Corsairs are the curse of the distant seas main storyline. Guide and walkthrough for "Corsairs: Curse of the Far Seas". Walkthrough for the Spaniards

Igor Savenkov

"Corsairs" is wonderful pirate game from Russian developers. In ideological terms, it is largely inspired by the legendary game “Pirates!” Sid Meier and can even be considered its 3D remake. In the role of young Captain Sharpe you will taste all the delights pirate adventures: make dashing raids, board ships, unravel treacherous intrigues, trying to move up the career ladder and find legendary treasures, simultaneously finding out the secret of its origin... Excellent graphics and a bunch of special effects create a stunning effect of presence. The game is spoiled only by the abundance of bugs, which, however, are already being fixed by the Akella team.

In the West, the game was published by Bethsoft under the name Sea Dogs.

Corsair unwillingly

So, you are the young English captain Nicholas Sharp, who escaped from Spanish captivity. You are heading to Highrock Island, the capital of the British colony, in order to obtain a corsair patent, allowing you to “legally” rob Spanish ships (in fact, not only Spanish ones) and thereby compensate for your losses, as well as the moral damage caused. However, you are not obliged to receive a corsair patent from the hands of the British and can take it from the French or even from your former offenders - the Spaniards. Finally, no one forbids you to join the pirate fraternity and become a “free pirate.” Depending on which path you choose, four completely different plots await you and, therefore, four different passages the same game. However, the goals of the game are approximately the same: if you take the corsair patent, then your goal is to become the governor of the entire archipelago (whether from the English, French or Spanish side), if you choose the path of a free pirate, then your goal is to proclaim some kind of “independent free pirate state" and become its head.


To complete the game, you must complete a chain of mandatory quests (different for each of the four sides: the British, the French, the Spaniards and the pirates). Main quests are usually given to you by island governors. There are also additional quests, which are not required for passing, but can significantly help you in this matter. (For example, get a wonderful spyglass, through which you can see absolutely everything, even the skills of the officers of enemy ships.) Anyone can give you these quests, so talk to everyone you meet. Never rush to end the conversation, even if it seems to you that everything is clear - the conversation can take an unexpected turn. In addition, you can get experience simply by listening to the ravings (or advice) of your interlocutors to the end. You can and should talk to some characters a second or third time: after performing any action, they can give you Additional information. (For example, this is a hint: if you return something to the alchemist from Highrock, then after the first quest he will give you a second one.)

All quests bring you much-needed experience and usually give you gold or something useful (a valuable officer joins your team, you get valuable item or an item for a further quest, etc.).

During the game, in principle, you can switch to either side. It is enough to sail to Shark Island (pirate island) and acquire a patent of any nation there or become a free pirate. It will cost you 5000 gold and -10 reputation. Of course, this will complicate and confuse the passage of the game. For normal passage there is no need to “change the owner”.

Grow, grow, my Captain!

You start as a rank 12 green captain (no lower), and as you progress through the game you can work your way up to rank 1 captain. Promotion to each rank gives you the opportunity to control a ship of a higher class: a captain of ranks 12 and 11 can control ships no higher than class 6, captains of ranks 10 and 9 can control ships no higher than class 5, etc. In addition, as you increase in rank, you are given 3 special points that can be used to develop certain skills.


Your captain has 9 skills, each of which can be upgraded to level 9.

Navigation – increases the speed and maneuverability of the ship.

Accuracy – gun firing accuracy; Each point increases accuracy by 10%.

Recharge – Reload time is reduced by 5% for each point.

Coordination – all guns do not fire at the same time; Each coordination point reduces the time between the first and last cannon firing by 5%.

Protection – this is your team’s ability to take cover during enemy fire; Each defense point reduces your team's losses by 5%.

Boarding – allows you to board enemy ships from a longer distance; Each point increases the “boarding distance” by 5%.

Fencing – the ability to effectively fight when capturing an enemy ship; roughly speaking, this is the strength of your blow.

Repair – the ability to repair the hull and sails right on the open sea; It is necessary to have a sufficient number of boards and canvas in the holds. At the maximum "repair" value, it is possible to repair a ship's hull that is even 90% damaged. The higher the repair skill, the faster the ship is repaired: for every two points, the repair time is reduced by 1 day; however, repairs cannot be completed in less than 4 days. If you have an understaffed team, the repair will be slower.

Commerce – the ability to buy goods cheaper and sell them more expensive; each point reduces the selling price by 5% and increases the buying price by 5%; however, this skill does not in any way affect the price of the ships you purchase.

Which skills to develop first depends on your playing style. However, we can give a series general advice. First of all, pay attention to fencing. Even if you don't intend to board ships, get this skill to at least 5 as soon as possible. During quests you will still have to take on forts, where this skill plays a critical role: thanks to a high fencing skill, you can cope with an enemy whose team is 2-4 times larger than yours. Pay special attention to 3 “shooting” indicators: accuracy, reloading and coordination - they significantly increase the firepower of your ship. Further, it would be useful to raise the navigation in order to initially have an advantage in speed and maneuverability. If you are going to trade in boarding, develop the skill of the same name, which will make it easier for you to approach enemy ships. Defense and repair are clearly secondary skills: fight well and you won't need to "patch holes." Well, if you run into a strong enemy, immediately after the battle head to the port and make up for your losses. And the commerce skill seems completely useless, since there are almost no problems with money (well, you will make an extra trade flight in order to compensate for its low level).


There is another way to increase your skills - hiring officers whose skills add to your skills. True, officers, as a rule, have to pay a very decent salary (often even exceeding the total salary of all sailors), but this does not matter, since money can always be easily earned from trade. Officers can usually be found in taverns or obtained through quests.

First Mate - your right hand; enhances navigation. But most importantly, if you have an assistant, you can take prize ships (captured during boarding) and take them to ports for sale (otherwise you have to sink them).

Gunner – perhaps the second most valuable officer. It raises 3 important skills at once: accuracy, reloading and coordination.

Boatswain – not the last person on the ship: usually improves navigation and fencing skills.

Ship's doctor - gives several defense points.

A carpenter - adds a few repair points.

Treasurer – increases commerce.

The most valuable officers are presented in Table 1. Let's keep silent about where and how they can be hired - otherwise it will be uninteresting to play. Let's just give a little hint: there are two first mates in the game, both of which can be found on the French islands (and the patch moves one of them to the pirate island).

Gaining experience

So, rank increases as you gain experience. For each completed quest you get experience points, but these points are clearly not enough to quickly move up the ranks and get the cool ship you want. Therefore, we have to engage in a typical “pirate trade”: robbery of ships. Points are awarded for each sunk or captured ship, and significantly more for a sunk ship (usually in the region of 2000-7000, while for capturing a ship you will not be given more than 2000). This takes into account your skill and dexterity: for a direct hit in the powder magazine (the so-called critical hit, which leads to the immediate death of the ship) you will be given twice as much experience. If, while sailing on a sloop, you manage to sink a frigate, you will receive significantly more experience than if you sank some pinkie. The largest expa is given for the destruction of the fort (at least 20,000), but this is not an easy task and can only be achieved on “cool” vessels of at least 3rd class. At the very beginning of the game, it is very difficult to get exp by direct pirate methods, since almost all opponents are clearly stronger than you. Therefore, this is my advice to you: do not get involved in a fight alone, it is better to join the battle in which ships allied to you are participating. Then you will be able to share their experience, making a very modest contribution to the defeat of the enemy.


Reputation is how people treat you: whether they consider you a man of his word, capable of helping out at any moment, or a flighty tramp who cares only about his own well-being. With a low reputation level, it will be difficult for you to negotiate anything with people, and some may even refuse to talk to you at all. If you do not pay your salary on time with a low reputation level, then there will immediately be a riot on the ship, and you will be strung up on the yardarm (this, of course, will be the end of the game). At high level reputations are willing to do business with you, and transactions (such as hiring officers, buying ships) are cheaper.

Accordingly, behave in such a way that people will think highly of you. Do not demand unnecessary or additional rewards and fulfill the requests of residents (such as bringing wine to a thirsty guard), do not abandon your allies in trouble. True, reputation can also be bought for money from the local priest on Dead Island (+1 to reputation for only 100 gold).


1 Improved Manowar 6000 850 140 11.50 30 20000 98 100000 90000 12 16 241 Manovar 6000 800 175 10.50 25 18000 98 100000 90000 12 16 241 Reinforced Warship 3800 540 140 10.00 25 15500 68 85000 80000 12 16 241 Warship 4000 540 140 11.20 30 14000 68 85000 80000 12 16 242 Heavy Warship 3000 500 150 8.50 25 13200 46 70000 65000 12 16 242 Military Ship 2750 425 120 9.50 30 12000 46 70000 65000 12 16 242 Fast Linear Ship 2200 300 90 10.50 35 9200 46 60000 55000 12 16 242 Linear Ship 2400 340 115 9.50 30 10000 46 60000 55000 12 16 243 Strengthened Frigate 2000 300 100 10.00 30 8800 34 45000 42000 12 16 243 Frigate 2100 300 100 10.80 35 8000 34 45000 42000 12 16 243 Sheathed Corvette 1500 250 70 11.50 35 7100 26 38000 35000 12 16 243 Corvette 1800 280 70 12.80 40 6500 26 38000 35000 12 16 243 Heavy Military Galleon 3100 450 100 6.00 15 7600 38 40000 37000 12 16 243 Military Galleon 3000 400 75 6.50 20 7000 38 40000 37000 12 16 244 Heavy Flute 2100 210 45 6.50 20 3600 24 15000 13500 12 164 Flutes 1900 180 30 7.0 20 3200 24 15000 13500 12 164 Fast Galleon 2100 250 50 9.50 25 3600 36 35000 31000 12 164 Sheathed Fast Galleon 2000 250 50 8.50 20 4000 36 35000 31000 12 164 Trading Caravel 2900 180 40 6.50 30 2500 28 20000 18500 12 164 Caravel 2600 190 50 7.00 35 2500 28 20000 18500 12 164 Light Caravel 2200 240 50 8.00 35 2300 28 20000 18500 12 164 Sheathed Brig 1200 160 45 10.00 35 2740 16 25000 23000 12 164 Brig 1500 160 45 11.00 45 2540 16 25000 23000 12 164 Reinforced Pinas 2100 200 35 8.00 25 3100 16 16000 14500 12 164 Pinas 2300 200 35 8.50 30 2900 16 16000 14500 12 165 Enhanced Galleon 2000 180 50 5.00 15 4800 16 15000 13500 12 165 Galleon 2400 160 50 6.0 20 4200 16 15000 13500 12 165 Torgovaya Shnyava 1400 170 50 10.00 40 1400 12 22000 20000 12 165 Shnyava 1100 150 50 11.50 45 1400 12 22000 20000 12 165 Quick Lugger 1200 100 25 7.00 25 1000 10 11500 10500 125 Lugger 1400 120 30 5.70 20 1200 10 11500 10500 126 Bystry Bark 1000 75 20 9.00 30 950 10 12000 10500 126 Bark 1200 90 20 8.00 30 1100 10 12000 10500 126 Light Sloop 500 35 10 11.00 45 800 12 8000 6500 126 Sloop 600 40 15 9.50 40 850 12 8000 6500 126 Heavy Barque 900 70 15 6.50 30 1000 8 8000 6500 126 Barka 800 70 15 7.20 35 900 8 8000 6500 126 Trade Pink 600 50 15 7.50 45 900 9 6000 4500 126 Pink 400 40 15 9.0 55 800 9 6000 4500 126 Improved Bilander 500 50 10 9.0 45 850 8 6500 5000 126 Bilander 500 45 15 8.0 40 800 8 6500 5000 127 Boat 30 6 1 5.0 50 50 0 0 0 07 Tartan 30 10 2 7.0 50 300 0 0 0 0
Class Type Load capacity (ts) Max. Team Min. Team Speed Maneuverability Hit points Total guns Purchase price Selling price Available caliber

Ships are divided into 7 classes: from the simplest unarmed boat (7th class) to the “floating fortress” - manovar (1st class). At the very beginning, only simple vessels of the 6th class are available to you, but as Nicholas’s rank increases, you will be able to acquire more and more respectable vessels. When choosing a ship, pay special attention to its speed and maneuverability: a nimble ship with skillful tactics is quite capable of sinking a slow-moving vessel, even if it has at least 2-3 times more firepower. Then look at the number and caliber of guns. Next - on maximum amount teams: here the more the better, although at first it may seem the opposite, because each sailor must be paid 50 gold monthly. However, after conducting at least one boarding battle, you will clearly feel the advantage of a large team. Carrying capacity on ships above the 6th class plays practically no role (there is usually always enough space in the holds).

The choice of ship depends on your preferred naval battle tactics. But if you rely on speed and maneuverability, then a typical chain of transition from ship to ship looks like this: Pink - Sloop - Shnyava - (possibly Brig) - Corvette - (possibly Fast Battleship) - Combat Ship. The longed-for goal of many players is to sail on Manowar, but to complete the entire game it is enough to limit yourself to the Corvette - the fastest and most maneuverable ship with decent firepower.

For more detailed information on all ships, see the table above.



There are four types of charges: cannonballs cause the most damage to the hull, pins - to sails, buckshot - to the crew; bombs cause damage to everything and are especially good at shelling forts, but bombs are also the most expensive. Bomb prices are about the same everywhere, but on the French islands they are slightly lower. Bombs are especially highly valued on El Caymano, so you can get rich very quickly by delivering them to this island. Please note that all projectiles have different ranges, and this range depends on the caliber. Complete data is presented in these tables.


There are 20 islands in the game, and almost all of them are inhabited. In general, there are no “useless” islands in the game: even if the island is uninhabited, it means that you can complete some quest on it in due time. Islands appear on the World Map as they become known to you (usually when talking to someone or receiving a quest). But you can discover islands on your own, simply by setting a course at random on the World Map. In this case, it is not at all necessary to “stumble” on the island: it is enough to sail next to it. (CHIT: the Resource\Images\Map\Russian subdirectory contains an open map in the form of a graphic file map_open.tga, which can be viewed in almost any graphic editor/viewer.)


Entire settlements and even cities are spread out on inhabited islands. All “life” in the game takes place in the cities: there you get all the information, take on quests, hire a crew, trade and equip your ship. On the largest islands there are 4 types of "useful buildings":

Tavern – only here you can replenish the thinned team of sailors (click F1, select “Staff” and click on the “Hire” button); most often it is in taverns that you can find officers to hire for your team and meet others useful people.

Shop - Here you can buy/sell goods and ammunition.

Shipyard – here you can sell your ship or a prize ship (but not allied ships) and buy yourself a new ship; You can also repair your ship (allied ships too) and replace the guns with more advanced ones.

Castle - it is the residence of the island's governor; usually it is the governor who gives you mandatory quests to complete - however, only if you have a patent from his nation; if you don’t have a patent, then at most you can only talk to the governor, but you won’t receive any quest.

You cannot enter a city protected by a fort if its population is hostile to you. The maximum that can be done is to bomb the fort and take bribes from the local population; however, you will not be able to talk to anyone, and you will not be able to enter anywhere either (except for the palace, where you will receive a bribe). After you leave the island, the fort will automatically be restored and the city will live as if nothing had happened. (So ​​you can, if you wish, repeat the looting.) The only exception is when the destruction of the fort was a quest task. Then the city comes under the flag of your nation with all the ensuing consequences.


Trading is the simplest, easiest and safest way to get rich. You buy goods on one island and sell them on another - it turns out to be a kind of “trading simulator”. The "trick" here is that each island has its own list

Trade Islands
Island Cocoa Sugar Wine Canvas Rum Tobacco Coffee Red tree Wheat Ebony Bombs
Orange - + + - - + -
Belfort + + - - - -
Omori - + - +
Highrock + - + + + - -
Tendales + + + - -
Dead Island + + + - -
El Caymano + - + -
Ballena + + - - - +
Avilia + + - - - + +
Sinistra - +

Note: "+" means export; "-" means import.

import/export goods. Imported goods are highly valued, while exported goods are sold at bargain prices. So load up export goods, take them to the island where they are imports, sell them, load up with new export goods, take them to the next island, etc. In this way you can enrich yourself ad infinitum, without doing anything else. Only there are two “buts” here: 1) do this at a time when you do not have “last minute quests”, that is, those that must be completed in certain time; 2) your peaceful activities may be interrupted by pirates; if you do not have the strength or desire to fight back, save before each sailing and reboot; if this unpleasant event occurs, most likely it will not happen after the reboot.

There is no point in buying/selling goods that are not marked as import/export - in this case, you will most likely end up with a loss or even a small gain. To make it easier for you to navigate, in Table 5 we provide a list of import/export goods for all islands (excluding a few islands where there are no export or import goods). If, for example, you play for the British, then from the very beginning of the game you have access to enough safe route: Tendales - Highrock - Dead Island. Load linen and coffee to Tendales, sell linen to Highrock, load more coffee there and drive all the coffee to Dead Island. You are guaranteed revenue of 7-9 thousand gold in 3 weeks! (a vessel with a displacement of about 1000 quintals is required).

