Space games offline on PC. Space simulators. The best space games on PC

On July 20, 1969, the presence of a man on the Moon, flying the flag of the United States of America, marked three brave astronauts. However, this was only a foretaste of the cosmic conquests of our species, who always dreamed of colonizing the universe. Below we have collected seven of the most interesting games that occur in space.

EVE Online

EVE Online- one of the largest MMO games, available on this moment On the market. Here the plot is shaped by the players, and their decisions can affect almost every aspect of the production - so game process so non-linear and shaped by each EVE Online user. They can enter into alliances, but nothing stops them from betraying each other. The world of EVE Online lives because it is created collaboratively by players who directly influence current events. And did I mention the giant space battles, whose participants number not tens or hundreds, but thousands of players? (example - "Slaughterhouse in B-R5RB", in which more than 7,000 vessels took part). Politics, war and betrayal - this is how EVE Online can be described in a nutshell.

Star Citizen

Around Star Citizen, a game still in development at Cloud Imperium Games, has already caused a lot of controversy. This fact should not surprise anyone - a game worth almost 230 million dollars, which the creators collected from players in the form of crowdfunding! What's most surprising is that despite such huge funds raised through social fundraising, this game is still in early alpha (you can join the game now, but you have to pay dearly).

The lucky ones who are already playing Star Citizen are very impressed with the project, as is everyone who has watched the gameplay online. Almost everything is good here, from the crazy animation (and the hired Hollywood star actors - including Mark Hamilla) invited to participate in the motion capture sessions, to the many gaming functions, which were implemented in the game. The main question is not “is it worth the wait,” but “how much longer should we wait?”

No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky from Hello Games has been repeatedly called "One Man's Lie." Most responsible for this state of affairs is Sean Murray, the face of the development team behind No Man's Sky. Murray, following other industry visionaries such as Peter Molyneux, presented some (or most) of his statements to the media, which led to too much high expectations of players and representatives gaming industry. But there would not have been such a big storm around No Man's Sky if Murray had not made many promises. But a product that did not live up to the expectations placed on it hit the market. After the game was released, the creators spent two years repairing their work - as a result which has led to many patches and additions that significantly improve the gameplay. Thanks to them, we can now recommend No Man's Sky with a clear conscience, because traveling through a randomly generated space is a lot of fun.


Anthem may not be one of the best AAA games released in the first quarter of 2019, but it's worth giving the latest development a chance Electronic Arts. There are real complaints about the game regarding the repetitiveness of the tasks, but in a good team this will not have a negative impact on the entire game. Moreover, the game gives great pleasure... shooting and flying javelins - combat armor used to destroy enemies and move not only horizontally, but also vertically! Moreover, the beautiful visual design makes Anthem one of the most beautiful games that occur in space. Thanks to the powerful graphics engine Anthem managed to squeeze out the most beautiful space landscapes in the history of games.

Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program is a game that at first glance may seem like a production intended for the little ones. This impression is especially noticeable when you take a closer look at the characters, who look like... green alien toys from Disney's Toy Story. This association is quickly disappearing because KSP is the most best simulator in the world - the player's task is to plan the entire space mission and send the children into orbital space (and beyond). However, this will not be easy - at every stage of the game you need to reckon with physical forces and a huge number of options that can affect the success of not only the flight into space, but also the safe landing of a machine designed by the player on another body in the Kerberus System (equivalent to the solar system).

Dead Space

The list shouldn't be missing a game that horror movie fans will enjoy. Dead Space- produced by Visceral Games studio - was released in October 2008. The story focuses on Isaac Clarke, an unrecovered engineer who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. As a result of unfortunate events, he was left alone on the American ship Ishimura - a giant spaceship dominated by bloodthirsty beasts that lurk in almost every corner of it. Many players liked this title. Why? First of all, thanks to the use of a number of innovative solutions - how to minimize the number of hud elements (the health bar was placed in the overalls on the back of the main character) and the ability to deprive opponents of their limbs (which could delay or change their behavior). Subsequent installments weren't "as good" as this one, but it's worth testing your fear tolerance with Dead Space. In the evening, being alone at home...

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (not to be confused with the Star Wars: The Old Republic online games), released in 2004, is one of the most important video games created by BioWare. Not a single later game from this developer - nor a completely average series Dragon Age, not even the (non-winning) insanely good trilogy Mass Effect- wasn't as good as good old SW: Kotor. This project isn't as good today as it was on release day, but it's worth giving the game a chance because it makes up for visual shortcomings with a well-written story, moral choices, and well-thought-out RPG elements.

