Corsairs a place in the sun passing. Walkthrough Pirates Odyssey: To Each His Own. Dutch West India Company

Now you must sail to the island of Antigua to find an informant on it. It is he who can suggest the right person through whom you can convey the message to Fleetwood. Head there and anchor in Falmouth Cove. Then move to the city. Be careful, because the ship "Mirage" has robbed the British more than once. Try not to be exposed. Once at the fork, go left and go through the city gates. Then move on until you find yourself near the stairs. Stop and find a nearby pharmacy. There you will meet a man who will provide information about one of Fleetwood's buddies. You can continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and return to the ship.

Open the map and go to Dominica. After Longway does not come to your aid, wait until the Valkyrie ship, under the leadership of Fleetwood, looms on the horizon. Do your best to capture this ship and chat with the captain. Only after you talk to him, his lives will be restored again and you will have to get rid of him again. If you don't want to fool your head, then just let the ship sink.

Then return to the island of Curacao and tell Rhodesburg about the deed. This will add 150,000 gold to your balance. You will also learn that the ship on which you performed the assigned tasks has now become yours. And the former was flooded near the pier. Then head to the governor to receive one of the state awards in the amount of 1,000 gold.

Fourth task. Jew's money

After you rest for a week, return to Rodenburg and get another task in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own. He will tell you that he is in love with a girl named Abigail. However, she refuses to marry him, without giving a reason. You have to figure out what's what. Head towards the residence and turn left.

Once near the gate, go into the house on the right. Go inside and go up to the second floor, where you will find the girl. It turns out that she does not want to marry Roddensburg so that she is not condemned that she did it for the sake of profit. In order to avoid such rumors, you need to find a chest on one of the islands that her father hid. Waste no time and go down to chat with the old man. However, he will not remember the location of the island.

Leave the building and move along the street until a stranger approaches you. After talking with him, you will learn that his name is Joaquim Merriman. He will ask to go after him, agree. After you find yourself in the room, talk to him. It turns out that he is interested in the skull, which is hidden in the same chest as Solomon's savings. If you bring him this skull, you will be rewarded with half a million pesos. Continue passing the game Corsairs: To each his own and agree to complete this task.

Open the diary and read that the coordinates of the desired island can be found in the records of the baths of Berg and Fleetwood. Now you will need a compass, hourglass, astrolabe and chronometer. Bring up the alchemy menu and pair the chronometer with the hourglass to create a functioning chronometer. Then hurry aboard your ship and go to the cabin. Then apply the function with which you can find the island only by coordinates.

Once you are informed, start your journey. This piece of land is located between the island of Curacao and Martinique. After you reach your goal, disembark and go to the fork. Move to the left of it, and then go into the grotto. There you need to find the desired chest. After you take the contents out of it: skull, gold, money. You can return to Solomon and give him what you found. It's up to you whether to return the skull to him or receive half a million pesos. Then go up to Abigail and tell her everything. It turns out that she now agrees to marry Lucas.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you should go to Lucas and report it. He will reward you with an amulet and 50,000 pesos. However, he doesn't have a job for you yet, so take a break and do something else.

Fifth task

After a while you return to the island of Curacao, a stranger will suddenly run up and say that Rodensburg wants to see you. Talk to him and find out that you need to kill the traitor Murdoch before he does it. Open the map and start your swim in Antigau. Drop anchor at the port and head towards the church. Stop and see two buildings opposite her, go to them and find a hatch between. Open it and start descending into the dungeon. No matter how hard you try not to get stuck, you will end up there anyway.

Look around and find a passage in the wall. Go there and examine it to see the entrance to the warehouse with barrels. After you enter it, finish off Murdoch and his accomplice. Then in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you will need to select the third bottom line in the dialogue with Longway to hire him. Now you can search Murdoch's body and find the keys to the pharmacy. You can move further along the warehouse and climb the stairs.