But if you consider yourself a real pirate, do something proper: rob merchant ships! But don’t drown them, but board them. If you sink a ship, you will gain little in terms of money: you will only collect the pitiful crumbs floating at the site of the ship's sinking. But if you capture the ship, then all its cargo will become yours, and you can sell it as your own. In addition, in the captain's cabin you will find several thousand gold coins (usually 2-5 thousand). Well, and most importantly, you will get a captured ship, which you can take to the nearest port and sell. Only for this it is necessary to have a first mate who will temporarily take command of the captured ship; in addition, your crew should be enough, at least at a minimum, for both ships. If there is no first mate, and the captured ship is of a class higher than yours, then it makes sense to transfer to someone else’s ship, in order to then sell it and return your own. But, in principle, you can remain in command of a ship that you have not yet reached in rank. Only in this case you get a -1 penalty to each skill, multiplied by the difference in ship classes - so it's hardly worth doing this (For example, if you can only fly class 5 ships and switch to a class 3 corvette, you will get –2 to each skill.)

Thus, the capture of one merchant ship is approximately equal in monetary terms to one trade turnover. However, if captured, you also gain experience! The destruction of a fort and subsequent capture of the city is an even more profitable, but also the most difficult task. For this you get at least +15,000 gold and +20,000 experience!

Naval battles

Ship control

You can maneuver and shoot from both a “third-person” and “first-person” view (transitions - key Q). It is, of course, more convenient to maneuver, observing the whole picture from above, but shooting, as a rule, is better “from the first person” - because then you have the opportunity to aim yourself. There are two exceptions: 1) foggy weather, when you can’t see a damn thing, but your gunner, nevertheless, manages to shoot accurately; 2) you find yourself between two enemy ships; then, by pressing the “space”, you simultaneously shoot from both sides, then you can quickly leave. "In first person" you can also use the spyglass (key Ctrl). By pointing the pipe at the ship, you will receive its most important characteristics (the coolest pipe allows you to get complete information, right down to the skills of the officers).


Thanks to skillful tactics, you can take out an enemy with several times your firepower. The whole “trick” here is to shoot at the enemy yourself without receiving any response in return. A typical maneuver is to walk sideways to the bow of an enemy ship and fire with the entire side, since neither ship has guns on the bow. The second option is to go broadside to the stern, but here you risk running into a small slap in the face in the form of a shot from the stern guns (usually insignificant, since there can be no more than 6 guns at the stern, and then only on the coolest ships; and so on the stern usually only 2 guns are located). To carry out all these maneuvers you need to have the fastest and most maneuverable ship possible. But if you are sailing on a heavy, heavily armed vessel of the 1st or 2nd class, then all these maneuvers are usually of no use to you: lower the sails and just turn in place, tracking the enemy’s maneuvers. As soon as he gets close enough, hit him with the whole side: it’s rare that a ship will survive 2-3 such salvoes.

In general, from the very beginning, decide what you will do with the enemy: drown him or board him. If you drown it, throw cannonballs and bombs at it from a long distance until it sinks. If you board, then you don’t need to make holes in the ship’s hull - this will not affect its combat effectiveness in any way (and, besides, a riddled ship will be worth less if you then want to sell it). So immediately load the knipels and trim his sails. Once you have an overwhelming advantage in speed and maneuverability, you can calmly approach from the bow or stern and spray the crew with buckshot. Then you will have to approach the enemy ship side to side (almost parallel) - otherwise you will not be able to board it. As soon as your ship approaches the enemy at a sufficiently close distance (the higher the boarding skill, the greater the distance), an icon with the image of a boarding “cat” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen - then press F2 on keyboard.

It makes sense to board if you want to get some good stuff and/or you know that the enemy captain is very weak in fencing (this way you can defeat the enemy sailing on stronger ships).


The boarding battle is symbolically represented by hand-to-hand combat between two captains, but behind each of them stands his entire team in the literal sense: the number of hit points (that is, health) of each is equal to the size of his team. In addition, the strength of the captain’s blow depends both on his fencing skills and, again, on the number of gavriks behind him. Remember that the battle is tactical, so the winner is not the one who swings the saber faster. The fact is that every captain gets tired: the degree of his fatigue is displayed by a green indicator (right under the blue health indicator). And the more fatigue, the weaker the blow. Therefore, it is better to wait a little and hit with full force, rather than zealously hammering on the keys and rewarding the enemy with 5%-10% blows. While resting, watch your opponent, trying to guess the direction of his strike and set up the desired block. Just remember that even a successful block misses part of the blow, so you won’t be able to “sit out”. Don't forget about deceptive feints. Finally, a piece of advice: be sure to sign up before the first boarding battle, since you will almost certainly lose it - after all, you also need to get comfortable with the keyboard. Then this save will serve as a good simulator for you to hone your fencing skills.

Capture of the fort

This is the most difficult, but also the most profitable business. You will need a ship of at least 1-2 class (although you can manage to take out the fort on a Brig). Load it with at least 1000 bombs (preferably 3000). Move on to 16 gauge - it has the longest range. Upon entering the harbor, lure all the ships away from the fort and deal with them (so that the fort cannot support them with fire). Now you need to take the most advantageous position to shell the fort. Based on the indicator on the mini-map, approach so that the fort is on the very border of your firing zone. At the same time, you can arrange it so that only one of the fort’s cannons can hit you, and even then, for the most part, it won’t finish you off. Lower the sails completely. Switch to first person view. Aim as high as possible - right up to the position where the crosshair cursor begins to disappear. Shoot, shoot and shoot. When the message about the destruction of the first cannon appears, come A LITTLE closer and shoot the second cannon. And so on... When all the cannons are destroyed (a message about this will appear), swim closer (until the icon with the image of a soldier in a helmet appears in the upper right corner of the screen) and click on F2. After this, you will have to win a hand-to-hand duel with the governor of the island (as during a boarding). About 500 thugs will stand behind him.


If you are forced into a forced battle and you see that you have no chance of winning it, then it is quite possible to try to escape. Turn the ship to the wind, raise full sails and fly away! They will, of course, follow you. Shoot at the enemy from the stern guns. If you see that your pursuers are still overtaking you, try to pierce their sails with hinges and continue fleeing. (To speed up the process, you can click on R.) Once you are far enough away, you will gain access to the World Map and can sail anywhere.


As the game progresses, allies may join you. Allies are very desirable in the early stages of the game, when the power of your own ship is very weak. However, by the end of the game they become a clear liability, making little real contribution to your victory, but sharing your experience. In addition, you have to look after your allies so that they don’t accidentally get sunk, which could damage your reputation.

Allies can be given general orders:

Follow me - an ally will follow your ship, shooting at all enemies in its affected area. AI behaves “straightforward”: if you lower the sails and start shooting at someone, turning around on the spot, then soon an ally with lowered sails will be next to you, standing exactly in the line of fire.

Attack - the ally will fire at the ship until it is completely destroyed.

Capture – will not actually capture the ship, but will fire with grapeshot to kill the crew; This way you can accidentally sink a ship.

Retreat – it is better to give this order at the starting position, which is actually tantamount to the order “not to get involved in a fight”; in the future, this order is practically useless, since a visibly damaged ship, as a rule, is simply not allowed to leave.

Allied ships can be repaired at the shipyard as if they were your own, but they cannot be sold. You can load any goods onto an ally’s ship, but you can’t take them back from there.

If you capture a prize ship and transfer your first mate onto it, then such a ship will also be considered an allied ship. The only difference is that this ship is considered your property, so you can sell it or unload any goods from it.


Inhabitants of the archipelago

Desmond Ray Beltrop

Beltrop has been leading the pirate settlement of Gray Sales for many years. His past is shrouded in darkness, and his reputation discourages the curious from asking questions. A cold-blooded and calculating scoundrel, he gathered around himself a whole group of similar people who now support his power. Those who are not happy with this are usually expelled from Gray Sales.

Samuel Mortons

The governor of the main British colony in the Archipelago, a high-ranking English official, arrogant and greedy. He uses his position to extort bribes and pocket government money. However, you will have to deal with him if you decide to play as the English.

Jacqueline de Bijou

Daughter of the Governor of Belleflore, Monsieur François de Bijou. A beautiful and well-mannered girl who came with her father from France. Accustomed to high society there, in Paris, on the archipelago, Jacqueline is naturally bored. She would probably love to meet the young and handsome captain who had entered her father’s service.

Gavrila Dubinin

The only native of Russia in the game, a restless bosun-troubler who does not even recognize the concept of discipline. Over the many years he spent at sea, Gavrila sailed far from his homeland and at the same time gained experience. If you hire him as a boatswain, his experience will help you steer the ship, and his enormous physical strength and the ability to carry people along with you will help you in hand-to-hand combat.

"Golden" bugs

The game is replete with bugs. Some of them can be used as real cheats (and no codes or trainers are needed!).

How not to pay your team? Bug: if you are not anchored, then at the beginning of the month they simply will not demand your salary (the corresponding offer will not appear)! So anchor on the 29-30 and wait a couple of days.

How to avoid an unwanted meeting? Sometimes you are forced into battle, leaving no choice. Well, click on “Yes”, and as soon as the screen goes dark (going to the battle screen), immediately click on Pause(this is a button on the keyboard). Now press Enter. If you managed to stop the game in time, then the World Map will be available to you, from where you can taxi anywhere.

How to defeat the fort garrison in hand-to-hand combat? The problem is that initially each fort has at least 1000 soldiers, and after your shelling there are still 500 people left in it. This is a bit much, but you won’t be able to shell the fort as soon as all the guns in it are destroyed. However, if you save at this moment and load through this save, then all the guns will “come to life” as if nothing had happened, but the number of soldiers will not be restored! Here is a great opportunity for you to further thin out the enemy’s manpower.

NOTE: all these bugs “work” in the original version 1.0.

Walkthrough for the British (detailed)

First of all, do not forget to distribute the 3 skill points given to you at the very beginning (enter the desired window via F1).

Highrock. Near the gate, talk to guard Billy and promise him a bottle of wine. Wander the streets of the city and find Teodore (in a green jacket). He will tell you that in almost every city there are three useful places: 1) a tavern where you can hire a team, listen to gossip and get auxiliary quests; 2) a shipyard where you can repair a ship, buy new weapons or a completely new ship; 3) a store where you can replenish your ammunition, as well as purchase a variety of goods. Listen to him to the end, and for this you will receive +250 experience points. There is also an old gunner (with a wooden leg) wandering the streets. If you listen to the end of his reasoning about guns (a basic educational program), you will receive another +250 experience. Also talk on the street with the unrecognized genius - engineer Albrecht Zalpfer. He will talk about his brilliant invention, but you don’t try to find out everything to the end - otherwise he will suspect you as a spy and refuse to talk to you further. Instead, offer him a position as a carpenter on your ship - Albrecht will agree to this job for free, but will go ashore on the nearest English island.

There is nothing for you to do at the shipyard or in the store for now. Go to the tavern and talk to all the people sitting there. The old sailor and the old grunt will teach you some basics of sailing and fencing. After listening to both of them to the end, you will receive +250+250=500 experience points. From Roberto Gorrando you will learn about the existence of the island of El Caymano, and also that you can get an excellent spyglass from Andriano Montefi, who lives on it. Julius Ironcast will agree to serve as a gunner on your ship for 600 gold per month - hire him. Listen also to the gossip of the innkeeper himself.

Now - to the palace. The local governor, Samuel Mortons, will give you a corsair patent. Talk to the governor again, and he will give you the first task - to take a letter to the island of Tendales to the local governor, Sir John Canford Brisch.

Head to the gate, but before heading out to sea, don't forget to give poor Billy a bottle of wine. For this deed, your reputation will increase by +1, and you will receive an additional +250 experience points. You can now talk to the second guard - Frederick, who will ask you for rum. It's worth returning to the inn and buying a bottle for only 1 gold. But by giving the rum to Frederick, you will receive +250 experience points.

Tendales. Upon landing on the island, you will receive +100 experience, and Albrecht will leave your team. However, do not rush to part with him and talk. During a friendly conversation, Albrecht will give you his drawings. Go with him to the shipyard. There you will buy these drawings for 1500 gold (the drawings cannot be used anyway - they are a prototype of the future paddle steamer). Here you can already buy a more spacious boat, having previously sold your pink. Buy an improved billander - it is only slightly inferior to Pink in maneuverability, but can carry 100 quintals more cargo. This will be very useful, since there is a trade quest ahead of you.

In the tavern, you can, in principle, hire boatswain Andrew Shu (400 gold per month) and treasurer Adam Moulin (1000 gold per month). But you probably won’t have enough money for this. But even if there is enough, you shouldn’t do this just yet, otherwise your gold reserves will completely dry up, and you will have nothing with which to pay the team at the end of the month. However, you can talk to Adam Moulin in order to earn +50 experience (you need to ask Adam what he actually knows how to do).

Now - to the palace to the governor. By handing him a letter, you will receive +500 experience and +2 reputation. Take the next quest from the governor: take the wheat of a starving colony to Dead Island. Before sailing, visit the store and buy coffee (114 centners), which is highly valued on Dead Island, for the remaining space in the hold.

Dead Island. Former jeweler Eugene Huxter (in a green camisole) is wandering the streets - be sure to talk to him and let him carefully examine your medallion. Eugene will lift the mystery of the veil over the story of your father - you will learn a lot of useful things for further passage. Well, in addition, you will receive +500 experience points. (About this time, your rank will increase to 11, so do not forget to redistribute 3 new skill points.) Now - straight to the innkeeper's tavern. The innkeeper will want to thank you for delivering the wheat. It’s better to modestly refuse the reward, because the innkeeper will only be able to give you 250 centners of linen, which will still need to be sold, and, most importantly, your reputation will drop by 4 units, which is very noticeable (especially since you can’t buy reputation for any money!) . Also talk to gunner David Murray in the tavern and ask him about his service on the Savage - for this you will be given as much as +1000 experience points (hiring David instead of old Julius is not worth it yet). In the tavern you can also talk to the merchant who will offer you a quest: escort him first to Highrok, and then to Itkal (for 800+800=1600 gold). Do not take on this quest, because a more profitable and more relevant quest awaits you ahead. You will receive it in the store: merchant Nigel Forster will ask you to take 400 quintals of linen to Tendales, and from there bring a load of cocoa, for which he will give you 2000 gold. This is exactly what you need, especially since you need to return to Tendales in order to collect the promised fee for the delivery of wheat. (Don't forget to sell him all the coffee, for which you will receive approximately 1125 gold!)

Before setting sail, you can talk to the priest (standing at the end of the street behind the tavern), and for the modest price of 100 gold he will absolve you of your sins, which will increase your reputation by +1.

Tendales-2. Go to the store and hand over a load of linen, for which you will receive +1 to your reputation. You will be automatically loaded with 150 units of coffee. You still have some space left in the hold, so fill it with coffee, which is so scarce on Dead Island. Notify the governor about the completed task. He will want to reward you even more than he promised. Modestly refuse, otherwise you will lose a few reputation points: he will generously reward you with 2000 gold. In addition, you will receive +3 reputation and +1000 experience points. Ask the governor for the next task, and he will complain that trade caravans between his island and Highrock are often robbed by some pirate. You need to establish who this is and stop his activities. Go to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper. He will tell you that one merchant (Margus) miraculously escaped pirate captivity, but now he is in an unconscious state and it is unclear how to treat him - otherwise he could tell a lot about this pirate. Hire a boatswain at the tavern (now you have money for this) and sail to Dead Island.

Dead Island-2. For delivered cocoa you will receive 2000 gold, as well as +500 experience points and +2 to reputation. Sell ​​your entire load of coffee in the store, for which you will receive about 1000 gold. Buy all the linen and sugar there, they can be sold profitably at Highrock. A companion to Highrock will be found in the same tavern - merchant Jacob Ashton will ask you to accompany him there for 800 gold (plus another 800 for a further trip to Itkal). Before sailing, you can also visit the priest to get +1 to your reputation for 100 gold.

Highrock-2. First of all, go to the store and sell all the linen and sugar. Also talk to the seller, and he will tell you that the miracle doctor alchemist Alumnus has returned to the city, who can put anyone back on their feet. Alumnus is very easy to recognize: he wears a red beard. Go outside and look for the alchemist. After politely listening to his learned nonsense, you will receive the necessary drug. In the tavern you will find your travel companion Jacob, who will give you the promised reward (800 gold) and ask you to accompany him further to the island of Itkal. You can refuse, but then you will lose 3 reputation points. It’s better to sail to the island, especially since there’s plenty there, than to overstock.

Itkal. Upon entering the island, you will receive +1000 experience points. Contact Jacob and he will pay you the promised 800 gold. Your reputation will increase by +3. Go to the store and buy plenty of linen and sugar to sell at Highrock.

Highrock-3. Sell ​​all the sugar and linen in the store. Go to the governor and take the quest from him: escort the ship to Tendales.

Tendales-3. Upon leaving the ship, you will receive +500 experience and +2 reputation. Go to the innkeeper and give him the medicine for poor Marcus. There, in the tavern, you will find the captain of the ship that you accompanied - this is Lemuel Hamm. The captain will give you the promised 2000 gold and tell you that he was carrying a strange “valuable cargo” on his ship - 50 thugs. Go to the governor and tell him about this strange event. For this you will receive +250 experience. The governor, in turn, will inform you that the royal auditor will soon arrive in the colony. Fill the hold with coffee and sail to Dead Island. A pirate ship will be waiting for you in the harbor, but the fort's cannons will quickly deal with it. (This is in best case scenario; and in the worst case, you will have to fight a pirate ship one on one on the high seas). You will find a note from the seasoned pirate Beltrop, and also receive +500 experience points and +3 to your reputation. After this, your experience should be enough to reach rank 10.

Dead Island. Sell ​​all the coffee and return to Tendales. (Actually, the purpose of this voyage is to wait until Marcus “recovers.”)

