L2 classic where to spoil at 20. Weapon scrolls to improve combat performance

Bounty hunter - an interesting and rather original class, knowing how to play it, it is quite possible to weld more than a crafter. I played him not as a twink, but as the main charm, and I had quite positive impressions of him. I would like to briefly outline what I recommend to spoil at low levels so that you can make a lot of money as quickly as possible:

So how do we get Lvl 10, save 2200 SP and teleport to Gludin, from there to the Orc Village, and then to North ... (I don’t remember what it’s called, a cheap teleport, costs less than 1k)
There we will spoil Grizzli - 12 lvl, which mainly live below and above the circle on the map (there is such a chip on the territory of the orcs ..) with them a chance to spoil Animal Bone (AB) (costs about 3k) and Animal Skin (AS) (1 , 2k) simultaneously. On them we swing somewhere leftist up to 15 and teleport to Gludin. We run to the south and start spoiling Brown Bear - 16 lvl, one animal bon is spoiled from them, but the chance to spoil it is more than with grizzlies. Together with the spoil, we manor. To do this, we buy from the manor manager Seed: Chily Soda and throw it along with the Spoil skill, we take the manor with a harvester, which costs 550 adena, but remember that first you need to use the harvester and then Sweeper (otherwise we will be left without manor). Put the seeds and the scythe on the socket. We exchange the received seeds at 20:06 Moscow time from the manor manager for the second award (Orihekon Ore - about 30 pieces)

At level 19 we go to Gludio town, and there we go south-west (just below the small path leading to the south, above the ruins) and start spoiling the Ratman Warrior (rastamans), they spoiled the same animal bon and, as you probably already understood, spoil chance higher.
Mobs near Dion - Hobgoblins, Glazikov (22 lvl x2 hp) and Dion grizzly are not advised to spoil, because it is not as profitable as Enchanted Spine Golem (25 lvl). They hang out in our native gnomish lands (like in Gludin Village, then in Dwarf Village, then - mithril mines and we run to the north-west, on the map, above the mountains, between two roads) These comrades can very well begin to spoil at 22 lvl, problems it won't be with them if you run with blunts (on which they have vulnerability). The quality of them is good, because they are thick, and the spoil is Animal Bon and Animal skin, and the chance to spoil the Animal Bon is much greater than with the same Rastamans (lvl 19). Their only problem is that they cannot be manned, because in that area there is no manor manager (at least in the village I did not find ..) It is quite possible to swing on them up to 28, but somewhere at 26 lvl there is an alternative - Ol Mahum Raider 27 lvl with x2 hp, from which 3 animal booms can be drunk at once + keys of grade 2 (about 14k) are dropped, and they can also be manorized.
These riders hang out at the Partizan Hideaway. To get to them, we teleport there from Dion and then we run to the left along the road and to the right, up the mountain. Run a little and you will find a place where most of the riders hang out.

At 30 lvl go to Forgotten Temple (below Gludin Village, tp from there to Lizardman Dweling), push through the crowd of evil skeletons of archers and flying creatures and swing on Lakin Undine (Oriharukon Ore okolo 30k), Rowin Undine (1 - 3 Animal Skin) (Scroll Succubus) Kanil Succubus : Echant Weapon D Grade) and Sentinel of Water (there seem to be two of them, with a blue chance to spoil Stone of Purity (Further Sop), from the second one, too, something good). There is a place in this temple where only these comrades hang out, you just need to run a little (the entrance is to the right and further forward). We buy good jewelry in Giran, because they shoot with magic, and the sukubi throw kansel, which knocks down our jars ..
We swing the leftist on them up to 34 - 35 .. And then we go to the swamps of Cruma (above Dion) and spoil the Spiders lvl 34, and spoil them - Sharpenings on D Veapon ... just buy jars of antidotes, because these spiders are poisonous creatures. By the way, if you want to sharpen your armor, go to Beehive, which is located below Florent Village. There we will spoil Hatu Dire Wolf, the chance is pretty good, and they have 1/2 hp, I advise you to buy a lance because there are a lot of social and agro mobs, with the same amount of hp. chance to spoil a little and they cost not so much. With Veapons, the situation is different (the price is about 600 - 700k per piece). Spiders will spoil the leftist so up to 36 - 37.
Further, in the Brig set (with a helmet and shield) and a tarbar (preferably sharpened for 3 - 4), we have a choice. The first option: go to Ant Nest (TP from Gludio to Windawood of Manor, run a little and see the entrance to the hole) and spoil Ant Warrior Captain - 36 lvl, x2 hp. Spoil from them - Soaps, a good chance + there is a chance of a drop of this resource. We carefully pull these mobs (they are agra) from the crowd of socials, good for Noble Ant (37 lvl), which there are dofig out there, not aggro.

