A swan flew across the blue sea. Ladushki - games for older children. Tell about yourself

It snowed constantly. And I don’t like winter and cold so much. We need to remember the warmth and sunshine. About joy. About summer. Therefore, I’ll tell you how I worked as a counselor at a summer camp for five years.

The black hand circles the dial.

Going to bed at five in the morning and getting up at seven is a common thing. The rest of the time you braid your hair, wipe your noses, sing, yell, play the guitar, listen to other people's troubles and joys, provide first aid, sew a devil's suit, become a Satan from lack of sleep, give birth to brilliant scenarios, cut out flowers from paper, console and persuade. You teach everyone to wash their socks, regardless of age, because the younger squads put them under the pillow, and the older ones spray them with Ax and put them in the corner. You learn to combine a teacher, psychologist, director and nurse in one person. You constantly want to sleep. You constantly want peace. You just want to sit in the toilet for ten minutes with a book. So that no one would break down the door with wild screams: “Lensanna-ah, and Vitya kicked Mikha in the ear!..”

You live as if on a desert island. The news becomes unimportant. Much more important is why Kostya doesn’t fall asleep at night, why Nastya is bullied by girls, why our squad took last place at the last competition. And where does the toilet paper go? Are they really eating it?

Hagi-zumba-zumba-zumba, hagi-zumba-zumba-zumba-hey.

And this is my usual squad, please meet me.

Anton hid under the bed before each exercise. Masha did not hide, but went to exercise exclusively in shoes. Katya fell in love with a young physical education teacher and shared her heartache with me every day. Alya, Anna and Arina were sitting in the toilet together because they were afraid of ghosts. Sasha hid bread and butter in his pockets in the dining room. Vitya was afraid of spiders. Mikha was afraid of Vitya. The miracle girl Vika followed me with her tail and helped me draw the squad corner. A boy named Zaparnyuk gave me the biggest headache. Tanya had enuresis and had to be woken up several times every night. Sergei ran away from the camp, and his older sister secretly brought him cigarettes. Demid and Elisha didn’t want anything except a computer, which they didn’t have. The stern Ilya asked to play Rammstein at discos, and in response to the refusal he sobbed. Veronica had alcoholic parents who never visited her and sent her to camp for three shifts in a row. Lisa mocked Veronica, who never smiled, and poured water into her sneakers. Savely promised to put me in prison for forcing him to build. Yasha did not listen to absolutely anyone and swore at me. “Oh, you have children? How much?” they asked me, and I automatically answered: “Twenty-five.”

Oh kikilisbamba. O salasalimba. Oh, I eat bananas. Oh, I eat oranges.

Sasha reports:
— I miss my two cats, dog, hamster, parrots, computer and bicycle so much!
Then, after thinking:
- Well... and about my parents too, a little.

Our parents looked at us with disbelief. They gave little blood into the hands of pedagogical dropouts. Parents did not listen to the message that they should not leave expensive phones for their children, and they left expensive phones for their children. Phones were breaking. Hectoliters of tears flowed.

Our parents looked at us with disbelief. Parents asked how many times a day they would feed their children. Six times. The children were fed six times. The children didn't eat anything. Zhenya ate only pasta. Lisa only ate sausages and pasta. Red fish, cutlets and apples were both carefully taken into the trash. We were taught: if there is nothing to praise a child for, tell his parents that he eats well. Zhenya and Lisa's parents had to lie.

Our parents looked at us with disbelief. Parents did not understand that in the camp the food was dietary, specially selected, and there was no need to disrupt it, let the children eat steamed cutlets for at least three weeks. On weekends, Lisa’s mother brought carloads of chips. After all, the child was starving. My parents also brought five kilograms of cookies, tea bags, boiled dumplings and a pot of borscht. Parents hid in the bushes and stuffed crackers and chips into their children. The next day the infirmary was filled with sick animals.

My cap is triangular, my cap is triangular.

I copied - letter for letter - what each detachment wrote in the “Circle of the most cherished desires”:
5 neg. The sun, brother, rouge, cosmetics, to be a millionaire, to mom, money.
4 neg. Cat, money, dog, money, console, money, guinea pig.
3 neg. Disco, money, to the pool, love, career, home, money, money, don’t get sick.
2 neg. Snowboard, live, money, skate, 1,000,000,000, swim, 1 million.
1 neg. Electric guitar, money, warmth, take a walk, die, skate, eternal buzz, Zhan Fryske, lave.

I was bitten by a hippopotamus. Out of fear, I climbed a tree.

I worked as a counselor for five years. And the kids loved “reverse day.” The counselors were children, the children were adults, boys could wear skirts and makeup, girls could wear caps and tracksuits. There was dinner in the morning, breakfast in the evening. Probably, now, in an effort to protect children from gay propaganda, the day, on the contrary, is prohibited. One friend who went to the camp last year confirmed: there was no. “I proposed this idea to the counselors. They told me that there is censorship in the camp. I was shocked, to be honest."

I'm a worm, a worm, a worm. I'm crawling, crawling, crawling.

The afternoon snack before the end of the shift was almost canceled due to a solar eclipse. A crowd of children, ignoring our call, stood in front of the building, looking at the sky. “Elena Alexandrovna, take a candy wrapper, you can see better, your eyes won’t hurt.” I took it. While I was watching, the children ran to the sports ground, hung upside down on the horizontal bar and knocked down the football goal.

Yasha did not listen to absolutely anyone and swore at me. On parent's day his father came. We couldn't talk. I couldn’t find anything to answer to “Nucheblya, did mine behave well? I don't care, damn it. Yakov, take the bag, there are chips in it.”

Tanya had enuresis and had to be woken up several times every night. One day we forgot. We sat at night as a group of leaders after the planning meeting, drank tea and devoured watermelon. Watermelon included a clear logical chain in their heads. At the speed of light we visited Tanya. Did not have time. She was only lucky with her new neighbors. In the first ward, the girls were poisoning the “vile bastard.” The vile bitch also stuttered. Her father beat her.

There are three boys and twenty girls in the first squad. Three - but what kind! One played the button accordion, the second played the balalaika. Every evening the melody of the song “Black Boomer” or a funeral march on a balalaika and accordion could be heard from the fourth floor.

Anya is 14 years old, and she has not read “The Tsokotukha Fly”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Three Fat Men” and “Alice in Wonderland”. But Anya knows what an IK port and Bluetooth are. But not me.

