Cs go lags on minimum wage what to do. What to do if CS:GO is slow? Problems with pirated copies

It’s no secret that CS:GO lags for many players now; there can be a huge number of reasons for this, for example, an old computer or vice versa, modern computer, but not a properly configured game. Maybe you haven’t cleaned your computer for a long time and this is the reason for the low FPS in the game? What to do if CS:GO lags? We will help and tell you how to increase FPS in CS:GO.

Guide updated 05/01/2019: launch parameters changed.

CS:GO optimization.

1. Graphics settings in the game.

What should the basic graphics settings look like in the game? We recommend setting everything to the minimum value; this will not only greatly increase your FPS in the game, but will also improve the quality of your game, since you will no longer be distracted by the smallest graphic details. We have often noticed how many players play at almost the highest graphics settings and then ask: “ Why does CS:GO lag?“. Almost everyone plays on these settings. You can see our recommended graphics settings in the screenshot below:

Let's look at each parameter separately...

Overall quality of shadows. Changes the accuracy of calculation of dynamic shadows cast on the surface in the game. Increasing the quality of shadows will improve the picture, but may reduce performance, we recommend setting it to ‘ Very low‘.

Detailing models and textures. Affects the resolution of textures and complex geometric models in the game. Lowering this setting will improve performance on weak computers, but will degrade image quality; we recommend setting it to ‘ Low‘.

Effect detail. Affects the quality of some visual effects. Reducing this parameter will increase the game performance, but objects in the game may appear “out of nowhere”, we recommend setting it to ‘ Low‘.

Shader detail. Affects the quality of lighting and shadows. A high value for this parameter will improve image quality, but will have a bad effect on performance; we recommend setting it to ‘ Low‘.

Multi-core processing. Allows CS:GO to harness the power of multiple processor cores on your system. If processing is disabled, the number of processed frames per second may increase, but the quality of the game graphics will decrease, we recommend setting it to ‘ On.’.

Multi-sampling anti-aliasing mode. Eliminates the ladder effect around the edges geometric shapes. Game performance may decrease as the degree of anti-aliasing increases, we recommend setting to ‘ No‘.

Texture filter mode. Improves the appearance of textures in the game, but can lead to a drop in game performance, we recommend setting it to ‘ Bilinear‘.

Anti-aliasing with FXAA. Provides smoothness of the image along the edges of geometric shapes, eliminating the “ladder” effect. Enabling FXAA may reduce graphics performance, we recommend setting it to ‘ Off.’.

Motion blur. This is a full-screen shader effect that selectively smoothes the image during sudden changes in camera angle or position. By turning it off, you can achieve better performance; we recommend setting it to ‘ Off.’.

2. CS:GO launch options.

What should I include in the launch parameters so that CS:GO doesn’t lag? We hear this question almost every day. We talked about what it is and what launch parameters exist in, you can experiment with other parameters, which may help and remove lags in CS:GO. To set the launch parameters for CS:GO, go to STEAM, open your game library, find the CS:GO game, click on it right click mouse and select the ‘Properties’ option. In the ‘General’ section, find the ‘Set launch parameters...’ button, enter the following launch parameters in the window that opens:
-novid -threads 12 -nojoy +cl_forcepreload 1

Let's look at each parameter separately:
+cl_forcepreload 1– Loads map textures directly at the beginning of map loading, in some cases allows you to get stable FPS.
-novid– Removes the splash screen at the beginning of the game (will not increase FPS, but will allow you to launch the game much faster).
-threads 12– Sets the number of threads that will process the game. Instead of meaning ' 12 ‘ set the number of threads of your processor. To find out how many threads your processor supports, enter its name in a search engine, go to the official website of the developers and find the line “Threads” or “Threads” in the processor characteristics. Please note that now we are talking about THREADS, and not processor COREs, as many may think. For example, an i3 3210 processor has 2 cores, but includes 4 threads.
-nojoy– Disables joystick support, which will free up RAM a little.