In order to avoid accusations that there are simulators that are more simulatory, it’s worth clarifying right away: this is a selection of convenient and beautiful space games for PC.

1. Star Citizen/Squadron 42

Starting the list of games about space is a project that hardly needs any introduction. Behind long years Star Citizen's fundraising ambitions have grown so much that it's hard to remember what Chris Roberts promised when he launched his creation on Kickstarter. Since then, the game has changed engines, managed to appear in the form of a bunch of alpha versions, and has also acquired an unimaginable number of development plans.

To date, the authors of the game, having collected more than $160 million, promise players a lot. Briefly, it can only be described as “The most detailed and vibrant world in the history of space games.” Space exploration in Star Citizen is just one aspect of the gameplay. In addition to it, there is also a planetary part with walks on the moons and planets, and a story campaign called Squadron 42. But all this still remains a dream, and the promised release will take place “as soon as possible.” Whether to be a skeptic about Star Citizen or to believe every word of the developers with bated breath is up to the players to decide. But one thing is for sure - a more detailed and developed game about space simply does not exist.

2. X3: Terran Conflict

It just so happened that the X series will be represented in this rating of space games twice. Compared to its later incarnation, Terran Conflict is a generally recognized successful product from the Egosoft studio. Like X Rebirth, its older sister was impressive in its time, being a true flagship of space games on PC. Today, the graphics are of course a little outdated, but space simulators were created primarily for the sake of gameplay, which is still capable of surprising.

It's all about unprecedented freedom of action and choice. During breaks from the main storyline the player can trade, hunt, perform many other types of tasks and simply explore space. But what's most impressive is the ability to found your own corporation, even managing fleets and building bases. If you don't mind the slightly outdated visuals and complicated controls, then this game is a great way to dive into the depths of space and enjoy thoughtful and multi-faceted gameplay.

3. Elite: Dangerous

Our list of space games continues with the next “Dream Project” and the successor to the legendary one. Having decided to re-release a classic simulator in the current realities, Frontier Development studio turned to various publishers, who, after twisting their heads, unanimously refused to finance it. Not wanting to give up, the authors went to Kickstarter, where they were generously given the required amount.

In fact, the “Release” of the game took place a long time ago, but it is very difficult to call it finished. Yes, it has its own engine that produces a gorgeous picture worthy of any modern PC, and yes, it’s one of the largest game worlds, repeating our galaxy. However, filling with content is very slow, and, objectively speaking, there is nothing to do in the game at the moment. The only thing that pleases me is the true pleasure from the local management and...

There are tasks in the game, ubiquitous pirates and a semblance of trade, but all this is implemented at the “So that it was” level. Problems are added by the constant jumps in the development course towards MMOs and back, as well as the endless unfounded promises of the authors, followed by skimpy updates. Perhaps in the future Elite: Dangerous will flourish, but now it is just one of the most beautiful space games of our time, to which they forgot to add content.

4. No Man's Sky

Long before the release of No Man’s Sky, Hello Games studio promised something that would make the most gullible fans of space games dream of downloading it for free. Alas, as often happens, the reality turned out to be much more prosaic. The authors really did a lot of what they promised, but, as in the case of the space simulator X Rebirth, everything worked far from perfect. As a result, the first buyers of the game could not even launch it for about two days - is it necessary to talk about the presence of bugs and quality after that?

If you look apart from the technical problems, then the game really has a lot of interesting things. Here you have a generated galaxy, along with planets on which you can land, and a plot with the history of the world, and trade, and battles. Yes, No Man's Sky is not exactly a space simulator, but it is strong game about space with complete freedom of action and modern graphics. The authors are trying to smooth out the unsuccessful start of sales with patches and additions, promising more and more functionality.

5. X Rebirth

The penultimate representative of the X series at the moment. A game with an ambiguous fate, ratings and reviews, but you simply cannot ignore it. The thing is that all the traditionally deep and varied gameplay, familiar to fans, went under the knife. But here there is a stunningly beautiful picture, seeing which for the first time, you can even forgive the authors for shortcomings in all other aspects.

The main innovation is the player’s personal presence inside stations and large ones, followed by interaction with quest givers and simple talkers. Otherwise, everything is standard for space games: there is a plot with the secrets of the universe, there is side missions and battles with pirates, pumping up the boat are also available. Overall, it's not a bad option if you don't want to wade through the complex controls or have never played the X series.

6: Freelancer

Between the Wing Commander series and the long-suffering Star Citizen, Chris Roberts had another legendary project. Naturally, it became Freelancer, released at the turn of the millennium.

