Farrier tiger cub on a sunflower summary. Yuri Koval. Read and listen to Koval's fairy tales and stories. The Tale of the Green Horse

Yuri Koval

The Tale of a Tiger Cub on a Sunflower

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.

He was Ussuri from nose to tip of tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with white-breasted bear cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.

Only the chipmunk had stripes along, and the tiger cub had stripes across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture to see where the stripes go.

But this tale is not about the stripes, but about the tiger cub himself.

All summer the tiger cub played with his friends. How did they play? Very simple.

We all climbed together onto the oldest and largest cedar tree and found the largest cedar cone there.

They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would split and all the nuts would jump out. But the cone did not split, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out nuts that smelled like resin from the cone.

They called this game “bumping”.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, crunching nuts. This game was very similar to nut-throwing and gnawing.

They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.

It snowed, winter began.

At first it was a small winter. And a little bit of snow on the grass and bushes. And then winter grew stronger and gained strength. It was frosty.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. He looks - his friends are not visible. There is no one.

Where are they?

“Yes, they all went to bed,” the nutcracker bird chirped. “Don’t you know that bears and chipmunks go to bed for the winter?”

The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is this so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Strange.

And if you don't sleep, what should you do? Play.

The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. I played and played and got tired of it.

And then the snowstorm began. It became very cold. The tiger cub was so cold that he even trembled.

Are you cold, or what? - he suddenly heard.

And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his hole, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

“Climb in with me,” he says, “you’ll warm up.” I'm warm.

So the tiger cub climbed up to the chipmunk. He climbs and climbs, but cannot get in. The mink is small, but the tiger cub is big.

And while the tiger cub was climbing, the chipmunk yawned and yawned - and fell asleep until spring.

The tiger cub has gone to the taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked and it was an old cedar snoring.

“Did he really fall asleep too?” - thought the tiger cub.

What are you talking about? - the cedar tree shouted. “Cedars never sleep.” Birch and aspen trees fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.

“Who’s that sleeping there so loudly?” the tiger cub climbed down and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow a mother bear was sleeping with her cubs.

Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but Ussuri white-breasted bears live in trees, grow in trees, make dens in trees.

The tiger cub looked into this den, and the bear opened one eye and said:

Are you cold, baby, or what? Come join us, it's warm here.

The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and was just about to curl up into a ball when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he didn’t fall hard, didn’t break, and just buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: “It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to warm up.”

And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.

And the tiger cub immediately wanted to chew this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll regret this seed, because it’s probably frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.

The seed moved slightly. I breathed again - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.

The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep to the howl of the blizzard.

And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow* grow, grow, grow, and even gradually blossom.

And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.

He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, right under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, above, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.

And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

Tiger cub on a sunflower! - the nutcracker shouted. - Tiger cub on a sunflower!

Spring is coming soon. Chipmunk and bear woke up

zhata. We climbed onto a sunflower, and there the tiger cub was sleeping. They woke him up.

How did I get here? - the tiger cub was surprised.

“You warmed the seed,” said the wise Uncle Chipmunk, “and now it warms you.”

So the red summer has come, a hot, Ussuri summer. The tiger cub takes care of the sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, the cubs carry water from the stream, and water the sunflower. Good for the tiger cub. And all the animals feel good.

Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered at a sunflower, eating berries and gnawing nuts.

That's good! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. - And you can see everything around far away.

If only we could all live on sunflowers!

Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - the nutcracker shouted. “There are not enough sunflowers for all!”

And then a cold wind blew. The sunflower swayed. The chipmunk and the cubs ran home. There is only one tiger cub left.

And it started snowing again. The sunflower bent down to the ground from the wind and the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He grabbed them into a pile, hugged them to himself, and fell asleep.

So what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.

And in winter, in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers grew. Huge flowers opened, and on every sunflower someone was basking in the sun.

There is a bear cub.

There's a little fox there.

There is a wolf cub.

And on the tallest sunflower the tiger cub was fast asleep.