Second option: We go to the cats near Dion (Catacomb of Heretics) for the mobs Gigant Officer and Lith Overlord (both 36 lvl, x4 hp). Let's spoil them with Varnish (about 3.5k - a piece), maximum amount from one mob - 5 pieces. Spoil is of course profitable + drop of stones, but there are some problems: It takes a very long time to wet them (if there is a solo quality), There is a nasty aggro mob Catacomb Shadow (34 lvl), as well as competitors, whose representatives are the same gnomes and gnomes like you. At earlier levels, I don't recommend poking into kata, because spoil from other catacomb mobs is not worth such an effort ..

At 38 - 39 lvle go to Plains of Lizardman (TP from Oren) and spoil Leto Lizadman Warrior (38 lvl) and Lizardman Overlords (40 lvl). Coarse Bone Powder (SVR) will be lost from the first, from the second Crafted Leather. Both mobs have x2 hp. I still recommend spoiling the first, but the second often comes to hand for social and agr. We also try to bypass the crowd of lizardmen (I forgot what they are called), their leader is agr, those who surround him are socials, hit him - 3 more mobs will attack you + others can help if they are standing nearby ..)

At 40 lvl teleport from Giran to the city of Heine, run to the west and spoil the mobs called Nos. Spoil from them - the same SVR. They have x2 hp, there are more of them than Lizardman Varior and the chance to spoil the SVR is greater. We swing on them up to 42 - 43 lvl, and then go to the Catacomb of Branded cuts, which is located above Giran Harbor (tp there) and spoil Lith Shaman and Gigant Confessor. Both are 42 lvls, with x4 hp (like all mobs in the katas). Spoil them awesome - Sop and SVR at the same time, and the chance to spoil the SVR is much greater than from Nosov, and Sop - than from Ant Kaptanov. Impressions are also added by the drop of stones of seal groans .. Do not forget about the manor (the most awesome fat from the manor is in the kats). We look at Bays information from the manor manager to find out what resources we are interested in, it is better to buy ordinary seeds than alternatives.

Somewhere at 45 - 46 we go to swing near the Hunters Village on Kronbe Spider (43) and Weird Drake (45), from the first one - 3 animal bons will be lost, from the second - 1 - 3 animal skins. The chance of spoil is quite large, in the location of their dohren, there are no outside aggro or social mobs and they have x1 hp. You can swing on them up to 47 ..
Next comes the spoil of sharpening on C grade veapon (2kk - a piece), We start to spoil Vanor Silenos Grunt (46 lvl x1 hp, lives in the southwest of the Town of Aden), with which spoil Mifril Ore and sometimes Mold Glue, and also fucking rare - sharpening.
Next, we go to spoil Mirror (49 lvl, x2 hp, live in the forest of Miror (Near Hunters Village), cast cansel (removing buffs)), which do not have spoil resources, but the chance of sharpening spoil is one and a half times higher than that of grants.
If you are dressed in best C (or at least in something that looks like it), at level 47 you can also go to Cruma Taver, to the second floor, where the Dicor mob (47 lvl, x2xp) will spoil pieces on karmian pepper (a it's a set thing). But spoiling them is very problematic, because they hurt themselves with magic and there are a lot of extraneous social mobs next to them (from which like Charcoal will be spoiled ..)

