Skyrim quests: passage of "Mad Mind", "House of Horrors" and "Return of Twilight". Kyrim House of Horrors (walkthrough) House of Horrors Skyrim does not give quest

Reward: One-handed Mace of Molag Bal
Job ID: DA10

Note: the task is very inhumane, and if you are playing the role of a good guy, it is better not to take it on at all.

The quest starts in the city
Markart. At night, walking near an abandoned house, you will meet a sentinel Turan, who will say that he wants to inspect the house and could use some help. We agree and follow him.

Entering the house, after a while strange events will begin in it - dishes will begin to fly, everything will be as if in fog, and the room will begin to shake like an earthquake. You will hear the voice of Molag Bal, who will order to kill Turan.

Even if you don’t start attacking first, Turan will. Kill him, after which the surrounding space will “normalize”. Now the voice of Molag Bal will order you to go lower, to his altar:

We use the altar and find ourselves locked in a cage. After a short dialogue (in which, regardless of the choice, the outcome will be the same), the cage will open, and the next task will be to free the priest of Boethiah, who is located in the Broken Tower:

We go there, clear the Tower, find a priest at the top - Logrolf the Uncooperative, and free him. Upon release, you can threaten to say that you are from Molag Bal, or lie that you were sent by Boethiah, or even give money so that he does not ask unnecessary questions. Choosing an option will not affect this quest in any way (but it is not a fact that it does not affect other quests, for example, the quest “Call of Boethiah”).

Once free, the priest will run to that same abandoned house in Markarth. We go there, and at the altar we find a priest locked in a cage.

After which, Molag Bal will give you his mace (still rusty) and tell you to kill Logrolf with it (kill, they say, not necessarily with the given mace).

We kill him the first time - he does not give up. Molag Bal resurrects him and we kill him again. After his second death, he gives up and renounces Boethiah, giving his soul to Molag Bal. And after that he died completely.

This is where this rather inhumane task ends, and we receive the Mace of Molag Bal.

House of Horror(orig. The House of Horrors) - quest of the Daedric Prince of the Markarth faction in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Brief walkthrough

  1. After reaching level 10, meet Turan, the guardian of Stendarr, in Markarth.
  2. Having agreed to help the Watchman, go inside the Abandoned House.
  3. Kill Turan on the orders of the Daedric Prince Molag Bal.
  4. Free Logrolf, who is being held by the outcasts in a random location.
  5. Bring Logrolf to the altar of Molag Bal.
  6. Beat Logrolf with a rusty mace until the latter surrenders and is ready to swear allegiance to Molag Bal as his master.
  7. Receive the reward - Molag Bal's mace.


On the streets of Markarth, a certain Turan - one of Stendarr's sentinels - asks the townspeople about an abandoned house nearby. When approaching him, he himself will begin a dialogue. In his opinion, Daedra worshipers gather in the house. The protagonist can offer his help to the watchman, after which they will enter the house together. After a quick inspection, Turan will notice a locked door and invite the main character to open it.

After you try to open the door, the house will seem to come to life: household utensils and interior items will fly from all sides, while the screen will shake and change color.

Turan, frightened by the “unusual Daedra,” will run for help, but an unknown force will lock the front door, and a mysterious disembodied voice will order the main character to kill the sentinel. Attempts to ignore the voice's orders and open the front door will be futile, and its owner will only become more angry. Turan, believing that only one will leave the house alive, attacks first. You will have to kill him, and then, following the further instructions of the voice, go through the previously locked door into the depths of the house, where the mysterious altar is located.

When interacting with the altar, the protagonist will find himself locked in a makeshift cage. It turns out that the hero was imprisoned in it by none other than the Daedric Prince Molag Bal himself. As it turns out, the mysterious altar belongs to him, and the Daedra is furious that the sanctuary has been desecrated by the priest of Boethiah, Logrolf the Uncooperative, who performed his rituals here.

In the form of an ultimatum, the main character will be asked to find the priest and, by cunning or threats, deliver him to the altar, allowing him to perform the ritual again... for the last time.

You can agree or refuse - the Daedra will release you in any case, and the quest will move on to the next stage. Molag Bal will tell you that the priest was captured by the Outcasts and will tell you how to find him. Most probable place Logrolf's capture will be the stronghold of Druadach.

Note: The place where Logrolf is captured is chosen at random. In most cases this will be a Druadach stronghold, but other Forsworn camps are also possible. For example, the Forsworn have settled at the Divided Towers and keep a prisoner with them.

Having reached the desired location and freed the priest, it turns out that this is not the most friendly type. Instead of thanking him for his release, the old man will demand to know how the hero even knew his location. To force Lorgolf to go with him, the main character will have to either convince the old man by lying that he was sent by Boethiah, or intimidate him by openly declaring that he was sent by Molag Bal. If this does not work, then the obstinate will have to be bribed so that he does not ask unnecessary questions. The amount depends on the current level of the protagonist.

In any case, Logrolf will go to Markarth to repeat his ritual. There is no need to run to Markarth with Logrolf - just fast travel. The priest will already be in an abandoned house and, no matter how the hero forces him to come here, he will still be very surprised that the protagonist is indulging in the Daedra.

Molag Bal will give the hero a rusty mace and offer to break the spirit of the priest, forcing him to submit. Having fallen twice at the hands of the hero (under Molag Bal's sarcastic remarks about the weakness of mortal bodies), Logrolf agrees to renounce Boethiah and give his soul to Molag Bal.

After this you will have to kill Logrolf. Only in this case will the Daedra Prince give out a reward - a real mace of Molag Bal, filled with his power (when hit, the enemy’s reserve of strength and magic is taken away and transferred to the owner of the mace, and also, if the enemy dies within three seconds, the soul stone is filled).

Warning-icon Important: in the Abandoned House, in the second room, under the cabinet there is a book “The Trials of Boethiah”. She starts a quest called Boethiah's Call.


  • In the abandoned house (after the first appearance of Molag Bal), chairs can be seen stacked on top of each other on a table. This is a reference to the old movie Poltergeist.
  • It is not at all necessary to beat a priest with a rusty mace.
  • You can capture Logrolf's soul for yourself, but either at the first death or at the third.
  • In this quest, you can develop your character's combat and healing skills well by beating and healing the priest Logrolf.
  • It is not necessary to kill the sentinel Turan on the orders of Lord Molag Bal: it is enough to have spells from the “Illusion” school of magic depending on the level: “Calm”, “Pacification” or “Harmony”, or the character must be an imperial who has the talent “Voice of the Emperor” . Using this, you can force the crazed Watcher Stendarr to lay down his weapon, but in any case he will be killed by objects flying around the house.


