results of the check, in return we get a tip on an English soldier who has valuable information. The problem is that he was sentenced to death and is in jail. We stomp into the fort to the prison. We bring down the guards, find out the necessary information and free the soldier. According to the soldier, the British are about to attack Fort Orange! We sail to Curacao and report to the gene. to the governor about it. As a reward, we get 50,000 coins.

Defend Fort Orange from an impending British attack.

A few days later we return to the residence and receive the task to save Fort Orange. Time is limited, so we sail to Jamaica in full sail. It is advisable to have several ships so that the crews are at least 700-800, otherwise you will have to sweat. Near Cape Negril we meet three English ships. We drown, then we land in the bay and destroy the English soldiers near the city. The task is completed! We go back and get 100,000 from the gene. guber.

Escort three flutes to and from La Vega Buccaneer Settlement.

The next task is to escort three flutes to the La Vega buccaneer settlement. Having sold the goods there, you need to buy 7000 thousand centners of food and deliver it back. Heading for Espanyola! We disembark in the bay and go to the city, where we learn about the death of Mansfield at the hands of the Spaniards. We go to the store, perform the required operations and you can return to the ship. Save before departure, for the Spanish radish squadron is already waiting for us! We need to save all the ships, so we give them the order to sail away, or to lower the sails - see the situation. We sink all the ships and return to Willemstad. We inform about the death of Mansfield and hand over the ships. We receive a reward.

Retribution for Mansfield's death.

This assignment is that the Dutch are hungry for revenge. And we act as an instrument of retaliation. We have to visit Morgan again. We sail to Jamaica to the residence thereof. Morgan will say that the attack was organized by the Governor of Santiago, José Sancho Jimenez. Our mission is to find out if the governor will be in the city any time soon. We sail to Santiago, make our way to the city and stomp into the tavern. We talk with the bartender about Jimenez, find out everything we need, but at the last moment the bartender will declassify us and pull up the Spanish offs for disassembly. We wet them and get them out of the city. There is a holiday in the city, which means that Jimenez will be in the city so as not to miss the drinking. We sail to Jamaica and report to Morgan what we have learned. Mission accomplished, you can return to Willemstad. Gene. the governor gives us 20,000 tugriks as a reward.

Deliver the dispatch to the Governor of Tortuga Bertrand d'Ozheron.

Now we have to deliver the secret message to the gene. Governor of the French colonies Bertrand d'Ogeron, on Tortuga. We swim to the indicated place, we return the letter. Bertrand asks us to come back in two hours for an answer. Two hours later we return to d'Ozheron, get an answer and leave the residence .. on the street a dude will run up to us and say that a messenger from the gene is waiting for us in the tavern. Governor of Holland. We go to the tavern, to the room upstairs, get in the head and lose consciousness. When we wake up, we find that the secret package is missing. We run to the residence and report this to Bertrand. He sends us to the port office. We go there and find out that he recently left the brig, ‘La Rochelle’ in Puerto Rico. Near this island we find the required brig, board and find out from the captain that the man who stole the dispatch moved to the ship "Isabella", which is sailing to Santa Catalina. We kill the captain and the sailors who came to his aid. Heading to Santa Catalina. We catch up with "Isaballa", we board. In the cabin we take our dispatch from the thief and return to Willemstad. The task is completed, we get 150,000.

Business trip at the disposal of Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro.

We are placed at the disposal of Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro, whom we saved so heroically in the first mission. He will give the task to find an ancient Bible. Recently some English privateer tried to push her in Bermuda. The promised reward is high. We leave for Bermuda and stomp to Jackman's residence. Jackman remembers little from a hangover, but he will say that the book was mentioned in a brothel in Martinique. We, respectively, go there. In the brothel we ask all the prostitutes. One of them, for a small fee, will tell us that the dude who tried to sell the book is Laurent de Graf, who lives in Tortuga. Heading to Tortuga! In the tavern, the bartender will inform us that Laurent has been hanging around Cartagena for two weeks. Near this city we will find Laurent's ship fighting the Spanish squadron. We drown everyone, covering de Graf from shells along the way. After we stamp on the ship to Laurent and start a dialogue with him. de Graaf offers to buy a treasure map from him, where he, along with everything else, put the book he was looking for, for 235 thousand. We agree. Treasure on Turks Island. We swim, find the book and take away other treasures. We sail back to Curacao to Chumakeiro. We give him the book and get 1,235,000 for it. Then we stomp into the residence, where the gene. the governor says that the whole Jansenist community is almost on the verge of orgasm from our work =)

Capture four First Class ships of the line.

Gene. Governor of Holland turned out to be a very cunning guy! He instructs us to get 4 manowars for the Dutch fleet. The task is not easy, since such ships do not float alone. We'll have to work. For each manovar we get 50,000. Not enough, but we have to do it. Time is not limited, so we stock up on buckshot and weapons and go ahead in search! Manowars can usually be found in large trade caravans. We capture and bring to Willemstad one by one. As a result, our earnings are 200,000.

Repulse the attack of the Spanish squadron on Curacao.

A Spanish squadron attacked Curacao. We have to carry out an operation to defend the city. For such an operation, we need at least a couple of powerful ships. (although it all depends on the complexity of the game and the player's experience)
A little advice: if you are strained with large ships, buy several small class sailboats at the shipyard and load them with gunpowder. With the proper naval skill, they can be used as kamikaze. Not a bad help in battle: for example, a brig, well loaded with gunpowder, can destroy a manovar when a cruise chamber explodes, and if there are still ships nearby, then they can inflict significant damage.
After we have dealt with the enemy ships, we return for a reward, which is 200,000.

Reflect the Spanish attack on San Martin.

The next task is similar to the previous one, only the attack is now carried out on San Martin. We sail to the island as quickly as possible, go out to sea closer to the fort and begin a battle against the Spanish ships. Having sunk all, we return to the gene. guber and get 200,000.

The next task will be a response to the Spanish dogs. (that is, "an eye for an eye, in an eye for an eye"). We have to capture Maracaibo, a Spanish city on the Maine. We float to the city. You can go head-on - smash the fort and land troops. But if you do not want to spoil the boat, then we disembark in the nearest bay and walk on foot to the gates of the city. We attack, we capture, we return to the employer. Truncated!) Completed the quest line for Holland!

The Dutch ruler can be completed in GPC game and in KWL game.

Do not take the line with a poorly pumped Main Hero!

1. A patent can be earned and obtained from any governor of the Dutch cities, having completed about 8 - 9 of his tasks; they must be performed by exactly one governor and not necessarily at a time, you can sail off the island and return later. If you perform tasks for several governors, then the counters will count these tasks for each governor separately (i.e., tasks for different governors are not summed up). The governor, with whom you complete the required number of tasks, will grant you a patent. Failure of a task or refusal from it leads to zeroing the counter, so make a save before receiving the task, in case it does not suit you. Tasks change after 3 - 4 in-game days.
2. The patent can be bought from the Diplomat in any Pirate settlement in the tavern, but you may also be refused sale if your GG is poorly pumped.

Exercise 1
Accompanying the Chief of the Jansenists Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro

Governor-General Peter Stavesan will instruct you to find the Head of the Jansenist Community, Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro, on the Isle of Marigot in Saint Martin and escort him to Curacao. Upon arrival at Marigot, go to the tavern and talk to the owner about Chumakeiro. It turns out that Aaron approached him with a request to find him a house for rent and he helped him. The owner of the tavern explained where the house is located, namely to the right of the residence, and added that you are already the second who was interested in him today. This is suspicious, so you need to be on your guard. Indeed, your forebodings did not deceive you, finding a house and entering it, you come across two vile faces that are trying to release the spirit from you. We'll have to teach them politeness and send them to hell. On the second floor, find Chumakeiro, he will say that ordinary bandits attacked him, take him and go to Curacao. Having delivered Aaron to the residence, you will receive 30 thousand from him, and the Governor-General will thank you and invite you to come to him later to receive a new assignment.

Assignment 2
Shop at Fort Orange

You are assigned to buy ebony and mahogany wood, sandalwood and a batch of coffee at discounted prices for Curacao from Fort Orange. You will be given papers for the governor to provide special prices and the necessary amount of money for this. The cargo will take 6,800 centners, so take care of ships with spacious holds. For everything about everything, you are given two months, this time is enough for you. Move to Jamaica, after reaching it, drop anchor in Negril Bay, go through the jungle to the city. At the residence, hand over the papers to the governor and go to the store to buy the necessary goods. These special prices for goods will remain in the Fort Orange store after the mission, so you can take advantage of this in the future. After loading the goods, return to Curacao. If you managed to deliver the goods on time, then you will be paid 75 thousand.

1. If you have some free space in the holds, you can earn extra money by loading the left item cheaply and selling it before handing over the assignment.
2. If you don't have the Rat God, then the rats can gobble up the product and you will have to buy it in addition at export prices. Whatever this happens, when you float on the globalka, in the right corner of the screen you have a compass that shows the change of day and night. All events in the game are updated at 12 o'clock at night, so just save before nightfall through quick save (F6), if the rats ate the goods, then reboot (F9), if not, then repeat the save in a day. Thus, you will deliver the goods undamaged, safe and sound.

Assignment 3
Get information on England's plans

This time, you will need to conduct reconnaissance and learn about England's plans for Holland. Your path will take you to the La Vega Pirate Village on Hispaniola. Talk there with the Chief of Pirates Edward Mansfield, for whom you have a letter of introduction from Stavezan. He is Dutch by nationality, and Mansfield is also a confidant of the Governor-General of England Madiford for attacks on the Spaniards, so you can get reliable and necessary information from him. At the moment, he does not know anything about Madiford's plans, but recently he had a messenger from the Governor General asking for help in the attack on Curacao. Edward turned him down and, as far as he knows, the other heads of the pirates did not agree either. He advises to talk to Henry Morgan in Jamaica, he is the most informed corsair in all the Caribbean. England is hostile, so you need the flag of England or friendly France and a Trade License. You can enter the city through the jungle, leaving the ship in the bay or at the lighthouse, after 12 am there are no sentries at the gate. Make your way past the guards on the street to the tavern, spend the night there, and during the day you can almost calmly move around the city, but try all the same not to be seen by the soldiers. Morgan's house with white columns, located to the left of the port in the far alley. He will not be in place, the secretary will say that he is in Antigua. Heading to Antigua, we use the above methods to penetrate the city. Morgan's house is closed, you can get into it through the dungeon, the entrance is located on the next street, a hatch between the houses. Morgan, as always in his repertoire, benefits from everything, he agrees to help, but in return for one service. He has a suspicion that his companion Pierre Picardian warmed him up for a fraction of the booty. You should find out if this is true, go to Tortuga. Arriving at the colony, start bypassing all the city institutions and everywhere you unanimously, everyone repeats that Pierre is throwing money right and left, not counting them. Return back to Morgan, the same way and tell about everything that you have learned. Morgan himself does not know Madiford's plans and gives a tip to the officer, but he is in prison. The officer knows exactly what Madiford has planned. He must be released quickly, otherwise he will be hanged tomorrow. Go to the fort and go down to the prison, there you will have to tinker with the guards, destroying everyone, free the prisoner in exchange for information. You learn that England are planning to attack Fort Orange. Get out of the prison, do not fight with the soldiers of the fort, they still cannot be destroyed, immediately run to the ship.
Returning to Willemstad and reporting everything to the Governor-General, we get 50 thousand.

