"Kucha": Heroic. Walkthrough of the Blackrock Depths quarter. Video. Decks: Druid, Priest. Game Hearthstone ("Black Mountain"): walkthrough Decks for passing Black Mountain

In the previous article we wrote, and now it’s time for the fourth wing - Blackwing Lair. In this article we also selected the most suitable Blackrock Heroic decks. You can also use these decks for normal mode. You can read the description of the bosses of the fourth wing here.

1. Heroic Mode - Razor Death Indomitable.


  • IN heroic mode Razor Death has 30 HP and 15 armor.
  • He starts the fight on the table.
  • The main goal in this match is not to let the eggs hatch, otherwise a much more dangerous mob will come out of the egg - .
  • Cheap creatures will help you deal with the eggs.
  • It makes sense to add healing cards to your deck.
  • Razordeath has Bloodlust in the deck, so we try to clear the board as best we can, and counter the eggs first or you will die.

List of decks for completing Heroic mode - Razordeath Indomitable:

Paladin Deck: Warlock Deck:

Priest Deck:

2. Heroic mode - Vaelastrasz the Vicious.


  • In heroic mode, Valestrasz has 30 HP and 15 armor.
  • This match will have a very high tempo due to the hero's ability. Each turn we will draw 3 cards.
  • Keep in mind that fatigue will start ticking on turn 7 if Vaelastrasz does not use - Close to Nature.
  • It's easy to defeat Valestrasz if you mill him the other way around. That is, we take a mill deck and kill in his style.
  • Decks with very cheap creatures will also be effective against Valestrasz, since we will be able to field many creatures every turn and the board will be under our control.

List of decks for completing in Heroic mode - Vaelastrasz the Corrupt:

Hunter Deck: Druid Deck:

3. Heroic mode - Chromaggus.


  • In heroic mode, Chromaggus has 60 HP but no armor.
  • Each turn we will receive one of the “Dragon Magic” cards into our hand.
  • The first five cards will be in the following sequence: , . But after this, cards will appear in random order.
  • will grow a lot if you cast a lot of spells. Silence will be good choice and try to kill this mob as quickly as possible.
  • But it's better to save Silence cards for Twilight Dragons, Chromaggus likes to play them with characteristics of about 4/8.
  • Chromaggus can be easily defeated using the Kel'Thuzad + taunts combo.
  • Alexstrasza is also good if you can survive to 9 mana.

List of decks for completing in Heroic mode - Chromaggus:

Druid Deck: Priest Deck:

4. Heroic mode - Lord Victor Nefari.


  • Lord Victor Nefari in Heroic mode turns into a dragon on his first turn and has 30 HP and 50 armor.
  • Unlike normal mode, Ragnaros will give us only one random map at the start of the game.
  • The boss will have 10 mana starting on his second turn, allowing him to gain an advantage very quickly. So removal cards are the key cards in this match.
  • Keep in mind that Nefari's Hero Power copies a random class spell, so be prepared for the worst case scenarios.

Completing the third quarter of Blackrock Mountain in heroic mode is not a difficult task. Thanks to the Blizzard developers that we don't go through the entire block through the Priest and his Well of Light and Light Elemental.

First boss Chief Ommok

At first glance, it seems that the boss is difficult, each move will destroy one of your creatures. But in practice, choosing the right deck is the key to success.

To kill such a boss, we will need to have no creatures at all or have many creatures with deathrattles so that they cannot be easily removed from the field + these must be cheap creatures so that we can play a sufficient number of them per turn.

In fact, we will take a different route, more fun, but no less effective.


This is a war deck with regulars, but slightly adapted for our boss. The deck costs 7800 dust, but all the popular legendary cards have been added to this deck, and the rest are not difficult to craft or you may already have them.

Game tactics

We are looking for axes and servants of pain in our starting hand. Next, we try to find a gloomy regular, he will make the game much easier for us, since we will get a new regular almost every turn and the problem with the hero’s ability will be solved by itself. Also, do not forget that if there are 7 creatures on the field, you place a Warsong Commander, then an Enraged Berserker, and then give a whirlwind, then your berserker will have a dash and its attack will be 9 damage.