3. Console commands + autoexec.cfg

The commands that you see below must be entered one by one into the game console; they will allow you to disable some graphical features, which will also remove lags in CS:GO.

List of commands

r_cheapwaterend “1”
r_cheapwaterstart “1”
r_dynamic “0”
r_drawtracers_firstperson “0”
r_eyegloss “0”
r_eyemove “0”
r_eyeshift_x “0”
r_eyeshift_y “0”
r_eyeshift_z “0”
r_eyesize “0”
sys_antialiasing “0”
sys_refldetail “0”
muzzleflash_light “0”
cl_debugrumble “0”
cl_detail_avoid_force “0”
cl_detail_avoid_radius “0”
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed “0”
cl_detail_max_sway “0”
cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic “0”
fps_max “0”
fps_max_menu “0”


For convenience, we advise you to create a special configuration file in the game folder, which will automatically launch when you start the game and enter all these commands automatically. To do this, go to the CFG folder (Steam\steamapps\common\ Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg) and create a file there, calling it ‘autoexec.cfg’. Open the newly created file with any text editor, copy and paste all the commands listed above, do not forget to save. Now, every time you start the game, all commands written in the ‘autoexec.cfg’ file will be automatically written to the console.

4. NVIDIA video card settings.

This step should only be performed by those who have a video card from NVIDIA installed.

Right-click on the desktop and select 'NVIDIA Control Panel', in the window that opens, find the section 'Adjust image settings with preview', in this installation section, check the box for 'Custom settings with a focus on:' and drag the slider to the far left to 'Performance'.

Next, go to the ‘Manage 3D settings’ section, go to the ‘Program settings’ subsection, in the ‘Select a program to configure’ menu, find Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. In the settings, find the ‘Texture Filtering – Quality’ option and set it to ‘High Performance’.

Click the ‘Apply’ button and close the window.

5. Setting up the configuration file ‘video.txt’.

The file 'video.txt' stores all the graphics settings, thanks to it you can turn up the graphics even lower than is possible through the game settings. This point may be of great help if you have CS:GO lags at minimum settings.

Where to find the 'video.txt' file:‘Steam\userdata\31540722\730\local\cfg’. Please note that your folder “31540722” will be called differently.

What if there are other folders in the “userdata” folder? To understand which folder you exactly need, you need to go to the website https://steamid.io and insert a link to your STEAM profile in the “input” field, after which you will receive detailed information about your profile. Your task is to find the line “steamID3” and opposite it you can find out your ID, and your folder, which you will need in the future, will also be called.

Open the video.txt file using any text editor. Replace all the values ​​as shown in the screenshot below (except for the ‘setting.defaultres’ and ‘setting.defaultresheight’ parameters, these values ​​determine your screen resolution):

What does each setting mean?

“setting.cpu_level” “0″ – quality of effects: 0 – low; 1-medium; 2 – high;
“setting.gpu_level” “0″ – shader quality: 0 – low; 1-medium; 2 – high; 3 – very high;
“setting.mat_antialias” “0″ – smoothing coefficient: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16;
“setting.mat_aaquality” “0″ – anti-aliasing quality: 0 – no; 1, 2, 3, 4 – smoothing factor in increasing order;
“setting.mat_forceaniso” “0″ – anisotropic filtering coefficient – ​​0, 2, 4, 8, 16;
“setting.mat_vsync” “0″ – vertical sync: 0 – off; 1 – on;
“setting.mat_triplebuffered” “0″ – 3-way buffering: 0 – off; 1 – on;
“setting.mat_monitorgamma” “1.6” – image brightness;
“setting.mat_grain_scale_override” “1″ – presence of grain effect on the screen: 0 – no; 1 – yes;
“setting.gpu_mem_level” “0″ – texture detail: 0 – low; 1 – average; 2 – high;
“setting.mem_level” “2″ – additional memory:
“setting.mat_queue_mode” “2″ – multi-core mode: -1, 0, 1, 2
“setting.csm_quality_level” “0″ – shadow quality: 0 – low; 1-medium; 2 – high;
“setting.mat_software_aa_strength” “0″ – edge smoothing quality: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16;
“setting.mat_motion_blur_enabled” “0″ – blur during sudden movements: 0 – disabled; 1 – enabled;
“setting.fullscreen” “1″ – full screen mode: 0 – disabled; 1 – enabled;
“setting.defaultres” “1440” – screen X-axis resolution;
“setting.defaultresheight” “990” – Y-axis resolution of the screen;
“setting.aspectratiomode” “2″ – image aspect ratio: 0 – 4:3; 1 – 16:9; 2 – 16:10;
“setting.nowindowborder” “0″ – no restrictions in windowed mode: 0 – off; 1 – on