Lenka is 13 years old, she looks at me, smiling, from the photograph. A suit made from juice bags and candy wrappers. A shadow from a branch dances on the shoulder. She is 20 now and I found her on social media. On the wall is a quote from the song: “Bitches, heal my wounds with your sweet lips,” on the avatar there is the curve of a half-naked body, a mirror, duck-like lips.

Pasha is 12 years old, and he flatly refuses to do anything: sing, dance, play a hare, a cat, a tree, a person - everything is the same. “What will I be like little?” And he is not alone. I was 20 years old, and I sang, danced, played a hare, a cat, a tree, a man - everything was one. Two more months and I'll be back real world. Institute, work, home. Where else can I do this? What will I be like big?

A crow flew across the blue sky.

Where is the warm sunny joy? Where is summer?

Joy is elusive. Here the children hang on you in clusters when you come back from the weekend. They hang around on the last day, they promise to write, but you know they won’t write, and that’s normal. Now your squad takes first place, and you are swelling with pride - mine! Well done!

And also - warm, warm. A lot of sun. The sun is jumping on the water, small fish are flashing underfoot. It smells like pine trees, ringing and dry, red, like carrots and bricks. Snapshot: laughter, gap between teeth, joy. Click: we are sitting on an evening candle and singing a song, and two horn-eaters, who almost hit each other with pillows today, are leaning to the right and left, sniffling and looking at each other - well, that’s all, it seems, this is the world. Click: a fire, a column of ash rises into the sky like a fox's tail, and flies straight to the stars. Click: mushroom dance, and ahead is a happy Pashka in a fly agaric costume: Pashka was sick, he had a coordination disorder, but he was given the main role in the dance, and he did it. Click: dragonfly wings, crickets chirping, hot sun over the water and slow clouds, orange like the Martian wasteland.

Summer. Camp. Children. Happiness.

The photo shows one of my children. 2008

A game of attentiveness and reaction. Players stand or sit in a chain, placing their hands so that a friend’s palm covers yours on one side, and vice versa on the other. A rhyme is said: “A swan was flying across the blue sky, he thought of a number...” - and any number is called, after which it is counted down (say, “the number three: one, two, three!”). While pronouncing it, the participants take turns lightly clapping each other’s hands, there should be one clap for each syllable. When it comes to calling the number hidden by the “swan”, the player who is hit at that moment must quickly withdraw his hand so that it does not get hit. If you did not have time to do this and your neighbor managed to “cover” you with a clap, you are eliminated from the circle, and the game continues until the most dexterous and fastest one wins.

They played in the same way with another counting rhyme: “The dog walked along the piano and pressed a note...” Then the note was called - and you had to remove your hand in time if it fell on you. The youngest children loved to play such games with their parents, both with and without counting rhymes: one player poked the other’s open palm and quickly pulled his hand away, the second had to close his palm in time and catch the “attacker.”

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In the section on the question What is the name of the children's game? given by the author Angela Goryacheva the best answer is A swan was flying across the blue sky, reading a newspaper, under the number.... (for each word there is a clap, then the one who got to name the number says the number, and when the countdown ends, the one who will say the last number must clap, and the second one should remove his hand, if not will lose in time) I know one))))
I also remember about Teeth)))) just right. . .There was something like: Teeth, teeth,
Teeth, teeth, teeth need to be treated! -And I'm afraid! -Do not be afraid! -And I will die! -Don't worry! This was on Sunday, the 25th. The Germans jumped from the balcony, from the second floor! The first jumped unsuccessfully, the second broke his head, the third jumped on the girl and kissed her! But the girl couldn’t stand it, she hit him with a poker! He flew, flew, flew. . And it flew into the trash! And there's a rat in the trash! Boris gave birth! And Boris shouts: -Hurray! Call the doctor! The doctor rides on a bottle, and his wife rides on a fork! The German thought that there was a war - He made a cannon from g.v. A! The cannon exploded! New life has begun! A mouse ran past and made a wish! But the wish did not come true! This is not German! It's a moose!
There was also a short version: Teeth, teeth,
Teeth, teeth, teeth need to be treated! -And I'm afraid! -Do not be afraid! -And I will die! -Don't worry! A locust sat in the grass and sang a cha-cha-cha song)))

Five-minute games


Requires a chair and a matchbox. Any number of people can play. Place the box on its edge behind the right back leg of the chair. The player must grab the box with his teeth while remaining on the chair. If he falls or hits the floor, he loses.


The players sit in a circle, the leader starts the game by naming 2 things (one worn above the waist, the other below the waist) that he wants to buy from the store around the corner. The players take turns saying what they want to buy. Their choice will be correct if these things are worn by their neighbors - what is worn above the waist is on the neighbor on the right, what is worn below the waist is on the neighbor on the left. How long will it take until players learn to make the right choices?


Players find a comfortable place and press their hands to their sides, with their thumbs clinging to a belt, belt loop, or the waistband of a skirt or trousers. Then, for 1 minute, they try to spread their arms to the sides, tensing their muscles (but without tearing off their belts). After a minute, they quickly release their belt and completely relax. Your hands should rise up on their own, as if by magic!


Several small sticks are required. The leader builds a mysterious and incomprehensible figure from sticks and says that some ancient tribe wrote the number 4 this way. Then he builds another figure - this is the number 5 or some other. Players are asked to “write” numbers from 1 to 10, and the leader says whether they do it correctly or not. The secret is not how the sticks are laid out, but how many fingers the player touches the ground with when calling the number. How quickly will players figure out the secret?


A newspaper is required (one sheet per player). Everyone is given a sheet of newspaper. The task is to tear it so that you get a long ribbon. Record the time - who will have the longest tape (whole) in, say, 4 minutes.


Several newspapers are required. Players sit in 2 lines facing each other, like in a railway carriage. At this time, the leader distributes a newspaper to everyone, mixing up and rearranging the sheets. At the signal, players try to collect the sheets in the right order. The first one wins (you can compete for second and third places).


A newspaper is required. Each player is given a newspaper, from which they must make a five-pointed star in 3 minutes, tearing off the excess paper. Who will get the straightest and biggest star?


The players sit in a circle, and one leaves the room. The remaining players agree that Mr. X is the person who sits to the left of everyone. The first player returns and tries to find out who this Mr. X is. He thinks it's just one person. To find Mr. X, the first player asks questions, the rest answer “yes” or “no”. This game is a lot of fun, but disposable.


