Easy tricks with coins and their secrets. Secrets of tricks with coins. Coin teleportation trick

In micromagic (tricks performed at close range), completely ordinary ones are often used. Everyday life objects that are familiar to almost any viewer. Making an ordinary coin levitate and defy the laws of physics can easily stun and baffle the public. There are several different coin levitation tricks. Many of them are based on sleight of hand, so you will have to pay attention certain time practice to hone your skills. By training your hands from tossing a coin in the air to making it disappear and finally levitating, you'll be sure to impress your friends.


Muscular hand passes

    Find the magic spot on your palm and grab the coin with it. Muscular hand passes are one of the most impressive displays of manual dexterity, and they can also be used to create the appearance of levitating a coin. In order for the trick to be performed to look quite impressive, the muscles of the palm must be quite well developed. The trick itself is performed with the pad of the palm located next to the thumb; it is with its help that the coin is thrown into the air.

    • Open the palm of your dominant hand and examine it. Notice the large bump at the base of the big toe. It is this that is considered the magical part of the palm where you will place the coin.
    • Take a US half dollar or other foreign coin about 30mm in diameter, or a poker chip. In most cases, Russian five rubles will be too small to successfully perform the trick.
    • With your other hand, place the coin in your palm. Place your thumb over the coin. Pay attention to how the muscles work and the pad at the base of the thumb behaves, covering the coin. Play with different placements of the coin until you are confident in gripping it with the pad.
  1. Turn your hand palm down. Holding the coin in your palm, turn your hand over. See if the coin falls or remains in your hand. Slowly spread your fingers until the coin falls out.

    Practice jumping a coin out of your hand using muscle passes. It will probably take you several weeks to master this step. Muscular hand passes belong to the advanced category of tricks, and practical training with them can lead to pain.

    • Place the coin on the magic area of ​​your palm and press down. You can press the coin into your palm either with the fingers of the other hand or with the middle and ring fingers of the same hand. Using the fingers of the same hand that holds the coin makes the whole process more natural.
    • Place your thumb on the coin. It is necessary to move the thumb so that the muscle and pad at its base grab the coin. Try not to twist your hand too much. If the fingers of the hand are strongly bent, the coin will not be able to jump out of the hand, but will simply hit the fingers.
    • Pull your thumb back and down sharply. This movement will subsequently allow you to toss the coin upward, causing it to “fly”.
  2. Adjust the position of the coin. If you feel like the coin doesn't have enough grip when you move your thumb back, adjust its position. It will take you some time to find the most suitable point for placing the coin in your palm.

    • To master muscular hand passes, you need to practice a lot. However, there must be moderation in everything. As soon as your hand starts to hurt or become red, stop the activity to rest. Don't give up on your training and eventually you will be able to toss a coin up with one movement of your palm.
  3. Perform the trick with a well-honed muscular hand pass. To perform a trick based on a skillful hand pass, you will need to show the spectator a coin and explain that it will magically fly out of the bottom palm and fly into the top.

    • Do not explain to the viewer the technique of performing the trick, otherwise it will have a bad effect on their visual perception. Don't talk about making muscle passes with your arms. Just say you're going to make the coin fly up.
    • Place your other palm over the palm with the coin and move your fingers for a special effect.
    • While you do this, check with your middle and ring fingers that the coin is clamped in in the right place palms.
    • If you want, say some magic words. Then move your thumb back, performing a muscle pass.
    • Catch the coin that jumps up with your other hand.

    An invisible coin disappears, freezes and appears out of thin air

    1. Make a coin “disappear.” This trick is less about levitation and more about creating the illusion of a coin disappearing and reappearing.

    2. Take the invisible coin to make it fly. Here we can explain how to levitate a coin, you must first make it invisible so that the flight is no longer hampered by excess weight.