This game simply became a model for games about space for many years to come. The sense of adventurism conveyed by Freelancer is still being tried to be recreated and rethought by many developers.

It is created by the abundant variation of in-game activities, a decent-sized map divided into sectors, and the general nonlinearity of the narrative. There is no doubt that players will find trade, battles with pirates, faction showdowns and many interesting missions. But what is definitely frustrating is the outdated graphics and the inability to purchase the game in legal digital form.

Buy: Nowhere. The game is not available on digital services.

7: Kerbal Space Program

Many space games are dedicated to the distant future, but there are exceptions among them. Of course, the Kerbal Space Program is not dedicated to Earth, but the inhabitants of this world use the technologies of our modern times to conquer the universe.

And although most of the game is dedicated to trying to design something that can fly, there is also a simulator element here. Creating a flying bucket is one thing, but helping it fly to distant distances is a completely different kind of task. Moreover, this will have to be done with all the intricacies of the life of astronauts taken into account.

The community has given this representative of space games long and sincere love, which already says a lot. Many years of support, many mods and additions and millions of video instructions on assembling ships. Due to all this, Kerbal Space Program takes its rightful place among space simulators.

8: Space Engineers

Space Engineers is another example of a space bucket designer that has grown to unprecedented heights over time. The project's path has been long and thorny, but where it is now is truly a reason for respect.

Since the first alpha versions, planets, missions, planetary transport and thousands of other small details have appeared in the game. But at the same time, the game is still dedicated to constructing a ship one cube at a time.

This case is shown with an unknown level of detail. Players have a huge range of parts, blanks and frames at their disposal. From them they are free to do whatever comes into their head, and with virtually no restrictions. After this, you naturally have to test your creation in practice, which adds new facets to the “simulation” part of the game.

9: Rodina

10: "Tomorrow is war"

One of the representatives of space games known in narrow circles is a domestic project based on a book series. “Tomorrow War” appeared in the mid-2000s, and was immediately loved by many players. Of course, the game’s ambitions were clearly higher than what was ultimately realized. But that doesn't make her bad at all.

The ability to enter the atmosphere of planets is amazing, although useless. Truly impressive, especially for its time. The simulation part is also in place, so you will have to struggle a lot with the controls. The game can be safely recommended to both space lovers and connoisseurs of Russian science fiction.

11: Parkan 2

Another representative of domestic space games is Parkan 2. Even despite its age, the game is still quite capable of surprising. Its authors managed to squeeze a lot into the framework of a familiar space simulator.

What is there in Parkan 2? Here you have trade, battles in space, landings on planets, and much more. Everything is woven into the gameplay so organically that it doesn’t feel like an alien clutter.

Overall, this bold experiment will appeal to all space adventurers who have a desire to explore interstellar space. The main thing is to be prepared for the fact that the graphics in the game are far from advanced.

12: Star Wars: Tie Fighter

One of the oldest space games in our selection is dedicated to. Yes, this artifact is ready to scare everyone with its graphics from the early 3D era. But at the same time, the game has not lost at all in all other aspects. And thanks to stores and GOG, it runs smoothly on any modern PC.

13: Darkstar One

DarkStar One is a variation on the space game theme with open world from little-known German developers. Even though the project was not made by the stars of the gaming industry, it turned out to be holistic and of quite high quality. Moreover, it plays quite cheerfully, even many years after its release.

The plot tells about the protagonist's revenge for the death of his father, in the implementation of which he is helped unique ship. During the player's journey, he will encounter clashes with local gangs, help many races (including intelligent snails) and discover the secrets of ancient civilizations. A science fiction classic as it is.

The game world, although open, can hardly be called completely free. Activities are presented in the classic form of trading and side missions at stations. The missions, by the way, are varied: there is both rescuing boxes of moonshine and destroying huge cruisers.

As a result, DarkStar One is a strong rethinking of the ideas of Freelancer. It is diluted with several unique things like pumping up a ship, which is an organic build-up of individual modules. I can safely recommend this game to all space lovers who for some reason missed it.


EVERSPACE can hardly be called a purebred simulator - it is a space action game with rather arcade gameplay. Nevertheless, we believe that it deserves a place in our selection, because it can offer players moderately hardcore combat, a detailed system and impressive replayability, which is achieved through procedural generation of levels. Not a bad project that can drag on for a week or two.

15: Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

16: Star Conflict

17: Between the Stars

A very beautiful cosmosim that invites you to cross the entire galaxy, getting into various adventures- associated mainly with battles, because you are confronting a clan that has decided to destroy the universe. Random generation of content adds replay value to the project, and big choice and flexible ship customization add variety to space battles.

