The best games for PS3. Expected games What games will be released on PS3

The 7th generation Playstation 3 console from Sony is one of the most successful and significant. It was with it that the era of modern gaming began in full, which delights players with cinematic cinematics, advanced graphics and network capabilities. Over almost 10 years of existence, this console has released a huge line of projects of various formats, types and genres. So if you missed out on this system, now is the time to catch up. What games can you play on PS3 in 2017? Let's take a closer look.

The best projects for Playstation 3

The console is rich in games of various genres:

  • race;
  • shooters;
  • adventures;
  • arcades and so on.

But it’s worth starting your acquaintance with the best representatives of the generation, who will set the right tone. So what games are there on PS3?

First of all, check out the popular action-adventure series Uncharted on PS3 in 3 parts. Do you like Indiana Jones movies? Searching for treasures, exploring legends, dangers and traps? Then this is exactly what you need. You will play as Nathan Drake, a young and ambitious traveler looking for ancient temples and treasures. Mysteries, constant tension, chases and shootouts - that's what this series has to offer you. By the way, from this franchise you can find it in the Savela Game online store.

Want something more intense and dark? In that case, try Heavy Rain- an incredibly exciting and truly cinematic project in the forgotten genre of “Interactive Cinema”. You only partially influence the events, but carefully follow the twists and turns of the plot, the actions of the characters and their connections with each other. However, even your slightest intervention can radically change the course.

For fans of dynamic action films, there is the famous series of slasher films God of War, rich in ancient Greek mythology. You will play as Kratos, a fallen warrior who seeks revenge on the gods of Olympus. Spectacular fights, excellent graphics, big choice weapons are an excellent choice.

What games are there on PS3 for two?

Of course, we must not forget about entertainment for several people. There are many projects in this area on the PS3 console. First of all, these are a variety of fighting games: Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Tekken, Guilty Gear. This also includes racing: Need For Speed, Gran Turismo 6. And if you are interested in games on PS3 in 2017, then we offer you the latest sports simulators: NBA 2018, FIFA 2018, PES 2018.

The most innovative, addictive and timeless games on Sony's most maligned console, as chosen by a panel of PS3 fans.

The PS4's success may have eclipsed the PS3, but it had quite an interesting life cycle. It launched at an outrageously high price and was powered by a unique Cell processor, which gave the console power but made it incredibly difficult to develop games for. Because of all this, the PS3 mainly attracted Sony fans with deep pockets. Ten years and many price drops later, the PS3 has made a name for itself in the console world and has become the leading platform for playing blockbusters, multi-platform games, PS1 classics and indie hits.

While all the attention is on the PlayStation 4 and its stellar rise in gaming industry, PS3 is steadily releasing great games and even received the release of the long-awaited Persona 5 along with PS4. Below is our selection of the 25 best PS3 games, a variety of cult favorites that are essential for any PS3 owner. Enjoy!

You might have missed the release of Tokyo Jungle, and that's forgivable; the game looks like a category B product because blurry textures and block models. But Tokyo Jungle isn't played for the graphics - it's played to control a pack of hounds hunting a lion. It is played to put silly hats on giraffes.

It's played because Tokyo Jungle is an addictive roguelike that constantly offers new surprises. You'll be able to perfect your routes through the abandoned city while hunting for food and rivals to keep your species alive. Simple gameplay and plenty of unlockable animals mean you'll get the hang of it quickly, but will be constantly striving to figure out the next piece of the puzzle.

With the exception of Minecraft, no other console game doesn't feed the imagination and creativity of its players quite like LittleBigPlanet 2. The first game's custom content creation tools were something of a revolution, and the sequel not only improves on them, but expands them to allow you—yes, you—to create more than just levels, but also whole new stories, worlds and even games. And the material created by the community is incredible.

No, LittleBigPlanet 2 doesn't have as complex a platforming system as Mario and Rayman, but judging the game based on that is as close as not reading War and Peace because of the font it's printed in. Simply put, it is one of the most important, relevant and fun games on any PlayStation.

Hotline Miami is the game your parents always warned you about in the 1980s, a video game set in an alternate universe where Reagan became president forever and The Running Man is real and you can watch it on TV. Put on a rubber animal mask of your choice and go to one of several dozen pixel locations to kill all the idiots around while listening to incredibly cool synthwave. Hotline Miami is pure rage, hypnotic ultra-violence one step away from flawless anarchy. Just don't tell your parents about this.

How to make the best superhero game even better? You just need to make it even bigger and place it all in one of the best realized open worlds. Favoring precision, individuality, and meaningful design over scale for the sake of sheer scale, Gotham's isolated section is one of the most vibrant, impressive, and most focused environments of a generation. Arkham's structure allows the expanded yet perfectly balanced mechanics from the first game to fly, literally and figuratively, and it's a great achievement in terms of both gameplay and aesthetics.

