Macros feral 5.4 8 pvp. Enchant Equipment


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This is all aimed at those who are at least a little familiar with the spec and know what xt, rip, tf and other incomprehensible abbreviations are. Sawing a glossary and a ton of information is lazy. And he set up so much.

In pandas, ferals have undergone very significant changes in mechanics due to new talents and one seemingly trifling little thing, the name of which is the Rune of Re-Origination (for convenience - ro-ro, from the English name Rune of Re-Origination). In the future, I will return to it more than once, but for now about something else. Because of new system so-called "situational" talents, at the start of the pandas, the cats had two types of viable types of play:

  1. Or through HOTV (from the English. Heart of the Wild(Heart of the Wild), Tier 6, 1st Talent) with less sustained damage, but easier to learn and burst through anger spam while HOTV is active.
  2. Or through DoK (from the English. Dream of Cenarius (Dream of Cenarius), 6th tier, second talent), where you have to play against the clock. But, if you do everything right, in the end we get + 30% damage to bleeds, which make up the lion's share of our dps. About 60% in the right hands.

The game through hotv was relevant for casuals and "not like everyone else" the whole addon. For hardcore players, it was used only in PMSh and SS on some encounters (Elegon and Meljarak, for example). Since our raids will open gradually, it's also worth writing about the game through HOTV. As for the game through the DoK, when you receive a ro-ro, as they say - "tse roulette". But, this is the best thing that happened to ferals in history. For we have not yet had a more complex and more delivering “rotation”.

A bit in common

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I will not go into formulas and other heresy, which is not really necessary for an ordinary raider, but I will simply try to list all the important, or almost important aspects that are still worth knowing.

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The whole point of playing with DoK is to manage to score 5kp in less than 7 seconds, which are sometimes called just seven seconds, which add such dynamism to the game as a cat. The problem is that you need to constantly sit on 1-2 targets with a lot of HP, because if you screw up the same rip and do not have a buff from DoK, this is a huge loss of dps. Since you first need to get a buff, i.e. pass the finisher, score CP and only then pass the reinforced rip. This further aggravates the problem of lack of AoE in cats.

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We get an ability and the target gets an ability. Everything is simple.

On practice:

  • throws himself or fell on him to get from 5 min. cd. Better on prota, because .
  • On the Priest, for the sake of 3 min. cd. This is our priority as it has less cd, more useful on some encounters and in general. Better on sp, because.
  • Sometimes, it will be useful to throw a lock for strong blinds from a dying target. But such situations are rare.
  • Also, in the early stages of development, it will be useful to throw a hunt for the sake of saving gold. But, again, it depends on your level of play. For if you die before the rest, there will be 0 sense from this.
  • You can also war, for the sake of it, if you need to dispel something important from the boss. For example, on kings.

It is also worth considering that you cannot throw two symbiosis on one target. Therefore, if there are several druids in the raid, you need to distribute in advance who throws to whom.
The only damaging ability is from the shaman. But, the damage from them is so meager that it would be much better to have another save, or whatever is useful.

For a raid, dd var will be a priority, because it will get , which will often be useful to the raid. The prot will just get a chance at what is imagined. If possible, it is better that some other druid would throw a symbiosis on him. Or sp priest, because, although worse than a restaurant, it can save the situation in the top ten, where the raid of the saves the cat cried. DC / holy priests will receive, so only sp.

If in a nutshell. This is another personal save (bubble, cloud), or utilitarian ability (fd hunt, shutter war) for us and from very useful (roar dd waram, tranquill sp, barskin prot palam, instincts bm monks), to absolutely useless nonsense (xt mages, wrath to retrics, taunt horns) for targeting. So throw wisely.

Did the aoe appear?

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Also, to run, you will need.

We download both, install the JRE, then unpack the catus and run it. He will steal information from various sites and open.

What interests us? We only care about reforging under the rune.

