Dead rising 3 game lags

There are many ways to improve the performance of games on not the most weak computer. Next, we will look at them in order from simple to complex and tell you what to do if Dead Rising 3 is slow.

A simple solution to the brakes in Dead Rising 3

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download via direct link) - this is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers on the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install the program WinOptimizer(download via direct link) and include it in it Game Mode, which will end useless background processes while running games and improve in-game performance.

Free up disk space

Before proceeding to active actions, you need to make sure that the computer has at least 10-15 GB of free space on the hard drive on which the operating system is installed.

This is usually drive "C". This minimum reserve is necessary so that the system can create temporary Dead Rising 3 file storage, caches, and so on without any problems.

And make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for the game to run properly.

Disable unnecessary programs

Each program that runs in the OS takes up a certain percentage of RAM and loads the processor. It’s easy to verify this; just open the task manager using the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination:

If the computer does not have the most powerful processor installed, and the RAM is less than 8-16 GB, then before launch of Dead Rising 3 needs to disable unnecessary programs. For example, Skype, Discord, Telegram, Google Chrome and so on.

Disable overlays

We are talking about those programs that are able to display their interface on top of the game. Often there are these on your computer - Fraps, Steam, Origin, and so on. Even when the overlay is hidden, it is processed by the computer, reducing FPS in Dead Rising 3.

Therefore, all overlays must be disabled. This can almost always be done in the program settings without having to uninstall it. For example, the Steam overlay can be easily disabled through the menu:

Update video card drivers, download drivers for Dead Rising 3

Regardless of what video card is in the system unit, its drivers must be kept up to date. Therefore, before launching Dead Rising 3, you should go to the manufacturer’s website and check if new drivers have been released:

After installing the driver, you should restart your computer to eliminate the possibility of failures. It’s also worth considering that new drivers are no longer available for many older video cards.

For some games, video card manufacturers release specially optimized drivers. Look for them in the Dead Rising 3 news section - we usually write about them. You can also look at the website of video card manufacturers.

Change power settings

By default, the computer is set to a balanced power supply mode, which, and in some laptops, in order to increase operating time, is even set to save energy.

This prevents your computer from reaching its full potential in Dead Rising 3, so the first step is to open the Control Panel, which you can find by searching. Then you need to do the following:

  • Select the “Small icons” viewing mode;
  • Click on “Power Options”;
  • On the screen, find the option “Setting the power supply scheme”, click on it;
  • Click on “Change advanced power settings”;
  • In the window that opens, find the drop-down list;
  • Select “High performance” from the list;
  • Click the “Apply” button, then click “OK”.

Enable Nvidia Performance Mode

After installing the Nvidia video card driver, you can speed up Dead Rising 3 using performance mode. This will slightly simplify the graphics in the game, but will increase FPS. Please note that this method is only available if you have a video card with an Nvidia chip. Here's how to do it:

  • In the lower right corner of the screen, in the tray, right-click on the “NVIDIA Settings” icon;
  • In the window that opens on the right, select the “3D Settings” tab;
  • Click on the option “Adjust image settings with viewing”;
  • On the right, check the box next to “Custom settings with emphasis on:”;
  • Move the “slider”, which is located below, to the far left position “Performance”;
  • Click on the “Apply” button below.

Next, you need to launch Dead Rising 3 and make sure that everything is displayed correctly. If problems arise, instead of “Custom settings with emphasis on:”, select “Settings according to the 3D application”.

Disable Windows Effects

If Dead Rising 3 does not run in full screen mode, but in a window, including without a frame, then you can increase FPS if you disable Windows effects. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Open "Explorer";
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Visual Effects” tab;
  • Check the box next to the “Ensure the best performance” option.

If necessary, on last step You can select the “Special Effects” option. In this case, you can independently choose which effects to leave and which to disable.

Increase the page file if there is not enough RAM for Dead Rising 3

To compensate for the lack of RAM, you can increase the page file. This will allow the system to store some of the data required by Dead Rising 3 directly on the hard drive. Here's what to do:

  • Open "Explorer";
  • Right click Click on “This Computer” (or “My Computer”);
  • In the context menu, click on “Properties”;
  • In the window that opens, on the left, click on “Advanced system settings”;
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab;
  • In the “Performance” section, click on the “Options...” button;
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab;
  • Uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” option (if available);
  • Check the box next to the “Specify size” option;
  • In the text fields “Initial size (MB):” and “Maximum size (MB):” specify in megabytes a value equal to half the amount of RAM.

For example, if a 4 GB “die” is installed in the system unit, that is, 4192 MB, you need to enter the number 2048 in the fields above. You can make the paging file larger, but this will not give any increase.

