Corsairs to each their own treasures how to open. Corsairs: City of Lost Ships. The beginning, or Where to get a million

Where can you find big ships?

In the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” the developers have reduced the likelihood of encountering huge ships of the first rank. If you want to find them, you will have to use thematic forums.

After what will the countdown begin for the “Pirate Saga” quest?

After an entry appears in the journal that Helen entered your service as an officer.

How to make sure that Helen remains on the team forever?

For this to happen, you must fulfill the prophecy that the gypsy spoke about. And for this you will have to:

  • Do not take a hundred doubloons from Gladys MacArthur as a reward.
  • Give the found Hangman's chest to that same Gladys.
  • Don't take the gun Gladys gives you.
  • Address Helen by his mother’s last name – Sharp.

How to give Mary Kasper a Narwhal blade?

In order to do this, you must ensure that two conditions are met:

  1. When you meet Shark Dodson, ask about his clinic, Narwhal. After this, talk to the weapons master, Jurgen, to craft the appropriate blade.
  2. Get three pieces of meteorite ore and bring them to Jurgen. You can bring these pieces with you by purchasing from some seller or by finding a buried treasure inside. You can also find a meteorite at the bottom of the OS.

Where to rent warehouse space?

To rent a warehouse, head to Isla Tesoro in Sharptown. In addition, you can visit the capitals of each state. As for Isla Tesoro, the warehouse here is run by a merchant inside the store. Chat with him and you will see a dialogue phrase corresponding to the lease.

To rent warehouses in other cities, you need to look into their shipyards and go into the back room to talk with the boss. If you contacted him for the first time, you will need to start the dialogue again, after which the desired phrase will appear.

Why are there no useful things in the treasure?

If you bought a map in a tavern, then keep in mind that you can only get a treasure of the first level, which includes ordinary weapons and amulets, as well as all sorts of jewelry. In addition, half of a map may be found in such a treasure. If you find the other half, you can create a second level map and get the corresponding treasure. In such a treasure one can often find unique weapon, not related to quests. And in general, you come across much more expensive and valuable loot, but there is still a chance that there will still be trash inside.

Where can you find guns larger than 32 caliber?

To find such weapons, you must capture enemy ships that have them, then remove them and transfer them to your own ship.

Is it possible to enter the service of a certain nation?

In this modification it is impossible to do this. All quest chains for nations have been removed from the game, but you can join the service of France, which happens according to storyline. In this case, you will be given an officer, a whole ship and equipment. If you agree, you will have to give up 10% of the loot, and also avoid shooting at friendly ships. In addition, you cannot receive new quests.

This game is considered to be one of the most difficult in the series. Even the “Jung” level requires a fair amount of skill from the player and super-frequent saves. Difficulties begin from the very first minutes. Often they are purely financial in nature. And it all starts with the fact that main character, Charles de Maur, comes to Martinique, to the town of Saint-Pierre, in order to find his brother. There are two ways to do this. The first method involves asking the governor for help. The ruler of the island will refuse to talk to de More and instead will place him in custody, where he will have to languish until the visit of the governor-general of the French colonies in the Caribbean archipelago, Philippe de Poincy. We draw your attention to the fact that after de Mora’s arrest, all money and valuables will be confiscated, therefore, in order not to be left broke, it is necessary to hide everything well. For example, in the oven in the settlement of Le Francois.

The second option for completing the mission involves contacting Abbot Benoit in the church, who will help de Maur find a companion who will take him to his brother. With a companion or after arrest alone, you need to go to the underground base of the Order of Malta. This is where our hero’s brother Michel will be, who will talk about his troubles and ask for the return of a million pesos to de Poincy. To do this, he will first have to visit Guadeloupe and find there a man named Fry, who will lend our character money. The lugger is already waiting for de Mora at the shipyard, so all that remains for him is to recruit a crew and set sail.