  • In "Race and Professions" enter your race and professions.
  • Open Talents, choose yours.
  • We go back up to the “Equipment” and manually enter your gear, chants, gems, upgrade by itlvl and reforging. Think, English titles won't be a big problem. Especially if you temporarily switch to English. client wow.
  • After filling the gear, we go down to the "Reforge". If you have a rune on, then the catus will notice this and you will see a similar picture:

  • Press "Reforge", wait for the recalculation of the characteristics and see the effect. Everything. We return to the top and change everything in the game so that it corresponds to that in the cutus.
  • Optional. If it is so important for you to look at spherical numbers in a vacuum, then go to "Group Buffs" and select "all". In "Debuffs" - "Always Weakened". In Consumables, I think everything is clear. We choose your food and chemistry. The rest, if you do not know what you are doing, it is better not to touch it at all. Next, press the "Quick Compare" button and see the comparison of the old "your" DPS with the new one. Whatever it shows, it has nothing to do with reality.

Catus himself remembers all the changes made, so there will be no need to enter everything again.
Alas, export to addons no longer works.

Addons and Macros

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What we need? Addon for easy tracking of bleeds, bleed strength and rake.
In the realities of pandas, there are several adequate options, but it is considered the best combine.
Some who are especially stubborn in shit generally play with the settings made for weak auras and consider it top-end, because one addon for everything, blah blah blah. But, these are very cool stories and I won’t even go deep. For:

  1. To do this yourself, you need to know lua, and for such people, such "guides" are useless the fastest. For without knowledge of lua, it is impossible to track the strength of the blinds. And without this, all the fuss will be useless.
  2. Good luck finding a working export under 5.4.8 now.

If you don't like a lot of useless nonsense in drudfocus, or just the visual aspect of it, there is another option. But, much more gemorno. We put with + . As a result, after easy tuning, we have only what we need, except perhaps excluding energy. For energy, we use any suitable addon for these purposes, thousands of them. Yes, at least drudfocus with the rest of the functionality disabled, excluding fx-sy, which will be useful to us for tracking trineca procs, the swiftness of a predator, and some other little things.
Here's what I got:

It would take a very long time to describe the setting of fx-owls for drudfocus. Yes, there will have to tinker. Much has been written on this topic and is easy to google. But, after setting up, you will have all the necessary information before your eyes. Here is an example of an almost standard bersa setup:

What to choose is up to you, but the addon for tracking bleeds and their strength is very necessary anyway.
Options like BadKitty are highly discouraged. For it is tin as it is. Addons like it produce useless information, in fact, have terrible functionality and are not considered as useful at all.

While we have all the add-ons that determine the strength of bleeds without exception work through the ass, we will have to memorize at least approximately the strength of bleeds and procs on our own. What's wrong with them? Instead of comparing the strength of a possible bleed to the current one, they all compare the strength of a possible bleed to the first one cast in combat. And this is very confusing and misleading. I strongly recommend using addons like WA / Droodfocus to make the output of trine procs and other things noticeable, I would even say a little infuriating place to see exactly what happened when. This will at least somewhat facilitate the situation with tracking.

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In general, feral does not need any perverted macros, but banal ones at the beginning of the attack, even if there is no energy, a la:

/Cast " ability»

The two macros that are really needed are the burst macro. With tf, troll's bersa, ordinary "what else" bersa:

#showtooltip Berserk
/castsequence reset=3 Tiger's Fury, Berserker(Racial), Berserker

After the racial bersa, we insert a usable trine and an engineer, if any. Also, after the bersa, you can write sweat, if you wish. But, it's already like that.

And the prohibition of reshift when using xt without the proc of swiftness, which sometimes really saves:

#showtooltip Healing touch
/run SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)
/cast healing touch
/run SetCVar("autoUnshift",1)

Also, there is a controversial macro on the tank's kill through target of target:

/cast [@targettarget, help] Healing touch

Its problem is that if the target of your target (i.e. the tank) is further beyond the xt cast distance, then nothing will happen and you will only lose time and most likely the use of swiftness. It's better to just use a macro that will prevent you from reshifting from the cat form if you cannot cast xt in it, i.e. if there is no buff from swiftness. Alas, for some reason, these macros don't work together. Maybe I'm just a krivoruk.

Also, if you use dash, for convenience, you can make a macro for dash + ff and auto attack:

/cast Lashing Charge(Talent)
/cast Faerie Fire

But, it cannot be used for initiation outside of combat, because you yourself understand, this is immediately minus the invisibility.

In principle, the cat does not need any more macros in pve. The rest are different types of perversion.

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When the basics are ready, the interface is set up and the macros are created, it's time to move on to training. If you are playing through the dock, you will have to practice for a long time before something starts to work out. Really long.

