Mars war logs completing additional tasks. Mars War Logs: walkthrough of the game. Camp – Crater Zone

Which is made in the style of the world-famous fantasy role-playing game Mass Effect. Here you also take control of a character who has to escape from a prison on Mars and find himself in an incredibly difficult situation. You will be in danger from all sides - you will find yourself between the millstones of the mill of large organizations that are fighting among themselves for water, the most expensive and important resource on the Red Planet. Moreover, you will not be protected from a variety of terrible creatures that are the result of mutations that occurred to them due to the increased background radiation on the planet Mars. IN Mars game: War Logs passage is relatively linear - the fact is that the plot practically does not change throughout the entire game. Only in the last part you have to make a choice - to take the dark side or the light side and, depending on your choice, finish the game with one ending or another. This project also has the concept of light and darkness directly in the gameplay itself - depending on how you behave, how you communicate with other characters and what actions you take, the fate of your hero in the game Mars: War Logs depends. The passage is not too long, but the game also contains side quests, which you should pay attention to, as they are very interesting and will give you much needed experience, as well as useful things and finances.

Chapter 1: First steps in prison, weapons for battle and the Mole Queen

In the game Mars: War Logs, the passage begins in prison - your character is a prisoner of war, and you need to get out of prison in order to continue your journey, which will lead you to the finale of the project. First, you need to leave the sand pit, neutralize Fatman and his gang, and go to the place where the riots are happening. This may be your chance to be released. Find a quiet and safe place to wait out the main events, and then head to the military registration and enlistment office. There you need to find a passage to the elevator leading to the well. There you will need to clear the area of ​​moles, then arm the guard Joe with a nail gun and join Innosence in the showdown. You need to get weapons - distract the soldiers, and then pick up the guns from the dead soldiers. Throw them into the well tunnel. After this, you will need to wait a while and then gain access to this very well to pick up the weapon you have hidden. After this it starts important point- you will need to destroy the mole eggs, and then lure the Queen herself to the very bottom of the tunnel, where you need to set a trap for her. As you can see, in the game Mars: War Logs the passage is far from the most ordinary and simple, it is very varied and incredibly exciting.

Chapter 1: Sabotage, Water for the Journey, and the Great Escape

What will Mars: War Logs offer you next? The passage will become more difficult gradually, but your character's level will also increase, which will allow you to function much more effectively in battle. So, first you need to prepare for sabotage - ask about the rebel mutant whom you need to find - his name is Dust. Find him and find out exactly what he needs to implement the plan. Find the necessary tools and take them to Skam, the leader of the mutant rebels. Then you should start searching for water - for this you will need a prisoner who has access to the cistern. Talk to Jay, who will tell you how to get to the tank. Steal the key to the mushroom field from the guard and make your way through this field to the tank, from which you pump out the water needed for your plan. Well, the time has come for the escape itself - it is necessary to make all the preparations, discuss all the details with Jay, then clear the perimeter around the train and leave the prison territory right inside it. Naturally, this is not the end of the passage in the game Mars: War Logs. The guide has so far described only the first chapter, and there are only three of them.

Chapter 2: Returning Home, Hard to Reach, Finding the Faith and Meeting the Resistance

It's time to continue looking at how the passage unfolds in the game Mars: War Logs. Mission Bob, which was the very first in the game, will now seem incredibly simple to you, because the tasks will become more and more difficult. First you will need to visit Innosence's home, and then get out of the ghetto. After this, go to a commune called Sand, where you will have to get rid of the drug addicts who have occupied the shelter, which you will need. Next step- go to the bar owned by your old friend Charity - talk to her. From now on, the passage of the game Mars: War Logs will become much more fun - the mission in Tierville is proof of this. You will need to find Faith in the shopping area there - this is Charity's friend. You need to question her - you will find out that she is under the influence of a local pimp. You will have to find a way to rid her of this unpleasant burden, and you yourself must decide how. Tell Faith that she is free, then return to Charity. Now you have the necessary connections, and you can meet with the Resistance - they will be waiting for you at the bar.

Chapter 2: Strange explosion, meeting with the General, a little perspective, finding Innocence and choosing a side

During the second chapter you will meet various side quests Mars: War Logs - A coin killer that can take a lot of time to complete, for example. Don't be surprised that these tasks are not described in the main walkthrough - they will be given attention later. For now, you need to move along the plot, and to do this, you need to go to the site of a strange explosion and meet there with Mary, who will have to be cured so that she can help you. After this, you can go underground to meet with General Honor. After this, you have a difficult task - to defeat Tenacity and free Charity. To do this, go to a shelter and rest. After this, the most important moment in the game will come - you need to prevent an attack on the prison train in order to save Innocence, and then there will be a key episode that you will be faced with in the game Mars: War Logs walkthrough - choosing a side. You have to decide whether you will fight on the side of the Resistance or come under the command of General Honor.

Chapter 3 (Resistance): Resistance, Sabotage, Shadow Consul and in Enemy Territory

If you chose the Resistance side, then you have to go to the Resistance camp, where you need to talk with Marco. He will give you your first task - go to the Technomancer construction site, where you need to sabotage and blow up a gas tank, and then return and report your success to Marco. Later, you will need to go to the rally point and repel the Technomancer's attack, and then discuss everything with Marco. You need to infiltrate the Technomancer's base and identify who the traitor is who is trying to frame you - you need to convey the information received to Marco.

Chapter 3 (Resistance): Political Prisoners, Back to the Source and the Heart of the Source

The end of the game has come for you if you chose the Resistance side. You need to go to another Technomancer facility, find the key to free the political prisoners, fight the huge Worm, and then complete the liberation of the prisoners. As usual, report your success to Marco. Now you have to accept Marco's offer - this will be your last task. Go to the Source, fight with and then stop Wisdom by any means necessary. That's all, the game is completed, but there is still an alternative option.

