Minecraft coal block. What can you make from coal in Minecraft? Other for Minecraft

A coal block is considered to be an item that belongs to blocks, and is obtained, of course, through crafting. How to actually make it? Well, for this you will need 9 simple units of coal (they should not be wood) and the workbench itself. By the way, if necessary, it is quite possible to destroy it in order to end up with completely ordinary coal.

A coal block is mainly used for the purpose of some convenient storage of coal resource, because nine pieces of coal located separately, whatever one may say, take up more free space than any one block of similar material. And yet, quite often they try to use it as fuel for the stove. Please note that with a charcoal block you can heat up to 80 items. By the way, if you use ordinary coal in this case, then you would need no less than 10 units. Therefore, another positive aspect of using coal blocks is saving resources, sometimes this is very important.

Other for Minecraft:

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Very often at the beginning of the game we experience a shortage of coal. In this case, the easiest way is not to run bare-chested through dark gorges, but to craft coal from

8 units of coal as fuel can smelt 64 items. Next in terms of fuel properties is wood, 43 boards can be melted down by 64.5

In Minecraft, charcoal, which is a material mined from coal ore, should not be confused with charcoal, which is produced in a furnace by burning wood. Even though these two coals have the same burning time and amount of smelted items, this different types. Minecraft coal is used not only in the furnace, and it can be obtained not only from the corresponding ore. One of the things that makes the game interesting is its diversity.

Not the coal that is at the face, but the coal that is in the train.

If we don’t talk about mining from coal ore in Minecraft for now, then coal can be found in different places, but with different chances. For example, in igloos, in fortresses and in trolleys with chests in abandoned mines, as well as in chests in treasuries.

You can sometimes buy up to two dozen of this material from residents for one emerald. We must not forget that when wither skeletons die, they usually drop 2 units of coal. Although, of course, these sources will not become a regular replenishment of coal reserves.

Minecraft coal ore is the main source of coal. When you destroy coal ore with any pickaxe, one coal drops out. If you enchant a pickaxe with “Luck”, you can get up to 4 units of it. But at the same time, a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch will mine a whole block of coal ore. Subsequently, it will need to be burned to obtain coal.

Let's talk about how to make coal in Minecraft. For now, one screenshot.

How to make coal in Minecraft

You can't get coal without a light.

If you have blocks of coal ore (you never know: mined with Silk Touch or given as a gift), you will have to burn them in a furnace. What else can you do? For this purpose, any suitable resource will have to be used as fuel.

A coal block in the Minecraft building world is also a fairly important and significant element that can be useful for completely different needs and requirements. Generally, this block cannot be found in the game, so you need to apply a little force and strictly follow the basic step by step instructions to craft a coal block.

So, what does it take to make a coal block?

First, these are the 9 simplest units of coal. The most important thing is that they are not woody, since as a result you will not succeed.

Secondly, this is a tool such as a workbench, with which you can make absolutely any block.

You may ask, why might you need a coal block in the game? Yes, everything is simple, its main purpose is the convenient placement of all available coal resources. After all, the block is quite roomy and takes up little space if the coal were just on the ground.

Coal can also be used as the main fuel for the furnace, which can easily heat about 80 items. In other words, a coal block is a block that serves primarily to save energy resources and space on which to build or plant something. If you haven’t tried building coal blocks yet, then it’s time to experience the full benefits of this mode.

Coal block

Coal block ID: 173 .

NID: coal_block.

A coal block in Minecraft is also called: Coal block, Block of Coal, coal block, coal block.

How to get:

Well, as they say: " You can't get coal without a light". And in order to make one coal block in Minecraft you will need 9 units of coal, but " The words “hurray” alone will not cause coal to go up.", so you'll have to work. It's interesting that English word Coal, as an adjective and noun, can be translated: “coal”, “coal”, “coal”, “burning coal”; "coal", "hard coal"; "coal-bearing; and in a figurative sense - "black gold". In Minecraft, a coal block is not so simple and unambiguous, however, as in real life. Why? Let's briefly list the main features of the game:

  • excellent fuel - one stack (slot) will burn in the stove for more than 14 hours - not gaming, but real;
  • but a coal block is not suitable for a trolley with a stove;
  • used for more compact storage coal reserves;
  • Suitable for construction and decorative purposes;
  • can be mined with a pickaxe.

How to make a coal block in Minecraft

A coal block cannot be crafted from charcoal. From nine units of coal, as noted above, you will get one coal block. This can, and sometimes should, be used.

What can you craft from a coal block?

“An ember is like gold: it shines and is valuable.”

It is already obvious that from one coal block you can get nine blocks of coal. Otherwise, how would we store it so sparingly?

Minecraft Resources

Riddle: It is black when it is bought, it is red when it is used, it is gray when it is thrown away.

Having gone on an adventure in Minecraft, the player soon notices that the crafting of many items depends on whether he has coal reserves or not. As we remember, coal ore is obtained by burning it in a stove (this way you can replenish reserves charcoal) or by using picks (shovels) in the mine.

Whatever method the player considers easier, the need for coal does not decrease. The simplest and, perhaps, basic items that are made using coal are:
— Torch - for crafting, you take one piece of coal, which is placed by the player in the center of the workbench and a stick, which is located immediately under the coal in the middle cell of the third row. As a result, we get four torches. They are the ones who light the player’s path in mines and caves.
— The fireball is quite a useful thing. For crafting, you definitely need a piece of coal, gunpowder and fire powder. We arrange all the ingredients one by one in a column. We open the workbench and, starting from the middle cell of the first row, put gunpowder, then in the central cell of the second row - fire powder and at the end, in the middle cell of the last row - a piece of coal. After crafting you get four fireball.
— Coal block - used by the player if the coal needs to be folded as compactly as possible. It is done like this: take a workbench and fill all nine cells with coal. The result is a reliable carbon block.

In addition, the smelting of many ores becomes impossible if the hero does not have a piece of coal on hand.

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