A plastic mug is required and placed at the player's feet. The player must lift it with his teeth, while he stands on the ground with only one foot and does not touch the ground with his hands. Who can pull off such a trick?

The leader turns to the player and says, “Pip.” The player must answer: “Pop.” If the leader says, “Pop,” the player responds, “Pip.” Gradually, the lines and answers become more and more difficult, for example: “Pip-pip-pip, pop-pip-pop,” to which you must answer: “Pop-pop-pop, pip-pop-pip.” It is easier to respond if the leader speaks the words in some rhythm.


Players divide into pairs, hold one hand behind their backs, count out loud to three, and when the count is “3,” they throw their hand forward. With this hand they depict one of three objects: paper - a flat palm, scissors - two fingers, a stone - a fist. Scissors are stronger than paper (they cut it), paper is stronger than a stone (it covers it), a stone is stronger than scissors (they get dull on a stone). You can have a competition to see who wins the most “rounds” out of ten.


The players sit in a circle. The leader starts the game - smiles, then covers his mouth with his palm, as if erasing the smile. When he removes his hand, the smile has disappeared. The leader “throws” a smile to another player, who “catches” it with his hands, “applies” it to his face, then “erases” it and “throws” it to another. Anyone who laughs or smiles does not in turn lose “life.”

The leader simply asks everyone present to repeat after him and clap their hands when he claps. The leader raises his arms above his head and claps, sometimes he simply pretends to clap or stops abruptly. How many players will fall for this trick? This game helps to excite and captivate those present at a bonfire, song evening, etc.


Requires a stick. The leader takes a stick and draws an imaginary face on the ground, saying at this time: “The moon has a round face, 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. And now it’s your turn to draw,” and the leader passes the stick to the next player, who tries to do the same. When he passes the stick to the next player, the leader says whether he drew everything correctly or not. The secret is not how to draw or what to say, but how to pass the stick. If the player drew with his right hand, he must pass with his left. Gradually the players figure out what's going on. If they can’t guess for five minutes or more, don’t fool them and tell them the secret!


A saucepan or other suitable item is required. The leader holds the pan and says: “This is a hat,” pretending to put it on his head, etc. The second player takes it and says, “This is a tennis racket,” pretending to play tennis. The game continues until all ideas for using the pan are exhausted. This is a good exercise for training your imagination.

This good game, when a group is sitting on a bus, standing at a bus stop, waiting for a train or tram, or until someone unlocks the club where the classes are taking place. Players simply take turns guessing what color the next car or bus passing by will be. For the correct answer - a point,


All you need is a saucer and a few sweets (or something else tasty). 4 or more people play. Everyone sits around a saucer on which there are candies (about 10). One player leaves or turns away. At this time, the rest choose one candy and call it something - Svetka-candy, Lariska-taffy, etc. The player returns, sits on his knees and begins to eat sweets one at a time. When he touches the chosen one, the players shout: “This is Svetka-candy” and 1 player stops eating. Then they add candy to the saucer and someone else leaves the room.

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Telegram (letter)

The players stand in a circle and join hands. One of them says: “I am transmitting a telegram to Vita (says the name of the person to whom he is conveying).” The telegram is transmitted by an inconspicuous handshake of a neighbor, who in turn passes it on to the next person in the same way, and so on, until it reaches the recipient. The recipient must report receipt of the telegram. The presenter's goal is to notice the transfer process. The player on whom the transfer process is noticed becomes the leader. The right to forward the telegram passes to the former presenter.

A swan was flying

The rules, I think it’s not worth reminding, we’ll just introduce different variants counter:

A swan was flying across the blue sky, reading a newspaper with the number...

The cow was flying and said a word, what word did the cow say?

The dragons flew, the donuts were eaten, how many donuts did the dragons eat?



These games will help you fill the short breaks between classes, at the bus stop or after lunch... Some games require preparation, but no more than finding scissors, a ball or a newspaper.

1. AGILITY CHECK Requires a chair and a matchbox. Any number of people can play. Place the box on its edge behind the right back leg of the chair. The player must grab the box with his teeth while remaining on the chair. If he falls or hits the floor, he loses.

2. GIVE ME FOR CHRISTMAS... Any number of people can play. The leader starts the game: “Give me for Christmas...” (names 2 things). Players take turns asking for something for Christmas. The leader says whether their wish will come true or not. The secret is that everyone can receive those gifts whose names coincide with the player’s initiatives, for example: Seryozha Vasiliev can ask for a dog and a bicycle, etc. How long will it take players to figure out the secret?

3. AT THE CORNER STORE Players sit in a circle, the leader starts the game by naming 2 things (one worn above the waist, the other below the waist) that he wants to buy in the store around the corner, Players take turns saying what they want to buy. Their choice will be correct if these things are worn by their neighbors - what is worn above the waist is on the neighbor on the right, what is worn below the waist is on the neighbor on the left. How long will it take until players learn to make the right choices?

4. MAGIC HANDS Players find a comfortable place and press their hands to their sides, with their thumbs clinging to a belt, belt loop, skirt or trouser waistband. Then, for 1 minute, they try to spread their arms to the sides, tensing their muscles (but without tearing off their belts). After a minute, they quickly release their belt and completely relax. Your hands should rise up on their own, as if by magic!

5. MYSTERY NUMBERS Several small sticks are required. The leader builds a mysterious and incomprehensible figure from sticks and says that some ancient tribe wrote the number 4 this way. Then he builds another figure - this is the number 5 or some other. Players are asked to “write” numbers from 1 to 10, and the leader says whether they do it correctly or not. The secret is not how the sticks are laid out, but how many fingers the player touches the ground with when calling the number. How quickly will players figure out the secret?

6. NEWSPAPER TAPES A newspaper is required (one sheet per player). Each person is given a sheet of newspaper. The task is to tear it so that you get a long ribbon. Record the time - who will have the longest tape (whole) in, say, 4 minutes.

7. MIXED NEWSPAPERS Several newspapers are required. Players sit in 2 lines facing each other, like in a railway carriage. At this time, the leader distributes a newspaper to everyone, mixing up and rearranging the sheets. At the signal, players try to collect the sheets in the right order. The first one wins (you can compete for second and third places).

8. STAR AND NEWSPAPER A newspaper is required. Each player is given a newspaper, from which they must make a five-pointed star in 3 minutes, tearing off the excess paper. Who will get the straightest and biggest star?