Arriving at the harbor, de More learns that he needs to pay another 17,000 pesos to rent the ship. To earn this money, complete several quests that come up. If you chose the first option for completing “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” contact the governor of the Maltese. It will help equip your character for a hike. Below we provide a list of quests that will help you raise money for the ship.

Quest “Scarce goods”. The task is to bring a bottle of European wine to the guard at the port. Wine can be purchased at any stall for 700 pesos. You can resell it to the guard for 1000 pesos. You can also hand over this careless guard to the head of the fort, after which the quest will automatically close.

Quest “The Stolen Jewel”. The task is to sell the found jewelry. To do this, exit the city and turn left, find the corpse and search it. Find beautiful earrings and take them to the store owner, governor or moneylender. Each of them will offer their own price.

Quest " Warehouse worker" The task is to find the missing employee of the store owner. You should look for Gralam Lavoie in Le Francois. After he refuses to return to the store, talk to the owner again and receive a new task - to find and hire a worker to replace Lavoie. You should also look for it in Le Francois. A bartender can be hired as an assistant, who promises to call candidates for the review and asks for 1,000 pesos for this. Depending on which worker you find, your reward could be 3,000, 4,000, or 5,000 pesos.

Quest “Rum for the bartender”. You can receive this task from the tavernkeeper. He will ask you to smuggle some high-end rum from Jamaica to him. Be sure to write down the password that the tavern owner gives you, as it is not displayed in the quest log. To complete this task, you need to find the lugger "Ghost" in the Lamentin beach area, talk to a member of its crew, tell the password and wait for the rum to be loaded onto your longboat.

Quest “Call Girl”. The task is to bring the call girl Lutiss to a stranger you meet on the street. The reward for completing the mission is 6,000 pesos. To complete it, you need to go to the brothel and talk with its owner. She will ask you why you need Lutiss. Depending on your answer, calling a girl will cost you 2,500 - 3,000 pesos.

Quest "Cannibals". This task can be taken from the head of the port department. To complete it, it is necessary to save the daughter of a certain Prosper Trubal from the Indians who kidnapped her. To complete this mission, you will need to follow Trubal to the cave and destroy all the Indians. The reward for the girl's release will be 5,000 pesos, 15 doubloons. It is advisable not to sell doubloons, as they may be useful to you in the future game.

Once you have collected 17,000 pesos, return to the shipyard to charter a ship. Once the lease is settled, start hiring a team. The best place to look for sailors is in the tavern. Here, with the help of the tavern owner, you will find one decommissioned sailor who offers to take himself and his comrades on board (40 people in total). In order to pay them an advance, you will need 8,000 pesos (that is, 200 pesos per person). After hiring a crew, you need to purchase provisions and a minimum of medicine for the ship. Now all you have to do is find yourself a navigator. There's nothing to look for in the tavern this time, so go look the right person in Port. The most suitable option would be a certain Folke Delluc, who is in a debtor's prison. You can buy it from there with your own money (only 10,450 pesos) or by agreeing with the moneylender to complete the “Spanish Engineer” quest. The main task in this mission is to free the captive Spanish engineer pirates. To do this, you should go to Le Marin Bay in the evening, taking with you a pistol from the moneylender. It is best to return back a little after midnight, when there is not a single soldier at the gate. After you resolve the issue with the moneylender using these methods, go to the debtor's prison and free the navigator. After which another unpleasant, but easily solvable incident with a pirate awaits you, and that’s it - you can raise the sail and head for Guadeloupe.

Start of the game:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of completing the quest “Rum for the Bartender”:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of completing the quest “Cannibals”:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

Open your map and head to the island of Martinique. Just disembark at Le Francois Bay. Finding yourself in a city overrun with pirates, find the baron and chat. Now in the passage of Corsairs: To each his own you will receive a task consisting of obtaining silk that was thrown away by one of his assistants when he left his opponents. If you have an active chronometer, then set it to the coordinates indicated in the journal to get to the right place. And if there is none, then head for Sint Maarten.