Chapter 3 (Honor): Strength and Honor, a Strange Construction Site, a Guardian Angel, and High-Risk Espionage

If you chose the General’s side, then you need to meet with the General, who will give you tasks just like Marco from the Resistance. You will need to prevent the sabotage that you carried out in alternative passage, meet with the Resistance undercover and participate in repelling the Technomancer's attack in order to ingratiate himself and allow the Resistance to hide, and then infiltrate the Technomancer's base and spy on Wisdom, after which he fights the Resistance and returns to Honor.

Chapter 3 (Honor): Dark Experiments, Back to the Source and the Heart of the Source

The last three tasks are identical to those you completed for the resistance - freeing the prisoners, returning to the Source, the battle with the Praetorian and the final battle with Wisd. Now you know what happens if you choose General Honor instead of the Resistance. The game is completed, now all that remains is to talk about additional tasks.

What are additional tasks?

In the game Mars: War Logs walkthrough additional tasks is not necessary for the development of the plot and completion of the game. These missions are considered optional and give you greater immersion in the universe of the game, as well as money, experience and various useful items.

Examples of additional tasks

One of the simplest and most striking examples of additional tasks is the “Master's Assistant” mission. When you find yourself in the Camp in the first chapter, you can find a Master there who will ask you to find the spare parts he needs for him. Do this, return to the walkthrough, and then come to him later when he moves into the crater area. He will again ask you to find spare parts for him - do this, for which you will receive a reward: ten units of sulfur and two and a half thousand experience for each of the two parts of the mission. Naturally, this is not the only task that you have to complete - among them there are also very interesting and unusual ones: for example, you will need to repel a dog attack, investigate its cause, and then gradually, step by step, approach the solution to the riddle of why dogs started attacking people. This is not only fun, but also useful because, again, you will gain experience and sulfur.

Mars: War Logs begins with the memories of Innocence (traditionally, the inhabitants of the Martian colonies are named in honor of human virtues). He acts simultaneously as a comrade-in-arms of the protagonist and a narrator-chronicler who reads the very chronicles of the war included in the title.

So, most of the colonies on Mars were destroyed as a result of the cosmic catastrophe that befell the solar system. The remaining settlements have lost contact with Earth and are mired in wars between water supply corporations that have gained power on the Red Planet.

During another battle between rival companies, one young soldier is captured. In the concentration camp, the poor guy faces a not-so-pleasant episode of his life: in the prison shower, a nasty, fat criminal is about to abuse him. The guy is saved from humiliation by someone who appears on time main character- he is stern, taciturn and avoids the “virtuous” name (Restrained), preferring to be called simply Roy.

First impression

But if you overcome your rejection and be patient for at least ten minutes, you will find out that behind the cheap graphics and bad design lies a pretty decent RPG with a sane character development system and good combat mechanics.

Even the plot is initially captivating, although the developers seem to have done everything possible to discourage you from delving into the details of the story. Firstly, the characters are voiced so badly that compared to them, the drunken Santa Claus from a children's party seems like a good dramatic actor. Secondly, the dialogues suffer from pathological graphomania. Tired of the endless (and often meaningless) stream of words, sooner or later you begin to waste even important plot conversations. Another reason to skip cutscenes is the strange animation of some characters: looking at their twitches, it won’t take long for you to develop a nervous tic yourself.


The first chapter, namely the episode in the prisoner of war camp, is the best thing in the game. Preparing to escape, Roy and his partner solve urgent problems: get weapons, stock up on water, plan a diversionary maneuver. The entire stage consists of a chain of extremely simple but meaningful actions, when performing which you clearly understand the goals and motives of your hero - this is not like completing endless courier orders from faceless NPCs.

Stealth, like the graphics in general, looks good only in formal screenshots.

Intense atmosphere and action-packed prison missions remind, scary to say, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. And even though Mars: War Logs is far from “Riddick” in terms of character development and narrative acuity, the first act is still a breeze.

Serum of Greed

But then everything goes bad. In subsequent chapters, War Logs is more reminiscent of Mass Effect in its worst manifestations: the plot is marking time, and quests are annoying with tedious running back and forth in lifeless scenery. There is no way to quickly move around locations, so you have to cut circles again and again along the cramped corridors of half-empty levels.

The dull wanderings are a little brightened up by the opportunity to constantly upgrade the hero. Character development occurs in three directions: combat skills, Stealth (useless) and Technomancy - skills that are formally based on the use of electrical energy, but, in essence, play the role of magic. Passive skills like crafting or finding loot are upgraded separately.

Fauna of the Red Planet.

Some abilities are only unlocked after reaching a certain reputation level. As in Everyday life, it rises or plummets down depending on the decisions you make. It is also negatively affected by the killing of opponents: if you get carried away with murder, you can very quickly earn a bad reputation.

Here it is necessary to explain that the enemies you defeat only lose consciousness (this is after you shot them in the head with a nail gun, blew them up with grenades, hit them in the back of the head with a metal pipe...), that is, you have the choice - to leave the enemy lying in pass out or finish him off and get some serum (serum), a substance that plays the role of currency here.

However, reputation itself, and the skills that depend on it, do not greatly affect game process. The maximum you can get is a discount from merchants for the “light” hero and a small bonus to combat skills for the bad guy.

Keep your friends away

The combat mechanics are surprisingly adequate. Not everything works (electromagic is ineffective: attacks take too long to activate and deal little damage), but overall the fights leave a pleasant impression.

The game forces you to constantly change your fighting technique a little: available techniques is small, but if you hit the enemy with the same blow, he will quickly learn to block it and begin to counterattack. Some enemies are basically immune to frontal attacks, and in order to defeat them you have to get smart and go behind them. Little things like this significantly add excitement to the fights.

Electric attacks look so impressive that they remind you of inFamous, but they are of little use.