It should be understood that the page file is only effective when the system does not have enough RAM. If the computer has 8-16 GB, then the page file is practically not used. And when using an SSD drive as a system drive, the presence of a paging file can completely slow down the performance of Dead Rising 3, so you should not thoughtlessly set a large value for the paging file.

To further worsen the graphics in Dead Rising 3 (potato mode) - turn off anti-aliasing, etc.

If Dead Rising 3 starts, but is very slow, then before starting all procedures you should reduce the graphics to a minimum through the game settings. If this does not help, then you will have to resort to help third party programs to configure the video card:

  • for video cards from Nvidia;
  • for video cards from AMD.

After downloading the program, run it. In the case of NVIDIA Inspector, you need to run nvidiaProfileInspector.exe, not nvidiaInspector.exe. At the top, in the “Profiles:” line, you can select any game that is supported by Nvidia drivers.

Below are all the available settings. There are many of them, but in order to degrade the graphics in the game to “potato”, just a few, which are located in the “Antialiasing” section, are enough.

The greatest performance increase comes from changing these two parameters:

  • Texture filtering - LOD bias;
  • Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling.

Each of these settings has different meanings. Some of them can make the picture in Dead Rising 3 indigestible, so you should try different combinations of values ​​that give a more or less tolerable playable picture.

In the case of RadeonMod, everything is similar: you need to find the settings responsible for displaying textures and reduce them until the FPS in the game is high enough.

How to overclock your video card for Dead Rising 3

Everything related to “overclocking” is aimed at increasing performance, but these are quite broad topics that are difficult to talk about in a nutshell. In addition, this is always quite a risky business. If anything, we've warned you.

To achieve more FPS values in Dead Rising 3, you can first try to overclock your video card. The easiest way to do this is to use the built-in software functions from the graphics card manufacturer.

For example, some GIGABYTE video cards come bundled with the Graphics Engine program, which contains several ready-made overclocking profiles. This allows you to squeeze 5-10 additional frames per second out of the video card.

If there is no program from the manufacturer, then you can always use a universal solution -. This is one of best programs for overclocking, it has many different settings.

But here you have to configure everything manually. First of all, you should increase the frequency of the video chip itself (“Core Clock”) and the frequency of the video card memory (“Memory Clock”). On the left are the basic values ​​for these parameters. The temperature and voltage increase are displayed on the right - these characteristics allow you to monitor the “health” of the video card.

As the frequency increases, the heating of the video card increases. If the temperature exceeds 85 degrees, then you should increase the fan speed (“Fan Speed”). If the temperature rises to 100 degrees, you should immediately stop overclocking, otherwise the chip may melt. Powerful overclocking requires water cooling, so frequencies should not be increased by more than 10%.

Overclock the processor

While overclocking a video card is quite possible right in Windows, in order to improve the performance of the processor and thereby increase the performance of Dead Rising 3, you will have to go into the Bios.

Gaming “overclocking” of a processor usually involves increasing the processor multiplier (Core Ratio). This can be done not on every processor, but only on the one where this multiplier is unlocked. Usually such processors are marked in a special way. For example, Intel uses the markings "K" and "X'. That is, for example, the i7-4790 cannot be overclocked using a multiplier, but the i7-4790K can be overclocked completely.

But how can you find out the exact name of the processor model? The easiest way is to use the program. Having launched it, you need to open the “CPU” tab and look at the very first line - “Name”. This is the name of the processor. By the way, you can also see the multiplier itself there. It is in the “Clocks” section, in the “Multiplier” line. If the processor supports overclocking, then this multiplier can be changed.

To change the Core Ratio, you must first get into the BIOS shell. To do this, you need to press a special key combination while your computer is booting (before the Windows screen appears).

The combination may vary depending on the motherboard. Often the BIOS can be called up using the "F8" or "Del" key. On the Bios screen you need to find the section dedicated to the processor. Here, too, everything is complicated, since the BIOS has many shells. Almost every motherboard manufacturer uses its own, so without knowledge of English you can find Right place not so easy.

You need to change the multiplier gradually, increasing it by 2. After each change, you should restart the computer and carefully check the performance and temperature of the processor. If it gets above 80 degrees during the game, then you need to immediately turn off Dead Rising 3, restart your computer, go into the BIOS and lower the Core Ratio value. Otherwise the processor may burn out.

Well, a very interesting zombie action game called Dead Rising 3 has come out. Everything would be fine, as a game it’s a classic joker with a lot of emphasis on close combat, but from a technical point of view this is a very fragile game and some players had problems with Dead Rising 3 .