This concludes my spoil guide, I would also like to point out some details:
-Up to level 20, I recommend swinging with brass knuckles (we buy in the orc village), then with an ax. We save up immediately for the best one (Tarbar - sold in Giran for about 1.5kk)
-In my opinion, polearm is not very suitable for a spoiler, because it is not very convenient to single out a killed, drunken mob from the crowd, if the target is on a different one. + if we are doing manor (and at low levels it is more profitable than spoil), it will be very difficult to do, since the seed skill affects one mob and has a cooldown.
- I do not recommend doing it, because it is quite possible to save money for gear without it.
-Gnum can also have a wolf cub or a fight, being rocked and in good gear, they do good damage, and they can also be rocked and sold.
-It is quite possible to afford tattoos at the first prof. If you are swinging solo, it is worth sculpting on +2 pg -4kon or + 1p + 1dex -4kon.
-If we have the opportunity to sit in Sell "e for a long time and sell drunk, you can spoil the recipes: on the nipples (C grade, D is knocked out with a drop how to do it), and also leave it for the night (or day), gnuma to stock up if there are a lot of items and will it is much more profitable to sell Bon to yourself, for example, for 4k, than to sell it to a buying huckster for 3.

On this I end .. happy spoil

The world of Lineage 2 is filled with many professions. The importance of each of the professions can be argued endlessly, but it is impossible to deny the need for the craft of the gnomes.

Gnomes are divided into crafters - blacksmiths who create things, and those who collect everything necessary for this - spoilers.

To create items, the blacksmith needs ingredients that can be obtained using the spoiler.

What is a drink?

Spoil is a special skill of the dwarf race that allows you to collect additional items from mobs. For each type of mobs, its own list of items.

Spoiler is the main resource provider in Lineage 2. Bounty Hunter (spoiler) has a bunch of Spoill and Sweeper skills.

Spoil is a non-damaging physical attack that has a chance to activate an additional drop. After successfully passing the skill, the system message "Spoil condition activated" is displayed. Killing a mob with a spoiler is not necessary. After the monster is defeated, use the Sweeper skill and get a drop.

The probability of passing the skill depends on the correspondence between the levels of the mob and the spoiler. With a 5% probability, you can spoil any monster at the initial skill level.

Spoil scrolls for sharpening ammunition.

An advantage over the enemy can be obtained by modifying equipment. For this, the Scroll Enchant scrolls are used.

Weapon scrolls to improve combat performance:

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)

Weapon enchants S are likely to be spoiled with Blazing Ifrit - Level 80. The mob can be found on the lower floor of Forge of the Gods.

Monsters from the "Messenger Invader" family that inhabit the Dimensional Rift also give a good chance to spoil the S grade points. The rest of the mobs give a much lower chance of spoil, and they are in the camp of the fauns (Varka Silenos Stronghold) and in the outpost of the Ketra orcs (Ketra Orc Outpost).

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A)

For A grade points, go to Stakato Nest. The best chance for a spoiler with the Cannibalistic Stakato Follower is Level 74. Practice shows that the best target for the Spiked Stakato Guard spoiler is Level 74 in the same location.

A popular spot for spoil A veapon is Wall of Argos, where we hunt for Eye of Ruler - Level 74 and Buffalo Slave - Level 72

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B)

Highest Rift Chance ( Dimensional Rift) , mobs from the Forbidden Path Invader family, but the spoiler will be inconvenient to work there.

Gatherers feel comfortable in the location - Catacomb of Apostate and Patriots Necropolis.

Spoil it is necessary:

  • Nephilim Guard - Level 57
  • Lilim Marauder - Level 57
  • Lilim Priest - Level 60

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)

Of course, the best spoil by tradition is in the rift ( Dimensional Rift) , “Purgatory Invader” family. A comfortable spoil will be in Pavel Ruins from the mobs Probe Golem Champion I - Level 49.

