The best premium tank in WoT. The most farmable tanks in World of Tanks Farm tanks in the game world of tanks

Choosing the best non-premium tanks for farming silver in World of Tanks Today we will look at the best tanks for earning silver, premium tanks will be excluded! Heavy tanks. 5th place – KV-2. KV-2 is a Tier 6 Soviet tank. Main advantages: good armor, choice between two powerful weapons. Being on the KV-2 at the top, you can bend well, and being at the bottom of the list, you can do a good job of annoying 8 levels with a shaitanka. By installing a weapon at level 7 (damage 300, penetration 167), you can deal good damage with levels 6-7 (with 8 it’s a bit difficult). By placing a shaitanka you can get a lot of fun from many one-shots and good damage across 8 levels. Of course, the first gun (300, 167mm) is more suitable for farming, and the shaitanka is more suitable for fun. Therefore, I would advise you to still install a 107 mm gun (level 7) if you are going to farm. The average farm is 10-15k credits. 4th place – Churchill I (British). British heavy tank tier 5. It has pretty good armor for its level and a good weapon. At the top of the list, this machine can rip anything without much effort, just use it correctly. Try to become a diamond in the Churchill as much as possible and tank with the side away from the buildings. A beating of 145mm is quite enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels it will be harder. Thanks to good accuracy, you can target various vulnerable spots and penetrate enemies. The average farm is also 10-15k credits. 3rd place – T1 Heavy. American heavy tank tier 5. It has excellent frontal armor, good mobility and a very average gun. The problem with the heavy is that it is useless with level 7 tanks, the only salvation is gold shells, and using them, you will generally go into the red (I’m generally silent about farming). Excellent frontal armor and good mobility allow us to often rush short flanks, and our gun can attack weakly armored opponents on the move. It’s worth targeting other heavies carefully, or trying to bypass them from other flanks and go into the side or stern. The average farm is still the same 10-15k credits. 2nd place – BDR G1 B. French heavy tank of tier 5. It has average mobility and a very powerful weapon for its level, but very poor armor. The average damage of a top gun is 240 units, allowing you to deal damage even with 7 levels. A hit of 135 mm is quite enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels the same story as with the Churchill. Basically, on the BDR you need to attack from medium distance, because everyone sews it up close. The average farm has finally increased a little, it varies around 12-17k credits. 1st place – KV-1. Here we come to the leader in this group! KV-1 is a Tier 5 Soviet heavy tank. Our KV-1 has excellent armor (similar to the Churchill), a good gun, and average mobility. The KV-1 has many tactics: rush, def, flank, etc. It's universal. And in terms of damage, which we so need for farming, the KV-1 is far from inferior. In an average good battle, the KV-1 deals about 1200-1600 damage, which is a bit much for level 5. As a result, the average farm reaches 14-20k credits. Medium tanks. 5th place – Chi Nu. Japanese medium tank tier 5. It has average mobility and a very powerful, but oblique weapon. The average farm is 12-17k credits. 4th place – Pz IV. German medium tank tier 5. The main advantages are the same as those of the Chi Nu, in addition to good armor and ricocheting of the armor in the forehead. The average farm is the same 12-17k credits. 3rd place – Type T-34. Chinese medium tank tier 5. It has excellent mobility and a medium weapon. Sometimes you can even shine on level 7 tanks. Average farm is 14-19k credits. 2nd place – T-34. Soviet medium tank tier 5. In fact, it and the Type T-34 are one and the same, there are only minor differences. Therefore, everything is the same, including farming. 1st place – M4 Sherman. American medium tank tier 5. It has excellent mobility, a good weapon, and sometimes ricochet armor. You can bend it anywhere with 5, 6, and even 7 levels! The average farm is 16-22k credits. Tank destroyer. 5th place – SU-85. Soviet PT level 5. It has an excellent top-end weapon with good penetration and good mobility. The average farm is 12-16k credits. 4th place – Stug III. German PT level 5. The advantages are the same as the SU-85. For this farm the same 12-16k credits. 3rd place - S35 CA. French PT level 5. It has a very powerful weapon (damage 300, penetration 165mm), which can easily dismantle even level 7 armored tanks, not to mention classmates. The average farm is 15-20k credits. 2nd place – T67. American PT level 5. It is distinguished by its small silhouette, excellent dynamics, high speed and excellent weapons. However, the vehicle has virtually no armor, and the turret rotates slowly. The average farm is the same 15-20k credits. 1st place – M18 Hellcat. American PT level 6. The advantages are the same as those of the T67, but in addition the gun is much more powerful and more penetrating. The average farm is 17-23k credits. As for the other types of tanks (LT and Arta), it is difficult to identify the best ones. Some tanks are better, some are worse, and besides, artillery and tanks are the hardest to farm, because... thanks to the light, they give few credits, and on art after the global nerf it’s hard to damage.

