The best places for self-propelled guns on the Life Oaks map. World of Tanks. The best places for self-propelled guns on the Life Oaks map Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment

Good day, friends! Portal website once again presents to your attention a guide to World map Of Tanks. And today we will analyze Live Oaks wot for you. Today you will learn the history of this map, its schematic representation, as well as tactics, positions and directions for various classes of equipment. Let's get started with the review.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap.

wot map Live Oaks is a partially open area in the center of which there is a small lake, and on the edges there is a railway and a small town. The bases themselves are located on plantation fields.

The Live Oaks map is a summer map and uses a summer type of camouflage, has standard dimensions of 1000 * 1000 meters, 4 - 11 levels of battles in which ranking this map. There is only one type of random battle - standard battle. The map's terrain is complex: elevation changes, deep reservoirs in which you can easily drown, urban development (there are both destructible and non-destructible buildings), flat fields, and also a railway stretching along the entire length of the map.

However, the map is poorly balanced, since of the only two available directions for attack, only one is a convenient and comfortable direction, and the worst thing is that it is not a city, but an open area along the railway. Later I will, of course, explain what I mean.

Live Oaks was added to the game in update 0.7.2. Has undergone several gameplay and graphical changes (mainly the developers changed the terrain on the map, trying to balance the respawns in terms of capabilities, and they partially succeeded).

Let's break down the Live Oaks map into its main components, for ease of understanding:

Picture 2. Legend.

  1. Lower base. It is located in an open field, without any shelter, but there are several non-destructible buildings nearby. By and large, it is extremely difficult to capture it and you should not count on this outcome.
  2. Right flank or railway. It stretches along the entire right side of the map, is full of elevation changes, and the coast in some places is quite steep and deep, if you slide into it, it will be impossible to get back out. It is one of two possible directions for attack, but has higher priority (I will talk about this later). Having cleared this flank, it will be easiest and most comfortable for you to move forward.
  3. Bridge. The railway bridge located within the right flank is the main site of clashes. This is where the most violent and interesting events unfold. The team that captures this small area of ​​the map will have an advantage on the Live Oaks map. It is also worth noting that the right flank, separated from the rest of the map, is reliably protected from long-range shots due to the slightly elevated railway track, difficult terrain and the bend of the railway. For these reasons, you will always know and see who you are fighting with, which side to expect the opponents from, firefights take place at a short distance, but a lot will depend on the angles vertical aiming.
  4. Lake. It doesn't have any gameplay value, but you can easily drown yourself in it. I note that there is still a ford across the lake, but I don’t advise you to try to find it (unless in the training room). However, once again we see a map, part of which is not playable.
  5. Upper base. In terms of gameplay, it is no different from the bottom one, except that there is no such convenient depression (under the number 8) in which artillery or a firefly can hide.
  6. Hills for support or def. Small but convenient hills for each of the bases, which are suitable for tank destroyers. From these positions you can support your allies in the city or defend this flank, and in some situations you can defend your own base. However, there are few shots fired from these positions and, as a rule, the tanks located here exchange fire only between the hills of the opposing teams, and only if there is illumination. Therefore, think about whether you should stand idle here for the entire battle in the hope of an accidentally opened shot. Perhaps it would be better to support the allies directly in one of the directions?
  7. Town. The second direction for attack on the Live Oaks map, however, has the lowest priority. This is due to the fact that by capturing the town you will not receive any obvious advantages. Exits from the city are controlled from the positions of tank destroyers, you will have to drive to the base through an open field, which is under fire from the railway, and if you stand up for capture, you will be at a disadvantage for your opponents, again because of the iron. It is best to simply abandon this direction on this map, leaving it to the defensive tank destroyers. Below I will show a schematic attack in this direction.

Tactics on the Live Oaks wot map.

So, as I already said, there are two possible directions for attack on the map. By and large, any class of vehicle can play in any of these directions, but the priority direction is the right flank, the railway and the railway bridge. This is where the focus should be the main strengths of your team. Picture 3 shows this direction blue arrows. However, Don't rush straight to the bridge. First of all, you should evaluate the team setups, and also make sure that your team supports you in a sufficient number of tanks and only then take numbered positions on a given flank: 1 - if there is a completely insufficient number of allied tanks going to the iron and you cannot be called a strike group and rather the flank is abandoned, 2 - if a powerful group of allies is gathering on a piece of hardware, but you are not confident of success, based on an analysis of the enemy setup, 3 - if a truly powerful strike force of your team, filled with medium and fast tanks, with the support of heavily armored allies, as well as tank destroyers, is deployed in this direction.