Scrolls to improve the characteristics of armor:

Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)

Almost all mobs are in the rift ( Dimensional Rift) , the “Messenger Invader” family, but we won't go there. We are looking for the Elder Lavasaurus - Level 80 mob in the Forge of the Gods location, at the lower level. You can well spoil the Varka Silenos Great Seer mob - Level 85 in cooking (Varka Silenos Stronghold), it is surrounded by mobs with a good spoil.

Scroll: Enchant Armor (A)

It will be good to earn a gnome who will spoil points for A armor. The demand for Scroll: Enchant Armor (A) exceeds the supply. Traditionally, the highest probability of spoil is in the rift ( Dimensional Rift) from mobs of the “Dark Omen Invader” family.

The value of spoil and farming in the rift is clear. In this article, we consider the most convenient locations, so we need:

  • Nephilim Commander - Level 80
  • Lilim Court Knight - Level 80
  • Lesser Ancient Warrior - Level 80

That live in Catacomb of the Forbidden Path. In the fourth room from the entrance to the kata, all these mobs are standing side by side. Also, spoils in the Wall of Agros of the mobs Eye of Pilgrim - Level 74 will not be difficult. Not far from there, you can spoil the recipes for the A-grade magic weapon Sword of Miracles. In Hot Springs, we will spoil Hot Springs Antelope - Level 74 Hot Springs Bandersnatchling - Level 73, along the way completing the quest for S grade jewelry recipes.

Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

You can endlessly spoil these points without going down into the catacombs in Frozen Labyrinth with the Pronghorn Spirit - Level 56 mob. The advantage is that there are a lot of mobs and additionally a good spoil of varnish. The most top-end chance remains with the rift ( Dimensional Rift) , mobs from the “Forbidden Path Invader” family.

Scroll: Enchant Armor (C)

Armor points with grade can be spoiled only from six mobs, five of which live in rifts ( Dimensional Rift) ... The sixth mob Horrifying Cannon Golem I - Level 48, lives in the Pavel Ruins location. Lowest chance of a spile. Easier to get with RB or open chests.

Spoiler is the main supplier of all materials and resources in the game to the Aden market. When online is large, it is ineffective, and everyone starts to wind up spoilers for themselves in order to somehow replenish their reserves of resources. I'm not talking about keymates at all: knocking out pieces for craft with a drop is the lot of losers.

What is spoil anyway? Spoil is a special skill with which you can get additional items from mobs, strictly defined for each mob. Therefore, we display this skill on the quick panel and use it on every mob that we hit.
We follow the passage of the skill by the inscriptions in the system chat - in the lower left corner of the client, where words are entered, on the left there is a chat settings icon, click on it and turn on the system chat (system messages window) with a tick (you do not need to turn on the damage, otherwise the lines will be run fast and you won't be able to see if the spoil has passed or not). Remove the checkbox with the inscription "system" at the top so that nothing is written to the main chat.
The default colors in chat systems are dull, so below is a link to the chat coloring.

Quests for spoiler prof:,.

So, when the system says that the spoil was successful, half the battle has already been done. We finish off the mob and look at it: if the mob turns blue, it means that we will get something from it - click on the Sweep skill (it must also be displayed on the panel next to the spoil) and get additional (or additional) items. Spoil is also convenient in that you can get not one type at a time, but two or more (up to four) types of objects.
If the spoil passed, but the mob did not turn blue, this means that although the spoil went to the mob, the chance of spoil is small and we will not get anything from this mob. To calm down, you can click on the sweep, the mob will disappear, but we do not despair and move on to the next mob.

In general, you can spoil any item, it all depends on the chances of spoiling this item from this mob and from your server's rates to spoil. Well, and on your patience, of course.

As a rule, all hucksters have a bunch of spoilers of different levels, so that at any time they can load the right one and spoil the required item, for example, I keep a gnome of such levels: two 80th (one with a quest in, the other in), 76 (for, etc. etc.), 70 -, and then one every 5 levels. By the way, the spoil goes very well with the manor, all the seed levels are distributed among the gnomes.