Basic principles:

  • Always keep the roar on you, and rip and wound on the target. The more uptime, the better. You'll be ready when both are at over 95% uptime over a long fight duration with DoCs on finishers, wounds, and outweighing procs.
  • Try not to synchronize the decay time of the rip and the roar, because this is a loss of dps in any case. And if this happens, the roar is always a priority.
  • For an extra tick, you can renew the rip 2 seconds before the decay, and the wound 3.
  • Rip is always only thrown for 5 CP. There is one exception, which will be discussed later.
  • Roar, if possible, use it with as many CPs as possible. Because it still wastes energy. Don't forget this.
  • We drain the clearcast for a thrashing if we manage to score CP in time. At low gear, thrash is used only during bersa. Therefore, the clercast is used on slash.
  • We use mutilation without bersa. During the bers, if possible, slash.
  • It makes no sense to use the scope on less than 5 targets. If there are 4 or less targets and they have a lot of HP, then it’s better to get wounded already. If they don't have enough HP, then we just use a thrashing and then we tunnel the main target.
  • On the execute phase, fb now does not update the rip, but extends it. Those. if you grabbed a god by the beard, you have a rip with ro-ro and some kind of cool trine (for example, a detonator with a lot of stacks) and you manage to update it via fb on the execution, then until the end of the battle you will have such numbers flying out, that everyone will be pissed off.
  • Once again. We don't have aoe. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. If we swing at a small number of targets, then the raid will only lose overall damage in the future. Because of what, I wrote earlier.

Unbelievable but true:

  • If you are AOS under the bers with a swing, then keep your target in a melee zone. This will give you 1 CP for each swing and auto-attack chance to clearcast.
  • Prepot knocks out of invisibility. Therefore, he drinks a little more than a second before the pool, in order to have time to go into invis and be without a gcd.
  • Shred and Mangle, increase Rip duration by 2 seconds per hit for a maximum of +6 seconds. Calculate the time so that there is no synchronization with the decay of the roar.
  • Br devours the clercast. Use this if you need to. Or vice versa, try to use something before casting br.

Separately for the game through the dock:

  • As you squeeze through the finisher, make sure you have plenty of energy for an easier next seven seconds. Sometimes you can even wait a little before returning the finisher. Ideally, have more than 90 energy. But, in any case, do not go to the cap.
  • Every damaging finisher (rip, or fb) should be buffed by DoK.
  • Each wound must be buffed by DoK.
  • Every rip and every second wound must be strengthened through tf. In practice, using every second wound under TF is unlikely to work, but you need to try to achieve this.
  • If a rune procs, or another trine that will improve the existing rip, then we outweigh it to a stronger one. But, always with 5kp. If you do not have time, but you see that even with 4kp the new rip will be stronger than the current one, we hang from 4kp. But this is risky, as it may not proc the swift buff. This is the very exception to the rule.
  • Ht under the proc of swiftness, we only press 4 or 5 kp. If the time of swiftness ends, then you can risk on 3. But, then you need to hope that there will be at least one crit.

How do we start the fight?

  1. For at least 5 seconds, we start casting xt.
  2. In 2 seconds, we use prepot and go into invisibility to hit pounce.
  3. After the passage of the gcd, we use a free 12-second roar from the glyph.
  4. As a result, you have a 0 second countdown buff from docking, sweat, invisibility, roar and a free gcd to jump on the boss. But all this is lost if the tank/random dp is an idiot and pulls ahead of the countdown.
  5. Charge, if taken (without a macro on ff, because it will knock out from invisibility) and open with a pounce.
  6. Wound, we beat 1-2 more times with a mutilation. If it procs two crits from three hits, which happens very rarely, we lay down an enhanced rip with pierced trines and other things.
  7. Like mad, we click several times on the burst macro and the first and perhaps almost the only time before the second bersa, when we spam shreds and end the fb.

Next comes the usual support for blinding on the target and roaring on yourself with outweighing on procs. With t16 4 (when using tf, the next finisher will restore 3 CP) the beginning of the battle changes a little, but luck and good gear are needed there, so it makes no sense to describe all the leapfrog. Perhaps sometime in the future..

This is a very simplified scheme, but playing with a cat is very situational, so strictly setting the order of pressing spells will not work, no matter how hard you try. And I'm not so stubborn to draw a flowchart.


