Quest – what is it in “simple words”. The best mystical games The right choice for a large company

It would seem that the end of the working day... You put your time sheet in the safe, hang your uniform jacket in the closet, and almost one step beyond the threshold, all the languor of the evening is covered with that same copper basin. A large-scale operation is coming to an end, there are not enough hands, there are not enough cartridges... and a lot of things are missing, so we - trusted partners - were cheerfully dragged into final stage Operation "Trap". There’s nothing left to do: visit the last hideout of the leader of an almost completely liquidated criminal network, and rid the world of the Spider once and for all. It would seem that he has nowhere to go - all his accomplices have been caught, all his accounts have been blocked... But it’s not for nothing that he is considered one of the most dangerous and unpredictable criminals of our time. Well, where can he go? Yes, we underestimated the spider, and even though we opened its hideout, mother of our colleagues, and even bypassed a couple of traps... But then things started to go wrong! There was not a moment to think, it was necessary to act in order to have time to prevent all the nasty things that the Spider scattered with his generous hand over... but never mind, and not only inside, but also outside his shelter. How can one not remember the honor of the uniform and still put the scoundrel to death? long years ... In fact, seconds counted! And with much greater emotions! The quest is very unique. And it fully lives up to its name. It’s Brain... you’ll have to use your brain so much! And that's great! To begin with, this is a real linear quest; it couldn’t be more linear. One thing clearly follows the other, not allowing you to relax. There is nothing superfluous here, no unnecessary details. Here is the shelter from which the Spider safely left, leaving a bunch of traps not only for uninvited guests. There is nothing to distract from the process, everything is designed minimalistically, and only what you need is at hand. And it’s even more amazing how they managed to cram so much into such a small space. And it is in this combination: crammed with riddles, minimalistic surroundings that lies the main charm of the game - the players are truly one on one with the criminal. You can't get him, but you can manage to prevent trouble and still catch him. And most importantly, there are no hints here. That's it! You are operatives, and you are in complete autonomy. The only rule worth remembering is not to destroy or break. It still won't help. So it all depends on how quickly you can get involved in the process. This is not a classic of the genre: found it - solved it - applied it - was happy - went on to solve it further - couldn’t solve it - asked for a hint and solved it. Here is a different principle: he decided - he exhaled - he swore at the restless Spider - and decided again - he didn’t decide - he had a fight, ran and went to decide again. The riddles are difficult due to the pace of the process; there will be very little time, if any, to poke everything that was found into everything that was found. Although if you weigh it and think about it, there is nothing completely sky-high complicated in the process except for one moment)) The main thing is that attentiveness and observation with memory are activated one hundred percent. Otherwise, everything will end badly... both for you and for others. And this is despite the fact that there are several endings))) One could also say about the light and sound components, but... a paradoxical picture emerges here - one can say that they complement each other, but it doesn’t matter. Light is just light, a real refuge, and that’s all... but the sounds... the sounds are what draw you into the game, especially when you hear a crash behind you and realize that you can’t keep up. As a result, we have an excellent quest, involving an almost real situation, and focusing not on the surroundings, but on the game component. And it's not for children. You will have to act too harshly. It’s difficult to recommend this, but it should be in the treasury of what you’ve completed. Perhaps someone will turn up their nose, but the game is worth the candle. Well, are you ready to take on the challenge from Spider? Then go ahead... and remember that this is a game of chance. No, he won't kill you, but living with guilt is much more difficult.

Anyone who has read, watched or otherwise touched the work of the magnificent Agatha Christie will remember that ten people are complete strangers to each other, not counting one married couple, were found murdered on the island. The murder weapons and crime scenes vary beyond description, and you need to understand who did it, why and how to stop the psychopath. The police have already trampled and inspected everything here, but the chronology and the main suspect have come to a screeching halt. That’s why the players take the stage))) All the cards are in your hands)) On the issue of spoilers, those who have read, seen and remember what is there and how can calm down. The killer is unknown to you, just as a good half of everything else is unknown))) The quest is non-linear, and this is a huge plus. You can’t move forward without some action - yes, but otherwise you decide for yourself what you decide for what. Whatever clue they found, they solved it. Sometimes we stalled, sometimes we were too clever, but there was a lot of pleasure from it. We played together, and we had to run from riddle to riddle, from room to room) The location itself is simply interesting. The surroundings and decoration are designed in the style of the 30s and 40s. Everything is so prim, correct, laconic and strict! The mechanisms fit almost perfectly, some of them cause delight. And yes - original riddles. Something is familiar, but interestingly designed and the solution will not fall into your hands so easily. Something new, but the solution gives no less pleasure. And with every piece of evidence, with every clue found, we get closer to unraveling the identity of the killer. The main thing is not to turn off attentiveness and observation with logic, and not to get too clever, otherwise you can get completely stuck))) And in the finale... but feel the finale yourself, as they say. It's sudden, it's unexpected, and it's...logical, damn it)))

Friends, hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is on air, and today we begin to analyze the next genre computer games and tell you about the best quests on PC.

What is a quest? This is a puzzle game where you will solve riddles, solve problems and take complex solutions, moving along storyline. The genre is not as popular compared to or, but people value it not only for its gameplay and riddles.

A quest (sometimes also called an adventure game) is, first of all, an interesting plot with sharp turns, which you will “live” together with the main character. And this is one of the few genres that can be implemented in real life.

We made a rating of the top quests that have been released since the genre began, included new and old games, and compiled a list based on the degree of interestingness of the plot and the quality of the gameplay. Let us add that most of the games have been translated into Russian. And now - to the rating.