      • Pretend to pick up the coin as if it were really there. The subsequent stages of performing the trick will require you to convincingly perform actions with an invisible object.
      • Also note that when you pick up an invisible coin, you will be using the hand that actually holds the coin. Hold the real coin with a finger grip and always position your hand so that spectators cannot see it.
      • Before performing the trick, practice holding a real coin in your hand. Feel the weight of the coin with your hand, pay attention to the position of your fingers and the movements of your hand.
      • Pretend that you are picking up an invisible coin. Remember what this process looked like with a real coin. Don't squeeze your fingers all the way. Even though the coin is quite flat, there must be a small gap between your fingers. Also, do not forget about the weight of the coin.
      • Lift the coin into the air and release. Explain that you simply hung an invisible coin in the air where it will hang until you need it again.
      • Do not forget that all this time the real coin is held by the finger grip. With an invisible coin suspended in the air, tilt the hand holding the coin so as to show the audience an empty palm, but keep the coin itself covered, pinching it between your fingers.
    3. Grab the invisible coin. Once you've convinced your audience that an invisible coin is floating in the air, snatch the coin out of the air with your free hand.

      • Take an invisible coin, paying special attention to the technique of using an empty hand with an imaginary object.
      • Raise the hand with the real coin towards the hand with the imaginary coin.
      • At the same time, hold the coin with your finger grip, tilting your palm so that the audience can see that there is nothing in your palm.
      • Tell them that the coin will appear at any time you wish, you just need to make it visible again.
    4. Make a coin appear. When placing an invisible coin in the hand containing the real coin, curl your fingers around the empty hand.

      • As you form your fist, allow the coin to slip out of your finger grip, landing on the index finger of your empty hand.
      • With your outer hand still clenched into a fist, pinch the coin between the thumb and index finger of your inner (previously empty) hand.
      • Now the coin will be in the hand in which you took the invisible coin from the air.
      • Open your outer fist to show the viewer that the coin is visible again.

    Levitation of a coin between the palms

    1. Take a large souvenir coin. To perform this trick, you will need a fairly large coin (larger than those in circulation in the Russian Federation). The coin will levitate in the space between two slightly cupped palms. This trick is difficult to perform close to spectators because you will be touching the coin all the time.

      • The size of the coin is very important as it must be large enough to be easily viewed between your fingers.
      • To perform the trick, pick up the coin with either hand.
      • Bring your other hand to the coin so that you can now grab it with both hands, with your thumbs facing you.
    2. Place your fingertips around the perimeter of the coin. Make sure the pads of your thumbs are on the left and right edges of the coin.

      • The thumbs should press on the coin and thereby hold it.
      • The remaining fingers should be slightly bent, and their tips should only lightly touch the front edge of the coin.
      • Remember that only your thumbs should actually hold the coin.
    3. Extend your arms forward. You can enhance the effect of the illusion by moving your arms forward slightly and then moving them back towards your body. Constant movements allow the audience to be distracted.

      • Slowly straighten your fingers. Straighten your fingers (except your thumbs) opposite each other. In this case, the fingertips of the left and right hands should be at a distance of about 2.5 cm from each other.
      • Keep your fingers as close to each other as possible. They should provide a kind of screen through which the audience will not be able to see that you are holding the coin with your thumbs.
      • With your fingers straight, begin to lightly move the coin up and down with your thumbs. This will create the effect of a coin floating between your palms.
    4. Practice levitating a coin until you are completely free of clumsy movements. It will take some time for the focus to look as natural as possible.