Drop anchor and swim to the longboat nearby. After you get to it on the boat, talk to the captain. Persuade him to give up the stolen silk and return to Barbazon, who is waiting in Martinique. Tell him that there are nine bales of silk left. Then you will receive the next task.

Now you have to find the assistant of an unknown person who needs your help. This servant's name is Valet. He controls the ship "Marlin", which is located near Capesterville. To get to it, you need to say the password “the hunt has started.” Now in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should go there and go to the tavern. Approach the owner and talk to her owner. Report that you are looking for the captain of the Marlin. However, you will hear another name - David Fakman. Apparently this is his nickname. So head to the house located next to the shipyard.

Talk to its owner, and then shoot him and take away the message. After reading it, you will find out that Knave was Jackman's mercenary. They prepared a trap for Tyrax. So now you need to capture his ship and pretend to be Jack.

Go out to the pier and swim up to the Marlin. After boarding the ship, exchange it and head to Turks Island. Having landed on the shore, go to the ship “Razluchnitsa”. Inspect it and sail to the South Bay to land near it. Be careful because pirates will attack. Fight off their attack and climb onto the deck of the ship to talk with its captain.

After a while, Helen will approach you and offer to pick up several powder barrels from the “Razluchnitsa”, and then get as close as possible to the enemy ships, which are on the opposite part of the island, and throw them off. Then move away to the maximum distance and detonate the gunpowder. But they haven't exposed you yet, so agree.

Continue passing the game Corsairs: To each his own and find enemy ships. Then grab them and go to the captain's cabin. You will find a chest in it, open it and examine it. After this, you can send the frigate to the bottom. Once you've patched up the holes, head to Isla Tesoro. Disembark and approach Jackman, the commander of the Centurion.

Start shelling with grapeshot and board the ship. When you meet your enemy face to face, run to the far corner of his cabin. It is worth noting that after you defeat Jackman, you will have a little conversation with him. After this, his health level will be restored and you need to finish him off again. His comrade Carpaccio will also help him. Try to neutralize them one by one. If you want Dani to help you in the battle, then tell him that two chests are in the cabin. Open them and take the tract that the Pastor needs" and the second part of Sharpe's map.

Now in the passage of Corsairs: To each his own, open the map and sail to the island of Martinique. Go to the corsair's lair. Be careful because there will be several musketeers following you. After you see Barbazona, talk to him, he will give his consent. Head to Hispaniola to find Marcus Tyrax there and get his consent. Then sail to Cuba and find the black Pastor. He will also agree, so feel free to return to Jan Svenson, who is in Blueveld, and chat.

Now events can develop in two ways:

Worst option

If you did not have time to complete the Pirate Sana quest in the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, then the capture of Tortuga will need to be carried out from land. Head there. It is worth noting that the teams of the two ships will include about 500 people. After you land on the shore of the Fish Eye beach, go into the city. Deal with the guards and eliminate the military controlling the city streets. Then you can go to the residence of Chevalier Levassier and chat with him. Then eliminate him and return to the ship. Open your map and head to St. Christopher. Just change the flag to French first. Once at Poincy's residence, talk to him. Then a frigate and a crew will appear at your disposal. Do not refuse this gift, thank him and leave.

The best option

If you have already managed to deliver the Shark and get the votes of all the barons, then Ian will certainly thank you. He will also talk about the operation he plans to carry out at one of the mines. But you don't have to take part in it. If you don't want to, just return to Ian after 10 days.

If you agree to undergo this operation in the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, then return to Ian after 3 days. He will be located on Mosquitos Island. After talking with him, move on. He will soon talk about the planned operation. If you go to the right, you will find an emergency exit near the well. Head there and tell the bandits that Jackman sent you. Then talk to Ian again and move to the left. Once you go over the mountain, you will come close to the entrance to the mine. Use your password to get there.

Be careful, because now you will be attacked, kill everyone and move on. I advise you to constantly talk to Ian so as not to lose sight of him. Repel the attacks of all enemies. After the next battle ends, meet with the gunner and move deeper into the mine. There are also opponents there that you need to get rid of. After you kill everyone, completely different music will start playing. Chat with Ian again and leave this place.