If you don't have Sylvanas Windrunner, Dr. Boom and Brawl then craft them replace them with Slam, Whirlwind, Volatile Ghoul, Command Shout.

Second boss General Drakkisath

Victory over this boss practically does not depend on you, since everything will be decided by the starting hand and the next 4 moves. It’s just that if you can’t get Alexstrasza in your starting hand or in the next 4 turns, then you’ll have to pick at the boss’s huge carcass by hand, and this is a so-so job, considering that the boss will use twice more cards per move.

So to the deck itself, the class of which you decide to pass this boss is unimportant, since you will simply need a large number of thick creatures or those that have an impact on the board.


Game tactics

You need to look for Alexstrasza in your starting hand, as she will immediately solve all the issues with the enemy’s health. During the battle itself, we expose all our huge creatures, make profitable exchanges, it is important to remember that the Boss will only be able to play two cards per turn.

Also, do not forget that the boss has a wave of fire and a whirlwind of emptiness, so try to quickly deal with him.


Once again, the main thing is to put Alexstaraz in the deck to make your life easier, but the rest of the cards are all your heaviest creatures that you can find.

Third boss Rend Blackhand

This boss is the most interesting of all, he has four hero abilities. Rend Blackhand can summon three 2 2 dragons, two 2 2 taunts, one 5 4 dragon, or an 8 8 dragon.

Of course, we will pass such a boss through the well of light as a Priest. It's practical and simple, you just need a little luck and Rend Blackhand's great desire to punch only your face.


Game tactics

In the starting hand we are looking for Northshire Cleric, Well of Light, Word of Power Shield, Dark Cultist. The main task is to pump up the well of light and/or Spawn of Light with cards such as divine spirit, Velen's chosen one, word of power shield. Also, if your well suddenly died, you can restore it by resurrecting it.


The only epic is Flash Bomb, you can put a second Mind Blast instead. It's not critical here.


Submit your decks for passing in the comments and we will definitely add them to this topic.

Blackrock Depths is the first part of the second Hearthstone adventure. It's no secret that the reward for completing the Blackrock Mountain adventure is a unique card back - this was the case in the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. We will describe to you the shortest path to achieve your goal.

Koren Khudovar (Sullen Glutton)

Koren the Thinner is the first boss of the Blackrock Mountain adventure. This boss's Hero Power is Heap Small! - allowed Glutton to summon one creature each for himself and the enemy completely free of charge. In the heroic mode of the game, this ability could not remain unchanged - now Koren summons 2 creatures for himself and one for you. This ability, as in normal mode The game is completely free and is automatically used at the beginning of each boss turn.

Koren the Divine Deck in Heroic Mode

  • Inner Rage x1
  • Execution x1
  • Whirlwind x1
  • Succubus x1
  • Take them! x2
  • Old Brewmaster x1
  • Dark Iron Dwarf x2
  • Brawl x1
  • E.T.C. x1
  • Gloomy Regular x2
  • Sinister Blacksmith x1
  • Greedy Mercenary x2
  • [Bigfist Ogre] x2
  • Dwarf Bouncer x1
  • Ogre Mogor x1
  • Baron Geddon x1
  • [Core Hound] x2
  • Stealth Assassin x2
  • Hero of Stormwind x2
  • [War Golem] x1
  • Power tank x2

Strategy for playing against Koren Khudovar on Heroic mode

The tactics and strategy of playing in heroic mode against this boss are not much different from the tactics of playing in normal mode. The essence of building a deck remains the same - include as many strong creatures without the ability as possible. battle cry, since it won't work when casting a minion using a boss's Hero Power. Add a number of removal spells to your deck that will help you cope with the early onslaught of your opponent - be prepared for the fact that the Gloomy Glutton will in a very short time flood his entire table with strong creatures, which will be a very, very difficult task to deal with.