9. MISTER X Players sit in a circle, and one leaves the room. The remaining players agree that Mr. X is the person who sits to the left of everyone. The first player returns and tries to find out who this Mr. X is. He thinks it's just one person. To find Mr. X, the first player asks questions, the rest answer “yes” or “no”. This game is very fun, but disposable.

10. PICK UP THE MUG A plastic mug is required and placed at the player's feet. The player must lift it with his teeth, while he stands on the ground with only one foot and does not touch the ground with his hands. Who can pull off such a trick?

11. PIP-POP The leader turns to the player and says: “Pip.” The player must answer: “Pop.” If the leader says, “Pop,” the player responds, “Pip.” Gradually, the lines and answers become more and more difficult, for example: “Pip-pip-pip, pop-pip-pop,” to which you must answer: “Pop-pop-pop, pip-pop-pip.” It is easier to respond if the leader speaks the words in some rhythm.

12. ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS Players divide into pairs, hold one hand behind their back, count out loud to three, and when the count is “3,” they throw their hand forward. With this hand they depict one of three objects: paper - a flat palm, scissors - two fingers, a stone - a fist. Scissors are stronger than paper (they cut it), paper is stronger than a stone (it covers it), a stone is stronger than scissors (they get dull on a stone). You can have a competition to see who wins the most “rounds” out of ten.

13. THROW A SMILE Players sit in a circle. The leader starts the game - smiles, then covers his mouth with his palm, as if erasing the smile. When he removes his hand, the smile has disappeared. The leader “throws” a smile to another player, who “catches” it with his hands, “applies” it to his face, then “erases” it and “throws” it to another. Anyone who laughs or smiles in turn loses “life.”

14. CLAPPING The leader simply asks everyone present to repeat after him and clap their hands when he claps. The leader raises his arms above his head and claps, sometimes he simply pretends to clap or stops abruptly. How many players will fall for this trick? This game helps to stir up and captivate those present at a bonfire, song evening, etc.

15. THE MOON HAS A ROUND FACE A stick is required. The leader takes a stick and draws an imaginary face on the ground, saying at this time: “The moon has a round face, 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. And now it’s your turn to draw,” and the leader passes the stick to the next player, who tries to do the same. When he passes the stick to the next player, the leader says whether he drew everything correctly or not. The secret is not how to draw or what to say, but how to pass the stick. If the player drew with his right hand, he must pass with his left. Gradually the players figure out what's going on. If they can’t guess for five minutes or more, don’t fool them and tell them the secret! 16. THIS IS A PAN A saucepan or other suitable item is required. The leader holds the pan and says: “This is a hat,” pretending to put it on his head, etc. The second player takes it and says, “This is a tennis racket,” pretending to play tennis. The game continues until all ideas for using the pan are exhausted. This is a good exercise for training your imagination.

17. WHAT'S NEXT This is a good game when the group is sitting on a bus, standing at a bus stop, waiting for a train or tram, or for someone to unlock the club where classes are being held. Players simply take turns guessing what color the next car or bus passing by will be. For the correct answer - a point,

18. CANDY LIGHT You need a saucer and a few candies (or something else tasty). 4 or more people play. Everyone sits around a saucer on which there are candies (about 10). One player leaves or turns away. At this time, the rest choose one candy and call it something - Svetka-candy, Lariska-taffy, etc. The player returns, sits on his knees and begins to eat sweets slowly, one at a time. When he touches the chosen one, the players shout: “This is Svetka-candy” and 1 player stops eating. Then they add candy to the saucer and someone else leaves the room.

Salki with elastic band

The players form a circle, holding an elastic band inside it. The driver stands in the middle and tries to insult someone. He can only grease the hand holding the rubber band, which you can let go of so that you don’t get greased, but not all at once.

"Santiki - Wrappers - Limpompo"

The players stand in a circle. The presenter steps away and turns away. At this time, the others agree on who will be in charge. After this, the leader stands in the middle of the circle, and the rest, jumping and saying “Santiki - Fantiki - Limpompo”, repeat the movements of the “main one”. The presenter's goal is to guess the "main" (you can give several attempts).

1. Santiki – candy wrappers – limpompo.

The guys stand in a circle. Two drivers are selected. One of them, according to the conditions of the game, will show various funny movements, which everyone must repeat synchronously, constantly changing movements. The second's task is to guess who it is. If he guesses correctly, the first one becomes the guesser, and the guys quietly choose a new driver. The guessing process takes place under the words repeated unanimously by all the guys: “Santiki - candy wrappers - limpompo.”

2. A swan was flying.

The guys stand in a circle, placing their right hand on their neighbor’s left. For each word of the counting rhyme, a move is made in turn - a clap on the left hand of the neighbor on the left. A swan flew across the blue sky and wished for a number.... The person on whom the word “number” fell says out loud any two-digit number and makes a clap. Claps are counted out loud. The task of the person who receives this number is to quickly remove his hand from under the clap. Those who do not have time are eliminated. In this way, the most dexterous one in the squad is revealed.

3. At Aunt Moti's.

The guys stand in a circle and repeat the following words and movements after the leader.

Aunt Motya has four sons

Aunt Motya has four sons

They didn't eat, they didn't drink,

And they repeated it like this...

(The driver calls one by one the parts of the body that need to be used to make the movements shown. Example - right hand - movement, left hand - movement... All movements do not stop and thus, after several rounds, the players become like “drunk cockroaches”, which causes a surge of positive emotions in the children emotions.)

4. To yourself - to a neighbor (analogue - a letter).

The guys stand in a circle. The left palm is cupped upward. Simultaneously repeating the words: “To yourself - to your neighbor,” all players transfer a small object from their palm to the palm of the neighbor on the right. The driver's task is to guess who has it in the palm of his hand.

5. Knead, knead the dough.

The guys stand in a circle, holding hands. Repeating the words together: “Knead, knead the dough. Knead, knead the dough.”, come together as tightly as possible. To the words: “Inflate the bubble and don’t burst, inflate the bubble and don’t burst!”, they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people whose knot has broken stand in a circle and are already being “kneaded.” Those in the circle have the right to help break the “bubble” with their backs. The strongest and most dexterous ones win.