The impression is spoiled only by the inconvenient camera and the extreme stupidity of the computer-controlled partner. It cannot be left on its own even for a couple of minutes: in best case scenario he will get punched in the face and fall to the ground, knocked out; in the worst case scenario, your comrade may turn out to be a technomancer who will mindlessly shoot electricity in all directions, hitting you every now and then - with such friends you don’t even need enemies.

The partners are practically uncontrollable. They cannot be upgraded, they cannot be equipped, you cannot even view their current status - any information about partners is simply not available in the menu. But you can have intimate conversations with them and even start a “relationship” (if you get close, new phrases will become available in dialogues).

Once upon a time, humanity dreamed of a flight to Mars: an unknown planet in cold space, the expansion of scientific knowledge and, possibly, extraterrestrial life - romance! But for last years these fantasies were successfully dispelled as gaming industry, and cinema. Sorry, Yuri Alekseevich , but we fly to Mars only in games, and, to be honest, things aren’t very good there.

With a hammer for revolution

The surroundings are reminiscent of the mini-series “ Dune"and games in the series. The local Mars is a sun-drenched desert, in the vastness of which colonizer settlements are located.

According to the developers from Spiders (they helped make the lopsided but touching role-playing game), in the near future humanity has mastered Mars, but everything was covered with a copper basin due to a sudden cataclysm. Rolled around solar system a powerful radiation wave destroyed all electronic devices, depriving the population of Mars of communication with Earth.

Previously, water was delivered to Mars from Earth, but now supplies have been cut off and many factions have emerged fighting for control of the scarce resource. In addition, the cataclysm left residents without high technology. Some managed to adapt to this: they implanted special implants into themselves, learned to control the electricity of their body and became the local elite - technomancers.

The main character of Mars: War Logs is called Roy, and he was once a mercenary who fought on the side of one of the “water” syndicates. After the decisive battle, he ended up in a prisoner of war camp and now wants only one thing - to escape as quickly as possible. Roy is a lot like Wolverine from "X-Men" - the same gloomy lone wolf, who is actually not so simple. But we know Wolverine's rich backstory, and we know why he's like this. But Roy prefers to remain silent about the past until the very end, and why on earth should his person interest us - we can only guess.

Here it is, the Martian elite: the keepers of knowledge, in whose hands political power on the planet is concentrated - many people deify them.

Use your power, Roy!

Mars by Spiders is beautiful, but it consists entirely of closed locations: prisons, city streets, sewers... In some we move around without fear for our lives, take on quests and go shopping, in others we mostly fight.

The game's combat system is somewhat reminiscent of . There are several enemies circling around the hero; we can attack with knives or fists, block blows, and also use special techniques and gadgets like homemade bombs and traps. There are, one might say, no small arms: at the very beginning, Roy is given a frail nail gun, the ammunition for which is constantly running out. It takes a long time to shoot from it, and it takes even longer to reload, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fire more than a couple of shots in a battle.

The police are not asleep! One day they will ask Roy for his ID: if you haven’t obtained it through the quest before, a fight cannot be avoided.

In the second third of the game, Roy will acquire a gadget of the local elite - a glove of technomancers, and will learn to charge weapons with electricity, create an energy shield, a blast wave and bombs from lightning. Here, too, you won’t be allowed to roam: the animation of each perk takes several seconds, and if you don’t pump yourself up with currents in advance, your enemy will certainly interrupt the “cast.”

IT IS IMPORTANT: Friendly fire is taken into account in battles, and this can be used for your own purposes. Situation: you are surrounded by soldiers with electric batons and packs of mutated dogs. The Martian hounds accelerate like bulls in a bullfight and rush towards Roy. Try to break out of the cordon and hide behind the gaping soldiers - this way they will be in the way of the dogs and will suffer greatly.

Enemies rarely stand alone, but you can have a lot of fun mocking single ones.

The hero's remaining skills are scattered across three branches: fighting, technomancy and stealth. With the first two, everything is very clear - thicker armor, more powerful blows, brighter lightning, but stealth is clearly unnecessary: ​​the locations on Mars are small, there is really nowhere to hide. In addition, you will eventually have to engage in open battle.

Enemies almost never drop good equipment, and what sellers have is no good, so we craft most of the equipment ourselves. Clubs, cartridges, armor, first aid kits, etc. are constructed from junk that is raked out of trash heaps and boxes. There is no point in saving on resources: very soon there will be so many of them that there will be nowhere to put them.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The main currency of Mars is obtained in a very interesting way: the main character carries a syringe with him, with which he extracts a certain serum from defeated opponents - local “liquid money”. Roy bends down to the defeated but still living enemy, pumps out the substance, and he falls asleep in eternal sleep. Never wanted to know how the sisters from Bioshock?

Bioware didn't do that.

My friend doesn't inspire confidence. But since he asks to join the team... well, what can you do with you. Went.

Mars: War Logs is called role-playing game, but everything role-playing in it ends with the leveling system and item creation. We have almost no influence on the development of the plot. The variability in tasks comes down to the difficult dilemma of “scaring or immediately killing me,” and only once will we make a fateful decision - when Roy is offered to join one of the two groups operating on Mars. We are waiting for two completely different stories that will show the heroes from different angles... but the ending is the same.

You won’t be able to identify yourself with the main character - and the point here is not only the almost complete lack of choice, but also the strange reluctance of the authors to go into plot details and talk about the characters. It seems as if we are playing the continuation of some unknown game and must know everything ourselves in advance. For example, one day Roy defeats a bounty hunter in battle, and he suddenly decides to become his friend. They say they promised me money and told me to kill you, but now you beat me, so I’d rather help you. We have no reason to trust the mercenary... but Roy does. But we will never know which ones exactly.

Where are you, Liara?

It is enough to save the girl after the explosion, and she is yours. Apparently, for technomancers, to get to know a person, two meetings and a couple of conversations are enough.