Assignment 4
Defense of Fort Orange from attack by England

You urgently need to intercept the English squadron and protect Fort Orange. So sail downwind and fast to Jamaica! In the coastal waters of the island, you will meet a squadron of three ships: a frigate, a corvette and a barque, it is better to board them, you will find a lot of tasty things in the chests. Land in Negril Bay, you will have a hot battle with the British landing on the shore and in the next location at the gate. After the victory, be sure to talk to the governor, as well as the owners of the tavern and shop. Now return to Stavezant, report back and receive a well-deserved reward in the amount of 100 thousand.

Assignment 5
Flute accompaniment

Peter Stavesant entrusts you with the escort of three flutes with goods to La Vega on Espanyol. There it will be necessary to sell the goods, with this money to buy provisions in the amount of 7 thousand centners and deliver it to Curacao. Go to the Port Authority, there you will receive the flutes that will enter your squadron, head towards La Vega. After dropping anchor in the bay, head to the store. In the settlement you will learn that the Spaniards attacked La Vega, many pirates were killed, including Edward Mansfield. Here's the news, maybe the store is not working, but no, everything is open. In the store you sell everything from the holds and buy the necessary provisions. You can go back, but in the bay you will find a Spanish squadron consisting of a warship, two heavy galleons and a caravel. You must keep all the flutes, your reward will depend on this. Board or drown the Spaniards and return to Willemstad. Tell Stavezant about Mansfield's death, after grieving, you will receive 60 thousand as a reward for the task, provided that you keep all the flutes safe and sound.

Assignment 6
Retribution for Mansfield's death

You are sent to Henry Morgan for information on the attack on La Vega, the Dutch want to avenge Mansfield's death. After arriving in Jamaica, infiltrate the city and find Morgan at his residence. He will report that the raid was organized by the Spanish Governor of Santiago, José Sancho Jimenez. You need to find out if Don José will be in Santiago any time soon. Go there on reconnaissance, leave the ship at the lighthouse. In the city, go to a tavern and ask its owner about the governor, tell him that you want to enter the service, but the vigilant tavern will see you through and call the soldiers. Well, they themselves asked for it, kill them and quickly tear the claws out of the city, for the alarm has already been declared. You have already found out everything you need, there will be a holiday in the city soon and the governor will be present at it. Return to Morgan and inform him of the obtained data. They will attack the city and take revenge without you, and you go to Curacao for a well-deserved reward of 70 thousand.

Assignment 7
Dispatch for the Governor of Tortuga

Stevesant instructs you to deliver a dispatch to Governor-General D'Ozheron on Tortuga. Arriving at your destination, pass the secret letter to D'Ozheron, he will ask you to come in a couple of hours later for an answer.
At this time, you can go to the moneylender and take on a task in search of a stone, play in a tavern or drop into a brothel to the girls. Come back in a few hours for an answer. The document is top secret and in no case should fall into the hands of the enemy. At the port, a messenger will come up to you and say that a messenger from Stevesant is waiting for you in the tavern. What's this twist? Okay, maybe the plans have changed, go up to the room on the second floor of the tavern and ... you woke up with a bad head and without a secret package. As one scout would say, "This is a failure!" Run to D'Ozheron, repent and tell us about the theft! He sends you to the Port Authority (although in theory he should have sent you to hell), so that you would find out which ships recently left the port. There you will learn that a few hours ago, the brig "La Rochelle" left the port for Puerto Rico. Quickly chase! At Puerto Rico, you will catch up with the brig, take it on board, and from the captain you will learn that Antonio, who stole the package, moved to the Isabella galleon on the high seas and headed to Santa Catalina on the Maine. What a bad luck! And then the sailors came running to help the captain, out of frustration, quickly fill up the whole company and in full sail, catching the favorable wind, again in pursuit. If you do not catch up with the galleon, then fail the task. Having overtaken "Isabella", take her on board, in the cabin, take the package from Antonio, sending him to the next world. Now you can go home. Having delivered the package to the residence, you will receive 150 thousand piastres for your work!

Assignment 8
Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro's Mission

Stevezantu sends you to Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro, whom you saved at the very beginning, he lives next to the residence. Chumakeiro will ask you to find an ancient book, it is very important for the Jansenist Community. By latest information, an unknown English privateer in Bermuda tried to sell it. Go to Bermuda, anchor in the port, go to the residence to Jackman, he will give a tip to a brothel in Fort-de-France on Martinique. Heading to Martinique, on arrival, go to the brothel and interview all the girls, one of them will tell for a reward about the corsair Laurent de Graaf, who wanted to sell the book, but he sailed to Tortuga. On Tortuga, go to the tavern, from the owner you will learn that Laurent, a couple of weeks ago, went on a raid to Cartagena on the Maine. After reaching Cartagena, you will see how Laurent fights the Spanish squadron. Help him, but be careful not to sink his ship. After the battle, send the boat to de Graaf's ship. Laurent tells you that the book is hidden in a treasure and offers to buy a card of this treasure for 235 thousand piastres. Of course, it would be better to squeeze this card for free, well, no, and there is no trial, since it is impossible, then buy. The treasure is hidden on one of the uninhabited islands (generated randomly), go to this uninhabited island. In the grotto, opening the chest, you will find a book and many buns, including the Rat God, several idols, golden trinkets, 200 bars of gold, and most importantly - the Golden (award) breastplate. Return to Chumakeiro, giving him the book, you will receive one million piastres and you will be reimbursed 235 thousand spent on the purchase of the card, this is really a reward! Then go to the residence and report to Stavezant about the completed assignment.

Assignment 9
Capture of the Manowars

Holland needs powerful ships to strengthen the fleet. Stevesant asks you to deliver 4 manowar to the port. It is not necessary to bring four ships at once, you can bring one at a time. It is easy to find them, go to the global map and see the largest ship icons, having found one, save and go to battle map, if there is no manowar in the squadron, then reload and so on in a circle until the ship you need appears. Drown everyone in the squadron or board to look into the holds and take an additional prize, it all depends on your experience. Next, you pre-fire the manovar with buckshot and board, for an experienced corsair, nothing complicated. Having delivered the manovar to Curacao, you first sell the cargo from it, and the removed guns, and only then transfer it to Stavezant. For each manovar, he will pay you 50 thousand, not a lot, of course, ships can be sold at the shipyard much more expensive, but in the last task you got the maximum. All captured Manowars will then be sent to the Old World.

Assignment 10
Defense of the island of Curacao

A Spanish squadron, consisting of 8 ships, attacked Curacao, you are tasked with protecting the island. Going out to sea, you will immediately find yourself in battle, the most diverse tactics are used here, decide for yourself and act according to the situation. You can sink all the ships or board them, you can find valuable things in the chests, and their holds are not empty, again everything will depend on your experience. After destroying the squadron, return to the residence and receive a reward of 200 thousand piastres.

Assignment 11
Defending San Martin Island

This time the Spaniards attacked San Martin, Stavesant orders you to follow in his defense. Hurry up, if you are late, the Spaniards will take over the island. As in the last attack, the Spanish squadron consists of 8 ships, you already know what you need to do. Having repulsed the attack, return to Willemsatd for a reward of 200 thousand piastres.

Assignment 12
Attack on Maracaibo

The Governor-General wants to retaliate against Spain, the Spaniards have lost many ships and will not be able to provide adequate resistance. Stevesant orders you to capture the Spanish colony of Maracaibo on the Maine for Holland. If necessary, gather a squadron and go to capture. Fort Maracaibo is equipped with 70 cannons, it is not difficult to knock them out, the number of destroyed cannons will depend on the difficulty level of the game. Carve out a soldier in the fort and then in the city. You can skip the fort and capture the city from the jungle side. You disembark in the nearest bay, reach the gate and through thinking aloud: "Start capturing the city" you start fighting with the soldiers in front of the gate, and then in the city. At the residence, you announce to the governor that now Maracaibo belongs to Holland. Return to Stavezant and report to him that Holland has one more colony, in gratitude you will receive 300 thousand piastres. The Governor-General will inform you that you have served yours, now you are completely free and free to do whatever you please.

After completing the line, the Peace Pause in the game is removed, all nations will randomly conclude peace or neutrality among themselves, as well as declare war on each other. Now you can seize colonies for yourself, donate them or appoint your governors in them, to collect tax and receive additional income, there is no more development of the colonies.

Dutch line of corsairs gpk

The ruler is taken in one of two ways:

1. In Bermuda, talk to the head of the settlement, Jackman. He will give you a tip that there is a certain Captain Goodley in the pirate settlement of Puerto Principe in Cuba, who has a job for you.

2. You can go straight to Puerto Principe. On the street, find a character in the form of a pirate officer (PGG), if you walk past him, he will talk to you and invite you to the tavern for further conversation.

If you play with Mod-pack 1.3, it is impossible to complete the quest at the same time as the Pirate ruler Escort flute "Orion" Go through them in turn, otherwise Morgan will stop giving assignments on the line.

Unique brig "Sea Wolf", money, jewelry, useful loot, invaluable experience and pumping.

1. Acquaintance with Morgan

In the tavern of Puerto Principe, Captain Goodley asks you to deliver to Port Royal on the island of Jamaica, a certain John Bolton, he needs to meet with Henry Morgan himself - admiral of the Coastal Brotherhood. You agree to provide this service, perhaps Morgan will pay attention to you and offer you some work. Follow to your ship, in front of the boat you will meet Bolton and take him on board as a passenger.

If you have a bad relationship with England and your secrecy is not pumped, then buy from a diplomat in a tavern in Puerto Principe a Trade License of the English West India Company.
Arriving in Port Royal, escort John Bolton to Morgan, walk from the pier to the left until it stops, then walk along the edge of the location along the houses and turn left again, on the left you will see a house with columns - this is the residence of Henry Morgan. A little before reaching the residence you will be met by a patrol. The officer explains that he is detaining you and your passenger on suspicion of links with the Coastal Brotherhood. You are put in a prison cell, you are already thinking, "What the hell, went for some bread," when Morgan appears in front of the bars, he says that he paid a ransom for this misunderstanding and is waiting for you at his residence. Perhaps all the same, Henry wants to offer you a job, after leaving prison, immediately follow him to the residence.

Morgan really invites you to work for him and gives the first task, to deliver and deliver the Black Mark to Edward Lowe, who lives in the pirate settlement of Le François on the island of Martinique. Arriving at the settlement, go to the tavern and ask the owner if he knows Edward Lowe, he explains to you that Lowe lives next to the tavern. Meet with Lowe at his house and hand over the Black Mark, but Lowe did not even blink an eye, he explains to you that all problems with Henry have long been resolved and the Black Mark needs to be returned back. You are not salty returning to the ship, wondering how long and long Morgan drove you into such a distance.

If you play with Mod-pack 1.3, then Lowe will take the Black Mark and promise to come to Morgan at the right time, but this does not affect the passage.
Return to Jamaica and at Morgan's residence tell him about this misunderstanding with the Black Mark. After listening to you, Henry, in anger, explains to you that you were bred as the last sucker.