It is also advisable to include both copies of the Mental Technician card in your deck - they will help you reduce the advantage that the Knucklemaker's ability gives. Don't forget about Experienced Hunter.

So, to summarize: leave in starting hand only removal spells (the exceptions are Mental Technician and Experienced Hunter), but we send the rest of the creatures into the deck, aiming for Koren to summon them with his hero power. However, even if you do everything correctly, we cannot guarantee you victory - in this confrontation a lot will depend on luck. So, if the boss already has two Power Tanks lying around on the first turn, it would be best to restart the match.

Cheap Druid deck against Koren Scoundrel in Heroic mode

Priest deck vs Koren Direbrew on Heroic mode

Rogue deck vs Koren Direbrew on Heroic mode

Shaman deck against Koren Khudovar in heroic mode

Dark Iron Arena (Judge Grimstone)

The second boss of Blackrock Depths and the entire adventure as a whole, as you remember, is Judge Gloomstone. The jeering crowd - given power hero allows the boss to summon a 1/1 Spectator with the ability provocation. In the heroic mode of the game, this ability will become cheaper, which guarantees that the Judge will use it at the beginning of each of his turns. The Judge's deck has not changed; it also consists entirely of legendary cards.

Judge Grimstone Deck

  • Blood Mage Thalnos x1
  • Lorewalker Cho x1
  • Millhouse Manastorm x1
  • Nat Pagle x1
  • King Mukla x1
  • Mechmaster Closer x1
  • Feugen x1
  • Stalagg x1
  • Vol'jin x1
  • Cairn Bloodhoof x1
  • Emperor Thaurissan x1
  • Gelbin Mekkatorque x1
  • Crusher x1
  • Illidan Stormrage x1
  • Mexna x1
  • Ogre Mogor x1
  • Sylvanas Windrunner x1
  • Monster x1
  • Toshli x1
  • Baron Geddon x1
  • Doctor Boom x1
  • Fire Leviathan x1
  • Al'Akir x1
  • Gruul x1
  • Enemy cutter-4000 x1
  • Snead's Old Shredder x1
  • Alexstrasza x1
  • Nozdormu x1
  • Onyxia x1
  • Deathwing x1

Game strategy against Judge Gloomstone in heroic game mode

Initially, it may seem that this boss has remained virtually unchanged compared to the normal game mode (the reduction in the cost of his hero power by one mana crystal may not be taken into account). However, it will only seem so to you at first. The Judge starts the game with four mana crystals already available, and he also received an increase in his health in the form of fifteen units of armor. These changes will have to be taken into account - a fast aggro deck will no longer be relevant here.

Now you will have to radically change your game strategy and build a powerful and reliable control deck with a large number of mass and individual cleanup spells. Try to instantly destroy every creature that Grimstone dares to play, while not forgetting to place your minions. You can breathe freely if and only then when the health of the second boss of the Black Mountain adventure drops to 0.

Cheap Mage deck vs Judge Grimstone on Heroic mode

Druid deck vs Judge Grimstone on Heroic difficulty

Freeze Mage Deck vs Judge Grimstone on Heroic Mode

Cheap Rogue vs Judge Grimstone on Heroic

Emperor Thaurissan

The hero power of the last boss of the Blackrock Depths wing is the Might of the Fire Lord. It is identical to the ability of this boss in normal game mode and allows you to deal 30 points of damage for just two mana crystals. However, as in normal mode, Thaurissan will gain access to his ability only after the death of his wife, Moira Bronzebeard.

Thaurissan deck

  • Fire imp x2
  • Leprognome x2
  • [Fire Ax] x2
  • Treasure Collector x2
  • Unstable Ghoul x2
  • Fiery heart x4
  • The leader of the gang of demons x2
  • Ax thrower x2
  • Dark Iron Dwarf x2
  • Death bite x2
  • Abomination x2
  • Black Iron Silencer x2
  • Fire elemental x2
  • Fire wave x2

Strategy for playing against Emperor Thaurissan on Heroic mode

Resisting Emperor Thaurissan in the heroic mode of the game turns out to be many times more difficult than in normal mode. The Emperor will, as expected, start the game with Moira Bronzebeard summoned on the board, but now her attack/defense stats will be 3/1. Due to this, your game may end after the death of one Unstable Ghoul or Abomination, as well as after the death rattle of the Death Bite weapon is triggered. Thaurissan himself will kill his beloved, and, as always, you will be to blame. Consequently, the Priest and the Paladin are the two classes that are capable of at least somehow protecting the boss’s wife from the rash actions of her husband. Or thoughtful ones, who will understand it.