  • At the beginning of the quest, Turan can stop his monologue (presumably if he is pushed), after which a series of bugs occur: Molag Bal does not dictate his terms to the protagonist; Turan does not react to anything until the protagonist begins to beat him; The door to Markarth does not open.
    • "Solution:" load the save, try not to get close to Turan during the quest.
  • When Turan runs upstairs, the door remains open. It’s not critical, but if you run out into the street without killing the Watchman, then even there the effects continue and the voice of Molag Bal sounds.
  • After Logrolf the Uncooperative dies for the first time, you can have time to take things from his body before Molag Bal resurrects him. After resurrection, the priest will again be in his previous outfit.
  • There is a bug where the trap at the altar does not trigger to surround Dovahkiin, and the quest may stall. It might help if you have a similar error. console command move to the next stage of the quest (the bug is caused by the Crafter's Might mod).
    • Solution: jump straight onto the altar with the mace and wait a bit. After 3-4 seconds the hero will slowly roll down and be caught by the cage.
  • There is often a bug that allows you to get this quest up to level 10. This does not affect the completion of the quest.
  • Sometimes the marker on the map or compass will incorrectly show the priest's location.
  • At the moment of beating Logrolf the Intractable with a rusty mace, he can teleport outside the cage, stand next to it (he can run towards the cage, scream and be in a scared position). It is transported back to the cell after a few seconds.

Quest stages

To go to a specific stage of the quest, enter in the console:

Setstage DA10 stage

where the stage parameter is a number, the stage of the quest (all stages are listed below).

House of Horrors (ID: DA10)
StageDiary entry
10 Turan, Stendarr's watchman, is interested in an old abandoned house in Markarth. He believes that the Daedra were once worshiped there.
(Objective 10): Search the abandoned house.
70 (Goal 20): Find the reward.
80 Molag Bal, the lord of obedience, appeared to me. He demanded the cleansing of his altar in an abandoned house in Markarth, luring the priest of Boethiah there.
(Objective 30): Find the priest of Boethiah.
85 (Objective 35): Free Logrolf.
90 (Objective 40): Go to the abandoned house.
100 (Goal 50): Make Logrolf submit.
130 (Objective 60): Kill Logrolf.
140 (Objective 70): Talk to Molag Bal.
200 Logrolf is dead, and Molag Bal's mace is mine.
500 Turan is dead. Whatever he was investigating, that was the end of it.
550 Logrolf is dead. Whatever plans Molag Bal had for him are now over.
The stage indicated in green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and in red - its failure.
The following stages have been omitted as they have no description or meaning: 0, 3, 15, 17, 20, 25, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 45, 65, 72, 74, 76, 92 , 95, 110, 120.


  • Not all quest stages may appear in the quest log. Which of them will appear and which will not depend on how you complete the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, and also if some of the quest stages can be completed in any order.
  • If a stage is marked green, that is, as the end of a quest, then this means that the quest disappears from the list of active quests in the log, but new entries associated with the quest may still appear in the quest log.


D-L Quests Daedric princes D-R
Black Star (Azura). Call of Boethiah (Boethiah). Walking Nightmare (Vermina). The dog is the Daedra's friend (Clavicus Vile)
The Cursed Tribe (Malacath). Dawn (Meridia).

The tramp Dervenin from Solitude asks you to help him return his owner from vacation. According to him, the owner can be found in the forbidden wing of the Blue Palace, where the mad King Pelagius used to live. Having received the royal pelvic bone from Dervenin (useless, but can be sold), we go to the palace.

You can get into the Blue Wing by asking Falk Firebeard or the cleaning lady Una about it. The wing has long been abandoned and covered with cobwebs, but the journey along it will soon be interrupted, and you will find yourself in a strange place where the Daedric Lord Sheogorath is spending his “vacation” along with the late Pelagius the Third.

Sheogorath will agree to interrupt the rest on the condition that you get out of Pelagius's mind. You have no weapons or spells - only the issued Wabbajack staff. You need to go through three arches in turn and perform three simple steps:

  • Behind the first arch on the left, where atronachs are fighting in the arena, you need to use Wabbajack on the spectators watching the grip.
  • The next one is to shoot off “night terrors.” Each subsequent fear is caused by the use of Wabbajack on young Pelagia.
  • Behind the third arch, you will have to use the same staff to increase Pelagius’s Confidence in size and reduce her enemies.

It is done! Our reward is the Wabbajack, a magical staff that fires a random spell each time it's used.

Returning to reality, do not forget to search the room for valuables.

Taste of Death (Namira)

In the city of Markarth there are strange rumors about the local tomb. Learn about them from the bartender at Silver Blood, or head straight to the Understone Keep, where you'll find the Hall of the Dead and Brother Verelius. He will explain that someone is eating the dead and will ask us to investigate the matter.

If you do not agree with this formulation of the question and do not want to become a cannibal, kill Eola.

If not, help clear the Cliff Cave from the undead - from the beginning to the very altar of Namira. After this, Eola will ask you to bring brother Verelius to the cave. Do this or tell him about Namira's sinister plans.

Convince Verelius to go with you and lead him to the altar, where Namira’s servants, invited to the meal, are already waiting. After that, do what you want - either obediently kill Verelius and start eating him, or save him at any time and kill the cannibals.

The reward will be Namira's ring - it gives you the opportunity to improve your health by eating corpses. And the hero will have bad breath, which everyone will start telling him about.

The Door That Whispers (Mephala)

The Door That Whispers (Mephala)

The owner of the Prancing Mare tavern in Whiterun will tell you that something strange is happening to the children of Jarl Balgruuf.

The jarl himself will not deny the problems and will offer to talk with his son Nelkir (thus asking everyone if they are also going to lick the jarl’s boots). Nelkir will send us to a certain Whisperer in the basement.

The whispering door in the basement will introduce itself as Mephala. She will ask the hero to open the door and send him back to Nelkir for advice. The boy will tell you that the Jarl or Archmage Farengar has the key. The easiest way is to rob a magician.

Behind the door in the basement lies an ebony sword and a book warning that the artifact is dangerous. Quest done! The sword is the reward. It absorbs the health of enemies, and the effect can be enhanced if you kill several friends or companions with it.

House of Horrors (Molag Bal)

In Markarth, next to the Silver Blood tavern (just up the street), Turan, Stendarr's sentinel, wanders. He will ask you to help him explore an abandoned house where Daedra are rumored to be worshiped.

Alas, the house will turn out to be Molag Bal's trap, and you will have to kill Turan.