V Mod-pack 1.3 Lowe simply does not show up to Morgan at the appointed time.
So this is no longer an oversight, but your mistake and it needs to be corrected, otherwise. otherwise it is better not to think. Morgan orders you to find Lowe and remove him without further ado with the Black Mark. Fly full sail to Le François, but Edward Lowe is no longer at home, he is not a fool and has long ago left. As always, follow to the abode of rumors - the tavern, its owner tells you that Lowe recently left his things to him for safekeeping and left in an unknown direction. Go to the store and ask the merchant about Lowe. Edward was with him and asked where he could get a good ship. Then you need to visit the nearest shipyard in Fort-de-France. Take your ship via the Fast Track from Le François to the port of Fort-de-France.
The owner of the shipyard tells you that Lowe wanted to buy a brig, but he did not have enough money and Edward went to the moneylender for a loan, but he never returned, probably could not borrow money.
Running to the moneylender, he explains that Lowe really came to him, but he refused him a loan, because to give money to a man with such a face and appearance is like throwing it in the trash. The usurer has no idea where Lowe went next.
It seems like a dead end, but no, since he did not buy his ship, then he must leave the island as a passenger, and therefore you need to go to the Port Authority. The harbor master asks why you are looking for Lowe, give him noodles about his sick mother, that Lowe is your best friend and he urgently needs to communicate this news. You need to choose this particular dialogue option, otherwise you will fail the quest! The harbor master is led to this nonsense and gives information that Lowe sailed to Bermuda.

In pursuit, you have a chance to intercept Lowe in Bermuda. In the Pirate Settlement, talk to the owner of the tavern, he says that Lowe was with him, and then went to the local shipyard. At the shipyard, talk to Master Alexus about Lowe, but the master for some reason starts asking you who you are Edward and why you need him. Do not lie to Alexus and tell him the truth that you want to settle scores with this bastard, if you lie, then in the future you will be attacked at Jackman's residence.
It turns out that Alexus made the brig "Sea Wolf" by Jackman's order, with unique characteristics, and the funeral Lowe, tricked Alexus into this brig for himself by forging Jackman's signature. Going to Jackman, you will find him in a rage, he asks you to find and kill Lowe, giving him greetings from him. Already two respected people in the Coastal Brotherhood are asking for one service, it only plays into your hands, killing one, you will receive a reward from two. This is all well and good, but you still don’t know where Lowe went this time, now on his kidnapped brig.
Go back to the tavern and talk to the owner about Lowe, maybe he will remember something else. The owner advises you to talk to one person and points to a table in the hall where ... Captain Goodley is sitting. That's a meeting! Goodley gives you a tip on Lowe, he went to Kumana. Talk again with the owner of the tavern (you can talk in any tavern), he will tell you about rumors that attacks on small class mail ships have recently become more frequent in the Kumana area, Lowe is most likely involved in this, it is very similar to his handwriting.

It may turn out that Goodley will not be in the tavern, then you are definitely out of luck, because to continue the plot, you will need to take the rumor about the disappearance of ships in the Kumana area from other characters, and for this you will have to travel around the Caribbean, try to communicate with everyone as much as possible, especially in taverns.
So you need to take him on live bait, for this you will need a class 6 ship, for example a lugger or sloop, and there should not be any squadron, otherwise Lowe will never attack you. While you are in Bermuda, you can not only find yourself desired ship, but also to pump the size of the team from him, for Lowe will not be very easy to take.

If you play with Mod-pack 1.3 the "Normandy" mail lugger from the quest is ideal for hunting Lowe "Dangerous cargo"
Having picked up the necessary ship, follow to Kumana on the coast of Maine. In coastal waters, look for the brig "Sea Wolf", you can see it through the "Quick Pass". The fight will not be very easy, try to knock out as many of the enemy team with grapeshot as possible, until Lowe took your ship on board. If you are poorly pumped and have little experience in the game, use the help of the fort. Lure Lowe under the fire of his cannons, just make sure that the fort does not sink Lowe's ship, on the quiet process him with buckshot and take him on board.
During a conversation in the cabin with Edward, you learn from him that Morgan is not long left to be an admiral of the "Coastal Brotherhood", after which you kill Lowe, having completed the task of two respected corsairs. We need to inform them about it.
First, go to Jackman in Bermuda, he is happy that you sent Lowe to hell, he gives you the brig "Sea Wolf". After that, follow to Morgan and report to him about the death of Edward Lowe. You do not receive a reward, since you have corrected your mistake, but you have not lost the favor of the pirate admiral, which means that in the future you will have a job that pays well.

3. Pearl crafts

Henry Morgan gives you a tip on the pearl divers who fish on Turks Island in Severny Bay. According to his information, the catchers have already collected at least 1000 small and 500 large pearls, exactly this amount and not less, you must deliver to him. The profit is halved, respectively.

For this task you will need a fast and small ship... Hurry up, because the pearl divers will sail away from there in a month. Arriving at the Turks, stop in the Yuzhny Bay and save there, because if you do not collect the required amount of pearls, then Morgan will swear at you, then quickly move to the Severny Bay. Pearl divers see you run away into different sides, you need to catch up with each tartan, carefully line up side by side, after which the pearls will automatically move to your inventory. Tartans are very fragile, be careful not to crush them until you pick up the pearls. After collecting all the pearls, and as a rule, if you caught up with all the tartans, then you will have more than the norm, return to Morgan and give him exactly half of ALL loot.

Since pearls automatically enter your inventory, you will have an overload and you will not be able to run. It is strictly forbidden to put surplus pearls in the chest, because Rogue Morgan from somewhere knows exactly how many pearls you have collected, and even if you bring him the right amount (1000 small and 500 large), he will still accuse you of ratting, after which the quest will be failed.
4. The bounty hunter

Having shared the pearls with Morgan, you are already anticipating how to sell it and come off in full, but your dreams are ruined by Captain Goodley, who meets you near Morgan's residence. He invites you to become a bounty hunter and pay handsomely for your services. Okay, rest will wait, we are only dreaming of peace, you accept the captain's offer and receive a task - to eliminate John Avory. He was last seen in the city of Willemstad on the island of Curacau.

Settlements can be random.
Arriving in Vilemstad, go to the moneylender, he says that John was here, but at the moment he is no longer in the city.
Then the perfect whistle dance begins, in search of this funeral, you will have to shovel all the Caribbean.
The usurer seems to have heard that John went to the city of Port of Spain on the island of Trinidad and Tobago. Set sail, heading for Port of Spain.
In Port of Spain, you again communicate with the moneylender, he will tell you that Avory worked for him, after which he went to the city of Maracaibo on the Maine coast.
In Maracaibo, the moneylender tells that John was in the city, but again dumped and, according to rumors, he went to the city of Port-au-Prince on the island of Hispaniola.

You are already worn out, as a bobby rushes through the Caribbean in search of this "elusive Joe", i.e. John, so when you disembark in Port-au-Prince, you decide to get your throat wet in the tavern. After drinking rum in warm company local drunks, you will learn from them that Avory drunk here recently and killed a card sharper. After that, go to the moneylender, it turns out that John worked for him and also successfully, according to the latest data, Avory returned to Willemstad, from where you started your search.

In Willemstad, the moneylender will tell you that he hired John Avory to find the robber who stole 50 thousand from him. The usurer offers you the same job and promises to pay 5 thousand to the one who first brings the stolen amount, he also reports that Avory went to Bermuda.

In Bermuda, first of all, go to the tavern and. ABOUT MIRACLE! The owner of the tavern announces the good news - John Avory is currently on the island, namely in the house of Orry Bruce. The necessary house is located not far from the tavern, entering it you see how Orry Bruce and John Eyvor are butting. Interrupt the "intimate" conversation and inform them that they will not live long, because you were instructed to kill them. Send both to the forefathers and search the corpses, except for the buns, take 50 thousand from the corpse of Orry Bruce.
Finally, this task is completed, go to employers to report and receive remuneration. The usurer in Willemstad, as promised, pays 5 thousand for your help in this matter, then follow to Port Royal, where Goodley will pay you in the tavern.
Go to the Morgan residence and tell him about your exploits.

After your story, Henry explains to you that you once again burst out in full, it turns out that John Avory was his confidant and you killed him completely in vain. Morgan calls Goodley to confirm that this is his order and to prove your innocence. Captain Goodley, who appeared at the residence, said, "I am not me and the house is not mine," he did not give any orders and did not know anything. This is a divorce, and my hands were combed to scroll through a couple of extra holes in it. According to the laws of the Coastal Brotherhood, Morgan assigns a duel, whoever wins is right. With great feeling, you chop this little funeral into a salad, thereby proving your innocence, finally justice has triumphed.

There are already enough shoals, it's time to improve, so you take another task from Morgan. You need to report Captain Goodley's death to Jackman. Arriving in Bermuda, go to the residence of Jackman, who tells you amazing news - it turns out YOU, captured his captain Sid Bonnet and gave him to the Spaniards. Again a setup, but what kind of business is this! You need to sort out these misunderstandings, for this, on a tip from Jackman, you need to find John Leeds, the captain of the frigate "Antwerp", who stopped in Cozumel Bay on the Maine coast.
Anchor in Cozumel Bay, take a rowboat aboard Lins' ship. John says that after a short battle, he sank a corvette, the crew of which, led by their captain, managed to land in the bay. So this very captain, one to one similar to you, apparently because of this, and there was a confusion.
On the shore you are greeted by a corvette crew and not at all with flowers. Having searched the corpses after a hot battle, you do not find anyone who would be even a bit like you, so you need to continue looking for the captain. In the next location, you will face yourself as if it were your twin brother. After talking with him, kill him, not agreeing to any conditions, you do not need extra bases, then destroy the remnants of your double's team.

If you play with Mod-pack 1.3, then Morgan's rapier can be removed from the double's corpse, it is considered one of the best in the class of light weapons.
Return to Bermuda to Jackman and tell about what happened, after which he will send you to Morgan with a report.

6. Richard Soukins plan

You get a task from Morgan to catch up with the corsair Steve Linnaeus, who went on his assignment to the pirate settlement La Vega on the island of Hispaniola to find out what kind of strange and strange things are happening in the Coastal Brotherhood.

Arriving in La Vega, talk to the owner of the tavern, he will tell you that he has not seen Steve Linnaeus lately, but his friend recently went to sea. Run to your ship and look for this friend's ship in the coastal waters by a quick passage, then send the dinghy. Steve's friend told a strange story, he saw Steve Linnaeus with two strangers, with whom he went somewhere and disappeared, and his schooner "Swallow" is rumored to be sold at the Santo Domingo shipyard. But what's strange and suspicious is that Steve loved his schooner so much that he would never voluntarily sell it, so something happened to him. It is necessary to check these rumors, whether the Lastochka is really being sold at the shipyard.

You can get to Santo Domingo through the jungle or by boat with a quick crossing, I advise you to choose the latter option. At the shipyard, her owner told you that the deal with the Swallow was very successful, he bought it cheap and quickly sold it at a good profit. And a stranger sold him the schooner, he did not even introduce himself, but the servant of the owner of the shipyard saw this stranger go to the frigate Leon. All this was recent, so you have a chance to catch up with the frigate while still in coastal waters. Hurry to the ship and go to the global map, near the island you will see a ship with purple sails, this is the frigate "Leon", go to the battle map and board it.

After boarding, you want to interrogate the captain of "Leon" about a stranger, and instead of the necessary information you hear complete heresy. The captain invites you to go over to the side of Admiral Richard Soukins, tk. he needs such brave guys like you. Then he reports that Henry Morgan turns out to be an impostor, because no one elected him Admiral of Beregovoy. The captain also says that Steve Linnaeus has long gone to feed the fish and should be looked for at the bottom of the sea. Having reasoned that it looks like the captain has gone crazy, you send him with a clear conscience to the bottom of the same fish.