White arrows Possible directions of movement of light tanks along the lake coast are indicated. According to the lower arrows, there is a chance of highlighting enemies traveling to the bridge, and according to the upper arrows, the fireflies provide information about the number of enemies heading to the city; they also illuminate the enemy hill, on which tank destroyers are most likely located.

Movement to positions on the hills is indicated red arrows. There is nothing interesting here - you get there, stand in the bush and wait.

A very controversial and ambiguous direction to the town is highlighted in yellow. Whether you need to come here, decide for yourself. I advise you to support your allies on the right flank. To understand what difficulties you will have to face when attacking the city, look at picture 4:

Picture 4. Attack through the city.

So, in this case, I took the top respawn command as an example (although the directions for both commands are not fundamentally different). Yellow arrows your movement is indicated and the first thing you may encounter on the way to the town is a quick illumination from a nimble and arrogant firefly, at which both artillery and tank destroyers can fire. After this, you will have to fight in the city with enemy tanks, and even if you successfully capture the city, your further advance will be filled with dangers. When leaving the town, you will run into resistance from tank destroyers from the hills, and you will also remain open to gunfire; in addition, the enemies hidden in the hollow will also complicate your progress. Well, at the approaches to the base you will be shot (most often with impunity) by opponents from behind the railway. You will hardly be able to go through all these “circles of hell”, and it will be even more difficult to return from here to the defense of your own base in the event of a breakthrough on the right flank. Take a close look at picture 4 and understand for yourself how unprofitable and uncomfortable this direction is.

How to play on Live Oaks wot (using the example of the top base).

Picture 5. Attack across the bridge.

But here is a tactic that is more justified. In addition to the obvious advantages that this direction provides (closedness from the rest of the map, many shelters in the folds of the terrain), there is another very important advantage - after capturing the bridge, you have a variety of options for further actions. You are no longer obliged to follow one specific path, but have the right to choose from which side to enter enemy positions. This can be clearly seen in picture 5 follow the yellow arrows: Much less danger, less collision points, and much more variability.

In custody.

The Live Oaks map is not the most successful for most tanks in our game: some will not have enough space, some will not have enough cover, some will not have enough vertical angles, and heavy tanks I would like to fight hiding behind the city houses; besides, the map is very limited in possible directions for attack, of which there are only two. Nevertheless, we can play here and say that the card does not fit into the balance of the game at all, it is stupid, at least as long as our game contains cards such as Sandy River. On Live Oak, it practically doesn’t matter what tank you go into battle with, the gameplay still won’t differ dramatically, however, you need to learn how to analyze the enemy’s setup and take the right positions depending on it.

This concludes our review of the worldoftanks Live Oaks map. Thank you for your attention and see you soon, friends!

Square K5 (lower rep)

Live Ox is, in principle, an open map, but all the fatty and tasty targets usually go to the city where they cannot be reached. That's why I prefer to cover the bridge. Of course, wanting to shorten the distance, I always drive closer. At this point, the actual priority direction is lines H and J. The bridge truss makes it somewhat difficult to transfer the fire to the center. The hill that hides us, at the same time creates a dead zone of about 250 meters in the right direction. Since retreating from this point is problematic, think ahead - if you see that the defense is about to be broken through, retreat immediately. Well, another significant disadvantage of this point is that often noobs, even seeing that the art is standing next to them, crowd together under the bridge and wait for the distribution of festive lyuli. In this scenario, you need to rewind immediately.

Good cover here equals limiting the firing range.

The minimum firing distance is 250 meters.

PROS: Camouflage, short firing range.

MINUSES: The firing sector is significantly limited, and the escape routes are not covered.

Square G0 (top rep)

WITH opposite side everything is better. The point is spacious, the firing range is gorgeous, fireflies don’t travel here - in general, it’s a raspberry. The peculiarity of this position is that even if hunters have arrived at the base, you can turn around and while they are distracted by artillery in square B0, hit someone in the stern for maximum damage. It's easy enough to retreat from here in any direction.

The distance is 260 meters, from there we don’t shine, by the way.

We need to position ourselves so that the ground and bushes in the center cover us from possible exposure.

PROS: Camouflage, short firing range, wide field of fire, absence of hunters.

MINUSES: the effectiveness of the position very much depends on the actions of the team - if you see that the defense on the bridge is bad - immediately leave.