While in normal game mode you could heal Moira Bronzebeard from the very beginning, in heroic mode such options will not be available to you. First, it is necessary to somehow increase the wife’s health, and only then constantly restore it. The Word of Power: Shield card is perfect for the task at hand. There is another card that will play even better on Moira Bronzebeard than the previous one - this is Mad Alchemist. Not only will it raise the selected target's stats to three, but it will also reduce the amount of damage dealt to you (after all, 3 to the face every turn is very painful).

Never include creatures with the ability in your deck. provocation! Moira will mindlessly kill herself on your taunt, and Thaurissan will therefore take long and cruel revenge on you. Although no - not for long.

Mechanical Yeti is another card that you should avoid choosing. This minion's Deathrattle can place a piece of Time Turner into your opponent's hand. Thaurissan will not miss the chance to take advantage of the opportunity and will instantly return his consort to his hand. After which he will shoot you. By the way, if you play a Hunter and include Frost Trap in your deck, you can watch it have the same effect.

If you decide to play Paladin, be sure to include cards like Mark of Kings, Aldor Peacemaker, and Humility in your deck. You can cast the first spell on the boss's wife, and then reduce her attack to one with two latest cards. You can also cast divine shields on Moira Bronzebeard - one such shield is guaranteed to protect her for at least one turn.

Cheap Priest deck against Emperor Thaurissan on Heroic mode

Budget Warrior deck against Emperor Thaurissan in Heroic mode

I want to tell you about how I passed the bosses of the first quarter of the Black Mountain, which is called “ Blackrock Depths" I don’t have all the cards, and my legendaries can be counted on one hand (if you count the legendary cards of Naxxramas), so I assembled decks from what I had. Therefore, it seems to me that the decks I described below may well qualify for the title “ budget».

Gloomy Glutton

First boss - Koren Khudovar, living in the "Sullen Glutton". He is capable of putting 2 cards from his deck on his table for 0 mana, and to even the odds, so be it, he will put 1 card from your deck on your table. The spell Take Them!, which allows you to summon 4 taunts with 1/1 characteristics to the field for 3 mana, can also cause a lot of problems.

But all problems are easily solved if you have large cards and AoE spells. Just select the Mage class, open the collection album at 7+ mana and collect all the creatures that cost 5 mana and above and/or have stats of 5/5 and more. It is very important to take the Hero of Stormwind; several cards with Disguise - Stealth Assassin, Tiger of Stranglethorn; several large provocateurs or such provocateurs who are difficult to kill with one blow - Lord of the Arena, Servant of the Sun; several cards with the Divine Shield - Power Tank (they can be successfully exchanged with enemy creatures).

Now we need to somehow delay the enemy, because he always has more creatures on the field, thanks to his “class” ability. Therefore, we will need freezing spells of mass destruction. Cone of Cold, Blizzard, Ring of Ice - take whatever you have.

You can take several secrets into the load, such as Anti-Magic (to prevent the appearance of small provocateurs from the Take Them spell!) and Reflected Essence. Mirror copies will help delay the enemy for a turn, giving you room to maneuver.

Mage Deck


I believe that Judge Grimstone– the most difficult of the 3 bosses in Blackrock Depths. From the start he overtakes the player by 3 units of mana and operates on the table exclusively legendary cards. And besides, he summons the Mocking Crowd to his side for free - a provocation with stats of 1/1.