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.
He was Ussuri from nose to tip of tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.
He was friends with white-breasted bear cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.
Only the chipmunk had stripes along, and the tiger cub had stripes across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture to see where the stripes go.
But this tale is not about the stripes, but about the tiger cub himself.
All summer the tiger cub played with his friends. How did they play? Very simple.
We all climbed together onto the oldest and largest cedar tree and found the largest cedar cone there.
They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would split and all the nuts would jump out. But the cone did not split, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out nuts that smelled like resin from the cone.
They called this game “bumping”.
Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, crunching nuts. This game was very similar to nut-throwing and gnawing.
They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.
It snowed, winter began.
At first it was a small winter. And a little bit of snow on the grass and bushes. And then winter grew stronger and gained strength. It was frosty.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. He looks - his friends are not visible. There is no one.

Where are they?
“Yes, they all went to bed,” chirped the nutcracker bird. “Don’t you know that bears and chipmunks go to bed for the winter?”
The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is this so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Strange.
And if you don't sleep, what should you do? Play.
The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. I played and played and got tired of it.
And then the snowstorm began. It became very cold. The tiger cub was so cold that he even trembled.
-Are you cold, or what? - he suddenly heard.
And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his hole, which he dug under the roots of the trees.
“Climb in with me,” he says, “you’ll warm up.” I'm warm.
So the tiger cub climbed up to the chipmunk. He climbs and climbs, but cannot get in. The mink is small, and the tiger cub is big.
And while the tiger cub was climbing, the chipmunk yawned and yawned - and fell asleep until spring.
The tiger cub has gone to the taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked and it was an old cedar snoring.
“Did he really fall asleep too?” - thought the tiger cub.
- What are you talking about! - the cedar tree shouted. “Cedars never sleep.” Birch and aspen trees fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.
“Who is that sleeping there so loudly?” the tiger cub climbed down and climbed to the top of the cedar.
And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow a mother bear was sleeping with her cubs.
Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but Ussuri white-breasted bears live in trees, grow in trees, make dens in trees.
The tiger cub looked into this den, and the bear opened one eye and said:
- Are you cold, baby, or what? Come join us, it's warm here.
The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and was just about to curl up into a ball when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he didn’t fall hard, didn’t break, and just buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: “It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to warm up.”
And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.
And the tiger cub immediately wanted to chew this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll regret this seed, because it’s probably frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.
The seed moved slightly. I breathed again - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.
The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep to the howl of the blizzard.
And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow* grow, grow, grow, and even gradually blossom.
And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.
He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, right under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.
And there, above, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.
And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.
- Tiger cub on a sunflower! - the nutcracker shouted. - Tiger cub on a sunflower!
Spring is coming soon. The chipmunk and the cubs woke up. We climbed onto a sunflower, and there the tiger cub was sleeping. They woke him up.
- How did I get here? - the tiger cub was surprised.
“You warmed the seed,” said the wise Uncle Chipmunk, “and now it warms you.”
So the red summer has come, a hot, Ussuri summer. The tiger cub takes care of the sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, the cubs carry water from the stream, and water the sunflower. Good for the tiger cub. And all the animals feel good.
Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered at a sunflower, eating berries and gnawing nuts.
- That's good! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. - And you can see everything around far away.
- If only we could all live on sunflowers!
- Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - the nutcracker shouted. “There are not enough sunflowers for all!”
And then a cold wind blew. The sunflower swayed. The chipmunk and the cubs ran home. There is only one tiger cub left.
And it started snowing again. The sunflower bent down to the ground from the wind and the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He grabbed them into a pile, hugged them to himself, and fell asleep.
So what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.
And in winter, in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers grew. Huge flowers opened, and on every sunflower someone was basking in the sun.
There is a bear cub.
There's a little fox there.
There is a wolf cub.
And on the tallest sunflower the tiger cub was fast asleep.

Yuri Iosifovich Koval

The Tale of the Green Horse

The Tale of a Tiger Cub on a Sunflower

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.

He was Ussuri from nose to tip of tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with white-breasted bear cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.

Only the chipmunk had stripes along, and the tiger cub had stripes across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture to see where the stripes go.

But this tale is not about the stripes, but about the tiger cub himself.

All summer the tiger cub played with his friends.

How did they play? Very simple.

We all climbed together onto the oldest and largest cedar tree and found the largest cedar cone there.

They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would split and all the nuts would jump out. But the cone did not split, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out nuts that smelled like resin from the cone.