Go down to the basement, to the altar of the Daedric Lord. There, having touched the rusty mace and been in the cage, you will receive a task - to bring the priest of Boethiah, named Logrolf, who damaged the mace, to Molag Bal.

The priest was captured by the Outcasts and kept in one of their camps (which one is decided by a random number generator). Leave the house, go to the indicated place and, having cleared it, bring Logrolf out. Under any pretext, bring him to Molag Bal and, when the priest is caught in a cage, knock on him with the mace issued by Molag Bal - and then, when the Daedric Lord orders, kill the priest.

The reward will be the beautiful mace of Molag Bal, which will take away strength and magic and capture souls.

The only cure (Peryite)

The only cure (Peryite)

Taking on this task is not easy. Having reached the tenth level, you can wait a long time for a meeting with a sick refugee who will tell us where the sanctuary of Peryite and its guardian Kesh the Pure are located. But you can try to find this place in the mountains northeast of Markarth and northwest of the settlement of Karthwasten, south of the Druadach Stronghold and southeast of the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz.

It’s worth going there already with the kit that Khajiit Kesh will ask for. We need a flawless ruby, a silver bar, a poison bell and a vampire's ashes. The silver bar is the easiest to find - blacksmiths sell them, and you can steal the bar in the same Kartvasten, where there is a silver mine. Poison bell grows in many places - especially in the northwestern swamps. Of course, it is also easy to find among alchemists. Vampire ashes can be obtained from vampires or purchased from an apothecary. Flawless rubies are rare, but begin to be found among merchants at higher levels.

Having received the necessary ingredients, Cash will brew a potion, and after inhaling green smoke, we will be able to talk with Peryite. He needs to kill the traitor Orkendor and his Taken in the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz, which is a stone's throw to the northwest. The dungeon is very large, and you can wander there for a long time. But there are no puzzles there, except for a couple of levers that need to be pulled to open a passage or trigger a trap near an unsuspecting enemy. The dungeon is inhabited by mechanical spiders, spheres and a lone centurion. Mage Orkendor is at the very end of the dungeon. Take the books and key from him, take the elevator to the surface and return to Peryite.

To talk to him again, inhale the green smoke. The reward is the Spell Breaker shield, which in the “combat” position creates a talisman spell.

Beyond the Ordinary (Hermaeus Mora)

We receive this task according to the plot, meeting with the scientist Septimius Segonius on his small island north of the College of Winterhold. But you can take the task just like that, if you visit him in the shelter and ask him. For information on how to get to the Black Reach and what to do there, read the description story quest"Ancient knowledge". Solving the problem in the Mzark Tower, we will obtain the Ancient Scroll and at the same time fill the cube with knowledge.

When we return to the scientist and give him the filled cube, he will ask to bring blood samples of an orc, dark elf, bosmer, high elf and falmer (all samples can be obtained in Blackreach or in any other places). To leave Septimius's cave, you will have to talk with the Disgusting Abyss, that is, with the Daedric Lord himself.

Returning to the scientist, give him the blood. The path to the book of books will open - Ogma Infinium. She immediately raises six skills to choose from by five points - magic, thieves or warriors. To learn, open the book and press the action key.

On the way back, talk to Hermaeus Mora.

Call of Boethiah (Boethiah)

The quest is activated only after the hero reaches level thirty. It can start with surprise attack, read a book about Boethiah, or when the hero comes across a sanctuary (east of the Windhelm stables, at the very edge of the map), where Daedra worshipers fight in an improvised arena.

Boethiah will offer to sacrifice a companion. If you don't mind (and if your companion is not particularly dear to you), order him to approach the glowing pillar and perform the sacrifice.

The last task is to visit the bandit camp on the opposite side of Skyrim. Clear the cave and demote Boethiah's former warrior. Put on his ebony chain mail and listen to the final instructions of the Daedra Master.

The reward is that same ebony chain mail. She makes her steps quieter, poisons enemies who get close to the hero, and looks very cute, especially in stealth mode.

Call of the Moon (Hircine)

The quest begins in Falkreath if you talk to the inconsolable Mathies - he can be found in the cemetery (a scene plays there) or in the tavern. He will tell us that his daughter was torn to pieces by the werewolf Sinding, who was captured and hidden in the barracks. Take a look there (you can start the quest there too).

Sinding admits that he is a werewolf, but states that the random and unpredictable transformations into the beast are a curse that the patron of hunters, Hircine, placed on the enchanted ring. He will invite us to settle matters with Hircine ourselves and will advise us to first kill a white deer in order to summon the Daedra Lord. Having given the ring, Sinding will turn into a beast and jump out of the barracks through the roof.

The deer grazes not far from the city - it is easy to find and shoot.

Indeed, after the deer falls, Hircine will appear and say that he is very angry with Sinding for stealing the ring. The task is to find the impudent werewolf in the Drowned Grotto, kill and skin him.

Inside the cave we will find a slightly beaten group of hunters, the last of whom will die after telling in general terms what happened (“The prey is stronger than the hunter. Kill him in the name of Hircine!”). But Sinding, sitting on a cliff a little further away, will offer a counter plan - to hunt the hunters with him. If we still decide to kill Sinding, he will first arrange for the slaughter of the hunters - you can join the battle right away, kill the werewolf, remove the skin and accept as a reward from the ghostly Hircine the light Skin of the Savior (resistance to magic and poisons).

If we take his side, the hunters will be stronger, and as a reward at the exit from the cave we will receive the ring of Hircine cleared of the curse. It gives an additional transformation into a beast per day and is useless for non-werewolves.

An Unforgettable Night (Sanguine)

This quest differs from others in that it is not so easy to find. The key character - Sam Geven - can appear in any tavern in Skyrim. But the task is simplified if you remember: Sam appears in the tavern that is closest to the hero when he reaches the fourteenth level - and he never leaves this tavern. Remember what you did at this “age”. If you still have old saves, look in them where your hero was at the moment when he “turned” 14.

A friendly drinking session with Sam (you guessed who it is?) will suddenly be interrupted, and we will find ourselves in the Markarth temple of Dibella, where they will tell us about the wedding and the goat and offer to clean up the remnants of yesterday’s brawl. You can avoid cleaning with persuasion or money.

Our next stop is Rorikstead. Farmer Ennis accuses us of stealing his goat Gleda, which has now gone to a giant named Grok. The goat must be returned - the giant, of course, will be against it.

The next clue is Whiterun and a certain Isolde, who demands the return of the wedding ring from the Witch's Mist Grove. You can avoid searching for a ring by using money or persuasion. But it’s easier to go to the “bride,” Moira’s witch, and take the ring from her by force. When the ring is returned to Isolde, we will receive the last tip - to the Morvunskar fortress. A crowd of evil sorcerers and Sanguine himself are waiting for us there.