But just as importantly, it never dominates or detracts from what made Arkham Asylum great. The combination of smart, creative sandbox and exciting, almost musical combat is still at the core of everything and is even better than ever. The icing on the cake is that in Arkham City tells the dark, dramatic and exceptionally epic story of Batman.

This shouldn't have worked. This should not have even been attempted. It was supposed to be a faceless, lightweight cyberpunk RPG shooter with a recognizable name. But miraculously, Deus Ex: Human Revolution from Eidos Montreal is a truly multi-layered, complex, fully player-controlled action RPG with freedom, creativity and choice at the heart of every element.

Really, no matter what kind of game you want it to be, DE:HR manages to be so adaptable to the player's desires and at the same time consistent that it's simply amazing. The story of conspiracy and philosophical tension - both global and personal - will follow you no matter your character's position, and the close-knit, vibrant nature of this world is unparalleled.

When Burnout Paradise came out, multi-platform games were always better on the Xbox 360. But not this time. Criterion always shined on PS2, and Burnout Paradise still looks amazing on PS3. The developers also made changes to the Burnout formula, combining open world the city and its surroundings. The wealth of possibilities makes the world of this game better than the worlds of later ones Need for Speed.

It's all about the little things, like trying to make a U-turn using the handbrake to park (which the game scores you on) or jumping down a mountain and landing without crashing your car. The DLC even corrects a few annoying little things in the original release's structure, so it's truly Burnout heaven. Well, a good soundtrack, where would we be without it?

The Resistance franchise has gone from a decent first game and a disappointing sequel to an FPS masterpiece throughout the life of the PS3. It's a shame that Resistance 3, the masterpiece of the previous offering, marked the end of the franchise. There's something just right about the R3. The way the 50's alternate reality setting is combined with crazy but still good alien weapons and mixed with a heartbreaking story about a father protecting his family makes this game stand out.

Every scene is carefully crafted - there are few, if any, weak moments - and the combat system is smoother than a stick of butter sliding across the tip of a knife. Every time you think you've done well, the story throws up another situation or challenge, forcing you to adapt and push the boundaries of what the game can do. You'll happily do so to bring Joe Cappelli's sad, hopeful story to a thrilling conclusion.

Lots of games talk about their greatness, but few offer as much wicked fun and weirdness as Yakuza 5. At its core, Yakuza 5 is a serious story about underworld Japan, about evil people doing bad things, and good people, throwing off their shirts in one swift motion to take on the bad guys in hand-to-hand combat. But Yakuza 5 is not just a fighting game.

It is also a taxi driving simulator; hunting; and a pop idol simulator (complete with dance battles!). There are also mini-games: baseball, cooking ramen, stand-up comedy, an arcade with almost full versions of Virtua Fighter 2 and Taiko Drum Master and much more - and all these things are interesting in their own way. Yakuza 5 is an abundance of crime drama and gruesome tomfoolery, and while it may not be the best option for newcomers, the game has something to offer any player.

Whatever you think of the current state of COD, there's no denying that Modern Warfare was a watershed moment in the world of video games. It not only revived the tired FPS genre, but also transformed Call of Duty from a so-so shooter into a cool shooter, becoming a benchmark for multiplayer games and an incredible 8-hour attraction with an incomparable story. The ghillie suit scene, the opening scenes on the tanker, the ending - Modern Warfare is filled with unforgettable moments.

And yes, that's enough old game. While subsequent ones have tried to take Modern Warfare as a base and increase the degree of coolness, it just seems like a series of exercises in a series of entertainments. There's no such nonsense in Modern Warfare, just 8 hours of smooth action that still outshines all of its imitators.

Old Snake is grumbling and creaking his knuckles more than usual, but he's still on a roll. MGS4 is still a showcase of the technical potential of the PS4, much like MGS2 was for the PS2. But importantly, it uses technological advances to improve the gaming experience. The camouflage suit in particular is not only fun to wear, but also useful in tense situations where stealth is required.

One might criticize Kojima and his team for the plot being too complicated and movie-like (especially in terms of the length of the cutscenes), but all the characters and bosses are still memorable, and the dramatic ending cannot be understated. However, if one particular scene had ended differently, the game might have ranked even higher on this list. But it's still a must-play for anyone with a PS3.

Few games have a dilemma as dire as Dead Space 2. You want to play the game to explore the beautifully ruined Sproul, but at the same time you constantly live in fear that something nightmarish is watching your every move. DS2 maintains a careful balance between the constant scares from the original games and a more robust combat system. The horrors are as real as ever, but Isaac is now better able to resist.

The feeling of helplessness fades a bit, so Dead Space 2 is more balanced as a result. Plus, the Necromorphs in this sequel are a real abomination: they set the gold standard for monsters in video games and are scary as hell (and sometimes wet your pants).