Tendales-4. In the tavern you will find a recovered Marcus. He will say that the evil pirate's name is Ropleik, and that he often replenishes provisions on the Spanish island of El Caymano. The pirate sails on a corvette - this is a very strong 3rd class ship; so you need to buy the best vessel now. The maximum you can purchase as a rank 10 captain is a 5th class shnyava. Buy it. If you don't have enough money, make several trade flights along the route Tendales - Highrock - Dead Island. Load coffee, linen and sugar at Tendales. At Highrock, sell linen and sugar and buy more coffee. Then sell all the coffee on Dead Island. For one such flight you can earn 7-9 thousand gold. (And in general, make several trips “in reserve”, so that later there will be no problems with paying wages.) When you are ready to sail to El Caymano, purchase as much as possible bombs, which are highly valued on El Caymano.

El Caymano. This is a Spanish island, and you have, to put it mildly, strained relations with Spain. Therefore, do not be surprised that Spanish ships will begin to fire at you in the harbor. Ignore this and quickly disembark into the city (this can be done since there is no fort on El Caymano). Going into the store, sell about half of your load of bombs - “a good addition to your pension.” At the inn, talk to the pirate (Filipe Vilen), who is hungry for adventure. Give him 150 gold to repair the ship, and he will join you as an ally. On the street you can talk to two characters in order to receive two more additional quests. Andriano Montefi will agree to make a super-duper telescope for you if you supply him with top-class optical glass. You can get a piece of glass from Lorenzo Avido from the island of Granda Avilia (only this island is Spanish, and it is guarded by a fort, so the way there is still “forbidden” for you). "Honest Pirate" Ronald the Lawyer will ask you to deliver the black mark to Frederick Mole on Gray Sales Island. For this he will promise 2000 gold.

Battle with Ropflake. Ropflake will be waiting for you in the harbor of El Caymano. Immediately “set” your ally on him - this is such a distracting maneuver. Don’t worry about the future fate of your partner - he may even die, this will not affect you in any way. As already mentioned, Ropflake floats on a corvette, so it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to sink it with two weak ships (5th and 6th class). But he is easy to defeat in hand-to-hand combat, since Ropflake has a fencing stat of zero. So the tactics are simple: approach the corvette and board it, after first trying to hit it with buckshot. (Ropflake can even go on board himself, buying into the numerical superiority of his team.) After the victory, you can even transfer to a corvette in order to sell it later (and it costs about 38,000) and return your shnava. Just remember to reload all the goods from your ship. Now - to Governor Brin, in order to report to him about his brilliant victory.

Tendales-5. Enter the palace and report your victory. The governor will give you 5000 gold. Go to the shipyard, sell the corvette and buy shnyava (don't forget to replace the guns with 16 gauge). It's time to visit Governor Mortons. Sail to Highrock.

Highrock-4. Mortons will order you to inspect the waters of Itkal Island, near which Spanish ships were spotted. Well, an order is an order. Let's sail there.

Itkal-2. In Itkal harbor you will find one Spanish ship of class 5-6, which you can sink without difficulty. Having landed on the island, you are sad to learn that the city was plundered by the Spaniards 2 days ago (and this will always be the case, no matter how hard you try to sail to Itkal as early as possible). The store owner will tell you about this, and you will receive 1000 experience. There is nothing to do, we return to Highrock.

Highrock-5. You can lie to Mortons, depicting the victory of the English fleet, but the truth will be revealed the next time you visit the palace, and then you will lose your English patent (and then you will have to play for another nation or through incredible efforts to earn the favor of the British). We'll have to tell the truth. Mortons will accuse you of being slow and incompetent. If you object to him, he will again take away your patent. So you have to take all the blame on yourself. Mortons will show you out the door, saying that he will give you a new task next time. But it doesn’t matter - the main thing is that the English patent remains with us, and you got +1000 experience for the correct answer. Once out on the streets of Highrock, look into all the nooks and crannies and find the Stranger (obviously of a pirate appearance). He will tell you that he came from Olaf Ohlsson to tell you that he is waiting for you on the pirate island of Shark Island. There is nothing to do - you will have to visit the pirates.

Shark Island. First of all, check out the tavern. There you will find the leader of the pirate brotherhood, Olaf Ohlsson. After telling him about the attack by Edwin Cuttlefish and about the strange note found, you will receive advice to talk to former first Beltrop's assistant, whose name is Peter Ordo. However, Olaf has no idea where Peter can be found. Okay, let's find out for ourselves. But don't rush to leave Olaf behind. Talk to him again and ask about your father. Olaf will answer that he really served with him, but about recent years Malcolm Sharpe's life knows nothing. However, he will report that two members of his team are now alive: One-legged Berquist from the island of Gray Sales and the former cook Mavrico Camentata, who runs a tavern on the Spanish island of Costa Sinistra.

In the same tavern you can talk to the “evil and terrible” pirate Jace Callow. He will talk about his misfortune: he coveted a golden idol, took it from an Indian and cut off the unfortunate aborigine’s head. However, before his death, the Indian managed to “attach” evil spirits to the idol, so that from now on the owner of the idol will be haunted by nothing but failures, which is what constantly happens to James. At the same time, the idol cannot be sold or simply thrown away. You can only give it to someone. You and James come up with a great plan: how about giving the idol to Beltrop? For this, James promises to join you. After leaving the tavern, thoroughly comb the surrounding area. It's highly likely that you'll bump into Pablo Loco here (if not, then look for him in Gray Sales or further afield in El Caymano - but hold off on El Caymano for now). After talking to him, tell him that you are looking for a rare herb for the alchemist. Pablo will agree to help you, but will only complain that he needs a boat. Moreover, “store-bought” is not suitable - Pablo needs a special tree, from which he himself will make a “clean” (from evil spirits) boat. This tree grows only on Dead Island. Let's take note of this for ourselves, but for now we'll head to Gray Sales.

Gray Sales. You will meet the one-legged Berkvist right on the street (it’s not difficult to recognize him, isn’t it? Hint: he’s leggy). Berquist will report that shortly before his disappearance, Malcolm Sharpe committed a very daring and very large robbery of the Spanish colony. Nobody knows where he went afterwards (at least Berquist doesn’t know). By going to the store and talking with its owner, you will learn that Ordo has sailed to one of the English governors and that his ship is called “Destiny”. Go to the tavern. There you can hire someone for yourself. Gunner Dreyfus Fuse will ask for 2000 gold per month for his services - and he is worth it, since he gives +3 to accuracy, +3 to reloading and +3 to coordination. Carpenter Jacques Dullars will agree to join for only 200 gold (gives +2 to repairs). We recommend taking both. You can also choose an ally - William Ratchet controls the caravel, and this will be a big help for you in the coming battles. There you will meet Frederick Krot. Give him the black mark. Now direct your steps to the “palace” of Beltrop. When talking to him, be attentive and careful in your answers. You won't succeed the first time - there will only be a verbal skirmish. From the second visit you will be able to talk about the idol. When offering it as a gift, motivate your action by realizing who is the real owner of the island. Be sure to ask for a reward in return, otherwise Beltrop will suspect a trap. Beltrop will offer you to take a fast galleon captured from the Spanish merchants - a rather strong vessel, we advise you to take it, because it is unlikely that you have a better ship now. But you can refuse - Beltrop will not be offended. In addition, you will receive +2000 experience from the skinned idol.

Shark Island 2. Go to the tavern and tell James Callow that your idea was a success: the idol was safely fused to Beltrop. However, James will say that he cheated you and will refuse to join. However, he will give 2500 gold as “compensation” - well, that will do. Before looking for Ordo, let's complete a couple of additional quests in order to gain experience and transfer to a more respectable vessel.

El Caymano. Find Ronald the Lawman (he's roaming the streets). Tell him that his order has been completed: the Mole is waiting for him near the uninhabited island of Chaktcha. Ronald will give the promised reward of 2000 gold. Offer your help to Ronald, remembering that the Mole will not be alone. For this you will receive +5 to your reputation and an excellent opportunity to fight. So sail to Chaktcha Island.

Battle with the Mole. Your forces will be approximately equal: both on your side and on the pirates’ side there will be 3 ships of approximately equal classes. Mole himself sails on a 4th class vessel. There are two options here: quickly destroy the Mole and run away. But it’s better to destroy the entire pirate fleet: you’re not a cowardly rat, and it won’t hurt to gain experience. You know how to fight. We will give only one piece of advice: do not spare Ronald’s ship; even if he survives, Ronald will still leave you after the battle.

Now it's time to remember Pablo Loco's task.

Dead Island-3. By going to the store, you will purchase the desired tree for 1,500 gold; it would then need to be delivered to Pablo Loco. But let's hold off on that. Almost certainly by this time your gold reserves will have noticeably dried up, and you will need to repair both your ship and the ship of your ally. So play a little “trading simulator” on the route Dead Island - Highrock - Tendales.

Let's return to the main storyline. Now we need to look for Peter Ordo from one of the two English governors. Let’s say right away that Mortons won’t help us in any way, so let’s visit Brin.

Tendales-6. Governor Breen will say that Peter Ordo was indeed on the island, but then went to Tel Kerrat, “until the mess is over,” as he put it. We will follow there too.

Tel Kerrat. The island belongs to the French, but it is not protected by a fort, so you can safely enter the city. There are few people hanging around on the streets of the city, and Peter is not among them. There is only one “useful place” in the city – a store, so let’s head there. The store owner will say that Ordo is indeed visiting the island, and will give his signs: Peter wears a yellow scarf on his head. Now, when you go outside, you will meet Ordo. Peter will tell you that Beltrop is going to attack Tendales, and someone from high English officials is helping him in this. Peter intends to sit out the troubles on Tel Kerrat, but he is worried about the fate of his beloved girl, Alicia Gardener, who remains on Gray Sales. You promise to help Alicia escape from the island, and in return, Peter promises to join you. Not a bad deal. On the street you can also talk to Galien Brassier and buy a magnificent dagger from him for only 300 gold (maybe it will do).

Gray Sales-2. You can easily find Alicia Gardener on the streets of the pirate village. She will immediately trust you and agree to run away with you - no problem there. Problems will begin when escaping from the island: a pirate frigate (a 3rd class vessel) is waiting for you in the harbor, whose captain has been ordered to destroy you. With the support of Frederick's caravel, it would not be that difficult to sink this frigate. However, you can run away from him - but then he will pursue you every time you show up in Gray Sales Harbor. Sail to Shark Island to complete the quest given by Pablo Loco.

Shark Island-3. With Pablo you can easily exchange the “sacred tree” for the herb you need and in addition you will receive +500 experience. To finish all this nonsense with the quest, we sail to Highrock.

Highrock-6. Give the herb to Alumnus (+1000 experience, +2 reputation). As a sign of gratitude, he will order one of his students to join your team as a surgeon. His name is Dick Oakenwood, and he's waiting for you at the tavern. Well, not a bad ending to the quest, considering that Dick does not require a salary at all, giving +2 to defense. We return to the main storyline - we need to deliver the girl to Tel Kerrat.

Tel Kerrat-2. Peter Ordo will honestly fulfill the terms of the agreement and join you with his ship (he has a brig, which is pretty cool). You will also learn that Alicia stole a box of documents from Beltrop’s cabin, among which there was one very interesting letter. In it, someone informs Beltrop that everything is ready for the assault on Gendales. The gathering place of the pirate fleet is the island of Chaktcha. Instead of a signature there is an English official seal. So it was the sneak Mortons who wrote this letter (Stirlitz guessed :))! Fearing for his home, he decided to get rid of the young and honest Governor Brin. It was for this purpose that two dilapidated frigates were discharged from England, which would be completely helpless against Beltrop’s squadron; on the island itself, the rebellion should be supported by those same fifty thugs from the Bristol. So, it is necessary to warn Brin.

Tendales-7. But warning about danger is only half the battle. According to Brin, he does not have enough authority to arrest Mortons, but, fortunately, just now the royal auditor, Admiral Alexander Gritstone, arrived on the archipelago. Brin writes a message to the auditor, which must be delivered to Highrock, where he is now located.

Highrock-7. You will find Alexander Gritstone in the governor's residence. Fortunately, Mortons is not in the palace, so you can easily deliver the letter straight into Gritstone’s hands. At first, the auditor will not believe such serious accusations, but the found letter from Mortons to Beltrop will serve as irrefutable evidence. Gritstone will order the arrest of Mortons, and he will order you to defeat the pirate fleet near the island of Chaktcha. The battle ahead is not exactly difficult, but not a joke either, so thoroughly “patch all the holes.” Don't forget to repair allied ships too. It’s possible that your experience is already enough to switch to a corvette - then everything is great (you know where to get the money).

Battle with Beltrop's fleet. On the pirates' side there will be four ships: a corvette (3rd class), two 4th class ships (a brig and a caravel) and a small thing - a 6th class vessel. Try to “split” the fleet and deal with the ships one by one. In addition to the usual “fee” for destroying ships, you will receive an additional +8000 experience and +3 reputation for destroying the entire armada. Return to Gritstone to report a brilliant victory.

Highrock-8. Gritstone will give you 4,000 gold for victory and “reward” you with another assignment: to launch a preemptive strike and capture the Spanish island of Costa Sinistra before a new large shipyard is built there.

Costa Sinistra. Taking a fort is not an easy task. Re-read the “Taking the Fort” section in advance and do not forget to load as many cores as possible before sailing. (When shelling the fort, it is better to order your allies not to interfere in this matter, otherwise they will quickly be drowned.) Upon entering the city, you will see heaps of corpses everywhere and will not be able to go anywhere. Fortunately, you will meet one surviving townsman. When talking to him, do not demand a bribe (10,000 gold), but declare the island an English colony (otherwise the island will remain Spanish, and your task will not be completed). For this you will receive +5000 experience and +5 reputation.

Highrock-9. Gritstone will reward you with 5,000 gold coins and give you another task: find out where the French are going to install huge new cannons brought from Marseilles and capture them. Entering the tavern, you will learn from its owner that poor Alumnus fell victim to his own experiments: in search of the elixir of immortality, he mixed some Indian herbs with refined gold; It was from this “elixir” that he died.

Have you forgotten that a former cook from your father’s ship lives on Costa Sinistra? So let's sail there, and on the way we'll look at Dead Island.

Dead Island-4. In the tavern you will come across a sailor named Lawrence Norton. He will tell you that near Omori Island he met three French ships, from which he only managed to escape by miracle. But a couple of salvos still covered the ship, and one cannonball even got stuck between the bulkheads. Norton has never seen such a core: it is monstrous in size and weighs about 48 pounds. Hehe, it looks like we're on the right track: the French are going to install their new super-duper cannons on Omori Island!

Costa Sinistra-2. The tavern owner is a former cook from your father's ship. However, he will refuse to deal with you if you are not sailing under a pirate flag. So those who want to change the storyline and find the countless treasures of Malcolm Sharpe, let them sail to Rockshore and join the pirate brotherhood. The rest will have to “break off” on this.

Omori. A standard battle with a standard fort and a standard fleet in the harbor (this is already a common thing for us, isn’t it?). After the massacre, you need to talk to the “respected townsman” and inform him that Omori now belongs to England (don’t set your sights on gold - then you’ll have to take the fort again, which will immediately regain French citizenship as soon as you sail from the coast). For this you will receive +5000 experience and +5 reputation. We return to Highrock to announce our brilliant victory.

Highrock-10. The final touch is the last task. Now Gritstone will instruct you to capture the main base of the Spanish fleet - the island of Isla Ballena. Upon your return, you will be awarded the title of nobility and appointed Viceroy of the English Colonies. What else is needed to meet a carefree old age? But no one is forcing you to do this. If you are not yet tired of adventures, you don’t have to return to Highrock, but change your citizenship and go through the next chain of quests.

We will not give such a detailed walkthrough for the other parties. We will limit ourselves to just a brief guide.


Walkthrough for the French

Main line

The first step is to obtain a French patent. So sail to Belfort to the governor of the French colonies - Monsieur Francois de Bijou. From him you will receive the first task: to meet on the island of Gray Sales with the French agent Auguste Bromont. (Auguste wanders the streets of the pirate town, so it is very easy to find him.) Auguste will give you a report for the governor, so return to Belfort.

From the report, de Bijou learns that his old friend, the merchant Thierry la Mole, has fallen into the clutches of pirates who are demanding a huge ransom for his head. The governor does not have that kind of money, and therefore you receive a new task: to sail to Isle de Orange to the head of the merchant guild, Orellan Dupre, in order to borrow the required amount from him. The merchant will give you money against a promissory note, which must be taken back to the governor.

Now the governor instructs us to visit Beltrop, the leader of the pirates, and inform him of the place and time of the transfer of the ransom. So we sail to Gray Sales again. But Beltrop dictates his own conditions: he demands that the ship with gold arrive at Gray Sales in exactly a week. Return to Belfort and report this to the governor. The governor, naturally, will not want to simply give all the gold to the pirates and will instruct you to complete this matter yourself, without giving either money or support. Well, let's sail to Gray Sales, maybe we'll come up with something there.

Find Captain Damien Rothney on the street of the pirate town and talk to him. Damien recently transferred to the service of the French, but bad luck: Beltrop found out about this and captured the ship, and also captured most of the crew. (Damien himself miraculously escaped.) Damien will offer you the following deal: you seize his ship, the brig Odysseus, and Damien himself, freeing his comrades from prison, will also free the poor merchant La Mole.