The reward for the quest is the Rose of Sanguine, a staff that calls the Dremora to our aid.

Shards of Past Glory (Mehrunes Dagon)

The quest begins with a leaflet that the courier will give us at level twenty. The owner of the Dawnstar Museum of the Mythical Dawn, Syl Vesul, wants to collect the Razor of Mehrunes, a legendary dagger of the past.

The razor is divided into three parts and is kept by three different characters:

  • Jorgen of Morthal can be persuaded to give up the key to the house. The hilt is in the chest.
  • The head of Dagon's Razor is kept by the sorcerer Draskua in the large Forsworn camp (there we will also find a wall with the Word of Power).
  • From the orc Gunzul in the orc fortress Cracked Tusk we take the key to the vault and, going down there, grab the fragments of the Razor (beware of traps).

Having received the three parts and attached the scabbard to them, Sil will offer to meet at the sanctuary of Dagon. It is better to climb there from the northern slopes of the rock.

Mehrunes will invite us to kill Sil in order to become his hero and get the Razor (a dagger that gives a chance to instantly kill the enemy upon impact), and Sil wants to go home and hide the Razor under museum glass. The choice is yours. In any case, there will be a battle. Don't forget to take the key from the dremora and clean out the sanctuary.

Cursed Tribe (Malacath)

The quest is available from the ninth level. We may hear rumors of an Orc fortress in Riften, or we may head straight there.

The Lagashbur fortress is located southwest of Riften, at the foot of the mountains, a little further than the Tower of Light and Darkness. Help the orcs get rid of the giant. They will tell you that the tribe is cursed and will ask for two ingredients for the ritual of summoning Malacath: troll fat and the heart of a daedra. Fat is easy to get (from the same trolls, for example), but hearts are the rarest ingredient, and they fall from dremora, which are very rare. To get a heart, do the quest of Mehrunes Dagon or join the College of Winterhold - there they can be found in Enthir's assortment.

After the ritual, Malakat will say that the tribe is suffering for the cowardice of the leader Yamarz, and will order the cave with his sanctuary to be cleared of giants. The place we need is the Yellow Stone Cave, northeast of Riften. Yamarz will go there on foot, but it is better to go there on your own.

In the cave, the behavior of the orc leader will become completely comical. Yamarz will be a terrible coward and persuade us to do all the dirty work instead of him. If the giants do not kill him, then at the sanctuary of Malacath he himself will attack us in order to get rid of the witness of his cowardice.

Take the hammer from the giant's body and return it to the tribe, placing it on the altar. Now it is called Volengrang and absorbs the reserve of strength. This is our reward.

Dawn (Meridia)

The quest begins when a strange-looking ball falls into our hands - the guiding star of Meridia. But it is found by chance, and it can take a long time to look for it, so it is safer to visit the statue itself. It overlooks the road leading to Solitude (south of Wolfskull Cave, where Potema was summoned).

Meridia will show us where to look for our guiding star. Find it and, returning to the rock, place it on the altar and receive instructions from the Daedra mistress. We need to go to the Kilkreath dungeon (the entrance is directly under the statue) and kill the necromancer Malkoran.

The dungeon is simple, but interesting, in the spirit of Indiana Jones. We need to activate the pedestals with a chain and transport the beam sent by Meridia through all the catacombs, while opening door after door. The battle with Malkoran will be in two stages - first with himself, then with his shadow.

The reward is the Radiance of Dawn, a sword with a very unusual, although not very convenient effect: from time to time it not only kills the enemy, but turns it into ashes, and when the undead die, it gives area damage that scares away the remaining undead.

Dog is a Daedra's friend (Clavicus Vile)

There are rumors in Falkreath that the blacksmith Lod is looking for a certain dog. Go to Lod and get meat from him to lure the dog. We will find him, but suddenly it turns out that this is Barbas, a companion of the Daedric Lord Clavicus Vile. Barbas ran away from him.

Barbas wants us to go to Heimar's cave and find the sanctuary of the former owner. There are many vampires inside the cave, so if you are not very confident in your abilities, let the dog go ahead. Clavicus, in turn, will demand the Ax of Sorrow, which is in the Frosty Cave, be returned to him. It is a small cave, and its only inhabitants are a mage and his fire atronach.

When we return the axe, Clavicus Vile will offer us to keep the ax with one condition - we must kill Barbas. If we agree, we will receive an ax that damages the reserve of strength. If we refuse, Barbas will join the owner on the pedestal, and we will grab a very useful mask of Clavicus Vile, which improves prices and eloquence.

Waking Nightmare (Vermina)

Something strange is happening in Dawnstar - all the residents have the same nightmares at night. What's happening? The priest of Mara, the dark elf Erandur, knows this. He will tell you that difficult dreams are a sign of danger: their memories are being stolen by the Daedric princess Vaermina. To save Dawnstar from trouble, he will lead us to the Night Callers temple, where the evil comes from.

There are bodies everywhere in the temple. But they are not dead, but sleeping. The priests of Vaermina, not wanting to surrender to the orc invaders, released the witchcraft miasma and put themselves to sleep along with them. To stop the dream and stop the nightmares of Dawnstar, you need to destroy the Skull of Corruption. How does Erandur know this? He used to be a priest of Vaermina, but at the last moment he escaped from the tower.

An impenetrable barrier prevents you from getting to the Skull of Corruption. In the Library you will find the book “Sleepwalking”, from which you will learn about the potion “Vermina’s Apathy”, which allows you to go into dreams and in this way move in space. Go in search of a potion. Along the way, eliminate the awakening inhabitants of the tower - they are all a little out of sorts, sleepy.

After drinking the potion, you can return to someone else's past, complete the task (pull the chain and release the miasma) and return back. You will find yourself with opposite side barrier. Remove the soul stone from the pedestal to remove the barrier and let Erandur through.

All that remains is to take part in the battle with his former colleagues and make the final choice - let Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption or kill the priest at the instigation of Vaermina.

The Skull of Corruption Staff is an interesting artifact (at least it frightens the guards), but its effect is normal damage. Damage increases if you recharge the Skull near sleeping people.

Black Star (Azura)

Azura's Shrine, the only shrine with a normal-sized statue, is located high in the snowy mountains south of Winterhold. Rumors about it are spreading all over Skyrim, so it will quickly appear on the map.

In the sanctuary itself, priestess Aranea will immediately send us to Winterhold in search of the high elf Nelakar. The elf lives in the Frozen Hearth tavern. He will tell you that his master Meilin Varen is conducting sinister experiments with a divine artifact, the Star of Azura, trying to achieve immortality. Whether he succeeded or not, the artifact must be returned from the Ilinalta Depths dungeon.