Over time, four partners will sit on our necks - and only one will follow Roy. The composition is motley: a boy from a military camp, a technomancer, a member of a resistance group and the aforementioned bounty hunter. Unfortunately, only the girl technomancer stands out among them. The rest differ from each other, like one punching bag from another. They perform the same functions: while opponents are beating up their partner, Roy manages to deal with the bulk of the attackers. If we don’t have a lightning-throwing technomancer with us, we actually defeat our enemies alone.

Interaction with partners is a joint scuffle, a few dialogues... and that's it. The characters do not react to our actions, you cannot develop relationships with them. The only love line in the game looks like a manual for a young pick-up artist: a short meeting, a couple of dialogues - and off to bed. The dialogues tell negligible amounts about the characters, and as a result, the player not only does not sympathize with them, but does not consider them to be people at all.

And so it is everywhere. The developers drew a beautiful Mars, but could not make us believe in it.

Mars: War Logs (review)

Developer: Spiders

Publisher: Focus Home Interactive

Publisher in Russia: 1C-SoftClub

Genre: rpg

Multiplayer: No

System requirements (minimum):Windows XP/Vista/7; Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz, 2 GB memory, GeForce 7600 GT/Radeon X1800 GTO, 15 GB HDD space


Mars: War Logs will allow any player to take part in the colonization of the red planet, because people have been dreaming and wondering for centuries whether Martians live on the neighboring planet? Are they kind or hostile? What do they look like? Questions can be asked endlessly. But the authors of a slightly unsuccessful project Of Orcs and Men provide you with such a unique opportunity, and even in RPG format. This means that players will find a well-thought-out battle system, numerous conversations, and most importantly, choice. Should you choose Mars: War Logs, let's see in this review.


All events in the game Mars: War Logs will develop on Mars.

More than a hundred years ago, a serious catastrophe occurred on the planet. As a result, the settlers lost contact with the Earth. This led to real chaos in the colony of settlers. The people living there realized that whoever controls the water will control everything. In this regard, a struggle ensued. All the colonists split into several groups and began to fight for control of the colony. This is where Roy Temperance, the main character of the game, appears. He is a real renegade, a prisoner of war. He was taken into custody after the victory of one large faction. However, he manages to escape and is freed and now forced to survive. But Roy has a number of unique abilities that will be very useful both in battles with other people and in encounters with the terrible monsters inhabiting the red planet. And there are a huge number of them here, because the radiation arising from the mercilessly scorching sun causes severe mutations in both people and animals. As a result, the most unimaginable creatures are born. But after escaping, Roy will be hunted by another large faction, which was able to create unique technologies and turn themselves into some kind of cyborgs. In general, you need to survive at any cost.


So, let us immediately remember that Mars: War Logs this is a typical game RPG genre, only the action has been moved to Mars, which means that all the features typical of this genre await us.

During the passage you will have access to a not very large area of ​​the red planet. This is what remains to be studied. The entire territory consists of a number of zones. As you might expect, in some areas you will be welcomed with open arms, while in others it’s exactly the opposite. But, in any case, you will often have to visit your enemies and give them blows, or get it from them. The fact is that the entire territory is not divided by an even border, these zones are mixed together and sometimes, in order to get to one of the friendly ones, you have to cross the enemy one. And here you cannot do without clashes. By the way, before us RPG, so you can influence and establish good relationships with exactly those you want. But this won’t change the picture much, since you still have to walk along a pre-paved road. The writers took care of this.

In general, the point is that you will need to meet with game characters, of which there are not many, and complete their tasks. The missions themselves are also not particularly diverse. Therefore, by the end of the game you will accurately predict what you need to do now and where to go. Who will say what, etc.

If we talk about dialogues in which players must constantly take part, then in most cases they seem useless. The fact is that the player's choice will practically not affect anything. All the same, the game will continue to develop on its own as planned in the script.

However, the developers did not make big bets on communication, which is probably why the dialogues are boring and predictable. Emphasis was clearly placed on the combat system and character development. That is why the fights here are very effective and realistic. In most cases, you will have to fight with a crowd of opponents at the same time, distributing deft blows to them and placing blocks at the right time. But in reality, this is not so easy to do, especially if you don’t upgrade your skills and don’t remember the behavior of your opponents. The majority always acts according to the same scheme. You have solved the scheme and you are invincible.

Separately, it is necessary to say about development. You shouldn’t forget about it, since leveling up allows you to teach the main character new useful skills, as well as improve existing ones. In addition, you can make changes to your clothes and weapons, which will also help when dealing with opponents. If all this is not done, then it will be almost impossible to complete the game, because the enemies are also constantly improving and becoming stronger. Well, when meeting bosses, you just need to be pumped up, otherwise your chances of winning completely disappear.

Graphics and sound

The picture in the game looks normal. But this is not surprising, because the developers had a very limited budget. At the same time, the character models are made quite well, but the world around us turns out to be sparse and nondescript. Of course, this can be attributed to the fact that the action takes place on Mars. And not at the best time for this planet – there is poverty and destruction all around. The voice acting of the characters is quite good. All phrases are understandable and moderately emotional. But the music accompanying the players is very dull and leaves no trace in the memory at all. It would be possible to come up with something more fun.

