Sedentary game land water air targets. Outdoor children's games ("Horses", "Break the chain", "Earth, water, air or fire", "Rope walker"). "Firefighters in training"

Maria Balakireva

Outdoor game " Earth, water, fire, air"we chose from N.I. Gutkina's manual - , because in our work we try to contribute as much as possible to qualitative changes in physical and mental child development, have a diverse influence on the formation of the child’s personality, and therefore contribute to successful preparation children to the transition to the next level of education.

This game can be organized in a group, on a playground, in a park. You can use balls of different diameters and textures. But it’s more interesting to play it in a group of more than three people, then not only the physical, intellectual, but also the social side development The child's personality will be actively involved. Children really like it ball games. Therefore, together with the teacher middle group one of the pre-Gymnasium "Lomonosov School"- Epifanova Olga Evgenievna we decided modify this game. Added movements, changed the signal, conditions and name games.


Development of attention

The author attaches great importance to the content of games, since through them the most are developing effectivelymental functions of the child: thinking, memory, attention, speech, etc. In this game, the author pays great attention to animals as inhabitants of the earth, water and air environment. It seems to us from an educational point of view that fixation of attention is also true children on fire - as a huge danger for all animals.

They choose a driver, and the players stand around him. The driver throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: « Earth» , « water» , « air» , « fire» . If he said a word « Earth» , then the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. On word « water» The player answers with the name of a fish. On word « air» - the name of the bird. At the word « fire» Everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver.

Rules games. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from games.

Instructions for carrying out. Before the beginning games The group teacher tells the children about the inhabitants of the earth, water and air environments and shows them in pictures.

Age of participants: from 5 years old.



Development coordination of movements; ability to catch and pass the ball

Expanding a child’s horizons and vocabulary

We also change games We paid more attention to the content, since we are confident that less voluminous content will make the game accessible to children from 4 years old. We chose Transport. In our opinion, an interesting group of items for children 4-5 years old, and quite often causing difficulties in classifying species.

Changed the name games -“Freight is not passenger!”

Beginning children The driver is not chosen to introduce the game to the game; the teacher becomes the driver. The driver throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of five words: "ground", "underground", "water", « air» , "a pedestrian". If he said a word "ground", then the one who caught the ball must quickly name some kind of ground transport, etc. At the word "a pedestrian" everyone should quickly turn in a circle, then use their hands to depict "transition". Later in the game you can add a couple more words, for example, "passenger" And "cargo".

Rules games. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from games.

Instructions for carrying out. Before we meet children With the game, the teacher tells the children about types of transport and shows them in pictures.

Age of participants: from 4 years old.

Equipment: ball

Literature: N. I. Gutkina - “Psychological readiness for school”– series « Tutorial» 4th ed. St. Petersburg : "Peter Press"- Peter. 2009

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Fire, water, earth, air

Fire, water, earth, air

For this game you will need a small ball.

The driver is selected. He takes the ball. The remaining participants line up in one line opposite the driver at a distance of five to six steps from him.

To begin with, the leader tells the participants that there are four elements - water, air, earth, fire. Fish live in the water, birds live in the air, and animals live on the land. No one can live in fire. According to the terms of the game, each player must catch the ball thrown by the driver and name a creature that can live in the element that the driver says.

For example, the driver throws the ball to one of the players and shouts: “Air!” The one to whom he throws the ball must catch it and immediately throw it back, while naming some kind of bird.

If the driver shouted: “Fire!”, then you cannot catch the ball, otherwise you will get burned. Let it fly by.

The driver can throw the ball to the same player several times in a row, constantly speeding up the pace.

Be careful! You cannot make mistakes or repeat answers.

If you answered correctly, take a step forward. If you make a mistake, take a step back.

The winner is the one who first gets on the same line with the driver. Now he will drive, and the game continues.

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According to the counting rhyme, the guys are divided into “horses” and “coachmen”. A line is drawn on the ground, on one side of which the “horses” stand, on the other – the “coachmen”.
The “horses”, holding hands, come up to the line and say: Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra, The horses have left the yard.
After that, they run away, and the “coachmen” catch them and take them to a fenced place - the “yard”. Children playing "horses" must click their tongues all the time until they are caught: "clack-clack-clack" so that the "coachmen" know who to catch. When all the “horses” have been caught, they change roles.


The guys stand opposite each other in two lines at a distance of ten to fifteen steps. They join hands and form a chain. In turn, a player runs from each rank, trying to break the “enemy’s” chain. The one who succeeds takes two guys from the broken chain to his team, and the loser remains with the “enemy.”


The guys stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air” or “fire”. If the driver said “ground,” the one who caught the ball must quickly name a domestic or wild animal; to the word “water” the player responds with the name of a fish; for the word "air" - the name of the bird. When the word “fire” is said, everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the leader. Slow, clumsy and inattentive guys leave the game after the first mistake.


