Minecraft enchantment curse of loss. Enchantment and enchantments in new versions of minecraft. What is an enchanted book for?

In patch 1.11 for PC / Mac, Minecraft introduced two new treasure spells called Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing. What are these new spells doing? This guide will provide the answer.

Treasure spells are enchantments not available through the spell table. You must find them through loot chests, or trade with the villagers. You can enchant other items though if you find enchantments in book form.

Curse of binding

The curse of binding can only be found on armor or in spellbooks, and the spell can only be transferred from the book to armor (using an anvil). The curse works like this: once you put on a cursed piece of armor, you cannot remove it. The cursed item remains in the armor slot until you die or the armor breaks from wear and tear.

There are some areas where a curse can be useful. Firstly, since this is a treasure spell, you can find an upgrade to your current armor in the survival game. Second, the ability to have armor that cannot be removed can be beneficial to cartographers. Their main goal is to provide the player with certain items, equipped and ready to use at any time, especially when removing armor results in a map violation.

The curse of disappearance

The Curse of Disappearance has a much larger selection of items available to cast. In addition to armor, the Curse of Extinction can be placed on weapons, shields, tools, and Elithra. It can also be found in the spellbook and can be cast on any of these items using an anvil. The curse of disappearance makes any enchanted item completely disappear if you die with it in your equipment or inventory. This will prevent it from being thrown to the ground and used by other players in the future.

Like Curse of Binding, the effects of Curse of Disappearance are limited but have their own application. You can also find upgrades for a tool, weapon, shield, or armor through chests, fishing, or trading. Unlike binding, you can remove an item to repair, and then enchant it again and even discard it. Once you die, the cursed item will disappear forever.

The curse also offers opportunities for cartographers. Adventure maps in Minecraft can punish players by deleting collected items after death. Other cards can convince you not to take potentially important in-game items, even if the creator of the card encourages them to take them.

You also benefit from PvP battles. Since death removes items entirely, players can curse their equipment and go into battle. This ensures that even if you die, other players will not be able to use their equipment against you later.

Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by the independent studio Mojang AB. Minecraft was developed with the aim of developing the creativity of the players, because they can freely change virtual world games made of voxels (cubic blocks). The gameplay focuses on transforming the landscape, buildings, crafting items and creating your own adventures. The game consists of two modes: the classic one, which allows you to go through the story and gain experience, and the survival mode, which involves repelling the attacks of monsters at night. In addition to single player Minecraft also offers an online multiplayer mode.

The Enchanted Book is a book that allows the player to store enchantments and later apply them to selected items: weapons, tools, or armor. The Enchanted Book can be obtained using the Enchanting Table. It looks like a shiny book tied with a red ribbon. Enchanted Books can sometimes be found in chests in treasuries, abandoned mines, fortresses or villages, and can sometimes be fished out with a fishing rod. You can also enchant an ordinary book for emeralds from the librarian in the village.
The transfer of the enchantment from the book to the selected item is carried out on the anvil. Place the item on the left cell of the grid and the book on the right. The book will then disappear. Transferring enchantments from books to an item costs some additional experience. As a rule, it is more profitable to enchant a book, rather than immediately an object.

The Enchanted Book is also called: The Enchanted Book, The Enchanted Book, The Enchanted Book.

The Enchanted Book is present in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Tricks and secrets