6. Increase the paging file in Windows.

This point should be followed by owners of weak computers that have 2GB of RAM or less installed in the system.

Right-click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties'. On the left, select ‘Advanced system settings’, in the ‘Advanced’ section, find the ‘Performance’ subsection, and click the ‘Options...’ button. In the window that opens, go again to the ‘Advanced’ section and at the bottom click on the ‘Change...’ button. Uncheck the box ‘Automatically select paging file size’, select the drive where you have installed operating system Windows, below check the box for ‘Specify size’ and in the items ‘Original size (MB)’ and ‘Maximum size (MB)’ set the value to ‘2047’, as shown in the screenshot below:

Click the ‘Set’ and ‘OK’ buttons. Performing these steps will allow Windows to allocate additional memory for running applications if the RAM is completely occupied.

7. Unlocking processor cores.

Popular player ceh9 recorded a separate video on this topic for his channel, where he explained in detail why and why it is necessary to unlock the CPU cores.

You can download the program here: click.

A short instruction for those who are too lazy to watch the video.

Unlocking cores may not help all processors, but in any case it’s definitely worth a try.

In Windows, you can disable some settings that can speed up the operating system itself.

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. At the top of the window, find the “System Properties” button.
  3. On the left side of the window, click on the “Advanced system settings” button.
  4. In the “Performance” tab, click on the “Options” button.
  5. Check the box for “Give the best performance.”
  6. Click the “Apply” button.

After these actions, the system can change its appearance(relevant for Windows 7; in Windows 8 and 10 the system will not change its appearance). We recommend checking the box for “Smoothing unevenness of screen fonts”; without this item, the text will be very annoying to the eyes.

9. Windows cleaning program – CCleaner.

A program that has proven itself to be “the best.” Using the CCleaner program we can clean the system from unnecessary files(system garbage) and clean the registry. CCleaner is an absolutely safe program; it will not delete your personal files, but will only affect the garbage that has accumulated on the system and interferes with its operation.

Download CCleaner program: download . To download the program, click the green “Download Latest Version” button in the upper right corner.

Instructions for using the CCleaner program.

10. Reboot the computer.

The most common way is to restart your computer before starting CS:GO. This will allow the computer to take off the extra load.

Enter the net_graph 3 command in the console. In the lower right corner you will see connection statistics. This is a very useful tool, as it shows information about the incoming/outgoing connection, the current ping, the number of lost packets of information during transmission/reception, frame rate.

Loss is a number that shows how many packets were lost during transmission from the server to you. Usually it indicates a discrepancy between the speed of your incoming channel and the server's outgoing one. In order to accept the redundant information that the server is trying to transmit to you, you need to reduce the volume of this information.

Choke is an indicator of how much your computer is unable to transmit to the server because your connection speed is too slow or the server is asking for too much information.

2. Task Manager

1. During the game, call the Winows task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
2. In the window that appears, select the “Processes” tab
3. We are looking for the process csgo.exe because hlds.exe
4. Right-click on the csgo.exe process
5. In the frame that appears, select “Priority”
5. Set the priority to “Below Average” and click OK in the window that appears.

I personally tested it and it really works!
The ping was from 80 to 100, dropped from 30 to 60!