2017 has come to an end, so it’s time to sum up the preliminary results, name the achievements of the past year, and determine the best premium tanks for this gaming season. The information will be useful for those who want to take advantage of New Year's discounts and replenish their hangar with the best premium tanks for farming in order to start 2018 with a bright and enjoyable game. It is worth considering that all such reviews are subjective by default. Our rating is based on the opinions of the majority of players. But this does not mean that all tankers will agree with us.

When compiling a list of the best premium tanks of 2017, the following characteristics are taken into account: profitability, armor, speed and other characteristics. Our mini-review will help you find out all the pros and cons of premium technology in order to accurately find the ideal car for yourself.


Let's name cars that are perfect for farming and earning credits.


Despite the “cardboard” armor, it is one of the most farming tanks at level 8. This machine is designed for any players who use various tactical tricks to get silver and win. Key advantages include incredible maneuverability, excellent visibility, accuracy, and armor penetration. It is better to play from long distances, otherwise it will not be easy to withstand the onslaught of even lower-ranking opponents. When playing this vehicle, play the role of a sniper, support or scout. But this is one of the contenders to enter the top of the best premium tanks for farming.


A fast-firing German heavyweight with a weapon of excellent accuracy with a dispersion of only 0.33 cm/100 m. Due to the excellent visibility of 400 meters, no enemy will go unnoticed. If necessary, it can also be illuminated. One of the best premium tanks for farming in 2017 and deservedly included in the top 5 premium tanks of level 8. But this car also has its drawbacks - low speed and sluggishness. This is a rather clumsy tank, with which you always need to be on your guard. And the armor is not at the highest level - you can get a dangerous shell in the forehead even from a level 5-6 tank. But, despite these disadvantages, Leva is one of the contenders to answer the question of which Tier 8 premium tank is better.


When the conversation turns to which premium tank is the best for farming, this vehicle is always mentioned. With his magnificent weapon, he accurately hits the enemy, and the aim is completed in just 2 minutes. The rate of fire is also high - up to 11 rounds per minute. Any enemy, with the exception of a couple of particularly resistant specimens, breaks through head-on. But this German also has certain disadvantages - clumsiness, excessive dimensions, weak side armor, and low-level armor. It is recommended to play at long or medium distances.


American heavyweight with the best armor penetration at its level. Suitable for combat at medium and close distances. Damage per hit reaches 400 units. However, it should be noted that the accuracy of the information is very mediocre. Therefore, to earn credits you will need experience and skill. Among those who have found an approach to this heavy tank, the T 34 quite claims to be the best Tier 8 premium tank. With this vehicle, we recommend choosing the tactic of pushing through the defense and pushing back enemy forces without stopping in one place.


The undisputed leader among the best premium Tier 8 tanks of 2017 is the Soviet heavyweight IS-6. A mobile, well-armored vehicle can remove a large percentage of HP with one hit. This is an ideal choice for breakthrough and close-range combat. Among the shortcomings, we note poor visibility and very approximate accuracy of the gun. However, it cannot be called one of the best premium tanks for farming silver. It is more intended for fun and raising statistics - it will cope with these tasks with a bang.

FCM 50t

A dynamic heavy Frenchman, with an accurate and fast-aiming gun. Among the main advantages, we note inexpensive shells that will allow you to deal damage without much damage to the game budget. This vehicle cannot be called the best premium tank, but once you get the hang of it, you can easily earn up to 100 thousand credits in one battle. The tank is varied and versatile, which is great for practicing skills among heavyweights and average players.


