Lord Slippery Spear is heroic. Budget Priest deck against Lord Slippery Spear in normal mode. Strategy for playing against Lady Naz'jar in normal mode

The third wing of the “League of Explorers” has already been published and we continue the series of articles - "League of Explorers Walkthrough" heroic mode» . This time you have to fight three heroic bosses: Lord Slippery Spear, Great Fin And Lady Naz'jar. In the third wing you will fight alongside the incredible Sir Finley Mrrgglton, but in normal mode you'll have to free him from Lord Slippery's cauldron first.

If you want to complete heroic mode without hints, then it is better not to read further.

Walkthrough Heroic - Ruined City:

Lord Slippery Spear

The boss starts the game with 30 health and 15 armor. This time it will not be at the start, as it was in normal mode and the hero power will summon enhanced nagas. Each turn the boss will automatically summon a naga with +1/+1 characteristics for 0 mana, so after the 5th turn creatures 6/6, 7/7 and so on will appear. But if you use cards with the effect, then the nagas will become 1/1. In Heroic mode, the boss will not use a second Hero Power.

  • You need to gain control of the table, various spells will help you with this.
  • OTK and Mill (fatigue) decks a good choice to fight Lord Slippery Spear.
  • I advise you to use the following cards in your decks: , .

Best decks against heroic Lord Slippery:

Great Fin

The boss starts the game with 30 health, 15 armor and 50 cards in a deck. Now Fin takes 2 additional cards each turn with your hero power. His deck consists of a bunch of murlocs and a very unpleasant card that now resurrects 5 murlocs.

  • There are 50 cards in the Great Fin deck, so forget about Mill decks.
  • Control is the theme of the third wing, so choose effective control decks.
  • Perhaps for the first time it can pay for itself.
  • I advise you to use the following cards in your decks: , and others of this type.
  • can dig it up for you.

Best Decks Against Heroic Great Fin:

Lady Naz'jar

Now Lady Naz'jar will only improve her creatures, and yours will simply be replaced with others with the same cost.

  • You simply must play a creature on the first turn, and your deck should be designed so that you can play creatures every turn.
  • At the end of the turn, all Lady Naz'jar minions will be replaced with minions that cost 1 more mana. So don't let the boss force the table with creatures.
  • Decks should consist of a mix of the following cards: , and , . This way you will flood the board with creatures and after the transformation you will get more creatures due to the deathrattle.

Best decks against the heroic Lady Naz'jar:

The Ruined City is the third and penultimate wing of the new League of Explorers adventure. You will find even more new dangerous opponents in this part, but you will also receive even more rewards for destroying them!

Lord Slippery Spear

This guy will be the first to meet us in the penultimate part of the adventure, and he will not be at all friendly. The Lord has two hero powers - Light Hunger and Enrage!, and the second ability will begin to take effect when you deal with the Cauldron creature under the control of your opponent. With the help of the first ability, the Slippery Spear will summon Hungry Nagas to the battlefield completely free of charge. Moreover, the attack indicator of each subsequent creature will increase by 1 point.

As soon as you manage to deal with the Cauldron, the hero power will be replaced with Enrage!. This ability will cost two mana and will increase the Lord's attack by 2 points at the beginning of each of his turns.

Lord Slippery Spear deck in normal mode

  • Ice shock x2
  • Execution x1
  • River crocolisk x2
  • Curse of Rafaam x2
  • Creeping Archer x5
  • Ice Fury x3
  • Vague Shadow x2
  • Water elemental x2
  • Frost Snobold x2
  • Creeping Guardian x3
  • Naga healer x2
  • Kvaldir Raider x2
  • Ice elemental x2

Strategy for playing against Lord Slippery Spear in normal mode

Despite the apparent difficulty of the confrontation with Lord Slippery Spear, victory over him should not take long. The only danger to you in this battle will be the Hungry Nagas, who increase their attack rate with each subsequent turn. However, by including cheap creatures and cheap mass clear spells in your deck, you can easily deal with your opponent's early onslaught. After Sir Finley Mrrgglton is released, the boss will have nothing to oppose you - his deck in the normal game mode is frankly weak.

Budget Priest Deck vs Lord Slipspear Normal

Reward for completing Lord Slippery Spear

After defeating the first boss of the Ruined City, you will receive not one, not two, but three pairs of cards - Huge Toad and Gorillabot A-3 and Dart Trap.

Great Fin

This boss is a giant murloc. And it is not surprising that his deck will consist exclusively of creatures of this category. The hero power of this amphibian is Mrglmrgl Mrgl! - strongly resembles the paladin card - Divine Grace. That is, the fin will draw cards from its deck until their number is equal to the number of cards in your hand. The only difference is the cost of this ability - the vile murloc will use it completely free of charge.