3. Ping and connection quality

Ping depends on the quality of the connection; the higher the quality, the lower the ping, and the lower the ping, the more convenient it is to hit the head. Everyone probably knows that while you are playing CS, traffic (packets) is being exchanged between the server and your computer; its total amount (MB) depends on how many times per minute requests are sent to the server. The number of requests can be reduced, thereby reducing the exchange of traffic with the server. I would also like to add that not a single setting may be suitable, so experiment, look for your golden mean.

DSL-settings: (more than 8 Mbit)
rate 25000
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_updaterate "101"
fps_max "100.0"
DSL-settings: (for 64 Kbit - 8 Mbit)
rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 51
cl_updaterate 51
Good game!
cl_cmdrate - number of updates (sends) of information from the client to the server, per second
cl_updaterate - number of updates (sends) of information from the server to the client, per second
rate - limit of incoming traffic (from server to client) in bytes per second
cl_rate - limits the flow from client to server Quote:
rate #### - Stream (in bytes) from the server side. In general, this value should be lower than the speed of the modem connection by about 20-30% (because the outgoing flow also exists and, if you take up all 100% of the line capacity, you will doom yourself.
If you set a value greater than the permissible value, a FlushEntityPacket will occur, the server will “bombard” the user with “packets” at his own request at a convenient moment for him. It should be taken into account that for a large number of players (16-20) connection speed plays a big role. It is not recommended to set the maximum value if packets often do not arrive: you must have a “reserve” to “resend” them.

4. What should be written in the config to reduce lag?

Before starting the game, turn off icq, stop downloads and everything else that creates extra traffic.

Rate 20000
cl_rate 9999
cl_updaterate 100 (if the ping is off the charts, then “30”)
cl_cmdrate 100 (if the ping is off the charts, then “30”)

To be able to control connection parameters, you can add this to the \cstrike\config.cfg file:

Net_graph "1" or "2" or "3"
net_scale "5"
net_graphpos "2"


Rate - Limiting incoming traffic (Bytes/sec.)
cl_rate - Outgoing traffic limit (Bytes/sec.)
cl_updaterate - Number of updates from server to client (incoming traffic) per second.
cl_cmdrate - Number of updates from client to server (outgoing traffic) per second.

Some more useful config settings (file \cstrike\config.cfg):

cl_cmdbackup 2 // Whether to resend a copy of the packet if lost (?)
cl_resend 6 // Number of packet resends if lost
cl_timeout 500 // Timeout before disconnecting if connection with the server is lost, in seconds.
cl_lc 1 // Lag compensation - shot hit prediction (1=on/0=Off)
cl_lw 1 // Lag compensation for shooting animation (1=on/0=Off)
cl_allowupload 0 // Disabled uploading custom decals to the server
cl_allowdownload "0" // Map downloading is disabled. Downloading via a modem in the archive is much faster.

Create a ping.cfg file in cstrike. Write this to ping.cfg: cl_allowdownload "0" // Allow downloading from the server cl_allowupload "0" // Allow downloading from the clientcl_cmdbackup "2" // Number of packets sent cl_cmdrate "11" // Command transmission frequency cl_download_ingame "0" / / Loading files during the gamecl_lc "1" // Optimize speedcl_lw "1" // Optimize weaponscl_lb "1" // Optimize effectscl_nodelta "0" // Disable delta compressioncl_nopred "0" // Do not predict movementscl_resend "1" // Wait time responsecl_showfps "0" // Show FPScl_updaterate "11" // Game update speed fastsprites "2" // Type of spritesmax_shells "0" // Number of cartridges drawnmax_smokepuffs "0" // Number of smoke drawnmp_decals "10" // Number in the wake of battlemp_footsteps "1" // Footstep soundsnet_graph "0" // Connection graphzoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" // Zoom sensenet_graphwidth "130" // Connection graph widthnet_graphpos "3" // Connection graph locationcl_latency "-200" // Simulate or compensate for pushlatency delay "-200" // Simulate or compensate for delayscr_conspeed "10000" // Console exit speed rate "2100" // rate (game update speed)fps_modem "61" // FPS modemcl_rate "1300" // cl_rate (game update speed)cl_weather "0" // Disable weather // Server network optimization settingssv_unlag "1" // Maintain optimization cl_lcsv_unlagmax "0.5" // Maximum delay time sv_unlagsamples "2" // Number of packets sent // Reportecho "Config loaded* then save. In the autoexec.cfg file write: exec ping.cfg That's it! P.S/ If someone has a ping of 300-500, this is for him :)