One of the best premium tanks for WOT farming. Thanks to its large one-time damage, it allows you to demolish weaker opponents with 1-2 shots. Thanks to this, it has a good profitability ratio. Due to its dynamism, it can maneuver on the battlefield, but it is not recommended to get into trouble, since the armor is very mediocre. The accuracy of the gun is low, so you will have to shoot from a medium distance and at enemies who are distracted.

AMX M4 49

Passable, but not very maneuverable, the French vehicle allows you to earn silver due to excellent visibility, cheap shells and good armor penetration. Not a bad average one-time damage and there is a decent amount of ammunition in the arsenal. And the exceptional feature that distinguishes this tank from other French tanks is its excellent frontal armor, which allows it to tank many guns of its classmates and tanks of a higher level. This vehicle has many fans who call it one of the best premium lvl 8 tanks. And although she is not a champion in silver farming, she will bring a lot of pleasure during the game.

So, you decided to invest some money and buy yourself a premium tank in World Of Tanks. The choice of tanks in the premium store is not so small, therefore, when purchasing for the first time, the question arises - which premium tank is better to buy?

The best premium tank for farming

First, you need to decide for what purpose you need the car. Farm or bend? I think you have already heard enough words about farming on premium tanks. If you take a tank purely for farming, then at the moment these are M4A1 Revalorise, Skorpion G, Lowe and T34. It will be easiest for tanks to farm with these premium ones. Of course, you will say that you can farm at almost any premium. Yes it is. But these tanks will still bring more profit to beginners. An experienced player can farm on almost any tank (if he has a premium account).

The best premium tank for bending

Still, we wanted to talk about bending in wot. Which premium vehicle will be the easiest to use to tear apart enemies and take Kolobanovs and Redleys? Opinions differ here, but I will share with you my personal opinion, which, of course, you can challenge in the comments. I present to you the top 3 premium tanks for bending in wot.

At the moment, the best premium tanks are:

  1. Skorpion G
  2. IS 6 and WZ-111
  3. M4A1 Revalorise

But these tanks were not bad before

  • 3rd place. Super Pershing and FCM 50t. The tanks are completely different in concept, but not so much in terms of bending. Here experienced players will not agree, they say fcm bends, ololo. But our guide is designed for beginners; if you are an experienced player, then what, excuse me, have you forgotten? Ftsm 50t is too cardboard and it will be too difficult for a beginner to handle it. As for the super pershing, the tank is not bad at all. If the fcm is a TT that plays the role of a ST, then with Persh the situation is the opposite, it is a ST that copes very well with the role of a TT - tanking damage. By the way, we have an interesting article - how to tank broadside. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, although it has little to do with the Super Pershing; its sides are “not very good.” In general, both tanks have normal aiming speed and accuracy. The tools are comfortable.
  • 2nd place. Lowe and T34. Good tanks, good for farming. However, you can’t really bend over backwards with tens. They are thrown to the 10th levels, unlike the previous two. And the armor is not so great, which hinders survivability. Of course, the T34 has a very difficult turret to penetrate, but it requires the ability to play and find suitable places, which is difficult for a beginner. + Naturally, frequent play with tens will discourage the desire to “bend” on these tanks.
  • 1 place. IS-6. Yes, many will disagree with me. But, having gone through a difficult path from a beginner to a more or less successful player with a blue stat and a good win percentage, I can say that this premium tank is better than others in terms of bending. You just have to feel it, although this applies to any tank. It seems like he’s not dragging his feet, but then, after 100-300 battles, the peak begins. And the tank seems to be quite good, and we have victories, and I like the game. So here it is. If you correctly expose your IS 6 to the enemy, then you can even tank nines in some cases. You don’t have to worry about dozens, the tank has a reduced level of battles. It will only be thrown to the top and to the ninth levels, unless of course you are in a platoon with some tank without a reduced battle level. Yes, this premium has poor penetration, but... If you play full gold with a premium account, then you can easily reach 0, and often even +10-30k silver. In direct hands, more is possible. What about accuracy? The tank is not very accurate, but its concept does not imply this. The tank is great for urban conditions and tanks like a charm.
  • Bonus place. E-25. If you are lucky and manage to snatch a flea, then you can bend over it endlessly. An excellent bonus in terms of bending, and also farms well. There is one problem, sometimes there will not be enough shells, so you need to watch this carefully. Having installed a mask net and pipes, you can do the rat-cheat-from-the-bush technique. This is great too premium bending tank, like the IS-6, but the concept of the tanks is different and, unfortunately, the E-25 killed their sales. But here the situation is slightly different from the Type-59; most likely, it will be put on sale several times during promotions, similar to the WG league.

