Quest psychiatric hospital. Quests in reality are a live game for developing ingenuity and simply great entertainment. Quest, bank robbery

I had a lot of fun in the first room, imagining myself as a real crazy person😆, and I liked it the most out of the whole quest. In other rooms there were different tasks (interesting and not so interesting). There are mechanisms that do not work immediately and with force. I would like the operators to be more attentive; when something didn’t work, they could immediately say that force should be used... but we spent some time and eventually asked for help ourselves. In general, the impression of the quest is not wow, with the exception of my favorite first room)

Three of us went through the quest, and this is not the first quest we have experienced. There has never been a worse quest. The tasks are illogical, the outcome of the quest simply killed me - what’s the point? First room - decoration of this quest, style and theme are fully respected, only the sound is missing. Then there are ordinary rooms that bear little resemblance to a psychiatric hospital. In general, I advise only those who have absolutely nothing to do to go; for the rest, it’s a waste of time and money. 2 out of 10

We completed the quest yesterday, but left without satisfaction. For the first time in all the quests we completed, we couldn’t answer which riddles from the quest we liked.. the first room was a complete dead end, even when they directly told us what to do, at first we stood in a stupor - you’re kidding.. The remaining two rooms were associated with a mental hospital weak. As a result, we came to the end and somehow the joke about “the brain was not detected” was not even funny.

We went through it together, plus it was my first quest for claustrophobia and my second quest in principle. The first thing that delighted us were the bathrobes)) The first room is amazing and very non-trivial, we almost managed to get through it by accident, but then, without a hint, we couldn’t figure out what we had done. Further on, the rooms were less entourage, and the puzzles became quite logical and linear; almost at every moment we understood what we needed to do next. There is practically no search, a lot of varied logic - just what we love. We barely managed to get through, in the end the operator was very helpful with tips, but there was a video that I had to watch and spend time on. I really liked it.

PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Quest easy level difficulties, hints are given in ordinary language. There are enough riddles, all with an unusual approach - a solution. There are search tasks, logic tasks, a little dexterity, and some mental disorders!) The quest is linear, there are not many rooms. The lighting is good, but not everywhere. There is no sound, or simply so quiet that we did not hear it. The wow effects are replaced by various solutions to problems, which is also a small wow effect. There is no place to get dirty in the quest, the atmosphere is conveyed well! It feels like a real mental hospital, and the quest looks new, as it has been renovated 3 times! Minimum text. The quest will be quite easy for beginners, but experienced teams will have to strain their brains, as they will think like beginners - this is due to an unusual approach to tasks and completing the quest!

Team: 3 people. In my opinion, they went there even before it was rebuilt. Since this was my first acquaintance with “Claustrophobia,” there was a whole lot of delight - then for the rest of the week I told everyone I met, I couldn’t stop. :) The quest seemed very interesting, moderately difficult, and some of the problems and solutions just caused a storm of emotions - I thought such things only happen in films! The atmosphere is quite appropriate: soft walls with inscriptions, and honey. equipment, and even a skeleton. The closer you get to the end, the more interesting and interesting it becomes. For quite a long time we were confused in one place with the code, because, as it turned out, technical education sometimes interferes with looking at things from the right angle. But in the end we figured it out, not without a hint. :) The operators are very pleasant, they don’t give advice openly, but only suggest the right idea, which also made me happy. We passed in 57 minutes, it seems, although I don’t remember the exact time.

Currently, reality quests are very popular. Real quests are, first of all, exciting game, a lot of unforgettable impressions, adrenaline and feverish brain activity. So we got hooked on such a wonderful pastime. Yes, I got so hooked that I completed several quests in a short period of time.

He came into the room, played, had fun, and at the same time his brain worked, his logic became tense and his intuition came into play. Still, live quest games with personal participation are an excellent alternative, or even a replacement, to say the least intellectual entertainment. Here you don’t just sit and figure something out, your whole body and brain are involved in the game. Entire families with children can play such quests, but for children, you probably need to choose a calmer theme, and the tasks are not too difficult.

In addition, after completing the quests, you can arrange a small photo session in the rooms with props.