      • Once you have mastered the actual act of grabbing a coin, start observing your actions through a mirror. Be sure to take into account the audience's point of view.
      • Do not forget that the coin should not be very visible. Also practice in the same conditions in which you will perform. If you plan to sit at a table, practice at a table, as this will put you noticeably closer to your audience.
      • Try to achieve through practice that you can grasp the coin so easily between the pads of your thumbs that it is not even noticeable from the outside that you are holding it.
      • See if you can't rotate the coin so that it doesn't fall to enhance the illusion. This will require some practice. Remember to cover your thumbs with your other fingers so that they are not visible.
    • If you are using an ordinary coin, don't focus too much attention on this. Drawing the viewer's attention to the fact that the coin is completely ordinary may distract him from thinking about coins with tricks. Let the audience guess that the coin is simple by the way you handle and talk about it.
    • To perform a trick, it is necessary to take into account the viewing angles of the audience (different perspective points).
    • Spend enough time practicing until you can confidently perform magic tricks. Self-confidence and the ability to accompany the performance with a whole story will allow you to captivate the audience and introduce distracting maneuvers into the process that will divert the attention of the audience directly from your hands.
    • Practice in front of a mirror or film yourself to get a better idea of ​​how you'll look in public.

Coin tricks are a great starting point for the beginning magician. In this article, you will learn four easy-to-perform tricks that, with some practice, can liven up any boring moment. Just don’t reveal your secrets under any circumstances; let your friends guess where you acquired these “magical” abilities.


Coin teleportation trick

    First, tell the audience that you are going to magically move a coin from one hand to the other. Let them doubt it for a second. But be convincing and explain that you have been studying the forgotten art of telekinesis for some time. The more the audience doubts, the funnier the effect of performing the trick will be.

    • The success of a magic trick depends entirely on the confidence of the magician and his ability to distract attention. The more you try to “warm up” the audience, the less they will follow your hands and the manipulations you perform. If you put a little more emphasis on the production of your show, the audience will be too busy being skeptical of you.
  1. Make a fist with your hand, but leave it tiny the gap between the index and middle fingers. Look at the video for this step, do you see a small gap between the magician’s fingers? This is ideal.

    • In the future, the coin will have to jump out of this hand without its disclosure. It's easy to mess things up here, so at the very beginning, try to make sure that the coin is positioned correctly in your fist so that it can freely pass through this gap.
  2. Bring the hand with the coin over your other hand, dropping the coin into it without opening your fist. It should look as if you were simply shaking the coin in your fist over your other hand. The spectators should not notice how the coin falls into the second hand. As soon as the coin is in your other hand, clench it into a fist as well.

    • When dropping a coin, widen the gap between the fingers in your fist slightly so that the coin can move more easily to the other hand, otherwise it may get stuck in the original hand.
  3. Ask a volunteer to say which hand the coin is in. Hopefully that person will choose the original hand, since you never opened it to move the coin to the other hand.

    • If the volunteer chooses a new hand, ask him to explain how to others possible In a way, if not by amazing telekinesis, you could move a coin from one hand to the other.
  4. Slowly open both arms: an empty original one and a second one with a coin. If you clearly didn't move your fingers when you dropped the coin from your fist and managed to catch it in time with your second hand, your friends will be delighted! Will you now be able to move the table from one place to another?!

    • If you find it difficult to master this trick, try using a smaller coin. It will be easier to drop it through the gap between your fingers.

    Trick with coin disappearing in elbow

    1. Announce the trick to the audience. Tell them that you can make a five-ruble coin change color if you rub it hard enough on your elbow. This is not the point of the trick, but the audience is not supposed to know that. Such an explanation should only distract attention from the main trick so that the audience does not have unnecessary suspicion about your actions.

      • Or you can immediately tell the public that you are going to make the coin disappear. This is also acceptable, but the audience will try to catch even the slightest movements of your hand.
    2. Take the five-ruble coin in your dominant hand. Place your other hand with your elbow on the table and support your head with it. Instead of changing color, the coin will mysteriously “disappear.” To do this, you will rub the coin on your elbow standing on the table.

      • Please note that in order to further perform the trick, the second hand should support your chin not with an open palm, but with a fist.
    3. Start rubbing the coin on your forearm, holding it with your hidden hand. After a couple of movements, “accidentally” drop the coin on the table in front of you. Express your own clumsiness. Here, to distract the viewers' attention from your hands, you can mention that you should practice more as the coins are very slippery.