From this article you will learn:

12. Leisure Suit Larry

We decided to give the last place on the list to Leisure Suit Larry, a series of games not for small children.

The main feature of “Handsome Larry” is the constant love subtext. The main character named Larry, in the course of his adventures, tries to seduce girls, moving around various locations - hotels, beaches, casinos and resorts.

He is looking for love, but finds only adventures on his own head. Each part has different scenery and plot, the number of piquant moments increases, but the meaning is the same - choose a girl and “force” yourself to fall in love in different ways.

The game is suitable for adults - you can have fun watching Larry's unsuccessful attempts to seduce another beauty. But the younger generation should be more careful and not take for granted the events and actions of the main character.

Yes, he has charisma and drive to seduce. But sometimes he acts stupidly and childishly, not caring about the consequences.

The last part of Leisure Suit Larry: Land of the Lounge Lizards was released in 2013. Look for a publication in Russian, otherwise you will suffer with dialogues and correct answers.

11. Back to the Future: The Game

In eleventh place is Back to the Future: The Game is a sequel to the film "Back to the Future", published by Telltale Games. The game is available on PC, iOS, PlayStation and Xbox - in other words, on almost all platforms. Plus there is a Russian language, although those who have at least once watched the film about Doc and Marty will complete the game without it.

The game turned out to be dynamic and exciting. Together with the heroes, you will have to solve tasks of varying complexity - look for Doc's notebook, save Arthur McFly, correct Doc's mistakes in the distant past, fight the Tannen crime family, and much more. You will find simple puzzles and an interesting plot that goes beyond the events of the film.

The script for the game was written by the creator of the original trilogy, Bob Gale, so Back to the Future: The Game can be considered a kind of continuation of the film “Back to the Future.” The game was released in 2010 immediately on PC and mobile version on iPhone and iPad, and is now available on everything except Android.

10. The Neverhood

We give tenth place to Neverhood, a masterpiece about a plasticine world released by Earthworm Jim in 1996. In Russian, its name was distorted as best they could - there were variants “Unbelievable”, “Nevervkhudo” and others.

According to the plot, main character in the form of a plasticine worm, he sets out to explore the same plasticine world. He must collect twenty tapes, combine them into a movie and see what happens in the game.

Basic chips The Neverhood has a cool plot and an unusual plasticine world. The basis of the story appeared in 1988, and Steven Spielberg and his studio DreamWorks helped realize it. When creating the game, they used more than three tons of plasticine, bringing the characters to life and creating unusual conditions without cliches and stereotypes. Tenth place - for a creative and non-standard approach, close to art.

9. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

On the ninth The place Adventures of Sherlock Holmes– detective quest in best traditions the famous Baker Street detective. This series of games, based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, has been published since 2002. Each part presents separate stories about the life and history of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

The main advantage of the series is the atmosphere. You will take on the role of a famous detective, investigating crimes, solving unusual problems, communicating with suspects and using the deductive method where possible. And all this in the surroundings of London in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Since 2002, eight parts have been published. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Some parts have been re-released to meet modern PC requirements. The last part entitled was published in 2016.

8. Valiant Hearts: The Great War

In eighth place is Valiant Hearts: The Great War - an interesting quest about the First world war, made in 2.5D format.

The plot tells about four people who find themselves at the front. Moreover, the war is only the background against which the main events take place in the lives of the Frenchman Emil, his son-in-law Karl (German), nurse Anna (Belgian) and the American Freddie.

This company will have to endure many trials - they are literally thrown from one sticky situation to another. Unlike other similar stories, there are no bad and good characters. Anna provides treatment assistance to both French and Germans. Emil and Karl work side by side and successfully eliminate formidable opponents.

The game talks about the war so simply and casually that you don’t feel the tragedy at all. Game process standard but fun. Most of the tasks are typical for quests: find, solve and solve the problem.

There should be no difficulties with completing tasks - everything can be solved. If something happens, a small dog will come to the rescue, serving all team members equally faithfully, bringing various items, distracting enemies and crawling through where the heroes are unable to crawl through.

Valiant Hearts: The Great War is an interesting adventure game about war and the fate of people surviving in difficult times. The game was released in 2014 in Russian and is available on all platforms.

7. Samorost 3

Seventh place goes to Samorost 3, a quest about the exciting adventures of a brave gnome, dragons and knights. The game was released in 2015, five years after development began.

According to the plot, the main character, in the form of a gnome, finds a strange flute near his house. Using a flute, he travels through space, moves from planet to planet, communicates with local residents and helps them solve problems. As a result, he ends up in the monastery of the monks who created the flute, revives the mechanical knight and helps defeat the dragon.

The main feature of Samorost 3 is its unusual tasks that go far beyond ordinary logic. You'll have to put a key into an insect's stomach, squeeze bubbles on turtle shells, lead a crocodiles choir, and much more. Let us add that there is almost no dialogue in the game, and the main thoughts of the main character appear in the form of pop-up clouds.

The developers were able to create an amazing and beautiful world, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away. It's worth playing Samorost 3 for its extraordinary plot, beautiful implementation and unobtrusive humor.

6. Machinarium

In sixth place we put Machinarium, a fantastic robot-quest in the point-and-click style, released in 2009. Immediately after its release, Machinarium gained a large number of fans from different countries due to simple controls, beautiful graphics and non-linear plot. This is one of the few quest games on PC that captivates at first sight.

The main character of Machinarium is the cleaning robot Josef, who must save the city of Machinarium from the Black Hats Gang and free his beloved girl from captivity. The only logical inconsistency awaits at the beginning of the game - due to the lack of an introductory video, it is not clear why the main character ended up in a landfill and where his girlfriend came from.