After fighting your way through the hordes of necromancers, take the Star of Azura from Meylin's cold corpse. There is only one question left - who will return it to? If we return the artifact to Azura, we will receive as a reward an ordinary reusable container of souls for any size. If we return Nelakar, we will get the Black Star - an artifact for the souls of intelligent beings. Since all intelligent souls are Great, the second is clearly more profitable.

However, before using the Star, you will have to endure a very difficult battle with Meylin and his Dremora hidden in it. Dremoras are very dangerous guys, especially at early levels, and you won’t have companions inside the artifact, so arm yourself to the teeth, stock up on “first aid kits” and fire protection.

The mistress of the night, Nocturnal, reveals her secrets only to thieves.

Daedra Lords are strange, capricious and sometimes very dangerous rulers from other dimensions. In the Imperial Province we communicated with them mainly through altars at the foot of huge statues. In Skyrim, the altars were shredded, there are few statues left, but the Daedra lords are still waiting for our help - sometimes in very dubious matters. They reward their assistants with personalized artifacts with unusual properties - mostly weapons and armor.

There are sixteen Daedra Lords in total. But there are one fewer quests, because the ruler of the night, Nocturnal, does not give out tasks in the usual sense. You can communicate with her and earn her favor only through the plot of the thieves guild, and she does not give a personal artifact - only a reward for the very fact of completing the chain.

Mad Mind (Sheogorath)

Nobody has ever called me the talking grapefruit from Pasval.

The tramp Dervenin from Solitude asks you to help him return his owner from vacation. According to him, the owner can be found in the forbidden wing of the Blue Palace, where the mad King Pelagius used to live. Having received the royal pelvic bone from Dervenin (useless, but can be sold), we go to the palace.

You can get into the Blue Wing by asking Falk Firebeard or the cleaning lady Una about it. The wing has long been abandoned and covered with cobwebs, but the journey along it will soon be interrupted, and you will find yourself in a strange place where the Daedric Lord Sheogorath is spending his “vacation” along with the late Pelagius the Third.

Sheogorath will agree to interrupt the rest on the condition that you get out of Pelagius's mind. You have no weapons or spells - only the issued Wabbajack staff. You need to go through three arches in turn and perform three simple steps:

Behind the first arch on the left, where atronachs are fighting in the arena, you need to use Wabbajack on the spectators watching the grip.

The next one is to shoot off “night terrors”. Each subsequent fear is caused by the use of Wabbajack on young Pelagia.

Behind the third arch, you will have to use the same staff to increase Pelagius’s Confidence in size and reduce her enemies.

It is done! Our reward is Wabbajack, a magical staff that fires a random spell each time it is used.

Returning to reality, do not forget to search the room for valuables.

Taste of Death (Namira)

"Dinner is served. Please sit down and eat."

In the city of Markarth there are strange rumors about the local tomb. Learn about them from the bartender at Silver Blood, or head straight to the Understone Keep, where you'll find the Hall of the Dead and Brother Verelius. He will explain that someone is eating the dead and will ask us to investigate the matter.

If you do not agree with this formulation of the question and do not want to become a cannibal, kill Eola.

If not, help clear the Cliff Cave from the undead - from the beginning to the very altar of Namira. After this, Eola will ask you to bring brother Verelius to the cave. Do this or tell him about Namira's sinister plans.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: There is an emergency exit in the cave so that you don’t have to wander through the corridors every time. Don't miss him - he's in the corridor in front of the hall where the altar stands.

Convince Verelius to go with you and lead him to the altar, where Namira’s servants, invited to the meal, are already waiting. After that, do what you want - either obediently kill Verelius and start eating him, or save him at any time and kill the cannibals.

The reward will be Namira's ring - it makes it possible to improve health by eating corpses. And the hero will have bad breath, which everyone will start telling him about.

The Door That Whispers (Mephala)

As it turned out, rudeness is not the most a big problem local "Cartman". He also talks to doors!

The owner of the Prancing Mare tavern in Whiterun will tell you that something strange is happening to the children of Jarl Balgruuf.

The jarl himself will not deny the problems and will offer to talk with his son Nelkir (thus asking everyone if they are also going to lick the jarl’s boots). Nelkir will send us to a certain Whisperer in the basement.

The whispering door in the basement will introduce itself as Mephala. She will ask the hero to open the door and send him back to Nelkir for advice. The boy will tell you that the Jarl or Archmage Farengar has the key. The easiest way is to rob a magician.

Behind the door in the basement lies an ebony sword and a book warning that the artifact is dangerous. Quest done! Sword and there is a reward. It absorbs the health of enemies, and the effect can be enhanced if you kill several friends or companions with it.

House of Horrors (Molag Bal)

The priest has fallen for the treacherous Molag Bal! Don't pay attention to the cat - he's with me.

In Markarth, next to the Silver Blood tavern (just up the street), Turan, Stendarr's sentinel, wanders. He will ask you to help him explore an abandoned house where Daedra are rumored to be worshiped.

Alas, the house will turn out to be Molag Bal's trap, and you will have to kill Turan.

Go down to the basement, to the altar of the Daedric Lord. There, having touched the rusty mace and been in the cage, you will receive a task - to bring the priest of Boethiah, named Logrolf, who ruined the mace, to Molag Bal.

The priest was captured by the Outcasts and kept in one of their camps (which one is decided by a random number generator). Leave the house, go to the indicated place and, having cleared it, bring Logrolf out. Under any pretext, bring him to Molag Bal and, when the priest is caught in a cage, knock on him with the mace issued by Molag Bal - and then, when the Daedric Lord orders, kill the priest.

The reward will be cute Molag Bal's mace, taking away strength from magic and capturing souls.

The only cure (Peryite)

To talk to a tree, you need to inhale a lot of smoke. Everything is like in life.

Taking on this task is not easy. Having reached the tenth level, you can wait a long time for a meeting with a sick refugee who will tell us where the sanctuary of Peryite and its guardian Kesh the Pure are located. But you can try to find this place in the mountains northeast of Markarth and northwest of the settlement of Karthwasten, south of the Druadach Stronghold and southeast of the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz.

It’s worth going there already with the kit that Khajiit Kesh will ask for. We need a flawless ruby, a silver bar, a poison bell and a vampire's ashes. A silver ingot is the easiest to find - blacksmiths sell them, and you can steal the ingot in the same Kartvasten, where there is a silver mine. Poison bell grows in many places - especially in the northwestern swamps. Of course, it is also easy to find among alchemists. Vampire ashes can be obtained from vampires or purchased from an apothecary. Flawless rubies are rare, but begin to be found among merchants at higher levels.