  • How not to lose experience when enchanted?
    Sometimes it's better to enchant the book first to see what kind of enchantment comes out. If you get the right ones, then they can be transferred to the object using an anvil.
Cursed version of "Minecraft"
Hi my name is Sam I am 14 years old, I want to tell you a story that happened to me recently. But, most likely, when you read it, I will be already killed! After all, he will soon come for me. So I don't have much time. Well, let's get over it:
- It was quite recently, when the summer holidays had already begun, and I, as usual, searched the Internet in search of a new update for the Minecraft game, but I never found anything. Until I came across Minecraf66. Naturally I went to it and it was written there that it was a new version game, and it is not on other sites! I was surprised at version 66, but now latest version this is 1.11 "Exploration update", and here it is already 66. But, without hesitation, I decided to download this launcher! But I came across the text under the download link, it read: It is not recommended to download this exclusive launcher and the only version that it contains. It could cost you your life! I was a little scared, but did not take it seriously and downloaded it. Immediately after that, the launcher started up and pressed "enter the game". Everything seemed to be going fine, the menu started, it looked as usual, but as soon as I pressed the "single game" button, the menu changed to an eerie picture: Ox became blood, the sky was black and the clouds were red, the grass was black, the foliage was red and blood was flowing from it, but the most creepy thing was the logo of the game, it was bloody - blurred. Of course, thinking that this was just a joke, the developers continued to play. Created new world, and having calmed down began to survive. And, there were no changes in the game, it looked the same as version 1.11. I did not pay attention to this and began to survive further, I saw a cow quickly crafting a sword, killed her, but at the last blow my character stuck a sword into the cow, and blood began to flow from it, and the body did not disappear, but all blood was flowing from the corpse of the cow. it was just realistic. Now I'm scared! Where does blood come from in minecraft? She's just not there. And the mobs disappear at death, and do not leave their bodies? I was already uncomfortable. Of course, I went on, and the further the worse everything became: everywhere there were corpses of animals and hostile mobs that lay in pools of their own blood, from trees too, or rather, blood flowed from the foliage and the rex became a river of blood in which the organs of killed mobs floated ... It was all so real that I almost vomited. I decided to quit the game, but a message came out, it said: You are already in my game, you can't leave the bastard. Then, I tried to turn off the computer, but a new message of the following character came out: You can't hide, the game has started Sam! What? How does the one who writes know my name, what's going on. Having calmed down a bit, I went to the kitchen for tea. And when I returned, the game was already in the main menu. And it looked the same as when I saw that picture before the start of the game! But, only it became even darker. As soon as I went into the settings, I was almost seized with horror. The background of the settings was intestinal bloody and the following settings were available: triple grinder, blood in detail and quickly, Organs in detail. But, I decided to find out what was the matter and entered that world. And then it booted, everything was just awful ": the water turned blood, the sky black and the clouds red, the grass was black and the foliage of the trees was red and blood was oozing from it. Turning back, I saw a chest in it there were blocks! Which were signed as: Blocks of nightmares. Then turning in front of me there was a portal to the edge. I entered it. Once in the ender world, I did not find the main boss of the game Dragon of the Edge. However, when I turned around, I saw his corpse cut up beyond recognition! I was always playing minecraft trying to kill him, and then I Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of me from those same blocks of nightmare! And looking into their inventory in my inventory. They appeared by themselves, without hesitation went into the portal! Appearing in a very creepy dimension, I saw a creature with the nickname: Death666. He had a black hood and arms like a skeleton.
- Welcome to real hell!
I did not understand what he means because there is hell in minecraft. I wrote to him in the chat:
- What does real hell mean? After all, it is in minecraft.
To which he replied:
- The hell that you know is just heaven compared to my world! And yes, you can not write to the chat, I can hear you.
These words made my heart pound. He hears me, but how? I quickly told him:
- You're just Npc you can't hear me!
He immediately said:
“I'm not just an Npc, I'm something much more. Let me show your world.
Immediately I saw what this dimension looked like: Everywhere there were oceans of blood in which the corpses of ordinary, hostile and neutral mobs, including their entrails, were swimming! Bloody waterfalls flowed from the mountains, and near the ocean there were small islands on which there were strange mobs.
- Well, what do you like?
He asked
I looked a little closer and recognized one of the mobs that was on the island.
It was my friend Jack. He disappeared three weeks ago, nothing was known about him. Now it is clear that with him he became a part of this world! This square nightmare Death666 then looked at me with his red eyes, instantly killing my character. And a minute later, a sentence was displayed on the monitor screen: "You are next" and after that the minecraft was closed. Throwing error 404. I tried to uninstall the game, nothing came of it. And in minutes I heard laughter. As soon as it was unfolded, I saw a piece of paper attached to the wall with the inscription: "And don't try to resist!" After reading these words, I just started to go crazy. Who knows how much I have left? Maybe I'll die right now!

Enchanted book

ID of enchanted books: 403 .

NID: enchanted_book.

Enchanted Book - enchanted book in English. Another common name is the sorcery book. You can hear other names: enchanted or magic book, as well as a book of enchantment.

Enchanted books in Minecraft are usually not divided into areas of application: for armor, for weapons and for tools... It is clear that even some enchantments, such as "Fix" "Durability", are suitable for many items at once. But on the site, we nevertheless decided to carry out a similar conditional classification... Moreover, firstly, it is more convenient and understandable, and secondly, similar designations are found in the inventory when playing in " Creative mode".

So, an enchanted book is an unusual item in Minecraft, so to speak, a repository of enchantments that can be applied, for example, to a tool using an anvil. This resource covers all enchanted books that are best suited for tools.



An enchanted book will help you enchant with an anvil.

Enchant Tools

Nothing is stronger than an evil spell (proverb).

Enchanted Books are the only option in Survival mode to cast enchantments that are not available on the enchanting table. But in "Creative Mode" you can put any enchant on any item. What are the enchanted books for tools in Minecraft? In newer versions of the game - a little more than a dozen, which is reflected in the table.