The only saving grace is that not everything legendaries are equally useful, and at the beginning of the fight Gloomstone can cast Millhouse Manastorm or Lorewalker Cho, which are more likely to help the player than harm them. He also has at his disposal the Blood Mage Thalnos and Nat Pagle, who, although they have unpleasant effects, are not critical and give the player one more turn to come up with a way out of the current situation.

But the smart one will not go uphill - smart mountain will bypass. Therefore, I believe that you should take advantage of the calm before the storm, and starting from the first turns, fill the table with small creatures, break through 1/1 provocateurs and deal as much damage as possible to Gloomstone every turn in order to have time to defeat the boss before large creatures appear on his field.

For this purpose in starting hand It is highly desirable to have Unleash the Dogs and Dagger Juggler. It’s also a good idea to get Tracking from the start, with which you can try to get the right card, for example, Timber Wolf, which will strengthen the dogs, or Carrion Hyena, which can be buffed from their death. Fortunately, there are always a lot of creatures on the enemy’s field, so Unleash the Dogs can be played at almost any time.

Several secrets will also be useful: Explosive Trap - to destroy 1/1 provocateurs, Frost Trap - to return especially large ones to the enemy’s hand legendary and The Snake Trap, which plays the same role as Let the Dogs Down.

It's best to start developing an attack when Millhouse Manastorm appears on the enemy's field: you can cast a lot of useful spells for 0 mana. King Mukla can also help with bananas.

Hunter Deck

Emperor Thaurissan

The easiest boss in Blackrock Depths. Due to the fact that Thaurissan's wife does not allow him to use his ability (30 damage for 2 mana), all his terrifying power comes to naught. The main thing to have in the deck more cards with Silence. Hence the conclusion is that you need to take the Priest with the class spell of the same name, Ironbeak and Spellbreaker.

They will come in handy the moment Thaurissan puts on the field

Consists of 17 bosses, each of which turns out to be a very dangerous opponent in heroic mode. Gmbox is here to help: we'll tell you which decks will help you deal with them. Please note that due to the notorious “randomness”, even with the most expensive legendary cards, each boss can take many attempts; The approximate travel time for one wing will be from an hour to two. Go!

First Wing - Blackrock Depths

"Sullen Glutton"

In Heroic mode Koren Khudovar at the beginning of each of his turns, he takes out and places three random creatures on the table (two from his deck, one from yours). The tactics against him are simple: you need to build your deck so that it contains only the most powerful minions from your collection, and without class abilities. battle cry"(they do not work when playing a card directly from the deck). Also, don’t forget about cheap spells that will help you cope with the overwhelming forces of your opponent - for example, the Druid “ Close to nature" After that, all you need is a little luck. And if Koren, on the very first move, takes two “ Power tank", it will be easier to start the battle again.

Dark Iron Arena

In Heroic mode Judge Grimstone owns stronger cards, starts the match with four mana crystals and summons help for free every turn " Black Iron Spectator" - 1/1 creature with " provocation" He can be defeated relatively easily by a mage who specializes in surviving and freezing enemy minions. One of the most important cards will be " Mental Technician", which will help you drag a couple of powerful enemy creatures to your side (if you're lucky). It must be said that the luck factor plays a more important role here than in the first battle, and you will probably have to play against Gloomstone more than once or twice.

On the left is the optimal deck for winning the Dark Iron Arena, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of base maps("Mental Technician", alas, is extremely necessary - you will have to spend 200 units of dust to create it). In both cases, a magician is used - a very strong class, which shows all its power in this battle.