The brig Odyssey is anchored in Gray Sales Bay. Just be sure to board him - otherwise you will not receive the head of the captain of the Odyssey, which must then be handed over to Damien as proof that you have fulfilled your part of the deal. Then talk to La Mole and return to Belfort. On Belfort, you need to talk to the merchant again in order to receive a reward for saving him. The governor will also thank you, but will not give you any further tasks. Well, let's look for them ourselves. Let's sail to Isle de Orange - maybe we'll learn something new there.

After entering the tavern, talk to Fokere Araina. He is preparing the kidnapping of Jacqueline de Bijou (the daughter of the French governor) and will invite you to participate in this matter. Naturally, you refuse this vile offer. In the same tavern you will meet the former captain of the French fleet, Milon Anserville. After talking with him, you will find out that Fokere has already offered him the same thing, and now Milon is thinking... We have no choice but to sail to Belfort in order to warn the governor.

Francois de Bijou will refuse to believe in the conspiracy and will simply laugh at you. There is nothing to do - we leave the palace. Entering the tavern, you learn from the owner that the governor’s daughter has been kidnapped. It's time to return to Francois de Bijou and offer him your services.

Let's start our search with a tavern on Isle de Orange that is already familiar to us. By meeting Milon there and threatening him with charges of complicity in the kidnapping of the daughter of the French governor, we can extract some information from him, and at the same time persuade him to join us while searching for Jacqueline. It turns out that Fokere ended up hiring a pirate named Michel Gattenschrag to kidnap the governor's daughter. After the kidnapping, Fokere himself disappeared somewhere, and Michel can be found on the pirate archipelago.

We sail to Gray Sales and find Michel in the tavern. (If your rank is lower than seventh, then Michel will simply laugh at you and refuse to say anything.) Michel will inform you that the Fokere bark called “Nemesis” is anchored off the uninhabited island of Inachetla and is ready to immediately take off and sneak away as soon as it sees “ stranger" on the horizon. Therefore, we persuade Michel to exchange ships for a while.

The bark "Nemesis" must be boarded (otherwise there will be no chance of finding Jacqueline). In the captain's cabin you will find a ring, and from the ship's log you will learn that this ring must be given to a certain Brant Tabary, the captain of the caravel on board which Jacqueline is languishing. Finding Tabari is very easy - he whiles away his time in a tavern on Isle de Orange. Having received the ring, he will personally deliver Jacqueline to Belfort.

At Belfort, another, and very difficult task awaits us. We will have to defend this island from the Spanish invasion. There will be a decent mess, but so will the reward. After this, the governor will say that he does not have any tasks for you yet.

Well, let's look for adventure ourselves. On the streets of Belfort you will meet a stranger and hand you a note in which someone convincingly asks you to look into the tavern. Well, let's go there. Bah! Jacqueline de Bijou is waiting for us there and confesses her love to us (that is, Nicholas Sharp). It’s a sin not to reciprocate. But there are three ways to do this. The first and most vulgar (the proposal to immediately spend the night together in a room on the second floor of the tavern) will lead to nothing but a breakup and hostile relations on the part of France. The second way is to wait until you become so rich and famous that you can ask the governor himself for Jacqueline’s hand in marriage. You will have to wait quite a long time (almost until the end of the game), and you will receive only 8,000 gold as a dowry (not so much by the standards of the end of the game). But there is a third way - a secret wedding, which will immediately bring you +10,000 experience!

So, we choose the third method. But for a secret wedding, a priest is needed, who can only be found on Omori (by the way, having set sail on Omori, you can simultaneously complete an additional quest - see below). There it is not difficult to find Prior Modestus who will agree to perform a secret ceremony for only 3,000 gold. The wedding location is Belfort. So we sail there and head straight to the palace. There, instead of the governor, we meet Jacqueline and the priest - which is what was required. Go outside and return to the residence again.

This time you will meet Monsieur de Bijou himself there, who will give you a new task: to sink two ships near the uninhabited island of Aliando - Spanish and English, on which diplomats of the two powers intend to conclude an alliance. Having sunk both ships, we return to Belfort and learn that we have been given a baronial title and the rank of admiral in the French Royal Navy. Next are two tasks befitting a baronial title: capture the Spanish colony of Costa Sinistra, then the English fort of Highrock. (During the last operation, you will receive a battleship as support, and if your rank is higher than fourth, you can even assign this ship.)

Then - a short break: just deliver an ultimatum to Olaf Ohlsson. The next order is to capture the Spanish colony of Isla Ballena. Then you will have to defend your native Belfort (which is not so difficult with the support of your own fort). After this, the governor will pay for the two previous missions and say that in order to completely defeat all enemies, it is necessary to capture the English colony of Tendales and the Spanish fort of Grand Avilia. After this, you can return to Belfort and receive the coveted title of vice-governor, or you can continue your wild pirate adventures...

Additional quests

Trade quest-1. On the streets of Belfort you can meet a merchant named Magis Sobrik. He will pay 1000 gold if you escort his ship to Omori. Then you can contact Magis a second time. He will give a tip - local merchant Yves Samois is looking for someone who will transport his coffee to the island of Isle de Orange. In exchange for 1200 quintals of coffee on Isle de Orange you will receive 1200 quintals of chocolate. By delivering the chocolate, you will receive 2500 gold from him.

Trade quest-2. This quest becomes available after Jacqueline is freed. On the streets of Tel Kerrat you can meet merchant Jean Filene, who will ask you to escort his ship to Isle de Orange. Then from Jean you can get either the promised gold or a telescope (a telescope of average quality, but still better than yours).

Ally. In the tavern of Isle de Orange you can meet Artois Mulet, who will tell you about his failed expedition organized by Nicholas de Montferrat. The expedition died through no fault of Artois, but Nicholas drove him out of service. You can talk to Nicholas, then again to Artois, and then Artois will join you as an ally.

Walkthrough for the Spaniards

Main line

Obtaining a Spanish patent is not as simple as obtaining a French one. The fact is that initially Spain is hostile to you, and therefore you will be greeted by a friendly salvo from the fort’s guns if you dare to approach any Spanish colony. But there is still a way out: on Shark Island you can get (from a Spanish agent) a fake Spanish corsair certificate. (However, you will have to pay 5,000 gold for this - take care of the money in advance.) Then you can sail to the main Spanish colony on the island of Grand Avilia and receive a real certificate from the alcalde Ricardo Ferrer de Marcadal himself.

From the alcalde you will receive your first task - to deliver an urgent letter to another alcado, Guilabertus da Muntral, on the island of Isla Ballena. After delivering the letter and receiving a reward of 1000 gold, go to the Isla Balena tavern. The tavern owner will tell you about an evil and terrible pirate who terrorizes Spanish traders. Return to the palace and talk to the alcaldos about this pirate. He will say that the pirate’s name is François Jovignon and that Senor Ricardo (the first alcalde) has placed a substantial reward on his head. The alcalde will also advise you to ask about Francois on Shark Island. Well, let's sail there.

Talk to Olaf Olsson (the head of the pirate brotherhood) on Shark Island and ask him about Francois. Olaf will report that Francois's ship was recently seen near the uninhabited island of Aliando.

Near Aliando you will meet a pirate bastard. Having sunk it, you can return to de Mercadal with the good news that the evil pirate is finished. However, it is too early to rejoice. It turns out that you sank some other pirate, and Jovignon himself and his ally are now attacking the Spanish colony of El Caymano. The alcalde immediately sends you to help.

You don't have to rush. No matter how quickly you sail, the result will be the same: there will be no pirates near the island. Entering the El Caymano tavern, you will find out that Jovignon has already done his job - he captured the island, received a ransom and sailed away. Where did he go? You will find out about this by talking to a stranger in the same tavern. You just have to pay 1000 gold for the information. The stranger will tell you that in fact Ohlsson made an agreement with Jovignon and sheltered him on Shark Island. For this, Jovignon shares the spoils with him.

Well, let's sail to Shark Island and grab Ohlsson by the breast. There it will become clear how you were deceived by the same stranger to whom you paid 1000 gold: it was Jovignon himself. Ohlsson will continue to claim that Jovignon has settled somewhere near Aliando, and will even offer to accompany you there. Well, help will be very useful for us (this is a whole brig!). This time you will actually find Jovignon and his accomplice near the island. Having sunk their ships, you can return to Ricardo for the promised reward.

Having handed it over, Don Ricardo will send us to the pirate archipelago to meet with the Spanish informant Jose Maria Lopez, whom you can easily find on the streets of Gray Sales. He will report about it. that the British are going to attack the colony of Islay Ballena. We must hurry to notify the alcalde about this. Señor de Muntral will order us to defend the island (this is not so difficult under the protection of our own fort and with a small Spanish fleet to boot). After the victory, the alcalde will reward you and order you to go to Don Ricardo.

And here is the first major task: to capture the English colony on Dead Island. Upon your return, you receive 5,000 gold and the next (also quite tough) task: to sink the two newest English battleships anchored near Itkal. The situation is made a little easier by the fact that both ships are somewhat battered by the storm and, therefore, will not fight at full strength. (Try to capture one of them and then sell it if you have not yet reached command of a lineman.) After these glorious deeds, you deservedly receive the title of Spanish grandee and the title of admiral of the Spanish fleet.

Then there is a slight lull. The mayor does not have any assignments for us yet, but he is concerned that, according to intelligence reports, the French are going to attack one of the Spanish colonies, but which one is unknown. Well, let's try to find out for ourselves. Leaving the palace, we go into the tavern. The tavern owner, Salvadore Engano, will tell you that his brother, Roberto Enagno, recently boarded a French brig, on which some very important documents were found. You can find Roberto on El Caymano, where his corvette is currently being repaired. We find Roberto in a local tavern (where else?). He gives us the captured documents, and we return to Granda Avilia in order to hand them over to Senor Ricardo.

Among the documents is a plan to attack Ayla Ballena. Now there is simply no strength to defend the island from the attack of the allies (the British and French), so a bold decision arises - to get ahead of the enemy and attack yourself French ships near the island of Tel Kerrat. As you might guess, this mission is entrusted to us.

After the victory at Tel Kerrat (by the way, it will not be an easy mess), we receive three tasks one after another: to capture the colony of Isle de Orange, then Highrok, then Belfort.

The allies are over for now, but now the pirates have become very active. Therefore, we are sent to Shark Island with instructions to deliver an ultimatum to Olaf Ohlsson. A battle with a pirate flotilla awaits us near the island (at least there is no fort on the island). Then we freely present the ultimatum to Olaf, and he has no choice but to agree to Don Ricardo’s demands.

Then - the finishing touch - the order to capture the English colony of Tendales, after which you can return to Ricardo and receive his appointment as viceroy of the archipelago.

Additional quests

Trade quest-1. The owner of a shop on Costa Sinistra asks to deliver 50 quintals of ebony to the owner of a shop on Isla Ballena. Upon his return, he gives 2000 gold.

Trade quest-2. This quest becomes available after killing the pirate Francois Jovignon. Then a merchant named Teodora Alameda appears on the streets of Grand Avilia. For 2000 gold, he asks to escort his galleon to Costa Sinitstra. (Don't forget to then track down this merchant on the streets of Costa Sinistra to receive the promised reward.)

We drown the pirate. The owner of a tavern on Granda Avilia asks to eliminate the smugglers bringing cheap rum to his competitor. We go out to sea and sink or capture the bark "Wiesel". Returning to the tavern, we receive the promised reward of 1000 gold.

We deliver the priest. In the Grand Avilia tavern you can meet a Spanish priest who wants to get to Shark Island in order to introduce the pirates to the Holy Church. By delivering the priest, we gain some experience and reputation.

Search for the missing soldier. On the streets of Islay Ballena you can meet a woman named Catalina. She asks us to find out what happened to her lover, Carlos Esperanza - he was a soldier in one of the Spanish punitive expeditions against pirates. Having gone to the governor, we ask him about the fate of the expedition, without specifying that we are interested in the fate of one soldier. The governor says that the expedition went missing off the island of Inachetla. He doesn’t know what exactly happened. Innkeeper Arno Manlu tells us that the expedition was sunk by pirates near the island of Inachetla. In that battle, many Spanish soldiers were captured and sold by pirates at the slave market in Rockshores. We are going to Inachetla. The pirate ship El Lobo is located there - it used to be part of the missing squadron. Having sunk it, we return to the governor and tell him about the fate of the expedition. For this we will receive 1000 gold. After this, we go to Gray Sales and talk with the slave trader Raimundo. He tells us that the Spanish soldiers participating in the expedition were captured, but when Raimundo's ship passed near the French colony of Omori, Carlos jumped overboard and thus escaped. On Omori we actually meet Carlos. After talking with him, you need to return to Catalina and tell her that Carlos is alive and will soon return to her.

Search for the witch. On the street of Islay Ballena you can meet an Englishman named Bartholomew Ulster. He will ask us about a girl named Carla. Naturally, we don’t know any Carla - she is a whore in a local tavern. After looking into the tavern and talking with her, we mention that Bartholomew Ulster is looking for her. The girl will clearly be alarmed and even refuse to do her work. Looking to the alcalde de Muntral, we learn that his secretary Bartholomew Ulster was found dead under very strange circumstances. Having learned that Bartholomew was involved with Carla, the alcalde instructs us to investigate this matter. Now we need to find a man named Jaime Zingerman on the streets of the city. (He is the only one who did not use Carla's services.) Jaime tells us that Carla practiced witchcraft. Having learned about this, we go to Arno Manll and, threatening to pass him off as an accomplice of the witch, we find out from him where Karla disappeared (at the same time we can promote him for a couple of thousand, but to the detriment of his reputation). The innkeeper will say that Carla sailed with a captain named Miguel Kenda to one of the small Spanish colonies. He doesn't know anything else. In the El Caymano tavern we find Victor Martos, the boatswain from Miguel Kenda's ship. He will tell us that the woman on board brought the captain to death, and then escaped near Grand Avilia. Having sailed to Granda Avilia, we finally meet Carla again in the tavern. You can accuse her of witchcraft and adherence to the devil, and then find her opposite the residence of the mayor of the inquisitor and hand over the witch to him. The poor girl will be burned, and we can return to Alcalde Muntral and receive a reward. But it’s better to choose the second path: after listening to Karla’s story, let her go in all four directions and get +5000 (!) experience points for this.

Walkthrough for pirates

Main line

For starters, it would be a good idea to join the Coastal Brotherhood. Therefore, sail to Rockshores, meet Olaf Ohlsson and join the ranks of free fortune hunters. However, the very fact of joining the ranks of pirates does not change your relations with all powers (as long as you do not start attacking their ships). According to this until certain point you can freely enter “civilized” ports without fear of running into a friendly salvo from the fort’s guns.

Sail to Grandfather Island and talk to Eugene Huxter, the old jeweler who will recognize the medallion in your chest. He will say that he made this medallion many years ago for Malcolm Sharpe (your father!), the famous pirate who plundered the Spanish Emerald Caravan.

Having learned about this, we go to Ohlsson and ask him about his father. Olaf tells us that he once sailed under the command of our father and that Malcolm Sharp disappeared after Olaf was left on the shore with an attack of fever. He also adds that we can learn about Sharpe's fate from the two members of his team who survived. One of them is One-Legged Berquist, he has not left Gray Sales for a long time. The second is Mauritius Camentata, who long ago left the pirate craft and now runs a tavern on the Spanish island of Costa Sinistra.

First we sail to Gray Sales to talk with One-Legged Berquist. He talks about how Sharpe plundered the Spanish Emerald Caravan and after that buried the treasure somewhere, and then disappeared. He does not know any details about Sharpe’s death, or pretends that he does not know. Now we need to temporarily go over to the side of the Spaniards (in order to be able to enter the Spanish islands) - so purchase a fake Spanish certificate from an agent on Gray Sales.

Mauritius Camentata refuses to tell us anything until we fulfill his instructions - we need to take the letter to Lorenzo Marquez Avido, a merchant on Granda Avilia. Having delivered the letter, we receive from the merchant a cargo of wine for Mauritius Camentata. After that, he tells us about Malcolm Sharpe's last voyage and offers us half a map of the island where Sharpe buried his treasure. Mauritius asks for 1000 gold for it, but you can persuade him to give the card for free.

Returning to Ohlsson, we tell him everything we managed to find out. Olaf advises us to try to talk about our father with Desmond Raymond Beltrop, the leader of the pirate settlement of Gray Sales. Nothing good comes out of this conversation. Beltrop laughs at us, but we cannot adequately answer him without ending our lives on the yardarm.

Returning to Ohlsson, we tell him about our conversation with Beltrop. Then Olaf invites us to do a little trick. We must sink the caravel "San Miguel", owned by a merchant named Julio Nederedas, who was "ordered" by his partner. The caravel is located near the island of Grand Avilia. We need to report the completion of this task to Trickster Marcus, who will be waiting for us on the island of Tel Kerrat. He will pay us for fulfilling the order.

We ask Ohlsson what we should do with the map we received from Kamentata. He says that Beltrop undoubtedly knew our father and heard about Malcolm Sharpe's treasure. You can “catch” him using the piece of map that we have, but you can’t do it directly, head-on. If we go to him and declare that we have a map, Beltrop will simply cut us down and take it away. According to Ohlsson, Beltrop must be deceived somehow. But how exactly - we still have to puzzle over this.