Return to Morgan and tell him this strange story. After listening to your story, Morgan sends you to the pirate settlement of Puerto Principe on the island of Cuba. According to his information, there is "Admiral" Richard Soukins, who has planned an unknown operation against the Spaniards. You need to find out what this operation is and disrupt it, thereby ruining Richard's reputation.
Having dropped anchor in the port of Puerto Principe, head to the tavern and talk to the owner, ask him about the rumors about the operation against the Spaniards. From him you will learn that some kind of operation is really planned, but everything is kept in deep secrecy, and Snowkins himself constantly sits at home and does not take his eyes off the secret documents. Very interesting information, since he values ​​these documents so much, it means that they need to be borrowed from him.

There are three options for stealing documents:

1. Go to Soukins' house, insolently grab documents from the table and quickly shed from the residence and the pirate settlement. Do not fight with anyone, just take your feet to your ship and urgently go to sea, because your time is now limited.

2. You will need two rings, one with a ruby ​​and one with an emerald. After you find out the information about the documents from the owner of the tavern, talk to the waitress. For this pair of rings, she will give information that it is better to steal documents at night, using the stairs, which you can take in the settlement and climb along it through the window at the back of the residence. At night, find the stairs, it is located behind the second house to the left of the gate and enter the residence. The documents are on the table, calmly take them and go out through the main entrance, but then, as in the first case, hurry to the ship. (by DukeLexx)

3. Go to Soukins' house and wait there for the night - 24:01, then save and reboot. Sawkins will disappear, and you can pick up the magazine and quickly follow the ship. (by sergey26)

If you are reading this walkthrough, then you do not need a waitress and you can save a couple of rings, because you already know about the stairs, it is generated at the beginning of the quest, so you can immediately pick it up. (by Old_Nick)
The documents turned out to be a ship's log, in which there was a plan of the operation. According to Soukins, the Spaniards decided to transport a large consignment of jewelry from Panama and, in order not to draw attention to this event, the jewelry will be sent by one battleship.
Richard and his squadron are going to meet this battleship off the Dutch island of San Martin in two weeks. You need to have time to intercept the Spanish ship before Soukins, so hurry up. I advise you to save on the dock before sailing, if you do not have time, you can replay.

After receiving the magazine, you must immediately set sail, without going anywhere, neither to the tavern, nor to the houses, nor even to your own cabin. The game has a limit on the number of "location changes" and if there is more than the limit, you will receive a record in the SJ: "I was too late on the shore. ". (by Dim10)
Having reached San Martin, cruise just below the island on the global map and wait for the ship with purple sails, if it does not appear, then you are late, replay. After waiting for the Spaniards, go to the battle map and take them on board, there will be no special difficulties, but a surprise awaits you in the cabin.

In the chest of the captain's cabin you will find a huge amount of precious stones, with all your desire, you will not be able to carry the entire load on yourself, so before boarding, take off all unnecessary things and take only light weapons and a couple of healers.
If you have installed Mod-pack 1.3, then it is necessary to free up space in the inventory STRICTLY before boarding, and not in advance, otherwise the script will work and you will not get to the ship at all. It has been checked repeatedly, this is something like an anti-cheat, because you cannot know in advance that you will find a bunch of jewels there. (by Old_Nick)
If you play with Mod-pack 1.3, then do not sell gems, you will need them for Alexus, when paying for ship upgrades in Bermuda.

Now you can return to Morgan and report on the work done. He will of course ask you what and how, he also has a flair for loot, but you do not tell him about the jewelry, let it remain your little secret and big luck.

After this quest and before going to Panama, you can go through any national line, if you have not passed it to the Pirate line. After completing the quest "Going to Panama", you will not be able to take the national ruler. Henry Morgan himself will invite you to go about your business.
7. Hike to Panama

It's time for big things and big money! Morgan has developed a plan for an attack on Panama, and you are not the last place in this plan. First you need to capture the city of Porto Bello on the Maine, and then go through the jungle to Panama. Henry gives you 20 days to prepare, you must find yourself a good ship, preferably a manowar with a large team, assemble an experienced team, if you have a squadron, then you need to put extra ships in the Port Authority. Morgan also wasted no time and assembled a squadron of four ships of the first class.

Leading the squadron, destroy the Porto Bello fort and defeat the city, then go to the residences and talk to the governor.

If you do not need pumping or do not want to mess with the fort, then Porto Bello can be captured from land by landing in the Mosquito Bay. To do this, the crew of your ship must be more than 500 people, tk. quest companion teams do not count.
The governor turned out to be aware of Morgan's plan to capture Panama, but did not have time to react to your instant attack on Porto Bello. Huber, in impotent rage, let slip that an ambush awaits you in the jungle and you will die there.
After talking with Morgan, who entered the residence, you find out that the traitor Richard Soukins, it was he who told the Spaniards about the plan to seize Panama. Morgan proposes to split into two detachments, you and one of them must land in Darien Bay and go through the jungle to Panama. You will take Soukins into your squad and during the battle you will quietly kill him so that his people do not riot, the traitor must be punished.

In the governor's residence, after talking with you, Morgan will go to the fireplace, at this time he can be killed and taken from the corpse 50 thousand and Morgan (Morgan's Rapier), but you need to kill him with one blow, if he takes out a weapon, he will become immortal. You can use "Berserk" and a chopping blow. Then he will happily rise again and meet you at the entrance to Panama.
If you have passed before English ruler in which Morgan gave you his rapier, then you cannot remove it from his corpse, there will only be money. (by Old_Nick)
Before landing in Darien Bay, load up with ammunition and healers. I recommend taking a light or medium weapon, you will have to wave a lot, and the energy is not rubber. You can stock up your boardingmen, they will not participate in the battle, but in the intervals between battles, you can replenish your ammunition through them.

If you have a version of the game below 1.2, then the capture of Panama must be carried out STRICTLY during the day, otherwise a bug with a chest containing money is possible.
Hop on your ship and quickly navigate to Darien Bay. Soukins will meet you on the shore and join your team. You have to go through four locations in the jungle, in each of which you will find numerous detachments of the Spaniards, fortified by local residents.

Personally, you don't have to kill Soukins, in the jungle on the way to Panama there will be such a meat grinder that he himself will die at the hands of some Spaniard. If you play with Mod-pack 1.3, then do not forget to search his corpse, you can remove valuable things from it. If Sawkins survives, you will fail the quest.
In the first location, your whole team will be with you, with which you can cope with the Spaniards without any problems. Try to protect your team, the more your people survive, the easier it will be for you in the future.

The second location is large, there is where to run, because you will have a hard time and your team, most likely, will all die here. You will have a battle with a large detachment of Spaniards and Indians. Use circle strikes with the berserker in the midst of enemies to deal as much damage as possible, then run in circles and shoot until you replenish energy with the berserker. After this fight, you can replenish your ammunition, for this you need to go to the left side location, there your boarders are waiting for you.

In the third location, you will most likely get one, your team is destroyed. A squad of Spanish Musketeers will be waiting for you there, but they are quite easy to kill. You need to arm yourself with good firearms and when entering the location, immediately run to the rock that stands in the center of the location and hide behind it. Then jump out from one side of the cliff, shoot the musketeers and hide again until you destroy everyone. On the other side of the cliff, another regular detachment of soldiers awaits you, it will not be difficult to kill them, again moving around the cliff. If you need to replenish ammunition again, then return to the previous location, there your boarders are waiting for you.

The final battle awaits you at the gates of Panama. In this location, it will be a little easier for you, because on help will come of the second detachment of Morgan, although he is not numerous, he will throw his five kopecks into the piggy bank of victory. The location is large, so run more often and try to destroy the musketeers first. After the fight, Morgan will find you and give you the task of finding the governor of Panama.

At the entrance to the gate, your boardmen will join you, there will be no battle in the city, it is empty, all the Spaniards died in the jungle. You will find the Governor in one of the rooms of the residence. After interrogation, he will report that all the gold is in the chest, which is in the room, but it is closed, and the key to it is with the commandant of the Panama Fort. Go to Fort Panama (from the city gate to the right), do not confuse it with Fort Porto Bello. Near the residence, you will meet Morgan and tell him what you learned from the interrogation of the governor. He orders to find the key, as if you do not know it without him.

After reaching the fort, go down to the prison, take the key from the chest on the commandant's table and return to the residence. Opening the chest, you will find in it a tidy sum of 50 million! As soon as you close the chest, Morgan will come up to you and take all the money, explaining that you first need to collect all the trophies, and in the evening divide them according to the laws of the Coastal Brotherhood.

If you play with Mod-pack 1.3, then you can immediately squeeze out 50 million from Morgan. To do this, in advance, before entering the residence, remove your boardmen from their posts, and before opening the chest in the room, reassign them back. When you open the chest, then through the search interface, transfer all the money to the boardman, by closing the chest, you supposedly give the money to Morgan, but in fact, he will get a donut hole.
Morgan gives one more task, according to him, the governor, who died from torture, confessed that there is another chest with gold, which is located on the right side of the fort on the street, you need to find it. One could have immediately realized that no one would store gold outside the fort, and not inside, but a clever thought always comes after, or rather, when you found a completely empty chest.
With the worst forebodings you return to Panama, a sailor meets you in front of the gate and confirms your suspicions. He said that this most vile Morgan collected all the gold, loaded it onto a ship and washed away in an unknown direction. This is a set-up, a set-up, he threw everyone away! The team rebelled and refused to return, deciding to plunder Panama to the end, so you will have to go to the bay with only boardmen. In the jungle, you will be attacked by another detachment of the Spaniards, who came from nowhere, and with your brave boardingmen, quickly send them to another world. If you are already tired of fights, you can just skip them.

You are certainly not naive, but hope dies last, so float to Port Royal and go to the Morgan residence. Naturally, he is not there, and the secretary says that Morgan is in London and will appear in the Caribbean only a year later.

After talking with the secretary, the Peace Pause in the game is removed, all nations will randomly conclude peace or neutrality among themselves, as well as declare war on each other. Now you can seize colonies for yourself, donate them or appoint your governors in them, to collect tax and receive additional income, there is no more development of the colonies.
Find Morgan in a year and claim your share. Only Morgan hangs a bunch of noodles on your ears, that he is now an ordinary planter, the Coastal Brotherhood has collapsed, and he spent all the money on asking for pardon for himself and all the other pirates. In short, they bred you like the last sucker.

It is taken:
From the Governor-General of Holland (Curacao, Willemstad) after receiving a patent.

~ 1,500,000, weapons, valuable artifacts, rank of admiral

Dutch patent, preferably a ship of 2, or better class 1, a pumped hero.

Having obtained a Dutch patent legally or by buying it from a diplomat, in one of the pirate settlements, the Dutch line becomes available. To receive assignments, you need to sail to Willemstad in Curacao, go to the residence and talk with Governor General Peter Stevezan about working for the good of Holland ...

The first task. Deliver Jansenist leader Chumakeiro to Willemstad.

Upon entering the service of Holland in the Caribbean archipelago, the first assignment to be given by Governor General Peter Stevezan will be the delivery of the head of the Jansenist community, Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro. It must be picked up from the island of San Martin, the city of Marigot and delivered to the residence of Curacao. We sail and keep on our way to San Martin. Arriving in Marigot, we go to the tavern and ask the owner about Chumakeiro. He says that he found a house for him to rent, which is located to the right of the residence, and today they have already asked about Aaron. We find the desired house and find there several types, pirate appearance, kill impudent people and go up to the room on the second floor. The Jansenist leader thanks us for saving us. We return to the ship and sail back to Curacao. At the residence, Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro will thank us with a sum of 30,000 piastres. Then we will talk to the Governor-General, and we will receive verbal thanks and a hint that we can visit him from time to time.