Having received the necessary ingredients, Cash will brew a potion, and after inhaling green smoke, we will be able to talk with Peryite. He needs to kill the traitor Orkendor and his Taken in the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz, which is a stone's throw to the northwest. The dungeon is very large, and you can wander there for a long time. But there are no puzzles there, except for a couple of levers that need to be pulled to open a passage or trigger a trap near an unsuspecting enemy. The dungeon is inhabited by mechanical spiders, spheres and a lone centurion. Mage Orkendor is at the very end of the dungeon. Take the books and key from him, take the elevator to the surface and return to Peryite.

To talk to him again, inhale the green smoke. Reward - shield Spell Breaker, which in a “combat” position creates a talisman spell.

Beyond the Ordinary (Hermaeus Mora)

We received the book, but the scientist is no longer needed.

We receive this task according to the plot, meeting with the scientist Septimius Segonius on his small island north of the College of Winterhold. But you can take the task just like that, if you visit him in the shelter and ask him. For information on how to get to the Black Reach and what to do there, read the description of the story quest “Ancient Knowledge”. Solving the problem in the Mzark Tower, we will obtain the Ancient Scroll and at the same time fill the cube with knowledge.

When we return to the scientist and give him the filled cube, he will ask to bring blood samples of an orc, dark elf, bosmer, high elf and falmer (all samples can be obtained in Blackreach or in any other places). To leave Septimius's cave, you will have to talk with the Disgusting Abyss, that is, with the Daedric Lord himself.

Returning to the scientist, give him the blood. The path to the book of books will open - Ogma Infinium. She immediately raises six skills to choose from by five points - magic, thieves or warriors. To learn, open the book and press the action key.

On the way back, talk to Hermaeus Mora.

Call of Boethiah (Boethiah)

“Stop burning tires!”

The quest is activated only after the hero reaches level thirty. It can begin with an unexpected attack, reading a book about Boethiah, or when the hero comes across a sanctuary (east of the Windhelm stables, at the very edge of the map), where Daedra worshipers are fighting in an improvised arena.

Boethiah will offer to sacrifice a companion. If you don't mind (and if your companion is not particularly dear to you), order him to approach the glowing pillar and perform the sacrifice.

The last task is to visit the bandit camp on the opposite side of Skyrim. Clear the cave and demote Boethiah's former warrior. Put on his ebony chain mail and listen to the final instructions of the Daedra Master.

The reward is the same ebony chain mail. She makes her steps quieter, poisons enemies who get close to the hero, and looks very cute, especially in stealth mode.

Call of the Moon (Hircine)

The blood-red moon brings back memories of past adventures on distant Solstheim.

The quest begins in Falkreath if you talk to the inconsolable Mathies - he can be found in the cemetery (a scene is played there) or in the tavern. He will tell us that his daughter was torn to pieces by the werewolf Sinding, who was captured and hidden in the barracks. Take a look there (you can start the quest there too).

Sinding admits that he is a werewolf, but states that the random and unpredictable transformations into the beast are a curse that the patron of hunters, Hircine, placed on the enchanted ring. He will invite us to settle matters with Hircine ourselves and will advise us to first kill a white deer in order to summon the Daedra Lord. Having given the ring, Sinding will turn into a beast and jump out of the barracks through the roof.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: unless you are a werewolf, the ring is safe for you. Otherwise, it will forcefully turn the hero into a beast from time to time.

The deer grazes not far from the city - it is easy to find and shoot.

Indeed, after the deer falls, Hircine will appear and say that he is very angry with Sinding for stealing the ring. The task is to find the impudent werewolf in the Drowned Grotto, kill and skin him.

Inside the cave we will find a slightly beaten group of hunters, the last of whom will die after telling in general terms what happened (“The prey is stronger than the hunter. Kill him in the name of Hircine!”). But Sinding, sitting on a cliff a little further away, will offer a counter plan - to hunt the hunters with him. If we still decide to kill Sinding, he will first arrange for the slaughter of the hunters - you can join the battle right away, kill the werewolf, remove the skin and accept the light Skin of the Savior (resistance to magic and poison) as a reward from the ghostly Hircine.

If we take his side, the hunters will be stronger, and as a reward at the exit from the cave we will receive the ring of Hircine cleared of the curse. It gives an additional transformation into a beast per day and is useless for non-werewolves.

An Unforgettable Night (Sanguine)

Sam Geven looks strange. We don't give him any more drinks.

This quest differs from others in that it is not so easy to find. The key character - Sam Geven - can appear in any tavern in Skyrim. But the task is simplified if you remember: Sam appears in the tavern that is closest to the hero when he reaches the fourteenth level - and he never leaves this tavern. Remember what you did at this “age”. If you still have old saves, look in them where your hero was at the moment when he “turned” 14.

A friendly drinking session with Sam (you guessed who it is?) will suddenly be interrupted, and we will find ourselves in the Markarth temple of Dibella, where they will tell us about the wedding and the goat and offer to clean up the remnants of yesterday’s brawl. You can avoid cleaning with persuasion or money.

Our next stop is Rorikstead. Farmer Ennis accuses us of stealing his goat Gleda, which has now gone to a giant named Grok. The goat must be returned - the giant, of course, will be against it.

The next clue is Whiterun and a certain Isolde, demanding the return of the wedding ring from the Witch's Mist Grove. You can avoid searching for a ring by using money or persuasion. But it’s easier to go to the “bride,” Moira’s witch, and take the ring from her by force. When the ring is returned to Isolde, we will receive the last tip - to the Morvunskar fortress. A crowd of evil sorcerers and Sanguine himself are waiting for us there.

Quest reward - Rose Sanguina, a staff that calls the Dremora to our aid.

Shards of Past Glory (Mehrunes Dagon)

The cave under Dagon's heel (sorry!) is a valuable source of Daedra hearts. Dremora are reborn there.

The quest begins with a leaflet that the courier will give us at level twenty. The owner of the Dawnstar Museum of the Mythical Dawn, Syl Vesul, wants to collect the Razor of Mehrunes, a legendary dagger of the past.

The razor is divided into three parts and is kept by three different characters:

Jorgen of Morthal can be persuaded to give up the key to the house. The hilt is in the chest.

The head of Dagon's Razor is kept by the sorcerer Draskua in the large Forsworn camp (there we will also find a wall with the Word of Power).

From the orc Gunzul in the orc fortress Cracked Tusk we take the key to the vault and, going down there, grab the fragments of the Razor (beware of traps).