Now a little about the spoil process itself and why we create many gnomes of different levels:
This is done then that you need to spoil the level of the mob, that is, if the mob is much higher than you in level, then most likely you will not even be able to spoil it, the spoil simply will not pass, and if the mob is much smaller than you, then the spoil will pass, But you won't spoil the items, you just get a dummy, so it's better for the mob to be + -3 to the level of our spoiler's level. But this does not always work out, if you go to, then there are mobs and 5 levels more, so at level 80 we will definitely sharpen the spoil skill for the gnome, otherwise you will be tortured to sit on the priest and regenerate mana. By the way, in order to make it convenient and in the chat systems it was clear that the mob was spoiled, I recommend putting the file on the chat coloring in the interlude. Here it is:

The spoiler always comes first on a new server, since development from scratch is quite difficult, the easiest way for me is to add scarce resources to low-level mobs (and at the same time to mock), so we boldly go to scold the gnome:
- if you have interesting nicknames for gnomes, you can send them to me, I will definitely publish them.

Then we begin to develop slowly:

Do not forget to help the crafter with recipes for resources:

And yes, many do not use it, but the spoiler also has crafting, it is of course only the first level, but some resources can be crafted, these are those with the first crafting level. These include Braided Hemp, Coarse Bone Powder, Cokes, Leather, and Steel. Feel free to study these recipes with a spoiler and in the intervals between running after mobs, re-craft tons of initial resources.

Let's spoil resources for crafting:

Spoil of recipes and keys for Dark Crystal Robe set.


The spoiler does not have its own summons = (Well, okay, we are not sad and we get him Fenrir Necklace

You will have to spend money to buy him a top gear, but you will get a great extra. Dmg


When you go to High Five do not believe your eyes, your gnome is now a full-fledged dagger !!!


Deadly Blow ( Deadly Impulse) lvl 37
Potentially deadly attack. Fatal blow possible. Over-hit is possible. Requires a dagger. Power 5479.

Backstab ( Backstab) lvl 37
Suddenly attacks the enemy from behind. Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers. Crete possible. hit. Possible semi-fatal blow. Over-hit is possible. Power 5479.

Lucky Blow ( Lucky Hit) lvl 1
Powerful blow in weakness... Attack the enemy with 11234 Power added to P. Atk. damage and confusion to the enemy. Possibly instant murder. Possibly semi-murder. Crete is possible. hit. Over-hit is possible. Requires double daggers.

An excellent skill also appears, the rollback is faster than that of DASH Rat-TX
Blazing Boost ( Lightning Throw) lvl 1
Rapid rapprochement with the enemy. Cannot be used with a bow or crossbow.


Potential Ability ( Potential Ability) lvl 3
When using a dagger, double daggers, the chance of inflicting Crit is increased. Damage by 40%, Power by 384 units. Used when equipping light armor.

Dual Dagger Mastery ( Dual Dagger Mastery) lvl 1
Increases P. Atk. increases by 87.7 and the chance of a fatal blow by 5% when using a dual dagger.

1. In general, taking into account all the skills, we conclude that after 76 lvl we run with dual-daggers and bark, then you will be a full-fledged dagger =)
2. Dual daggers will need to be sharpened by +4 in order for them to give you a critical

Subject to 1 and 2, you will give out maximum dps from both skills and normal hits

As a result, you bend down =)

Now about the brand new from the world blunts =)

Crushing Strike ( Crushing Blow) Lv. 25
Striking an enemy, for 3 sec. decreases P. Def. and Mage. Def. goals by 10%. Power: 5704. Requires a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit.

Excellent skill with huge power and debuff

But that is not all!!! When using the skill, this is what flies:

New skill:

Lucky Strike ( Unexpected Luck) Lv. 1
Strikes the enemy with an explosion of 4312 damage, added to P. Atk. Simultaneously with inflicting damage to a small surrounding enemy, it transfers it to the state of Appraisal. Can be used when equipped with swords and clubs. Over-hit.

Also normal skill, with good dmg + mass + spoil

For wig lovers

So it happened, hurray fellow gnomes rejoice CDDD

File: Br skill0444 a 0.jpg Sweeper Festival ( Mass assignment) lvl 1
Used on the corpses of Spoiled monsters to obtain additional items.