The essence of the game is quite simple, you and your team, teams of two to 4-6 people, are locked in a themed room and your task is to get out of the room or complete a task within a specific allotted time. Before the game, each team player receives a legend or game script, as well as game props and a task. Next, the team’s task is to complete the task or get out of the room in a time, usually 60 minutes, while solving riddles and puzzles that need to be found in the quest room, using logic, ingenuity, personal knowledge and intuition, opening hiding places and doors. In some rooms, answers to tasks flow from one puzzle to another, and sometimes the puzzles are completely unrelated to each other. You also need to figure all this out on your own during the game.

Here, as they say, everything is in your hands, how you open the doors and hiding places is not important, the main thing is not to break anything or disassemble the props. So once, during one of the most difficult quest games, we saved a lot of time by not opening the door, but crawling through a small hole at the bottom of the door, like how cats make exits in doors, and opening the lock from the inside. The quest keepers (administrators) told us that this was something new; no one had done this before. Our bodies are just plastic :-)

Quest rooms are divided by theme, tasks and difficulty. The simplest are two or three keys. We completed the three-key quest in 35 minutes. Four keys are already more difficult, this was our first quest and we did not complete it. The most difficult 5 keys, and we passed this one, albeit in exactly 60 minutes. All you need to do is select the theme of the quest, level of difficulty, sign up for certain time, arrive at the right time to to the right place, pay from 1500 to 2500 rubles per team (depending on the quest), receive a task and go ahead to conquer logical riddles.

This time we visited the live quests of the company Questrum in. During our stay in Perm, we managed to go through three exciting scenarios and three difficulty levels - a mental hospital, a prison escape and a bank robbery. Advice! If you are going on a quest for the first time, then choose three difficulty keys, for the first time it will be just right.

By the way, you cannot bring phones and other gadgets with you into the quest rooms. You leave all personal belongings in locked individual boxes with the administrators. You can only pick it up after the game. And rightly so, otherwise it would be completely uninteresting to play.

Quest, prison escape

The difficulty level is simple - three out of five keys. Number of players 1-4 people. The essence of the game is to get out of the themed room - a prison cell.

So, we received the props and the script, our hands were handcuffed, we entered into roles and went to conquer the bars.

Hell no! How well it all started, and the plan seemed to be perfect! But apparently something went wrong! We're so screwed! Our gang was caught by the cops during a raid on a jewelry store... Afterwards we were escorted to the nearest police station... Where we are currently sitting! The duty officer left for lunch, if not now, then there won’t be a second chance, and we’ll end up behind bars in the strictest prison for 25 years! We need to get out of here urgently! We must run! Run! Run!

The themed quest room is equipped like a prison cell, we look for clues, riddles and solve them. At first we thought that the handcuffs would need to be removed during the game, but no, we ran away in handcuffs. Some puzzles flowed from one another, while others were not interconnected.

Note that sometimes the props in the rooms serve as a hint or hint for a particular task, and sometimes they are just props in themselves to create an atmosphere.

As a result of the quest of the game, we solved the code to the lock, opened the iron lattice door and left the prison cell. We won in 35 minutes!!!

It was fun and cool!

Quest, mental hospital

The difficulty level is average - four out of five keys. Number of players 1-4 people. The point of the game is to get out of the psychiatric hospital.

In this game, our team acted as mental patients who had completely lost their memory, and if they did not get out of the mental hospital in 60 minutes, they would undergo a lobotomy... They would remove part of the brain, God, we need to run away urgently!!! What to do? What are these three people next to me, I know absolutely nothing about them? Damn, I don't remember anything at all? There are white walls and beds all around! We urgently need to cooperate with one of these three! There seems to be one who doesn’t look too bad, he also seems to be a scientist... Maybe we can come to an agreement with him? Let's see, let's see... It looks like a woman, but the name is masculine... maybe English? Or double agent? Looks like I'm really going crazy!

Before the quest began, we were put on white coats, doctors' coats. So-so props, straitjackets would have been a much more appropriate attire.

Everyone was given a piece of paper with a role. You can't tell each other about who you are. In my scenario, I needed to team up with another scientist and escape with him, leaving the other two characters in the room. And so each of us had our own script.