5. So, let's start lowering the ping in CS

cl_allowdownload, cl_allowupload - with a value of 0 (this is a zero and not the letter o =)) prohibits the player from exchanging models, maps, etc. with the server. In general, this command has practically no effect on ping, so set it to 1
cl_cmdbackup - determines the number of packets sent to the server per second, I recommend setting it to 1.
cl_cmdrate - determines the speed of sending commands to the server. Optimal value 20-30.
cl_download_ingame - set to 0, because the team is responsible for downloading other people’s models, etc., but we don’t need this at all, because it also affects the ping...
cl_lc - compensation for lags on the server side, it’s better to set it to 1.
cl_lw, cl_lb - set the value to 1 for both commands (the physics of grenade flight, blood splashes, etc. will be calculated on the client side)[ - value 0 prohibits delta compression, set to 0. cl_nopred - set to 0, player actions will become smoother. cl_resend - determines the time after which the packet will be sent if the previous one has not arrived. Set it to 4 or 5. cl_updaterate - determines the speed at which game information is updated. A value of 20 is optimal mp_decals - the number of simultaneously visible effects. Do you want less lag? Set to 0. [ These were the main ones, here are a few more useful ones: r_drawviewentities - disables the display of models (with a value of 0). Leave it at 1. hud_fastswitch - set it to 1 max_shells - the number of shells visible at the same time. Set to 0. fastsprites - smoke quality, optimally set to 2. max_smokepuffs - number of simultaneously visible smoke puffs, the fewer the better. Now, if you are the owner of the server, all that remains is to write the following commands: sv_unlag - compensates for client lags sv_unlagmax - maximum delay compensation time. Leave the default value - 0.5. sv_unlagsamples - determines how many previous packets to use to calculate client latency. One package is enough (value 1).

In 90% of cases, lags are associated with a weak computer or the presence of viruses in the system. Before you sound the alarm, check out the game's minimum and recommended hardware requirements:


CPU: 3GHz single-core Intel or AMD processor

RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista / Windows 7

Video card: DirectX 9 compatible 256 MB video card, Nvidia 5000-8000 series or AMD 3000 series.

Operating system: Windows XP SP2

CPU: Dual-core amd processor or Intel

RAM: 1GB for Windows XP, 2GB for Windows Vista/7

Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible 512 MB video card, Nvidia 400 series or AMD 5000 series.

Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit

DirectX compatible sound card

6 GB disk space

If everything is ok according to the requirements, scan the system with an antivirus. Disable everything third party applications when starting the game: Skype, Torrent, ICQ, close your browsers. The same Google Chrome loads the system and eats up half a gigabyte of RAM with a lot of open windows. Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del), go to the “Processes” tab and carefully examine the applications running on your computer. Disable unnecessary, but NOT system applications!

Install minimal settings in-game video:

Commands to increase FPS

Open the console in the game and enter the following commands:

cl_disable_ragdolls 1- removes Ragdoll physics from the game.

dsp_slow_cpu 1- slight reduction in sound quality. +50 fps guaranteed.

mat_disable_bloom 1- disable the bloom effect. Another +50 fps.

r_drawparticles 0- removes almost all animation - shots, splashes of water, etc.

These commands will help increase FPS and performance in the game.

The problem may be due to contamination of your cooler. Remove the cover of the system unit and carefully clean the main cooler from dust. The main cooler is located in the center of the motherboard directly above the processor:

Lags can be completely reduced or eliminated by properly configuring the video card.