In this material we will try to help those players who encountered problems in Dead Rising 3, so if you are among them, welcome!

Below we will try to highlight some of the problems with Dead Rising 3 that players most often encounter. For example, when Dead Rising 3 does not start or for example when the game crashes. So you can consider this page Problems FAQ Dead Rising 3.

Dead Rising 3 won't start

So, look below for tips on solving problems with launching the game.

1. Attention! If you have crashes, game freezes on startup it's at this point

NVIDIA: Dead Rising also has the ability to crash completely randomly for players, especially those whose computers are running Windows 8.1. The network advises rolling back drivers to 335.23, but we don’t know how effective this is.

Installed drivers version 337.88 help a lot.

ATI RADEON: If Dead Rising 3 literally crashes on startup, most likely you are playing on a laptop with two video cards. This behavior is quite common. To avoid this crash, try setting high performance priority for the game process (deadrising3.exe) in CatalystControlCenter. This is natural if you have a video card from ATI/Radeon.

5. Check the integrity of the game files in STEAM for a licensed copy.

For pirates: make sure that you installed and launched the game with the antivirus software turned off. Antivirus very often consider cracks to be viruses, which causes problems with startup when an important file is quarantined.

Be careful in Windows 8-8.1 they have built-in antivirus and therefore can block the file themselves.

6. If you are using pirated copy, then perhaps the crack does not work with your device.

Dead Rising 3 crashes

Let's talk in this part of the material about how to avoid crashes on the desktop of the game Dead Rising 3.

1. To avoid crashes, follow steps from the launch tips: 2, 5, 6.

2. Reset the graphics settings to low and the crashes may disappear. Using the selection method, calculate which option causes the crash. For example, it is known that if you disable anti-aliasing it will reduce the number of crashes, to solve them you need to remove everything and enable one option at a time.

Dead Rising 3 freezes and slows down

Freezes or low FPS game Dead Rising 3? This is for us!

1. There is a problem when Dead Rising 3 freezes when picking up Frank figurines. For some, the game crashes/freezes after the first figurine, for some after 10, but there is still a problem. If you have such a problem, then just before collecting you need to transfer the game to English language in the settings and that's it. However, not everyone likes to play in English, so it won’t suit everyone (Below on the page there are instructions on how to turn on Russian subtitles while leaving the English voice acting), so let’s move on.

Some advise using the ALI213 Proper crack for Dead Rising 3, turn on the English language and collect 2 figurines in a row, then save and you can switch to Russian - it will be normal to continue playing.

In general, collecting figurines is not such an important part and you can leave it for later when the patch comes out.

2. To get rid of freezes, follow the starting tips: points 2, 5, 6.

3. If you are playing Dead Rising 3 on a laptop, you will need to make sure that you have connected the charger before turning on the game, and also ensure that the laptop has good ventilation.

4. To ensure the best performance, turn off all resource-intensive applications before starting the game, and also check by opening the Task Manager to see if you have processes that consume a lot of resources (for example, there may be viruses) and turn them off if there are any.

5. Reset the graphics settings as close to the minimum as possible - this will give a performance boost.

How to disable the 30 FPS limit in Dead Rising 3?

In the folder with the game itself, create a file user.ini, open it with notepad and write gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True.

After this, your performance should increase if your computer is powerful enough.

Black screen in Dead Rising 3

A black screen in any game primarily indicates problems with the graphical part of the game.

3. If a black screen appears in the game at some point or immediately after loading, lower the graphics settings and try changing the resolution.

Screen resolution issues in Dead Rising 3

If the game settings do not have your screen resolution and stripes appear on the sides or top and bottom of the screen, try setting the closest appropriate resolution, apply, and then get the game to work in windowed mode(ALT+ENTER), and then use the same combination to return it to her full screen mode. Should help a little.

Some advise using a special program which really helps.

They also say that if you have a non-standard aspect ratio, then change it in the Dead Rising 3/data/datafile/viewpor.txt file in the Aspect parameter. Enter the value 1.6 (16:10) or 2.333333333 (21:9), etc. It should also help those who have 1440:900.

Settings not saving in Dead Rising 3

If your graphics and other settings are not saved in Dead Rising 3 and they are lost after exiting the game, rest assured that you are not alone. As a solution, some use the Skidrow crack and quite successfully to combat this problem.

In general, try running the game as a system administrator. This way the game will have more rights to write files.

Computer reboots while playing Dead Rising 3

We will try to help those whose computer reboots while playing. So here are the possible problems:

1. Overheating. It is possible that your computer overheats while playing, check the temperature. If it's a laptop, then try to give it as much air as possible, clean it. If it's a PC, lubricate the heat sink contacts with thermal paste, make sure all the fans are lubricated and working.