(click on the dotted line)

Emperor Thaurissan

Expectedly the most difficult and “random” boss of the first three. On Heroic mode, Thaurissan's wife Moira Bronzebeard has characteristics of 3/1 and can die from any spitting in his direction; at the same time, the emperor himself uses cards like “ Abominations», « Death's bite" And " Unstable Ghoul" It won’t be possible to protect yourself from enemy attacks with “taunt” cards - then Moira will attack them, and after her death the emperor will kill you with his hero ability (30 damage for two mana (!), available only if Thaurissan’s wife is dead). You'll have to be cunning! Most important map in this battle there will be " Mad Alchemist”, with the help of which Moira’s characteristics need to be swapped already on the second turn - keeping her alive with 1/3 characteristics will be at least somehow possible. If Mad Alchemist doesn't come into your hand on turn one or two, it's best to start over. Naturally, to treat Moira you will have to use a priest in this battle - it is much more difficult to defeat Thaurissan with other classes. You will also need a lot of cards to heal yourself, destroy enemy creatures and - of course! - two "Muteness", to "Abominations" And "Unstable Ghouls" upon death did not cause damage to all creatures on the field.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Thaurissan, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of basic cards (you simply can’t do without two copies of “Mad Alchemist”). Note that the first case uses a combo of " Inner fire" And " Divine spirit“- if the circumstances are successful, it will help you win quickly and beautifully.

(click on the dotted line)

Second wing - “Molten Core”


In Heroic mode Garr has 45 health and starts the battle with seven 0/5 minions " Firestone", but when they die, they deal three damage at once for each similar minion that died during the current turn. Yes, this means that if they all explode at once, your hero will receive 147 damage - only Jaina’s secret called “ ice block" But there is no point in playing a magician here - it is much easier to pacify an elemental with a priest. This will especially help " Circle of Healing», « Dumbness», « Light of the Naaru», « Northshire Cleric" And " Mass dispersion"(!). The best start is that on the first turn you put a “Cleric” on the table, and on the second you play a “Circle of Healing” and get a full hand of cards, which will make the rest of the battle a matter of technique.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Garr, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Baron Geddon

A desperately difficult and incredibly “random” boss - much more difficult than any other in the first two wings " Black Mountain" In Heroic mode Geddon has 50 health and 50 armor, and every time you were unable to spend all your mana on your turn, he will deal 10 damage to your hero with the ability " Ignite Mana" Also adds complexity to an already bullying boss " Living bomb“- if you cannot get rid of this debuff on your minion (you can somehow kill it, you can impose silence) before the boss’s next turn, then it will explode and cause the same 10 units of damage to all your creatures and the hero.

In general, it will be difficult. Most likely, you will spend at least an hour on Geddon, and every turn will be torture. You will have to carefully weigh your chances (will you be able to spend all the mana if..?) and take ineffective steps (for example, killing your own minions with your cards - just so as not to die by pressing the “End turn” button).

You need to play as a warlock - only he can get enough cards from his deck during the battle to at least somehow cope with Mana Ignition. More precisely, you will have to play a warlock with a deck filled demons, since they all complement each other very well, and their cost varies from 1 unit of mana to 9. And yes, it’s very necessary “ Alexstrasza"(it’s good that they’re even allowed to use it here) - instantly reducing Geddon’s health from 50 to 15 points will help a lot.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Geddon, on the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Majordomo Executus / Ragnaros the Firelord

A surprisingly easy boss if you know what you're doing and have a little luck. The battle consists of two phases: in the first you need to win Majordomo Executus(30 units of health, 15 units of armor, for 2 units of mana can summon unremarkable creatures with 3/3 characteristics), and in the second - after the death of Executus - Ragnaros(30 units of health, 30 units of armor, for 2 mana twice (!) deals 8 damage to a random enemy character).

The main problem with the boss is that he uses cards in huge quantities " Fire Giant“—there are at least six of them in his deck. You just need to play, knowing that you cannot lower the health level of Executus and Ragnaros below 20 points so that they do not flood the table with these same giants.