Having sunk Nederedas and received money for it from Trickster Marcus, in a conversation with him we learn that Marcus professionally forges securities and documents. Having offered him to make a fake, slightly modified duplicate of the map received from Mauritius Kamentata, we pay 2000 gold for this and go with the fake map to Beltrop. By exchanging her for a story about our father (who is also not very truthful), we can either pretend that we are ready to be Beltrop's friend, or openly declare that he will pay for his atrocities.

After this, in the Gray Sales Tavern we will meet Anna Forge, who will tell us the story of her unhappy life. She is from a noble English family. Her father was a friend of Beltrop, who, it turns out, once held a baronial title. Beltrop got involved in a conspiracy against His Majesty and tried to persuade her father to participate in it. He refused and tried to convince the baron to give up the bad idea. But now Beltrop has already refused. Then the father, torn between loyalty to His Majesty and friendship, was forced to hand over the future pirate leader to justice. Beltrop was exiled.

Five years later, he returned to England at the head of a pirate fleet, plundered and burned the estate of Anna's father, sparing no one but her. Beltrop took Anna onto his ship and kept her with him ever since, only allowing her to leave his residence a year ago. Anna's brother, the captain of the English fleet, tried to find her, and during his search he encountered one of the henchmen of the pirate leader in the Grandfather Island tavern. They talked, and then Beltrop’s friend waylaid her brother in a dark alley, killed him and brought Beltrop’s bloody head as proof of his devotion.

In the conversation, it turns out that Beltrop has his own half of Captain Sharpe's treasure map. We agree to punish the murderer of Anna's brother in exchange for a promise to steal this half for us. The killer of Anna's brother, a pirate named Juan Cocodrillo Sangre, is prowling in search of prey near the French colony of Isle de Orange. Having gone there, we sink his ship “Aspirare” and, without getting involved in a battle with the French, we return to Anna. Having learned that the death of her brother has been avenged, she gives us a piece of the map. When asked what she plans to do next, Anna replies that she has decided to stick a knife in Beltrop's belly. We can promise her to do it for her and then come back for her - otherwise she will try to kill Beltrop and die herself.

Having found One-Legged Berquist, we learn that some captains do not like the way Beltrop controls the pirates on Gray Sales. Berquist tells Nicholas the true story of the death of his father, treacherously killed by Beltrop.

Having received the map, we go to Telltak Island, which is shaped like a bull's head. The entrance to the cave where Malcolm Sharpe hid the Emerald Cargo is located just between the “horns”. Along with the treasures, we find Malcolm Sharpe's diary, which tells about our father's dream of creating a new state in the archipelago, free and independent.

Meanwhile, the deceived and enraged Beltrop prowls around the island in his Gorgon manovar. If we don't sink it near Telltak, it will pursue us when we appear in the waters of Gray Sales. Having sunk Beltrop and returning to Olsson, we learn that after the death of Beltrop it became much more difficult to defend Rockshores, and, as luck would have it, England, France and Spain just decided to take Rockshores into their hands. It looks like the island will have to be abandoned. But Nicholas was so inspired by his father’s ideas that he persuades Ohlsson to begin creating a new free republic in the archipelago. Olaf eventually agrees and says that they must first get rid of the threat from the colonial powers and, first of all, protect Rockshores from France, who has already begun to assemble a fleet to capture the pirate islands. Ohlsson offers us a new ship.

On the island of Isle de Orange, in a tavern, we meet a French officer who has already gotten pretty drunk, but does not stop drinking. From him we learn that the French superintendent Aimery de Aurillac went to inspect the condition of the fort on Omori Island. It is de Aurillac who is responsible for the punitive expedition to Rockshores, and we will have to go to Omori to talk with him. Having bribed the superintendent, we get his consent to sabotage the supply of ammunition. The threat from the French has been temporarily eliminated, which we, having returned to Rockshores, joyfully inform Olsson about. However, now the British are preparing a fleet to attack the pirate colony.

We go to Highrock and talk with the tavern owner. He tells us that a new batch of convicts was recently brought to the island. In the same tavern we can talk with Jeremy McMellon. Inspired by the idea of ​​building a new republic in the archipelago, he promises to find a way to stop the upcoming expedition.

Returning to Ohlsson, we tell him that we have found a new ally among the British. Olaf also has news: a new leader has appeared on Gray Sales - the pirate Felipe, nicknamed the Butcher. Ohlsson advises us to talk to him. Having met the Butcher, we tell him about the idea of ​​​​creating a new free state in the archipelago. The new leader likes this idea, but he warns us that three Spanish battleships are heading to Rockshore to capture pirate settlements. It is necessary to meet them on the approach to Gray Sales. The butcher offers us his help in the battle with the Spaniards. After the battle, he will always be ready to help us.

Having sunk all three line ships (we need to try to capture one of them), we go to visit McMellon. He says that everything is ready to start a riot on Highrock, and the only thing he needs is money to buy weapons for the rebels. He needs 3000 gold. Having given the money, we learn that there are three new English ships at Dead Island. We must get rid of them, otherwise they will crush the rebellion with their guns and land troops on Highrock to restore control over the colony.

We raise the sails and sail to Dead Island. Having defeated the English fleet, we return to Ohlsson, who praises us for the battle with the Spaniards and says that he is tired of the pirate life and is going to leave the archipelago and head to Europe. There he will buy a small tavern on the shore and spend the rest of his life in warmth and peace. In his place, he appoints Nicholas Sharp as head of the Rockshore Pirates.

Having said goodbye to Ohlsson and promising to visit his tavern on occasion, we look at the owner of the tavern on Shark Island. Francis Dullars gives us a letter from Jeremy McMellon, in which he reports that unforeseen circumstances are preventing a rebellion on Highrock. The Spanish assemble a fleet near Isle Ballen to attack Highrock. We are invited to sink the Spanish fleet, and at the same time capture Isle Ballena.

After capturing Isle Ballen we return to Gray Sales. There, Berquist gives us a second letter from McMellon. Returning to Highrock and talking with McMellon, we set off to capture Granda Avilia, and then Isle de Orange. After capturing the island, we persuade its governor to join the new republic and celebrate the victory.

Additional quests

Ally or gold. At the Shark Island Tavern we meet a pirate named James Callow. He tells us about an Indian idol that he took from an old Indian priest. According to him, this idol brings bad luck. The pirate wants to get rid of the damn trinket, but he doesn’t know how. Several times he tried to throw the idol away, but it mysteriously returned back. According to the old Indian from whom James took the idol, this figurine can only be given as a gift. The pirate asks us to help him get rid of the cursed idol and give this trinket to Desmond Ray Beltrop, with whom he has long been at odds. Having agreed to help him, we go to Beltrop and give him a gift. If Nicholas's rank is 7 or higher, then Beltrop will accept him, but if not, he will refuse, and we will have to return to James Callow with a slurp. You can also try to sell the idol to Nicholas de Montferrat, governor of Isle de Orange. This option is a win-win - the governor will gladly accept a gift from us. Having completed the assignment, we return to James. If Nicholas's reputation is Good Matey, James will join us as an ally, but if his reputation is lower, he will give two thousand gold, apologize and leave us.

Free Manovar or gold. At the Shark Island Tavern we meet a pirate named Hugo Lambermill. If we have a Spanish corsair patent in our pocket, we should talk to him, and then we will have a chance to capture the manovar. Hugo complains to us that he is tired of the pirate life and asks us to get him a Spanish corsair patent. We are heading straight to Guilabertus de Muntral, and if Nicholas has a reputation as Good Matey, then we will be able to persuade the governor to issue a patent to the old pirate, but if it is lower, then we can invite de Muntral to deceive the old pirate - to issue him a patent in order to lure him to Isle Ballena, and then hang him. After this, we return to Lambermill and give him the letter. If we brought a real corsair patent, he will tell us that there is a damaged French manovar near the island of Chaktcha, which is very easy to capture. After a while we can look at Guilabertus de Muntral and inquire about how the old pirate serves. It turns out he made an excellent soldier. If we set up a trap for Hugo, then after transferring the patent we must return to Guilabertus de Muntral for a reward of 2,500 gold.

Gold. After Eugene Huxter tells us about Malcolm Sharpe, we will meet a smuggler named Octavio Lambrini in the El Caymano tavern. Having learned that Nicholas is the son of Malcolm Sharpe, the smuggler will offer us a little business. On Isle Ballena there is a customs captain named Arcadio la Damba. As a matter of principle, he does not accept bribes, and because of this, the path to Isle Ballena is closed to smugglers. Octavio wants us to help him get rid of this officer, and is ready to pay 3,000 gold for this. Having agreed to these conditions, we sail to Isle Ballena and talk in the tavern with Arcadio la Damba. Now we have two options: complete Lambrini’s task or negotiate with the captain and set up a trap for Lambrini (for this we will receive 2000 gold). Having decided to kill the captain, we explore the waters near Isle Ballena and, having met the brig la Damba, we let it sink and return to Octavio Lambrini for payment. If there is a desire to come to an agreement with the captain, after talking with him we need to see Octavio Lambrini and inform him about the successful completion of the task and that he can now freely visit Isla Ballena. Near the island of Arcadio, La Damba will intercept the smuggler and bring him to a fair trial. Our participation in this is not required, so we can immediately go to Isla Ballen and there, in the tavern, receive our reward from the captain. However, if we hand over Captain Octavio Lambrini, his sons will be waiting for us near El Caymano.

I want to tell you one little secret. In short, you came across a huge ship, level 1-2, and you have a 5-6 class. What to do? Of course, you can apply codes, take advantage of glitches, well, it just happens that you want to tell a friend that you killed a powerful ship. But then listen, first of all you need to have a lot of ammunition (especially buckshot, nipples are not really needed, cannonballs won’t save you, but most importantly bombs!), and then you need to lure the enemy so that he stands behind you and cannot shoot (that is front to your backside (sorry for the expression, but there’s no other way to explain it), first bomb the sails, and then when he lags far behind you, hit the impudent guy with bombs (I sank (I don’t remember what it was called) a second-class ship, and At that time I was just getting kicked.) But then, of course, you can board him (if he has more people than you) and make money off his goods (and a broken ship). Fair wind!

I want to tell you a couple of tips that will be useful to you during a long and tedious (or maybe exciting and interesting) passage of the localized creation of our masters "".

1. When you are really short of money, you can do two things: firstly, you can make such a cunning feature, which seemed to be done especially for us: you need to go to Highrock (regardless of your affiliation, you just need to swim very carefully so that a ship or fort doesn’t sink you along the way), stock up on as much coffee there as possible, then go to Tendales, stock up on coffee there as well, and then again to Highrock, do the same operation there, and then sail to Dead Island, and Selling everything that was obtained in such a difficult way for about 500 coffee gives about 10,000 gold. And if absolutely, then don’t rush to sell your ship and switch to tartan, but simply capture some fort, and then talk to its governor or (where he is not present) with the Dear Sir, walking importantly along the street!!!

2. And this applies to the capture of the fort itself!!! You just need to go up to the very wall of the fort, and then calmly, slowly gouge this fort to hell, but under no circumstances sail away from its wall, otherwise - ass!!! It would also be nice to have a decent level of fencing and a team of more than 150, although professionals can get by with 100!!! And then you can get your long-suffering 20,000 experience and another 1000 for each weapon!!!

Good luck to you, my dear corsairs!!!


You can greatly speed up Nicholas's movements in the colonies in a simple way. Assign the “acceleration” command to the key in the default control settings. You will run around like crazy (and everyone around, naturally, too).


It's no secret that corsairs is a glitchy game, in particular when storming colonies, the computer doesn't remember whether you've broken the gun or not, hence the endless exp, but they give too little for one gun. how to make the process faster? After merging the fort (20000exp) you need to do Save / Load the fort will stand, but will not shoot (there are no guns), just shoot at it once and again (20000) this will continue until the entire garrison is merged, i.e. very very long.


Ha! I found a very interesting joke. Suppose you are on the open sea, and a very strong and terrible ship attacks you. Well, the question arises clear and understandable: “What to do!?” Well, first of all, try to board him. And if you succeed, at the moment when your and someone else’s ship dock, make a quick save. Upload the entry. And if you wish, there is no need to fight - this ship is now on your side. So what do you think?


I play for England and accidentally find a joke... There is such an eccentric Ronald the Lawman on El Caymano who asks to take a black mark to someone there (on the pirate islands), and then help him in the battle against this someone (I don’t remember how his name is). Of course, I took the black mark and helped him in the battle, and then for a long time forgot about the fact that I needed to go after the battle and talk with him to gain experience and all that... A few years later I sail to El Caymano, I see this Lawyer, I remember what’s going on and bazaar with him, I get 2000 experience and 3 reputation... Then I think... I’ll bazaar Dyka one more time... And I get another 2000 experience and 3 reputation... And then another... More. .. So before you get bored... Bait until you drop... I'm not sure it will work again because... I didn’t check it the second time, maybe it was a one-time glitch, I don’t know...


When you are attacked, press "yes" and Enter twice and you are back on the map. This trick works on version 1.0


If you do not want to pay your crew, then drop anchor until the 1st (29th to 1st).

I offer a very easy but long-term way to make money. 1) Buy coffee in Highrock (preferably a lot) 2) Sail to Dead Island 3) Sell coffee on Dead Island. So, do it until you get bored


During the game, press ~ and enter the codes:

Map - the whole map is open
All ships - all ship classes are available
Money - gives 100000000000 gold
People - gives 1000 people
Reputation - maximum reputation always
Squadron - adds a squadron of 7 ships
Reloading guns are always charged
Skills - all skills on maximum level

After entering the codes, press Enter.


All cheats only work at sea. To enter the code, you need to start - and then enter the code. Enter the code as a complete phrase with spaces.

HAVE LIVE - complete repair of the ship, the entire crew, repair of sails (if there is sail)
GET ME - increases the damage from each cannonball fired by the player by 100 times
NOW I FLYING - allow decoupling of the camera from the ship (view of the ship from the side)
FIRE FROM CAMERA - shoot from the camera using the key
TELEPORT - allow teleporting a ship to the camera location
MAKE SCREEN SHOTS - disable damage from cannonballs
EXPU MNE - very, very, very, very much exp!!!
DENEG - money

I offer very easy way to earn money.
1) buy bombs as much as you can
2) Sail to El Caymano (fortunately there is no fort there).
3) before talking to the merchant, save.
4) if the price suits you, sell everything, if not, load and try again.
5) DON’T HURRY TO LEAVE! now talk to the merchant again (pay attention to the price of bombs), it dropped for me if I sold more than 1000 pieces.

If you talk to the priest on the Dead Island, he (the priest) will raise your reputation by +1 for 100 gold

I recommend hiring a first assistant. I met this guy in one of the taverns and hired him for 1000 gold a month. At first glance, this amount may seem too large, but having your ship in the crew has many advantages. When you board an enemy ship, you can take it as a “prize ship”. It will be controlled by your first assistant. The class of the ship can be 2 or 3 classes. He will follow you everywhere and take part in battles. When you go to the Shipyard, you can do whatever you want with the “prize ship”: repair or sell.

If you play for the Spaniards, you can capture Manowar. We sail to Shark Island, there in the tavern you will find a man named Hugo Sawmill - talk to him, he will tell you that he is tired of piracy, and he wants to go into the service of the Spaniards, and we will help him with this. Then we sail to Ayla Ballena and go to the governor. If we have a reputation as Good matey, then he will issue a patent to the pirate. We sail back and tell the pirate that he was accepted into the service - he gives 1000 gold. We return to Ayla Balelen and ask the governor about Hugo, he says that Hugo is a great soldier, and that he is now in the tavern. We go to the tavern - in a conversation with Hugo we must answer him with phrase number two - we learn that recently during the battle the French "Manowar" was badly damaged, and now it is being repaired near the island of Chaktcha. Let's head there.

The best way to make money.
1) Fencing skill - no lower than fifth, the more the better
2) Starting capital (for repairs, for labor costs)
3) Ship "Shnyava" (another 5th class ship may be suitable, but this one is best!)
4) First assistant (optional, but he is responsible for 2/3 of the profit)
We're sailing to the pirate islands. They are located in the southwest of the English ones.
There on the shore you can find your first mate. Then get off the land. If there is a 4th class pirate ship in the port, attack it and board it; if not, go ashore and go out to sea again. When attacking a ship, try not to damage it - attack with buckshot, and, if it is spinning, with knives. If you did everything right, you get a prize of around 10,000. If you saved enough people, you can take the prize ship and sell it on the pirate island (just sell the supplies from it first, or the new owner of the ship will appropriate them). If there are not enough people, or there is no first mate, load all the supplies from the captured ship (there should be a lot of them there - I repeat, there are rich pirates near the pirate islands). As a result, for one such maneuver you will get a lot of money - from 20,000 to 100,000!! And considering that all

1630... During this turbulent time, the captains of ships plowing the expanses of the Atlantic quite easily changed their flag, moving to serve from one monarch to another. The game has four main storylines and a lot of additional quests.

Nicholas Sharpe will have the opportunity to serve England, France and Spain or be elected full of dangers the path of one of the members of the “coastal brotherhood” - while during the course of the game we will be able to move from one storyline to another without much difficulty. This walkthrough provides advice for those who want to complete the game as quickly as possible, without being distracted by trade and naval battles, which can be avoided one way or another. However, both are excellent ways to expand the size of your squadron and strengthen its weapons - actions that are absolutely necessary for those who want to create a military force that will be reckoned with by any opponents.