2. Old video card / power supply

This is a very common problem when the video card causes the computer to restart while playing. If yours is a little old, this could be the reason.

If you have a weak power supply, then this is most likely it. Read on the Internet how much your processor, video card, etc. consume and you can understand the reason.

3. Poor contact.

Sometimes if there is poor contact, for example, a video card with a mat. board, hard drive with wire, RAM strips, the computer reboots with a blue screen, where a problem is reported.

How to stop time in Dead Rising 3?

If you want to slowly extinguish zombies to your heart's content, then you better stop the timer in Dead Rising 3. It will help you with this trainer for the game.

Co-op in Dead Rising 3

If you want to play Dead Rising 3 online on pirates, then these tips can help you.

Check that your game is installed on drive C. In the game settings, both clients should set the resolution to 60 Hz.

Follow the instructions on this page.

Gamepad doesn't work in Dead Rising 3

If you have problems with your gamepad, then this is the place for you. On PCs, those who have XBOX 360 gamepads are fine, but those who have PS gamepads have problems. You just need to emulate a gamepad and you won't have any problems. About how to do it.

Russian subtitles in Dead Rising 3 with English voice acting

If you want to play with Russian subtitles and English voice acting in Dead Rising 3, then do this:

1. Open the deadrising3\data\audio folder

2. In the search field enter dialogue_ and delete everything found

3. Now we need to rename several files in batch mode, all in the same folder. For this you can use Total Commander, select all files and folders in and replace dialogue on dialogue_en.

Be careful. We recommend that you read the material very carefully; if your game crashes, this does not mean that there may not be a solution for you in solving the freeze. We don't want to copy-paste the same thing, so once again, be careful and read everything.

Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

The events of Dead Rising 3 take place in the city of Los Perdidos 10 years after Dead Rising 2, when the zombie epidemic has become so widespread that it threatens all of humanity. The player takes on the role of a mechanic named Nick Ramos with a strange tattoo and a mysterious past. He must escape a city infested with thousands of zombies before an airstrike hits him. But it's impossible to do this alone, so the guy joins a group of survivors fighting for their lives in an attempt to escape the city.

Dead Rising 3 is supported by major Windows operating systems, which include Windows 7 and Windows 8. Others OS developers on this moment are not supported and will not receive support.

The priority and main graphics API for Dead Rising 3 is DirectX 11.

Game engine

Dead Rising 3 is based on the proprietary Forge Engine. The game engine is a product of Capcom Vancouver's own development. There is practically no information on the network about the structure and development of this engine. Most likely the engine is further development product lines for games based on Capcom Vancouver's own intellectual property.

We were unable to find detailed information other than our own visual observations.

Advanced Game Settings

Dead Rising 3 has a wide range of graphic settings, which made it possible to customize the game for almost any modern gaming configuration. All graphic settings are located in two menu sub-items - main and advanced.

Below we have provided screenshots of the game at different graphic settings, where our readers can see the difference between minimum, medium and maximum graphics quality settings.

The difference between the quality settings is quite significant, so that everything is visible to the naked eye.

Comparison of FullHD and 4K

In 4K, Dead Rising 3 looks simply amazing, the detail in the game increases significantly!

The most promising anti-aliasing mode for Dead Rising 3 is SMAA T2X, which almost completely smoothes out the image.

Dead Rising 3 is one of the first titles for next-generation consoles to be ported to PC. During the porting process, the game received improved graphic effects, support for more high resolutions and the presence of various anti-aliasing modes.

The game is a quite worthy project that combines quite good graphics and physics components (based on the Havok physics engine), which, by the way, is quite advanced and of higher quality compared to previous games in the series.


Test configuration

Test benches

Multimedia equipment

Dell U3010 Monitor

Monitor ASUS PQ321QE

Software configuration

operating system

Microsoft Windows 8.1

Graphics driver

Nvidia GeForce/ION Driver Release 340.52

AMD Catalyst 14.8

Monitoring program

MSI Afterburner v3

GPU Mist


GPU test

All video cards were tested at maximum graphics quality using MSI Afterburner. The purpose of the test is to determine how video cards from different manufacturers behave under the same conditions. The average and minimum FPS were taken as performance indicators. Below is a video of the test segment:

Our video cards were tested at resolutions of 1920x1080, 2560x1600 and 3840x2160 at maximum settings graphics quality allowed by Dead Rising 3. SLI and AMD CrossFireX are currently not well supported by the game, showing zero scalability. To unlock the FPS limit, you need to create a “user.ini” file in the root of the game directory with the following line of code inside: gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True.