    4. Pick up the five-ruble coin with the hand that supported your chin. Nevertheless the audience shouldn't notice this. This can be done in one of two ways, which are listed below.

      • Pretend to take the coin back into your dominant hand to return to the friction. Just make a very quick fake move with a substitution.
      • Pick up five rubles with your dominant hand, but drop it in your other hand under the table. Success lies more in the timing of actions than in trying to hide the coin, as in the above technique.
    5. Continue rubbing the coin on your elbow (despite its actual absence). This time you will not have a coin in your hand. Rub your elbow for a few seconds and then let the audience know that something strange is happening. Five rubles do not change their color... five rubles... disappear! You can then reveal your empty hand to the public.

      • If people want to test your other hand, you can discreetly drop the coin down your collar before opening your empty palm.
    6. Make the coin appear again. The trick can be completed with the previous step, or you can magically make the coin return. There are a number of ways to do this, ranging from scratching the head with your non-dominant hand, acting out a situation where a coin appears from under your hair, “taking” a nickel out of someone’s clothing, and ending with simply “coughing up” the coin. Use the illusion you like best.

      • If you want to present everything more skillfully, wait until people forget about this trick. Then make the coin mysteriously appear: "Oh, that's where she's gone. Hm. Who would have thought?! How amazing!”

      Psychological trick with a coin

      Find a coin with different surface relief on both sides. For example, a coin with a face value of five rubles could be a good option. If you're not sure whether the coins at your disposal are suitable for your trick, sit down and study them. You may notice a thicker edge or more raised relief on one side of a coin. Make sure you can identify the side of the chosen coin with your eyes closed.

      • You can also put a scratch on one side of the coin, but if anyone notices this, the audience may become suspicious and reveal the secret of your trick. Therefore, it is better to use a coin without obvious damage.
    7. Practice flipping a coin and guessing which side it will land on. Now you know both sides of the coin by touch and can predict which side the coin will face when you open it on the wrist of your other hand. The secret lies in the ability to catch a coin and feel it unnoticed. Only make your "predictions" after the coin will already pass through your fingertips.

      • Spend some time practicing flipping a coin, identifying its side, and flipping it in one smooth motion that feels completely natural. The moment you judge the position of the coin should not be visible to the unsuspecting public.
    8. Call a friend and take turns guessing which side the coin will face. Let your friend flip the coin himself a few times so that he can see that there is nothing special and no secret hidden in it. Then ask a friend to guess which side of the coin will be when You you'll throw it in. Toss the coin and catch it, but don't rush to put it on your wrist. Do this more slowly than usual, and as you do this, feel the future underside of the coin (which can only be done with your thumb, comfortably facing upward, as you catch the coin with your open palm).

      • If you are able to manipulate the coin, it can be placed on the side you want. In this case, you can make your own prediction either immediately before opening the coin, or five minutes or ten seconds before, and you will always be right.
    9. If necessary, skillfully manipulate the coin in your hand. Before placing the coin on your wrist, rotate it as needed so that the side you declared is on top. Your movements must be agile; Remember that perfection comes from practice. Once you've flipped the coin (or figured out that you don't have to do anything), you'll be sure which side it'll land on, so you can put it away with peace of mind. That's the whole secret.

      • The beauty of this trick is that it can be repeated an infinite number of times, unlike many other tricks that require special secrecy.
      • However, you won't be able to perform this trick if someone else is tossing the coin. Tell the audience that to perform this trick you need special connection with the coin and direct physical contact with it.

      Trick with a coin disappearing in a napkin

      Take a napkin, a ruble coin and a piece of double-sided tape. Secretly place double-sided tape in one corner of the napkin. Check that the coin can stick to it securely.

      • The napkin can be fabric or paper, or you can use a paper towel. It is not necessary to use a coin with a denomination of one ruble, but it has the most suitable average size.
      • It is better to use a small piece of tape (it will be less noticeable if you have not yet achieved perfect sleight of hand), however, this increases the risk that the coin will not stick to the tape during the trick.
    10. Take a napkin and show it to the audience. Keep the tape hidden from prying eyes on the side of the napkin facing you. All the public needs to know is that it is a regular paper napkin (or whatever you use instead).