Having received the three parts and attached the scabbard to them, Sil will offer to meet at the sanctuary of Dagon. It is better to climb there from the northern slopes of the rock.

Mehrunes will invite us to kill Sil in order to become his hero and get Razor(a dagger that gives a chance to instantly kill an enemy upon impact), and Sil wants to go home and hide the Razor under museum glass. The choice is yours. In any case, there will be a battle. Don't forget to take the key from the dremora and clean out the sanctuary.

Cursed Tribe (Malacath)

The quest is available from the ninth level. We may hear rumors of an Orc fortress in Riften, or we may head straight there.

The Lagashbur fortress is located southwest of Riften, at the foot of the mountains, a little further than the Tower of Light and Darkness. Help the orcs get rid of the giant. They will tell you that the tribe is cursed and will ask for two ingredients for the ritual of summoning Malacath: troll fat and the heart of a daedra. Fat is easy to get (from the same trolls, for example), but hearts are the rarest ingredient, and they fall from dremora, which are very rare. To get a heart, do the quest of Mehrunes Dagon or join the College of Winterhold - there they can be found in Enthir’s assortment.

After the ritual, Malakat will say that the tribe is suffering for the cowardice of the leader Yamarz, and will order the cave with his sanctuary to be cleared of giants. The place we need is the Yellow Stone Cave, northeast of Riften. Yamarz will go there on foot, but it is better to go there on your own.

In the cave, the behavior of the orc leader will become completely comical. Yamarz will be a terrible coward and persuade us to do all the dirty work instead of him. If the giants do not kill him, then at the sanctuary of Malacath he himself will attack us in order to get rid of the witness of his cowardice.

Take the hammer from the giant's body and return it to the tribe, placing it on the altar. Now it's called Volengrang and absorbs the reserve of strength. This is our reward.

Dawn (Meridia)

The necromancer of two souls is the last obstacle on the way to the sword of the Radiance of the Dawn.

The quest begins when a strange-looking ball falls into our hands - the guiding star of Meridia. But it is found by chance, and it can take a long time to look for it, so it is safer to visit the statue itself. It overlooks the road leading to Solitude (south of Wolfskull Cave, where Potema was summoned).

Meridia will show us where to look for our guiding star. Find it and, returning to the rock, place it on the altar and receive instructions from the Daedra mistress. We need to go to the Kilkreath dungeon (the entrance is directly under the statue) and kill the necromancer Malkoran.

The dungeon is simple, but interesting, in the spirit of Indiana Jones. We need to activate the pedestals with a chain and transport the beam sent by Meridia through all the catacombs, while opening door after door. The battle with Malkoran will be in two stages - first with himself, then with his shadow.

Reward - The Light of Dawn, a sword with a very unusual, although not very convenient effect: from time to time it not only kills an enemy, but turns it into ashes, and when the undead die, it gives area damage that scares away the remaining undead.

Dog is a Daedra's friend (Clavicus Vile)

“Man, do you have any meat?”

There are rumors in Falkreath that the blacksmith Lod is looking for a certain dog. Go to Lod and get meat from him to lure the dog. We will find him, but suddenly it turns out that this is Barbas, a companion of the Daedric Lord Clavicus Vile. Barbas ran away from him.

Barbas wants us to go to Heimar's cave and find the sanctuary of the former owner. There are many vampires inside the cave, so if you are not very confident in your abilities, let the dog go ahead. Clavicus, in turn, will demand the Ax of Sorrow, which is in the Frosty Cave, be returned to him. It is a small cave, and its only inhabitants are the mage and his fire atronach.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: You don’t have to complete the quest, and then Barbas will become our immortal companion. But keep in mind that he often pushes the hero back and forth (this is a bug - the dog tries to come closer to us than he can) and is very inconvenient for secretive heroes (pushes him out into the open, barks, interferes with the stealth indicator).

When we return the axe, Clavicus Vile will offer us to keep the ax with one condition - we must kill Barbas. If we agree, we will receive an ax that damages the reserve of strength. If we refuse, Barbas will join the owner on the pedestal, and we will grab a very useful Clavicus Vile mask, improving prices and eloquence.

Waking Nightmare (Vermina)

Erandur spoils Corruption's skull. Vaermina objects.

Something strange is happening in Dawnstar - all the residents have the same nightmares at night. What's happening? The priest of Mara, the dark elf Erandur, knows this. He will tell you that difficult dreams are a sign of danger: their memories are being stolen by the Daedric princess Vaermina. To save Dawnstar from trouble, he will lead us to the Night Callers temple, where the evil comes from.

There are bodies everywhere in the temple. But they are not dead, but sleeping. The priests of Vaermina, not wanting to surrender to the orc invaders, released the witchcraft miasma and put themselves to sleep along with them. To stop the dream and stop the nightmares of Dawnstar, you need to destroy the Skull of Corruption. How does Erandur know this? He used to be a priest of Vaermina, but at the last moment he escaped from the tower.

An impenetrable barrier prevents you from getting to the Skull of Corruption. In the Library you will find the book “Sleepwalking”, from which you will learn about the potion “Vermina’s Apathy”, which allows you to go into dreams and in this way move in space. Go in search of a potion. Along the way, eliminate the awakening inhabitants of the tower - they are all a little out of sorts, sleepy.

After drinking the potion, you can return to someone else's past, complete the task (pull the chain and release the miasma) and return back. You will find yourself on the opposite side of the barrier. Remove the soul stone from the pedestal to remove the barrier and let Erandur through.

All that remains is to take part in the battle with his former colleagues and make the final choice - let Erandur destroy the Skull of Corruption or kill the priest at the instigation of Vaermina.

Staff Skull of Corruption- the artifact is interesting (at least it frightens the guards), but its effect is ordinary damage. Damage increases if you recharge the Skull near sleeping people.

Black Star (Azura)

The Azura Statue is the tallest Daedric statue in the game.

Azura's Shrine, the only shrine with a normal-sized statue, is located high in the snowy mountains south of Winterhold. Rumors about it are spreading all over Skyrim, so it will quickly appear on the map.

In the sanctuary itself, priestess Aranea will immediately send us to Winterhold in search of the high elf Nelakar. The elf lives in the Frozen Hearth tavern. He will tell you that his master Meilin Varen is conducting sinister experiments with a divine artifact, Azura's Star trying to achieve immortality. Whether he succeeded or not, the artifact must be returned from the Ilinalta Depths dungeon.