Games on the bus

Counselors sometimes have a question: “When should we start forming a team?” The team begins to form from the first moment of interaction between children. If this first interaction takes place on a high emotional level, you will have the prerequisites for creating a healthy, strong team. One of the means of raising and maintaining a high emotional level of children’s communication is play. The very first place where the guys begin to communicate with each other is the bus on which they travel together to the camp. Let's try to start with games on the bus!



The bus interior is divided into two teams. “A competition is being announced for the best ship crew. For this we need to know a lot of songs. Whichever team sings them the most will be the winner! But the main thing is that the song contains words about the sea, sailors, and sea ships.” This game is very variable and its conditions depend on your imagination. These could be songs about Moscow, there could be songs in which numbers appear: “a million, a million, a million scarlet roses”; “...the girl from apartment 45”; “...one word, two words...”

More difficult option This game will be a “Question and Answer” game, where the team takes turns taking a question from one song and an answer from another.

“Why are you standing there, swaying?..”

“...The sea wave is rocking and rocking.”

It is possible for one team to ask a question in song form, and the second, again from the lyrics of the songs, selects an answer.

"Relay Races"

Relay race on a bus - this really happens. You can pass a matchbox at speed along the rows. Or you can pass a cardboard with a pencil along each row, and each participant must write a word of four or five letters on the cardboard passed along his row. When counting, the number of letters and time are taken into account.

Cardboard and pencil can be used to play dating. To do this, the guys must write their names on cardboard. After the end of the game, the counselor announces statistical data: how many Svet, Igor, Len, Sash, etc. we have.

"What I saw"

This game is for attention. In it, the guys must count the number of illogical propositions in the poem that the counselor will read:

I saw the lake on fire

A dog in trousers on a horse,

The house has a hat instead of a roof,

Cats caught by mice.

I saw a duck and a fox

That a plow plows a meadow in the forest,

Like a bear trying on shoes,

And like a fool, he believed everything.

(S.Ya. Marshak)

Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Grandfather Yegor was driving.

He's on a piebald cart,

On an oak horse

He is belted with a club,

Leaning on the sash,

Wide-leg boots,

The jacket is on bare feet.

A village was driving past a man,

And from under the dog the gate barks,

The horse grabbed the whip

Whipping a man

Black cow

Leads the girl by the horns.

(K.S. Stanislavsky)

One of the most entertaining forms of games for children is chants. They can be used not only on the bus, but also on a hike, in a group’s collective creative activity, or simply when you have a free minute. Children love to scream, especially if they are asked to do so.


The counselor plays the role of the leader, and the guys are divided into two teams: one is “Petka”, the other is “Vaska”. Next, all together to the tune of “Darkie”:

In a sunny meadow

There is a green house.

And on the porch of the house


Fuck! I have a gingham shirt!

I came to you, girls,

To eat candy!


Wow! I have polka dot pants!

I came from a fairy tale

Because I'm good!

All this is done several times, the counselor points to one or the other team, and at the end of the game - to both teams at once, and one of them must shout out the other.


These chants have a large number of variations. Their peculiarity is that they mean absolutely nothing and therefore children like them.


It’s very simple: the children repeat after the counselor who sings:

Calabamba la-o!


Oh, I eat bananas!


After each line sung by the counselor, the children shout: “Hey!”

Bala-bala-mi - hey!

Chicka-chicka-chi - hey!

Chick-chirp-chick - hey!

Together with the guys, you can come up with your own squad chant, to which you, for example, will gather together.

Let's get acquainted!

It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster the guys get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to work with them.

One of the most simple games dating is a game

"Get your name"

Everyone stands in a circle, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. The player who starts the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and says his name. After the throw, he lowers his hands. After the ball has passed everyone and everyone has dropped their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each participant throws the ball to the person he threw to the first time and says his name again.

The third round of this game is slightly modified. Again, everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched, but now the participant who threw the ball must say his name, the one who caught the ball does the same, etc.

After playing this game (it takes 10-15 minutes to play), it’s quite possible to remember up to 20 names.


This game is best played at the “getting to know each other”, when the guys sit in a large close circle. The counselor should start the game by saying his name. The person sitting to his left must say the name of the counselor and his own. The next one further clockwise will have to name the two previous names, his own, and so on in a circle. The counselor must again finish by calling the entire squad by name. The task is difficult, but realistic and doable. Try it - success is guaranteed.


Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “Let’s start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three pronounces his name instead of the number.”

This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is really the case.

We develop speech by playing

"Similar words"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary of synonyms, developing the ability to identify words with similar meanings.

We name the child a number of words and ask him to determine which two of them are similar in meaning and why. We explain to the child that similar words are buddy words. And they call them that because they are similar in meaning.

Friend - friend - enemy;

Sadness - joy - sadness;

Food - cleaning - food;

Labor - factory - work;

Dance - dance - song;

Run - rush - go;

To think - to want - to reflect;

Walk - sit - step;

Listen - look - watch;

Cowardly - quiet - timid;

Old - wise - smart;

Clueless - small - stupid;

Funny - big - huge.

"Two Buddies"

Goal: development of a dictionary of synonyms.

Come up with familiar words for these words: tiny - (small), bold - (brave), beautiful - (beautiful).

"Family Olympics"

Goal: clarification of syntagmatic connections between adjectives and nouns, development of a dictionary of features.

This game is more interesting to play with the whole family, and the competitive passion will contribute to the child’s interest in such games.

We think of any word denoting an object. Each of the players must select as many words as possible that answer the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. For example: grass (what is it like?) - green, soft, emerald, silky, tall, thick, slippery, dry, swampy... The winner is the one who names the word-attribute last.

"Two brothers"

Goal: development of word formation using the suffixes -ISCH-, -IK-.

For this game we will need pictures of two different people.

We invite the child to listen to a story about two brothers.

Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was called Ik, he was short and thin. And the other one was called Isch, he was fat and tall. Each of the brothers had their own home. Ik had a small house, and Ishch had a large house. Ik had a nose, and Ishch had a nose. Ik had fingers, and Ishch had fingers.

We invite the child to think about what each of the brothers could have in their appearance, home. If the child finds it difficult, you can continue further, naming the object of only one of the brothers.

Glazik - eye; mouth - mouth; tooth - tooth; cat - cat; bush - bush; scarf - scarf; knife - knife; rug - carpet; elephant - elephant.

"Call me kindly"

Purpose: to consolidate the agreement of an adjective with a noun, the formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.