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The best professions for a raiding cat are inja and leather. Leather is just good for everyone who wears leather, plus it will let you craft two items.

But, here again there is one garbage. All this requires an alt miner/skinner.

  • There are several items with world drops. But, the chance of falling out is so low that it's not even worth talking about them.
  • For od, you can take one, maximum two clothes before opening the pmsh. Further, if the static does not consist of idiots, it is better to spend one only on the up of existing epics.
  • In the first week, after the opening of pmsh and up to the mouth, you can go to farm trini from trash. But there is already how much someone is enough and how lucky.
  • Also, you need to kill the sha of joy and be sure to get the quest item for 476 bots from it. Exactly what to get yourself. It is not issued automatically. And if you're lucky, then maybe what kind of epic you'll melt.
  • And yet, there is such garbage as the black market. There, with some chance, items of level 486-509 may appear. But, here again, not everything is so simple. Their price is simply cosmic and it is almost impossible to accumulate so much before the opening of the PMS. Yes, and the chance of the appearance of the desired clothes is small. Therefore, I will not take into account at all.

In general, here how someone is lucky and how much time will be. But I highly recommend finding it.

If you have complacently decided to take the time to farm pre-raid gear, then you will have something like this:

  • Weapon - Inscribed tiger staff if inscribed alt. Bladed Staff of Master Snow Whirl if not present.
  • Head - Movable retinal protection if there is an engineer. A gust of wind helmet if not.
  • Neck - Don Guerrero's Magnificent Necklace Abyss rider's necklace from the galleon. Charred scarlet key if not. This one is to make it easier to gain accuracy/skill caps. But, if there are already a lot of them, you can also Chased amber pendant.
  • Shoulders - Imperion's Shoulderpads for 1. Shoulderguards of overwhelming doubt if there are no ods, or another item is chosen.
  • Back - Dory's Lush Cloak if pierced from a world drop. A wind-swept drape if not.
  • Chest - Gray shadow chest armor if leather is present. Brother Korloff's robes if not.
  • Wrists - Playfulpaw Heirloom Bracers for 1. Bracers of the Light Blade if not present, or another item chosen.
  • Hands - Captures the eternal bloom of sha joy. Gloves of a gray shade if there is leather. Dog trainer gloves if not.
  • Belt - Bandolier of a gunner from a galleon. Belt of Ice Fury if not pierced.
  • Legs - Sha Joy's Eternal Blossom Legguards. Wallbreaker Leggings if not pierced.
  • Feet - Tabi from the shell of a crab for one, if there is a quartermaster and if somehow he managed to screw up the quest item and, accordingly, the boots. Treads of Staggering Blow if there are no ods and the sha is not killed / the quest is screwed up.
  • Rings - An ancestral ring of a saurok from a galleon. Vetroboy's seal if the quest chain and achievement work. Uncommon signet ring of Perculia woldr drop. Seal of the glee of the ghoul from the headless horseman (as far as I understand, the event will be somewhere at this time). If there is nothing from above, then the Grenade Pin and Signet of the Dancing Jade.
  • Trini - Jade rogue figurine trash msh. Xuen's relic inscript. If it doesn't proc, then by priority - Scorching Words, Talisman of Steel Flash.

It is mined from the same Firelands at the portal where Fandral stands.

The seed itself is very small and difficult to see with a distant camera. Therefore, at the time of collection, it is better to move it closer.

There are two problems here:

  1. At a time, there are only 5 pieces lying around. You have to go out and press the "update dungeon" button so that the seeds are restored.
  2. You can only take 5 pieces with you. There is a caveat here. Do not take, but there can only be 5 pieces in the bag. Those. You can use one and have 5 more in your bag. The buff hangs for 1 hour and does not fly off after death. Therefore, it is enough for the mouth and run just like that.

The second problem is handled differently. The seed is a BoA item. Those. transferred by account. Therefore, a post office is placed at the entrance to the raid (you are not the bottom and pumped up an engineer, right?) And the seeds are pushed into the alts. Yes, only a druid can pick them up. But! All characters on the account can keep in the bag.

After that, at any moment, there is a switch to the viola and the seeds go to the cat as needed.