Second task. Purchase a consignment from Fort Orange and deliver everything to Willemstad.

The second assignment, received from the representative of the Republic of the United Provinces, will be mostly commercial. We need to purchase from Fort Orange a consignment of coffee, ebony, red and sandalwood for Curacao. At our disposal will be issued papers for the purchase of goods at a special price and the amount of money. The entire cargo will take 6,800 centners, it will be good if we have a galleon or a couple of caravels or pins. The goods must be delivered to Stavezant no later than 2 months later. The task has been received, it's time to start its implementation. We sail to Jamaica, dock at Cape Negril and go to Fort Orange. First, we will go to the residence and hand over the papers to get preferential prices, then we will go to the store. Having bought the goods, we go back to the employer. Managing to do everything on time, we get a reward equal to the amount of 75,000 gold.

The third task. Obtain information on the plans of the British in connection with the trade war.

The next task will be a division plan. We have to find out about the plans of the British in relation to Holland. On Hispaniola, there is a pirate settlement called La Vega, which is headed by Edward Mansfield, but in fact, his surname is Mansvelt, he is Dutch by nationality. Also, Edward is the confidant of Governor General Thomas Madiford in the plunder of the Spaniards. We are handed a letter to be delivered to the leader of the buccaneers. We sail to Hispaniola, to the La Vega settlement and go to the residence. But he cannot say anything about Madiford's plans, but last week, a messenger from the English Governor-General appeared to Mansfield with persuasion to attack Curacao, the pirate refused, like other leaders of the filibusters. He will offer to learn about Madiford's plans from Henry Morgan, who is in Jamaica. It's not so easy to get into Port Royal, we change the flag on the ship or we make our way through the jungle, we find Morgan's house. His secretary will say that Morgane is now at his home in Antigua and hints that the door of this house only works for the exit. We leave now to Antigua, we make our way into the city and find Henry's house. The door is really closed, we go around the house from behind and find there the entrance to Morgan's basement. Popluatov a little along the strange basement, we find the entrance to the house. Morgan will agree to help us if we do him one favor. He suspects that his companion Pierre Picardian has hidden the spoils from him. We agree to complete this task and go to Tortuga. In the Main French Colony, we will go to the store, to the shipyard, to the usurer, to the tavern and brothel and ask about the Picardian. Everyone will tell that he literally wastes money. We return to Antigua and moor to one of the bays. We make our way into the city and again through the dungeon to the house of Morgan. We tell him the information we received. He fulfills part of his deal, Morgan himself does not know Sir Madiford's plans, but describes a situation where one of the officers is in prison after a drunken brawl, and he just needs to be aware of Thomas' affairs. We must hurry to free him, tomorrow a hemp tie will be waiting for him. We leave the gates of the city and go to the prison, kill all the guards there and release the prisoner for information. The British are planning an attack on Fort Orange. We get out of the prison and run to the ships. Having moored in the port of Willemstad, we go to the residence and report everything to the Governor-General. Our work is estimated at 50,000 coins.

The fourth task. Defend Fort Orange from an impending British attack.

After visiting the governor a few days later, we will be ordered to intercept the British and save Fort Orange from ruin. We are sailing in full sail to Jamaica, we must be in time so that something is gone! A small squadron consisting of 3 ships under the English flag will cruise around the island. We drown the invaders and land in the bay. We interrupt the enemy landing, who sang to land in the bay and in the next location. The mission is complete, the invaders are dead, and Fort Orange is saved! You can go to Stavezant. The reward for this mission will be 100,000 piastres, which is pretty good :)

Fifth task. Escort three flutes to and from La Vega Buccaneer Settlement.

The fifth assignment, issued by Peter Stavesant, will be to accompany three flutes with goods, to the well-known settlement of La Vega, on Hispaniola. Having sold the goods in the local store, it will be necessary to bring back 7000 centners of the provisions bought in La Vega back to Curacao. We take flutes under our command and head to La Vega. Nothing portends danger, calmly moor in the bay and go to the store. But on the way, we learn the terrible news, a pirate settlement was attacked by the Spaniards, half of the filibusters perished and Edward Mansfield with them. Sadly, we need to complete the task. We go to the store and sell goods from flutes, with the proceeds we load the holds of our squadron with provisions. Before sailing off we will be saved, a Spanish squadron is already waiting for us in the bay. Our flutes need to stay afloat in order to receive the maximum reward for the mission. We drown all the Spaniards and return to Minher Peter. We tell about the death of Mansfield, how unfortunate it is. For the preservation of all ships, we will be paid a reward of 60,000 gold.

The sixth task. Retribution for Mansfield's death.

Returning to the governor-general of the Dutch colonies after a while, we will be instructed to find Henry Morgan and inform him that the Dutch are seeking revenge. We un-anchor and head to Jamaica, make our way into the city and go to the Morgan residence. Henry will say that the attack was organized by the Spanish governor of Santiago, Jose Sancho Jimenez, and we need to conduct reconnaissance to find out if Don Jose will be in the city in the near future. We sail to Santiago and dock at the lighthouse. We make our way into the city and go to the tavern. We ask the tavern keeper about the governor, under the pretext that we want to enter the service. But on the last question, he will begin to suspect us, and then, as luck would have it, several Spanish officers will enter. We kill the Spaniards and run to the ship. The task is completed, we learned that the city will soon have a holiday and the governor should be present at it. Now back to Jamaica to Morgan. We pass on the received information to him. The British will be storming the city, and our business is over here. We sail to Curacao and report to the governor about our adventures and receive 20,000 gold as a reward.

Seventh task. Deliver the dispatch to Governor of Tortuga Bertrand d'Ozheron.

The seventh task, received from Stavesant will conclude in the delivery of a secret dispatch to the Governor-General of the French colonies, Monsieur d "Ozheron, on Tortuga. Denmark has been received, and we can begin to fulfill it. We sail from Curacao and head for Tortuga. Arriving at the place, we go to the residence. to Monsieur Bertrand and give him a secret package. He asks to come in two hours later, for the answer, which should be delivered to the sender. While d "Ozheron writes the answer, you can walk around the city, go to the tavern, play krtishki, hire sailors. In two hours, we will visit the residence again for an answer. The answer is also top secret and therefore should not fall into the wrong hands. At the pier, a messenger will come up to us and tell us that a messenger from the governor of the Netherlands is waiting for us in the tavern. We go to the tavern and go up to the room, there, they deceive us by fraudulent means and take the package away. This is a disaster, we go to the governor d "Ozheron and tell us that the package has been stolen from us! He says that we should find out in the port department which ships left the port of Tortuga in a few hours. We go to the port department and get information that the brig left the brig. "La Rochelle". He was heading for Puerto Rico. We weaned off at the anchor and in pursuit of the brig. Near Puerto Rico we overtake the brig and we board it. In the cabin, we speak with the caitan, he will say that Antonio, who stole the package, moved to the Spanish galleon "Isabella ", which went on a course to Maine to the city of Santa Catalina. Then a couple of sailors will arrive in time, kill them and again in pursuit, this time to Maine. We try to take "Isabella" on board, having previously shot her with buckshot to simplify boarding. In the cabin, Antonio surrenders, we take the dispatch from him (finally!) And return to Willemstad. a reward equal to 150,000 piastres!

Eighth task. Business trip at the disposal of Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro.

Arriving for the eighth assignment to Stavezant, he will send us to the well-known Aaron Mendes Chumakeiro from the first assignment. His house is located in the city, not far from the residence. Aaron, will give the task, to find an ancient book that some English privateer was trying to sell in a pirate settlement in Bermuda. This book is important to the Jansenist community. We leave for Bermuda and go to the residence to Jackman. D; ekmen, will say that it was not up to the conversation about the book, they say they were having fun in a brothel on Martinique. Now we are heading to Martinique, to the local brothel. We ask all the inhabitants there, one will give us new information, for a fee, the filibuster who wanted to sell the book, in an incomprehensible language, was called Laurent de Graf, he usually lives on Tortuga. We remove from anchor and a direct course to Tortuga. In a local tavern, we learn that now de Graf has already gone on a raid to Cartagena for two weeks. Let's swim to Maine. Near Cartagena, Laurent fights the superior forces of the Spaniards. We drown the enemy squadron, preventing it from sinking the French ship. After a hot battle, we send the boat to the ship of Laurent de Graf. We find out from him about the desired thing, he will offer to buy a card of the buried treasure from him for 235,000 gold. We agree and transfer the required amount to him. The place where the treasure is hidden is Turks Island. We swim to the Turks, find a grotto on the island and search the chest. We find there the desired holy book, as well as a blunderbuss, a couple of good pistols, an expensive cuirass, 200 bars of gold, rings, brooches, and a couple of idols, including a rat god. The treasure is good in itself, we equip ourselves with new things and sail to Curacao to Chumakeiro. Having reached Willemstad, we go to the house of the head of the Jansenist community and give him the Bible. As a reward, we get 1,000,000 (!) And 235,000 for the card! Then we will go to the residence, report on the success of the mission.

Ninth task. Capture four First Class ships of the line.

The next task will be very difficult. It consists in the delivery to the Governor-General of 4 ships of the first class, namely the Manowars, to strengthen the fleet of the Republic of the United Provinces outside the Caribbean archipelago. Well, now in search of these powerful ships, they are usually found in large trade caravans, military squadrons and gold caravans. The tactics will be simple if we meet a squadron of a large number of ships, sink everything and leave only the manovar (s) afloat, we ourselves try to come under fire as rarely as possible. Then we use knipples and buckshot so that we have a much better position than Manowar. Having captured the ship, we tow it (for this there must be a free officer) to Curacao and hand it over to the Governor-General (after selling all the cargo on the ship and selling the guns at the shipyard). For each ship handed over to Peter, we will receive a reward in the amount of 50,000 coins. This is certainly not enough, because the simplest manowar at the shipyard can be sold for more than 200,000, and if the manowar is decent, then it can be sold for 600,000. All the ships captured by us will not stay in the Caribbean sea, but in vain ...

Tenth task. Repulse the attack of the Spanish squadron on Curacao.

The tenth task will be to defend Curacao from the attack of the Spanish squadron, consisting of 8 ships, including the Manowars. Eh, we were right in advising to leave the captured ships for the protection of the Dutch colonies. Well, it's not up to us to decide. It's time to start defensively. We go to the port and go out to sea, where the fort is already fighting the invaders, we help him defeat the Spaniards, it's good if our ship is a manovar, with 42 pound cannons, 2-3 accurate volleys and a Spanish manovar goes to the bottom :) Of course you can have a couple now seize manovar for yourself :) Sell them or strengthen your squadron. After the last Spaniard goes under the water, the mission to defend Curacao will be completed and it's time for us to return to the residence for a reward, which will be 200,000 piastres.

The eleventh task. Reflect the Spanish attack on San Martin.

Returning to Peter Stavesant, he will report that Curacao is not the only Dutch colony attacked by the Spaniards. San Martin is under siege by Spanish ships and we need to lift this siege. We go out to sea and sail, to save Marigot, we don't "linger" anywhere, it's expensive every day, because if we are late, the Spaniards will get the city. Having reached San Martin, we engage in battle against 8 enemy ships and let them sink. Having sunk the last ship, we return to Willemsatd and get a reward again in 200,000 gold. The Governor-General says it is time to retaliate, Spain has weakened and the Netherlands will be able to increase its holdings.