They called this game “bumping”.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, crunching nuts. This game was very similar to nut-throwing and gnawing.

They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.

It snowed, winter began.

At first it was a small winter. And a little snow - on the grass and bushes. And then winter grew stronger and gained strength. It was frosty.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. He looks - his friends are not visible. There is no one.

-Where are they?

“Yes, they all went to bed,” the nutcracker bird chirped. – Don’t you know that bears and chipmunks go to bed for the winter?

The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is this so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Strange.

And if you don't sleep, what should you do? Play.

The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. I played and played and got tired of it.

And then the snowstorm began. It became very cold. The tiger cub was so cold that he even trembled.

-Are you cold, or what? – he heard suddenly.

And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his hole, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

“Climb in with me,” he says, “you’ll warm up.” I'm warm.

So the tiger cub climbed up to the chipmunk, he climbed and climbed, but couldn’t get in. The mink is small, and the tiger cub is big.

And while the tiger cub was climbing, the chipmunk yawned and yawned - and fell asleep until spring.

The tiger cub walked through the taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked and it was an old cedar snoring.

“Did he really fall asleep too?” - thought the tiger cub.

- What are you talking about! - the nutcracker shouted. – Cedars never sleep. Birch and aspen trees fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.

– Who is it that sleeps so loudly there? - said the tiger cub and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow a mother bear was sleeping with her cubs.

Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but Ussuri white-breasted bears live in trees, grow in trees, make dens in trees.

The tiger cub looked into this den, and the bear opened one eye and said:

- Are you cold, baby, or what? Come join us, it's warm here.

The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and was just about to curl up into a ball when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he didn’t fall hard, didn’t break, and just buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: “It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to warm up.”

And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.

And the tiger cub immediately wanted to chew this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll regret this seed, because it’s probably frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.

The seed moved slightly. I breathed again - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.

The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep to the howl of the blizzard.

And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow, grow, grow, grow, and even gradually blossom.

And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.

He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, right under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, above, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.

And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

- Tiger cub on a sunflower! - the nutcracker shouted. - Tiger cub on a sunflower!

Spring is coming soon. The chipmunk and the cubs woke up. We climbed onto a sunflower, and there the tiger cub was sleeping. They woke him up.

- How did I get here? – the tiger cub was surprised.

“You warmed the seed,” said the wise Uncle Chipmunk, “and now it warms you.”

So the red summer has come, a hot, Ussuri summer. The tiger cub takes care of the sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, the cubs carry water from the stream, and water the sunflower. Good for the tiger cub. And all the animals feel good.

Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered at a sunflower, eating berries and gnawing nuts.

- That’s good! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. “And you can see everything around far away.”

- If only we could all live on sunflowers!

- Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - the nutcracker shouted. – There aren’t enough sunflowers for everyone!

And then a cold wind blew. The sunflower swayed. The chipmunk and the cubs ran home. There is only one tiger cub left.

And it started snowing again. The sunflower bent down to the ground from the wind and the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He grabbed them into a pile, hugged them to himself, and fell asleep.

So what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.

And in winter, in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers grew. Huge flowers opened, and on every sunflower someone was basking in the sun.

There is a bear cub.

There is a little fox there.

There is a wolf cub.

And on the tallest sunflower the tiger cub was fast asleep.

The tale about the wife of the Serpent Gorynych

There lived three brothers. Each of them had two dogs.

And then one day all of them - three brothers, six dogs - went for a walk around the world. One brother and his dogs went to the left. The other one is to the right. And the third, the youngest - and his dogs were the youngest - came to the royal city. The city was in panic. The nine-headed Serpent Gorynych walked along the Main Square.

- King! - Gorynych shouted. “Give me your daughter, otherwise I’ll destroy the whole city!”

The king and princess looked out of the window in fear and simply did not know what to do.

- Don't be afraid! - Gorynych lured the princess. “Come with me to the bottom of the sea, I’ll show you the pearls.”

- Hey, Nine-Headed! - shouted the younger brother. - Why do you need a princess? Even though you have nine heads, they are all stupid!

Gorynych was furious and was about to deal with the impudent man, but then the dogs jumped up to him. One grabbed his tail, the other grabbed his mane. While Gorynych was wondering what was what, the younger brother cut off all nine of his heads, saying: “Chick-chick-chick!”