Yes yes this is it =) Mass sweeper , now you do not need to waste your nerves after the spoil masses clamping the shift and clicking on each mob Sweeper ( Assign) .

In general, now spoil is a pleasure)

What do we need for mass pharma

Of course, the pick is better, the focus / hast is better, tk. hp in the farm will not change our role

Previously known mass spoil

Spoil Festival ( Bulk Evaluation) lvl 9
Fills the area around the enemy with magic and allows you to appropriate additional items using the appropriate skill.

Skill with grace, which makes mass spoil + dmg

Spoil Bomb ( Mining) lvl 1
A mine explosion deals damage after a certain time. Appreciate is applied to enemies hit.

In general, we collect the wig, use the above given mass spoils, mass attack and mass sweepers

And in the end we are ... rich =)))

Skills from sub

After subclassing levels 65 and 70, you can get one passive skill at these levels.

After getting a subclass of level 75, you can get either a passive skill (skill) increase, or a skill (skill) depending on the subclass.

For the spoiler, we take - (Above are written classes from which you can take a book for this skill)

Warrior Class ( Gladiator, Warlord, Tyrant, Destroyer)

Knight Class ( Paladin, Dark avenger, Temple knight, Shillien Knight)

and from any class

Point Skills


Kach \ Ganges:
+4 pp - 4 con Greater Dye of STR (Str + 4 Con-4) (Improved Dye STR<СИЛ+4 ВЫН-4>)
+1 page - 1 round Greater Dye of STR (Str + 1 Con-1) (Improved Dye STR<СИЛ+1 ВЫН-1>)

What and where to spoil


Mobs dwell near Dion

  • Monster Eye Seeker - Animal Bone / Suede
  • Gnoll Ranger - Luck

From level 28, we get a new SkillAP and stomp into Partisan "s Hideaway (Guerrilla Fortifications)

  • Gnoll Raider - Animal Bone / Ore
  • Leader of the Gnolls - varnish, ore

Finally we took level 32 go to Girana district

  • Cannibal Warrior Turak - Lak
  • Medusa - Mithril Ore
  • Warlike Tyrant - Coal / Leather
  • Lesser Warlike Tyrant - varnish

At level 37, we go to make a prof. After we make 3 marks, we are in no hurry to take 40. We leave for Orena district, we buy fruits for the manor, namely the Animal Bone and go to spoil:

  • Leto Lizardman Warrior - Coarse Bone Powder

As they took 39.9 we enter the academy and get our honestly earned money for the PKK. We continue to spoil and mangle the Leto Lizardman Warrior.


Congratulations on your new title, I think you will wear it with your head held high. Bounty Hunter. We buy equipment) We continue to spoil and manipulate Leto Lizardman Warrior. At 43 we leave the race.

Above, I wrote a variant competing with the famous Catacomb of the branded (By the Catacombs of the Excommunicated) ... There is a lot of competition in the catacombs and PVP often happens, do you need to waste precious time? But the choice is still yours:

  • Shaman Lith - Stone of Purity / Coarse Bone Powder
  • Spiritual Giant - Stone of Purity / Coarse Bone Powder

More locations: Field of whispers (Whispering Fields) , Garden of eva (Garden of the Goddess Eve)

  • Staghorn - Coarse Bone Powder


Hunters valley (Valley of the Hunters)

  • Spider Cronbe - Animal Bone
  • Astral Drake - Animal Skin

These levels were difficult for me, I'm looking for advice where to spoil at this stage in order to add to the guide.
Cruma Tower (Cruma Tower)

  • Mordeo - Animal bone, difficult locations


Plains of Glory (Plains of Glory)

  • Silent Warrior Vanor - Glue / Mithril Ore / EWC
  • Silent Warrior Vanor - Mithril Ore

The previous version is better in my opinion, but it's up to you Sea of ​​spores (Sea of ​​Spores)