Task twelve. Capture of Maracaibo.

Going to the Governor-General in about a month, he will give the task to capture the Spanish colony of Maracaibo, on the Maine, for Holland. We remove from the anchor and sail to capture. Fort Maracaibo is not very "cool"; it is quite possible to destroy it even with one manowar, but the landing force may not be enough so as not to stay 1 against ten soldiers in the fort, it is better to have at least 1 more manovar with a landing party in your squadron. After the defeat of the fort and the capture of the city, we go to the residence and raise the Dutch flag over Maracaibo. The Republic of the United Provinces, received at the disposal of one more colony in the Caribbean. We return to the employer and in our pocket there will be 300,000 more gold. This ends the tasks, but we can continue to capture the colonies of Spain and England and transfer them to the Netherlands!

Discussion of the passage English quest line,
by following the link.

V: How to start?
O: Obtain a patent by completing tasks from the same governor or by purchasing it in a pirate settlement. Then to the island of Jamaica at Port Royal to the Governor-General Thomas Madiford.
Do not under any circumstances talk to Jackman (the head of the pirate settlement in Bermuda) about working on the pirate line. Otherwise, the English ruler will be blocked!

V: Is it possible to complete the English and pirate rulers?
O: Can. First, complete the English ruler, and then talk to Jackman about working for the pirates.

V: What are the rewards for completing this quest line?
O: About 2.5 million piastres, award cuirass, Morgan rapier, gold bars, idols, weapons, the rank of Admiral.

V: I went through one national line, now I have taken out a patent from England, but the Governor-General does not want to give me a task, he says that I worked for an agent network, a spy, etc., what can be done?

V: Where is Fort Orange, I just can't find it, isn't it on the global map?
O: Fort Orange is located in Jamaica in a bay called "Cape Negril", from the bay we go around the tree and go into the jungle - in the next location we will see the entrance to the city.

V: In the sixth task. Captain of the marque frigate Morris Williams. I captured the pinas, gave the money I found on the ship to Morris. He told me about the cuirass, but I forgot where it is?
O: The breastplate is located in the north of Maine, in the Bay of Doom, there you will be attacked by many skeletons, and the same breastplate will be on the corpse of one of them.
Would you like another cuirass? Read [To view this link you need to register] !

V: In the seventh pirate treasure hunt mission, I inadvertently sold a few bars, what should I do to replenish them?
O: Just buy them from any merchant.

V: In the ninth mission, I sailed to La Vega, everything is plundered there. I do not know what to do next?
O: Go to the tavern. There will be a man, he will tell you what happened in the settlement.

O: Capture a couple of colonies, then visit the governor-general and hand them over to the English crown, he will give us a prize, contact again - the title of admiral should be welcome.

The English ruler can be completed in the KVL game and in the GPK game only with Mod-pack 1.3.2 installed on it, in the default GPK game the English line is blocked. If you took the Pirate Line playing with the Mod-pack, then the English line will be blocked, you need to go through it first.

Do not take the line with a poorly pumped Main Hero!

Rapier Morgan, Golden (award) breastplate, Gold, 3 million piastres, the title of Admiral, as well as invaluable experience and pumping.

The English ruler is taken from the Governor General of England Thomas Madiford on about. Jamaica in Port Royal after receiving a patent.

1. A patent can be earned and obtained from any governor of English cities, having completed about 8 - 9 of his tasks; they must be performed by exactly one governor and not necessarily at a time, you can sail off the island and return later. If you perform tasks for several governors, then the counters will count these tasks for each governor separately (i.e., tasks for different governors are not summed up). The governor, with whom you complete the required number of tasks, will grant you a patent. Failure of a task or refusal from it leads to zeroing the counter, so make a save before receiving the task, in case it does not suit you. Tasks change after 3 - 4 in-game days.
2. The patent can be bought from the Diplomat in any Pirate settlement in the tavern, but you may also be refused sale if your GG is poorly pumped.

Exercise 1
Duke of Albermal's escort

Governor General Sir Thomas Madiford instructs you to deliver his relative, the Duke of Albermal, to the residence of the city of St. John's, located on the island of Antigua. He warns you to be extremely careful, as the Spaniards want to capture the duke. Go up to the 2nd floor of the residence, where Albermal awaits you, talk to him and hit the road. Departure for the island of Antigua. In the coastal waters of the island, a Spanish flute is already guarding you and is eager to let you go to the bottom, having beaten off the duke, but it will not be difficult to sink or board him. If you are poorly pumped, you can go to the battle map right at the fort and use its help. After disembarking ashore, proceed to the Governor's House, where the Duke of Albermal will ask you to deliver a dispatch for the Governor of Jamaica. The dispatch turned out to be a letter of recommendation, in which the duke praises you in every way. Return to Jamaica, give the dispatch and report back to Madiford on the completed assignment. For this commission you will be paid 50,000 piastres.

Assignment 2
Agree with the Heads of the Pirates to attack about. Curacao

The Governor-General instructs you to negotiate with the four main corsairs in the Caribbean, Edward Mansfield (La Vega), Jackman (Berumds), Henry Morgan (Port Royal) and John Morris (Port of Spain), to seize the Dutch colony in Curacao. The faster you complete this assignment, the better your reward will be, if you are late, you will not receive anything!
Morgan's residence is located here, in Port Royal (a house with columns in a dead end to the left of the port), but when you go there, you will learn from the secretary that Morgan sailed to St. John's on the island of Antigua.
To begin with, go to Hispaniola, to the La Vega pirate settlement. At the residence, you talk to Mansfield, but you immediately get a refusal, since he is Dutch by nationality and is not going to attack his compatriots.
Follow Jackman to Bermuda's residence, he also refuses to attack and explains that at the moment he and his pirates do not want to spoil relations with Holland.
Next, head to Morgan in Antigua. His house is closed, you can get into it through the dungeon, the entrance is located on the next street, a hatch between the houses. Morgan, having listened to the offer, also refuses, he now has little strength and resources to attack. Henry invites you to meet at his residence in Jamaica, he has business for you.
The last pirate is left, Morris. Sail to him in Trinidad and Tobago, but he also refuses you, learning that you are acting at the request of Madiford, they have a bad relationship. So, you were refused by all the pirates and you are not salty, return to Madiford. Naturally, he is not very happy with this, but in the end he calms down. Remuneration is generated depending on the timing of the completion.

Additional task (you can skip)
Henry Morgan's proposal

After getting rid of Madiford, and possibly receiving a reward, go to the residence to Morgan. If less than a month has passed since your meeting in Antigua, then Morgan will offer you a rather risky business to capture the city of Belize, on the Maine. His spies reported to him that there was a lot of gold there to be sent to the Old World, and the Golden Caravan had not yet arrived for him.
You should have no more than two ships in your squadron, then Morgan will join it on his ship with 48 lbs. cannons, but forces are still not enough to storm the fort with the city. Again go to Jackman in Bermuda, and then to Morris in Trinidad and Tobago. You have 50 days to assemble a squadron. This time they agree and are ready to join your squadron, Jackman on the corvette and Morris on the galleon. Now you have a strong squadron of 4 ships and enough forces to attack. Swim to Belize and start attacking the fort along with Morgan. The ships of Jackman and Morris are best left away from the fort, otherwise they will be quickly sunk. After destroying a certain number of fort cannons (depending on your level of difficulty of the game), you rush into the fort and jointly cut out all the soldiers there, then capture the city.
The city is cleared of soldiers, you can go to the residence. The governor tells you that the gold is hidden in the fort, move back to the fort, there you must talk to each pirate. Morgan will delight you, they captured a lot of gold, he will immediately offer to buy your share of gold or part of it at 200 gold apiece. If your entire share fits into the hold of the ship, then feel free to send Morgan to hell, gold can be sold at least twice as expensive. All pirates leave the squadron and leave you. It remains only to sell gold, it is better to do it in the pirate settlement of Puerto Principe in Cuba, where, as a rule, there are favorable prices for it.

Assignment 3
Exploration in Curacao

You receive a new assignment from Madiford, you need to scout the situation in Willemstad on the island of Curacao. England is at enmity with Holland, so Madiford issues you a Trade License for 20 days, with which you can freely move around the city, while your ship must have the Dutch flag raised, take the flag perk in advance. Upon arrival in Curacao, you can dock in the port or in the bay, so that the fort does not bother you in the future and go through the jungle to the city (depending on the task you are completing). Head to the tavern and talk to the tavern keeper. Tell him that you need to sell something, pay him 1,000 piastres and he will give you a tip on the moneylender. A usurer is a usurer, you can't go to him with a thousand, he asks for 100 thousand for the information you are interested in, you have to pay. The moneylender tells about a brig standing in the roadstead in the port, preparing to sail; the governor's messenger officer is on it, with a secret order.
Without leaving the Global Map, swim to the brig or move to it through a quick passage and board it, having previously fired at it with buckshot. Searching the captain's cabin, in one of the chests you will find a secret order for the Dutch colony of Fort Orange on the island of Jamaica. The Dutch are ordered to urgently strengthen Fort Orange. Go to Jamaica and report to Madiford on the completed assignment. He will pay your expenses (100,000) and pay 10,000 on top, not much of course, but you didn't bother too much, all the more you should have an excellent brig with £ 32. cannons, plus a ship's cash register from the captain's cabin, a good telescope and good weapons.

Assignment 4
The attack on the Dutch settlement of Fort Orange

The Governor General of Jamaica instructs you to attack Fort Orange. Sail not far away, as you already know, this settlement is also located on the island of Jamaica. Land at Cape Negril and save just in case. Moving to the next location, you will get to the gates of the settlement and the assault will begin. Deal with the soldiers in the jungle in front of the gate, and then in the city. If you have a small crew, then you will have a very difficult time, you will have to sweat, so it is better to take a couple of ships with you to your squadron. In order for the teams of other ships from your squadron to participate in the assault, you or your boatswain must have the Allied Ships Assault Perk unlocked. Then you break into the residence and kill the commandant of the settlement, by the way he is well pumped, so be careful. Search the corpse and chests, in one of them you will find a Dutch cuirass (name from the Mod pack?). Return to Madiforth and report the completed assignment.