Then the king jumped out of the palace and shouted: “Hurray!” Behind the king is the princess. She saw her younger brother and fell in love. And the younger brother, when he saw her, blushed, extended his hand to her and said:

- I would like to meet you!

In general, a week later they got married, and the younger brother began to live with his princess in the royal three-story palace.

One day he went for a walk to the sea. His two dogs are with him. But the princess remained at home.

As soon as he approached the sea, suddenly a heavy wave ran ashore. A wave scattered across the sand, and a scary woman came out of it. The face is green, the braids are woven from brown algae. It was Gorynych's wife.

“Well,” she said. - Finally, I got you! Why did you destroy my Nine-Headed husband?

She waved her scythe - and at the same instant the younger brother and his dogs turned into stones.

Gorynych’s wife laughed and went under the water. Three stones remained on the shore. And it seemed like they had been lying here for a long time, rolled in by the waves and overgrown with sea moss.

Meanwhile, the middle brother came to the royal city. The princess told him a sad story, and he decided to help his brother out.

As soon as the middle brother came to the seashore, Gorynych’s wife emerged from the wave.

-Have you come for your brother? – she asked.

Before he even had time to nod, she waved her scythe. Three more stones lay on the shore.

Whether long or short, the elder brother also came to the royal city. His dogs are with him. He found out what happened to the brothers, was saddened, and slowly went to the sea.

He looks and sees stones lying on the shore. Six stones, rolled by the waves, overgrown with sea moss. And only if you look very carefully, you can make out that two of them look like people, and the rest look like pointy-eared dogs.

Before the elder brother had time to look around, a wave runs to the shore, scatters on the sand, and the wife of Snake Gorynych comes ashore. The elder brother was not at a loss.

- Ah! - he said. - How beautiful you are!

Gorynych’s terrible wife was embarrassed: she had never been called a beauty. Then the dogs jumped up to her, grabbed her sleeves and pulled her different sides. The dogs pulled the sleeves in different directions, and suddenly - bang-bang - two young girls turned out from one wife of Gorynych. They look so sweet and modest, it’s simply amazing! The older brother was immediately stunned. Then one girl went up to the stones and touched them with a branch of bird cherry. The stones on the seashore began to move, sand and dust fell from them - and two brothers and their dogs stood up, alive and unharmed. Then the brothers rushed to kiss and hug, and then they all went to the royal city.

- Hooray! - the king shouts. The princess is happy.

The younger brother began to live with his princess in the royal palace. And the middle brother and the eldest, without thinking twice, married those two girls who came from the same wife of Zmey Gorynych.

And what’s surprising is that we lived well!

The Tale of the Wolf Evstifeika

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. And they had a dishwasher cat, an empty dog, a quiet sheep and Basulya the cow.

And next to them lived in the ravine Evstifeiko the wolf. And this Evstifeiko was a big robber.

And then winter came, snow fell, frost hit. There was nothing left for Evstifika to eat. So he comes to the old man and says:

- Great, old man.

“You, old man, give me the old woman, I’ll eat her.”

– Here’s something else I came up with. I feel sorry for the old woman.

“Then let’s do something else, otherwise my stomach is growling.”

Evstifeyko has pestered you, you can’t get away from him. There is nothing to do, the old man gave the dishwasher cat. Evstifeiko swallowed it - he resorted to the old man again:

“Give me the old woman,” my stomach growls.

I don’t want to give the old woman away to the old man, so I gave him the empty dog. But even this is not enough for Evstifake. I had to give the quiet sheep to the old man. Evstifeiko swallowed the quiet one, came running again:

- Give me the old woman.

“Pipes,” said the old man. - I won’t give up my grandma!

- Duck plays in my stomach.

He gave it to Basul the cow. And the cow was hefty and vigorous. “I hope he choke,” the old man thinks.

But Evstifeiko swallowed the cow too. And for two days he - that’s true - did not come to the old man, and then he showed up again. He walks, somehow rearranges his paws, and barely drags his belly along the ground.

“Great,” says the old man.

- Hello, Evstifeiko-wolf.

“Yes, that’s what they’re doing,” Evstifeiko says, “with my stomach.”