18: Celestial Command

19: SimpleRockets 2

A simulator for designing rockets, lunar rovers and other machines, using a flexible designer and a reliable physical model. And SimpleRockets 2 can become something more serious than just a game, because the developers of this process use a scientific approach, and you can not only assemble ships from ready-made parts, but also develop your own parts - for example, rocket engines. And then enjoy the frightening beauty of your rocket exploding at launch - or the amazing flight through the solar system.

20: Dual Universe

21: Empyrion – Galactic Survival

A space adventure with elements of , in which you can explore space, build and customize ships, as well as land on planets, explore them, mine resources and fight enemies. The game supports multiplayer, so you can team up with other players, create clans and conquer entire galaxies. A diverse and feature-rich space game, but slightly lacking in content.

22: EVE Valkyrie

Shooter based on the EVE Online universe, designed for devices virtual reality(but you can also play normal mode). Experience intense dogfights in space in five multiplayer modes, and between battles you can customize and upgrade your ship to make it even more powerful for future online battles.


Kerbal Space Program 2

The sequel to the amazing space sim, dedicated to the construction of spaceships and star colonies for funny Kerbals. This time the authors promise even more gameplay opportunities and unlimited scope for creativity. Fans of the first part should definitely wait for the sequel, but for those who are not yet familiar with the original game, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

Everspace 2

Another sequel, now – an arcade shooter about space. The second part of the series will have more of everything - ships, adventures and battles, and players will also receive an exciting story, beautiful pictures and gameplay that will be very difficult to tear yourself away from.

There will be a list of the best space-themed games.

Returner 77

Humanity is on the verge of destruction. 77 ships are sent into space in the hope that after the apocalypse they will return. The commander of ship No. 77 (who is also the only passenger) wakes up and learns that the rest of the ships have died. Despite the cool premise, which promises almost a blockbuster, we have before us a 3D puzzle in the style of The Room. We solve various problems, get into the atmosphere...

Out There: Ω Edition

One of the few games on my phone that I have been returning to periodically for several years now.

You are an astronaut who has woken up from cryogenic sleep in an unknown part of the galaxy. The task is simple - survive! Along the way, you discover new planets, learn an alien language, and (most importantly) manage your ship's resources. Since I rarely enter the game and don’t hang out for more than 1-2 games, I still haven’t completed it to the end.

Faster than light

After Faster than light games like Out There seem to be just flowers. Noticeably more complicated spaceship management, more variety in events, awesome gameplay and amazing replayability. I still think that this game, released on the iPad more than 4 years ago, is the best space-themed game. In terms of atmosphere and stickiness (if you can figure it out!) it has no equal.

The downside is that you will have to learn English...

Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch – Tyranid Invasion

IN App Store dozens of games based on the Warhammer 40,000 universe (not to be confused with the fantasy Warhammer), but the best for my taste is Tyranid Invasion. The action takes place on some planet, which is cleared from various misfortunes by valiant space marines.

At the time of review, the game was only in English, but now it has been translated into Russian.

Galaxy Trucker

Awesomely implemented port board game. You play the role of a space trucker who assembles his ship from scrap parts in real time. Then the race begins with the same truck drivers. Cards with various misfortunes and bonuses open (pirates, meteorites, resource planets).

The game has been translated into Russian, a lot of humor, a big campaign. It's seriously addictive.

SteamWorld Heist

An atmospheric turn-based 2D strategy where you need to kill other robots with your team of robots. The action takes place on various spaceships, on which your brave guys land.

N.O.V.A Legacy

From mind games Let's move on to more mundane shooters. The N.O.V.A universe takes place in space. The first two games were almost the best in their genre...

This is a saga about interplanetary battles. The plot is based on the first part of N.O.V.A, but the game has improved graphics and became shareware.

XCOM: Enemy Within

Although XCOM does not take place in space, it is directly related to it. A squad of fighters lands in various parts of the Earth and fights alien invasion. The player will not only have to fight in turn-based battles with different life forms, but also to manage the construction of your base. One of the best games for a tablet...

Star Wars: KOTOR

The top 10 games about space would not be complete without at least one game based on the universe Star Wars. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was published back in 2003. They ported it to the iPad 10 years later. This is a great reason to touch the legendary toy. Unfortunately, the translation into Russian has not yet been delivered.

The game takes place 4,000 years before the rise of the galactic empire. That's why you won't see Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Darth Vader, who you know from the films, here. But you will meet other, no less charismatic characters from the Star Wars universe.