After fighting your way through the hordes of necromancers, take the Star of Azura from Meylin's cold corpse. There is only one question left - who will return it to? If we return the artifact to Azura, we will receive as a reward an ordinary reusable container of souls for any size. If we return Nelakar, we will get Black star- an artifact for the souls of intelligent beings. Since all intelligent souls are Great, the second is clearly more profitable.

However, before using the Star, you will have to endure a very difficult battle with Meylin and his Dremora hidden in it. Dremoras are very dangerous guys, especially at early levels, and you won’t have companions inside the artifact, so arm yourself to the teeth, stock up on “first aid kits” and fire protection.

Black Star

When traveling around Skyrim, ask innkeepers about rumors in city taverns (for example, Hulda in the Prancing Mare, in Whiterun). You will learn that after fleeing Morrowind, the dark elves built a sanctuary of Azura in Skyrim. A marker will appear on the map indicating its location, and the first goal will be to visit this temple.

At the top of a snowy mountain near Winterhold, you will find a lonely priestess named Aranea Ienith, spending her time praying to Azura. Seeing you, Aranya will say that your appearance was destined by fate. Talk to the Dunmer woman and agree to help her find the elven magician from her visions - the one who is “able to make the brightest star blacker than the night.” She will suggest that the magician should be looked for in Winterhold.

Call of Boethiah

The first thing you have to do to start is to reach level 30. Most likely, after this, on the road you will be attacked by a cultist who will have the book “The Test of Boethiah” with him. Reading this volume begins the quest by adding a marker to the map marking the Shrine of Boethiah. The book can be obtained in several other places: this is the post of Septimius Segonius (location accessible through the main plot and the Hermaeus Mora quest), an abandoned house in Markarth (Molag Bal's quest), and if you missed the book in the abandoned house, you can also pick it up from the corpse of the priest Boethiah, having advanced further on the same task. However, the easiest thing would be not to fool around with the book, but to go straight to the sanctuary of Boethiah in the snow-capped mountains east of Windhelm. However, don’t bother doing this until level 30 - there won’t be a single living soul in the location.

walking nightmare

The inhabitants of Dawnstar have lost peace at night - they are overcome by nightmares. Both here and there you can hear whispers about an unknown curse that has fallen on the city. Both the jarl and the guards are worried, but no one has any idea what is happening. More precisely, there is one Dunmer, a priest of the good Mara, who knows everything and is looking for a hero who can help him. Travel to Windpeak Inn and find Erandur. It turns out that the nightmares are nothing more than the tricks of Vaermina, and all this is connected with what is happening in the Night Callers temple. You have to go there and find out what kind of obscenity is going on there.

WITH obaka - friend of the Daedra

It's hard to pass up this task. Already at the entrance to Falkreath, the guard will ask if you have met a dog in the area. Having tried to find out the details, it turns out that the blacksmith Lod is engaged in the search, who promised a reward to anyone who brings him some special dog. Laud will repeat approximately the same thing to us, with the difference that he will also give the approximate location of the dog. The map marker, however, will point to it not approximately, but very accurately.

ABOUT pieces of former glory

Upon reaching level 20, you will receive a letter by courier (in any city in Skyrim) about the opening of a museum in Dawnstar.

Syl Vesul, the museum's curator, is a descendant of members of the Mythic Dawn cult and is amassing a collection of artifacts from that long-defunct organization. He will meet you on the threshold of his house-museum, and for a more detailed conversation he will invite you to go inside.

D believe that whispers

This task will become available upon reaching level 20 and completing the main task storyline"Dragon in the Sky" in Whiterun. Ask Hulda, the innkeeper from The Prancing Mare, about the rumors, and she will tell you that Jarl Balgruuf the Elder is having problems with his children. As if “one of them became cruel, and the other two had the evil eye.”

Go to Balgruuf in Dragonsreach and talk to him about children. The jarl will say that his youngest son Nelkir has recently become too gloomy, cruel and has stopped communicating with his own father. Balgruuf is worried that he might have offended his son in some way, and asks you to find out from Nelkir what exactly the matter is.

House of Horror

To start the task, you just need to appear in Markarth for the second time. As you ascend into the city along the canal, it will be difficult to pass by Turan the Watcher, the guardian of Stendarr. The priest will contact you himself and tell you about an abandoned house in which Daedra worshipers supposedly gather. This issue can only be clarified by examining the house, so agree to help and go inside with Turan.

Taste of Death

This story begins in the city of Markarth, namely, in the Silver Blood tavern. From the innkeeper Klepp you can learn that by order of the Jarl, access to the Hall of the Dead, the place where the Nords communicated with their departed ancestors, was closed.

Travel to the Understone Fortress in the western part of Markarth and find Brother Verelius, the local priest of Arkay. You can talk to a priest in three ways that are already familiar to us: persuasion, bribery with gold coins, or intimidation. Brother Verelius, with a shudder in his voice, will tell you that someone got into the habit of coming to the Hall of the Dead and feasting on carrion. If you want to know more, here’s the key, go and deal with the unknown evil, and the priests of Arkay will be very grateful to you for this.


You can enter the Hall of the Dead yourself by opening the “Adept” level lock on the door.

In the tomb, almost from the threshold you will hear the voice of Namira, the lady of decay. There's nothing wrong with the sight of dead flesh making your mouth water and your stomach growl, she'll say. Don't be shy about your secret desires and eat to your health! After the monologue of the Daedric mistress, a living human woman named Eola will emerge from the greenish fog. She will assure you of her friendly disposition and suggest that you find a better place to serve Namira. The cliff cave, Eola will say, is perfectly suitable for this, if not for the draugr that filled it. You have to go there and deal with them.

Before heading to the Cliff Cave, tell Brother Verelius that the Hall of the Dead is now in order. The priest will thank you and give you Arkay's amulet.

Eola will be waiting for you at the entrance to the cave. You can ask her to stay outside or take her as your partner - decide for yourself. There will be many draugr, including high rank, and they will all rise from their graves with the sole purpose of destroying you. After clearing the caves, find the hanging ring on the chain and open the entrance to Namira's sanctuary. Here you will have to fight the last draugr, who will also be the strongest. Kill them all and talk to Eola.

Namira's admirer will be very happy and will want to throw a Great Feast in honor of your joining the cult. The main course at the feast will be none other than Brother Verelius (a priest with a taste for the easy life). All that’s left to do is to use the methods known to us and invite the priest Arkay to a feast.

Return to Markarth. Verelius is easiest to find in the Hall of the Dead near the Shrine of Arkay. If he is not there, look under the arches of the Podkamennaya Fortress. Now use all your charm to force the priest to follow you to the Cliff Cave. Act in the most convenient way - bribery, persuasion or threat. As soon as Verelius agrees, hit the road (you can use the fast travel system).
