The best online games. League of Legends – MOBA game from Riot Games Game review lol

I met literally three days ago, but already during this time I was able to fully appreciate all the advantages of this creation by one of the creators of Defense of the Ancients or Dota. LoL - conditional free game, the client can be said from the official website, and she lives thanks to microtransactions. But this has almost no effect on the balance. In addition, almost 80% of all content can be purchased using Influence Points, which we receive for participating in battles. Before we look at LoL in more detail, here is a link to the client, whoever wants to run together, write to PM. The game itself weighs only about 600 MB + 400 MB of patches and runs even on old laptops.

After downloading the game and registering, you get to the main menu, where you can start a battle, walk around the store or go to our profile window and see a lot of interesting things. For example, you will be allowed to customize your character to suit your play style. First of all, you should pay attention to the tree of runes and talents. As we gain new levels, new slots will open up where we can insert runes of various types and levels, as well as distribute talent points to the necessary branches.

I wouldn't say that this is a stupid Dota clone compared to Heroes of Newerth. Unlike its father, LoL has cartoon graphics, which, however, come in handy here and several new innovations. The character designs are very cool and detailed. Most of all, this style reminds me of the new King’s Bounty and emphasizes the fantasy direction of the game.

Let's talk about the profile window. The first place we will go is the book of runes. There are three types of runes: Tier 1, 2 and 3. The higher the tier, the better the characteristics of each rune, but this will require more high level. In addition, there are 4 more subtypes of runes that are responsible for certain directions in development. Each subtype of runes has its own slots that open as levels increase.

Next, let's go to the talent menu. For each level we receive one talent point, which we can distribute in any of the three branches - Offense\Defense\Utility. You will have to adjust your build for each hero, but of course this will not have a particularly strong effect on your hero. He will simply have a 7-8% higher crit chance and a lower ability cooldown.

Upon reaching a certain level, new skills will also be revealed to us that can save or kill the victim at the most critical moment. At first there are only six of them out of twelve, but only two are allowed into battle. For example, one skill allows you to teleport to nearby mobs, another slows down the enemy or heals you and your allies.

The gameplay is quite similar to Dota, we have two bases that need to be destroyed and three paths along which our and enemy mobs run. Along these paths there are 3 towers that shoot at you upon close contact. The essence of the confrontation is to prevent the destruction of our towers and base. In addition, behind the third tower there is a special structure, the destruction of which will summon special champion mobs that cause serious damage and have a lot of hp.

The playing style can be any. You can make your character a half-mage into a vampire damage dealer, master the art of stealth, or take all the enemy damage on yourself, distracting enemy heroes. The maximum allowed size of battles is 5 vs 5.
There are also neutral monsters that live in forests, for killing which we receive experience, gold and a buff for a certain time.

It’s also worth talking about the in-game store. Unlike Dota, there are no particularly complex recipes, so you won’t really need to memorize them. One or two items are enough to create something much more powerful for a higher price. And by the way, there is only one store here - now you don’t need to run from one store to another, buying rare things. This greatly simplifies the game, making it more understandable for beginners.

In conclusion, I want to say that the developers have produced a fairly good Dota clone, with a couple of new features and new heroes. Download the client and I think you won’t regret it. Thank you for your attention.

P.S. Video for those who still doubt.

In this review, I will try to tell you about what the game League of Legends is and how to start playing it. The game was announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009. The game is a mixture of strategy and RPG. The game concept is based on famous game DotA Allstars, and one of the DotA Allstars developers, Steve "Guinsoo" Fick, was involved in the project.

The game is distributed using the Free2Play model. You can register and download the game at Now let's take a closer look at the game.


After installing the game, launch the Launcher and wait until it downloads and installs the necessary patches. After that, click the Play button in the lower right corner.

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

1) Play button. By clicking on it, you will be taken to a screen where you can select the desired mode and start the game.

2) Shop. In it you can purchase new champions, runes, skins, etc.

3) Your profile. In it you can view your statistics, game history, available champions, set up master skills, runes, and more.

4) History of the League of Legends. Here you can familiarize yourself with the history of the League of Legends world.

5) Help. An unnecessary button for you if you are reading this.