And now the most interesting thing is how to get them. There are three ways:

Various toys and so on affect the fiery appearance. Some of them, most likely, are bugs that have grown into features, but still. For example, the most famous, if in the guise of a firecat to summon the Disgusting Oozeling, then after his spitting, the mane and tail will turn green.

Hotkeys a la autism gaming, or as we say: "Behind a bad head .."

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Why did I find it important to write? Yes, because I often saw hotkeys, where, for example, a mutilation was placed on some kind of random key like "R / T / Z" and other trash. And the fact that this is the main combo generator and presses very often does not matter to the campaign.

Hotkeys, this is your convenience of the game and, oddly enough, they should be prioritized by the use of abilities. For if you have an important ability that goes to some kind of Shift + G, this is insanity.

I do not consider my hotkeys to be ideal, because this is purely individual. But, I want to show why they are arranged in this way.

  • 1/2/3 - Mutilate / Wound / Shred. Three main combo work. Yes, slash will not often be used until OO uhm gear due to weak energy generation, since speed is the worst stat for us, but still.
  • 4 and 5 - Swipe and Thrash. 2 AoE abilities. Thrash is used with good gear also in solo, but rarely.
  • 6 - Charge/Blink. It is rarely used, which is why it costs as much as 6. But, it is still used.
  • Z - Fb. Until a good gear, it is used only during the Bersa 1-2 times. Those. per fight, usually only hit a few times.
  • X - Bersa/burst macro. It is not convenient, but it also presses for a fight 2-3 times at most.
  • Shift + X - Pounce. In general, it is used only once per battle at initiation, as it requires invisibility.
  • Ctrl + X/Q/R/F - Ursoc Might, Symbiosis, Barkskin, Instincts. All are saves of varying degrees of usefulness. Yes, and symbiosis too. For in most cases there will be either a cloud or a bubble.
  • Shift/Ctrl + W - Sprint and Alarm Roar. MS abilities, when you need to urgently dump somewhere / from somewhere. If you are a worgen, then I sympathize, you can stubbornly and put racial on the alt. There are also engineering sprints on Shift + D, but they are only used when there are no options, because there is a chance to explode and fly away. And with us, for now, it throwsoooooooooooooooover.
  • Shift + Q / E / F / R - Form of a bear, cat, fly, marching. If you are not the bottom, then with hard incoming damage, you will turn into a bear, so as not to accidentally get an easy attack of death. The rest, although they stand comfortably, are already only my force of habit.
  • Q and E R - Rip and tf rev. Here is my habit again. It would be more correct to swap the roar and TF, because then there would be 2 main finishers side by side in convenient positions. But, R isn't bad either.
  • Shift + S - Xt. One of the main spells when playing through DoK. The location seems debatable, but is actually quite natively used.
  • C /` (tilde) / Ctrl + S / Shift + space / Z - Ff, sweat, spring, typhoon, camp. Not the main abilities that are used (if used at all) only a couple of times per battle. The only exception is ff, which will still be used. But, usually, there are enough of those in the raid who will throw armor reduction.
  • Ctrl + Z - Interapt. IMHO, the only big fail, which I already keep there due to the same habit. It is better to put somewhere more comfortable. For example, instead of ff on S.

Why no macros for the mod? Yes, because you can easily get confused / not press the button in a hurry and get the wrong ability that was expected. As a result, fail from the level of "damn it, but oh well" to "flea, because you did not pass the alarm roar, we fell (hello malkorok hmm)". Nothing will happen to you if you visually have a couple more abilities. Especially if you are just starting to play as a cat.

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Want to tear apart opponents in the Arena or Battlegrounds with your cat? No problems! This World of Warcraft Feral Druid PvP guide will help you optimize your character for PvP. After reading the guide, you will learn about the selection of symbols, the choice of talents, stones and enchantments for equipment, and much more.

1 Attribute Priority

The right balance of characteristics is the key to successful game. From patch to patch, the priority of characteristics changes. On this moment Feral Druid's characteristics are distributed in terms of their importance as follows:

Accuracy (3%) > Agility >Mastery > Crete > Mastery (3%) > Speed

PvP Strength and PvP Resilience:

The changes brought to us by Patch 5.3 made major adjustments to the effectiveness of PvP Strength and PvP Resilience. The effectiveness of these characteristics has been significantly reduced. At the moment Feral Druid secondary stats such as Mastery, Haste and Crit have proved to be much better. This is the most up-to-date data at the moment. Perhaps the situation will change as changes are made to the game.