Today we will play sweet words. Listen to how beautiful it sounds:

The flower is red, and the flower is red.

The apple is sweet, and the apple... (sweet).

The cup is blue, and the cup... (blue).

The pear is yellow, and the pear... (yellow).

The bucket is blue, and the bucket... (blue).

The sun is warm, and the sun... (warm).

The chicken is fluffy, and the chicken... (fluffy).

The house is low, and the house... (low).

Carrots are delicious, and carrots... (delicious).

"Dishes shop"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary, developing the ability to select a generalizing word, developing speech attention.

For this game it is better to use real dishes.

Let's play shop. I will be the buyer, and you will be the seller. I need some utensils for soup - a tureen. Dishes for salad - salad bowl; utensils for bread - bread box; utensils for milk - milk jug; utensils for oil - butter dish; utensils for sweets - candy bowl; utensils for crackers - cracker; tableware for salt - salt shaker; utensils for sugar - sugar bowl.

After pronouncing all the available dishes, you can change roles. Our task is to encourage the child to pronounce the names of the dishes independently.

"Find by color"

Goal: to consolidate the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number.

For this game we will need pictures depicting objects of different colors.

We name the color using an adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this form of the adjective. For example:

Red - apple, chair, dress.

Yellow - turnip, paint, bag.

Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil.

"Choose the right word"

Goal: development of thinking, speech attention.

From the proposed words denoting the characteristics of an object, we invite the child to choose one that is most suitable in meaning.

Think and tell me which word is more suitable than others?

In spring ... (hot, warm, sultry) wind blows.

... (green, blue, red) poppies bloomed in the meadow.

Mom took ... (bag, package, basket) into the forest.

Santa Claus comes to visit...(in autumn, spring, winter).

The dog lives... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).

The train travels along...(road, water, rails).

"Find the picture"

Goal: development of analysis and synthesis.

We will need pictures depicting various types of transport.

Look at the pictures and name the one that you can talk about using the words:

airport, sky, pilot, flight attendant, wings, window;

rails, compartment, station, carriage, conductor, platform;

pier, sea, captain, deck, sailor, shore;

highway, conductor, driver, stop;

escalator, turnstile, platform, train, station, driver.

"Say it the other way around"

Goal: expanding the dictionary of antonyms.

For this game we need a ball.

We throw the ball to the child and say the word. The child, returning the ball, names a word with the opposite meaning.

Now you and I will turn into stubborn people who do everything the opposite. I throw you a ball and say a word, and you say the opposite. For example: dark, but vice versa - light.

















Speech therapist Svetlana Pakhomova

Article from the site " Kindergarten 2483"



Games - five minutes

Games - five minutes

Telegram (letter)

The players stand in a circle and join hands. One of them says: “I am transmitting a telegram to Vita (says the name of the person to whom he is conveying).” The telegram is transmitted by an inconspicuous handshake of a neighbor, who in turn passes it on to the next person in the same way, and so on, until it reaches the recipient. The recipient must report receipt of the telegram.

The presenter's goal is to notice the transfer process. The player on whom the transfer process is noticed becomes the leader. The right to forward the telegram passes to the former presenter.

A swan was flying

I don’t think it’s worth mentioning the rules, we’ll just give you different versions of the counters:

A swan was flying across the blue sky, reading a newspaper with the number...

The cow was flying and said a word, what word did the cow say?

The dragons flew, the donuts were eaten, how many donuts did the dragons eat?

Salki with elastic band

The players form a circle, holding an elastic band inside it. The driver stands in the middle and tries to insult someone. He can only grease the hand holding the rubber band, which you can let go of so that you don’t get greased, but not all at once.

"Santiki - Wrappers - Limpompo"

The players stand in a circle. The presenter steps away and turns away. At this time, the others agree on who will be in charge. After this, the leader stands in the middle of the circle, and the rest, jumping and saying “Santiki - Fantiki - Limpompo”, repeat the movements of the “main one”. The presenter's goal is to guess the "main" (you can give several attempts).

Dating games


The players stand in a circle. One of the players starts, calling his name, the next one calls the name of the previous one, then his own, etc. (1- Anya, 2- Anya, Masha, 3- Anya, Masha, Petya)

The wind is blowing towards...

The players stand in a circle. The leader says: “The wind is blowing in the direction ...” (the one who has a brother) - those players to whom the leader’s statement applies (those who have brothers) - must stand in a circle.

"People to people"

After the leader pronounces the phrase “People to people,” the players are divided into pairs. Then the players carry out all the commands of the leader (such as “ear to shoulder”, “Right foot to left hand”, etc.). After the leader pronounces the phrase “People to people,” the players must be redistributed into pairs. The leader's goal is to find a mate. The one who is left without a partner becomes the leader.


The players move chaotically one at a time until the leader says “Two by two!” (three or four). Players must form pairs (threes or fours). Those who do not have time are eliminated.


The players stand in a circle. The ball is thrown from one player to another, communicating its name and hobby. After the ball is completely unwound (there will be no players left playing without a thread), the ball is wound up by calling the name and interest of the person from whom the ball thread came. The one from whom the ball began to unwind must name the name and hobby of the last person to whom the thread came. The rules for winding up a ball cannot be communicated in advance.


Give each player a pencil and a piece of paper. Then each person begins to walk around the others, trying to find out who is who. Walking around each other, the players ask each to say their first and last name. The player who collects the first one wins full list names with correct signatures.


The players line up in a column. One of them is designated as a “mirror” and stands in front of the column. His task is to explain, without sounds or words, to the first person in the column who is behind him (as if he is reflected in a mirror). Next, the one who guessed the “reflection” becomes the mirror, and the “reflection”, in turn, takes the place of the guesser.

Edible – inedible (for dating)

The player is thrown a ball with a question (for example: Do you have a brother?), He must catch it only if it is true.

Tell about yourself

The players break into pairs and for a certain time (about 30 seconds) tell their partner about themselves. Then one person from the pair sits face down in a circle, and their partners stand behind them, standing behind them. certain time(about 15 seconds) must tell on their own behalf what they just heard from their partner. Then the partners change places.

Games to bring children together

Touch clothes...colors

The players must touch the clothes (their own or someone else's) of the color that the presenter says. The presenter must have time to insult someone who did not have time to touch. The salty one becomes the driver.