Go to the table and take from it some documents giving ownership of the mine. You can go outside and chat with the gunner again. Board your ship and head for the Blueveld. There you will need to wait about 5 days before going to Jan again.

Sharpe's will

Talk to him to receive a task, which is to find a certain Albert Locksley. It can be found in Port Royal. By the way, this man is one of the best lawyers in the Caribbean. In the meantime, Ian will gather the Council. So continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, open the map and head for Jamaica. After disembarking at Port Royal, go left from the pier to reach Albert Loxley's office. Talk to a lawyer and find out the amount of the advance, which consists of 450 doubloons. You will also have to return to him in seven days.

Return to the ship and head to Swenson, located in Blueveld. Talk to him and ask for doubloons. However, he will say that he simply does not have them. He will also tell you that he is engaged in trading an outlandish species of trees. But a few days ago the batch was stolen from the warehouse. He thinks that it was the work of Molligan, the commander of the Oyster. Now you will need to overtake the ship and board it to find out where the tree is. And then deliver it to Ian. It is also necessary to find out who Molligan is going to sell his goods to in order to earn money themselves.

Now, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should quickly hit the road, after opening the map and finding “Oyster” on it, marked in purple. When you catch up with her, send a boat to talk to Molligan. Then return to your ship and start attacking the enemy. Do your best to board him. After the victory. Go to the captain's cabin and find a message sent by the secret shopper.

You can head to him or to Ian. If you decide to return to Ian, you will be rewarded with 1,500 doubloons for the lawyer and 750 in gratitude for the operation performed. Then head to Port Royal and go to the lawyer. Pay him and find out that now you need to find documents confirming your last name.

Shadows of the past

Set course for Antigua and move to the tavern. Ask its owner about Raymond Baker. It turns out that he sailed on the ship "Bald Maggie". But the ship had already returned, but without Baker. Try to find out from the captain about Baker's whereabouts. Continue through Corsairs: To Each His Own and head to your ship to get close to Bald Maggie. After you talk to the captain, you will find out that he was pursued by corsairs. But after the doctor confessed to him, it turned out that the pirates were pursuing him. There was a riot on the ship, and the captain was forced to land the doctor in the middle of the ocean.

He will agree to give you the coordinates of this place. Hurry up and go there. As soon as you find yourself on the open sea, you will immediately find a longboat. As you approach it, Captain Baker himself will be your guest.

Go to the cabin and talk to him. It turns out that Butcher is still alive. You will also learn about Jessica, whom you have never heard of before. The doctor will also give you a tooth that belonged to Admiral Shark. Set course for Isla Tesoro and embark on the roadstead at the port of Sharptown. Go to the residence and talk to Shark there. He will tell you about Leadbitter, Butcher, Jessica and the Mask. After you understand the connection between them, receive one of the diary pages found among the documents of Blaze, the former head of the island. There lies the valuable latitude you have been looking for.

Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should go to these coordinates. After you land near Skeleton Reef, cross the bridge. Move further until you find yourself near the grave. Open your diary to see a new entry in it. Wait until nightfall to catch Jessica near the burial site. Approach her and chat. Then you need to fight her. However, she will soon run away and appear above the house. Run to him. Just be careful, because Jessica will soon take away your running ability, and then a wave of skeletons will come.

Try to get the first wave out of the way and get to the zombies. After you defeat her a second time, she will get angry and take away the leveling of your guns by 30-40 positions. The skeletons will appear again, destroy them and run across the bridge. It is worth noting that the water will knock you off your feet here. To successfully complete this test in the game Corsairs: Each to their own, you should restore your health level every time you are attacked by water. Pull yourself together and approach Jessica. This time she will take your energy. Make every effort to defeat her.