No dialogue, no obvious plot, no fighting, no ability to die. But has any game ever provided such an experience, filled with so many painful, horrifying failures and such jubilant, exciting moments of joy? Well, maybe, but there aren’t many games like that...

Thatgamecompany's Journey is a masterpiece of abstract storytelling, display of emotion through gameplay, and exquisitely beautiful environment design. The free-flowing exploration and puzzle-solving of a platformer are fun on their own, but every single element of Journey, from the visuals to the sound design to the controls themselves, is precisely designed to reveal deeper meaning at every turn. When it comes to anonymous co-op multiplayer, you'll simply never feel so connected to another player in a video game. Never.

One of the most commercially successful products on PS3, XCOM: Enemy Unknown consists of exciting, extreme action, full gameplay and a thrilling emotional involvement in which it can match any top game. All this without a single action in real time. This step by step team shooting game understandable even to a complete beginner, but at the same time opens up amazing depth after going through the learning path.

Despite the external similarity with board game, skirmishes and land wars unfold in a thrilling manner, creating incredible scenes and situations that you will remember like Hollywood blockbusters in real time. The training will take 20 minutes, but the obsession with the game will not subside for months. A real treasure.

From the very first minute Wolfenstein: The New Order filled with tension and meaning. This franchise has never been about subtlety, and nothing has changed here: you're still B.J. Blaskowitz, you're still a Nazi hunter captain, and you're still ruthlessly efficient at your job.

But what should have been a mindless shooter suddenly tells a story about the human cost of endless war and heartbreaking fascism, and thanks to the developers at MachineGames, the game does both well. You'll come for the MP-40 and old-school action, and you'll stay for the branching plot and well-developed characters. Oh, and you'll be shooting Nazis on the moon. Come on, go ahead.

That's what's interesting. Zombies are one of the most overused (in fact, overused) elements in horror games, but they are rarely truly scary. A lumbering, meaty target, that's what they usually look like. The Walking Dead, however, goes back to the roots of what is so fascinating about zombies and everyone in general: real, escalating, emotionally powerful human tragedy.

Through plot and acting top level, not to mention painful, almost impossible moral decisions, The Walking Dead puts you in a nightmarish situation and forces you to try to find not the best, but the least worst way out. You will agonize over every choice and conversation and never be able to find the right answer. There are no heroes here. Only survivors.

When talking about the greatness of Street Fighter IV, there are a lot of things worth discussing. It's a seamless combination of endless depth of potential and instant accessibility to beginners. This is the impeccable balance of each of the 39 fighters. There's excellent humor in the movement animation and character design, the latter of which meshes well with the fighting style and style of each fighter. This is a powerful subtlety of the focus attack system.

But there's something about Street Fighter IV that doesn't get talked about much, and that's simple, pure, exceptional fun. Without a doubt, this is a fighting game for a whole generation.

9. GTA 5

Probably the biggest step forward for Grand Theft Auto Having mastered 3D graphics, GTA 5 takes the very essence of what made the franchise great, strips it down and rebuilds it in a new, smarter and completely revamped form. The use of three main characters does much more than just blend character traits - the game builds complex dramatic irony as all three are separate storylines intertwine and collide under the player's control.

Plus, now you can finally play GTA the way you want without losing the meaning of the game. There are game styles for every taste: the naive “good guy” Franklin, the aggressive family man Michael, the generous psychopath Trevor - and all of them surprisingly do not violate the integrity of the stunning world of the game.

What about this world... never before has an open setting been so vast, so varied, so complete, and so responsive to the player's actions. It will take days - and possibly weeks - of immersion to truly grasp the intricacies, but for now just know that in terms of form, feel and function, GTA 5 comes the closest to recreating the real world.

Is Red Dead better than GTA 5? Hard to tell. While GTA world 5 is much more developed, the plot and concept of Red Dead has its own charm. Few other games create such a delightful sense of space and time. All the actions and interactions within the picturesque setting take on meaning, and it's a wonderful backdrop to John Marsden's gritty tale of loss and injustice - a story that reaches one of the most daring and memorable climaxes in gaming history.

Okay, enough of the flowery descriptions: this is a super-cool game in which you can be a scumbag robber, a kind of Clint Eastwood. Shootouts with angry cowboys, capture of criminals and horse racing through the forests - it all looks like an interactive film by Sergio Leone. Parts of the scenes are taken straight from the best classic Westerns, and the underrated soundtrack fits perfectly with the action on screen. All in all, Red Dead has it all.

BioShock took a while to hit PS3, but it was worth the wait. This is the first one really decisive game latest generation set a standard for gameplay, world-building, atmosphere, and storytelling goals that many other developers would desperately try to match over the next seven years. It's clear from the opening scene that BioShock is different from everything that came before it.