The driver sits in a circle with eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words: “Merman, merman, why are you sitting under water, come out for a minute, let’s play a joke.” The circle scatters (several steps) and everyone stops. The “merman”, without opening his eyes, is looking for one of the players; his task is to determine who is in front of him. The “merman” can touch the player standing in front of him, but he cannot open his eyes. If the driver guessed right, they change places.


An odd number of people are playing. The players form 2 circles: the outer one is boys, the inner one is girls. Every girl should stand strictly in front of the boy. The boy, who did not have enough pair, stands in the outer circle, the girls direct their gaze to him. To find a mate, he winks at some girl; when she sees this, she must run to him, and the boy standing behind her must catch her in time. The one who gaped (missed) is forced to look for a mate.


The players stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to move in a circle, loudly singing: “We dance, we dance, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, our cheerful dance is Lavata.” Then everyone stops and the leader says: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor’s are better” - everyone takes their neighbors by the elbows and starts moving again, singing. The presenter can mock as he wants (waist, shoulders, heels, legs, etc.), the main thing is to relieve tactile tension in children.

Toe-heel (mini training for approaching and relieving tactile tension)

Everyone stands in a circle very tightly, so that the toe rests on the heel of the person in front. When they stand up properly, everyone begins to slowly squat in this position - it turns out that everyone sits on the knees of the previous one. If you successfully sit down, you need to try to hold on for a while.

Games to identify the leader

Leader identification games help in the very first days to identify the most active and active children, who in the following days can become excellent helpers. The teacher only gives the task and observes the process of its implementation, the children do everything themselves. In games, leaders try to lead the overall process.

  1. build according to characteristics (height, eye color, alphabet of names, etc.);
  2. silently, without agreement, a certain number of people stand up - leaders will always stand up;
  3. build a machine from participants, i.e. each person must be some part of the machine;
  4. say one word in chorus (as a complication, you can ask them to say one word in chorus without agreeing);
  5. assemble the crew, i.e. select the captain, navigator, chief mate, etc., “hares”, passengers;
  6. holding hands, build a square, circle, triangle, etc.


Dynamic Studies

These exercises stimulate the child to correct and natural imitation. If necessary, individual assistance can be provided if certain elements of movements are not possible for some children. It is necessary to teach the child to hear changes in strength, timbre, pitch, and to grasp the nuances of the emotional coloring of the voice. In this work, not only the auditory sensations themselves are activated, but also visual, muscular, resonator and tactile ones.

In further work with dynamic sketches, you can invite children to choose the movements that accompany the poetic text, color it with expressiveness and emotionality of speech. Pronounce the text as it could be read by sad, cheerful, capricious or dissatisfied characters. At the stage of generalization and consolidation of the material, it is possible for the teacher to use text with semantic errors. For example, “... the year begins in the spring, everything is covered with snow.” It will be interesting to invite children to choose a new rhyme for the line. For example, “spring continues, and the sun smiles.”

Parts of the day

In the morning the sun rises,(arms rise up and to the sides)

Calls the kids for breakfast(mahi la donami to yourself)

The guys are busy during the day(imitation of writing on the left palm with the fingers of the right hand)

They're going to have lunch(pat your belly with your palm)

In the evening they play (claps)

Dinner is waiting (walking in place)

Well, at night the kids(sit down and place your folded palms on your bowed head)

He sleeps until the morning.


There are four times in a year,(show 4 fingers of your right hand)

And they are all friendly(palms of both hands clasp each other)

These four times(show 4 fingers of left hand)

Guys should know!(place your index finger on the flask)

The year begins in winter,

Everything is covered with snow,(when sitting down and at the same time spreading your arms to the sides)

Continues in the spring

Leaves appear(arms with elbows bent, fingers

United; Raise your hands up a little)

In summer the sun warms,

And the leaves turn green,(stretch your arms up, shake your palms slightly)

In autumn the foliage turns yellow,(put your hands down)

The wind will rip it off (swing from side to side)

And it will scatter across the fields.

And after autumn again(walking in place)

Winter will continue for a year.


It's winter outside, (arms to the sides)

And it got colder(hug yourself with your arms)

Now we have clothes(movement

index finger)

Need something warmer.

Whose mittens? (show palms)


Whose hat? (palms on head)


Whose scarf? (palms on neck)


Let's go for a walk with you soon.

(walking in place)

To keep your feet from freezing -

We'll stomp, (stomp our feet)

To keep your hands warm -

We'll clap, (clap hands)

And to make it more fun,(imitation

making snowballs)

We'll start making snowballs.

Let's play fun(“throw” snowballs)

It's good to walk in winter!(hands to the side)


The sun is shining(hands rise up through the middle)

The snowdrifts melted,(hands go down through the middle)

Warm weather

Spring has brought, (arms to the sides)

The rooks are coming to us,(mahi hands kami)

And the hedgehog (Press your hands to your chest, lower your head)

With a bear (raise your arms up, slightly to the sides)

Know: (place your index finger on the flask)

It's time for them to wake up(stretch to look around)

Enjoy spring!


Hot summer time

Let's go to the river, you and I!(walking in place)

Let's swim, sunbathe,(simulation of swimming)

Collect strawberries(imitation of picking berries in the palm of your hand)

Listen to the nightingale sing(put your right palm to your right ear)

How a clear stream gurgles,(put your left palm to your left ear)

Watch how near the water(to squat)

Dragonfly frolics with dragonfly.(connect two fists in a horizontal position, spread them apart different sides index and middle fingers of the left and right hands)



Look at your child's palms and fingers together. Tell them that they do a lot of difficult work.

And get to know them.


"Autumn Leaves"

Show your child a picture of autumn forest. Look at the trees with your child and name them. Look at the leaves on the trees, calling them: “This is a maple leaf, this is a birch leaf, this is an aspen leaf, and this is an oak leaf. Look which tree is green (fir tree, pine). I’ll read you a poem and show you how to play with your fingers.” You can put small rubber bands on the child’s fingers with leaves attached to them - maple, birch, aspen, oak and a green Christmas tree needle.




"Our children are friends..."

Ask your child to remember and tell what hands are for. “In order to do all this, the fingers must be nimble, fast, and skillful. I’ll show you what they are now.”

"Little Man"

"Chicks in the Nest"

“Where is your finger?”

Where is your thumb?

Behind me!

Fingers in a fist, thumb up.

Where's your index finger?

Take a closer look!

Raise your index finger up.

Where's your middle finger?

That's how handsome he is!