What are the tool enchantments
Instruments Name What gives
16 Pungency
Additional damage.
17 Heavenly punishment
Additional damage to zombies, zombie pigmen, skeletons, withers, and wither skeletons.
18 bane of arthropods
The death of insects
Bane of arthropods
Additional damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish.
32 Efficiency
Faster resource extraction.
33 Silk touch
Silk Touch
Breaking a block (with the correct tool) drops that block, even if something else is supposed to fall out of it.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
35 Luck
Chance to drop more resources.
61 Lucky fisherman
Sea luck
Luck of the Sea
Increases the chance to catch a treasure. When fishing, reduces the chance of catching trash.
62 Bait
Increases the chance to catch fish. Reduces the chance to catch trash or treasure by 1% per level.
70 Fix
Uses experience to repair an item in hands or in armor slots.
71 Curse of loss
Curse of vanishing
Makes the element disappear on death. When the player dies, the item disappears rather than falling to the ground.

A couple of explanations for the table:

  • No. in the first column of the table is EID, i.e. the effect ID used in the / enchant command.
  • In Minecraft 1.11, enchantments for armor and weapons have been added - "Curse of Loss" and "Curse of Affection".

How to enchant

The craft that you have comprehended is more valuable than the wealth of all masters.

Since this article talks about enchanted books mainly for tools, it is up to them to be enchanted. What and how will help to use the spellbook? In our case, it is impossible to do without an anvil. But she herself still needs to be crafted: 3 iron blocks + 4 iron ingots.

The procedure, if you have everything you need, does not look difficult. A tool (weapon, armor) and an enchanted book must be placed in the corresponding cells of the anvil. Which will require a certain amount of experience. If everything is OK, then the enchanted book will disappear, but the enchantment will be transferred to the item. By the way, magic books can be combined to get one, but with enhanced (multiple) enchantments.

By using enchanted books on an anvil, you will receive enchant tools that are not normally available.

How to make an enchanted book

You can't mow without a scythe and hay (proverb).

A well-known way to get enchanted books is on the enchanting table... This is how the enchantment is applied to an ordinary book. But the enchanting table also needs to be crafted, but it's still difficult.

Enchanting table

After the table is ready, open it, place the book and select the enchantment. The result is a shiny book with a red ribbon. And that's it - the enchanted book is ready. It's important to know that enchanting on the table requires experience and lapis lazuli, while more powerful enchantments require a higher level.

other methods

The book is your friend, without it, like without hands (proverb).

There are several other ways to obtain an enchanted book without resorting to using the enchanting table. At least three possibilities:

  1. Find in treasure chests and fortresses, in minecarts with chests in abandoned mines, in desert temples.
  2. Enchant an ordinary book with emeralds from the librarian (everything else - from the priest).
  3. Catch while fishing.

Obviously, not all methods guarantee one hundred percent receipt of the desired item.

List of all enchantments with ID

If you want to do the job, sharpen the tools first (proverb).

If there are not so many enchanted books for tools in Minecraft, then in general there are more than thirty enchantments. They are listed in the table below, which lists the Java Edition IDs in ascending order.

ID NID Enchantment
0 protection Protection
1 fire_protection Refractoriness
2 feather_falling Weightlessness
3 blast_protection Explosion resistance
4 projectile_protection Protection from projectiles
5 respiration Breath
6 aqua_affinity Affinity with water (submariner)
7 thorns Thorns
8 depth_strider Deep step
9 frost_walker Ice tread (walking on water)
10 binding_curse Curse of binding
16 sharpness Pungency
17 smite Heavenly punishment
18 bane_of_arthropods bane of arthropods
19 knockback Discarding
20 fire_aspect The plot of fire
21 looting Looting (mining)
22 sweeping Shattering Blade
32 efficiency Efficiency
33 silk_touch Silk touch
34 unbreaking Strength
35 fortune Luck
48 power Force
49 punch Shock wave
50 flame Ignition
51 infinity Infinity
61 luck_of_the_sea Sea luck
62 lure Bait
70 mending Fix
71 vanishing_curse Curse of loss
- impaling Piercer
- riptide Tyagun
- loyalty Loyalty
- channeling Thunderer
- binding_curse The curse of non-removability

Finding enchanted books is quite difficult. Mostly they can drop in the chests that are under the pyramids or as they are called the temples of the desert. But be careful, there are traps near the chests, for example a mine, which will not leave you even wet. So, after a lot of searching, you found it, but you have no idea. In this article, we will explain to you what they are for.

What is an enchanted book for?

The enchanted book itself does not have any power, it was created to enchant one of the items, for example, a sword. The enchanted item gains additional attack or protection, depending on its purpose. Such an item will greatly help you in the fight against any enemy, especially against various evil spirits that you may encounter in hell or endless caves.

What is needed for enchanting and how to carry it out

To carry out the "ceremony" you need a sword, enchantment book, and an anvil. Without one of the items, you will not be able to conduct anything.

Approaching the anvil, open the weapon repair and enchant panel. Move the sword to the far corner and place the book next to it. Having bewitched the weapon, move it to your inventory, after that you can use it.


Before how to use enchanted books in minecraft be aware that for this procedure you will also need high level ... It is also worth noting that some books will not be valid for certain subjects for example, attack increase is only suitable for weapons. An enchanted book can also be bought from the librarian or made on the enchanting table. Good luck!