A paladin is ideal for this boss - this class easily fills its half playing field small but numerous creatures, and is capable of inflicting an unexpectedly large amount of damage in one turn. The main cards here are “ Call to battle», « Seal of Kings», « Blessing of Strength», « Emperor Thaurissan», « Kel'Thuzad" and, of course, " Tirion Fordring».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Executus and Ragnaros, on the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Third wing - Blackrock Peak

Chief Omokk

The first boss of the third wing of Black Mountain turned out to be quite easy. In Heroic mode, his ability destroys a random enemy minion and is applied automatically at the start of each turn. It’s easy to counteract such simple mechanics - use a lot of small creatures, the loss of which will not be a tragedy. The best class to defeat this boss is the paladin, which is greatly helped by the cards " Call to battle"(summons three minions with 1/1 characteristics to your side of the field at once) and " Divine Grace"(will help you not to be left without cards in your hand, because you will have to play them all at once). You can hardly pay attention to Omokk's creatures; attack the boss himself from the first moves.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Omokk. On the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards (three cards are taken from Curse of Naxxramas, and you should already have them - there is no point in buying Blackrock Mountain first).

(click on the dotted line)

General Drakissat

Another brutally difficult boss, to defeat which you will have to replay the battle more than once and hope that the right cards will come into your hand. His passive ability is " Gaze» makes all creatures and spells cost 1 mana, but at the same time limits you to one card played per turn. In normal mode Drakissat plays by the rules and is also limited to one card, but in heroic mode he gets 2 units of mana at his disposal. Moreover, his deck consists almost entirely of powerful spells to kill your minions and legendary minions. In general, you will have to compose your deck so that each card in it is as weighty as possible and, in theory, capable of taking two or even three enemy cards with it into the card grave. We recommend using the paladin again - his " Tirion Fordring" And " Jagged"They are very good in this fight. The best start to the battle would be " Alexstrasza"- so Drakissat will immediately drop from 50 health units to 15 units. It would be nice to play after her “ Sylvanas Windrunner" or " Kel"Thuzada».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Drakissath. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Rend Blackhand

Slightly less challenging than Drakissat, but still quite a formidable final boss of the wing. Blackhand's ability changes after each use, and in heroic mode it can summon a) three 2/2 dragonets; b) two 2/2 orcs with the ability " Defender"; c) one 5/4 draconian; d) 8/8 dragon. This allows Blackhand to seize control of the field from the very first moves, and you will have to defend by all means until the very end of the battle. There's a good hunter here - his " Explosive Trap" in combination with " To the mad scientists" will significantly thin out the ranks of enemy creatures, and powerful " Command “Take!”" And " Pull the dogs"will allow you to kill Blackhand before he kills you. However, it will still take quite a long time to replay the battle.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Blackhand. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Fourth Wing - Blackwing Lair


First boss of the penultimate wing " Black Mountain" turned out to be a weakling even in heroic mode. Yes, here he starts the fight with " With a corrupted egg» 0/3 in their half of the field, and a dragon with characteristics 7/7 hatches from such an egg. But almost any fast deck can calmly take over the field and deal with these eggs every turn. In general, use a regular warlock with his inexpensive " zoo", and there shouldn't be any problems.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Razor Death. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


Valastrasz in Heroic mode, each turn forces both heroes to draw three cards from the deck and receives an additional mana crystal. It is not difficult to calculate that without treatment and additional tricks, by the tenth turn you will be dead by default. You have to be cunning and use a special version of the so-called mill druid, which specializes in burning your opponent’s cards and quickly playing a bunch of cards from your hand. Will help a lot" Close to nature», « Explosive growth" And " Gift of nature", and you must make the final push with a double " Wild roar"and numerous small minions who were prepared in advance. Please note that the battle is not easy, and you will have to replay it several times, at least due to bad luck with the initial hand.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Vaelastrasz. On the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


In Heroic mode, harmful cards Chromaggus, which he stuffs your hand with every turn, cost 3 mana and are stronger - for example, they heal him by 6 health points every turn. But dealing with him is quite easy if you use the Druid deck presented below. If you're lucky, Chromaggus will run out of cards very quickly, and the spells he filled your hand with will not help him in any way, but your creatures (for example, Twilight Dragon) will only benefit from them. The combination of “Kel” Thuzad” and “Sylvanas Windrunner” is very advantageous in this battle - with their help you can easily establish control over the field, and a reliable path to victory will be paved.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Chromaggus. On the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Lord Victor Nefari