But he does exist! Open your inventory quickly, find the Kamanche potion, select it and click on the “Take” button. You are cured. There are still two potions left. There is a huge crab in front of you - defeat it. Search the corpse and take the large pearl (MUST!). Go through the door and you will be taken prisoner. Talk to Chad Capper and take the machete from him. To prove that you are not from the Rivados tribe, you need to kill the caged sorcerer with this machete. Go down the stairs and talk to the sorcerer. His name is Chimiset. He says that these pirates specifically sent you to kill Chimiset, since for killing shamans a strong curse will fall on the entire clan. Agree to help Chimiset, ask what he offers. Find a scrap metal lying on the floor in the room and go to the chest in the corner. As soon as you come close to the chest along with the crowbar, this chest will open. Remove all available items from the chest. Quickly press the F2 key to have time to equip yourself with a saber, pistol and armor. Kill the pirates who come running, including Chad. Most likely, three pirates will go down, so you will have to go up to get the fourth pirate with a musket. When you kill everyone, Chimiset will approach you. He will tell you that there are two clans on the island - narwhals and rivados. The Rivados are a peaceful clan, but the narwhals fight with them all the time. The shark we're looking for, Stephen Dodson, is now the head of Justice Island. It is neither a narwhal nor a rivados. But Chad plotted against him to kill Shark. The Narwhals have a grudge against Shark because they think he was involved in Alan's death. In fact, Chad killed him and Chimiseth is a witness to this. That’s why Chad couldn’t let Chimiset go, and he didn’t dare kill the shaman because of the curse that threatened him.

Let's talk with Chimiset, search Chad's corpse below, find the chest upstairs and unlock it with the keys from the corpse. Take various things, including records of Alan's murder. Exit the cabin onto the deck. So, you can either jump from the yard into the water (on the port side), or cross the wooden beams to the Esmeralda galleon. On Esmeralda there is a merchant inside, and you can also go through the upper deck to the commander, who, using a password, allows him to enter the narwhal territory. Go to this upper deck, but turn left onto the Galleon Gloria. There is a church here (downstairs, in the hold, you need to enter the doors on the right). Through the doors on the left you can get into the abandoned cabins. Follow there, take a couple of steps forward and on your right hand there will be a door to the city streets. Go out there, turn back and run to the bow of the ship. On the left there will be a board leading to the neighboring ship. Go there, go down to the deck by jumping from the bow, and along the bridge on the right side (in the middle of the deck) go to the San Augustine warship. There will be a door on the left - go up to it, the pirate will say that the admiral is waiting for you. Go inside and talk to Stephen Dodson, the Shark. So, he would gladly sail with you if you had a ship. But there is no ship. You need to find the Kukulkan statue and use it to get back. Then sail here by ship and pick up the Shark. But to find this island on a ship, you need a navigational guide, which the Shark will give you after you identify Chad’s associates, kill them, or lead them to the Shark himself.

We begin the investigation, but first ask the Shark all the questions. Ask for confiscated items back. Go upstairs and take things out of the chest. Go outside and cross the bridge back to the neighboring ship. Go to the ship standing parallel to it. There is also an Indian on it. A dark-skinned man stands at the bow of the ship - this is one of the Rivados clan. Approach him, he will say that he was warned that you can be allowed onto the ships of their clan. Walk across the wooden bridge next to the man to the Rivados ship. Go left. You are on the Fury pinnace. Go straight, enter the door and exit through the other door onto the street. It is located at the other end of the hold, on the same tier. Go to the ship. The door, guarded by a half-naked Indian, leads to Eddie and Chimiset. Chimiset will tell you that the statue was on the ship San Jeronimo, but it sank. As Chimi says, this is not far from the narwhal ship called Phoenix. The ship San Jeronimo lies deep at the bottom, and huge crabs prevent you from swimming to it. Ask about the impending assassination attempt on the admiral. Chimiset will tell you that the Shark does not leave his ship. The only thing is that in the evenings he likes to walk on the deck. The deck is clearly visible from the bow of the ship Santa Florentina and from the Rivados ship, Furia, if you climb onto the surviving top deck on the mast. But to hit you need a high-precision long-range weapon. First you need to look for a person who has such a weapon. You will also learn about the White Boy - he often walks around the city, visits a tavern, a store, or just on the street. You can easily recognize him by his white hair.