      • Be careful where you place your finger on top of the tape, as you don't want to damage its adhesive properties with finger oils before you perform the trick.
    11. Place the ruble in the center of the napkin facing up side with tape. Display items to the public. It's just a regular ruble in a paper napkin, right? That's right. Just make sure your hand doesn't allow viewers to see the tape.

      • The softer the napkin, the better. In this case, when demonstrating its middle, the edges will sag on their own and fall out of sight.

Probably everyone at least once in their life wanted to master some kind of trick and feel like a real wizard. Impress your family and friends spectacular focus not difficult - a training video will help with this, which will explain step by step the technique of performing the trick with coins “Coins move across”. Does it seem unrealistic? Watch the video “Secrets of tricks with coins - watch online” and understand that it is possible! To do this you will need a few coins, sleight of hand, training... and a little magic!

Video training “Secrets of tricks with coins”

Trick: “Coins Move Across”

To perform the trick, you need to stock up on four identical coins and use everything that is at hand. It could be a napkin, scarf, towel... The main thing is that the product is square in shape. You will also need 2 coverings: you can use paper napkins, playing cards... whatever is available.

Let's get to the trick:

  1. We place four coins in the corners of the napkin, in the shape of a square.
  2. Before performing the trick, it is necessary to prepare the audience well for future manipulations: to do this, we aimlessly move napkins or cards from place to place several times. It’s a good idea to wave and move them and thus attract the viewer’s attention to them.
  3. All these manipulations in the previous step prepare the ground for the upcoming trick, which is better to start doing after one or two minutes, once everything necessary is prepared.
  4. During the trick, covering the coins with covers, you need to say something like “This is your side, this is my side, this is the left, this is the right...” All this will distract the viewer’s attention from the main thing and allow the trick to take place.
  5. Carefully covering the coin with the coating, discreetly pinch it with your fingers under the napkin. To make this happen as unnoticeably as possible, with all your gestures, words and emotions, draw the viewer’s attention to the other coin at the end of the napkin.
  6. Then we wave the napkins a few more times and place the coin in another place, right in front of the audience.
  7. Then we carefully move the coin under the napkin and bring it to the edge, discreetly pinch it between our fingers and the coin is in our hands!
  8. During all important manipulations, it is necessary to distract the viewer and draw his attention to another coin, showing with all your intentions that it is this coin that interests you most at this moment.
  9. When collecting coins in one place, show that there are already 2, 3 of them... this will surprise the viewer and make it possible to take another one as discreetly as possible.
  10. Then we show that there are already three coins in one corner (the fourth is already between the fingers) and emphasize that only one remains in the corner under the napkin. Using active movements, we depict how the coin moves to the three in the corner, and imperceptibly add a fourth to them, covering the coins for a second with a napkin.
  11. We open the napkin - there are all 4 coins under it! The simplicity of the trick is that all the coins move in the same ways and the main thing is to distract the viewer’s attention and perform the trick as naturally and believably as possible.

This interesting and simple trick can be done anywhere and anytime, because everything you need for it can be found in your pocket! The main thing is to be as focused as possible and constantly distract the viewer to another angle. Remember that the audience is looking where the magician is. If you do all the manipulations calmly, confidently, skillfully and without looking at your hands, then after a few attempts the trick will definitely succeed. Give your loved ones a piece of magic!

Do you want your children to enjoy school? Experiments for children will help you fall in love with physics and chemistry. From the article you will learn about tricks and their secrets.

The content of the article:

A child will be able to feel like a real illusionist if he learns to perform tricks with coins, water, oil and other auxiliary materials. The secrets of these miracles are quite simple. They are based on the laws of physics and chemistry. By telling and showing your child how to do spectacular performances, you will help him become the life of the party among his peers and better master school subjects.