Walkthrough Mars War Logs

We watch videos about a young man with the nickname Smith Innocence, who eventually ends up in a sandy shower and is accosted by a company of pedophiles led by the fat man Fatzo. You, as Roy, stand up for Innocence (he joins you). Exit the room and around the corner you will see a mechanic. You can take an additional task from him (Mechanic Assistant). You need to find the parts that the mechanic needs (0/6), for which you go to the illuminated trash heaps and boxes, press LMB and search them (you will find all the parts on the way to the dining room). In them you will find the necessary parts (for repairing, upgrading and manufacturing), they are scattered throughout the territory. Exit through the door, the first battle with Fatso's gang will begin. Defeat one of the enemies by hitting with LMB. To defeat the second blocking enemy, kick him (press CTRL) to break through him, and then click on the LMB (by clicking on the mouse wheel, you can lock the target). Defeat the third enemy using a block by holding down RMB. When an enemy hits the block, counterattack it with LMB. Defeat the remaining two enemies - this time a young guy will help you. You will gain a level. Press C to look at your character. You can increase the fast learning stat - you will receive 10% more experience. Select a development branch in the skills section and upgrade one of them. By pressing the M key, you can open the map. Go towards the dining room. To do this, turn on the map and see the icon. Along the way, the prisoner will give you a pipe (equip it right away) for defeating Fatso. Go through the door to his left (the prisoner standing by the tomato sprouts on the left will tell you that Bob is looking for you, and his icon will appear on the map), go to the dining room and sit down at the far table (free on the left). While talking with the guy about the escape plan (stealing a train), you will overhear the necessary information (how to get weapons) and instruct the guy to get a job at the power plant. In the dining room we talk to Jay, a man in a bandana (his icon will appear in the dining room) and get information (descriptions and photos of all places and characters can be found in the magazine, press L). We leave the dining room and go to Bob; when we approach, a dog will attack us, we somersault and hit it from behind (it is useless in the forehead). It turned out that I stood at the corner, and the dog pressed its nose against the wall nearby, and I killed it without any problems (I got the skin off it). We talk to Bob, get the quest Angry Dogs and go further to the mechanic, from whom we get the serum. Now we go to the point indicated on the map and go to new location Crater.

Camp-19 + Crater Zone

Go forward and into the room on the left (an opening without doors). After talking with Sol at the reception, we get the job of a Cleaner. You can immediately go into the door on the left, where there is another enraged dog, we run and kill it (when others attack and it turns to them, we hit it from behind). We talk to the instructor, he reports that he also killed two dogs, and suspects that it is a contagious disease. We go forward (down) to Jack, Innocence will leave you and go to a new place of work, to the power plant. Jack is standing in the opening of the hangar with an elevator, he sends you to clear it and allows you to pick up the cannon from the rack. Inside, behind the counter on the right is Joe, he gives you a cannon (Nailgun) and asks you to collect the weapons of the predecessors. The location is immediately loaded: Camp - bore well. Exit the elevator, go left to two men who join you for clearing. Open the tactics menu (Del or Q) and assign hotkey for Nailgun. In the upper training cave, we break the eggs with a pipe (3 pcs), and shoot the moles that appear (3 pcs) with a Nailgun. We go further down and jump into the cave, just clear it, searching the corpses of prisoners to collect weapons and items. Don't rush to attack first, save your ammunition. We go straight to the wall, go up to the cave, kill 4 moles, move on and collect the goods. We return, jump off and go right. We kill the mole, go down and deal with 5 more. In the last cave there is a strange descent further, lined with metal things, but your partners will not let you in. After you collect all the weapons from the corpses of your predecessors (3/3), hide the weapon in one of the red boxes. When approaching such a box, the corresponding command will be written (it is in the passage, just above the last cave). Now we need to destroy all the eggs, we go up into the cave above and climb onto the ledge (it will open when we put down our weapons) on the left. There are 5 more moles here, we run back into the passage so that they attack one at a time, killing everyone, we go to beat the eggs, after which we find ourselves in front of Jack. The partners tell Jack about the passage, and he leads everyone to the Head of Camp-19, technomancer Sean. Sean sends his assistant Mary to check. We follow Mary down into the passage, and the Mole Queen appears, stunning her. It is useless to beat the queen (run in a circle), destroy the eggs around, and then several small moles that appear so that they do not interfere with Mary. When everyone is destroyed and Mary is ready, she will fill the monsters with stones. Watch the cutscene. Talk to Joe at the counter on the left, give him the nail gun, but you won't receive a reward for collecting weapons. Return to camp, go to the dining room, talk to the guy and take him with you. Go back to the Crater, go to the reception desk with Soul and talk with him about the announcement you heard about the escaped mutant and all other issues (advancement on the quests and an offer to find a mechanic for his 2nd quest will follow). Follow to the dining room and talk to Jay, and then talk to Bob about everything - he is marked on the location. You need to talk about two quests (get the key to the mushroom field and a note to be allowed into the drilling well (pick up the weapon). You can get another quest from Bob: Sadness and Melancholy (you need to talk to him). Every time you pass by him, talk to him, and more and more options for questions on this quest will appear until you persuade him to run with you. The quest will appear - Run with a partner and the task: find a security guard named Bob at the power plant. Now we go and talk with Doc about dogs (there are 2 ways: poison the dogs, according to Doc, and cure them, according to the veterinarian), a task appears: find a veterinarian. We go to Bob again, he advises us to talk to the cook in the dining room. We return to the dining room, go to the right corner and talk to the man in the chef's hat (Talk: Unity). If you continue the veterinarian's quest line, you will have to collect samples (0/3) from the bodies of dogs and bring them to him. Go to the Crater zone, to the left of the hangar entrance you will be attacked by 2 dogs, help will come still a prisoner, it’s not difficult to kill them with three of them (samples 2/3). Now we go back to the entrance to the level and turn left to the door (to the mutants), behind which we kill another one (sample 3/3). To finish with the dogs, we return to the dining room, give the samples to the veterinarian and receive the task: come back later for the vaccine. We return to the Crater zone, go to Jack, go down into the cave and finish off three enemies. Roy will find a Serum Syringe, which allows you to extract serum from enemies. Serum is the monetary unit of this game world. In order to collect Serum from defeated opponents, approach them and press E. Extracting Serum kills the enemy and affects your reputation. Find the weapon left in the box and return to the Crater location (if you want to fight and collect the serum, there are enemies below in the cave). When you exit, Jay will come up to you and say that Bob told him everything, and he wants to run away with you. We go to the mutants, to the door to the left (on the map there is a mark “Distract Attention”). To the left of the door we meet a company of people having fun, the choice of actions is yours (it’s better to pass by, the leader will come in handy). Dirt is walking not far from the entrance (with a homemade saber in his hands), we get from him the name of the rebel - Slag. We talk to Slag about the fact that he hit the guard, and make him an offer for joint actions. To trust us, he asks us to bring 2 boxes of tools from the warehouse. We leave the mutants, turn right and come across a man with the nickname Valor. He offers to get a drawing of an explosive device (bomb) in the arsenal (quest Explosive Plan). Valor distracts Joe with chatter in the elevator hangar while we search the illuminated crates. We find the drawing and take everything in all the boxes that we have time to open. Now we just have to find the component for the bomb (0/3). We go to the register and find the 1st bomb component (1/3) in the illuminated box. We go through the door to the right of the register, we find the 2nd component for the bomb (2/3) in the illuminated box. We go to the workshop to the door on the left and, by pressing LMB, we get the 1st box for mutants. We leave and go to the tent on the upper right, where we take the 3rd component for the bomb (3/3). We approach Valor, learn how to make a bomb and get a bunch of goodies; if you turn to him again, you can buy a lot of useful things in his shop. We go to the dining room, find the door to another workshop there and take away the 2nd box of tools needed by the mutants. We take the Vaccine from the veterinarian cook and take it to the instructor in the Crater area, and then give the boxes for mutants to Slag. Slag agrees to start an uprising and is waiting for our signal. Now it's time to go to the location with the Tank.