6) Settings.

7) Returns you to the main screen.

8) Open chats are shown here.

9) List of your friends, chat list and reminders of important events.

Now let's look at the interface inside the game.

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

1) Your portrait and level, your current characteristics, your items and your gold are shown here.

2) Your abilities and buttons are shown here, when you click on them you can use this or that ability, your current and maximum amount health and mana.

3) Mini-map. It displays all champions, minions and towers that are in your or your allies’ line of sight.

4) Here are the rest of your team members.

5) This shows which champion is currently highlighted.

6) This shows the game time, the score of your kills/deaths/assists and the overall game score.

Let's now go through the game tutorial. To do this, click the Play button, select Tutorials on the left and then Launch. Go through the Basic tutorial first and then the Battle training.

Now we can start our first match. But first, let's look at what game modes there are.

Basic Rules

The game has 3 maps and 2 game modes: classic and dominion. The game mode is tied to a specific map. In each mode, players are divided into 2 equal teams. On the Summoner's Rift and Crystal Scar maps they play 5 on 5, and on the Twisted Treeline map 3 on 3. At the beginning of the game, players are on opposite ends of the map near their spawn point, which is located near the “Nexus”. The Nexus is the team’s main base. The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy's Nexus. Let's take a closer look at each card.


Summoner's Rift

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

The oldest, but also the most popular map- This is Summoner's Rift. The map is the closest analogue of the DotA map, which consists of 2 team bases connected by 3 roads along which “minions” walk. Minions are small creatures that appear at the nexus every 30 seconds and begin to walk along their line. Along the way, they can attack enemy minions, champions, and towers.

There are towers on each road, 3 for each team. Towers are strong defensive structures that automatically attack enemy champions or minions. Behind the third tower there is a special building - an inhibitor. When an enemy inhibitor is destroyed, your Nexus will begin sending one super minion to your lane with each wave of minions. A super minion is much stronger than a regular minion, which gives a significant advantage in the game. In order to destroy the “Nexus” and win the game, you need to destroy all 3 towers on the line, the inhibitor and 2 more towers located directly in front of the nexus in order.

Between the roads there is a forest in which there are neutral monsters. The forest is symmetrical for each team (that is, the location of monsters on its territory is symmetrical for both teams). Neutral monsters for killing them bring experience and gold, some and special “buffs” that temporarily strengthen your champion or the entire team as a whole. Let's look at the neutral monster location map.

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

1) Giant wolf and 2 ordinary wolves. They have a small amount of health and little damage. They have the “Critical Strike” ability.

2) 2 golems. They have more health and higher damage.

3) Witch and 3 ghosts. They have a small amount of health and little damage. Take less damage from physical attacks.

4) An ancient golem with 2 young lizards. A strong opponent with a lot of lives and a strong attack. The hero who kills him receives a buff that gives a 20% reduction in the cooldown time of abilities and accelerated mana recovery. The buff lasts for 2.5 minutes.

5) The oldest lizard with 2 young lizards. This monster is similar in strength to an ancient golem. The hero who kills him receives a buff that slows down the enemy from physical attacks and small additional damage for 2.5 minutes.

6) Dragon. The second most powerful monster. If he is killed, each team member receives 190 gold.

7) Baron Nashor. The most powerful monster in the game. Killing usually requires a team effort. Gives 300 gold and a buff to everyone on your team. The buff grants 40 AP (ability power), 40 AD (attack damage), health regeneration equal to 3% of your maximum health over 5 seconds, and mana regeneration equal to 1% of your maximum mana over 5 seconds. The buff lasts for 4 minutes.

Twisted Treeline

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

The second and last map for today for the classic mode. main feature maps is that this is the only map played by a team of 3 on 3. This map offers faster gameplay, since the game duration is lower and the gameplay is more intense. The basic rules of the game are similar to Summoner's Rift, but on this map there are only 2 lines with 2 towers on each, and the nexus is protected by only 1 tower. The close arrangement of the lines allows you to quickly move from one to another if necessary. A smaller number of players leads to , that some champions and their roles become less useful than in a 5v5 game, for example, supports.