  • Tarantula Trisalim - steel
  • Spore Zombie - Animal Skin / Mantle

Catacomb of the branded (Catacombs of the Excommunicated) (end) - transition level 49-52 ~

  • Grave Priest - EWC
  • Decaying Ancient Knight - Asof / Iron Ore / Dye
  • Priest Nephilim - Animal Bone / Shape Hardener / Dye

Other places Pavel ruins (Abandoned Workshop)

  • Miraculous Golem Specimen IV - Coarse Bone Powder
  • Champion Golem Specimen I - EWC / Mithril Ore
  • Ant Digger - paint / sop / hilki


The paradise period in the life of our gnome is coming, eyes run up from the abundance of tasty mobs, I will provide several options for your choice Catacomb of the apostate (Renegade Catacombs)

  • Nephilim Priest - Animal Bone / Shape Hardener / Dye
  • Magician Lilim - animal bone / shape hardener / paint

The enchanted valley (Magic Valley)

  • Satyr - Steel
  • Drowned Elder - Stone of Purity / Major Healing Potion / Dye
  • Elder Mara - Crafted Leather / Blades

Garden of eva (Gardens of the Goddess Eve) This zone is very difficult for a beginner, to run far there + definitely need a buffer, some gnomes will spoil there with olearm, some with a different weapon, it's up to you to get inside. round.

  • Puppet Master - Asof / Clay / Tons
  • Leader of the Garden Guard - Asof / Tons
  • Hummingbird Mage - Glue
  • Soldier of Darkness - Stone of Purity
  • Dark Lord - Stone of Purity
  • Sphinx - animal bone

The Giant "s Cave (Giant's Cave) : Spoiled there to 60)

  • Zombie Spider - Metal Thread
  • Zombie Bear - Recipe: Art of War Ax / Paint

Mobs have been moved to a pit near the Giant's Cave.

Frozen labyrinth (Ice maze) :

  • Iron Golem of the Labyrinth - steel / paint

Not a bad quest + spoil, I didn't like it there, but alas, the spoil is delicious there.

District of Aden:

  • Fate Scout - Oriharukon Ingot / Dye
  • Evil Ruin Zombie - Iron Ore
  • Swamp Drake - Mithril Ore / Retz SSB
  • Fallen Orc - Steel


I think the most favorable place on this lvle Necropolis of devotion (Prayer Necropolis)

  • Priest Lilim - Animal Bone / Coarse Bone Powder / EWB / Dye
  • Buried Guard - Glue / Crafted Leather / Dye

District of Aden:

  • Grave Predator - Steel / EWB
  • Dread Warrior - Stone of Purity / Grease / EWB, difficult location for one


  • Beast farm (Wild Beast Farm)

Swamp of screams (Swamp of Screams) :

  • Stakato Lone Soldier - Stone of Purity / EAA / Blades
  • Stakato Loner Drone - Stone of Purity
  • Stakato Single Drone - Purity Stone / Mold Hardener

Wall of argos (Argo Wall) :

  • Observer's Eye - Stone of Purity / Form Hardener / EWA

Blazing swamp (Molten Marsh)

  • Orcish Scout Khames - oricharukon ore / azof
  • Hallet's Follower Moloch - Recipe: Sealed Tallum Plate Armor (60%) (Infa unchecked)
  • Knight Malruk - tones / asof
  • Berserker Malruk - Stone of Purity
  • Soldier Mulruk - tons / enria
  • Overlord Mulruk - Adamantite Ingot


  • Bloody Doll - leather
  • Bloody Guard - DK Robe Pieces
  • Bloody Banshee - rec.MF / enria

Silent Valley (Valley of Silence), District GC

  • Ancient Soldier - Metal Fiber / Enria
  • Reincarnated Creature - Crafted Leather / Tones
  • Ancient Warrior - Metal Fiber / Mithril Ore / Adamantite Bar
  • Buried Preacher - Tons / Form Hardener

You got to 40, took a prof and you are going to swing to 50. Congratulations Neo, you nerd, uh ... chosen one! Yes, you are the chosen one, why? It's simple, according to statistics, only 10-15% of spoilers swing further, the rest do not grow above 42-43 levels. And you will understand why after reading this guide. So, we will spoil the mobs from 40 to 50. I hope that you have already acquired the yaksu and at least the composite (otherwise what are you chosen). What? Do you only have a tarbar? Aaa Tarbar + 10, well, not bad either. We have the equipment, now let's move on to the mobs. Spoil space at level 40 for a wagon and a small cart, for every taste and any degree of difficulty.