Parameters necessary for a comfortable game

To set settings that are activated in the game immediately after launch, you should:

1. Open Steam.

2. Right-click on .

3. Then click Properties.

4. Then click “Set launch options.”

Novid - to remove Valve introductory video

W 640 -h 480 - to run the game with a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels

Full - to run the game in full screen mode

Window - to run the game in windowed mode

Noborder - to run in windowed mode without border

Low - to run with low priority

High - to run with high priority

Dxlevel 81 - for using DirectX 8.1

Dxlevel 90 - for using DirectX 9

Heapsize 262144 - allocates 512 MB of RAM for the game

Heapsize 524288 - allocates 1 GB of RAM for the game

Heapsize 1048576 - allocates 2 GB of RAM for the game

Noaafonts - to disable screen font smoothing

Freq 100 - to change Hertz for HL1 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85=Common LCD 60-75 72=Common

Refresh 100 - to change Hertz for HL2 Engine monitors. CRT 60-100 85=Common LCD 60-75 72=Common

Soft - to run the game in graphic mode Software

D3d - to run the game in Direct3D graphics mode

Gl - to run in Open GL graphics mode

Nojoy - to disable joystick support

Noipx - to disable the LAN protocol

Noip - to remove an IP address without the ability to connect to servers

Nosound - forcefully turns off the sound in the game

Nosync - forcefully disables vertical sync

Console - to gain access to the developer console

Dev - to enable mods for developers

Zone # - to allocate more memory to files such as autoexec.cfg

Safe - to run the game in safe mode and turn off audio

Autoconfig - to restore default video settings

Condebug - to save all console logs in a text file console.log

Nocrashdialog - to cancel the display of some errors (memory could not be read)

Toconsole - to run the game engine in the console if the map is not defined with +map

A +r_mmx 1 - to start the game with console command or cvar command on the command line (instead of cfg)

Exec name.cfg - to connect a config with the name “name”

Graphics settings - how to increase FPS in CS GO

For comfortable game CS:GO will require 120 FPS. It is at this frame rate that the character’s movements will exactly repeat your mouse passes. If you have weak computer, then you will have to do some magic with the video card settings, which is discussed below.

Setting up an NVIDIA graphics card for CS: GO

Right-click on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”.

Go to “Adjust image settings with preview” and check the box for “Advanced 3D image settings”:

That. the game will pick up our settings. Then select “Manage 3D Settings”. In the menu that opens, disable the “Anti-aliasing mode” option:

Then go to “Program Settings”, select Counter-Strike: Global Offensive from the drop-down list.

In the settings window we work with the following items:

After making the changes, click “Apply” and restart the computer to save the settings.

Setting up an AMD Radeon graphics card for CS: GO

Right-click on the desktop and select AMD Catalyst Control Center.

Select Options - Advanced View.

Go to the “Games” tab and click “3D Application Settings”

Click “Add” and specify the path to CS: GO:

\steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo

    1. In the “Anti-aliasing mode” item, select “Override application settings”
    1. Sample smoothing - None
    1. Morphological filtering - Off.
    1. Anisotropic Filtering Mode - Override Application Settings
    1. Anisotropic filtering level - 2x
    1. Texture Filtering Quality - Performance
    1. Wait for vertical update - Always disabled
    1. Tessellation Mode - Override Application Settings
    1. Maximum Tessellation Level - Off.
    1. Frame smoothing - Off

After making the changes, click “Apply” and close the application.

Then press the AMD button in the lower right corner of the desktop and select the very first item:

There we select “3D graphics settings” - Standard settings - High performance.

In the same window, in the Tessellation item, select Off. In the paragraph “Catalyst A.I. : Texture filtering quality” select “Performance”.

After all these magical manipulations, we reboot the computer and rejoice at the high FPS, like my skill :)

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And good day to all, dear visitor and guest of the large PlayNTrade portal! In this article you will find out why cs go lags And how to remove lags in cs go! Will provide this information editor RadioactiveRuS.