Ask Eddie if he knows Nathan Hawk. He will say that he does not know such a thing, and if it exists, it is in narwhals. Return to the nearby ship, Pinnace Furia. Enter it. So, the door ahead leads to the upper deck of the pinnace, where you came here from. In the middle of this tier there is another door leading to the street. Exit through it and you will find yourself on the stern of the pinnace. There is a staircase here leading to the Mars platform that Chimiset spoke about. This is just an FYI so you know this place. From Furia, return to the ship preceding the Rivados territory. Go to the far part of the ship, there will be a stepladder on the right, with which you can move to the neighboring ship. Do so. This is Eva's galleon. Go left, through the arch, there will be a bridge at the bow of the ship. Follow it to another ship. At the end of the ship there is a man who uses a password to let narwhals into the ships. On the same ship, there is a store in the hold. To get there, stand on the main deck, look for the STORE sign and go through the door next to it.

Go downstairs - you are in the store. The same one will be here White Boy. Talk to the seller first, ask about long-range weapons. He will say that you are the third person to ask him in the last two weeks. He will report that a hunter, Adolphe Barbier, came to him and tried to put up for sale a hunting rifle with a scope. This is what you are looking for! Barbier asked for a huge amount of money, so the seller refused. Now the fitting is with Barbier himself. Most often, Barbier can be seen in Sancho's tavern, because... the hunter likes to drink a glass of rum in the evenings. Find out that the two people who asked for the weapons were named Mary Kasper and Marcello, nicknamed Cyclops. Giuseppe Fazio was also interested in Adolf. Talk to the White Boy. He will ask for some kind of white bead. Ask the merchant what this boy is talking about. The merchant will say that he calls large pearls a white bead. You should have found it on the corpse of a large crab. Give Olya the existing pearl and find out a lot of interesting news. Remember how to knock on the door of the hold where Nathan is. So, first of all, Nathan is alive, but sick. Ole saved him. Nathan is now on Fernando's ship, which is far from the city. You can only get there by water. Secondly, the Kukulkan statue is not so deep. A certain Henrik, who lives in the narwhal camp, knows how to walk on the bottom. He good man, friend Ole. So he can teach you how to walk on the bottom.

So, from the words of the Shark, you learned that a certain Giuseppe Fazio, who, by the way, was interested in long-range weapons, is a diplomat of the island and may know the access passwords to two enemy clans. His cabin is located on the frigate Carolina. Go there. This is how you can get there. Return to the Shark's ship, cross the wooden bridge, moving away from this ship. On the left there will be a board leading to another ship without sides. This is the frigate Carolina. Go inside and talk to Giuseppe. Ask for the password for the narwhal clan. You need to pay 50 doubloons. I didn't have that amount.

Return to the Carolina deck, jump off the side using the steps on the left. Swim to the right, past the narwhal ships, and you will see Fernando's ship moving away. Swim it from the stern side (left side) and climb onto it. Knock on the door like Ole said. In my case, the knock was like this: knock-knock-pause-knock-knock. Talk to Nathan, he will offer to tell the story of the original part of the game (there will even be videos). I advise you to watch it, or if you haven’t played it, it’s better to play this amazing game! Let's continue. For some reason, despite the fact that we have two more Kamancha potions in our inventory, your hero will not give them to Nathan, but will tell him to wait for him to return on the ship. After which you will take Hawk and Shark from this damned place. Swim back, climb onto the Shark's ship on the left side of the bridge, because... there is a board there to get to the ship.