Assignment 5
Captain of the marque frigate Morris Williams

Madiford instructs you to talk to Morris Williams, an English privateer, whose ship is in the roadstead of Jamaica, and he also needs to give permission to enter the port and sell goods, of which he has plenty, since he returned from a successful voyage. Move on your ship, using a quick transition, to the frigate Favorite and send the boat to his ship. Pass permission to Williamson and return to the residence for the 5,000 piastres reward. After that, walk around the city, in the area of ​​the pier you will be met by the boatswain from the frigate Favorite, he will inform you that Williams wants to talk to you in the tavern. In the tavern, go up the 2nd floor to the lounge where Morris is waiting for you. From a conversation with him, you will be surprised to learn that all the cargo was confiscated from him and he believes that it is you who are to blame for this. Explain to him that you do not know anything about this either by sleep or in spirit and you will deal with this issue. Go to the residence to Madiford and find out what's the matter. He explains that in Europe the Spaniards agreed with Charles II on an armistice and the transfer of confiscated goods is a gesture of goodwill from England to Spain. Return to the tavern, where the poor fellow Williams says that the moneylender bought his debts in the amount of 140 thousand piastres, so now his frigate was arrested for the debts. In general, it turns out that it is because of you that he got into this story and you need to help him. You can, of course, immediately return his debt for Morris and that's it, but you're not looking for easy ways, you need adventure, and you don't really want to shell out such a tidy sum from your own pocket.
Therefore, start your own investigation of this dark case. First, go to the Port Authority, ask there if a Spanish ship has recently left the port, because the confiscated cargo was transferred to Spain. The Harbor Master reports that the Santa Agueda Pinas departed from the port yesterday under the Spanish flag, heading for the island of Puerto Rico. Go in pursuit, near the island of Puerto Rico you will overtake a pinas, take it on board. When you search the captain's cabin, a pleasant surprise awaits you, in one of the chests you find 140 thousand piastres. Return to Jamaica and talk to the captain in the tavern, promise to help him, the joyful Morris goes about his business. Going out into the street you meet an old acquaintance, a boatswain from Fortune, he told an unpleasant story that the misfortunes at Morris Williams continued, he was arrested and put in jail. Head to the fort and talk to the head of the prison, it turns out that the captain was arrested by order of the governor general. So you again need to go to Madiford, he directs you to the moneylender, it was on his charges that Morris was arrested. The usurer is rude and sends you to the devil, well, you have not seen such people, so you need to find dirt on this self-confident banker and teach him politeness. Go to the priest's church and ask him if he knows anything about the usurer. Father Bernard will advise you to talk to a girl named Attenbury, she can be found in the port. The girl will tell you a sad story about the relationship between her family and the usurer. Recently, her husband went out of town to the jungle and disappeared there, you need to find him. Exit the gate and go straight from them, in the next location to the right, there will be a grotto. In the grotto you will find the girl's husband kidnapped by smugglers, kill them and free him. After talking with Attenbury, you learn that the moneylender works with smugglers. Go back to the moneylender. Now you have compromising evidence on him and you all know about his secret dealings with smugglers, which you tell him about. For your silence, you demand that he drop all charges against Morris Williams, he has nowhere to go, and he agrees. In the tavern you meet the freed captain, in the default version you can not give him 140 thousand, he still thanks you for your help and gives a tip to the Bay of Doom (Maine), where you can find the Golden Breastplate. If you play with the Mod-pack, then the money will have to be returned, otherwise you will not receive a tip on the Golden Breastplate.

Assignment 6
Find treasures of famous corsairs

In this mission, Madiford assigns you to track down the treasures of famous pirates and deliver them to him personally. The hoards contain 2,100 gold bars and idols. You will have to work a little as a loader, take boarding men to help you, not all the same to carry.

Follow this list so you don't swim randomly, but circle the Caribbean and return to Jamaica:

1. Cartagena - Whitson
2. Trinidad and Tobago - Swart
3. Dominica - Cooper
4. Guadeloupe - Bliveelt
5. Turks - Gay
6. Cuba - Goodley
7. Cayman - Breningham

All gold is in the caves and grottoes of the above islands, each hoard contains 150 - 450 ingots, plus idols and other buns. First, you carry and put all the gold from the treasures into the chest on the ship, and then transfer it in parts to Manford. For the work of a loader, you will receive 10% of all gold, which is not bad at all. If you like the shine of despicable metal more and you want to keep all the gold for yourself, then instead you will have to pay Madiford 150 thousand out of your pocket.

Assignment 7
To Edward Mansfield for gold

Madiford again sends you for gold, this time it must be taken from Edward Mansfield, head of the La Vega pirate settlement on Hispaniola. Arriving in La Vega, you find that there is no one in the settlement, it looks like someone attacked the pirates and destroyed everyone. Search the houses, suddenly someone survived and it is true, in one of the houses you find a survivor, he told about the attack of the Spaniards and the death of Mansfield. Presumably, the Spanish galleons attacking the settlement are moving towards Santiago, Cuba. You start chasing, catching up with galleons off the coast of Cuba, boarding them and grabbing gold from their holds. On the flagship, in the captain's cabin, find a letter from Pardal to Governor Santiago. You may not have time to catch up with the Spaniards, but you better try, otherwise you will lose the prize gold, in any case, go to Madiforth and tell him this unpleasant news.

Assignment 8
The attack on Santiago

An angry Madiford sends you to attack Santiago and capture Governor Jose Sancho Jimenez. For you, this business will now not be difficult, you sail to Santiago and take the governor prisoner, having previously smashed the city. On the way back, when you go out to sea, you encounter Manoel Rivero Pardal's squadron, which is going to protect Santiago. It consists of four ships, I think you already have enough experience and strength to deal with it, and extra earnings will not hurt if you take them on board. Return to Jamaica, after the report, Madiford will ask you to go to Morgan. Henry is in mourning, the deceased Mansfield was like a father to him, but that you avenged him, he gives you his rapier. A worthy reward, Morgan's Rapier is the best light weapon in the game.

Assignment 9
Spanish squadron attack on Port Royal

A new and difficult task awaits you. Madiford asks you to protect Port Royal, the approaches to which were blocked by the Spanish squadron, she is preparing for a siege. There is no one else to defend the city, except you, Morgan and his squadron went on a campaign. The Spanish squadron consists of 7 ships: 3 manovars, 2 warships and 2 galleons. Take advantage of the two forts, they are well located. Then think for yourself what to do and what strategy to choose. Sink all the ships or board, if possible, if you have enough strength, of course. After a heated battle and victory, Manford presents you with 200,000 piastres.

Assignment 10
Capture of Caracas and Cumana

After the Spanish attempt to capture Port Royal, they need to retaliate. Madiford gives you the order to capture the two Spanish colonies, Caracas and Cumana, located on the Maine. Take over these cities and show the Spaniards who is who in the Caribbean.
If you don't really need pumping, then you can not mess with the forts, but capture the cities from the jungle side. You disembark in the nearest bay, reach the gate and through your thoughts out loud: "Start the seizure of the city" you begin to fight with the soldiers in front of the gate, and then in the city.
Return to Jamaica and report to the Governor General that England now has two more colonies in the New World.

Assignment 11
Clarify the situation in St. John's

In about a month, you can take the next and how the last task will turn out from Madiford. He will send you to Antigua in St. John's with a check, reports and documentation have not been received from there for a long time, you will need to understand this issue. Arriving in St. John's and entering the residence, you meet an unfamiliar Colonel Lynch, who is suspiciously interested in who you are. Explaining to him the purpose of your visit, you will learn that Mediford turns out to be an embezzler, a bribe-taker and, in general, the most vile gentleman. And you, a gallant guy, are entrusted with a responsible task, to arrest the Governor-General of the English colonies in the New World, Sir Thomas Madiford. Heading to Jamaica. You go to the residence and announce to Madiford that he is under arrest. It is clear that he somehow does not really like this prospect and he calls his loyal guard. By the way, they are not bad enough pumped, but you are already an old sea wolf, that for you there are four soldiers with an officer and even if they are at least three times pumped, you will still shred them into a salad like cabbage. After that, you are transported to a prison where the former Governor-General is behind bars.

If, when returning to the city, the soldiers become hostile and attack you, then you need to:
1. Will roll back to the militant in the residence, when the Governor-General is arrested. Your boardmen must end the battle, i.e. it is they who need to overwhelm the last soldier, and at this moment you must stand with the weapon sheathed. (by Antone2116)
2. You must have no more than two boardmen. (by Faraon67)
Return to the residence, Lynch, the new Governor General of the English Colonies, awaits you there. From him you will learn that a trial will take place over Madford, and you have to return in a month to determine your future fate.

A month later, you appear before Governor-General Lynch, waiting with interest what will happen next. Lynch will solemnly announce that you have been awarded the title of Knight, they will call you Sir and write this prefix before your name. You are also entitled to a share of the found treasures of Madiford, which is 2 million piastres. After that, talk to Lynch again and get an additional rank of Admiral. He will also inform you that you have served yours, now you are completely free and free to do whatever you please.

After completing the line, the Peace Pause in the game is removed, all nations will randomly conclude peace or neutrality among themselves, as well as declare war on each other. Now you can seize colonies for yourself, donate them or appoint your governors in them, to collect tax and receive additional income, there is no more development of the colonies.

Passage of corsairs gpk ruler english

It is taken:
From the Governor-General of England (Jamaica, Port Royal) after receiving a patent.

More than 2,500,000 piastres,

800 gold bars, Morgan's rapier (light weapon), rank of Admiral.

England patent.

Having obtained an English patent legally or by buying it from a diplomat in pirate settlements, the English ruler becomes available. To receive assignments, you need to sail to Jamaica, to Port Royal, go to the residence and talk with Governor Thomas Madiford about working for the benefit of the crown of England.

The first task. Accompanying the Duke of Albermal.

Sir Thomas Madiford gives us the first task, to escort his relative, the Duke of Albermal, to the residence of the city of St. John's, on the island of Antigua. Also, the governor warns that the Spaniards have opened the hunting season for the duke, you need to be careful. We rise to the second floor of the residence and talk to the duke. After leaving Port Royal, we sail to the island of Antigua, where the city of St. John's is located. Before leaving the map of the archipelago, save, because in the coastal waters of the island awaits the Spanish flutes. Drown it. Although it is possible to use a trick and exit the archipelago map right next to Fort St. John's, the fort will sink the ship with several volleys. After docking at the Port of St. John's, go to the Mayor's House, where the Duke of Albermal will give you a dispatch for the Governor of Jamaica. We sail to Jamaica, go to the residence and inform Madiford that the task is completed. As a reward, we receive 50,000 piastres.

Second task. Convince famous pirates to attack Curacao.

The governor, after some time, entrusts us with the following task, to enlist the support of 4 corsairs, Edward Mansfield in the La Vega buccaneer settlement, in Hispaniola, Henry Morgan in Antigua in the city of St. John's, Jackman in Bermuda and John Morris on the island of Trinidad, for the attack to the Dutch city of Curacao. We sail to Hispaniola, to the buccaneer's settlement and talk to Edward Mansfield, but we get a refusal, he explains that he is actually a Dutchman and is not going to attack his compatriots. Then we sail to Bermuda, to talk with Jackman, but we also get a refusal from him, motivating him by the fact that his pirates do not want to attack the Dutch. The next on our list is Henry Morgan, we are sailing to Antigua, but we also get a refusal from him, he does not have enough strength to attack, but he later offers to go to his residence in Jamaica, for some business. We sail to the last corsair John Morris in Trinidad, but he also refuses to participate in this case due to the fact that he and Madiford are on bad terms. Having received a refusal from all pirates, we return to Thomas Madiford with nothing. The governor is not happy with this, but resigns himself to it. The quest reward is generated depending on the completion date.

The third task. Henry Morgan's proposal.

After receiving a reward from the governor for the previous mission, being in Jamaica, go to the residence of Henry Morgan, which is at a dead end to the left of the port. If less than a month has passed since the meeting with the owner of the house, Morgan will propose a risky endeavor to capture the city of Belize, on the Maine. According to him, there is information that there is gold there to be sent to the Old World. So Morgan, on a powerful ship with 48-pound (!!) cannons, is part of our squadron. If in the latter we have more than 1 companion, we should leave them in the port. Since we have to storm the city, we need to replenish our forces. You need to go to Jackman in Bermuda and to John Morris in Port of Spain, in Trinidad. They are ready and waiting just for our appearance to join us. For everything about everything, we have a period of fifty days. First we sail to Bermuda to Jackman, he joins us in a corvette, now we sail to Trinidad to Morris and he also joins us on a galleon. Now our squadron is fully equipped and consists of 4 ships. We sail to Belize, destroy the fort (Jackman and Morris should be sent away, because the corvette can be destroyed, and the galleon contains our main forces) and capture the city. The team of our companions will support us in the assault. After capturing Kumana, we go to the residence of the governor, who says that the gold is hidden in the fort, we move to the fort, where we speak with each pirate. When talking with Morgan, he will not tell you how successful the operation has become and offers to buy all (or part) of the gold from us at 200 gold apiece, if everything fits into the hold of our ship, we refuse such an offer, because gold can be sold for a higher price ... He says goodbye to us and leaves the squadron like the other two members of the expedition. Now it remains to sell the captured gold.