Raise up middle.

Where is your nameless one?

Here, with a tin ring!

Raise up nameless.

And pinky baby?

Here he is, little brother!

Raise your little finger up.



Okay, okay! Where were you?

By Grandma!

Clap in time with the words.

What did you eat?


What did you drink?


Four fingers slap the thumb.

Butter porridge,

Sweet mash,

U Use your index finger to circle the palm of your other hand.

Grandma is kind.

Run your palms over your cheeks.

We drank, ate,

Four fingers slapping the thumb

Shu-u-u flew,

Slap your fingers on the base of your palms.

They sat on their heads,

Place your hands on the top of your head.

We sat down, we sat,

Shu-u-u flew away.

Slap your fingers on the heels of your palms

"Hide and Seek"

"The bunny is jumping..."

Deftly from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping.

With the index finger of the right hand, hit the fingers of the left hand (from the indexto the little finger) and in the reverse order (from the little finger to the index finger).

Rolled down and turned around

Run the index finger of your right hand over the index and thumb of your left hand, hitting the thumb.

And he came back again.

Make the opposite movement - from thumb to index finger.

Again from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping!

Down again and up again!

The bunny jumps the highest!

Repeat all previous movements.


“This finger wants to sleep...”

When the child becomes familiar with fingers, you can tell him that during the day fingers play, draw, eat, sculpt... - they have a lot of work, in the evening they get very tired and go to bed.


Show your child a picture of fish; consider them by naming them.

"This finger..."

Show a family photo, list all family members and ask your child to name them.




Show your child a “winter” picture depicting children playing.

One two three four five,

Take turns extending your fingers clenched into a fist, starting with the big one.

We're going for a walk.

Show the spread fingers of your right hand.

Katya is lucky with her sleigh

From porch to gate,

Run the index and middle fingers of your right hand along the table.

And Seryozha is on the path

He throws crumbs to the pigeons.

With your fingers folded together, make throwing movements.

Girls and boys

They bounce like balls.

Wave your right and left hands.

"Winter walk"

Show your child a picture of a baby in winter clothes. Ask why the child in the picture is dressed so warmly (because it is cold outside in winter). “I’ll tell you how you and I get ready for a walk, and what warm clothes we wear. I will read the poem and bend my fingers when I start listing them. Listen carefully and do everything with me.”

Very cold in winter

But we will go for a walk with you.

I'll put on a fur coat

Bend the little finger of your left hand with the index finger of your right.

I'll put on my hat

Bend ring finger.

I'll wear a scarf

Curl your middle finger.

And another scarf.

Bend your index finger.

And the little mittens

I'll pull it on the handles.

Curl your thumb.

"One, two"

Palms are on the table.

"Winter warm-up"

If your hands are cold

We begin to rub them,

We will quickly manage our hands,

How to heat it on the stove.

Slowly rub one palm against the other.

Palms first

Just like ice,

Rub your palms faster and faster

Then like frogs,

Then like pillows.

But little by little

Palms warmed up

They really burn

And not for fun.

I'm burning like fire.

Here, touch me.

Extend your open, hot palms forward, inviting everyone to touch them.




It will be cold soon.

What should we do then?

Here's one hand and the other

Helps with getting dressed.

Put on your coat, big one,

Using the pads of the first three fingers of your right hand, stroke your left thumb from tip to base.

The brothers follow, one-two-three.

Dress up, look.

Also stroke the index, middle and ring fingers of your left hand in turn.

Only the baby gaped.

Dress like you're worth it!

Iron the little finger twice.

Everything is fine now:

Gloves on hands.

Raise your hands up, admire them, move your fingers.

Repeat the same words and the same actions for the other hand

"Ice slide"

I was hit with a shovel

Horizontal palm claps.

They made me hunchbacked

The backs of the hands are curved into a hump.

They beat me

Use the fingers of one hand to hit the palm of the other.

They beat me

Hit the palm of the other with the fist of one hand.

Ice water poured over

Wave-like movements of fingers and palms.

And then they all rolled off

From my hump in droves.

Smoothly move your palms along the surface of your hand from the elbow to the fingers, repeat on the other hand.


"Let's count"

Raise your hand up, spread your fingers wide.


"Spring came"

Show your child a picture - a spring landscape with a few details, look at it together. Highlight the signs of spring - the snow is melting, streams are flowing, migratory birds have arrived.



Two helicopter pilots

Put your fists on the table,

We got ready for the flight.

thumbs up.

I'm ready!

And I'm ready!

Step away from the screws.

Move the thumb of your left hand, then your right.

We fly higher, higher

Describing circles with your thumbs, humming, smoothly raise your arms up;

There, below, trees, roofs,

Spin your fingers faster and faster and faster.

And roads and fields -

The whole vast earth.

If your child wishes, you can run around the room.

And where we want

We're flying, flying, flying!

We are about to land.

The flight is over. Everything is fine.

Slowing down the movements of your fingers, lower your hands little by little;put your fists back on the table.



The pen looks in the mirror,

The pen tells the fingers:

Press your fingers together, palms


Bend over, straighten up,

Clench your fingers into a fist, then unclench.

Gather together in a handful.

Gather your fingers into a pinch.

Run up, straighten up,

Spread your fingers wide.

Now clench into a fist.

Make a fist.

Fist - on fist

Place cam on cam.

And palms on the side.

Palms edge parallel to each other.

And now the palms are lying,

They will rest a little.

Place your hands on the table, palms up.

On the side. Back on the table.

And the end of the game came.

Palms on the edge,

hands on the table, palms down.




Water, water,

The thumb slides over all the others

Wash my face.

Gently run your palms over your face.

To make your eyes sparkle,

Make rings with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands and bring them to your eyes.

To make your cheeks turn red,

Circular movements with fingertips on the cheeks.

To make your mouth laugh.

Make a slit with your thumb and forefinger and run them along the contour of your lips.

So that the tooth bites.

Pinch-like movements with the fingers of both hands.




"Bainki, bainki..."

Show your child a picture of a vegetable garden. Consider what vegetables grow on it, name them. Say: “You know, if you don’t water the garden, then all the vegetables may die. What do you think is needed to water the garden? (Water can) I’ll read you a nursery rhyme in which the garden is watered by the one who loves cabbage more than anyone else in the world - the bunny, and I’ll show you with my fingers how the bunny watered the garden.”

Solitaire Mat