Water tricks

If you want it to turn into ice right before your eyes, even on a hot day, then pour water into a plastic bottle and put it in the freezer. The liquid should cool well, but not have time to freeze. Monitor the water periodically, as soon as it is close to freezing, remove it.

It is optimal to put the liquid in containers in the freezer for 1.5 hours, setting the temperature to -18°C.

Even earlier, you need to pour a partial bowl of water and freeze the liquid well. Remove this container at the same time as the cooled water. Pour cold liquid over ice and the substance will freeze before your eyes.

Let the kids make their own rainbow water. As a result, there will be a multilayer liquid in a transparent glass.

Here's what you'll need to do these tricks with water:

  • 4 glasses;
  • sugar;
  • tea spoon;
  • water;
  • paints;
  • large transparent wine glass.
Leave the first glass empty for now, pour half a spoon of sugar into the second, a whole spoon into the third, and 1.5 tsp into the fourth.

Now add water to each glass, stir the sugar with a spoon or brush. Dip the brush into scarlet paint. Place it in a container that does not contain sugar and stir. Add a drop of green watercolor to the water in the next glass. Color the liquid in the third glass with black gouache, and the water in the last glass with yellow.

Now fill the syringe with red liquid and pour it into a transparent wine glass.

Then fill the syringe with green water and pour it into the glass. After this, add black water to the glass in the same way, and yellow water last.

Look how beautiful rainbow water you have.

The secret of the trick is that the more sugar in the liquid, the denser the solution becomes, and the lower it sinks.

Such interesting tricks with water are performed with pleasure by children, whom they distract from gadgets and computers and provide an opportunity to have an interesting time.

The next trick with water is done quickly and easily. For it you will need only 3 components:

  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • water;
  • small packet of ketchup.
Roll the bag so that it fits through the neck of the bottle into the container. Fill it with water, but not to the top. Make passes with your left hand; following it, the bag will begin to fall and then rise. In fact, you will be slightly squeezing the bottle with your right hand, and the flow of water will control the movement of the bag.

Other tricks with water are no less interesting. Fill a transparent plastic bag with it, pierce it with a pencil on one side so that it comes out on the other. In this case, water will not spill out of the bag.

This trick will help your child become interested in chemistry. After all, this science explains that water does not flow out because the deformed molecules of the bag create a kind of seal, sealing the area between it and the pencil.

You can pierce the bag with more than one pencil, or use long nails instead.

Coin tricks

Some of them also used water. Surprise your child by saying that you have a magic jar that increases money. Pour water into it and throw a coin. Then cover the neck with a napkin and move your hand over it, casting a spell. Remove the napkin and ask your child to look through the top of the jar. He will see that there is more money.

These coin tricks are based on the law of physics regarding the refraction of light. Before the illusion begins, place three coins under the jar. If you look at the container from the side, they will not be visible, and you can only see the coin that you put inside the transparent container.

And at the end of the attraction, ask your child to look through the top of the jar, and then he will see that there is more money.

Other tricks with a coin are no less interesting. Place the following items on the table:

  • plate;
  • paper;
  • matches or lighter;
  • a glass that is one-third or one-quarter filled with water;
  • dry glass;
  • coin
Place the coin in a plate and fill it with water from a glass. Tell those present that they must remove the money without getting their fingers wet. To do this, you can only use those items that are on the table. You cannot pick up the plate with your hands or turn it over.

If the crowd doesn't know how to do these tricks with coins, amaze them. Crumple the paper, place it in a glass and set it on fire.

Take the glass with a gloved hand, quickly turn it over and immediately lower it in this form onto a plate of water. Soon the liquid will flow into the glass, and the coin will remain lying nearby. Wait a moment for it to dry, then remove without getting your fingers wet.