- Why such and such? - the old man says as if he doesn’t understand.

- The stomach plays.

The old man listened - and sure enough, his stomach was playing. And the dog barks there, and the cat meows, and the cow moos. Only the quiet sheep are not heard. It’s not clear whether there’s a sheep in the belly or somewhere else.

- So what are you doing? - the old man says. - Do you want an old woman?

“Well, yes,” Evstifeiko explains, “give me the granny, I’ll eat it.”

End of free trial.

    • The Tale of a Tiger Cub on a Sunflower
    • Type: mp3, text
    • Size: 11.8 MB
    • Duration: 0:12:53
    • Performer: Dmitry Avilov
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Yuri Koval

The Tale of a Tiger Cub on a Sunflower

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.

He was Ussuri from nose to tip of tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with white-breasted bear cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.

Only the chipmunk had stripes along, and the tiger cub had stripes across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture to see where the stripes go.

But this tale is not about the stripes, but about the tiger cub himself.

All summer the tiger cub played with his friends. How did they play? Very simple.

We all climbed together onto the oldest and largest cedar tree and found the largest cedar cone there.

They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would split and all the nuts would jump out. But the cone did not split, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out nuts that smelled like resin from the cone.

They called this game “bumping”.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, crunching nuts. This game was very similar to nut-throwing and gnawing.

They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.

It snowed, winter began.

At first it was a small winter. And a little bit of snow on the grass and bushes. And then winter grew stronger and gained strength. It was frosty.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. He looks - his friends are not visible. There is no one.

Where are they?

“Yes, they all went to bed,” the nutcracker bird chirped. “Don’t you know that bears and chipmunks go to bed for the winter?”

The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is this so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Strange.

And if you don't sleep, what should you do? Play.

The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. I played and played and got tired of it.

And then the snowstorm began. It became very cold. The tiger cub was so cold that he even trembled.

Are you cold, or what? - he suddenly heard.

And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his hole, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

“Climb in with me,” he says, “you’ll warm up.” I'm warm.

So the tiger cub climbed up to the chipmunk. He climbs and climbs, but cannot get in. The mink is small, but the tiger cub is big.

And while the tiger cub was climbing, the chipmunk yawned and yawned - and fell asleep until spring.

The tiger cub has gone to the taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked and it was an old cedar snoring.

“Did he really fall asleep too?” - thought the tiger cub.

What are you talking about? - the cedar tree shouted. “Cedars never sleep.” Birch and aspen trees fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.

“Who’s that sleeping there so loudly?” the tiger cub climbed down and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow a mother bear was sleeping with her cubs.

Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but Ussuri white-breasted bears live in trees, grow in trees, make dens in trees.

The tiger cub looked into this den, and the bear opened one eye and said:

Are you cold, baby, or what? Come join us, it's warm here.

The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and was just about to curl up into a ball when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he didn’t fall hard, didn’t break, and just buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: “It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to warm up.”

And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.

And the tiger cub immediately wanted to chew this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll regret this seed, because it’s probably frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.

The seed moved slightly. I breathed again - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.

The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep to the howl of the blizzard.

And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow* grow, grow, grow, and even gradually blossom.

And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.

He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, right under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, above, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.

And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

Tiger cub on a sunflower! - the nutcracker shouted. - Tiger cub on a sunflower!

Spring is coming soon. Chipmunk and bear woke up

zhata. We climbed onto a sunflower, and there the tiger cub was sleeping. They woke him up.

How did I get here? - the tiger cub was surprised.

“You warmed the seed,” said the wise Uncle Chipmunk, “and now it warms you.”

So the red summer has come, a hot, Ussuri summer. The tiger cub takes care of the sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, the cubs carry water from the stream, and water the sunflower. Good for the tiger cub. And all the animals feel good.

Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered at a sunflower, eating berries and gnawing nuts.

That's good! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. - And you can see everything around far away.

If only we could all live on sunflowers!

Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - the nutcracker shouted. “There are not enough sunflowers for all!”

And then a cold wind blew. The sunflower swayed. The chipmunk and the cubs ran home. There is only one tiger cub left.

And it started snowing again. The sunflower bent down to the ground from the wind and the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He grabbed them into a pile, hugged them to himself, and fell asleep.