The location appeared in the game after the release of patch 0.7.2 and many players really liked it. This is the first American map with the introduction of the natural flavor of America in the 30s. The map size is 1000 by 1000 meters, the battle level is from 4 to 11. The map has many palm trees, cotton plantations and wetlands. It seems as if you are in Florida and under the bridges alligators are about to gnaw through the bottom of the tank and devour the entire crew. Live Oaks World of Tanks is a very dynamic map: you won’t be able to sit at the base and shoot. You still have to go to the enemy. Conventionally, the map can be divided into two zones: city and railway. These are the main battle sites.

Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment.

The map has only 2 directions for tank movement. In the middle, in the swamp, you can shine, but you won’t leave alive.


  1. Position (Priority) - the city is engaged for defense and breakthrough to the base. It is also possible to see artefacts from below at the beginning of the battle.


  1. Position (Priority) - also for heavy weights. The place for the clearance is selected between the houses (B4).
  2. The position is a bridge for both teams. You need to hold or retreat to the base.

The breakthrough occurs along the arrows, avoiding contact with the enemy in the bushes and the base with the destruction of artillery.

Harmful positions: position under the gland - H9. A common place for enemy clashes.

It is not uncommon for a battle to begin with unequal numbers. There may be pts, cords and art to help!

A quick takedown of your allies and you're left alone against a bunch of reds.

And you won’t have time to escape!

Successful positions on Live Oak.


For each of the bases, the tactics are approximately the same. Both teams are divided into two groups - one goes to the city, the other to the railway. In the city, heavy vehicles are safer: they don’t see artillery there and the only thing to be wary of is the enemy’s TT. The hardware is generally lame. The hottest battles break out under bridges. This is where opponents meet. The card is also convenient for. Often the STs are driven along the edge of the swamp (with the hope of seeing an alligator). It is possible that they will be used on other routes. It often happens that medium tanks choose hardware as their main focus. But there is a very bottleneck and the maneuverability of the ST, which allows them to survive, is lost. You can also go to the city, but I wouldn’t want to fall under the heavy hand of TT. So, in both one and the other team, it is better to send the ST along the edge of the swamp. Moreover, the art is not so far from it. On the map you can stand close to the bases, hiding behind shelters. The hills and the bridge are positions . In principle, there is no difference between the first and second teams. The only thing is that the second team’s TTs get to the city first; it’s closer for them to get there, which can be considered a slight advantage. But the first team can get to the hardware faster. Whether this is an advantage or not is difficult to say. The place there is quite rotten: there is nowhere to hide, maneuverability is reduced to nothing, and dying there is just a piece of cake. So I would advise the first team to simply protect the hardware. Fortunately, they have a place to do this. Warehouses, not far from the respawn, are an excellent shelter and all the enemies are in full view.

I will end here. I think that after some time, we will already know a wide variety of tactics on this map. That's all for now. Good luck to all!

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We continue our series with material about the Live Oaks card. tactical reviews game cards"World of Tanks".

At first sight…

At first glance (and it will not be deceptive), the card is conducive to playing on PT<. This is facilitated by a fairly spacious central part of the map with a sufficient number of terrain folds for PT (zone 1 in the figure below), as well as many convenient ambushes in some of its areas with an excellent firing zone for PT (zones 2, 3, 4, 5). However, on the other hand, this advantage can also turn into a disadvantage if you are attacked by a group of enemy tanks or lighted by light tanks - unfortunately, nothing will save you from artillery in these positions. The small urban area (area 6 in the picture below) at the edge of the map and the bridge area (area 7 in the picture below) are classic TT combat locations. Positions 8, 9 and 10 are usually replete with dying artillery self-propelled guns.

It is worth saying that “Live Oaks” is perhaps the first map on which the developers tested and implemented such an innovation as terrain folds in the center of the map, which were mentioned above. The players liked the new product, especially against the backdrop of the controversy about Malinovka, where a huge part of the map (the field) is practically not suitable for play due to the flat terrain. Summarizing the above, we can conclude that one of the decisive moments of the battle here will be the fight between “light” and “light”.

It also immediately becomes clear that Live Oaks is, first and foremost, a defensive card. However, about everything in detail.


Starting the game from the red spawn, if you are a PT, then your main advantages are several positions for ambush and shooting at light in the direction of the bridge and approaches to it (1), as well as approaches to the city (2). The bush in position 1 is L-shaped, thus protecting you from both the front and starboard side. And the distance to the center of the map, where LTs usually appear, is sufficient to prevent exposure in time. And this is one of the directions of fire from this position (1a).