Tricks and their secrets reveal the secret of this attraction. The water in the glass was forced to move by atmospheric pressure. When the paper burned, the air pressure in the glass increased and forced some of it out. After the glass was turned over, the paper went out and the air cooled. The pressure weakened, air began to enter the container, which drove the water inside along with it.

Coin tricks can turn into real performances. To arrange one of them, you will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • map;
  • two completely identical coins;
  • glass of water;
  • cocktail straw;
  • magnet.
Place three matches on the table in the shape of a triangle, tell the audience that this is the “Bermuda Triangle”, in which all sorts of miracles happen. Place a coin in its center, place a card on it, and place a glass with water and a straw on top.

Now say any spell, while saying that you are turning the coin into water. To do this, take a little water from a straw into your mouth, and then put the coin, which supposedly turned from water into money, on the back of your hand and show it to those present. Show those gathered that the coin is not in the old place. Remove the box of matches from the card and pick it up. Apart from three matches there will be nothing there, including money.

Such magic tricks with coins are admirable. Not everyone will understand how such a trick is done. It's actually simple.
Even before the trick begins, you need to put the coin in your mouth by the cheek and hold it with your tongue.

It is better to take a large amount of money so as not to accidentally swallow it. With this part of the trick you need to be extremely careful so that the coin lying in your mouth does not lead to disaster.

Even before you perform tricks with a coin, place a flat magnet at the very bottom of the box. Place matches on top. When you place the box on the card, the coin underneath will be magnetically attached to the card.

When you pretend that you turned the coin into water and drank it, take the money out from behind your cheek and demonstrate to others that the money, supposedly in a liquid state, rose up the straw and ended up in your mouth. Next, lift the box of matches along with the card, holding it. Demonstrate to the audience that in the Bermuda Triangle the coin from the matches disappeared.

Show them reverse side cards so they can see, there is no money there either. Now you need to make a diversion to hide the coin. To do this, slowly open the box of matches by removing it from the case. While doing this, discreetly hold the money. Place the matches in the box and use your finger to move the coin from the underside of the case under the bottom of the box. Place the cover over the matches.

Now you can show the audience the boxes from all sides so that they are convinced that there is no money. Here's how to do coin tricks to impress others.

For beginners, we can recommend other manipulations that will delight the audience. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective and will create a sensation.

Easy tricks

Arrange a spectacular volcanic eruption. To implement your plan, you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • tray;
  • vinegar essence;
  • plasticine;
  • 1 tsp. dishwashing liquids;
  • 2 paper clips;
  • red gouache.

Cut a circle out of cardboard, use scissors to make a cut on the side, and roll it into a cone. Secure it at the top and bottom with paper clips. Cut a round hole at the top; this will be the crater of the volcano. Place the workpiece on a tray, cover it on the sides and top with plasticine. Pour soda into the mouth, pour in dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, and paint.

After these preparations, you can begin to perform easy tricks, which, despite their simplicity, are very effective. Pour a little vinegar essence into the mouth of the volcano and watch it begin to erupt and foam beautifully.

Attention! Acetic essence is a very concentrated acid. You need to be extremely careful with her. Don't let your children do this trick, show it to them yourself.

Teaching tricks continues with an interesting trick with an egg. Since matches will be used, you also need to be extremely careful in carrying out the spectacular action. Here's a complete list of everything you'll need:
  • Glass bottle;
  • boiled egg;
  • paper;
  • matches.
Crumple up a piece of paper, set it on fire, and immediately place it in the bottle. Without hesitation, place the egg on top of the neck and enjoy the spectacle of how it gradually ends up inside the vessel.

Here's another interesting trick with an egg. You will learn how to make it into a pliable, rubber-like substance. To do this, you only need three things:
  • egg;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • mug.
Place a raw egg in a mug, fill it with vinegar, and leave for a day. After this time, carefully drain the vinegar and pour cold water over the egg. Get him out. You will see that within a day the vinegar has completely dissolved the shell of the egg, consisting of calcium, and it has become slightly transparent and looks like rubber. But you need to handle such a toy carefully, since the yolk inside is liquid and when the shell is pierced, it will simply pour out through the hole.