Accuracy cap(3% or 1020 rating) removes the possibility that you will miss any of your abilities on the enemy. It is very important that the hit cap is reached, this significantly affects the effectiveness of playing Feral Druid in PvP. To check if you have the hit cap, go to the character window and hover over the hit and make sure you have 3%.


Increases attack power and slightly increases critical strike chance.


Mastery: Blade Claws increases the damage from your bleeding.


Increases the chance to deal critical damage.


Cap Mastery (3% or 1020 rating) allows you to not miss your enemies. Make sure your skill level is at or above 3%. Mastery above 3% continues to reduce your chance to avoid a parry or dodge, but this increase comes at the cost of other Important stats. Therefore, whether to gain more than 3% skill or not depends on your playing style or personal preferences.


Increases attack speed and energy regeneration.

2 Talents for Feral Druid

We present to your attention the most balanced PvP build for Feral Druid at the moment:

This is the base spec for Feral Druid in PvP. Rushing Charge, Typhoon, and Powerful Stun are most useful in their respective tiers, but can be swapped out for other talents depending on different situations. The upgrade increases survivability. Shapeshift: King of the Jungle and Heart of the Wild increase burst DPS.

3 Symbols

Symbols do not greatly affect the effectiveness of the game, but still some of them can be useful in some situations:

Large characters:

  • Oakskin symbol- recommended. Reduces your chance to be critically hit while affected by Barkskin by 25%. Moderate increase in survivability.
  • Glyph of Cat Form- recommended. Healing spells cast on you are increased by 20% while in Cat Form. Moderate increase in survivability.
  • Glyph of the Prowling Beast- recommended. Reduces the movement speed reduction from Prowl by 100%.
  • Glyph of wildness - recommended. You can now cast Wild Roar without having any combo moves. The effect will last for 12 seconds.
  • The impulse symbol is optional. Reduces the cooldown of your Rush ability by 60 sec. Great mobility boost!
  • Magic fire symbol- optional. Increases the range of your Faerie Fire spell by 10 yards.
  • Symbol of magical silence- optional. Your Faerie Fire ability, cast in Bear Form, silences the target for 3 seconds. and has a cooldown of 15 seconds. Good in fights with casters.
  • Glyph of the Ferocious Bite- optional. Your Ferocious Bite ability heals you for 1% of your maximum health per 10 points. used energy. Slightly increases survivability.
  • Glyph of the Great Werewolf- optional. Mana cost of shapeshifting is reduced by 90%.
  • Symbol of Nature's Grasp- optional. The cooldown on Nature's Grasp is reduced by 30 seconds.
  • Symbol of rebirth- optional. A character resurrected by this spell is resurrected with 100% health. A good symbol for group World PvP.

Small characters:

  • The deer symbol is optional. While traveling, you can carry party members. Glyph of the Cheetah will override this glyph. Slightly increases group mobility.

4 Equipment Enchant

  • Shoulders: Greater Inscription of the Tiger Claw(+200 Agility and +100 Crit)
  • Raincoat: Enchant Cloak - Critical Strike III(+180 crit)
  • Bib: Enchant Chest - All Stats X(+80 to all stats)/ Enchant Chest - Resilience IV(+200 PvP Resilience)
  • Bracers: Enchant Bracer - Agility III(+180 Agility)
  • Gloves: Enchant Gloves - Mastery(+170 Mastery)
  • Belt: Living Steel Belt Buckle(+1 stone socket)
  • Leggings: Shaded leather overlays(+285 Agility and +165 Crit)
  • Shoes: Enchant Boots - Swiftness of Movement(+140 Agility)
  • Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel(proc for 1650 agility)

5 Stones

  • Meta: Ringing Primal Diamond(+216 Agility & +3% Critical Damage) / Despotic Primal Diamond(+665 PvP Strength and +775 PvP Resilience)
  • Colorless: Fragile Primordial Ruby(+160 Agility)
  • Blue: Imperial Assassin's Amethyst(+80 Agility and +80 PvP Strength) / Brilliant Imperial Amethyst(+80 Agility and +160 Accuracy)
  • Red: Fragile Primordial Ruby(+160 Agility)
  • Yellow: Adept's Sunset Onyx(+80 Agility & +160 Mastery) / Sensei's Native Jade(+160 Mastery and +160 Accuracy)

We are glad to present to your attention the PvE guide for the feral druid for WoW 5.4 and 5.4.8 patches. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about playing Feral Druid in Pandaria, including: talents, build, main stats, rotation, caps, and more.