Follow to the tavern. To do this, go to the brig Santa Florentina (from this brig you get to the Rivados ships), look straight at the dark-skinned guard who allows people onto the Rivados ships only with a password, turn left and see the transition to other ships. Go to the next ship. This ship is called the Fleron caravel. This is where the tavern is located. Turn left, go up the stairs and you will see a tavern sign. Go inside and ask the tavernkeeper about Barbier. Also learn about Mary and Cyclops. Mary is the wife of the late Alan. Amid rumors that the admiral killed him, she has a great reason to take revenge on the Shark. Cyclops is a former warrior who hates pirates. As for Barbier, in last days he wasn't in the tavern. The last time he sat with Giuseppe Fazio, they left the tavern in a friendly manner, there were no quarrels.

Go to Carolina and talk to Fazio in his cabin. He will say that Barbier repaid him the debt and took the fitting, which was collateral. Barbier also bought himself a cabin on Santa Florentina. Fazio emphasized that Barbier is always wandering around the city and is only at home in the evening. Remember that one of the good places to shoot is the bow of the Santa Florentina? Perhaps it was Adolf who was ordered to kill the admiral. You need to come to Adolf in the evening. Since you can't rewind time using Enter, go to the tavern and ask for wine to pass the time. Time will fast forward 4 hours. Go to the brig Santa Florentina, enter one of the two doors that are located in the same part of the ship. Talk to Adolf, you will have to kill him. Do it. Search the body and find a letter. From the letter it becomes clear that Adolf did not act alone. But it’s not a fact that he’s a killer. The only option is to hide the corpse, stay in Adolf's cabin and see who comes here at night. Go to the tavern, sleep until nightfall, return to Santa Florentina's cabin and wait until midnight. You can, for example, make several paper cartridges. 8 rounds are made in about half an hour. This is me, for the record. Marcello the Cyclops and Mary will come here. You'll have to kill both of them after the conversation. Next, search Mary's corpse and find a letter from Chad. Go to the tavern, spend the night until morning and return to Shark. Tell us about what happened. He will give you 500 doubloons, as well as the location of the island to find it on the ship.

Addition! It seems that a map of the island is no longer needed. BUT! Remember, cartographer Jose Dios asked you to get some evidence for him and he would generously thank you for it. Buy a card from First Mate Shark, on the top tier, Dios will be delighted! The same card can be sold for 17,000 pesos to an island merchant (and the exchange of 100 doubloons is 10,000 pesos).

Go to Giuseppe Fazio on Carolina and buy the password to the narwhal ships for 50 doubloons. Mine was “alacantara”. There is no need to write it down - it will be in the journal. Remember, just in case, that passwords are changed on certain dates every month, weekly - on the seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first and twenty-eighth. Go to the ship with the store, and use it to get to the narwhal ship. Write the password manually and press Enter. You will be on the brig San Gabriel. This is where Henrik is located. Enter the far door, in the middle of the cabin find another door labeled as city streets. But you will end up on top of the bow of the ship. Find the door to the cabin here and enter. You will be taken to Henrik. Talk to him to fix it diving suit, you need to find 10 pieces of some metal.

You need to look for platinum in chests on the ships of the Rivados clan. But all the chests are locked. The White Boy will again help you unlock them. He has the keys and will give them to Olya for 5 large pearls. There is also a problem with pearls... But it can be solved! There is an Indian walking around on ships - you can buy pearls from him. The Indian can be both on the surface and inside the ships, for example, in a tavern. Having found an Indian, first ask about how he got to the island and what he does. ONLY after this, a selection of Indian goods will appear in the dialogue menu. It should be noted that these goods may not be immediately available. Those. he can only sell 3 large pearls. You will have to wait 4 days (just spend the night in a tavern) for the product to be updated. Having bought 5 pearls, go to Olya and exchange them through the dialogue menu for a set of master keys. Ole needs to wait in the store. If Ole is not there, then go to the tavern and order a bottle of wine. Wait for the main character to get drunk and pass the time, then return to the store. Ole will definitely be there. If you give Olya 5 more pearls, he will give you an unusual key. Go to Tartarus, where you saved Chimiset. Go inside and go down to the cameras. There is a small door to the left of Chimiseta's cell. Approach it and it will open. Go inside and you will see a skeleton chained to the wall, as well as a chest. There are a lot of interesting things in the chest, including another old key.