Conclusion. The choice of premium tank is yours.

Whatever you say, it's your choice. The final decision on what exactly to take from the premium tanks is up to you. Perhaps this guide will help you in some way in choosing the best premium. We recommend reading other interesting articles from the site -

Hello everyone, today we will look at the top 10 tanks on which you can farm on black. If you can't raise silver, then this blog is for you.

From the blog where I talked about how silver is credited. One pattern can be established. It is convenient to farm on level 5-6 tanks. Because below level 5 you won't be farming much in the sandbox, above level 6 you will be spending a lot on repairs and shells.

What are the main criteria for getting into the top?

  • Repair cost
  • Cost of shells
  • Armor
  • gun

Let's begin!

10th place


American tank level 5. The tank would not have made it to the top if not for its versatility. The tank has ideal speed and maneuverability. A weapon with high penetration. But there is no armor and little damage. The tank is suitable for passive light or getting damage from bushes.


  • 18500-23000 silver dirty
  • 1000-1300 experience dirty

9th place


The famous Yolka with its good weapon and low silhouette. It’s quite a convenient machine; you can deal damage at the top and shine at the bottom of the list.


  • 1000experience-23000-27000silver
  • 2000experience-36000-42000 silver

8th place


A worthy representative of tier 6 medium tanks. This tank has all the properties for farming and a penetrating 75mm gun, maneuverability and dynamics. There is also the possibility of shining


  • 1000experience-25000-29000silver
  • 2000experience-43000-49000 silver

7th place


My favorite tank. Level 6 heavy. It has an amazingly powerful weapon, but its aiming speed, reload time and accuracy are poor. The tank's damage is simply hellish. At our level, we kill one-shot ST and TT with two splashes. At a higher level we cause serious damage.


  • 1000experience-25000-29000 silver
  • 2000experience-43000-51000 silver

6th place

Type T-34

Medium tank level 5. Has a high rate of fire and ricochet armor




5th place


Fri level 6. Has high alpha. It is thanks to someone else's light that the Su-100 gets frags


  • 1000experience-28000-35000 silver
  • 2000experience-43000-53000silver

4th place


The legendary T-34 with a 57mm ZIS-4 gun (popularly nicknamed the “Hole Puncher”). It has ricochet armor and high penetration and rate of fire. The T-34 is not only comfortable to play, but also to farm.


  • 1000experience-23000-25000silver
  • 2000experience-40000-45000silver

3rd place


Medium tank level 6. If you play the tank correctly, you can farm quite well. The 85mm gun is not bad at damaging the enemy.


  • 1000 experience - 23000-29000 silver
  • 2000experience-46000-50000 silver

2nd place


Fri level 5 T-67. The famous tank, with its features, is a weapon from pt. The turret is from a medium tank and the body is from a firefly. High speed, good damage. The tank is just imbecile at its level.


  • 1000experience-20000-26000 silver
  • 2000experience-40000-46000 silver

1 place


As expected. Heavy tank level 5. It has good armor and a damage weapon. At its own level it is imbued. This is the only tank on the list that can be used comfortably by beginners. After all, the tank forgives mistakes for beginners, unlike other tanks from the top list.

Why is he not on the list? tanks? In these rather difficult times, it is quite difficult to buy a good premium tank. Yes, and not affordable for many. And many wondered how to farm with different equipment and with the same gold.

Thank you for your attention!

At a certain stage in the game, everyone is asking the same question, and it's a profitable one.
First, let’s decide at what level it is best to farm credits. As we know, “silver” is given to us largely for the damage done.