The virtual adventure of a mechanical cleaner is truly exciting due to the fact that the game contains cool puzzles that are not so easy to solve. The unique style of the game deserves special attention.

Robotic characters do not say a word - all the characters' emotions are expressed appearance, and wishes and memories are shown in a small cloud next to Josef.

But the most outstanding thing about Machinarium is the atmosphere and beauty. The developers came up with and painted an amazing world in which robots, not devoid of human qualities, live under the yoke of strict and soulless mechanisms.

5. L.A. Noire

Fifth place goes to L.A. Noire is a detective simulator at the intersection of the action and adventure genres, released in 2011 on PC. The detective quest is made in the style of GTA, and this is not surprising, because it was developed by the same company - Rockstar Games.

The action takes place in a gloomy post-war Los Angeles. You will find yourself in the role of police detective Cole Phelps, you will solve crimes, look for evidence, and expose criminals.

The game has two types of missions - story missions, during which you will find yourself in the center of events, as well as secondary missions, the completion of which gives additional experience. Secondary tasks can be received by radio - you will be called to the scene of a “fresh” crime and asked to catch the criminal in hot pursuit.

During the investigation you will interrogate people. Conclusions about what a person said can be made based on the facial expressions and gestures of the suspects. MotionScan technology will help with this, making faces truly realistic.

Each successful interrogation brings new experience points that increase the level of the main character. These points can be exchanged for various improvements: increase HP, buy clothes with a bonus to protection, upgrade your intuition. The last point is especially important - intuition directly affects the investigation process, simplifies interrogation and allows you to recognize lies and deception.

L.A Noire is a full-fledged police investigation simulator. The quest here is a search for evidence and answers to questions, and everything else is pure action, very much reminiscent of GTA. A successful combination, thanks to which the game is in fifth place. Go ahead.

4. The Walking Dead: The Game

Fourth place goes to The Walking Dead: The Game - one of the best quests about the zombie apocalypse of all time, released between 2011 and 2013. It took third place in our ranking of zombie games, and will remain in the top until something much better appears .

The Walking Dead: The Game evokes strong feelings and emotions - all thanks to a well-developed script. Here you will not get any pleasure from destroying the living dead, but will be focused on relationships with people you meet during the plot.

The main character, a black guy named Lee, turns out to be one of the few survivors of the tragedy. Fleeing from zombies, he enters a house and meets a little girl named Clementine. Her parents are somewhere far away, so he decides to help the child survive and be saved - together they will go through many tests, meet friends and enemies, survive and look for relatives.

The Walking Dead: The Game is a game, a movie, and a powerful story that touches your heartstrings. Some moments make the heart tremble, the endings of the third and fourth parts will give an emotional charge stronger than any film.

And the slightly cartoonish graphics do not spoil the game in any way, but on the contrary, make it better and more interesting. And instead of a thousand words, let’s say - install, go through and don’t waste your time. It'll be cool!

3. Syberia 3

Bronze goes to Syberia 3, an adventure quest released in 2017 in the steampunk genre. Translated into Russian, the name translates as Siberia, which is not entirely correct - the game takes place not in the snowy Russian region, but on an island called Siberia.

You will find yourself in the role of a girl lawyer named Kate Walker, who goes to Siberia - a world filled with mammoths, unusual people and mysteries of varying complexity. As you progress, you will change the lives of the Yukol people, communicate with many characters, enjoy breathtaking views and solve exciting puzzles.

The plot of the game is a separate story, so it is not necessary to know the history of the two previous parts and go through them again. The main events take place in Chernobyl, but again in a different place.

Therefore, do not draw any parallels - Syberia 3 has almost nothing to do with Russia. Although there are some hints - you can see rusty Zhiguli cars on the street, strange people in funny clothes walk along the streets, and the like. In general, accidents are not accidental, then think for yourself. Let us add that the Russian voice acting turned out much better than the English one, so look for the Russian version.

Syberia 3 turned out to be controversial - on the one hand, it is the good old Syberia of Benoit Sokal with an exciting story, modern graphics and complex puzzles. On the other hand, it’s difficult to control Kate due to the “specification” for consoles, the inability to save manually and skip dialogues.

But still, Syberia 3 is a whole world, strange and fascinating, filled with riddles and colorful characters. It's worth your time, believe me.

2. Grim Fandango Remastered

Silver goes to Grim Fandango Remastered, a re-released quest about an agent from the underworld, released in 2015. The first version of the game was released by LucasArts back in 1998 - then Grim Fandango caused a sensation in the world of computer games.

And Remastered managed to surpass the original due to modern graphics, high-quality voice acting, and most importantly, the preserved atmosphere of the original game - all because both versions were made under the direction of Tim Shafer.

You will find yourself in the role of the main character named Manny Calavera, exiled by a travel agent to the Department of Death for sins. He sells tickets to newly arrived souls to travel through the afterlife - if a person sinned little during his lifetime, then he can travel by a comfortable train or personal car, and if he was a sinner, he will go on foot.

Manny must sell trips to several righteous people in order to free himself from this job and leave the afterlife.

According to the plot, Manny meets the righteous Meche, who for some reason did not receive a train ticket and went on a walking journey through the afterlife. He decides to correct the injustice and help the girl reach her goal. On their journey, many adventures, events, interesting meetings, secrets and riddles await them.

Grim Fandango Remastered is an unusual and somewhat incredible world in which you can hang out for a long time. The adventures of Manny and Meche are captivating, the puzzles make you use your brain, and the characters look like real people.