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

The forest is located at the top and in the middle (bottom forest). In the lower forest there are monsters such as a Lizard, a Young Lizard, a Golem or a Ghost and three Lesser Ghosts. Also in the center of the lower forest is Dreaming, the Lizard Lord. It gives the same buff as the Elder Lizard on Summoner's Rift (slowing down the enemy from physical attacks and small additional damage). In the upper forest there are a Giant Wolf and 2 regular wolves or 2 golems, a Raging Wolf (giving a buff for 1 minute, which increases attack speed by 20% and reduces the cooldown of abilities by 10%), a giant wolf or Ghast (giving a buff for 1 minute that increases movement speed by 30%), 2 ghosts and a Dragon, which gives a buff to all living allied champions, increasing their damage from both attacks and abilities by 1% per level, up to 18% at level 18.

Crystal Scar

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League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

The newest map to date and the only one in the new Dominion mode. The difference between Dominion and the classic game mode is that here you need to capture and hold towers. There are 5 towers located in a circle on the map. The team that controls more towers begins to reduce the opposing team's points. Each team starts the game with 500 points, and the team that is the first to reduce the opponent's points to 0 wins. Both champions and minions can capture the tower. To capture a tower by a champion, you need to click on it, and after a while the tower will first become neutral and then be captured by your team. During the capture, the tower does not attack anyone. If a champion receives damage from other champions during a capture, the capture is broken and a new capture can only be started after a short period of time. You can only capture other people's and neutral towers. If you and your opponent begin to simultaneously capture a neutral tower, then the capture will be disrupted for everyone. In the sector between your tower and the enemy’s tower, minions will begin to move. They are somewhat different from minions in classic mode, but can also help capture enemy towers. Once captured, minions from that sector die.

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

There are no neutral monsters on this map, but in the center there are several points with buffs, which can be obtained simply by walking through them. The Relic of Health will instantly give you health and mana, and the Shrine of Speed ​​will increase your movement speed by 30%. In the center of the map, each team has one Great Relic. It can only be taken by 1 champion, and its automatic recovery occurs after 3 minutes. The champion who takes it receives a shield that protects him from 212.5+(12.5*level) units of damage and, when attacking, deals an additional 90+(10*level) units of magic damage, but not more often than once every 4 seconds . The duration of this buff is 50 seconds.

The champions on this map start the game immediately at level 3 and have 1375 gold. This card also has a special aura that gives:

12% armor penetration

5% magic penetration

healing abilities reduced by 20%

increased mana regeneration

continuous experience

increased amount of gold received

Reduced amount of gold for killing champions

increased amount of gold for killing minions

reduced respawn time

Also on this map a points system has appeared, showing how successfully you play.

Now that you know about the game modes and maps, it remains to learn about the champions.


League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

Each champion in the League of Legends is unique, there are 97 of them at the time of writing this review, and new ones are released approximately 2 times a month. All champions can be conditionally grouped into several classes depending on their role in the game. Also, each champion has its own unique set of characteristics and 5 abilities, one of which is passive, and 1 is an ultra ability. Upon gaining a level, a player can upgrade any ability to his champion except passive. The ultra ability has only 3 levels and can only be increased at levels 6, 11 and 16. You can view the abilities of each specific champion in your profile in the Champions tab.


League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

Let's now look at what champion stats mean.

Health. Shows how much damage a champion can take before dying.

Health regeneration. Shows how much health the champion will restore in 5 seconds.

Mana. Shows how much mana the champion has. Mana is required to use champion abilities. Some champions have no mana, but have energy. Energy is restored noticeably faster than mana, but its amount cannot be increased by things. If a champion has neither mana nor energy, then he can usually use abilities to cool them down.

Mana regeneration. Shows how much mana the champion will restore in 5 seconds.

Attack damage. Shows how much physical damage a champion deals when using a basic attack. Can also affect some abilities.

Attack speed. Shows how many basic attacks the champion can deal in 1 second. Has a maximum of 2.5.

Critical strike. Shows the chance of landing a critical hit. Critical strike deals 200% damage, but can be increased with runes or the Infinity Edge item.