But we got a little distracted... So, the Spanish captivity and the escape from the plantation were left behind. There is a pink ship moored at the pier of the main English colony, Highrock. We have forty crew members with us, and we have some ammunition. Life is full of new hopes, the main one of which is to obtain a corsair patent...

We begin the game at the city gates of the English colony of Highrock. In order to enter the service of the King of England, we need to obtain a corsair patent from Governor Samuel Mortons. His residence is located on the other side of the city. Having taken the patent, you need to contact the governor again in order to receive the first task. We will be tasked with delivering a letter to Sir John Clifford Breen, governor of the second English colony in the archipelago. There is nothing secret in this letter, but we must deliver it intact without breaking the seal. The reward for successfully completing this task will be 500 gold. The island on which the colony is located is called Tendales - when the task is issued, it appears on the map.

On the way to the city gates, it is worth stopping by the tavern. Merchants, captains and officers of the ships docked at the Highrock pier spend their free time there. At the table to the left of the entrance, one Christopher Clayston, an English officer, is purposefully pumping up rum. He has already crossed the line beyond which alcohol loosens a person’s tongue, and for an extra mug he is ready to tell us a “state secret.” Recently, two frigates arrived from England to fight pirates. They were rearmed and Christopher was assigned to one of them. However, according to him, it turns out that these frigates are floating garbage and are almost falling apart from disrepair. At the next table sits Julius Ironcast, a gunner who lost his sight in battle. He dreams of going to sea and can become a worthy member of our team - after all, his experience is worth a dozen pairs of the sharpest young eyes. His services will cost us 200 gold per month, and 600 coins will have to be paid immediately as a deposit.

Finally, at the table to the right sits Pete Dalton, a former apprentice to the local gunsmith. It's not so easy to get this guy to talk - but in the end he tells us a story about how some unknown people tried to drive his former owner off the island. Shortly after speaking with them, the gunsmith's son was killed in a street fight, and the gunsmith left Highrock, fearing for his life. The new owner kicked Pete out, and now the guy is scared and dreams only of how to get to Tendales Island and find work there. Perhaps it’s worth offering him our help - in addition to ordinary human humanity, this should have a good impact on our reputation.

Well, it’s worth stopping by to Governor Mortons and trying to ask him about these mysterious frigates. But, contrary to expectations, after the very first question, His Excellency comes into a state of intense anger and simply shows us the door, not forgetting to promise serious trouble to poor fellow Clayston for his drunken chatter. Looks like now it's really time for us to set sail. However, having met a native of Russia, Gavrila Dubinin, on the streets of the city, we can part with another four hundred gold coins and get a boatswain. But, one way or another, we soon leave the port of Highrock and go to Tendales Island.

The journey promises to be relatively calm - pirates, and especially Spaniards, are not often encountered in this region. Upon arrival on the island, we go to the residence of Governor Brin and give him the letter. After presenting the well-deserved award, he tells us that Samuel Mortons is far from the best leader, and an example of this is the plight of the small English colony of Dead Island, where a real famine occurred due to a crop failure. Brin invites us to deliver a load of wheat to the island and thereby alleviate the situation of the colonists. You can refuse this task, but... is there any point? One of the characters we need is located on Grandfather Island, and we will still have to sail there, and besides, if we refuse, our reputation will drop. At the same time, you can get a very good fee for delivering the cargo - 2000 gold.

We agree and, having loaded 150 English centners of selected wheat into the hold, we set off for Grandfather Island - a new island that appeared on the map at the moment we received the task.

Upon arrival at the place, we need to hand over the cargo to the owner of the local tavern. He is incredibly glad that Governor Brin remembers their troubles - moreover, the innkeeper is even ready to reward us for our efforts. Since all the gold on the island was spent on purchasing food, as a reward we are offered to take some linen, which is quite suitable for sale. By agreeing to this proposal, we lose one reputation point - after all, the governor promised us generous payment for this trip, and profiting from someone else’s misfortune is not good. In the same tavern we meet the English officer David Murray. History repeats itself, but in reverse: he is ready to buy us a drink if we agree to listen to his story. Like Christopher Clayston, he was assigned to one of these two ill-fated frigates, moreover, he even managed to attend one of the battles. Murray was the senior gunner, and he saw with his own eyes how, with the first salvo at the pirate ship, the starboard side of the frigate literally fell off.

Our interlocutor was the only one who managed to escape from the quickly sunken ship, but the memories of his experience, it seems, will not soon fade in his memory. After this conversation, we can hire Murray as a gunner - he will serve us for 350 gold coins, and is ready to work for free for the first month.

Returning to Tendales Island, we receive the promised 2000 gold from Governor Brin, after which we go to Highrock for a new task. This time Samuel Mortons offers us 2000 to escort the Bristol pinnace to Tendales Island. We cannot refuse this task, although it is fraught with a trap: near Tendales we are attacked by the pirate Edwin, nicknamed Cuttlefish. The battle promises to not be too difficult: Edwin’s ship maneuvers rather sluggishly near the island and clearly does not seek to suppress us with its firepower. Don't forget that we now have the Bristol pinnace at our disposal. Having given his captain the order to attack the enemy, we complete what we started with several precise volleys. While Edwin's ship smoothly sinks to the bottom, we learn that the pirate was ordered to kill us, and this order was given by someone named Beltrop. Somewhere in the depths of my soul there appears a desire to get to know this Beltrop better... and the sooner the better.

We meet with Bristol captain Lemuel Humm at the Tendales tavern. He gives us the payment of 2000 gold pieces promised by Mortons and tells us that the only cargo he delivered to Tendales were fifty strong guys with a frankly gangster appearance. Perhaps it would not be a bad idea to drop by Governor Brin and tell him this news. After this, we can return to Highrock with a clear conscience.

It's time to complete a couple of additional quests. First, we have to find a man in a dark blue scientist’s camisole on the streets of Highrock. His name is Albrecht Zalpfer. In a conversation with him, you should avoid questions about the new era in navigation and the scientist’s new invention. Zalpfer tells us that he worked for Alexander Bishop until he fired him. Now the inventor dreams of getting to Tendales and finding work there. Looks like a good deal is coming up. We offer Zalpfer a position as a ship's carpenter, promising in return to deliver him to Tendales. He happily agrees, and we get a high-class worker for free, who will remain on our ship until we get ready to visit the possessions of Governor Brin. Looking ahead, it should be said that, once on Tendales, Zalpfer will immediately leave our ship, and we will receive a little experience in return. But that's not the end of the story.

Having found Zalpfer on the streets of Tendales, we, as an old friend, start talking to him again - and as a result, the scientist gives us drawings of his new invention. Bertram Michelson, the owner of the local shipyard, will happily buy them, and we will become 1,500 gold richer.

Let's digress for a little while longer. Returning to the city gates of Highrock, we learn that one of the guards, Billy, is unbearably hard to stand on duty, not being able to wet his throat with a couple of sips of good wine. Shall we help the guy? To do this we will have to look into the tavern. Its owner, Jeremy Wyndham, will happily give us a bottle of local sour for the quite extortionate price of 1 gold. Filled with a sense of legitimate pride in our own nobility, we take the bottle to the soldier and, having resolutely refused money, receive in return an increase in reputation and 250 experience points. But that's not all. Billy's comrade, Frederick, standing on the right, is also suffering from thirst. True, he prefers rum to wine, but he saw how we brought a bottle to his partner and... in a word, could Captain Nicholas do one more noble deed? Of course, what a question. We return to the tavern and buy a bottle of rum from the sleazy owner.