There is also one bonus - at the end there is a video showing the process of creating the game. Install Grim Fandango and go on an adventure.

1. Full Throttle Remastered

Full Throttle was released in 1995 on PC. The game takes place in the near future, where cars move above the ground using a special air cushion.

The main character is a desperate biker named Ben, who is investigating the murder of the owner of the last factory producing vehicles on wheels.

According to the plot, Ben must stop the main villain Ripburger from closing a motorcycle manufacturing workshop, bringing back his gang and defeating everyone. And all this to the accompaniment of the rock band The Gone Jackals, with jokes, humor and fights.

All rock songs sound as if you were at a real concert. And the voice acting was done anew, the role of Ripburger was played by Mark Hamill from Star Wars.

Full Throttle is epic game about bikers, where there is a place for humor, funny stories, fights, friendship and enmity. The main character is likable despite his stupid actions. He kicks down the door and says that's how it happened, beats up enemies on the road with a board and chain, hooligans, sleeps next to a trash can and acts like a crazy biker.

And the whole game is like that - crazy and crazy, but interesting and memorable. A must have for all fans of computer games.

Let's sum it up

In the last few years, developers have begun to re-release old games. For example, as Tim Shafer, the ideologist of Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, admitted, in his mind it is the re-released versions that are close to the original idea.

Technology has come so far in more than 20 years that it is possible to film popular adventures or release a sequel, as happened with many of the games included in our top. And this is great - old and almost forgotten masterpieces have received a second life and a chance to continue history, and people can remember and plunge into amazing worlds and take part in cool stories embodied in games.

Quests in St. Petersburg from Rabbit Hole are an exciting world of riddles, puzzles and adventures of various genres. In atmospheric escape rooms you can spend an interesting day off with colleagues, organize a party for your child, or have fun in the company of friends. The Rabbit Hole offers you more than 10 locations of varying difficulty levels, where both beginners and experienced players can demonstrate their sharp mind, intuition, logic and ingenuity. Each of the stories we create is unique, giving vivid experiences and new emotions.

The best quests in St. Petersburg

Rabbit Hole quests in St. Petersburg are real quests in several locations in St. Petersburg, where teams of 2 to 6 people participate. The rules of the game are as follows. You and your team are left for one hour in a designated escape room. To solve the puzzle, it is proposed to consider, study and use the objects and available means in the room. As you get out of the room, you will solve mysteries, solve logic problems, open safes, look for secret passages and open new doors. To accomplish all this in 60 minutes, you need to use innovative thinking, intuition, logic and attentiveness, because the tasks are not as simple as it seems at first glance.
Quests in St. Petersburg from Nora Krolika are not only for adult groups, but also for children and teenagers. To adapt the chosen adventure to children's age, we offer the help of an animator. He will become the hero of the adventure, make the legend as interesting as possible for children, and in difficult moments he will tell the child the correct answer to the puzzle. You must order an animator in advance when booking a quest, checking the appropriate box in additional options. Have a fun and exciting time children's party cryo show, dry ice show, chemical show, soap bubble show or 3 in 1 show will help.
The cost of Rabbit's Hole quests St. Petersburg starts from 2500 rubles. for a team with any number of players. The price of the puzzle can include holiday services: photographer, videographer, animator, face painting, bonus riddle with a gift, festive decoration of the lounge area, table setting, food ordering, etc. On your birthday, as well as within 7 days before and after when you book, you receive a 10% discount on quests in St. Petersburg from Rabbit Hole.
We also offer the opportunity to give a holiday to your friends. This is easy to do: just purchase a gift certificate for the St. Petersburg quest. The cost of a certificate for a quest in St. Petersburg is from 2500 to 4500 rubles, for a performance – 6500 rubles. You can order a certificate online, courier delivery will cost an additional 300 rubles.
After completing the intellectual puzzle, we offer a lounge area. Here, in a cozy atmosphere, you can relax with friends, share your emotions and impressions of the game with colleagues, and spend time with your family.

Hi all! Below is a selection of games with mysticism and paranormal phenomena. If you want to suggest a game for this list, write the name in the comments and the rationale for why it should be here.

Silent Hill

Release date: 1999-2012

Genre: Survival horror

"Silent Hill" is a series of computer games in the genre survival horror. Is one of the most famous and popular horror series in history gaming industry. Most of the games in the series take place in the mystical city of Silent Hill (which has absorbed many negative emotions of deceased people). The games in the series were created under the strong influence of horror literature, in particular the psychological horror genre. The games stand out for their vibrant, multi-faceted plots and dark, frightening atmosphere; the characters are not action heroes, but ordinary people.

The choice of weapons is not large: a crowbar, a metal pipe, a pistol and a shotgun. But there are cooler weapons in the game that are not easy to find, such as a chainsaw and a katana. The gameplay of the old parts (they are in fact the best in the series) was cool for that time. Automatic aiming is sometimes difficult to use when shooting, since it is difficult to determine at what angle you need to be in order to hit exactly the target you want.

Clive Barker's Undying

release date: 2001

Genre: First person action horror

Mystical action-horror from the first person, the action of which develops in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as in parallel dimensions. As we progress, we will explore various locations, fight monsters using two hands at once, and solve puzzles that require careful planning on the part of the player. In addition to various types of weapons, our hero will be able to use spells, learned as he progresses through the game through magic scrolls.

Today, this project is considered one of the most important milestones in the history of horror games. In 2001, many publications awarded the game the title of "Game of the Year", as well as awards in the categories "Best Visual Style" and "Best Sound". The atmosphere of the game is simply off the charts and even today it can be recommended for familiarization.