So what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.

And in winter, in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers grew. Huge flowers opened, and on every sunflower someone was basking in the sun.

There is a bear cub.

There's a little fox there.

There is a wolf cub.

And on the tallest sunflower the tiger cub was fast asleep.

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.

He was Ussuri from nose to tip of tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with white-breasted bear cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.

Only the chipmunk had stripes along, and the tiger cub had stripes across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture to see where the stripes go.

But this tale is not about the stripes, but about the tiger cub himself.

All summer the tiger cub played with his friends.

How did they play? Very simple.

We all climbed together onto the oldest and largest cedar tree and found the largest cedar cone there.

They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would split and all the nuts would jump out. But the cone did not split, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out nuts that smelled like resin from the cone.

They called this game “bumping”.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, crunching nuts. This game was very similar to nut-throwing and gnawing.

They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.

It snowed, winter began.

At first it was a small winter. And a little snow - on the grass and bushes. And then winter grew stronger and gained strength. It was frosty.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. He looks - his friends are not visible. There is no one.

-Where are they?

“Yes, they all went to bed,” the nutcracker bird chirped. – Don’t you know that bears and chipmunks go to bed for the winter?

The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is this so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Strange.

And if you don't sleep, what should you do? Play.

The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. I played and played and got tired of it.

And then the snowstorm began. It became very cold. The tiger cub was so cold that he even trembled.

-Are you cold, or what? – he heard suddenly.

And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his hole, which he dug under the roots of the trees.

“Climb in with me,” he says, “you’ll warm up.” I'm warm.

So the tiger cub climbed up to the chipmunk, he climbed and climbed, but couldn’t get in. The mink is small, and the tiger cub is big.

And while the tiger cub was climbing, the chipmunk yawned and yawned - and fell asleep until spring.

The tiger cub walked through the taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked and it was an old cedar snoring.

“Did he really fall asleep too?” - thought the tiger cub.

- What are you talking about! - the nutcracker shouted. – Cedars never sleep. Birch and aspen trees fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.

– Who is it that sleeps so loudly there? - said the tiger cub and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow a mother bear was sleeping with her cubs.

Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but Ussuri white-breasted bears live in trees, grow in trees, make dens in trees.

The tiger cub looked into this den, and the bear opened one eye and said:

- Are you cold, baby, or what? Come join us, it's warm here.

The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and was just about to curl up into a ball when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he didn’t fall hard, didn’t break, and just buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: “It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to warm up.”

And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he wanted to close his eyes to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.

And the tiger cub immediately wanted to chew this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll regret this seed, because it’s probably frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.

The seed moved slightly. I breathed again - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.

The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put his head on his paws, and fell asleep to the howl of the blizzard.

And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow, grow, grow, grow, and even gradually blossom.

And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.

He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, right under the sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And there, above, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.

And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and blizzards were raging below.

- Tiger cub on a sunflower! - the nutcracker shouted. - Tiger cub on a sunflower!

Spring is coming soon. The chipmunk and the cubs woke up. We climbed onto a sunflower, and there the tiger cub was sleeping. They woke him up.

- How did I get here? – the tiger cub was surprised.

“You warmed the seed,” said the wise Uncle Chipmunk, “and now it warms you.”

So the red summer has come, a hot, Ussuri summer. The tiger cub takes care of the sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, the cubs carry water from the stream, and water the sunflower. Good for the tiger cub. And all the animals feel good.

Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered at a sunflower, eating berries and gnawing nuts.

- That’s good! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. “And you can see everything around far away.”

- If only we could all live on sunflowers!

- Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - the nutcracker shouted. – There aren’t enough sunflowers for everyone!

And then a cold wind blew. The sunflower swayed. The chipmunk and the cubs ran home. There is only one tiger cub left.

And it started snowing again. The sunflower bent down to the ground from the wind and the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He grabbed them into a pile, hugged them to himself, and fell asleep.

So what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.

And in winter, in the middle of the taiga, a whole bouquet of sunflowers grew. Huge flowers opened, and on every sunflower someone was basking in the sun.

There is a bear cub.

There is a little fox there.

There is a wolf cub.

And on the tallest sunflower the tiger cub was fast asleep.

Solitaire Solitaire