Life steal. Shows what percentage of the physical damage you inflict will return to you in the form of health.

Ability power. Shows how much stronger your abilities will become. Not all abilities depend on this parameter.

Cooldown reduction. Shows how much the cooldowns of your abilities will decrease. Has a maximum of 40%.

Spell vamp. Shows what percentage of the magical damage you inflict will return to you in the form of health.

Armor. Shows protection from physical attacks. Damage reduction is calculated using the formula 100/(100+armor). For example, with 50 units of protection from physical damage (armor), a basic attack of 100 AD will deal 50 damage to you.

Magic resistance. Shows protection from magical attacks. It is calculated using the same formula as armor.

Armor penetration. Shows how much the armor of enemy champions is reduced.

Magic penetration. Shows how much Magic resistance of enemy champions is reduced.

Movement speed. Shows the champion's movement speed.

Team roles

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

Let's now categorize the champions according to their roles on the team.

1) Support. Helps the team. Usually it heals, gives a shield, speeds up or, conversely, slows down, stuns or knocks up opponents. The most typical champions for this role: Soraka, Sona, Janna, Taric.

2) AD Carry. Deals a large amount of physical damage, while trying not to receive damage in return. Usually has a very small amount of health. As a rule, they become stronger towards the end of the game. The most typical champions for this role: Ashe, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Graves.

3) AP Carry. Deals a large amount of magical damage, while trying not to receive damage in return. Usually has a very small amount of health. Typically stronger at the beginning of the game than at the end. The most typical champions for this role: Annie, Karthus, Brand, Malzahar.

4) Tank. Has a large amount of health and protection. At the same time, it has abilities that prevent the opposing team from attacking your team. The most typical champions for this role: Rammus, Shen, Alistar, Amumu.

5) Offtank. It has a decent amount of health and defense, but does not lose in attack. The most typical champions for this role: Garen, Warwick, Wukong, Sion.

For successful game It is desirable to have all groups of champions in the team.

Now you already know how to start the game, the main maps and game modes, the main parameters of champions and their roles in the team, and you are quite ready for independent battles in this wonderful game.

Game store

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

And a few more words about the game store. Donation in this game is the purchase of boosts for experience and money, the purchase of champions and very high-quality and beautiful skins. For every new player, by default all champions are blocked and cannot be played. They are purchased through the in-game store for both in-game and virtual money. There are also 8 champions that can be played throughout the week without purchasing them (called free champions of the week). These champions change every week. Below are several skins.

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help

League of Legends Review, Newbie Help


And at the end of my review, I would like to hope that you liked it, and you discovered something new in this wonderful game.

League of Legends is a MOBA played all over the world and holds the top spot on Twitch

You have all heard about such a gaming genre as MOBA, without which it is difficult to imagine game world. For those who first encountered this genre, I will explain. MOBA is a game genre that includes elements of real-time strategy and role-playing game. A little later I will tell you more about this genre of games.

IN modern world there are many various games in this genre. Most of them are shareware and are frequently updated for balance. Here you can choose a game for every taste. The very first was “Dota” (Defense of the Ancients), which was a modification for “ Warcraft III: Frozen Throne."

Models of the heroes were taken from the original game, a map and a multiplayer mode were created. There were 2 teams in the game, they had to fight each other and the one that would be the first to destroy the enemy’s throne won. It was something new in the genre computer games, which is why Dota attracted new players into its ranks.

League of Legends was created by one of the Dota developers after the project folded

League of Legends was the second MOBA game. By the way, it was created by one of the Dota developers; after the project died and they stopped updating it, the developers decided to go their separate ways. And some went to work for Valve, to create the 2nd part, while others decided to go on a solo voyage and create something completely new, unlike a “Dota” game, with their own heroes, maps and many other features. The idea was to continue the history of the MOBA genre, but improve it slightly. Actually, this is how “League of Legends” was born.

The game had innovative graphics, completely different mechanics, and the gameplay, although slightly, was still different from Dota. But the developers still managed to create a game that still holds first place in the Twitch top. This game is played all over the world. A huge number of people watch tournaments on it. I think the developers are very proud of the work they've done.