"Corsairs" is a wonderful pirate game from Russian developers. In ideological terms, it is largely inspired by the legendary game “Pirates!” Sid Meier and can even be considered its 3D remake. In the role of the young Captain Sharpe, you will experience all the delights of pirate adventures: make daring raids, board ships, unravel treacherous intrigues, trying to move up the ranks and find legendary treasures, along the way finding out the secret of your origin... Magnificent graphics and a bunch of special effects create amazing presence effect. The game is spoiled only by the abundance of bugs, which, however, are already being fixed by the Akella team. In the West, the game was published by Bethsoft under the name Sea Dogs. Corsair against his will Nice quest! - transfer the “black mark” to its destination So, you are the young English captain Nicholas Sharp, who escaped from Spanish captivity. You are heading to Highrock Island, the capital of the British colony, in order to obtain a corsair patent, allowing you to “legally” rob Spanish ships (in fact, not only Spanish ones) and thereby compensate for your losses, as well as the moral damage caused. However, you are not obliged to receive a corsair patent from the hands of the British and can take it from the French or even from your former offenders - the Spaniards. Finally, no one forbids you to join the pirate fraternity and become a “free pirate.” Depending on which path you choose, four completely different plots await you and, therefore, four different passages of the same game. However, the goals of the game are approximately the same: if you take the corsair patent, then your goal is to become the governor of the entire archipelago (whether from the English, French or Spanish side), if you choose the path of a free pirate, then your goal is to proclaim some kind of “independent free pirate state" and become its head. Quests To complete the game, you must complete a chain of mandatory quests (different for each of the four sides: the British, the French, the Spaniards and the pirates). Main quests are usually given to you by island governors. There are also additional quests that are not required to complete, but can significantly help you in this matter. (For example, get a wonderful spyglass, through which you can see absolutely everything, even the skills of the officers of enemy ships.) Anyone can give you these quests, so talk to everyone you meet. Never rush to end the conversation, even if it seems to you that everything is clear - the conversation can take an unexpected turn. In addition, you can get experience simply by listening to the ravings (or advice) of your interlocutors to the end. You can and should talk to some characters a second or third time: after performing any action, they can give you additional information. (For example, this hint: if you return something to the alchemist from Highrock, then after the first quest he will give you a second one.) All quests bring you much-needed experience and usually give you gold or something useful (a valuable officer is poured into your team, you receive a valuable item or item for a further quest, etc.). During the game, in principle, you can switch to either side. It is enough to sail to Shark Island (pirate island) and acquire a patent of any nation there or become a free pirate. It will cost you 5000 gold and -10 reputation. Of course, this will complicate and confuse the passage of the game. For normal passage there is no need to “change the owner”. Grow, grow, my Captain! You start as a rank 12 green captain (no lower), and as you progress through the game you can work your way up to rank 1 captain. Promotion to each rank gives you the opportunity to control a ship of a higher class: a captain of ranks 12 and 11 can control ships no higher than class 6, captains of ranks 10 and 9 can control ships no higher than class 5, etc. In addition, as you increase in rank, you are given 3 special points that can be used to develop certain skills. Skills Your captain has 9 skills, each of which can be upgraded to level 9. Navigation – increases the speed and maneuverability of the ship. Accuracy – gun firing accuracy; Each point increases accuracy by 10%. Recharge – Reload time is reduced by 5% for each point. Coordination – all guns do not fire at the same time; Each coordination point reduces the time between the first and last cannon firing by 5%. Protection – this is your team’s ability to take cover during enemy fire; Each defense point reduces your team's losses by 5%. Boarding – allows you to board enemy ships from a longer distance; Each point increases the “boarding distance” by 5%. Fencing – the ability to effectively fight when capturing an enemy ship; roughly speaking, this is the strength of your blow. Repair – the ability to repair the hull and sails right on the open sea; It is necessary to have a sufficient number of boards and canvas in the holds. At the maximum "repair" value, it is possible to repair a ship's hull that is even 90% damaged. The higher the repair skill, the faster the ship is repaired: for every two points, the repair time is reduced by 1 day; however, repairs cannot be completed in less than 4 days. If you have an understaffed team, the repair will be slower. Commerce – the ability to buy goods cheaper and sell them more expensive; each point reduces the selling price by 5% and increases the buying price by 5%; however, this skill does not in any way affect the price of the ships you purchase. Which skills to develop first depends on your playing style. However, some general advice can be given. First of all, pay attention to fencing. Even if you don't intend to board ships, get this skill to at least 5 as soon as possible. During quests you will still have to take on forts, where this skill plays a critical role: thanks to a high fencing skill, you can cope with an enemy whose team is 2-4 times larger than yours. Pay special attention to 3 “shooting” indicators: accuracy, reloading and coordination - they significantly increase the firepower of your ship. Further, it would be useful to raise the navigation in order to initially have an advantage in speed and maneuverability. If you are going to trade in boarding, develop the skill of the same name, which will make it easier for you to approach enemy ships. Defense and repair are clearly secondary skills: fight well and you won't need to "patch holes." Well, if you run into a strong enemy, immediately after the battle head to the port and make up for your losses. And the commerce skill seems completely useless, since there are almost no problems with money (well, you will make an extra trade flight in order to compensate for its low level). Officers Officer Name Contents What does it give? First Mate Raymond Ibelin 900 +3 navigation Bosun Andrew Shue 500 +3 navigation, +1 fencing Paymaster Adam Mullen 1000 +3 commerce Gunner Dreyfus Fuse 2000 +3 accuracy, +3 reload, +3 coordination Carpenter Jacques Delours 300 +2 repairs Ship's doctor Dick Oakenwood 0 +2 defense There is another way to increase your skills - hiring officers whose skills add to your skills. True, officers, as a rule, have to pay a very decent salary (often even exceeding the total salary of all sailors), but this does not matter, since money can always be easily earned from trade. Officers can usually be found in taverns or obtained through quests. First Mate - your right hand; enhances navigation. But most importantly, if you have an assistant, you can take prize ships (captured during boarding) and take them to ports for sale (otherwise you have to sink them). Gunner – perhaps the second most valuable officer. It raises 3 important skills at once: accuracy, reloading and coordination. Boatswain – not the last person on the ship: usually improves navigation and fencing skills. Ship's doctor - gives several defense points. A carpenter - adds a few repair points. Treasurer – increases commerce. The most valuable officers are presented in Table 1. Let's keep silent about where and how they can be hired - otherwise it will be uninteresting to play. Let's just give a little hint: there are two first mates in the game, both of which can be found on the French islands (and the patch moves one of them to the pirate island). Gaining experience So, rank increases as you gain experience. For each completed quest you get experience points, but these points are clearly not enough to quickly move up the ranks and get the cool ship you want. Therefore, we have to engage in a typical “pirate trade”: robbery of ships. Points are awarded for each sunk or captured ship, and significantly more for a sunk ship (usually in the region of 2000-7000, while for capturing a ship you will not be given more than 2000). This takes into account your skill and dexterity: for a direct hit in the powder magazine (the so-called critical hit, which leads to the immediate death of the ship) you will be given twice as much experience. If, while sailing on a sloop, you manage to sink a frigate, you will receive significantly more experience than if you sank some pinkie. The largest expa is given for the destruction of the fort (at least 20,000), but this is not an easy task and can only be achieved on “cool” vessels of at least 3rd class. At the very beginning of the game, it is very difficult to get exp by direct pirate methods, since almost all opponents are clearly stronger than you. Therefore, this is my advice to you: do not get involved in a fight alone, it is better to join the battle in which ships allied to you are participating. Then you will be able to share their experience, making a very modest contribution to the defeat of the enemy. Reputation Reputation is how people treat you: whether they consider you a man of his word, capable of helping out at any moment, or a flighty tramp who cares only about his own well-being. With a low reputation level, it will be difficult for you to negotiate anything with people, and some may even refuse to talk to you at all. If you do not pay your salary on time with a low reputation level, then there will immediately be a riot on the ship, and you will be strung up on the yardarm (this, of course, will be the end of the game). With a high level of reputation, they are willing to do business with you, and transactions (such as hiring officers, purchasing ships) are cheaper. Accordingly, behave in such a way that people will think highly of you. Do not demand unnecessary or additional rewards and fulfill the requests of residents (such as bringing wine to a thirsty guard), do not abandon your allies in trouble. True, reputation can also be bought for money from the local priest on Dead Island (+1 to reputation for only 100 gold). Ships Class Type Load capacity (t) Max. Team Min. Team Speed ​​Maneuverability Hit points Total guns Purchase price Sell price Available caliber 1 Improved Manovar 6000 850 140 11.50 30 20000 98 100000 90000 12 16 24 1 Manovar 6000 800 175 10.50 25 18000 98 100 000 90000 12 16 24 1 Enhanced Combat Ship 3800 540 140 10.00 25 15500 68 85000 80000 12 16 24 1 Combat Ship 4000 540 140 11.20 30 14000 68 85000 80000 12 16 24 2 Heavy Warship abbl 3000 500 150 8.50 25 13200 46 70000 65000 12 16 24 2 Warship 2750 425 120 9.50 30 12000 46 70000 65000 12 16 24 2 Fast Linear Ship 2200 300 90 10.50 35 9200 46 60000 55000 12 16 24 2 Linear Ship 2400 340 115 9.50 30 10000 46 60000 55000 12 16 24 3 Reinforced Frigate 2000 300 100 10.00 30 8800 34 45000 42000 12 16 24 3 Frigate 2100 300 100 10.80 35 8000 34 45000 42000 12 16 24 3 Ob sewn Corvette 1500 250 70 11.50 35 7100 26 38000 35000 12 16 24 3 Corvette 1800 280 70 12.80 40 6500 26 38000 35000 12 16 24 3 Heavy War Galleon 3100 450 100 6.00 15 7600 38 40000 37000 12 16 24 3 Military Galleon 3000 400 75 6.50 20 7000 38 40000 37000 12 16 24 4 Heavy Flute 2100 210 45 6.50 20 3600 24 15000 13500 12 16 4 Flute 1900 180 30 7.0 20 3200 24 15000 13500 12 16 4 Fast Galleon 2100 250 50 9.50 25 3600 36 35000 31000 12 16 4 Sheathed Fast Galleon 2000 250 50 8.50 20 4000 36 35000 31000 12 16 4 Trade Caravel 2900 180 40 6.50 30 2500 28 20000 18500 12 16 4 Caravel 2600 190 50 7 .00 35 2500 28 20000 18500 12 16 4 Light Caravel 2200 240 50 8.00 35 2300 28 20000 18500 12 16 4 Sheathed Brig 1200 160 45 10.00 35 2740 16 25000 23000 12 16 4 Brig 1500 160 45 11.00 45 254 0 16 25000 23000 12 16 4 Reinforced Pinas 2100 200 35 8 .00 25 3100 16 16000 14500 12 16 4 Pinas 2300 200 35 8.50 30 2900 16 16000 14500 12 16 5 Reinforced Galleon 2000 180 50 5.00 15 4800 16 1500 0 13500 12 16 5 Galleon 2400 160 50 6.0 20 4200 16 15000 13500 12 16 5 Trading Shnyava 1400 170 50 10.00 40 1400 12 22000 20000 12 16 5 Shnyava 1100 150 50 11.50 45 1400 12 22000 20000 12 16 5 Fast Liu gger 1200 100 25 7.00 25 1000 10 11500 10500 12 5 Lugger 1400 120 30 5.70 20 1200 10 11500 10500 12 6 Fast Barque 1000 75 20 9.00 30 950 10 12000 10500 12 6 Barque 1200 90 20 8.00 30 1100 10 12000 10500 12 6 Light Sloop 500 35 10 11, 00 45 800 12 8000 6500 12 6 Sloop 600 40 15 9.50 40 850 12 8000 6500 12 6 Heavy Barque 900 70 15 6.50 30 1000 8 8000 6500 12 6 Barque 800 70 15 7.20 35 900 8 8000 6500 12 6 Trade Pink 600 50 15 7.50 45 900 9 6000 4500 12 6 Pink 400 40 15 9. 0 55 800 9 6000 4500 12 6 Improved Bilander 500 50 10 9.0 45 850 8 6500 5000 12 6 Bilander 500 45 15 8.0 40 800 8 6500 5000 12 7 Boat 30 6 1 5.0 50 50 0 0 0 0 7 Tartan 30 10 2 7.0 50 300 0 0 0 0 Ships are divided into 7 classes: from the simplest unarmed boat (7th class) to the “floating fortress” - manovar (1st class). At the very beginning, only simple vessels of the 6th class are available to you, but as Nicholas’s rank increases, you will be able to acquire more and more respectable vessels. When choosing a ship, pay special attention to its speed and maneuverability: a nimble ship with skillful tactics is quite capable of sinking a slow-moving vessel, even if it has at least 2-3 times more firepower. Then look at the number and caliber of guns. Next - for the maximum number of crew: here the more, the better, although at first it may seem the opposite, because each sailor must be paid 50 gold monthly. However, after conducting at least one boarding battle, you will clearly feel the advantage of a large team. Carrying capacity on ships above the 6th class plays practically no role (there is usually always enough space in the holds). The choice of ship depends on your preferred naval battle tactics. But if you rely on speed and maneuverability, then a typical chain of transition from ship to ship looks like this: Pink - Sloop - Shnyava - (possibly Brig) - Corvette - (possibly Fast Battleship) - Combat Ship. The longed-for goal of many players is to sail on Manowar, but to complete the entire game it is enough to limit yourself to the Corvette - the fastest and most maneuverable ship with decent firepower. For more detailed information on all ships, see the table above. SECOND PAGEWeapon Key Charge Damage to hull Damage to sails Damage to crew Flight range Weight (20 pcs.) Where used 1 Cannonballs 10 8 1 100% 3 c On the hull of the ship 2 Buckshot 3 20 10 50% 2 c Before boarding, by command 3 Knipels 5 30 3 75% 5 c For sails 4 Bombs 7 10 6 90% 3 c For forts, on the hull of a ship There are four types of charges: cannonballs cause the most damage to the hull, pins - to the sails, buckshot - to the crew; bombs cause damage to everything and are especially good at shelling forts, but bombs are also the most expensive. Bomb prices are about the same everywhere, but on the French islands they are slightly lower. Bombs are especially highly valued on El Caymano, so you can get rich very quickly by delivering them to this island. Please note that all projectiles have different ranges, and this range depends on the caliber. Complete data is presented in these tables. Islands Caliber Range Reload 12,400 steps 40 sec 16,444 steps 45 sec 24,355 steps 50 sec There are 20 islands in the game, and almost all of them are inhabited. In general, there are no “useless” islands in the game: even if the island is uninhabited, it means that you can complete some quest on it in due time. Islands appear on the World Map as they become known to you (usually when talking to someone or receiving a quest). But you can discover islands on your own, simply by setting a course at random on the World Map. In this case, it is not at all necessary to “stumble” on the island: it is enough to sail next to it. (CHIT: the subdirectory Resource\Images\Map\Russian contains an open map in the form of a graphic file map_open.tga, which can be viewed in almost any graphic editor/viewer.) Cities Entire settlements and even cities are spread out on the inhabited islands. All “life” in the game takes place in the cities: there you get all the information, take on quests, hire a crew, trade and equip your ship. On the largest islands there are 4 types of "useful buildings": Tavern – only here you can replenish the thinned team of sailors (click F1, select “Staff” and click on the “Hire” button); Most often, it is in taverns that you can find officers to hire for your team and meet other useful people. Shop - Here you can buy/sell goods and ammunition. Shipyard – here you can sell your ship or a prize ship (but not allied ships) and buy yourself a new ship; You can also repair your ship (allied ships too) and replace the guns with more advanced ones. Castle - it is the residence of the island's governor; usually it is the governor who gives you mandatory quests to complete - however, only if you have a patent from his nation; if you don’t have a patent, then at most you can only talk to the governor, but you won’t receive any quest. You cannot enter a city protected by a fort if its population is hostile to you. The maximum that can be done is to bomb the fort and take bribes from the local population; however, you will not be able to talk to anyone, and you will not be able to enter anywhere either (except for the palace, where you will receive a bribe). After you leave the island, the fort will automatically be restored and the city will live as if nothing had happened. (So ​​you can, if you wish, repeat the looting.) The only exception is when the destruction of the fort was a quest task. Then the city comes under the flag of your nation with all the ensuing consequences. Gold! Trading is the simplest, easiest and safest way to get rich. You buy goods on one island and sell them on another - it turns out to be a kind of “trading simulator”. The "trick" here is that each island has its own list Trade Islands Island Cocoa Sugar Wine Linen Rum Tobacco Coffee Mahogany Wheat Ebony Bombs Orange - + + - - + - Belfort + + - - - - Omori - + - + Highrock + - + + + - - Tendales + + + - - Dead Island + + + - - El Caymano + - + - Ballena + + - - - + Avilia + + - - - + + Sinistra - + Note: “+” means export; “-” means import. import/export goods. Imported goods are highly valued, while exported goods are sold at bargain prices. So load up export goods, take them to the island where they are imports, sell them, load up with new export goods, take them to the next island, etc. In this way you can enrich yourself ad infinitum, without doing anything else. Only there are two “buts” here: 1) do this at a time when you do not have “last minute quests”, that is, those that must be completed in a certain time; 2) your peaceful activities may be interrupted by pirates; if you do not have the strength or desire to fight back, save before each sailing and reboot; if this unpleasant event occurs, most likely it will not happen after the reboot. There is no point in buying/selling goods that are not marked as import/export - in this case, you will most likely end up with a loss or even a small gain. To make it easier for you to navigate, in Table 5 we provide a list of import/export goods for all islands (excluding a few islands where there are no export or import goods). If, for example, you play for the English, then from the very beginning of the game you have access to a fairly safe route: Tendales - Highrock - Dead Island. Load linen and coffee to Tendales, sell linen to Highrock, load more coffee there and drive all the coffee to Dead Island. You are guaranteed revenue of 7-9 thousand gold in 3 weeks! (a vessel with a displacement of about 1000 quintals is required). But if you consider yourself a real pirate, do something proper: rob merchant ships! But don’t drown them, but board them. If you sink a ship, you will gain little in terms of money: you will only collect the pitiful crumbs floating at the site of the ship's sinking. But if you capture the ship, then all its cargo will become yours, and you can sell it as your own. In addition, in the captain's cabin you will find several thousand gold coins (usually 2-5 thousand). Well, and most importantly, you will get a captured ship, which you can take to the nearest port and sell. Only for this it is necessary to have a first mate who will temporarily take command of the captured ship; in addition, your crew should be enough, at least at a minimum, for both ships. If there is no first mate, and the captured ship is of a class higher than yours, then it makes sense to transfer to someone else’s ship, in order to then sell it and return your own. But, in principle, you can remain in command of a ship that you have not yet reached in rank. Only in this case you get a -1 penalty to each skill, multiplied by the difference in ship classes - so it's hardly worth doing this (For example, if you can only fly class 5 ships and switch to a class 3 corvette, you will get –2 to each skill.) Thus, the capture of one merchant ship is approximately equal in monetary terms to one trade turnover. However, if captured, you also gain experience! The destruction of a fort and subsequent capture of the city is an even more profitable, but also the most difficult task. For this you get at least +15,000 gold and +20,000 experience! Naval battlesControl a ship You can maneuver and shoot from both a “third” and “first person” view (transitions - key Q). It is, of course, more convenient to maneuver, observing the whole picture from above, but shooting, as a rule, is better “from the first person” - because then you have the opportunity to aim yourself. There are two exceptions: 1) foggy weather, when you can’t see a damn thing, but your gunner, nevertheless, manages to shoot accurately; 2) you find yourself between two enemy ships; then, by pressing the “space”, you simultaneously shoot from both sides, then you can quickly leave. "In first person" you can also use the spyglass (key Ctrl). By pointing the pipe at the ship, you will receive its most important characteristics (the coolest pipe allows you to get complete information, right down to the skills of the officers). Tactics Thanks to skillful tactics, you can take out an enemy with several times superior firepower to you. The whole “trick” here is to shoot at the enemy yourself without receiving any response in return. A typical maneuver is to walk sideways to the bow of an enemy ship and fire with the entire side, since neither ship has guns on the bow. The second option is to go broadside to the stern, but here you risk running into a small slap in the face in the form of a shot from the stern guns (usually insignificant, since there can be no more than 6 guns at the stern, and then only on the coolest ships; and so on the stern usually only 2 guns are located). To carry out all these maneuvers you need to have the fastest and most maneuverable ship possible. But if you are sailing on a heavy, heavily armed vessel of the 1st or 2nd class, then all these maneuvers are usually of no use to you: lower the sails and just turn in place, tracking the enemy’s maneuvers. As soon as he gets close enough, hit him with the whole side: it’s rare that a ship will survive 2-3 such salvoes. Having taken the city, do not rush to rejoice. Corpses lie everywhere, blocking the passages, so you can’t go anywhere. In general, from the very beginning, decide what you will do with the enemy: drown him or board him. If you drown it, throw cannonballs and bombs at it from a long distance until it sinks. If you board, then you don’t need to make holes in the ship’s hull - this will not affect its combat effectiveness in any way (and, besides, a riddled ship will be worth less if you then want to sell it). So immediately load the knipels and trim his sails. Once you have an overwhelming advantage in speed and maneuverability, you can calmly approach from the bow or stern and spray the crew with buckshot. Then you will have to approach the enemy ship side to side (almost parallel) - otherwise you will not be able to board it. As soon as your ship approaches the enemy at a sufficiently close distance (the higher the boarding skill, the greater the distance), an icon with the image of a boarding “cat” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen - then press F2 on keyboard. It makes sense to board if you want to get some good stuff and/or you know that the enemy captain is very weak in fencing (this way you can defeat the enemy sailing on stronger ships). Aboard! The boarding battle is symbolically represented by hand-to-hand combat between two captains, but behind each of them stands his entire team in the literal sense: the number of hit points (that is, health) of each is equal to the size of his team. In addition, the strength of the captain’s blow depends both on his fencing skills and, again, on the number of gavriks behind him. Remember that the battle is tactical, so the winner is not the one who swings the saber faster. The fact is that every captain gets tired: the degree of his fatigue is displayed by a green indicator (right under the blue health indicator). And the more fatigue, the weaker the blow. Therefore, it is better to wait a little and hit with full force, rather than zealously hammering on the keys and rewarding the enemy with 5%-10% blows. While resting, watch your opponent, trying to guess the direction of his strike and set up the desired block. Just remember that even a successful block misses part of the blow, so you won’t be able to “sit out”. Don't forget about deceptive feints. Finally, a piece of advice: be sure to sign up before the first boarding battle, since you will almost certainly lose it - after all, you also need to get comfortable with the keyboard. Then this save will serve as a good simulator for you to hone your fencing skills. Taking a fort This is the most difficult, but also the most profitable business. You will need a ship of at least 1-2 class (although you can manage to take out the fort on a Brig). Load it with at least 1000 bombs (preferably 3000). Move on to 16 gauge - it has the longest range. Upon entering the harbor, lure all the ships away from the fort and deal with them (so that the fort cannot support them with fire). Now you need to take the most advantageous position for shelling the fort. Based on the indicator on the mini-map, approach so that the fort is on the very border of your firing zone. At the same time, you can arrange it so that only one of the fort’s cannons can hit you, and even then, for the most part, it won’t finish you off. Lower the sails completely. Switch to first person view. Aim as high as possible - right up to the position where the crosshair cursor begins to disappear. Shoot, shoot and shoot. When the message about the destruction of the first cannon appears, come A LITTLE closer and shoot the second cannon. And so on... When all the cannons are destroyed (a message about this will appear), swim closer (until the icon with the image of a soldier in a helmet appears in the upper right corner of the screen) and click on F2. After this, you will have to win a hand-to-hand duel with the governor of the island (as during a boarding). About 500 thugs will stand behind him. Fleeing If you are forced into a forced battle and you see that you have no chance of winning it, then it is quite possible to try to escape. Turn the ship to the wind, raise full sails and fly away! They will, of course, follow you. Shoot at the enemy from the stern guns. If you see that your pursuers are still overtaking you, try to pierce their sails with hinges and continue fleeing. (To speed up the process, you can click on R.) Once you are far enough away, you will gain access to the World Map and can sail anywhere. Allies As the game progresses, allies may join you. Allies are very desirable in the early stages of the game, when the power of your own ship is very weak. However, by the end of the game they become a clear liability, making little real contribution to your victory, but sharing your experience. In addition, you have to look after your allies so that they don’t accidentally get sunk, which could damage your reputation. Allies can be given general orders: Follow me - an ally will follow your ship, shooting at all enemies in its affected area. AI behaves “straightforward”: if you lower the sails and start shooting at someone, turning around on the spot, then soon an ally with lowered sails will be next to you, standing exactly in the line of fire. Attack - the ally will fire at the ship until it is completely destroyed. Capture – will not actually capture the ship, but will fire with grapeshot to kill the crew; This way you can accidentally sink a ship. Retreat – it is better to give this order at the starting position, which is actually tantamount to the order “not to get involved in a fight”; in the future, this order is practically useless, since a visibly damaged ship, as a rule, is simply not allowed to leave. Allied ships can be repaired at the shipyard as if they were your own, but they cannot be sold. You can load any goods onto an ally’s ship, but you can’t take them back from there. If you capture a prize ship and transfer your first mate onto it, then such a ship will also be considered an allied ship. The only difference is that this ship is considered your property, so you can sell it or unload any goods from it. PAGE THREEInhabitants of the ArchipelagoDesmond Ray Beltrop Beltrop has been leading the pirate settlement of Gray Sales for many years. His past is shrouded in darkness, and his reputation discourages the curious from asking questions. A cold-blooded and calculating scoundrel, he gathered around himself a whole group of similar people who now support his power. Those who are not happy with this are usually expelled from Gray Sales. Samuel Mortons Governor of the main British colony in the Archipelago, a high-ranking English official, arrogant and greedy. He uses his position to extort bribes and pocket government money. However, you will have to deal with him if you decide to play as the English. Jacqueline de Bijou Daughter of the Governor of Belleflore, Monsieur François de Bijou. A beautiful and well-mannered girl who came with her father from France. Accustomed to high society there, in Paris, on the archipelago, Jacqueline is naturally bored. She would probably love to meet the young and handsome captain who had entered her father’s service. Gavrila Dubinin The only native of Russia in the game, a restless bosun-troubler who does not even recognize the concept of discipline. Over the many years he spent at sea, Gavrila sailed far from his homeland and at the same time gained experience. If you hire him as a boatswain, his experience will help you control the ship, and his enormous physical strength and ability to carry people along with him will help you in hand-to-hand combat. “Golden” bugs The game is replete with bugs. Some of them can be used as real cheats (and no codes or trainers are needed!). How not to pay your team? Bug: if you are not anchored, then at the beginning of the month they simply will not demand your salary (the corresponding offer will not appear)! So anchor on the 29-30 and wait a couple of days. How to avoid an unwanted meeting? Sometimes you are forced into battle, leaving no choice. Well, click on “Yes”, and as soon as the screen goes dark (going to the battle screen), immediately click on Pause(this is a button on the keyboard). Now press Enter. If you managed to stop the game in time, then the World Map will be available to you, from where you can taxi anywhere. How to defeat the fort garrison in hand-to-hand combat? The problem is that initially each fort has at least 1000 soldiers, and after your shelling there are still 500 people left in it. This is a bit much, but you won’t be able to shell the fort as soon as all the guns in it are destroyed. However, if you save at this moment and load through this save, then all the guns will “come to life” as if nothing had happened, but the number of soldiers will not be restored! Here is a great opportunity for you to further thin out the enemy’s manpower. NOTE: all these bugs “work” in the original version 1.0. Walkthrough for the English (detailed) First of all, do not forget to distribute the 3 skill points given to you at the very beginning (enter the desired window through F1). Highrock. Near the gate, talk to guard Billy and promise him a bottle of wine. Wander the streets of the city and find Teodore (in a green jacket). He will tell you that in almost every city there are three useful places: 1) a tavern where you can hire a team, listen to gossip and get auxiliary quests; 2) a shipyard where you can repair a ship, buy new weapons or a completely new ship; 3) a store where you can replenish your ammunition, as well as purchase a variety of goods. Listen to him to the end, and for this you will receive +250 experience points. There is also an old gunner (with a wooden leg) wandering the streets. If you listen to the end of his reasoning about guns (a basic educational program), you will receive another +250 experience. Also talk on the street with the unrecognized genius - engineer Albrecht Zalpfer. He will talk about his brilliant invention, but you don’t try to find out everything to the end - otherwise he will suspect you as a spy and refuse to talk to you further. Instead, offer him a position as a carpenter on your ship - Albrecht will agree to this job for free, but will go ashore on the nearest English island. There is nothing for you to do at the shipyard or in the store for now. Go to the tavern and talk to all the people sitting there. The old sailor and the old grunt will teach you some basics of sailing and fencing. After listening to both of them to the end, you will receive +250+250=500 experience points. From Roberto Gorrando you will learn about the existence of the island of El Caymano, and also that you can get an excellent spyglass from Andriano Montefi, who lives on it. Julius Ironcast will agree to serve as a gunner on your ship for 600 gold per month - hire him. Listen also to the gossip of the innkeeper himself. Now - to the palace. The local governor, Samuel Mortons, will give you a corsair patent. Talk to the governor again, and he will give you the first task - to take a letter to the island of Tendales to the local governor, Sir John Canford Brisch. Head to the gate, but before heading out to sea, don't forget to give poor Billy a bottle of wine. For this deed, your reputation will increase by +1, and you will receive an additional +250 experience points. You can now talk to the second guard - Frederick, who will ask you for rum. It's worth returning to the inn and buying a bottle for only 1 gold. But by giving the rum to Frederick, you will receive +250 experience points. Tendales. Upon landing on the island, you will receive +100 experience, and Albrecht will leave your team. However, do not rush to part with him and talk. During a friendly conversation, Albrecht will give you his drawings. Go with him to the shipyard. There you will buy these drawings for 1500 gold (the drawings cannot be used anyway - they are a prototype of the future paddle steamer). Here you can already buy a more spacious boat, having previously sold your pink. Buy an improved billander - it is only slightly inferior to Pink in maneuverability, but can carry 100 quintals more cargo. This will be very useful, since there is a trade quest ahead of you. In the tavern, you can, in principle, hire boatswain Andrew Shu (400 gold per month) and treasurer Adam Moulin (1000 gold per month). But you probably won’t have enough money for this. But even if there is enough, you shouldn’t do this just yet, otherwise your gold reserves will completely dry up, and you will have nothing with which to pay the team at the end of the month. However, you can talk to Adam Moulin in order to earn +50 experience (you need to ask Adam what he actually knows how to do). Now - to the palace to the governor. By handing him a letter, you will receive +500 experience and +2 reputation. Take the next quest from the governor: take the wheat of a starving colony to Dead Island. Before sailing, visit the store and buy coffee (114 centners), which is highly valued on Dead Island, for the remaining space in the hold. Dead Island. Former jeweler Eugene Huxter (in a green camisole) is wandering the streets - be sure to talk to him and let him carefully examine your medallion. Eugene will lift the mystery of the veil over the story of your father - you will learn a lot of useful things for further passage. Well, in addition, you will receive +500 experience points. (About this time, your rank will increase to 11, so do not forget to redistribute 3 new skill points.) Now - straight to the innkeeper's tavern. The innkeeper will want to thank you for delivering the wheat. It’s better to modestly refuse the reward, because the innkeeper will only be able to give you 250 centners of linen, which will still need to be sold, and, most importantly, your reputation will drop by 4 units, which is very noticeable (especially since you can’t buy reputation for any money!) . Also talk to gunner David Murray in the tavern and ask him about his service on the Savage - for this you will be given as much as +1000 experience points (hiring David instead of old Julius is not worth it yet). In the tavern you can also talk to the merchant who will offer you a quest: escort him first to Highrok, and then to Itkal (for 800+800=1600 gold). Do not take on this quest, because a more profitable and more relevant quest awaits you ahead. You will receive it in the store: merchant Nigel Forster will ask you to take 400 quintals of linen to Tendales, and from there bring a load of cocoa, for which he will give you 2000 gold. This is exactly what you need, especially since you need to return to Tendales in order to collect the promised fee for the delivery of wheat. (Don't forget to sell him all the coffee, for which you will receive approximately 1125 gold!) Before sailing, you can talk to the priest (standing at the end of the street behind the tavern), and for the modest price of 100 gold, he will absolve you of your sins, which will increase your reputation by + 1. But this is the pirate king himself. It's better not to joke with him. Tendales-2. Go to the store and hand over a load of linen, for which you will receive +1 to your reputation. You will be automatically loaded with 150 units of coffee. You still have some space left in the hold, so fill it with coffee, which is so scarce on Dead Island. Notify the governor about the completed task. He will want to reward you even more than he promised. Modestly refuse, otherwise you will lose a few reputation points: he will generously reward you with 2000 gold. In addition, you will receive +3 reputation and +1000 experience points. Ask the governor for the next task, and he will complain that trade caravans between his island and Highrock are often robbed by some pirate. You need to establish who this is and stop his activities. Go to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper. He will tell you that one merchant (Margus) miraculously escaped pirate captivity, but now he is in an unconscious state and it is unclear how to treat him - otherwise he could tell a lot about this pirate. Hire a boatswain at the tavern (now you have money for this) and sail to Dead Island. Dead Island-2. For delivered cocoa you will receive 2000 gold, as well as +500 experience points and +2 to reputation. Sell ​​your entire load of coffee in the store, for which you will receive about 1000 gold. Buy all the linen and sugar there, they can be sold profitably at Highrock. A companion to Highrock will be found in the same tavern - merchant Jacob Ashton will ask you to accompany him there for 800 gold (plus another 800 for a further trip to Itkal). Before sailing, you can also visit the priest to get +1 to your reputation for 100 gold. Highrock-2. First of all, go to the store and sell all the linen and sugar. Also talk to the seller, and he will tell you that the miracle doctor alchemist Alumnus has returned to the city, who can put anyone back on their feet. Alumnus is very easy to recognize: he wears a red beard. Go outside and look for the alchemist. After politely listening to his learned nonsense, you will receive the necessary drug. In the tavern you will find your travel companion Jacob, who will give you the promised reward (800 gold) and ask you to accompany him further to the island of Itkal. You can refuse, but then you will lose 3 reputation points. It’s better to sail to the island, especially since there’s plenty there, than to overstock. Itkal. Upon entering the island, you will receive +1000 experience points. Contact Jacob and he will pay you the promised 800 gold. Your reputation will increase by +3. Go to the store and buy plenty of linen and sugar to sell at Highrock. Highrock-3. Sell ​​all the sugar and linen in the store. Go to the governor and take the quest from him: escort the ship to Tendales. Tendales-3. Upon leaving the ship, you will receive +500 experience and +2 reputation. Go to the innkeeper and give him the medicine for poor Marcus. There, in the tavern, you will find the captain of the ship that you accompanied - this is Lemuel Hamm. The captain will give you the promised 2000 gold and tell you that he was carrying a strange “valuable cargo” on his ship - 50 thugs. Go to the governor and tell him about this strange event. For this you will receive +250 experience. The governor, in turn, will inform you that the royal auditor will soon arrive in the colony. Fill the hold with coffee and sail to Dead Island. A pirate ship will be waiting for you in the harbor, but the fort's cannons will quickly deal with it. (This is the best case scenario; and the worst case scenario is that you'll have to fight a pirate ship one-on-one on the high seas). You will find a note from the seasoned pirate Beltrop, and also receive +500 experience points and +3 to your reputation. After this, your experience should be enough to reach rank 10. Dead Island. Sell ​​all the coffee and return to Tendales. (Actually, the purpose of this voyage is to wait until Marcus “recovers.”) Tendales-4. In the tavern you will find a recovered Marcus. He will say that the evil pirate's name is Ropleik, and that he often replenishes supplies