To begin with, you can return to our familiar valleys

Death Valley:

Boar Lvl 39, spoil - Stone of Purity (7%)
Grandis Lvl 40, spoil - Varnish 1-3 (55%) and Metal fiber (30%)

Valley of the Lizards

Leto Lizardman Warrior 38 lvl x2, spoil - Coarse Bone Powder (25%)
Leto Lizardman Chieftain 40 lvl x2, spoil - Crafted Leather (7%)

But if you're already tired of it, then go to Alligator Island and spoil the mobs

Alligator 40 lvl - Varnish 1-3 (55%)
Young Croc 41lvl x2 - Stem 1-11 (80%)

Also a good spoil in the Ivory Tower Crater

Enchanted Stone Golem 42 lvl - Varnish 1-7 (80%)
Enchanted Monster Eye 41 lvl - High-quality suede (11%)

Well, if you want extreme, then welcome to the Cruma Tower

Mordeo 42 lvl х3 - Animal Bone 1-9 (80%)

If you are really bad with buffs and equipment, then there is a worse place, but simpler: the Valley of the Hunters

Orc Tamlin 41 lvl - Steel (14%)

I recommend sitting on these mobs as long as possible, because further, there will be practically no good mobs for spoil resources. That is why most spoilers do not live up to 50+, but in vain, after 55 spoils are very tasty almost everywhere. But so far we have reached 45-47, what should we do? You can, of course, score on everything and swing up to 52+ spoils everything in a row, but we don't need that. I tried for a very long time to find the optimal quality and spoil at these levels, in the end, the simplest and most profitable quality turned out to be in the two most unpopular places :)

Outlaw Forest

Spoil the mobs - Basilisk Tarlc- 50 lvl, Elder Basilisk Tarlc- 51 lvl, they will get rid of a bunch of different recipes that can be taken to the store, except for these:

Master's Handle (100%), Tunic of Holiness (100%), Master's Castle (100%) Ring of Seal (100%) Necklace of Seal (100%), they are in good demand and go at the price of SOPs like cakes :), As soon as we grow up add another mob to the basilisks Sphinx- 53 lvl. Let's spoil him for a recipe for B nipples, which can also be sold well.


Spoil the mobs Tyrim 50 - lvl - Metal Fiber and Pieces to Avadon Rob

Evil zombie ruin 50 lvl - we will spoil a bunch of different recipes and pieces for high Q gloves. From all this junk, you can craft gloves and sell a recipe for Masterwork (100%)

Also, if you do a good job with mobs in the room and do not fall from wigs in 3-5 mobs, then you can sit on the 2nd floor of the room, there is a very tasty mob Monarch of Darkness lvl 50, spoil SOP 1-5 and Oriharukon Ore 1-5 with a chance of 70%, but it is x5 with protection from mobs x3. If you master, go for it. If you want to spoil the resources, then there are 3 more not very good options

Sea of ​​Spores - Spore zombie Lvl 47 spoil Animal Skins 1-3 and recipes for C cannon

Magic Valley - there you can spoil tones from all the mobs on the lower tier that match your level.

Or in the Forest of Mirrors to spoil all kinds Orc Taik and Ghosts of the Forest of Mirrors, but only cheap resources such as Animal Skin, Silver Ingot and Mithril Ore will be spoiled from them. The spoil is also hindered by a fairly large number of people swinging there.

As you can see, the life of a 45+ spoiler is far from sugar, but you shouldn't give up, after 52+ everything will be in chocolate, you just have to grow up.