If the exposure was prevented in time, and you are not threatened by a suitcase Armageddon in the middle of an open field, then your next targets will most likely be located in directions b (by that time your allies will have approached a sufficient distance to the bridge to illuminate the enemies on it and on the other side ), in (having started a battle within the city limits, your TTs will definitely highlight enemies who are on the way to the city or in ambush on its outskirts).

Separately, it is worth considering the direction z (Fig. below). This is what makes it interesting: unlike the green base, where to defend it you will have to return and thereby reveal yourself, on the red base, if the enemy breaks through the city, you just need to turn around and take a position on the other side of the bushes. This tactic was often used when there were at least 2 strong tank tanks in the team. The point is that several tanks should delay the enemy in the city (based on the shorter distance to the city from the red base, they will get there faster and have time to occupy advantageous positions), giving time to the others to break through the bridge. Of course, the city will be lost, however, during this time the rest of the team will be able to reach the enemy base. And who knows whether he will behave as collectedly and calmly after this.

Meanwhile, the tanks located in position 1 fire at targets carefreely leaving the city they occupied. Here, for obvious reasons, it is very important to have a stereo tube and a pumped-up camouflage. Plus, when leaving the city, the enemies you illuminated are open to artillery fire. I think there is no more merciless death in World of Tanks than death from nowhere. Enemy artillery, having seen your allies close, is unlikely to do anything other than save its own skin, and you should not expect special attention from it if you are spotted by tanks leaving the city.

This simple maneuver, based on a basic understanding of the features of the map, in most cases leads to victory with lightning-fast and well-thought-out actions, as well as a clear understanding of their tasks by each player.

Another option for a team loaded at a red base is to take the city and, conversely, hold the bridge. However, having taken the city, the team can literally be killed on the approaches to the city on the other side, where there are several ambushes for anti-tank vehicles, which will be assisted by their artillery. In other words, taking a city is a necessary thing, but it does not determine anything and does not have sufficient potential to develop into victory. On the bridge, in this case, it will be possible to observe mutual illumination and a shooting gallery. Here, what most often decides is the difference in the technical and mental superiority of one or another artillery.

By the way, if the team decided to break through the city (especially, as was said earlier, this is facilitated by the shorter distance from the red base to the city than from the green base in the same direction), then first it would be rational to send allied tanks into the center of the map , which will illuminate enemies approaching the city from the other side, as well as PTs located in ambush on the approach to the city. The more tanks the team can destroy by spotting, the less losses the city will be taken and the more painlessly the team will be able to overcome the PT ambushes on its approaches from the other side.


Despite the fact that, it would seem, after describing the features of the red base, the green ones cannot stand a chance, they still have them. And what other ones.

Here, as stated at the very beginning of the review, the main role, despite the defensive features of the map, is played by LTs. As shown in the figure below, to get the most out of your potential, light tanks you need to be able to break through the center and expose as many enemy tanks as possible, taking advantage of the folds of the terrain in the center of the map.

Thus, your PTs will be able to fire at illuminated enemy TTs heading into the city, making the task of allied TTs in the city easier. Artillery need not rush to choose a position at the very beginning of the battle, but immediately wait for light. After all, at Live Oaks the “light” usually does not go deep into the enemy’s defensive ranks, but only illuminates his attacking groups, which are most convenient for shelling by his allies.

TTs that entered the city from the green base usually act further according to the situation: if the enemy is badly damaged by PT guns, then it is necessary to quickly finish with him. If not, then it would be more advisable to lure him into the alleys, which are fired upon by allied PTs.

In the meantime, the next important task of the LT is to illuminate enemy tanks covering the bridge and base in the bushes closer to the water. Being illuminated, they will not be able to escape artillery fire.

CTs will feel most comfortable on the bridge, where, thanks to their speed, they will be a difficult target for enemy artillery, and will also impose maneuverable close combat on enemy PTs defending the bridge from the railway side. If the PTs are destroyed, then the STs, taking advantage of the cover of the D\J embankment, will be able to break through to the enemy artillery located directly ahead with almost impunity.

Thus, for a team with a green base, a rational distribution of responsibilities, lightning speed and strict adherence to the plan are more necessary. After all, in essence, the team’s task is to take the enemy in a “vice.” And this is exactly the case when victory can be ensured by one high-quality light.


“Live Oaks” is a more than interesting and thoughtful map in terms of tactical inclinations, techniques and capabilities. Teams have quite equal chances of winning and everything depends only on the quality of the tasks performed by each player, since the main springboards potentially serve as good foundations for victory.