Greatfin deck in normal mode

  • Small fin x6
  • Darkscale Oracle x2
  • Murloc Raider x6
  • Murloc Wavebreaker x6
  • Bluegill Warrior x2
  • Mudpack x1
  • Vashj'ir Seer x2
  • Old Grim-Eye x1
  • Mrgl mrgl nya nya x4
  • Murgle of fate x1

Strategy for playing against the Great Fin in normal mode

Remember back when murloc-only decks were popular in ranked games? The only weakness of those decks was that the hero quickly ran out of cards, and if his opponent managed to somehow miraculously survive the first 4-5 turns, clearing the entire table, the days of the murloc overlord were numbered.

In this confrontation, the Great Fin will no longer have such weakness. Therefore, the only correct option is to fill your deck with a large number of cheap creatures, make profitable trades, destroying your opponent’s key murlocs, and use cheap spells to mass clear the opponent’s board. Having acquired a significant advantage on the board, it will be very difficult for the boss to regain it.

Budget Mage deck against Greatfin in normal mode

Reward for completing the Great Fin

As a reward for defeating the murloc king, you will also receive three pairs of cards - Murglgates of Fate, Everything Is Mrrgl Cool With Us! and Small Fin.

Lady Naz'jar

The beautiful and terrible Lady Naz'jar is who will stand between you and the coveted reward for completing the third wing of the League of Explorers adventure. The boss's Hero Power - Pearl of the Tides - is an automatic ability and activates at the start of each of the boss's turns. After using it, all creatures on the board are replaced with random other minions that cost one more mana.

Lady Naz'jar deck in normal mode

  • Small fin x2
  • Ice shock x2
  • Sailor South Seas x2
  • Bluegill Warrior x2
  • Fissile slug x2
  • Murloc Wavecatcher x2
  • Vashj'ir Oracle x2
  • Wild Wolf Spirit x2
  • Earth Servant x3
  • Guardian of Uldaman x2
  • Snack vendor x2
  • Naga healer x3
  • Ice elemental x2
  • North Sea Kraken x2

Strategy for playing against Lady Naz'jar in normal mode

In the confrontation with Lady Naz'jar, do not forget that her ability will work not only on her creatures, but also on yours - which you need to actively use, summoning minions to the battlefield such as Razorfen Hunter, Dragon Mechanic, Knight of the Hand and other. However, the boss himself will follow the same tactics, so the key to defeating your opponent will be making profitable trades with Naz'jar creatures.

Don't forget to include a few massive board clearing spells in your deck - having seized control of the board, the Lady will no longer be able to regain the advantage and you will easily win an easy victory.

Budget Mage deck against Lady Naz'jar in normal mode

Reward for completing Lady Naz'jar

After destroying this boss, you will receive 3 pairs of cards - Viper, Sea Witch and Burial, and the reward for completing the penultimate wing of the adventure will be the cards Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Tropical Owl.

Lord Slippery Spear- This is the first boss of the Ruined City, third quarter. In this guide, we will tell you about cheap decks that you can use to defeat him in Normal and Heroic modes.

Rewards for defeating Lord Slipperyspear

For completing the second quarter you will receive 2 cards:

Tactics and decks for Lord Slippery Spear

The key to winning the fight against Lord Slipspear lies in the correct use of his hero power, which changes at the beginning of each turn and summons more and more powerful creatures. In normal mode, the effect of the hero power can be stopped by killing the provocateur who appears on the field at the beginning of the match and releasing Sir Finley Mrrgglton. In Heroic mode, Hero Power cannot be replaced.

Other than that, the boss isn't particularly challenging, so we recommend focusing on his Hero Power. In normal mode, it is necessary to free Finley as early as possible with the help of cheap creatures or spells. In Heroic mode, the hero's power has a greater impact on the game situation, and this will have to be taken into account. To neutralize summoned creatures, you can use Mental Technicians, Experienced Hunter, Sea Giants, AoE spells and freezing.

Basic Priest (normal)

Ultimately, the battle comes down to freeing Sir Finley Mrrgglton in the minimum number of moves. To do this you need to get starting hand Shadow Word: Pain. With Finley on the board, choose a Paladin, Mage, or Warlock hero power.

After freeing the murloc, Lord Slippery's hero power changes from potentially dangerous (summoning increasingly powerful naga) to banal (+2 attack). If you fail to kill the provocateur on the first turn, you can use cheap minions for trade or clear the board with Ring of Light.

Use regular control tactics and the boss fight won't give you any problems.

When playing this deck, the main goal is to create a large creature and kill the boss in one or two hits. Use silence and other spells to hold off the constant flow of enemy creatures and survive long enough.

Try to get a Northshire Cleric in your starting hand, because... it has enormous value in the early turns. With its help, you can get new cards to eliminate the nagas summoned by the boss. Don't be afraid to sacrifice a little health for effective AoE. For the most part, the boss's moves are quite predictable, and choosing spells won't be the most difficult.

When the number of crystals allows you to not only kill enemy creatures, but also expose your own, take advantage of this moment. The ideal basis for the decisive blow is the Lord of Death, because... it can be boosted to 16/16 and end the game quickly.