ObsCure 1 and 2

Release date: The first - 2004. The second - 2007.

Genre: Action, Survival horror, quest

"ObsCure" is a horror game with action elements. Both parts take place in educational institutions, where a new drug is gaining popularity, which turns people into monsters. A group of teenagers have to get out of the building and stay alive. The key role is flashlights and light, which is what feral students are afraid of.

Players will have the opportunity to play as four characters, each of which has a specific skill line. The specifics of battles can be different and different from each other, it all depends on the skills. The game is full of logical riddles and puzzles. Players can travel around the school with only two characters, and in the recreation area, change them, depending on their skills.

The Suffering

Release date: 2004

Genre: Survival horror, first and third person shooter

“The Suffering” - satisfied old game, but sometimes terribly scary. The main character Tork, convicted of the brutal murder of his family (and he has absolutely no memory of it), is sent to Abbott prison. After which there are earthquakes and an attack on the prison by supernatural creatures. In a new environment, Tork tries to gain freedom while at the same time fighting demons within the confines of an ill-fated prison. The plot has three endings, in each of which, depending on the player’s actions, one or another version of what happened to Torque’s family is revealed

A distinctive feature of the game is the transformation of Torque into a monster, but only when the yellow rage scale is filled. Its filling can be achieved by destroying a certain number of monsters. In this mode, Tork is much stronger, but you have to keep an eye on the gauge, otherwise when it runs out, he will start to die. There are not many weapons in the game; the main one is an iron pipe. And the secondary ones include several varieties of pistols and shotguns.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Release date: 2005

« Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth"- a first-person horror game with quest elements. The main character is private detective Jack. He has to investigate a missing person and find him, alive or dead. The plot takes place in the city of Innsmouth, where local residents behave strangely and rarely answer questions. Jack will meet ill-wishers with whom he will have to fight.

At the beginning of the game, the player does not receive a weapon, and in most cases, he will have to run from enemies and hide. The game is full of different puzzles and quests. The gameplay is aimed more at hidden walkthrough than for battles. The player is not shown the character's health, ammo, or sight on the screen. The “mental health system” is that in stressful situations and when seeing terrifying scenes, the hero’s psyche begins to malfunction. Possible manifestations of this are visual and auditory hallucinations, visual disturbances, slowed perception, and the like.


Release date: 2005

Genre: First-person shooter, psychological horror

"F.E.A.R." - an action-horror game. The main character, Paxton Fettel, turned out to be a victim of a military experiment and acquired telepathic abilities, and can graft any person to himself. The F.E.A.R rapid response team is dealing with this entire situation. The whole game turns into an endless shootout filled with jump scares and horror. From mysticism - Alma, a ghostly creature in the guise of a little girl.

The gameplay is a shooter with a first-person view. Players are offered a huge arsenal of weapons and abilities, almost all of which are used in the game. Perfectly selected music in the shootouts adds even more action and fear. In most cases, players learn the essence of the plot from the shootouts, hallucinations and visions that haunt the main character throughout the game.


Release date: 2006

Genre: Quest

“Rustles” - A mystical quest with horror elements. The main character is horror writer Michael Arteit, who, in search of a muse, asks his friend to give him his mansion in which a murder and disappearance previously took place. Arriving at the house, he immediately discovers that the building still contains traces of his dark past: strange rustling sounds are heard from everywhere, especially from the basement and fireplaces; so Michael soon becomes more interested in learning the history of the house than in his book.

The gameplay of the game is smooth and dynamic. The player can read diaries for several hours, look for notes, solve puzzles, and then, in a matter of seconds, the game turns into an action game where they have to kill monsters and ghosts. Sounds add special fear and tension and create the feeling that someone is nearby. There are few dialogues in the game, but they are the highlight of the gameplay.

Penumbra: Overture

Release date: 2007

"Penumbra: Overture" - First-person horror. The father of the main character Philip left him alone as a child. And so, after he died, Philip received a letter talking about secret papers, etc. Curiosity takes over, and the main character goes to Greenland, where he ends up in an abandoned mine. According to the gameplay, the player needs to travel through an abandoned mine to get answers to all the questions. Key Feature games - is the influence of the environment on the character’s psyche.

Everything here is built into interaction with objects (in particular, the use of the laws of physics), very convenient manual control. Basically, we are given several main locations where we must explore everything well, for the sake of one global goal. Also, the game can be played either in stealth or ahead, but the creatures can kill with the first blow. The enemies will be - most often feral dogs, and spiders in the tunnels. Well, a Huge Worm as a boss.

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder

Release date: 2007

Genre: Quest

"Darkness Within: The Darkness Within" is a horror game that takes place in an abandoned house. The main character is a police officer who is looking for the missing detective Lowth Nolder. The closer Howard gets to solving the crime, the more traumatized his psyche becomes. His constant companions were waking dreams, hallucinations and attacks of paranoia. The game contains many different references to the works of Lovecraft.

The game mechanics are based on searching for documents and notes. Players now have the opportunity to highlight and write down something. Small and unnoticeable details are the basis of the game. You need to carefully read the notes you find and cross out the necessary words. The game also includes a hint system. The main horror comes from the atmosphere and creepy recordings.

Penumbra: Black Plague

Release date: 2008

Genre: Survival horror

“Penumbra: Black Plague” is a first-person survival horror that continues the story of the first part of the game. The plot continues to tell the story of the Main Character, who, after the mine, ends up in a secret laboratory and meets new enemies and the spirit of Tuurngait. In addition to the excellent plot, the game has become much more frightening and scary and has turned into a real horror game, with an oppressive atmosphere of fear and horror.