Talents / build

In Mists of Pandaria, the talent system has received a major overhaul. Previously "mandatory" PvE talents have been converted into specialization passive abilities, and new talents are optional in most cases, useful in different ways for different battles. To build an optimal PvE build, a feral druid needs to understand what each of the talents represents.

Tier 1

Talents that increase mobility.

All three talents are well balanced at 5.4, so the choice will depend on your personal preferences and the requirements of the battle.

Astral Leap is a very versatile talent and is great for overcoming some mechanics (for example, it allows you to pass through walls of fire without taking damage).

Rapid dash- A good choice if the cat needs something with a lower cooldown than Astral Blink.

Since the bonus Cat Elan stacks with the cat form bonus, the talent is also a good choice for the vast majority of situations. It will allow not only to get to opponents faster, but also to run out of puddles and other similar troubles faster.

Tier 2

The choice between spells related to healing.

Ysera's gift is currently the best choice, as it is completely passive and provides the highest amount of healing.

Cenarion Shield can be used in some situations where there is predictable high damage. Upgrade is a good enough heal for itself.

Tier 3

Effects: If no one else in the raid can provide the Weakened Armor effect on the target, use Faerie Fire to maintain that effect.

One goal

In patch 5.4, the PvE single-target rotation looks like this:

KP set:

  1. Slash for CP. If the target cannot be attacked from behind, use Mangle.
  2. Use Rake to maintain the bleed effect it applies (i.e. every 15 seconds).

CP consumption:

  1. Cast and maintain Feral Roar (preferably at 5 CP).
  2. Apply and maintain Rupture (at 5 CP).
  • When the target is below 25% health, use Ferocious Bite to refresh (preferably at 5 CP, or if there is a risk of bleed fading).

Multiple goals

2 opponents: just do a standard rotation on one target and maintain Rake on both opponents whenever possible.

3+ enemies: keep up the Wild Roar buff, bleed from Thrash and use Swipe on CD at all times. Use the remaining CPs to Rip the primary target, if there is one.

Game improvement

Detailed rotation for one target

A druid's damage dealer rotation is largely about keeping debuffs and bleeds on the target, as well as keeping Feral Roar on himself during combat.

Debuffs and bleeding

The PvE cat must maintain Faerie Fire on the target. However, similar effect other classes can provide. If a similar effect is already on the target, you don't need to worry about it.

You should also aim to maintain 100% uptime for the two bleeds: Rake and Rupture. Deep Wound consumes only energy, making it easy to maintain it on the target. Rip also costs energy, but the power of this ability depends on the number of combo points; you should always use it with 5 CP.

wild roar

Feral Roar - An effect that increases all damage dealt by the cat by 40%. The duration of the effect (but not the power) depends on the druid's current combo points. Therefore, the amount of CP does not play a big role in maintaining Feral Roar, but using the ability with 5 CP makes it easier to maintain the rotation.

A PvE druid should always have this effect on him.

Note that with Glyph of Wildness you can cast the ability without combo points (the effect will last 12 seconds). This will be very useful in case of errors in the rotation, as well as in case of the impossibility of a permanent collection of CP. In addition, the symbol is very useful at the beginning of the battle.

What to do the rest of the time?

When all your buffs and debuffs are active and don't need to be refreshed, you should use Shred to generate CP. In addition, a certain amount of CP will be gained by using

I advise you to familiarize yourself with other guides on the Druid in WOW:

Balance Druid (Owl) PvE guide (WoW MoP 5.4.8)

1 Attribute Priority

2 Talents

3 Symbols

4 Rotation and cooldowns

5 Stones

6 Enchanting things

7 Bis

1 Attribute Priority

Stamina >= Agility > Accuracy (7.5%) = Mastery (15%) > Crit > Speed ​​> Mastery > Evasion


Increases the amount of health. Endurance should be enough for the healers to heal you before the boss kills you.


Increases attack power (aggro), evasion (survivability) and crit (aggro + survivability).