The essence of the game was to solve riddles and puzzles, scour the room in search of them, open doors and hiding places, enter a code into a digital lock in 60 minutes and open the door. The tasks in this game are completely unrelated to each other, of course, this is a psychiatric hospital! If you enter the wrong code on the digital display, then part of the time is eaten up, like 5 minutes, we didn’t notice this and entered the code. Time has passed, and we have lost... We were lobotomized and we really became and remain mentally ill.

Quest, bank robbery

The difficulty level is the most difficult - five out of five keys. Number of players 1-4 people. The essence of the game is to rob a London bank.

Our band of notorious criminals on the run were apprehended by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Secret Service in Watford, near London. But they didn’t put us in jail, but made an offer - in exchange for freedom to rob the London Bank and, in a place with a lot of money and world treasures, steal dirt on the queen! We were simply unable to refuse such a deal, because hanging a provocation on the Queen would become our only ticket to freedom... The task set before us is extremely clear and at the same time incredibly difficult - to take the most guarded vault in the UK! Let's gather our thoughts, take all our skills into our hands, turn on our brains and go ahead!

We were given props, masks so that they couldn’t recognize us, weapons and explosives that would go off in exactly an hour, sending everything into the air to some mother along with us, in order to cover our tracks if we didn’t break into the vault and get out.

We eliminated the security guard immediately

They cunningly made their way into the observation room through a small hole in the door. In the observation room, puzzles and riddles were solved, boxes of secrets were opened, machine guns were found, the alarm was turned off and the vault was opened.

A lot of stuff was found in the storage room - money, jewelry and gold and rubles. Afterwards, again solving the riddles and using all the intelligence, they opened the most important safe, from which they took incriminating photographs of the Queen. Mission Complete! Hooray! We are free! And the explosives didn’t have time to go off! And where could they go, because they really didn’t want to be buried under the piles of storage walls.

Here we are posing with looted treasures, rejoicing in victory and freedom

I would also really like to play quests like this :

Buried alive - two players, no longer allowed, are locked in wooden boxes - coffins and you need to get out of them, otherwise you will simply suffocate underground. AND

Exorcism, exorcism. We will cast out demons from anyone. The quest promises to be scary, but not the most difficult.

And most importantly, try yourself in performances, quests with live actors who will scare us, confuse us, or do something else nasty. Of which, take part in a collector’s performance that instills fear and horror from the first minutes of the game. And also go through an absolutely dark attraction - a labyrinth of fear.

The search engine compares prices from dozens of airlines and issues tickets at the best prices

The largest and most unusual
performance quest
With the participation of professional, contact actors!
The quest is based on real events, in an abandoned hospital!

✔ 400 m2 playing area❗
✔ 13 game rooms❗
✔ unforgettable performance by actors who will not leave you indifferent❗
✔ unexpected passages ❗
✔ unpredictable ending❗
✔ maintaining the atmosphere from the first to the last location❗

What awaits you?

You are a passionate group of teenagers who decide to boost their self-esteem by spending the night in an abandoned mental hospital for fun. Inexplicable events took place in this mental hospital; you will soon realize that where you entered, you will never find a way out. You will have to go through all the horror and darkness that is happening here. Feel yourself in the shoes of those who underwent treatment here, and maybe are still undergoing treatment. After all, it was the girl who was treated here many years ago who could not be found! There are rumors here that those who entered the abandoned mental hospital, she will never allow them to get out of here again!!! The last person in it was reporter Nefedova Maria Dmitrievna. She kept notes in which she described everything that she had to face here until Ellis played an ominous game with her!!! Ellis is the deceased daughter of one of the patients. The mother claimed that Ellis was visiting her, but according to eyewitnesses, she had been dead for a long time. As soon as you cross the threshold of this damned place, you will immediately rush to look for a way out. But you have exactly one hour to avoid meeting Ellis on your way and get out of here alive, and most importantly, not go crazy!

Price for a team of 2 to 5 people:
4000 rub.
Maximum number of players 9
(Additional payment 500 rubles for additional player)

> > Mental hospital

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Legend of the quest “Mental Hospital”

You ended up in a mental hospital ward by mistake, but who will believe that this happened to you by mistake? There is only 1 hour left before the lobotomy, it seems you will have to get out on your own.