Once in the pharmacy, go to the chest and open it to collect 25,000 pesos and an archive belonging to John Murdoch, who once worked for GVIK. Now you need to try to find the encryption, which is in the subway. Only then can you return to the city. Using the hatch for this, you can go to your ship and climb aboard. Start your journey to the shores of Curacao to complete the quests of the series " Dutch gambit". Go to Rodenburg and report back to him on the progress.

Dutch gambit. Secret organization

In order to start the passage of this series of quests in the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should meet the following indicators:
- The skill of using weapons is not lower than level 30;
- Character experience - at least level 15;
- Reputation must also be at the level of "Unknown Pirate".

If you have all this, then you can go to Barbados and chat with the owner of one of the taverns, whose name is Gaston the Bald. It is from him that you will receive the first commission.

Spanish Hidalgo

Now you have to eliminate one Spanish nobleman who calls himself Fernando Rodriguez. It can be found on one of the islands ruled by Spain. Since the appearance of this character is randomly generated, just stop in different cities and visit taverns at night to find him. If you find yourself in the right place and at the right time, the tavern owner will tell you that he is walking somewhere in the city or spending the night on his brigantine. Then find the ship, board it and finish off Rodriguez. Just do not try to let the ship go to the bottom, because after you kill the enemy, you need to pick up his belongings and deliver to Bridgetown to Gaston. If you do not do this, then the task will not be considered completed.

Ship log

After in the passage of the game Corsairs: Each of his Gaston will give you new quest, prepare to steal the log from Richard Fleetwood. After 10 days, he will appear in the governor's office, at this time you need to be in his house, kill the guard and climb to the second floor. There you will find the desired magazine, and then exit. Be careful, as three opponents will now attack you. Having dealt with them, run out into the street and finish off the rest. After a while, you will pass out.

Preparing the trap

You will open your eyes already in the pharmacist's house. Try to keep a close eye on him and get out of his house at night. In order to do this, you need to use the dungeon. But when you come to your ship, it will be arrested. But don't be discouraged, because now Gaston will provide you with a courier lugger. However, if you do not want to complete the task on it, then return to the pharmacist. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: Each his own needs to communicate with him to find out that best friend Fleetwood, Charlie Knippel is now going to sail towards Curacao. And he will be on the brigantine. So you have a whole week to catch up with him.

Get to the outskirts of Curacao and try to board this brigantine. Then you can interrogate Knippel, and then move to the city and find Fleetwood's beloved. Convince her to sail with you to Antigua.

Then head to the tavern and find a pretty drunk man there. After he gives his consent to the delivery of the message to Fleetwood, he will tell you how much this service will cost you.

Fall of the Valkyrie

Open the map and move to Turks Island. After a short walk, you will meet Fleetwood and talk. Then you need to fight him. After winning, return to your ship and head to the island where Valkyrie is located. Try to board the ship, and then return to John. As soon as you report to him about the deed, he will offer an officer's rank. Of course, it's worth agreeing.

Dutch West India Company

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each of your own, you have to become the enemy of the GVIK and engage in a battle with Lucas Rodenburg. After you get a tip on the brigantine GVICA, which is now located between Antigua and St. Christopher, get down to business. Open the map and find the given vessel there by its purple color. After you take him on board and hand over the letter, return to Willemstad.

Once on the spot, you will see that the ship "Mainfeng" is now in the roadstead. Head to the tavern and find out more about this ship. Then you can head to Van Hato Bay. Now you can see a purple ship in it. Try to overtake him and board him. Then continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and move to the "Mainfeng". Go down to his hold and interrogate the Chinese. Just hurry up to conduct the interrogation as quickly as possible, because the Chinese man may die he is injured. He will ask you to drop him off in Guadeloupe. Agree to find out important information.

The end of Lucas Rodenburg

Head to St. Christopher and take a new boat to the Dutch Galleon. When you approach, send a boat to him to chat with Stevezant, and then go with him to the island of Curacao. Once there, you can arrest Lucas to get a decent reward. After returning the ship to GVIK, you can head to Antigua.

Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Stolen jewel
From the magazine: In the jungle I stumbled upon the corpse of either a pirate or a bandit. On the body, among other things, I was able to find magnificent earrings. It is worth asking around in the city who they might have belonged to. I think I can make good money for them.
From the magazine: It turns out that the earrings belonged to the governor's wife, Jacques Dil Du Parquet was very glad that the jewel was returned to his family, and gave me a map of the archipelago.
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Cannibals
From the magazine: At the port office, I learned that a man named Prosper Trubal needs help, and immediately. I will hasten to find him. As I was told, he should be at the well, not far from the city gates.
Not far from the gate to the jungle is the port control house. Go inside and talk to Paul Gerry. His friend was going to fight alone with the Indians in the jungle. He needs help. Exit the port office, go left and near the gate you will see Prosper Trubal - talk to him.
From the magazine: I don’t know how much I’ll be able to earn on this, and whether I’ll succeed at all, but I could not refuse a man whose daughter is in mortal danger. I go with Prosper Trubal into the jungle to eliminate the gang of Indians who are kidnapping the townspeople of Saint-Pierre. Exit through the gate, move along the forks like this - to the left, to the left, to the right (near the transition to the location with the cave, Prosper will stop you and inform you that you are already nearby). Go to the location, attack the Indians, trying to keep them away from Prosper, who accurate shots will kill them. Talk to Prosper, enter the cave and rush at the Indians. The passage to the compartment on the left is narrow, you can stand behind it and repulse the attack of the Indians one by one. After killing everyone, talk to Prosper - his daughter is alive!
From the magazine: Prosper and I have successfully destroyed, red-skinned villains who really turned out to be cannibals. We must take another prisoner out of the cave and go back to the city.
Find Dilbert Kursi in the far part of the cave and talk to him. Exit the cave, talk to Prosper again. Return to town and receive rewards from Prosper and Gilbert, 8,000 pesos and 30 doubloons.
From the magazine: Everything ended well. Selina and her father returned to the city, and I received a worthy reward for their help.
Give the money to the shipyard and the ship is yours.
From the magazine: Well, Michel's wish came true: I became a captain! Ha, would see me now Pula, proudly pacing the deck of this nutshell! I am the captain ... I just can't get used to it. Although, damn it, it's funny - well, who would have thought? OK. It's time for the newly-minted captain to take care of hiring a team. My brother said that the tavern owner could help me with this. Now I am almost a real captain - I have my own team! I'm just bursting with pride. Damn it my brother ... Now it's time to look for a navigator for my ship - I myself can hardly even go out to sea from the harbor, let alone get to Guadeloupe. I'll ask the bartender again - since I helped with the team, it means that I will certainly help with the navigator.
From the magazine: At the port, I managed to find out about a certain navigator named Folke Delluk, who was imprisoned for debts. I have no other option - I have to try to get this person out of the bars.
I'm going to the commandant. The commandant will advise you to contact the moneylender, if you have this amount, then you immediately pay off the debt, if you do not perform the task of the moneylender.
From the magazine: As payment for the debt of Folke Delluca, the usurer offered me a rather dangerous business: to go to the Bay of Le Maren in the evening, to recapture the Spanish captive from the pirates, intended to be handed over to the British, and deliver him to him. You should go to the rendezvous on foot through the jungle
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Scarce goods