Experiments in chemistry

We bring to your attention several more spectacular tricks that are based on the laws of chemistry. If you show your child the fascinating transformations of water, liquid soap and other ingredients into magical foam, children will surely love this science, and it will be much more interesting for them to study this subject at school.

To make magic foam you will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • liquid soap - 5–6 tbsp. l.;
  • flavoring, such as cinnamon;
  • dye.

All these ingredients need to be poured into a bowl and mixed with a blender. You will get a beautiful colored aromatic foam that is so nice to play with. It can be transferred into various containers and built castles in the air. Children will certainly find a use for colored foam.

If you want the foam to last as long as possible, add a drop of glycerin to it before whipping.

Interesting chemistry experiments help you admire volcanic lava at home. For the next experiment you will need:
  • a glass not filled to the top with warm water;
  • sunflower oil;
  • dye;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • Effervescent aspirin tablets.
You need to pour vegetable oil into a glass of water; it is lighter in density than water, so it will not mix with it, but will rise to the top.

Now add the dye and mix. Add salt and mix too. Since its density is greater than that of oil, it will drag it to the bottom.

As the salt dissolves, it will raise it back to the top. As a result of this chemical experiment, you will see the violent boiling of lava if you drop an effervescent aspirin tablet into a glass.

Such tricks for beginners look even more impressive if, while the liquid is bubbling, you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight. Such a sight is truly magical.

The following experiment will help you make smart plasticine or space slime. For it you will need:
  • PVA glue - 100 g;
  • brilliant green;
  • sodium tetraborate - 1 bottle.
Pour glue into a bowl, add sodium tetraborate and brilliant green.

Stir the mixture until it thickens. You've got smart plasticine that children love to play with.

That's how many interesting things you can see by using chemistry experiments at home. Many tricks with water and other subjects are also based on the sciences that are taught at school.

The following stories will help you see other interesting experiments that you can conduct at home with your children.

Many memorable tricks are done with coins.

Do you want to surprise your friends and acquaintances with your dexterity, to easily attract attention and arouse admiration in any company? Or just have some kind of feature that will distinguish you from the rest?

Excellent light, elegant and - it's a coin that deftly rolls over the back of your fingers.

In any company, under any circumstances, you can, as if by chance, take two rubles out of your pocket and start casually spinning them on your fingers.

If you do this quickly enough and without tension, without even looking at your “props,” it will make others admire your agility, your skills.

What does the coin trick look like?

It seems that the magician does not even feel the coin. In fact, this is the result of long training

You may have already seen this, because the technique is quite popular. Executor only moves his fingers slightly, and coin smartly, quickly rolls from the index to the little finger along the back side.

Having reached the little finger, it suddenly disappears and appears again at the beginning of its path. The man at the same time doesn't even look at her .

The money seems to move on its own. Marvelous! Magic?! I would like to be able to do the same, but it’s probably so difficult!

In fact, it is very easy, and learning how to spin a coin on your fingers is very simple, but it takes time, patience and practice.

Do you want to learn this? Then you need strong, developed fingers, attention, patience and perseverance.

How to learn to spin a coin? In fact, there is nothing special or supernatural about “money rolling on its own across your hand.” You don’t need to study this for a long time, to learn the “great secret of magic.”

Watch the following video to learn the coin rolling trick:

Anyone can master this skill, even Small child(the only thing is that the child will need fewer and easier “props”). And you can understand the principle if you take a closer look at the person doing the trick.

If you try, you can master it very quickly. And the most important thing is that you can train anywhere: at home, at work, on the bus, on the subway, in the checkout line at the supermarket.

Which coin is suitable for the trick?

The coin rolling trick is not that difficult to learn. Watch the training video:

Procedure during a focus

Try it and make sure there is nothing complicated. The main thing is for everything to work out, you need to train a lot and develop your fingers.

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