On your way to freedom, 4 atmospheric, well-designed rooms await you: a patient’s room, a creepy treatment room, an ominous corridor of an abandoned hospital and the chief doctor’s office. The features of this quest are interesting logical and associative riddles, as well as a consistent and understandable plot. The quest is non-linear, so you can safely go play with a large group.

Quest review from LiveQuests

The biggest fear of many is waking up in a white room with soft walls, with your hands tied. No, this is not a nightmare, this is a “Mental Hospital” quest.
It’s worth noting right away that you won’t have to get out of such a frightening place alone. The entire quest is designed for a team of several people. Only together will everyone be able to evade the doctors and orderlies.

“Mental Hospital” was one of the first Russian quests, but over time it has changed and improved. On this moment the entire quest consists of four rooms: this is the ward itself, where the players begin, a dark corridor, a treatment room and the head doctor’s office. In each of them you will have to not only solve problems and find a way out, but also put in a little physical strength in order to get out.

Unlike other horror quests, the “Mental Hospital” has clean rooms, so it’s difficult to get dirty or damage your clothes. There are no extraneous sounds, such as the steps of an orderly or the screams of other patients. But even without this, players are completely immersed in an atmosphere of madness.

The quest itself is non-linear, and in order to get out you will have to use your brain quite a bit. It will not be easy for beginners to cope with fear and complete the quest to the end. Old-timers will be pleasantly surprised by the surroundings and the stormy, active beginning, when from the very first minute you are completely immersed in the atmosphere of a mental hospital.

As a birthday present, I asked Kai for a quest.
This kind of entertainment has appeared recently, when you are locked in a room and need to get out. Everything is as in computer game, only in life.
I chose “Psychiatric Hospital” for Claustrophobia.

It’s located in Artplay, it’s quite convenient to get there, and the “hallway” is cozy. There are cookies.
A nice girl gave us a brief briefing and said that we were not allowed to take photographs, and that we had to put all our belongings in a locked box. And she let us into a room from which we had to get out in 60 minutes.
The lock clicked behind us.

I really enjoyed the first half hour.
Everything is as in good quests, Only live. So I managed to crawl on the floor, and had keys come up from strange places, and even used different devices.
I won't spoil it.
But the surroundings are on the level. Everything is very cool. True, don’t expect any cool special effects.

And then we came across a math problem. To move on, you need to solve it, nothing else.
Well, for the remaining half hour we didn’t move.
And the point is not at all that our logic failed, or that we did not notice something.
It’s just that both Kai and I can’t stand counting. And we didn’t even immediately believe that the most banal mathematics was required of us.
Well, it’s trivial... multiply two three-digit numbers, then also divide the result by a single-digit number... Thank you for not using the integral. Well, at least there was a piece of paper. But he didn't help much. Because one mistake, one missing number - that's all.

So as much as I liked the first half, I didn’t like the second half.
In addition, when we left, a couple who had been unable to get out also pulled out of the neighboring “Soviet Apartment”. Guess what they fell asleep on? On math!
And the girl from the staff said that everyone has difficulties with this.
But maybe they planned it this way, so that everyone would count, no one would get out and come again... however, I didn’t want to come again at all. Moreover, since there are mathematical problems everywhere, not only in the hospital!

It seems wrong to me that in such a quest the task uses quite complex (anything that cannot be calculated in your head is difficult) calculations. And there is no way to get around them. Nobody cares about logic anymore. Sit and count.
Reminded me of algebra class. Brrr!

By the way, the website says that the minimum age is 8 years. So, there’s nothing like that, there’s nothing to do there with children.
It’s still possible for three of us in the hospital, but I would say that two is ideal. They will simply push you more and will not help you in passing.
Well, yes, the price on a weekend is 3500 per session. In an hour, that is. It's not worth it, IMHO. Better go on a weekday and try it.
Hints can give you ideas if you're stuck... but if you're not, they can only get in the way.

As a result, the bottom line is only disappointment.
And a thought: don’t let techies write scripts, please!

UPD. Many people have some confusion, so I’ll explain.
We multiplied more than a couple of numbers for half an hour. The catch was also that, for example, under the number Pi there was not 3.14 hidden at all, but a completely different number. Just because that's how it is)
And I would tell you in detail, but there will be spoilers.