We leave the crater area, turn left and reach a company of 3 people, who this time become aggressive and attack (it turns out they were guarding 10 pieces of serum). We go to the Tank location, go forward and, going down, go through the door. There will be dogs here - you need to kill them by rolling behind your back and attacking only from behind while they attack Innocence. If you go into the door on the right, you will run into 4 enemies, and there is nothing valuable in the boxes. We go down to the left, go through the door and kill 2 dogs. We move to another location - the Mushroom Field and dispose of the moles (5 pieces, sneak past the sleeping ones). We go down to the next door, go into a large cave and dispose of 4 more moles. If we go to the right passage, 3 more moles will crawl out of the ground, and we will find a dead end. We go left, go down, go through the door and see a dog fighting with moles. We finish off the living ones, go through the next door and kill another dog. We collect water at the water valve and through the next door we get out to the location with the tank (there are 7 people hanging around the tank, it can be disposed of in groups, but there is nothing interesting). That's it, you are ready to escape. We leave the Tank location, turn left through the door (where the guard is with the dog). We talk to Jay inside the dining room about escaping (You can get the Talisman quest and get it for Jay), a cutscene begins, and we find ourselves in front of the enemy. Defeat the enemies - try to kill the soldier with the shield by rolling behind him. Go through the door to a new location. At this location you can find upgradeable items. To upgrade, go to your inventory, click on the gear icon to the left of the price. Choose one of three upgrade options for shoulders, arms, etc. Next, select which upgrade you want to make and you will see what parts are required. They can be purchased from almost any merchant. Upgrade your weapons and armor to become stronger. Yes, by the way, when buying items, look not at the current indicators, but at the possibility of an upgrade! After upgrading, weapons and armor become significantly stronger and more durable, respectively.

Power station.

The three of us go into the Power Plant, kill 2 guards and go left to the next room. Kill 3 enemies, and after Bob says that he is wounded and cannot move further, go upstairs. On the left you will see a working transformer with blue discharges around it. Opposite it on the right there is a control panel - click on it with LMB to turn off the transformer. Jump down from the ledge (to the left of the control panel, behind the transformer), make your way to the door to the station, killing 3 fighters (one with a shield). Before going to the station, make some nails, upgrade everything that increases its power and defeat from it, and then save. Watch the cut-scene where the Chief of Camp-19, technomancer Sean, meets you, and we begin the battle with him. It is better not to engage him in close combat, but to shoot with a nail gun until complete victory. At the end of the battle, we watch a bunch of videos.


So we arrived by train to Darkopolis, the most Big City Aurora, where the Source's headquarters is located. It turns out that Roy the renegade technomancer can control the technomancer's glove, which is removed after the battle. Customizing the glove and its abilities. Now we have to get to the house where Innocence lived. If you fail to outwit the guards, you will have to finish them off. Correct answers: "I escaped from a prisoner of war camp." Then say: “Yes” and the last: “When I ran away...”. Before us are 2 paths: right and left. If we go left, we reach the door and behind it we meet 3 soldiers and another one further on, patrolling at the next door. If we go to the right, then we can try to secretly (if pumped up) pass past the patrolling guard, otherwise we will be dealing with the same 4 fighters. We open the door, follow to the house of Innocence and find it burnt. Defeat the soldiers who come running and get over the wall. Now our task will be to escape to poor neighborhoods. We go through the door and find 4 fighters and a dog. Always make sure that there are enemies between you and the dog, and the dog will give them a good time. Having dealt with the enemies, we again have 2 options. If we get over the wall, we will reach the intersection without interference. If we go through the door on the left, we will have to go through an area with 5 fighters. Having reached the fork, we go left, through the door (or cross the platform) and deal with 3 fighters and a dog. We go further, go up the stairs and, having dealt with the 4th fighters, go up the next stairs. At this moment, the pursuers appear, and Roy destroys the stairs with his glove, cutting them off.

Darkpolis: Sand and other outskirts.