Suggest your decks for Lord Slippery Spear and we will add them to this guide.

Good day everyone, with you, as always, Kucha. It's time to complete the 3rd quarter of the League of Explorers.

Unfortunately, this quarter disappointed me, since all 3 bosses had a “strong board” mechanic, and the strategy in these games was limited to completely clearing the opponent’s board.

Lord Slippery Spear.

This hero's strength lies in summoning a Hungry Naga every turn. The most unpleasant thing is that each subsequent Naga has 1 more strength and endurance than the previous one.

I also wanted to note some cards, the presence of which should always be kept in mind:
Creeping Archer: 2 mana, 2/2 and does 2 damage to all your minions.

Great Fin.

The strength of this boss lies in the huge number of Murlocs that are interconnected with each other. He also has more than 40 cards in his deck, and he draws 2 additional cards every turn. This means that the number of cards in his hand will be large, because only 7 creatures can be placed on the table. Just like Lord Slippery Spear, Great Fin wins thanks to a strong board. I decided to try the same deck as against the first boss, and I was right. On my first try, I was able to stop the invasion of fish, and I finished the game with the magnificent Deathwing, although everything turned out well without him. It’s quite simple to play against this boss: we close ourselves with provocateurs, freeze the entire table for him so that he cannot play creatures and burns his cards, and as a result, the opponent’s resources will be exhausted, and there is nowhere to draw new ones from the opponent, thereby the hero’s power will destroy the opponent through exhaustion.

Deck. Click to expand

Lady Naz'jar.

Just like the first two bosses, Lady Naz'jar wins thanks to a strong table, which, if not cleared, begins to increase greatly, and your chances of winning fade away. It's all about the hero power, which changes all creatures at the end of its turn (Doomsayer will die before clearing the board). Our creatures are exchanged for creatures of the same cost, and enemy creatures are replaced with creatures for 1 mana more expensive. In many ways, randomness decides here, but the most important thing in this match is table control.

If we can clear out the enemy’s more expensive creatures without destroying ours, then the hero’s power will play to our advantage, because when replacing creatures, all damage will disappear. Also, creatures with a strong battle cry and weak characteristics (Ancient Healer, Bomb Thrower, etc.) are good against this boss. I could beat this boss with the same Fatig Mage deck, but I think you wouldn’t be interested. I chose Paladin for its ability to fill up my board while completely destroying the enemy's.

The third quarter of the League of Explorers has opened. Inside the guide you will find 3 decks for completing heroic mode.

All 3 bosses of this wing are built on full-table mechanics with powerful creatures. For most, a Freeze Mage with clearing the entire table is suitable. Deathwing can completely change the game, if you have it, it will definitely come in handy;)

Let's go over all the bosses and the decks you can use to beat them!

Lord Slippery Spear

The power of this boss lies in summoning a Hungry Naga every turn. The most unpleasant thing is that each subsequent Naga has +1/+1.

It is important to note some cards, the presence of which should always be kept in mind:
Creeping Archer: 2 mana, 2/2, deals 2 damage to all your minions.

Frost Roar: A 12/12 charge for 10 mana can destroy your important minion.

The idea of ​​the deck is Priest on Silence. You can silence the entire board, leaving 5 1/1 creatures and preventing him from summoning new powerful creatures. The main thing is to live this time and wait for Kelthuzad and Cobra with the Giants. The Word of Power: Glory helps you survive attacks. Cast it on 2/2 nagas or 3/6 elementals. They will compensate for their damage, giving you extra time to get key cards.

Great Fin

The strength of this boss lies in the huge number of summoned Murlocs, which strengthen each other. He also has more than 40 cards in his deck, and he draws 2 additional cards every turn. This means that the number of cards in his hand will be large, because only 7 creatures can be placed on the table. Just like Lord Slippery Spear, Great Fin wins thanks to a strong board.

Wedge knocks out wedge with wedge - we make a deck based on murlocs, naturally with a Shaman. If you don’t want to strengthen his murlocs with your own, you can spend 2 mana on a totem - the boss’s mechanics work amazingly so that he spends part of the damage on totems. Try to deal damage with your murlocs, and then clear out the most dangerous murlocs for you (with auras).

Lady Naz'jar

Like the first two bosses, Lady Naz'jar wins thanks to a strong table, which, if not cleared, begins to grow greatly. It's all about the hero power, which changes all creatures at the end of its turn. Our creatures are exchanged for creatures of the same cost, and enemy creatures are replaced with creatures for 1 mana more expensive. In many ways, randomness decides here, but the most important thing in this match is table control. It is worth noting that Deathrattle does not trigger, so there is no point in inserting such cards into the deck.

The main element is cards that summon additional creatures to your table.

This quarter brought some pretty key class card cards - learn them and be sure to test them by strengthening your deck. You can always roll back to a stable deck;)