In the world of Vunter there is the island of Volaran, where there is an eternal confrontation between the two sworn enemies of Demassius and Noxus, good and evil.

There is no plot as such in the game, but the developers have come up with a description for each hero. And if you carefully delve into the history of each character, you can understand that, no matter what, there is a plot in the game. In the world of Vunter there is the island of Volaran, where there is an eternal confrontation between the two sworn enemies Demasius and Noxus, in general, good and evil.

Due to the constant battles, the island was destroyed and turned into a scorched desert, and the inhabitants of Voloran thought that they needed to somehow stop this and created the League of Legends. Let him allow all disputes to be resolved on the fields of justice. Champions summoned by interrupters must fight as one of the combatants to destroy the enemy's Nexus. No one will dare to accuse this method of resolving conflicts as meaningless, because the League of Legends was created by three of the strongest interrupters. Therefore, champions are forced to fight each other to satisfy their commanders

The game begins with training, after playing up to level 3, you will already have access to games against real people

At the beginning of the game, you must complete a tutorial that will introduce you to all the features of the game. Afterwards you will have access to a game with bots, in which you will learn better cards and learn how to play some characters. Having reached the 3rd level, you will already have access to games against real people, where you can put the acquired knowledge into practice. Yes, until the 3rd level you will not have access to the mode with real people, but don’t be upset, this is being done for your own good. Firstly, you will be able to get to know the game better and game process, before they call you a noob. And secondly, people who have been playing League of Legends for several years won’t have to deal with a person who doesn’t even know what buttons to press.

The search for the game takes place in the game client, which does not slow down your computer much. In this menu, you can buy a new champion, look at existing ones, dress him up, set up your profile, read updates, etc. And yes, the game has a huge number of skins, so you will definitely find your style.

In terms of gameplay, ranked games are no different from regular games, you are simply matched with opponents based on your skills

After the game matches you with players by level, several champions of the week will be available to you. These characters change every week, so newcomers always have a choice of who to play as. Also this good way try out the hero before purchasing it. After choosing a champion, we must choose runes that will help us during the game. Heals, blinks, shields and much more that will strengthen our character.

Well, then you get to the respawn, where you buy the necessary things and go to the line. Level up, earn experience, money, buy new items and become stronger. If possible, try to cooperate with your allies to kill your enemy. Push the lane, kill forest mobs with your team, and ultimately destroy the enemy Nexus. This is precisely the main goal of the game. But to achieve it, you need to become stronger than your opponent. The game has a lot of features, thanks to which “League of Legends” can keep you engaged for many hours.

Also, the game has a ranked game, which will become available from level 30 and after purchasing 20 champions. This is done so that over 30 levels a person can gain experience and not spoil the game for others. In terms of gameplay, ranked games are no different from regular games. The only difference is that you play with people who are selected based on your skills. In this mode, you are assigned a certain rank. When you win, you are given a certain number of points, and when you lose, they are taken away.

In “League of Legends,” unlike “Dota,” all the heroes are not available to you; each of them will have to be purchased either for in-game currency or for real money.

Although the game is a MOBA genre, it is still different from its parent. In “League of Legends,” unlike “Dota,” all the heroes are not available to you; each of them will have to be purchased either for in-game currency or for real money. This function, by the way, has been adopted by many games of this genre. Essentially, you have an incentive to play League and buy new heroes.

In general, there is variety in the game. Also, when you kill some monsters, they can begin to help you push the line or simply give some buffs. In general, the forest in “League of Legends” is fraught with many secrets that an inexperienced player will still have to unravel. These were only the most important differences, in fact there are more of them: bushes. runes at the beginning, several locations and much more. The main thing is that the developers were able to create a game that, although it is a MOBA genre, is still a completely different game that you are unlikely to confuse with any other.

League of Legends - trailer

The famous MOVA, distributed using a shareware model. The game is extremely popular, with more than 67 million people logging into it every month. At the same time, the game is an official e-sports discipline in the World Cyber ​​Games. Currently, it features 127 champions, who differ from each other in basic parameters and abilities.