On the site, the guys draw a straight line six to ten meters long. You have to move along it like on a tightrope. It is allowed to keep your arms at your sides.
The losers are those guys who go off the line - “fly off the rope.”

"Earth, water, fire air"


1. consolidate knowledge about the world around us.

2. Improve your ball catching skills.

Progress of the game:

Participants stand in a circle, with the driver in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, air, fire. If the driver calls the word “earth”, the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal in response; to the word “water!” - the player names some fish; to the word “air!” - a bird.

At the word “fire!” Everyone must turn around several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver. The child who makes a mistake takes a step back and continues to participate in the game.

"Fire Thieves"

Target: strengthen running and dodging skills.

Progress of the game:

The game is played on a rectangular playground (length - 30-40 m, width - 15-20 m). A circle with a diameter of 2-4 meters is drawn in each corner. This is a fortress. Inside the rectangle, retreating 4 m from the two narrow sides, draw danger lines (or fire lines) 2-3 m long. Two teams of 7-10 people play. They are located along the danger line. Each team chooses distinctive sign and captain. The right to be the first to start the game is determined by drawing lots.

At the signal, the captain of the team starting the game approaches the opponents, takes fire with a light blow to the hand of any of the players and runs away to his border. The enemy runs after him, trying to catch him. The caught player becomes a prisoner.

The game continues until all players on one team are captured.

"Firefighters in training"


1. Strengthen the ability to climb a gymnastic wall with

moving from flight to flight, climbing over objects and ladders, crawling on a gymnastic bench.

2. Improve the ability to act on a signal, not

breaking the rules.

Progress of the game:

Participants are divided into teams. Captains distribute tasks. Each participant, in accordance with the relay rules, overcomes one of the obstacles, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player.

Expected tasks:

Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up

Climbing a gymnastic wall and moving to another

Climb under several gymnastics poles
or in hoops fixed at a height of 35-50 cm;

Climb over the step ladder;

Running in pairs in a hoop;

Walking on a bench with a toy on your back;

Walking over bumps.

"Call the Firefighters"


- clearly and correctly state your last name and home address.

Learn the fire department phone number.

Progress of the game:

Each team member needs to run to the phone, dial “01” and call the firefighters, loudly and clearly stating their name and home address.

"Brave Firefighters"


Develop speed of reaction and movement.

Progress of the game:

There are three gymnastic benches in front of the children. There are hoops on them. The number of hoops depends on the length of the benches. Each team member needs to crawl under the first hoop, climb out into the second hoop, step from the second to the third, etc., run to the wall, ring the bell, crawl back through the tunnel (under the hoops). The first team to complete the task correctly wins.



Foster a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

Progress of the game:

Two players - boys and each team - go through an obstacle course consisting of an arc bench; They put the waiting girl on crossed arms and run back, passing the baton to the next pair of players.

Games - relay races

"Fire shield"

The teacher reminds the children the names of fire equipment items, their purpose and order of location on the shield, reinforcing the theme “Corner fire safety in kindergarten."

As equipment, mock-ups of fire shields with equipment are used - a fire extinguisher, a shovel, a bucket, a crowbar, an ax - according to the number of team members. Team members with equipment are at the start. Model of a firefighter's unstaffed shield at the finish line. A sample layout of a complete fire shield is also at the finish line.

Each team member runs to the finish line one by one and tries to correctly place the objects on the shield, as shown in the example.

"Put out the fire"

The teacher briefly reminds the children what fire is, what harm it can cause.

Offers to put out the fire. Several red balls, depending on the number of participants, in the hand of one of the team members standing at the finish line symbolize a fire. Each child, reaching the finish line, takes one ball and brings it to the start. When the last ball is brought to the start, the fire is extinguished.

"Fire number - "01""

The teacher reminds you of the rules for calling the fire department.

Inventory- an unplugged telephone or toy telephone.

You need to run to the phone, dial the fire department and report the fire, giving the address.

“Carry it through, don’t drop it!”

The teacher reminds children about the rules of behavior in case of a fire, that it is unacceptable to hide under beds, sofas, in closets and other places, reinforcing the topic “What to do in case of a fire.”

Inventory- dolls located at the finish line, where the fire is supposed to be located. Number of dolls according to the number of team members. You need to crawl, “escaping the smoke,” under the tables to the “place of the fire,” carefully pick up the doll and “take it out of the fire.”

"Rescuing the Victims"

Run in a chain, holding on to a rope. A rescuer with a rope runs to the other end of the hall to the victims. The first child grabs the rope with his hand, and both return to the starting point. Then they return together for the next victim. The attraction ends when all the victims gather together.

"Unravel and roll up the fire hose"

Run to the chaotically folded rope, stretch it and carefully roll it up near the “fire truck”.

"Who can crawl into the tunnel faster"

P crawl under a gymnastics bench.