The gameplay has remained virtually unchanged since the first part, but unlike the first part, it still places more emphasis on scary and tense moments, and on exploring territories, rather than on gameplay mechanics. The quest part of the game was cut by a quarter, leaving room for a few searches for keys and codes, and only in some places logic should be applied. Also in the second part the combat system was cut out. Now you just have to hide in the shadows or hastily run away from enemies, besides, it is now almost impossible to detain the enemy, since they can simply break down an ordinary door.

Alan Wake

Release date: 2010

Genre: Psychological thriller,

Alan Wake is a horror-adventure game. The game takes place in the fictional American town of Bright Falls. The main character of the game, writer Alan Wake, is trying to find his missing wife and is faced with a supernatural dark entity that takes possession of the city and its surroundings at night. Finding scattered pages of his own manuscript, Wake realizes that his adventures are subject to the plot of the novel he wrote and forgotten.

The game is divided into six episodes. The game has a large arsenal of weapons, the main one of which is a flashlight that destroys dark entities. Light plays a special role. When a character is in the light, he is safe. Game world covers 100 km² with a line of sight of 2 kilometers. Almost all the people in the small town can be met several times, and more often than not, especially the characters you meet at the beginning, are of great importance in the game's plot. Alan Wake can enter buildings and study them from the inside. One of the fundamentals of the gameplay is full support and the need to move by car.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Release date: 2010

Genre: Survival horror

"Amnesia. Ghost of the Past” - the game takes place in an abandoned castle, where the main character Daniel finds himself, without a weapon and not remembering how he got to this place. He receives a note from himself. The note conveys Daniel's last request - to go down into the depths of the castle and kill Alexander of Brennenburg, and also warns that Daniel's time is running out: the Shadow is coming for him - "a living nightmare, sweeping away everything in its path."

The key feature of the gameplay is darkness. This is where you will have to hide from the enemy. The game is filled with various puzzles that need to be solved physically, which adds more hardcore to the game. Players will constantly have to deal with audio hallucinations and blurry screens. You will also have to run from monsters, hide in closets, under tables, under beds, since the gameplay is focused on avoiding enemies, and not on fighting them.

Slender: The Eight Pages

Release date: 2012

Genre: Survival horror

"Slender" is a first-person indie horror game. The game's plot is based on a character from online folklore named the Thin Man. The main character of the game, Kate, ran away from her home into the forest after meeting Slenderman in her house. The heroine only has a video camera with her, which she took to film everything that was happening. While traveling through the forest, the player finds notes with frightening inscriptions left by children who were hiding from the Thin Man. If you look at Slenderman, characteristic noise appears in the camera. The goal of the game is to collect 8 notes without getting caught by the mysterious creature.

With each new level, the locations change dramatically and are not similar to the previous ones. Some cutscenes keep you in suspense throughout the game. The behavior of a long person is determined in real time. What adds hardcore to the game is saving, which is only available at the beginning of each level. The player must film everything that happens with his camera, but there is a limit of 2 hours.

Dread Out

Release date: 2014

Genre: Third person survival horror

"DreadOut" is an indie horror game from Indonesian developers. The game will tell a frightening story about a group of schoolchildren who are captured by an ominous ghost town. The main feature of the game is the atmosphere. And here she is oppressive, very oppressive. Bats flying past, alarming tapping in the distance, a quiet hum - there is no place here where you could feel safe. And in combination with very high-quality sound that tunes to the desired wave.

Gameplay - fighting ghosts, finding keys and solving simple puzzles. The game is clearly screwed up Fatal Frame- you need to destroy opponents using the camera, and these ghosts are also visible only through the camera. It is also necessary to collect various documents. There is a well-designed system of achievements that are interesting for the player to collect. The locations are made in a minimalist style, but frightening. The game is also filled with various scary screamers.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Release date: 2014

“The Vanishing of Ethan Carter” - A mystical detective quest with incredibly beautiful graphics and sound. The main character is Detective Paul Prosper. He has the ability to see the dead and the past. His next case, where the game takes place, is in the town of Red Creek Valley, which, at first glance, seems to be a quiet and calm city. The mysterious story of one boy, Ethan Carter. The game does not lead by the hand, but allows you to act independently. The only downside that can be noted is that the game is short.

The game is full of riddles and puzzles that can be skipped or solved. The player needs to find various notes, objects, corpses, traces. While exploring locations, we will find more and more new crime scenes. And following our logic and attentiveness (there’s nowhere here without it), we will have to compare facts, solve puzzles, and subsequently build a murder scene, recreating it with the help of the paranormal abilities of our main character.

Murdered: Soul Suspect

Release date: 2014

Genre: Action adventure, survival horror, quest

"Murdered: Soul Suspect" is a detective-mystery game in which the plot flows at an uneven pace. In the game, the main character, being a detective, was killed by an unknown person in a black hood. And after his death, he remains on earth and cannot go to heaven due to the fact that he has unfinished business. On his way he meets a medium who will later help him find the unknown person who killed him.

The graphics are enough for high level, and makes you feel like a ghost. Gradually, the character learns special skills, such as: poltergeist, moving into people, turning into a cat. There are also shortcomings in the gameplay, which in critical situations let you down, and you have to replay. The plot is interesting, but in addition to the plot there are also passive tasks where you meet the same ghosts who cannot get to heaven.