So, you have the master keys. Walk through the ships of the Rivados and the Admiral and find the required number of platinum pieces in the chests. You need at least 11 of them! Also, a number of these pieces can be found in the fissure of Fernando's ship, where Nathan Hawk sits. To do this, you need to sail around the ship from the other side. Here you will find 3 platinum pieces. Keep looking... Didn't find it? Go to the rivados ship called Velasco. It can be reached through a ship with a tavern. Stand on the upper deck. There are two doors here. One of them is to the left of the board that brought you here. Enter exactly there. The chest immediately catches your eye. But in this chest, apart from useful loot, there is no platinum. Do you already want to leave the cabin? Do not hurry! Go around the wooden square boxes on the left and you will find a second chest. This is where five platinum pieces are hidden. Finally, the last three platinum pieces can be found on the Shark's ship. Go there, enter the door and on the tier where the Shark sits, right in the opposite part of it in the corner, find a chest. This is where the last three platinum pieces are hidden. Follow Henrik and give him all the ingots. You need to return in 5 days.

Do so. Return after 5 days (spend the night in a tavern) to Henrik, first, if necessary, having found out New Password narwhals at Fazio's. Talk to Henrik, he didn't have enough platinum for the plates and needs 4 more pieces. Go to the Tartarus ship, where you rescued Chimiset. There is a small door next to the cage where Chimiset was. Approach it and it will open. Go inside and you will see a skeleton hanging on the wall, and next to it is a chest. Open the chest with Ole's key, and first take out five (or four) pieces of platinum. Then you can pick up 1000 doubloons and other valuables. Go back to Henrik and give him four pieces of platinum. The mechanic will ask you to return the day after tomorrow, at 10 am. Do just that, spending the night for two days in a tavern. Talk to the mechanic, he will give you instructions. Firstly, the air supply is enough for 400 seconds. Secondly, it is not possible to do more than one dive per day. Thirdly, after the dive you will need to return the suit to the mechanic to refuel it with oxygen.

Corsairs To each his own Maps
All geographical maps of islands or areas of mainland land that your hero gets go into your inventory and, if they have not been encountered before, are placed in the Cartographic Atlas (key (M) by default). You can also view any cash cards in the tab (F2). Items (for convenience, use the “Cards” sorting filter) by selecting the one you need in the list and clicking the “Take” button. Cards can be bought, received as a gift, found in a treasure or in the belongings of the captain of an enemy ship killed by the hero, or simply stolen from someone else's chest. In addition to certain geographical maps You will definitely meet community cards Archipelago of varying quality, as well as a variety of excellent original works. Only you can decide what to do with them, but believe me: there are no coincidences in this world. A player who has collected all the maps of individual islands and regions will immediately feel how much any navigator needs them! Sooner or later you will come across a fragment or, if you're lucky, a whole map of a real treasure! Treasure maps can consist of two fragments: the map will automatically form a whole map if you press the “Take” button on any part of the map. You shouldn’t count too much on treasures: the map may turn out to be a fake, or the contents will turn out to be junk that no one needs. A treasure map can be purchased in a tavern if there is a seller there (usually a very suspicious and not always pleasant person). Be careful: treasure digging is often accompanied by the appearance of not always welcome witnesses or competitors. The maps are high-quality, large, if you have a low Internet speed, wait until the map is loaded until the end. To save the map, click LMB on the map, after it loads and enlarges, click on the rectangle with an arrow or on the square in the lower right corner to “enlarge to full size”. After this, RMB indicate where you want to save, “ok”.

West Indies Map

Simple map

Card of Two Appearances

New map Caracas

Great map of Belize

Map of the Island of Justice

Trade card

Trade map with points marked

Trade map with island mark

Anitigua Map

Barbados Map

Blueveld Map

Guadeloupe Map

Isla Tesoro Map

Cayman Map

Caracas Map

Cuba map

Cumana Map

Curacao Map

Martinique Map