This suggests that the best farming should be on level 10 tanks. But that's not true. This is because high-level vehicles have very expensive shells and repairs, we really do a lot of damage, we are given a lot of credits, but almost all of them go to replenishing ammunition and repairs.

And if you look at the whole picture, the best tanks for farming in WoT in terms of the balance of income and expenses are at levels 7,6,5. Let’s also consider that tanks up to level 5, although they have cheap repairs and the price of shells, the damage they cause per battle is extremely small.

The best tank for farming silver World of Tanks

But still the best and most comfortable farming is at level 6. The fact is that almost all level 7s differ from level 6 STs only in armor and the amount of HP. Our main working tool, namely the tool, remains at the same level. The price for repairs increases, we more often end up with level 9 and 10 tanks, and accordingly we die more often and spend credits on repairs.

We see a similar picture with, as an example, the price of shells is increasing very much, but penetration has not increased compared to the SU-100. Accordingly, we spend credits on ammunition and receive the same income. Having examined the level 5 tanks, it is clear that they have excellent guns for their level, a comfortable level of combat, and cheap repairs, but here it should be remembered that most level 5 tanks die after receiving two or three “buns.” We often do not have time to inflict enough damage on the enemy, so we go to the hangar.

Game and farming without a premium account on ST5 (T-34, PzIV, M4)

Let's look specifically at each tank for farming

T-34-85 – the legendary T-ashka has already earned its place in the hangar with its name. What you should know before you rush to buy this farming machine. It's "cardboard". Hull armor can be penetrated by Tier 3 tanks. But our 85mm gun has an excellent rate of fire and accuracy, which is generally of little relevance for the Soviets. We have excellent mobility, which allows us to carry out targeted strikes on all parts of the map. Playing in a platoon, two or three "thirty-fours" pose a serious threat to any tank of their level and even higher.

VK3601 or popularly “minitiger”. This tank got its nickname for a reason. His frontal armor holds up well against blows, and he has an excellent cannon that can “bite” even a high-level enemy. Overall, this tank brings a lot of fun and pleasure. Its main disadvantage is the cost of repairs. When playing on this tank, you should remember that “draining” at the beginning of the battle will not bring farm, but rather a minus.

VK3001 (both Henkshel and Porsche) is the same “mini tiger”, only without armor. It is more mobile compared to VK3601, picks up speed faster and spins in place. The rest is the same as in the “mini-tiger”. Here you should remember, we are ST of the second line, quickly attack, deal damage and back. You can also fire from the second line, since the gun allows it. Also expensive to repair.

M4A3E2 (Jumbo) is an excellent farming machine, the cast-iron forehead allows it to take a hit well, the gun has excellent penetration and damage. The main disadvantage of this car is its mobility and high silhouette.

The M4A3E8 Sherman farms poorly due to its weak gun and weak armor. We quickly go to the hangar.
Cromwell is also bad for farming due to its armor, although the cannon allows you to deal damage, but the alpha damage is very low.

World of Tanks - Saving Basics - Igor Silver

Consider a level 6 PT

The main farm harvester here is the Su-100. The Soviet tank has excellent mobility and the best gun.
The YagPz4 is not an amateur machine, yes we can hide in an open field, but the gun is too weak to cause a lot of damage. You need to farm very carefully on this PT-ashka.
The M18 Hellcat is an excellent turret-mounted AT. It has the speed of a firefly, an excellent weapon and excellent camouflage. Playing this tank is a lot of fun. Great farming machine.
Although the M36 Slugger follows the line of “classic” tankless tanks without a turret, this tank still has a turret. This allows us to often remain invisible, but all this before the first shot. The tall silhouette, weak sides and stern, and slow rotation of the turret make us an easy target. Not suitable for farming.
ARL V39 is not suitable for farming in any way. Having a wonderful gun, we have absolutely no camouflage. Although the tank's mobility is good, its high sides at right angles are easily penetrated.
If we consider the “Tyazhi”, then only one tank should be highlighted - . Only he can farm at the price of shells, gun level and repairs, other tanks often, although they don’t go into the red, don’t bring much profit


It is almost impossible to allocate for farming. Much depends on the player’s ability to play one or another technique. But it is possible to narrow your search as much as possible. From the above it follows that the best farming combines are at level 6.