We watch a cut-scene of how the Chief of Technomancers hires a bounty hunter (Persistence) to kill Roy. We go forward a little and talk to the guy. Two new quests will appear (Quiet Corner and old friend ). According to one of them, you need to go to the bar and talk to the hostess (Mercy). According to another task, you need to go to the Sand area. First of all, open the map, find a merchant on it and follow him. Sell ​​unnecessary items and buy new equipment. We go through the door next to the merchant to complete the Quiet Corner quest. We kill 3 bandits, climb up and kill three more. The drug den is destroyed, the Quiet Corner quest is completed. Now we go to the bar and talk to its owner (Mercy). We receive from her a quest to find Vera (her friend) in the market quarter (Thierville), and in return she promises to find out about the rebels. Along the way we meet a local artisan (Economy), who asks to free his workshop from a gang of drug addicts (additional task Requiem for Dreamers). We go to the marker that appears on the map and listen to the squabble of drug addicts in front of the door, and then go in. The mother of one of the drug addicts (Nurse Farsightedness) asks not to touch the drug addicts for now, but to deal with the dealer (Tranquility) in the Slums. We leave, go further and turn left. We go through the door, see a man on the left and talk to him. The bartender (Serenity) has lost his documents, and there is a checkpoint ahead and their verification, and he asks for help with making new ones (additional task Bartender without documents). To make a fake passport, we need to meet in the northern quarter with the artisan Integrity. We go to the market quarter (Thierville), at the door we remove the checkpoint of 2 fighters and pass through. Inside we calm down 3 more fighters and go (left) to the central square to help Vera out. Along the way we meet the guard Directness, who asks us to find evidence against the smugglers (additional task Outside the Law). We go further to the central square, calm down the 2 guards and the technomaster (it’s better to shoot at him or charge the weapon with electricity, Q + LMB on the sword icon). We find Vera, question her in detail (until she says that he will kill her) and deal with the pimp. The pimp is standing nearby, behind Vera (buy 150, kill for free). We tell Vera the good news, and she runs away to the bar to Mercy. We go to the smugglers' premises marked on the map, calm down the 2 guards and take the 1st piece of evidence. Now let's go do the rest of the extras. assignments to the Slums area. The direct passage there is closed for now, we go through the Sand district. At the entrance, 5 marauders will attack, we continue to go straight towards the dealer. Having passed the door, a citizen will warn us that technomancers are conducting a raid and are looking for a fugitive. We go through the door to the dealer (there are 4 men in the room) and talk to Calm, sitting on the left on the floor. The room is very small; when a fight starts, run to the corner for Calm. A few shots at him, and he agrees to resolve everything peacefully. We go further, go through the door, go out to the crossroads square and deal with 4 marauders. We go to the northern area, go straight to the smugglers’ premises marked on the map, calm the guard down and take the 2nd piece of evidence. We go to the mark on the map (Bartender without documents), but there 3 guards conduct a search and stop us. We move to the next mark (False passport) and, having gone through the door, we find ourselves in a large room with a bunch of looters. We go upstairs, walk along a winding street and reach a man named Integrity sitting at a table. We need to help him remove suspicions from himself. We go to the newly appeared point, go through the door and kill the dog (it’s standing backwards, 3 shots are enough, or sneak up). Before the turn, in the corner corridor, you can meet another dog guarding a couple of boxes with junk. We go through the door, move on and kill 3 marauders and a dog. We go to the marked place and press LMB when the inscription “Hide” appears, next to something that looks like a chest. We go further to the place where 3 guards are conducting a search. We give them a tip, they leave, and Integrity appears. We ask him for identification for ourselves, now we will become Inflexible. Then we remind you that the Bartender (Serenity) also needs documents, and we get them. We return to the Sand area, give the documents to the bartender and inform Economy about our success. Now we go to the Bar to Mercy to report on the completed task, then, speaking to her again, we get 3 more extra. tasks. For completing the task you will receive a leather uniform, which can be upgraded three times (three circles to the right of the name, if you look in the inventory). We speak with Vera and get more additional information. task (Killer with Coins), in which you need to find evidence of a killer who kidnaps girls. We go to the exhibitionist mark and intimidate Humility. We go to Thierville, go to the debtor mark and intimidate Morality. Now we go to the guard Directness, give him the evidence against the smugglers. We ask him about the serial killer and get a tip on a drug dealer from the Slums. We go into the slums and go to the fortitude mark, where we talk with a man whose wife Fidelity has disappeared. We receive from him a photo of his wife and additional information. task (Loyalty). Now we go to the drug dealer (Mark Killer with Coins) and find out what drug the killer used (NDI). We return to Thierville, go to the central square and talk to the merchant's guard (Courage). Say that you are looking for a missing woman, and he will point to the passage behind him. We go up the stairs, go through the door and fight with 4 fighters (there is a shield bearer) and a dog (throw a bomb). We go through the next door, we see a girl lying on the ground with a crowd of onlookers nearby and we take the coin from her hand. We talk with a familiar nurse standing nearby (Foresight), we learn about the use of NDI and death from a wound. It's time to go to Mercy's bar. We go to the Sand area and report our successes to the bar owner. Mercy provides information about the rebels (the quest Meeting with the Rebels appears) and gives new additional information. tasks. Let's talk to Honesty (he will carry the owner's money for the Courier quest), who is standing next to the owner at the door, and agree to meet at the entrance to Thierville (we will guard him).

Darkpolis: Rebels.