One of the guards guarding the entrance to the French port asks Charles to bring him a bottle of European wine. The guard can be handed over to the head of the fort for 1000 pesos, the quest is then closed. Wine can be purchased from any hawker for 700 pesos. The next morning we find the quest giver and hand over the wine, we get 1000 pesos. The guard asks Charles to get more wine, no less than 10 bottles, and no more than 60. 1000 pesos are offered for each bottle, the wine must be brought within a week. We turn to the shopkeeper and talk about wine. He replies that he does not have large batches, but for a reward of 1000 pesos he advises to contact the owner of the store. The merchant is silent and does not speak of any guilt. We return to the shopkeeper again. Don't be rude to him! We ask politely how it happened. For another 2000 pesos we receive a letter, with which we again go to the merchant. Now he agrees to sell us wine. Important! To buy 60 bottles, you need to collect 30,000 pesos, so it's best to complete this quest before going to the shipyard and buying a lugger.
Passage of the Corsairs To each his own. Spanish engineer
Ask what needs to be done - to persuade the pirates to hand over the Spanish engineer, who is a friend of the moneylender. Pirates need to wait in Le Maren Bay from 21-00 to 24-00. Follow the following path through the jungle - left, right, right, straight along the only path. Go to the water, on the right there will be pirates with a Spanish engineer. Talk to them, kill two pirates, then fight the distrustful Spaniard. After defeating him, talk to him again.
From the magazine: The pirates really turned out to be intractable, and I had to deal with them. The Spaniard tried to get rid of me by removing the saber from the pirate's corpse and engaging in battle with me, but I quickly pacified him. Strange, but the Spaniard claims that he does not know the usurer ... However, this does not concern me. Now you need to take the prisoner to Saint-Pierre.
In the city, you should avoid meeting with the guards until I take the Spaniard to the house of the moneylender, otherwise trouble will not escape. You cannot go to the city until nightfall, because there will be guards at the gate. Follow the pirate town, go to the tavern and rent a room until nightfall. Or just wait until after midnight. Go to Saint Pierre, enter the city - the gate is not guarded. Nevertheless, officers are walking along the street - avoid meeting with them, get to the moneylender. Talk to him, get Folke's receipts. Go to the prison, show the commandant the receipt Volke. Your navigator will be brought to you. Talk to him, leave the prison, hoping to get on the deck of a new ship. At the city gates you will be greeted by a certain funny type - Walter Kutcher. He informed me that Cesare Craig, the owner of the Le François pirate tavern, wants to use the hold of my ship to transport a consignment of wine to Guadeloupe, and is willing to pay ten thousand pesos for this. It would be foolish in my position to scatter such proposals. After equipping the ship, I will immediately set off for Le François. Agreeing, go to the deck of the ship, press Enter and go to the cabin. Folke Delluk is on my team. I need to take him to my ship and hold a meeting in the cabin - perhaps Folke can tell me something sensible. Talk to Folke, disembark. It is necessary to purchase for my ship at least 100 pieces of cannonballs, knipples and bombs, 100 portions of buckshot and gunpowder for 200 rounds. Having done this, go up to the deck of the ship. Enter the cabin, talk to Folke, he will say that you need to buy 50 pieces of weapons. Go to the same store and buy a weapon. Talk to Folke again, buy 10 barrels of rum and 100 servings of food in the store. Follow the port of Le François, disembark, go to another location and enter the pirate village. Talk to the innkeeper, he will say that he did not send anyone to you. Apparently you have been lured into a trap. Go back to your ship and pirates will attack you. Shoot them by clicking LMB. On the keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 you can change the shells. Use the "TAB" key to aim the guns until you change the sight and shoot. To fight more quickly, press the R key, and then several times on the + key. Sooner or later the pirates will board - defeat them in battle. Having captured the ship, reload all the goods onto your own. The fight was not easy, but I managed to win it. I think what happened will serve as a good lesson for me. Well, now you can breathe easy and go, finally, to Guadeloupe.