General information

This project is the twin brother of the DotA game, which actually has several distinctive features. Generally game plot remains the same: the same two teams appearing at different ends of the map, called upon to penetrate the enemy’s lair and destroy the hated crystals. Three paths leading from one base to another are filled with aggressive mobs, killing which allows you to gain useful experience and improve your skills.


The general concept of the game has not changed, but the abundance of fresh details can revive the lost interest. The game has 127 heroes - champions, each of whom is endowed with unique abilities. All characters are divided into several classes: tanks, mages, shooters, assassins, support and warriors.

When choosing a hero, you must also decide which runes he will be able to open in the process of his development. Runes allow you to apply various positive effects: increased defense, increased melee damage, etc. The choice of runes will be directly related to the character's class and its purpose. Destroying opponents will also allow you to unlock various passive skills designed to strengthen your character.

Additional features

In addition, the player himself will be able to play the role of a sorcerer helping his champion on the battlefield. When choosing a character, you will have to choose two devastating spells that you can use once the hero reaches the proper level. Imagine what incredible tactical combinations you can come up with and implement during the game. How much room for imagination the developers provide, offering such an abundance of characters, runes, and spells. All this is decorated with high-quality and stylish graphics, and therefore the game corresponds to its predecessor in both form and content.


Training mode - designed for beginners who have never tried games in the MOVA genre. Over the course of two games, the gamer will be sequentially introduced to basic concepts, tactics and basic skills.

Custom Mode - Here players can create their own games. IN this mode Uneven team compositions are possible (2x5), as well as a combination of players and bots (AI-controlled champions).

Classic mode - consists of several maps (Summoner's Rift - 5x5 players fight on 3 lines in the forest, which is inhabited by neutral monsters and powerful upgrades; Cursed Forest - 3x3 players fight on 2 lines, at the start the champions have more gold and fight for neutral targets placed in the forest; Howling Abyss - 5x5, only 1 line, the summoner platform does not heal, and the purchase of an item is possible only after the death of the champion; Crystal Canyon - 5 control points, which are located near the relic, which gives the team enormous power, champions start with 3; level and swing very quickly).

Ranked type - only those players who have reached level 30 are allowed here. From here, gamers enter the League System, which is based on match results.

ARAM - on the Howling Abyss map, the player receives a random champion (2 re-selections or replacement with an ally are available).

Assembling Items

An important element of the gameplay on any character is the correct assembly of items. The application, of course, cannot see all your enemies and tell you what exactly is worth buying, but it will tell you some basic things. For example, I play the character Sona, since this is a support and until I figure out how everything works here, I just support the team. So, you open the application, look for a character and click on his icon, you will immediately be shown a list of items that are recommended to be collected for the character. There are also items here that are recommended to be purchased at the beginning of the game, and there is also a skill leveling tree, so that you know which skills are best to pump out right away, and which ones later. And in general, it describes which trowels to take, which runes, and so on, you can study everything and play more correctly than you would just play at random.

In addition to the usual assemblies, which are not always suitable in certain situations, you can look at the assemblies professional players. This is convenient, as you can trace some tricks that a beginner would not recommend to you. For example, I noticed that absolutely all pro-level players buy Tear of Godness on Sona, although I would not have seen this in the recommended ones. Such little things allow you to better understand the gameplay and defeat an opponent who does not use these tips. Plus, you can see in what order pro-players collect their items, this is also useful.

View news and broadcasts

The big advantage of the application is the news column, where you can find out about some important events or promotions, and a tab with streams. For example, the game periodically holds promotions for the purchase of characters at a discount, and you will be able to receive news about this as quickly as possible. Next, you can simply pick up your smartphone and see which tournaments have taken place, which are planned and on what date, you can open a tab with broadcasts of popular users and follow their play. In general, everything is up to your taste and skills.

Bottom line

You're probably wondering why I'm telling you everything. The fact is that the popularity of the game is growing and it’s impossible not to notice it - quite a lot of users are switching to this MOBA game and we also follow these trends. So there will be even more newcomers, which means I would like to do something to help those who do not have more experienced friends who could advise what and when to buy, what characters to take and what skills to upgrade. It’s cool when there are such applications, plus there are absolutely no donations here, only advertising, which does not interfere at all. Use it!

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