Crazy space cooperative game. All the people in the room take an iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone, connect to each other via Wi-Fi... And... The flight begins. Everyone has some part of the panel in the spaceship represented on their gadgets, and something breaks for everyone, instructions appear that concern other players. Your company will have fun with SpaceTeam.

Platforms: PC.

A radically updated version of the strategy, famous for its well-developed story campaign. Thousands of ships sailing the expanses of colorful space will impress anyone.

Battles take place in tactical mode, but are not without tension. You can command many types of starships, including giant battleships.

The collection includes both the original Homeworld and its sequel. Both look great on modern computers.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

Humanity left Earth and went to establish a colony there. You have to manage it.

You will start with a small dome in the Martian desert, but over time you will be able to create a bustling and truly huge city of the future. The main thing is to monitor oxygen and energy, otherwise people will very soon begin to die like flies.

Platforms: PC, iOS.

The station itself is also well designed, so looking into its various corners, taking small steps closer to solving the mystery, is a real pleasure.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

In this space simulator, you have at your disposal a huge galaxy with 400 billion star systems. You will start your journey on an unremarkable ship and you will have to decide what to do.

Become a fearless, cunning trader or a curious explorer. Take part in hot battles or be a real pacifist. One of the main features of the project is the ability to play the way you like.

By the way, controlling spaceships, be it a nimble fighter or a super-powerful cargo tractor, is incredibly enjoyable in Elite Dangerous.

Platforms: PC.

A massively multiplayer RPG in which players control every element of the vast cosmos. This is a truly living universe, with thousands of inhabitants fighting, trading, extracting resources and simply enjoying the breathtaking landscapes.

Break out of the relatively safe launch system - and you will find yourself in a real space Wild West, where espionage, piracy and fraud flourish. And here, every now and then, large-scale battles take place, with thousands of real dollars at stake.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

A space action roguelike where when you die, your hard earned gains are yours to keep. You can spend them on upgrades, so you become stronger with each flight.

The fact that abilities accumulate allows one to climb deeper and deeper into the abyss of space. The enemies become more dangerous, but even if you die, it is not disappointing. You just start again, wondering how far you can fly this time.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

This online shooter with RPG elements boasts some of the most beautiful alien landscapes in gaming. It’s a pleasure to go through exciting and action-packed missions alone or with friends in any location, be it the ruins of Earth, the red jungle of the planet Nessus or the volcanoes of Io.

There you can fight with other players if you get tired of killing enemies controlled by artificial intelligence.

12. No Man's Sky

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.

Distant constellations beckon you with their ghostly shine, and green humanoids are just waiting for the opportunity to get to know you? It's time to turn your dreams into reality - and the first step towards this will be exciting games about space! Realistic games about space is not only amazing entertainment, but also excellent training before your journey to distant galaxies. Face all the challenges that await you on interstellar flight, and prove that you can do it!

Earth, goodbye!..

Just over fifty years have passed since the first man managed to overcome Earth gravity and end up in near-planetary orbit. And now we can’t even imagine our life without space technology! Yes, much of what you use every day works only because there are now many satellites spinning in Earth’s orbit, and the best specialists are on round-the-clock watch at the international space station.

You need to have time to write your name in the history of the exploration of extraterrestrial spaces before flying to other planets has yet become as commonplace as a trip to the neighboring city. Since we missed the Great Geographical Discoveries and reached America without our participation, then missing this chance is simply a crime. Games about space will allow you to have a hand in these great achievements without leaving your computer! You can get up, even if virtual world, on a par with such heroes as Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova or Neil Armstrong. And if you don’t know who all these people are, you should urgently visit Wikipedia!

Turn into an astronaut tomorrow!

To become an astronaut, it is not enough to really want it. Even mastering many technical disciplines and demonstrating decent physical fitness is not enough to earn the right to fly into space! The future cosmonaut is also tested on his ability to quickly navigate in any emergency situation, the ability to find compromises in communicating with colleagues and general erudition. Games about space will give you an inside look at the life of astronauts and help you prepare for the tests!

After all, when you know what to expect, neither aliens nor equipment failures can scare you. And, before you board the rocket, you will have to go through a lot of online simulators that simulate various situations in which the flight crew may find themselves. So start training early: with space games you can become the best astronaut in history and will definitely conquer other planets!

And so that you don’t have to look for these convenient exercise machines all over the Internet, we ourselves have selected the highest quality ones for you. On our website you will find only the best space games that will allow you to master the space training program in a short time! Choose any of them and spend your time not only interesting, but also useful.

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