Accuracy and Mastery:

These two stats are important for both aggro generation and survival. 7.5% (2250 rating) accuracy will allow you not to miss your abilities. 7.5% (2250 rating) of mastery ensures that the target will not dodge your attack. 15% Mastery ensures that the target does not parry your attack. It is not recommended to gain 15% of mastery, it is better to increase other characteristics.


Increases the chance to deal critical damage with your ability. With Primal Fury, your Maim and auto-attacks will generate an additional 15 Rage, allowing you to use Frenzied Recovery and Savage Defense more often.


Increases attack speed. For Guardian Druids, each auto-attack generates ~6 rage, so increasing attack speed will result in a small increase in rage generation. Also increases the frequency of Tooth and Claw procs.


Mastery: Nature Guardian increases your armor. Mastery contributes to a small amount of damage smoothing, which makes it easier for you to heal.


Increases the chance to dodge attacks and avoid damage from incoming attacks.

2 Talents

Consider the talents that I use:


3 Symbols

Large characters:

The bashing symbol is required. Slight increase in cleave/AOE damage.

Symbol of magical silence - optional. Good for fights where you need to knock down casts.

Glyph of Furious Recovery is optional. If you require additional healing at some point in the fight.

Ursoc's Glyph of Might is optional. Better when taking rare but high damage.

Symbol of rebirth - optional. Resurrects an ally with 100% health.

An alarm roar symbol is optional. Good for moving fights.

Glyph of Survival Instincts is optional. Better for mitigating frequent damage.

Small characters:

4 Rotation and cooldowns

Single Target Rotation

Use this priority to generate rage and threat.

Injury per cd.

Thrash refreshes DOT and Light Strikes.

Tear apart by CD.

Bashing when procs Teeth and Claws.

Faerie fire if the debuff is not provided by anyone.

Damage Mitigation

Spend your rage on these damage mitigation abilities:

Frenzied Recovery provides self-healing, scales with the amount of rage.

Savage Defense reduces physical damage taken.

The tanking priority of a Guardian Druid is very simple. Maintain the debuff from Faerie Fire and use Mangle on CD to generate Fury. Cooldown Time Mangle can be reset by some of the Druid's abilities, so keep an eye on resetting Mangle's cooldown. Maintain Bleeding and Light Strikes from Thrash and spam Maul whenever possible. Use Maul when procs Teeth and Claws.

The use of rage on Frenzied Recovery or Savage Defense depends on the specific combat. Frenzied Recovery is a self-heal that scales with fury and should be used to recover from damage that could not be mitigated or to help your healers. Wild defense must be maintained maximum amount time to mitigate physical damage, however its use may be delayed if a period of increased physical damage is expected. damage to you.

Some (important) cooldowns:

Use Barkskin to reduce incoming damage.

Berserking for quick aggro in multi-target combat with spam Mangle.

The roar forces the target to attack you (taunt).

Enrage use to increase rage. Good for pre-pool use.

Use Ursoc's Might before or after taking a lot of damage.

Use survival instincts to reduce incoming damage.

Use Symbiosis on Bone Shield (Death Knight) or Ploy (Rogue).

5 Stones

Meta: Rough Primal Diamond / Indomitable Primal Diamond

Colorless: Smooth Sunshine

Blue: Jagged Native Jade / Perfectly Cut Imperial Amethyst

Red: Insidious Sunset Onyx

Boots: Enchant Boots - Swiftness of Movement

Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel

7 Bis

Weapon: Trident of Cursed Waters
Head: Headguard of the Shattered Vale
Neck: Brilliant Devil's Eye
Shoulder: Ricochet Shoulderpads
Cloak: Xian-Le, Courage Niuzao
Chest: Tunic of Shattered Vale
Wrists: Bracers of Lasburn
Hands: Handguards of the Shattered Vale
Belt: Cord of Dark Dreams
Legs: Trousers of the Shattered Vale
Feet: Bots of shamelessness
Rings: Reality Warp Ring
Ring of Vigilant Energy

Below is a set of accessories falling on the tank in order of their importance in my opinion:
Increasing hp and specifically tank ones:

Accessories: Curse of Arrogance
Giant's Focusing Crystal
Phial of Living Filth
Unlucky Talisman Hand
Ticking Black Detonator

DPS Boosts:

Accessories: Consequence Approval
Talisman Haromm
Rampage Seal
Ticking Black Detonator