Cs go lags

Many people wonder why cs go lags. So, if you played at minimum wages And after update You noticeably began to freeze during the match. Based on the statistics of complaints for 2016 year, then we can draw conclusions that powerful computer no lag , and in 2017, after a series of updates, it began to freeze noticeably. If your problem matches these, then read on! Below we will write about increasing FPS.

How to remove lags in cs go

This won't say that it's time to buy a new PC or buy more for it! And right away, what I want to say is turn on your antivirus program and check for viruses! Very often this is the cause of all troubles! How many people most often have it turned off or turned off on purpose because they use cheats. If it doesn’t help, then go to your browser and clear the cookies in the history. The chance that the friezes will disappear is small, but there is a benefit. Go to your graphics settings and see if your performance is too high. It is recommended to turn off the following in Settings: anti-aliasing, vertical sync and motion blur. Because they do not play an important role. As players with an Nvidia video card, video cards often set their own requirements based on your approval. To do this, go to Nvidia management and in the settings, uncheck the automatic selection of graphics in games. You can also try entering the fpsmax_1000 command into the console; in rare cases, it is set to a lower unit, thereby limiting your maximum FPS. Now the most common reason. This is garbage in the launch options. To do this, open the Steam window, right-click on CS GO and properties. Next, click on the “Set launch options” button. By default it should be empty. We also write the following commands there:

  1. -novid +сl_forсereload 1 They will allow you to increase FPS up to 20.

But if something is written there and you didn’t do it, then we erase it. You can also remove blood and other unnecessary special effects. You can see how to do this in this article. Check system requirements games and your computer for compliance. Does it even support the game? If not, then be sure to play at minimum settings and disable everything you can so that there is no lag. After the update, which was released on 04/21/17, complaints about friezes decreased significantly compared to 2016. And the last suggestion is to update your PC drivers. How by when installing latest version can at least somehow increase your productivity in Counter Strike Global Offensive. And the most easy way This is to restart the computer so that it automatically closes unnecessary software. Actually, these are all known ways to fix this problem.

This is the end. Now you know why cs go lags, as well as how to remove lags in cs go. See you soon on the site!

To play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive comfortably, it is necessary that it always has an acceptable number of frames. To do this, you will have to tinker with the settings, and some even need to install additional software.

Let's find out what to do if CS:GO is slow, and how to forget about the annoying brakes.

Setting it up on Steam

The first step is to configure the launch options in Steam. This is done as follows:

  • go to your library;
  • find the required game there;
  • right-click on it;
  • open launch options;
  • enter the following there: –high –threads –freq –console –novid.

What do these commands mean? It's simple. The latter is responsible for disabling the initial video when starting the game, –console makes it possible to turn on the console, and after the –freq line you should specify the number of Hz, which can be found in the screen refresh rate. This parameter is related to the frame rate, so at 60 hertz 60 frames will be enough for you.

As for the –threads parameter, it should indicate the number of cores of your processor. It’s not difficult to find out - just look in the device manager, and then select the “processors” tab. In turn, –high indicates that you give the game a high priority.

Console settings

For the console to function properly, you should use several auxiliary commands:

  • netgraph – displaying the number of frames per second on the screen;
  • func_break_max_pieces 0 allows you to reduce the number of fragments from bottles and other unnecessary elements to zero;
  • cl_forcepreload 1 forces all objects to be loaded game world in the RAM of a personal computer.


When you turn the settings to minimum and enter the above commands into the console, but this does not reduce frame drops, you should use special applications. One of the utilities is the popular Razer Game Booster. Run it, look at the utilities section, and then uncheck the steamwebhelper process. It is responsible for the Steam overlay, so disabling it may result in improved performance.

Using CCleaner will also help, with which it is convenient to clean your computer from various junk.

Video card settings

You can try to configure the video card. Let's look at the utility as an example GeForce Experience. Go into it, select adjusting image settings, and then switch the user settings to focus on quality. Now you can go to manage 3D settings and add CS:GO there.

You can handle the settings yourself – it won’t be difficult. Just turn off everything and switch the program to maximum performance mode. Once you figure this out, your frame rate in Counter-Strike should increase significantly.