Mercy told us to go to the Hot Spot Bar and talk to the bartender about the rebels. We go to the Slums, continuing to complete additional tasks. We inform Fortitude about the death of his wife, talk again with the drug dealer and go to the Hot Place bar. We talk to a familiar bartender and get a password, at the same time show him the coin and get a hint (you can also get it from Integrity in the Northern Quarter), ask Thrift in Sands about it. Try to go to the left of him, but Jerry will stop you, say the password (lower phrase) and go through. We approach the rebels, communicate, and then an explosion thunders. Let's go find out whose (Innocence remains with the rebels) to the Strange Explosion mark and deal with the ambush at the exit of the bar. We pass through the broken door and see Mary lying on the ground. Examine it, and a cut-scene will follow in Roy's lair (Abandoned building in the Sands). Say that you will try to find a medicine, it can be bought from any merchant. If you have the health elixir, talk to her again, insert the medicine and take her with you as a partner (she is a stronger partner than Innocence). Additional appears. task Stormy Relationships, in which you need to learn more about Mary. Coming out of the den, we speak with the Devotion waiting for us, who conveys an invitation to visit the general. We go to Thrift and, after talking with him, we find out where to look for the killer. We go to Thierville and on the right at the entrance we find the courier Honesty. We go and neutralize the marauders, go through the door and neutralize the next group. Upon entering the room with the banker (Thrift), we are attacked by a crowd of robbers, having dealt with them, we give the money to the banker. We go back, climb over the wall and see a young man standing on the right (Courtesy). We talk to him, attack and choose to kill. We return to the bar and report the results to the hostess and Vera. Now it's time to go to the general; it won't be easy to get through to the catacombs. When you meet 2 shield bearers and a technomancer, throw bombs until you kill the shield bearers, and then nail the technomancer. Having descended into the catacombs, we take the left path, where there are fewer moles. Having reached the door, we knock on it and say that we want to meet (second phrase). We talk to General Grant Slava about everything, he offers to join his team, we promise to think about it and find ourselves in the Sand region. We return to our lair, fight with the hired killer (Persistence) and his 2 dogs. After victory, decide what to do with him - take him with you, let him go, or kill him. An ally is always good, it's better to take one (now you will have two partners, but you can only take one with you). Go inside the lair (bedroom) and talk to Mercy waiting for you there, who asks you to come to her bar for a reward (and disappears). We leave, take Perseverance with us (Mary automatically remains in the lair) and go to the bar. We speak with Mercy and find out that Innocence came and spoke about the impending rebel attack on the train with prisoners. We receive a new task (find Innocence) and go to the Slums, to the Hot Place bar. We talk to the bartender, he knows where the attack will be and agrees to carry it out. We find ourselves at the Convoy level and fight our way to the place indicated on the map, where we watch a cut-scene of the theft of Innocence. We find ourselves in a bar in the Sand area and talk to Mercy. After which we receive the task of choosing one of the Rebel sides or General Grant Slava. To choose the rebels, we talk to Judy (standing nearby), and to choose the general, we talk to Devotion, waiting for us in the lair.

Darkpolis: Resistance (ending option)

We talk to Judy and agree to help the resistance. We watch a cut-scene of the execution of Innocence in prison. We read the diary of Innocence received from Judy and are going to continue it. Perseverance leaves us, and a third partner joins instead: Judy (an additional task, a passionate woman, appears). We find ourselves in an agricultural zone, we have to go into a destroyed quarter and get to the rebel camp. We go to the right and try to climb up the necessary stairs, but it doesn’t work - it’s raised. We are moving towards the transition to a new location in the Village. In the village we see Impartiality pushing a speech into the crowd, we talk to him and get additional information. task (warehouse robbery), find mutant thieves. Then we talk to Tolerance and get additional. task (Compassion for the farmer) to destroy the moles that are ruining the crops. Now we go to Justice, talk to him according to the add. tasks and receive clarifications. We go to the Industrial Complex location and talk to all the mutants. The mutant we need is Garbage, you can attack him, but it is better to choose the top phrase. After this, we return to Impartiality, talk to him, and more. task completed. We go to the hydroponics fields through the passage at the top right of the map. We go forward, climb the stairs and kill the moles in the field. After the victory, we return to Tolerance and report on the results. We go again through the same passage to the Resistance camp, destroying moles, dogs and collecting junk. We go into the destroyed quarter and see all our partners. We speak with Marco and receive the task of committing sabotage at the technomancer site. We go to the construction site and calm down the 3 guards. You can get to the valve in 3 ways: the middle and right ones lead to an area with guards (3 guards and a technomancer), after which we get to the door of the left passage. Therefore, we go to the left door, go down the stairs and turn into the right door (we would end up here if we took 1-2 paths). Let's go further, deal with 5 guards (one shield bearer) and click Create sabotage at the illuminated valve. We return to Marco, hearing an explosion along the way. We speak with Marco and receive the task to get to the meeting place of the Shadow Council. We go to the indicated place where Marco is waiting for us. 4 soldiers will appear (among them a technomancer and a shield bearer). We pacify them, communicate with Marco and receive the task: to penetrate the technomancer building in the Industrial Complex. We go to the village, meet Tolerance and get extra. task (It's time) to return to the field where the monsters were killed. We go to the field, intimidate the guy (Compassion) standing there, and report the results of Tolerance.
We go to the Industrial Complex location, in the 2nd half (behind the door) we dispose of 6 guards (one technomancer). Now we go to the Technomancer Headquarters to find information about the plans of the Technomancers and the traitor. We go and dispose of the enemies along the way, at the top point we search the documents on the table (R) and get information about the traitor (Jerry). Move to another position, killing enemies, go down into the pipe (cut-scene). You will overhear a conversation between Reason and the Chief of Technomancers. We return to Marco and tell him what we found out. Marco kills the traitor (Jerry) and sets the task: to free the prisoners. We find ourselves at the Shadow Line level, move forward and talk with the political prisoner. Move to the marked location, killing the guards. Defeat all enemies until the boss appears. Defeat the huge worm. You need to hit him on the head, running up close, dodging the claws and spitting left and right. Then defeat the technomaster, shoot him with a weapon and that’s it. Return to the political prisoner and give him the key. Go to Marco and report on the situation. Choose what to do with the general. Mars War Logs walkthrough is complete.

Darknopolis: General (ending option)

We talk to Devotion, she promises to help with Innocence, and we agree to help the general. We watch the cut-scene as Innocence is sent to a safe place. We read the diary of Innocence received from the General and are going to continue it. Perseverance leaves us, and the 3rd partner joins instead: Devotion (an additional task appears: The Spy Who Loved Me). We find ourselves in an agricultural zone, we have to go to the Industrial Complex at the General's headquarters. Let's go to the village, add. The tasks in the village are the same as above. We go to the industrial zone, talk to the General and receive the task of finding out what is happening at the construction site. What follows is the same as in the previous ending with minor deviations.

Solitaire Mat