It is believed that this game is one of the most difficult in the series. Even the level of "Young" requires a fair amount of skill and super-frequent saves from the player. Difficulties begin from the very first minutes. They are often purely financial in nature. And it all starts with the fact that the main character, Charles de Maure, comes to Martinique, to the town of Saint-Pierre, in order to find his brother. This can be done in two ways. The first way involves asking the governor for help. The ruler of the island will refuse to talk with de Maure and will instead give him into custody, where he will languish until the visit of the governors general of the French colonies in the Caribbean archipelago Philippe de Poissy. We draw your attention to the fact that after de Moore's arrest, all money and valuables will be confiscated, therefore, in order not to stay aground, everything must be well hidden. For example, in the oven in the Le François settlement.

The second option for passing the mission involves contacting the Abbot Benoit in the church, who will help de Maure find a companion who will take him to his brother. With a companion or after being arrested, it is necessary to walk alone to the underground base of the Order of Malta. It is here that the brother of our hero Michel will be located, who will tell about his troubles and ask him to return a million pesos to de Poinsy. To do this, he will first have to visit Guadeloupe and find there a man named Fry, who will loan our character with money. Lugger is already waiting for de Moore at the shipyard, so all that remains for him is to recruit a team and set sail.

Arriving at the harbor, de Maur learns that he needs to pay another 17,000 pesos to rent a boat. To earn this money, go through a few of the quests that come up. If you chose the first option for the passage of "Corsairs: To Each His Own", contact the Governor of the Maltese. He will help equip your character for the trip. Nida, we give a list of quests that will help raise money for the ship.

Quest "In short supply". The task is to bring a bottle of European wine to the guard in the port. Wine can be bought at any stall for 700 pesos. You can resell it to a guard for 1000 pesos. You can also hand over this careless guard to the head of the fort, after which the quest will automatically close.

Quest "The Stolen Jewel". The task is to sell the found jewelry. To do this, leave the city and turn left, find the corpse and search it. Find beautiful earrings and take them to the shopkeeper, governor, or loan shark. Each of them will offer their own price.

Quest "Warehouse worker". The task is to find the missing employee of the store owner. The search for Gralam Lavoie should be in Le François. After he refuses to return to the store, talk to the owner again and get a new task - to find and hire an employee to replace Lavoie. You should also look for him in Le François. As an assistant, a bartender can be hired, who promises to call candidates for a review and asks for 1000 pesos. Depending on what kind of employee you find, your reward can be 3,000, 4,000 or 5,000 pesos.

Quest "Rum for the bartender". You can get this quest from the innkeeper. He will ask you to smuggle him elite rum from Jamaica. Be sure to write down the password that the tavern owner will give you, as it does not appear in the quest log. To complete this task, you need to find the "Ghost" lugger in the Lamentin beach area, talk to a member of its crew, say the password and wait for the rum to be shipped to your launch.

Quest "Call Girl". The task is to bring a call girl Lutiss to a stranger who will meet you on the street. The reward for completing the mission is 6,000 pesos. To complete it, you need to go to a brothel and talk to its owner. She will ask you why you need Lutiss. Depending on what you answer, calling a girl will cost you 2500 - 3000 pesos.

Quest "Cannibals". It is fashionable to take this task from the head of the port department. To fulfill it, it is necessary to save the daughter of a certain Prosper Trubala from the Indians who kidnapped her. To complete this mission, you will need to follow Trubala to the cave and destroy all the Indians. The reward for the release of the girl will be 5,000 pesos, 15 doubloons. It is advisable not to sell doubloons, as they may be useful to you in the future game.

After collecting 17,000 pesos, head back to the shipyard to charter the ship. Once the rent is settled, start hiring a team. It is best to look for sailors in the tavern. Here, with the help of the tavern owner, you will find one decommissioned sailor, who offers to take on board himself and his comrades (40 people in total). In order to pay them an advance, you will need 8000 pesos (that is, 200 pesos for a person). After hiring a crew, you need to buy food and a minimum of medicines on the ship. Now you just have to find yourself a navigator. In the tavern this time you have nothing to look for, so go to look for the right person in the port. The most suitable option will be someone Folke Delluk, who is in a debt prison. It can be redeemed from there for your own money (only 10,450 pesos) or by agreeing with the moneylender to complete the "Spanish Engineer" quest. The main task in this mission is to free them from the captivity of the pirates of the Spanish engineer. To do this, you should go to the Bay of Le Maren in the evening, taking with you a pistol from the moneylender. It is best to return back a little after midnight, when there will be no soldiers at the gate. After one of these ways you solve the issue with the usurer, go to the debt prison and release the navigator. After that, another unpleasant, but easily resolvable incident with a pirate awaits you, and that's it - you can set sail and head for Guadeloupe.

The beginning of the passage of the game:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of the passage of the quest "Rum for the Bartender":

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of the passage of the quest "Cannibals":

(watch from the 3rd minute).