A terrifyingly difficult boss at first glance. In Heroic mode Nefarian receives 30 units of health and 50 units of armor, and already from the second turn has 10 units of mana and simply bombards you with powerful creatures. Besides, Ragnaros will help you in this fight only once, adding one of his free cards to your hand on turn three, after which Nefarian will caustically note that "this won't work" on Heroic difficulty. In general, you can’t rely on Ragnaros here, you’ll have to dodge it yourself. With some luck, you can dodge it quite easily if you use another option (but much slower) of the mill druid. Your task in this battle is to make sure that best cards Nefarian was burned, and all he had left in his hand were useless class spells like " Bite" You must survive until the middle of the game with the help of " Insights», « Messengers of Doom" And " Mental Technique", and then use heavy artillery in the form of " Volcanic ancient», « Malorne" And " Chromaggus».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Nefari. On the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Fifth Wing - "Secret Laboratory"

Defense system "Omnitron"

In Heroic mode, Omnitron has 30 health and 15 armor, and its Hero Power summons robots much faster - on turns one, two, four, and six. The first robot gives you and your opponent 2 spell power, the second at the beginning of each turn " Omnitron» deals 1 damage to all creatures, the third makes all spells cheaper by 3 mana, and the second deals 2 damage for each card played. We are interested in the third robot - " Electron». Best deck in this battle - a deck of a magician who freezes opponents and survives exactly until the moment when he puts " Archmage Antonidas" With " Sorcerer's Apprentice" and in one turn showers the boss with free " Fireballs " A little luck will come in handy, but victory should come already on the first or second attempt.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Omnitron, on the right is a deck made entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


The most difficult wing boss. Maloriak can already on the first turn summon three “Aberrations” with characteristics of 3/3 (in heroic mode, he not only swaps the health and attack indicators of all creatures, but also improves his minions by +2/+2) and the ability “ Jerk" If he did this, it would be easier to give up and start again - continuing the fight with 21 health units already on the second turn will be incredibly difficult. An excellent deck against Maloriak would be a rogue deck - his " Backstab», « Dazed" And " Gutting"will allow you to somehow remove enemy creatures from the table, and " Sprint” will save you when you inevitably run out of cards. The main “work” will be done by “ Fire giants" in combination with " Intercessor sin "dorai" In addition, Maloriak uses secrets, which will play great against " Mystics of Kezan" It may take a lot of attempts to kill this boss, but don’t despair - it will get easier.

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Maloriak, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


The difficulty of this boss is that you cannot be guaranteed to get the “Acid Slug” from the deck at the right time - you have to rely on luck. In Heroic mode, you are not given a single special card for destroying weapons Atrameda, which gets +1 attack for every card you play, so you'll have to play very carefully. It's best to try to deal with him with a synergy-based Priest deck." Words of Power: Shield», « Divine spirit», « Velen's Chosen" And " Inner fire" Don't rush to play all the cards in a row, get ready for the turning point of the battle when you play all of the above and immediately after that destroy Atramedes' weapon. Until then, protect yourself with powerful creatures with the ability " Provocation» — « Lords of Death», « Shield Bearer Sen'jin" And " Slime Belcher».

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Atramedes, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)


In Heroic mode Nefarian receives 30 units of health and 30 units of armor, and when the player copes with his armor, he summons in his place Onyxia with 30 health units and begins to deal gradually increasing damage every turn. We don’t want to have anything to do with Onyxia and her clawed paws, so we use the priest deck with the same synergy as in the case of Atramedes. The best scenario is that you somehow survive until turn 8 with a couple of creatures on the board (one of them simply has to be), and then lay out “ Kel"Thuzada", after which you wait for combo cards to come into your hand. You may have to wait quite a long time, but in the end Nefarian will die from just one blow, and at the same time you can celebrate your victory over everyone heroic bosses « Black Mountain» and admire the new back for your cards. Congratulations!

On the left is the optimal deck for defeating Nefarian, on the right is a deck made up almost entirely of free cards.

(click on the dotted line)

Indian Solitaire