If you want to play as pirates, then you first need to become a member of the Brotherhood of the Coast. It is worth noting that up to a certain point you can combine the passage of the game Corsairs: Damnation distant seas, fighting on one side or the other. Once you find yourself on the island of Rockshores, find Olaf Ohlsson there. After talking with him, you will receive an offer for membership in the Brotherhood. Be sure to accept it.

Go to Grandfather Island and find Eugene Huxter, a master jewelry maker. Once you give him the medallion, he will identify it and tell you that the jewelry was created by a certain Malcolm Sharp. This man was once a famous corsair.

Then you can find Ohlsson and ask him about his father. It turns out that Sharpe was part of his team, but then mysteriously disappeared. However, you can still find out about his fate from the surviving team members: One-legged Berkvist and Mauritius Cammentat. I advise you to first sail to Gray Sales Island to chat with the first character there.

As soon as you find him, he will tell you that Sharpe robbed the Emerald Cargo, which he also hid well. However, he knows nothing more about him. Then head to Costa Sinistra to find Mauritius. But he will be taciturn. Until you carry out his instructions, he will flatly refuse to speak. Agree and deliver the letter to Marquez Avido, who is located on Granda Avilia.

After delivering a letter to the recipient in the passage of Corsairs: Curse of the Distant Seas, you will immediately receive wine that must be delivered to Kamentata. Do that too, and then listen to the story of Sharpe. He will also offer you half of the map of the island where the pirate hid his treasure. But for this you will have to part with 1000 gold.

Get back to Ohlsson and share latest news. He will advise you to go to Gray Sales and chat with Desmond Beltrop there. Do just that, but I’ll just say right away that the leader of the corsairs will not be very welcoming to you. After talking, go to Ohlsson again and report on the situation. Now you will receive another task, which is to sink the caravel "San Miguel", floating near Grand Avilia. After the ship is destroyed, you need to go to Tell Kerrat to report what you have done to Marcus, who will pay you.

I also advise you to ask Ohlsson about the map that Kammentata gave you. He will say that it will be useful, but you cannot talk about it to Beltrop directly, because he can immediately kill you. After you go to Marcus to report to him about what has been done, you learn that he is a counterfeiter. Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: Curse of the Far Seas, you can offer him to forge a duplicate card. For this you will have to part with 2000 gold. Only after this can you head to Beltorop. When talking to him, mention the map in exchange for a story about your father. You can now become his friend or start threatening him.

It is worth noting that you can now complete several additional quests:

1) In the tavern located on Shark Island, find a pirate named James Callow. From a conversation with him, you will learn that he took away some kind of idol from the Indian priest, which brings only misfortune. He constantly throws it away, but this thing mysteriously returns to him. He will ask you to help him get rid of this sculpture. You can agree and take it as a gift to Beltrop. It is worth noting that the pirate will accept your gift if the reputation is at least 7. Otherwise, he will refuse you and there is nothing you can do about it.

You can also try to donate the sculpture to Montferrat, who serves as governor of Isle d'Orange. He will gladly accept your gift, after which you can return to James. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: Curse of the Far Seas, he can join you as an ally or simply reward you with 2000 gold.

2) Find the pirate Hugo Lambermill in the tavern on Shark Island. A conversation with him will only take place if you have a Spanish patent. He will tell you that he is tired of his life and will ask to get a patent for him. Agree and go to Governor Guilabertus de Muntral so that he issues a patent to the old corsair. It is worth noting that if your reputation is lower than Good Matey, he will refuse you. You can then return to the pirate and give the patent to find out that not far from Chaktchi there is a damaged manovar owned by the French. It is very easy to board. After some time, return to the governor and inquire about the fate of the pirate. He made an excellent soldier, so your reputation will increase.

3) Head to the tavern located on the island of El Caymano and talk to Octavie Lambrini. After you tell him that you are the son of Malcolm Sharpe, he will propose a joint business. The fact is that he needs with your hands to remove the officer Arcadio la Damba, serving on Islay Ballena. He does not take bribes and therefore smugglers cannot get there. For completing this task in the passage of the game Corsairs: Curse of the Distant Seas, you will be offered 3,000 gold. Be sure to agree and start your journey to the island.

You can find Arcadio la Damba in the tavern. After you talk to him, you can do two things:
- simply fulfill the request of the smuggler Lambrini;
- or, ashamed of the captain, he will set a trap for him (by the way, you can get 2000 gold for this).

If you just kill the captain, then sail around the island of Islay Ballena to overtake the brig la Damba. After you sink it, you can return to the smuggler for payment. And if you decide to set a trap for Lambrini, you will also need to come to him and report on the successfully completed task. He will certainly go to Isla Ballen and be killed.

Continue through the game Corsairs: Curse of the Distant Seas and return to the captain for your reward. But in this case, beware of the sons of Lambrini, who will attack you near the island of El Caymano.

Now go to the tavern on Gray Sales and find Anna Forge there. From her you will learn that her dad was Beltrop good friend and was a baron. But when the pirate became a member of a group that was planning a conspiracy against the king, he invited her father to participate in this. He refused and tried to change Beltrop to his side. After this, her father surrendered the corsair and he was expelled from the island.

After 5 years, he returned to England and became the leader of the pirates, heading to Anna's estate and burning it to the ground. He left only Anna alive and loaded her onto his ship. Now the girl has the right to leave his residence only once a year. Even when the girl’s brother, serving as captain of the English fleet, ran into one of the corsair’s close associates in a tavern, he tried to convince him to give up the girl. However, he did not consent and killed him.

Then, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: Curse of the Distant Seas, you will learn that the pirate has the second half of Captain Sharpe's treasure map. Be sure to agree to destroy the killer of Anna's brother, because in return she must steal the map from Beltrop. It is worth noting that her brother's killer is a corsair calling himself Juan. It is located near Isle d'Orange. Quickly move there and sink his ship, the Aspirare. Try not to get involved in a fight with the French, quickly return to Anna.

After you tell her that you killed the pirate, she will give you the other half of the map. She will also tell you that she is going to kill Beltrop. You shouldn't let her do this, because Anna will die. Better promise to help her with this a little later.

Once you find One-Legged Berquist and ask him about Beltrop to learn about his mistrust. Then you can open the maps and head to Telltak Island. It is worth noting that the cave in which the Emerald Cargo is hidden can be entered in a place that resembles horns. When you find the treasure, rummage through it and get Sharpe's diary to read about his intentions to create a new state in the archipelago, which will not obey anyone, and its inhabitants will become free.

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: Curse of the Distant Seas, you need to be wary of Beltrop, who is looking for you everywhere. You shouldn’t engage in a fight with him near Telltak; it’s better to let his ship sink near Gray Sales. Once you do this, you can return to Ohlsson and find out that after the death of the corsair, defending the island of Rockshores has become very difficult. However, you need to persuade Ohlsson to start creating a new republic. Sooner or later you will receive his consent, only on the condition that you first protect Rockshores from the French. For this purpose he will give you a new ship. Agree.

Then go to Isle d'Orange and go to the tavern where you need to find a drunken Frenchman. Talk to him and find out that French Superintendent Aymery d'Aurillac is now on an inspection tour on Omori Island, and he will also be capturing Rockshores. Start your journey to Omori and talk to the officer, offer him a bribe. Sooner or later he will agree, you can be calm about the French, which cannot be said about the British, who also coveted the island.

Now in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: Curse of the Distant Seas you will need to go to Highrock and go to the tavern to chat with its owner. After you find out that slaves were brought to the island a few days ago, head to Jeremy McMellon and talk to him too. Tell him about the republic you want to build so that he will join you. Then return to Ohlsson and report to him what you have done.

From him you will learn that on Gray Sales the pirate Felipe is now at the head of the corsairs, he is also called the Butcher. He will want you to communicate with him. Once you meet the corsair, tell him about the new republic you want to build. He will approve of your intentions. He will also tell you that three Spanish ships will soon arrive at Rockshore to capture him. You need to prevent this. I advise you to go to Gray Sales and let them sink, with the help of the Butcher. It is worth noting that after you finish the fight, he will become your reliable ally.

Continue through Corsairs: Curse of the Far Seas and defeat enemy ships, and then head to McMellon. He will tell you that on Highrock Island everyone has been ready to rebel for a long time, the only thing missing is weapons and money. You'll have to part with 3,000 gold. You will also learn that there are three English ships near the Dead Island. You need to sink them, because otherwise they will not allow the rebellion to take place. Try to get to Dead Island as quickly as possible and defeat the British.

Then return to Ohlsson to receive your reward. He will also tell you that he wants to leave the archipelago for Europe. He dreams of buying a small tavern so he can live in peace and quiet. He will appoint you to his position. After you say goodbye to him, you need to go to Shark Island. After landing ashore, go to the tavern and chat with its owner. He will give you a message from Jeremy McMellon, from which you will learn that the riot on Highrock has not yet taken place. The reason is that Spanish ships are gathering near Islay Ballena to attack the island.

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