Among the Sleep

Release date: 2014

Genre: Survival horror

“Among the Sleep” is a psychological horror, presented from the perspective of a two-year-old child, with whom his mother fusses all the time, and he is afraid of losing her. through whose eyes you observe seemingly ordinary family problems, troubles, and realize that all the events that take place from the baby’s point of view are interpreted completely differently: fabulous, terrifying, frightening. Although the game describes children's fears, most of them are not typical for children of his age.

From the perspective of a child wandering around a scary and unfamiliar house that inspires fear, he tries to find memories of his mother. The game is very short and can be completed in 2-3 hours. In addition to the atmosphere, the game has a great ending - the player will be very impressed by the ending of the game. There is no mysticism in the game, in fact, everything frightening in the game is just childish fear, but it’s worth a try.

Reveal The Deep

Release date: 2015

Genre:, Survival horror

“Reveal The Deep” is creepy atmospheric adventurer in a horror style, where the nameless protagonist in a spacesuit explores an old abandoned ship full of various secrets and inhabitants. The plot is learned from the found diaries, notes and artifacts. With each new level, locations open and various puzzles of varying difficulty appear.

The key feature of the gameplay is the light that the player must produce. The very essence of the game is simple - to get from point A to point B. The player is offered several levels that are not similar to each other. The game is full of ghosts and enemies, but you won't have to fight them, just hide. Basically, solving many puzzles comes down to extracting light.

Adam Wolfe

Release date: 2016

Genre: Quest

"Adam Wolf" is a detective-horror game. The plot absorbs the player with an intriguing beginning, and this intrigue lasts throughout the entire game. The main character is a professional detective and paranormal investigator - Adam Wolf, who is leading an investigation in San Francisco, where a series of murders and missing people have occurred. Also, his sister disappeared several years ago, are these events connected?

A feature of the gameplay is the search for various evidence, fingerprints of documents. Sometimes the player can put out fires, fight criminals, and break glass. But the game is all about solving puzzles. There are also various newspapers where the player can find useful information and Easter eggs for other games.

Layers of Fear

Release date: 2016

Genre: Psychological horror

"Layers of Fear" - the main character is an artist who has to survive in his own mansion. The rooms begin to change among themselves, strange inscriptions appear on easels and walls. The goal of the game is to finish the picture so that all the horror stops. When you find certain items, the character will find himself in the workshop and continue working.

The graphics in the game are realistic and well-designed. Players here are scared by the unknown, because there are no screamers or monsters. The main horror stories are constantly changing rooms and pictures in which you can see monsters with scary grimaces. The main character's wife is the only screamer, but not a dangerous one. There is also multiplayer for up to two people.


Release date: 2017

Genre: Psychological horror

“Conarium” is a horror film based on the book “The Ridges of Madness” by H. P. Lovecraft. The plot takes place in Antarctica, at a research station, where the main character is scientist Frank Gilman, who has to find out where all his colleagues have gone. During the course of the plot, it turns out that a secret experiment was conducted at the station, in which all the scientists were plunged into a hypnotic sleep.

There are rarely monsters and enemies in the game, but you still need to hide from them. The gameplay consists of searching for documents and notes. Various items and locations change paranormally before our eyes. The player will have to solve various puzzles and tasks. The whole game is built in such a way that the tension is constant, this gives difficulty and fear to the players. There are a lot of all kinds of secrets, Easter eggs relating to Lovecraft's work.

Thimbleweed Park

Release date: 2017

Genre: Point-and-click

A mystical point-and-click quest with pixel graphics, deep atmosphere and great humor. The plot centers on two federal agents who come to a small town to investigate a strange murder. Very soon the murder fades into the background, and our heroes plunge deeper and deeper into the terrible secrets of the city and its inhabitants.

The game has 5 characters you can switch between, a non-linear narrative and an open world within chapters, many puzzles and excellent humor. The puzzles in the game are quite complex, but everything is logically integrated into the unfolding action. Otherwise, the gameplay here is classic for point-and-click quests, where the player has to engage in methodical pixel hunting in order to find useful item or use an existing one. In particularly difficult moments, the player can use tips implemented here in the form of a “support service” that can always be called by phone.

Reflecting Fate

Release date: 2017

Genre: Indie first person

An indie detective thriller with a first-person view with elements of mystery and horror, set on Denwood Island in 1996. Livestock suddenly began to disappear on the island (and subsequently its inhabitants), and you, as a local resident, must figure out what is happening. The game has beautiful and detailed graphics, rich sound, a completely open world for exploration and non-linear progression.

The gameplay here is traditional for first-person quests - we explore the world, find all sorts of clues and clues, solve puzzles, piece together the plot and move on. Since the player is not limited in his search from the very beginning, he can reach the final in completely different ways.

Gray Dawn

Release date: 2018

Genre: Quest

A psychological thriller with elements of mysticism, made in the quest genre, which tells the story of a priest accused of murdering a boy. Now, in order to justify himself, the priest will have to go into the depths of his consciousness, gradually restoring the integrity of the picture of his actions.

The gameplay here is based on exploring various locations and finding key items. There are also simple riddles that need to be solved to advance further. The advantages of the game include high-quality picture, excellent sound, professional voice acting of the hero and minor components, an intriguing plot and incredible atmosphere. Everything in the game is worked out in great detail and works perfectly for the plot and its perception by the player.

Mystic. It is difficult to give it a clear definition. This includes all genres whose names at least hint at something strange. It all started in the 90s, when no one knew about the TV series “The X-Files”. But after its release, all films and video games that have supernatural elements, but at the same time they themselves “do not reach” the real ones, are usually classified as mysticism.

Here we will talk about best games in the adventure genre with elements of mysticism that have come out over the past few years, and we will also mention several “older” projects. So let's get started.