Testing at 1920x1080 resolution

Testing at maximum quality settings 1920x1080

With these settingsAn acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards of the Radeon HD 6950 or GeForce GTX 570 level. The optimal solutions would be the Radeon R7 260X or GeForce GTX 760.

Testing at maximum quality settings 1920x1080 SMAA T2X

With these settingsan acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards of the Radeon HD 7770 or GeForce GTX 580 level. The optimal solutions would be Radeon R7 260X or GeForce GTX 760.

Testing at 2560x1600 resolution

Testing at maximum quality settings 2560x1600

With these settingsAn acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards of the Radeon R7 260X or GeForce GTX 760 level. The optimal solutions would be the Radeon HD 7870 or GeForce GTX 780.

Testing at maximum quality settings 2560x1600

With these settingsAn acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards of the Radeon HD 7850 or GeForce GTX 680 level. The optimal solutions will beRadeon HD 7950 or GeForce GTX 780.

Testing at 3840x2160 resolution

Testing at maximum quality settings 3840x2160

With these settings

Testing at maximum quality settings 3840x2160

With these settingsAn acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards of the Radeon R9 290X level.

Testing of video memory consumed by the game was carried out by the program MSI Afterburner. The indicator was based on the results on top video cards from AMD and NVIDIA at resolutions 1920x1200, 2560x1600 and 4K with various anti-aliasing settings.

Testing at maximum memory GPU quality settings

The recommended amount of video memory usage for a resolution of 1920x1080 will be 2048 MB of video memory,for a resolution of 2560x1600 - 3072 MB of video memory and for a resolution of 3840x2160 about 4096 MB of video memory.

Micro-Stuttering Test

Introducing our testing of FPS output latency on a Micro-Stuttering monitor. The indicator was based on the results on multi-chip configurations of video cards from AMD and NVIDIA at a resolution of 1920x1200 with maximum image quality settings.

Testing at maximum Micro-Stuttering GPU quality settings

Micro-Stuttering latency indicators for video cards are within normal limits.

CPU test

We tested processor dependence on 15 models of basic configurations that are relevant today. The test was carried out in those places where the video card value for the game is minimal and its load was less than 99%, this time at a resolution of 1280x800 with maximum graphics quality settings.


Testing at maximum quality settings 1280x800NVIDIA

CPU performance in the game is currently not very good, especially when using AMD video cards. When using NVIDIA video cards, processor performance is more comfortable.

Dead Rising 3 can support up to 6 computing threads.

RAM test

Minimum system requirements :
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-3220 3.30GHz (Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz) / AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.00 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • HDD: 30 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 / AMD Radeon 7870 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 11

    Optimal system requirements:

  • Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4570 CPU 3.20GHz or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • HDD: 30 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 670 2GB or AMD Radeon 7970 2GB
  • DirectX: Version 11.1

    Controller/gamepad not working in Dead Rising 3 on PC

  • A controller is recommended for playing Microsoft Xbox360, with which the game is guaranteed to be compatible.

    How to remove the 30 FPS limit in Dead Rising 3?

  • The game has a default limit of 30 FPS, if you want to increase the number of frames, then there is a workaround.
  • Go to the folder where the game is installed
  • Make a text file named ini
  • Add a line there gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True
  • Save changes and close the file
  • Place this file in the same folder where the game launch file is located.
    (Note: After using this file, if you encounter problems, slow performance or low FPS, then delete it. But this method worked for most people.)

    How to change screen size to 16:10 and 21:9 ratio

  • If you are having trouble changing the sides of the screen in Dead Rising 3, then apply the following workaround.
  • Go Steam\SteamApps\common\Dead Rising 3\data\datafile\
  • Open the file txt
  • Now find the line Aspect="1.777777778" and change it to Aspect="2.333333333"
  • Now your screen will be in the ratio 21:9
  • For the ratio 16:10 , change the setting to Aspect="1.6"

    Dead Rising 3 crashes on the loading screen, random crashes or slowdowns

  • For users NVidia We advise you to return to the drivers version 335.23 . This will help solve the problem. Note: You must uninstall the previous driver after installing the new one.
  • The same problem occurs on Win 8, can be solved by installing 7.

    Solving the bug with figurines

  • Some people experience a bug - when picking up a figurine, the game freezes.
    To avoid this, you must turn on the English language before taking the figurine. After this, you can switch back to Russian, there will be no more problems. Or collect everything, first switching to English. language.

  • Checkers