Creating a world as complete as Rapture's is a huge achievement in itself, but making sure that the ever-increasing action is fueled by believability and immersion in that world? This is real success. And don't forget the powerful soundtrack, which fuses a chorus of surging violins with perfectly matched vintage recordings to create a soundscape of coherent, moving tones. BioShock is as unique and fully realized a concept as you'll find in gaming, filled with thoughtful and exhilarating action.

Uncharted 2 is the very definition of an adventure game. It's part Indiana Jones, part James Bond, part Lara Croft, and it's all amazing. While U3 ups the ante in terms of scene-setting, the second game in the franchise best balances action, puzzles, platforming, and witty one-liners. The plot itself is a classic tale of betrayal, violence and love rivalry, and everyone involved fits perfectly into this drama.

However, what is very important is that every aspect of the game is pure fun. Whether you're sliding across rooftops in a mountain village, dodging tank guns, or solving a complex puzzle, there's never a dull moment. The sheer variety of scenes and action combined with all the traveling from one stunning location to another ensures that Uncharted 2 never becomes stale or repetitive. Even the barely used multiplayer mode, played by a tiny percentage of Uncharted 2 owners, is a joy to behold in every encounter. All this comes with a smooth control system and stunning visuals that are still impressive 4 years later.

While Mass Effect 3 is technically flawless, there is something about this sequel that makes it a superior game. He's just more mesmerizing. Everything about Mass Effect 2 is enjoyable. It all starts basically with Shepard's death and the destruction of the Normandy. The rest of the game is about restoration and redemption, while you assemble a team of lovable misfits to go on a heroic suicide mission.

The main story sets the pace and structure of the game, while the personal stories of the characters aboard the Normandy (Mk2) pull you in different directions. Are you on Miranda's or Jack's side? For geth or quarians? Can you save your team from the Collectors? Who, if anyone, will you sacrifice during the mission?

Many, few also involve you in the plot, thereby increasing the significance of the decisions you make. All this adds up to a wonderful, self-contained story that conveys the ups and downs of the hero's life. What game process is smooth and enjoyable or that the game looks amazing and incredibly large - almost fades into the background.

The original Portal is a pure, mind-bending puzzler with elements of dark humor that squeezes every last drop of gameplay out of its short playtime of just two to three hours. Portal 2 takes this foundation and builds on it flawlessly, proving that more can be better. The plot is now bloodier and tells the story of Aperture Science, its mysterious experiments and the world beyond its walls.

Various colors of gel add nuance to moving through space, often requiring you to use your surroundings in unexpected ways. This game is also very funny, thanks to the way Stephen Merchant voices Whitley, the bumbling conductor who suddenly finds himself drunk on power. Add killer two-player co-op and you have the recipe for one of the best sequels in gaming history.

Persona 5 originally started out as a PS3 game (originally slated for release in 2015), and while it was best loved in 2017 on PS4, playing one of the best JRPGs in years on PS3 still holds true. It builds on the success formulas of past games, letting you into the world of an ordinary Japanese schoolboy who suddenly finds himself the bearer of supernatural anti-demonic powers.

you will live everyday life, earn extra money, make new friends, and build relationships that will make it easier to fight in the Metaverse, an alternate reality ruled by the evil intentions of some of Japan's most nefarious citizens. What makes Persona 5 special is its out-of-context storytelling. real life; this is a story in which the villains were based on real people from Japan, and despite the cultural differences, the situation in the game well reflects the current state of world politics. This is a highly relevant game, a power fantasy that goes beyond what most video games offer.

Let's forget about the obvious talk about complexity Dark Souls. True fans know that this is just a tiny part of the game, acting as a link between the action and the incomparably deeper meaning. The world of Dark Souls does not chew anything, and punishes recklessness with a quick and bloody death, but only out of pure goodwill.

No matter how slim the odds of success seem, the flawless combat system, stunning freedom of action and deceptively clever level structure ensure that there is always a solution. This is not at all a harsh taskmaster, as many believe, but a game that both trusts and believes in the player. She wants you to make progress and rewards you when you do. And she always, always gives you everything you need for this. You just have to understand it yourself.

It seems right that Best game on PS3 was released at the end of the popularity of the console itself. Arguably the culmination of all the top-notch gaming over the last generation, it's a touching, mature story and brilliant storytelling through gameplay; it's about using the console's visual potential to the maximum for both emotional resonance and visual impact.

Throwing the player into a beautifully realized, subtle, all-too-believable nightmare world, The Last of Us gives you the tools to survive, but there's never enough of them. Every battle and achievement in the game matters not because of intended spectacle or artificial heroism, but because of the need to appeal to your own mind and instincts.

And that's just part of how The Last of Us inspires empathy at every step of this harrowing journey. This perfect game at the peak of Sony's capabilities (at least at this moment) and something that no PlayStation 3 owner can miss. This is the logical conclusion of the entire PS3 generation.

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