The fourth task. Exploration in Curacao.

After a while, we go to Thomas Madiford for a new assignment, which is to scout the situation in Curacao. To make things easier, he gives us a trade license with the Netherlands for a period of 20 days (to activate it, you need to raise the Dutch flag). We sail to Curacao and dock at the port, you can go through the jungle to the city. There we go into the tavern and talk to the tavern keeper, tell him that we need to sell something, he (for 1,000 piastres) directs us to the usurer. We ask the moneylender about the question of interest to us, he offers us to buy information from him for 100,000 piastres, we give him the money and he gives a tip to the brig, standing in the roadstead in the port of Curacao and ready to sail. We go out to sea and take the brig ABOARD, search the captain's cabin and in one of the chests we find a secret order for Fort Orange. Based on the text, the Dutch are ordered to urgently strengthen Fort Orange. The task is completed, we go to Jamaica for a reward. Thomas Madiford gives us only 110,000 piastres.

Fifth task. The attack on the Dutch settlement of Fort Orange.

Almost immediately we receive a new task from the governor of Jamaica: to attack a Dutch settlement in Jamaica, called Fort Orange. We moor in the Rocky Coast Bay or go through the jungle, and as soon as we enter the location with the settlement gates, the assault will begin. We seize the gates, then the city and go into the residence, where the commandant (pumped) Fort Orange is waiting for us, we kill him, we search the corpse and the chest standing in the corner, where, among other things, the Dutch cuirass lies. Now we go to the governor of Jamaica and report on the completion of the task.

The sixth task. Captain of the marque frigate Morris Williams.

We receive a new assignment from Madiford. The purpose of which is to talk to the English privateer Morris Williams, who has returned from a successful campaign. We are given permission to allow Williams' frigate to enter Port Royal to sell goods. We go out to sea and sail to the frigate Favorite, send out the boat and deliver the governor's order to Williamson. He accepts the offer, and we return for the award, which is 5,000. Having received the award, we leave for the port, where Simon Burd, boatswain from the Favorite ship, approaches us. He gives us a message from the captain, according to which Morris is waiting for us in the tavern. We move to the tavern, go up to the second floor and talk to Morris Williams. He accuses us of having his cargo confiscated. We tell him that we will figure it out and go to the residence to Madiford. But the governor informs us that somewhere in Europe Charles II agreed with the Spaniards about an armistice. The transfer of goods is a gesture of goodwill between England and Spain. We go to the tavern, where Williams almost attacks us, he says that the local moneylender bought all his debts (140,000) and now the privateer's ship is under arrest in the port, and the goods have been confiscated. It is our duty to return the goods to him or pay the damages in money, since he got involved in this story because of us. We go to the head of the port and ask him if any Spanish ship has sailed recently. We learn about the Santa Agueda pinas, which left yesterday on a course to San Juan. We must catch up with the ship and board it. We go out to sea and head for Puerto Rico. Near the island we board the pinas and find 140,000 piastres in the captain's cabin. We return to Jamaica and go to the tavern and say that we will help him. He will go on business, and when leaving the tavern, the boatswain from Favorite will approach us again. He reports that his cap was arrested, the team disperses. Our way lies to the commander of the Port Royal prison, from a conversation with him, we learn that Maurice was imprisoned by order of Madiford. We go to Madiford for an appointment, but he sends us to the moneylender. The usurer, roughly speaking, turns us off. It's time to visit Father Bernard's church and ask him about the usurer. Priest, will recommend that we talk to J. Attenbury, she can be found in the port. In the port we find a girl and ask her about the moneylender, she tells a sad story about the moneylender and their family. Her husband disappeared, we need to figure it out, she said that her husband went out of town and did not return. We leave the city (location church), and go straight all the time until we reach the cave. We go into the cave and beat off the poor fellow from the smugglers. From a conversation with Attenbury, we learn that the moneylender is associated with smugglers, now we have dirt on him! We return to the city and go to the moneylender, we say that we know everything about his connections with the smugglers and for silence we demand that he drop the charges against Captain Morris Williams. He agrees. We go to the tavern, where the privateer thanks us.

Seventh task. Find treasures of famous corsairs.

The next task is very tedious, Madiford will tell us that we need to find the treasures of famous pirates, they consist of gold bars, as well as idols. Here is a list
1. Whitson-Cartagena
2. Swart Trinidad
3. Gay Turks
4. Cooper-Dominica
5. Breningham-Cayman
6. Goodley - Cuba
7. Bliveelt - Guadeloupe
The total gold must be 2100 bars (.) And all the gold must be delivered to him personally. Gold will be in caves, each treasure will consist of gold bars from 150 to 450 and pirates' personal belongings (idols, weapons, etc. junk). Gold is to be found in the caves of the respective islands. All the gold must be delivered to the governor. Since you cannot take all the gold with you, it must be transferred to the cabin in parts, respectively, then from the cabin to the governor. For the labors we will receive the idols we have found and 10% of the gold bars, equal to 70,000 piastres.

Eighth task. To Edward Mansfield for gold.

The goal of the next assignment, which Madiford will give, will be to deliver a large sum of gold bars from the La Vega settlement on Hispaniola. The gold will need to be taken from the head, Edward Mansfield. We will sail on Hispaniola to the La Vega settlement. Entering the fort, we do not find anyone there. In one of the houses, we find the only survivor, after talking with the pirate, we learn that the settlement was attacked by the Spaniards, Mansfield was killed, half of the buccaneers were killed, half went into the jungle. Presumably the galleons are heading for Santiago. We need to catch up with them. We sail to Cuba and board the galleon, in the captain's cabin we find Pardal's letter for the governor of Santiago. We must report this to the governor. If you didn't make it to Santiago in time, then it's okay, just sail to Madiford and tell him the "good" news.

Ninth task. The attack on Santiago.

The next task that Madiford will give is to capture the city of Santiago, the only thing that Madiford needs is the governor - Jose Sancho Jimenez. We sail to Santiago and capture the city, we take the governor prisoner. Before going to sea, save yourself, as the squadron of Manoel Rivero Pardal, who was in a hurry to rescue Santiago, will be waiting for you, the squadron consists of four ships, if you have forces, then repulse the attack, if not, sail away. Having sailed to Jamaica, go to the governor and report on the completion of the task, and Thomas will also tell us to go to Henry Morgan. We go to Henry, he says that the deceased Mansfield was like a father to him, and in gratitude will give us HIS RAPIER!

Tenth task. The attack of the Spanish squadron on Port Royal.

Going to Madiford, take the next task from him, he will say that Port Royal is under siege by a Spanish squadron, 7 battleships have blocked the colony. They chose the time of the attack in the best possible way, since all the privateers went on the campaign with Morgan. Save before going to sea. The colony was attacked by 2 galleons, 2 warships, and three manowars. Sink all ships and return to the governor for a reward, which is 200,000 piastres.

The eleventh task. Capture of Caracas and Cumana.

The next task will be in response, to the attack of the Spaniards, we are instructed to capture the cities of Caracas and Cumanu. The cities are located nearby on the main, in the lower right corner of the map. We swim to Caracas and capture it, then we do the same with Kumana. Cities can not be captured immediately, you can capture first one, then another. After capturing the cities, we return to Sir Thomas Madiford, and tell him that the two colonies began to belong to England not without our intervention, then talk to him about the task and he will praise you.

Task twelve. Clarify the situation in St. John's.

The next task will be given to us in a month, the governor will say that he has not received documentation from St. John's for a long time, we will have to deal with this. We sail to Antigua, dock at the port of St. John's and go to the residence. Colonel Lynch meets us there and asks who we are. We explain the purpose of our visit. The colonel instructs us to arrest the governor of Jamaica, Madiford, arguing that he is a bribe-taker, embezzler and a criminal. We sail to Jamaica and go to the residence, where it is desirable to save, since Madiford learns that we have arrived to arrest him, he will call the guards, very pumped. We kill four soldiers and an officer. Transferred to jail, the former governor is behind bars. We return to the residence, where Colonel Lynch, the new governor, is waiting for us. He announces that a trial will take place over Madiford, and it is great for us to arrive in a month, when the hearing is over. We return in a month and speak with Governor Lynch, he will tell us that we have been awarded the title of Knight, now there will be a prefix Sir in front of our name, he will also say that we managed to find the hidden state of Madford and we are allocated a part of this money, we deserve it. We get 2,000,000 piastres. Don't forget to talk to the Colonel again to get the rank of Admiral!

Passage of corsairs gpk ruler english

Discussion of the passage Spanish quest line,
you can watch the passage on our website,
passing through [To view this link you need to register] link.

Before asking questions, read the answers to frequently asked questions on the Spanish nat. ruler:

V: How to start?
O: Obtain a patent by completing tasks from the same governor or by purchasing it in a pirate settlement. Then to Havana (Cuba Island) to the Governor-General.

V: What rewards can I get by completing this line?
O: Money about 3 million piastres, good and excellent edged weapons (including thanat), muskets, the Rat God, cuirasses (Dutch, Spanish, award), the Cross of Antonio de Suoza (+30 luck, +20 authority, +10 to trade), idols, artifacts, the rank of Admiral.

V: After I received the patent, the Governor-General says that he cannot rely on me. They say I am closely associated with the coastal fraternity, what does this mean?
O: Nat. the ruler is ideal to pass at the moment when Morgan (according to the pirate ruler) invites us to solve state affairs before going to Panama - at this moment we go and take the ruler, you can still go in front of the pirate ruler, but you cannot pass during and after the passage of the pirate - General -the governor will refuse you, and after completing the pirate line, you will no longer be able to start more than one national one.

V: I went through one national line, now I took a patent from Spain, but the Governor-General does not want to give me a task, he says that I worked for an agent network, a spy, etc., what can be done?
O: Nothing - only one national line can be completed per game, except for the pirate one, it is no longer possible, because the rulers intersect closely. Just start a new game.

V: In the second task, where you need to collect indulgence from three citizens, how to get an expensive cuirass and a cross of Antonio de Suoz?
O: When you leave the inquisitor, a man will come up to us and give a lecture on why it is not necessary to kill the merchants, so immediately after the speech we go and report this to the inquisitor - we will get a luxurious cross with big advantages. And an expensive cuirass can be obtained by taking the Bible at the end of the quest to the inquisitor again, and not following the request

V: How to lure a messenger on Tortuga to a tavern, he does not want to go and raises the alarm, a bunch of soldiers come running, and a large squadron is waiting in the port?
O: After you have been informed that the messenger is now heading to the ship, go to one of the drunks (you will find it by poking) and ask him to call the messenger to the tavern for a reward, and there we quietly extort a letter from him without making unnecessary noise

V: I went through the whole line, why didn't they give me an admiral?
O: Capture a couple of colonies, then visit the Governor-General and hand them over to the Spanish crown, he will give us a prize, contact again - the title of admiral should be welcome.