Blair Witch

1990s, the same forest from the cult film. A private detective goes in search of a missing boy, but soon some devilry begins to happen around him. The journey, full of jump scares and hallucinations, brings the hero to the house of the Blair Witch. But what are these – manifestations of the supernatural or games of an inflamed mind?


The Federal Bureau of Control is an extremely mysterious organization that investigates cases related to paranormal phenomena. When he is invaded by creatures from another world, a girl named Jessie Faden becomes... last hope humanity for salvation.

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters

The scary story about demons continues: you have to explore the corridors and classrooms of the educational institution and even get out of it - an entire area of ​​the city is now in the grip of evil supernatural forces. An exciting plot, interesting and unpredictable AI will not leave you indifferent in this adventure.

Silent Hill 2


Alan Wake

Alan Wake was originally developed by Remedy Entertainment (which worked on Max Payne) as a timed exclusive on Xbox 360. After which the game was ported to PC. The story centers on writer Alan Wake, who must uncover the dark secrets of the small town of Bright Falls.

At night, his wife goes missing, and the main character begins to be pursued by possessed people. And although the plot is full of mysteries and mysticism, the gameplay of Alan Wake is tied to action.


Released on as many as 7 discs, Phantasmagoria can easily be called the epitome of interactive films of the mid-90s. The game was released in 1995, and due to the huge amount of sexual content and elements, it gave rise to controversy regarding age restrictions. Because of all the hype, Phantasmagoria deservedly achieved bestseller status.

It's not that interesting to play now. The gameplay is unimpressive and all the action looks wooden, not to mention the weak script. We can say that Phantasmagoria has not stood the test of time. Nevertheless, the game became one of the most successful works of the famous game designer Roberta Williams.

Gemini Rue

Gemini Rue has been hailed by critics as a wonderful return to the roots of graphic adventure games. And the noir story once again confirmed that the Wadjet Eye Games studio deserved its success. The game was released in and deliberately made in a retro style, which can be seen in everything: from graphics to gameplay mechanics. The main action takes place in the 23rd century, and the science fiction narrative part is characterized by a large number of unexpected plot twists.

The game was loved not only for its interesting gameplay and story, but also for its graphics, which make it look like a classic retro adventure. Gemini Rue is a game in which you move between locations, collect various items, talk to NPCs and solve puzzles.

The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery

The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery is an FMV game from the Sierra studio, the second part in the series, which tells the story of private detective Gabriel Knight, who this time tries to track down a werewolf. The plot of the game intricately intertwines German folk mythology and real facts from the history of Bavaria. Among the locations are the famous Neuschwanstein Castle and dense forests, by revealing the secrets of which, the main character will be able to find the lost opera of the German Richard Wagner and find out the truth about the death of Ludwig II.

The gameplay consists of video inserts with real actors who perform all the necessary actions. The game was sold on six CDs, making it one of the biggest titles at the time of its release in 1995. However, today it can be downloaded in one go.

Her Story

Deadly Premonition

If you consider yourself a fan of the cult TV series Twin Peaks, then most likely you have already encountered Dead Premonition. It is obvious that when creating the script for their game, Access Games studio was inspired by David Lynch's masterpiece. You play as an FBI agent who comes to a small town to investigate a murder. And if it is quite easy to find the criminal, then it will be much more difficult to understand what forces control the city.

The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us is another hit from the studio, based on a series from the Fables universe. The main action takes place in Fabletown, in which heroes from everyone's favorite fairy tales are forced to coexist in the human world. You control the Great Gray Wolf Bigby, the sheriff of Fabletown, whose task is to monitor the Tales and prevent them from attracting unnecessary attention.

He soon encounters a series of murders. Apparently, someone is planning to get rid of the Tales, and this someone is clearly “one of their own.” Gameplay involves collecting evidence and interrogating suspects.

Like other games from the Telltale Games studio, The Wolf Among Us was released in episodes and consists of five parts. After you beat the game, keep in mind that the studio is actively working on a sequel.

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy

Tex Murphy

Tex Murphy is a fairly old series for PC in which you can take on the role of private detective Tex Murphy. The main action takes place in the 21st century, namely in the city of San Francisco. The release of the first part of the series took place back in 1989, so the gameplay mainly consists of point-and-click elements and is based on exploration, collecting clues and interacting with NPCs. All this in order to solve the next puzzle.

Taking into account all of the above, the cutscenes are video inserts.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is an adventure game that follows private detective Paul Prospero, who receives a letter from a boy named Ethan Carter.

Inspired by its contents, he goes to hometown Ethan, but ultimately faces tragic circumstances. Your main task is to find the missing boy and solve the mystery of his disappearance.

Gameplay is largely exploration-based open world and searching for clues that will help understand not only Ethan’s fate, but also connect a series of murders. The gameplay also includes a number of puzzles. But if you were expecting a long story with a lot of mysteries, then complete walkthrough, which takes about four hours on average, may be disappointing.

Thimbleweed Park

Thimbleweed Park became a hit immediately after its release, because... was developed by Terrible Toybox and was considered the spiritual successor to the beloved Maniac Mansion. This is an adventure game in which you investigate a murder that happened in a small town. Like Maniac Mansion, this is a point-and-click quest, during which you can explore available locations, collect evidence and communicate with some rather strange characters.

The game is often compared to the Twin Peaks series and projects from , which are very similar in humor and lightheartedness. If you consider yourself a fan of the adventure genre and appreciate an interesting plot with elements of mysticism, then Thimbleweed Park is definitely not worth missing.
