Mass effect station top walkthrough. Mass Effect "Additions "Death from Heaven" and "Pinnacle Station" in Russian \ DLC "Bring Down The Sky" & "Pinnacle Station" RUS". Aliens: Non-Council Races

Mass Effect

Brief information about the games in the series.

Original title: Mass Effect (1-2-3)
Release dates in Russia: part - 2008; 2nd part - 2010; Part 3 - 2012
Genre: Action, RPG
Developer: BioWare

Mass Effect - 1

Main plot

The game takes place in the 22nd century. Captain Shepard - main character games - goes on a mission, the purpose of which is to deliver an artifact of the ancient Prothean civilization, found by archaeologists on one of the human colonies. While on a mission, an archaeological site is attacked by the Geth - an artificial race - who are also trying to seize the artifact. Having prevented the destruction of the colony, Shepard finds the artifact. This artifact shows Shepard a certain vision of an apocalyptic nature, the meaning of which he has to unravel.

The commander is sent to the Citadel, as it turns out that one of the SPECTER - agents of the Citadel Council - is involved in the attack on the colony - Saren Arterius. As a result, Shepard becomes the first person accepted into SPECTER and is given the task of neutralizing Saren. Upon further investigation, Shepard discovers that Saren somehow managed to form an alliance with the geth and with their help he wants to bring back an ancient race called the Reapers, which, as it turns out, periodically destroys intelligent life in the Galaxy. Shepard will have to prevent or at least delay their return.

Official additions

"Death from Heaven" is the first add-on for Mass Effect, expanding the universe of the game and adding another episode to the adventures of Captain Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The expansion was announced on February 6, 2008. The Russian version of the add-on, which includes update 1.01a, was released only on December 30, 2008.

The add-on is just one additional game mission, designed for a maximum of 90 minutes of gameplay. The plot of the add-on tells the story of a group of extremist aliens - batarians - who are preparing a terrorist act of unprecedented scale in the Asgard system. Terrorists plan to bring down asteroid X57 on the human colony of Terra Nova located in the system. Only the crew of the Normandy, under the leadership of Shepard, is able to save innocent people from mortal danger and prevent the end of the world on a single planet. The mission becomes available immediately after Commander Shepard gains Specter status.

Key Features
IN game world added a new race: batarians
A new sector, Exodus, available for exploration, appears, in which the Asgard system is located
There is an opportunity to increase your game character development score by 50 points

"Station "Vershina"- the second add-on for “Mass Effect”, adding a training space station to the game. Supplement for Xbox Live and PC was released on August 26, 2009 and, unlike Death from Heaven, was distributed for $5 through the EA e-store. There is no Russian version of the add-on.

The Apex space station, under the command of Admiral Ahern, was created to train the Alliance's finest soldiers. Shepard receives an invitation to this secret training base only after becoming a Spectre. While at the station, the player can hone his skills on a holographic simulator that has 12 training scenarios. Having broken all records, he can get new weapons and a personal home on a new planet. According to the developers, it will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete the add-on.

Mass Effect 2

Main plot

Mass Effect 2 is the second part of the Mass Effect trilogy, the game takes place 2 years after the events of Mass Effect. A notable feature of the game is the ability to import a game character from the first part, which allows you to continue playing through the series, taking into account all the plot decisions made earlier.

Main plot: Commander Shepard- the main character of Mass Effect - is engaged in the destruction of residual centers of resistance of the geth - the main opponents from the first game. During one of the raids, the commander's ship "Normandy SR-1" is attacked by an unknown enemy, and after a short battle it is destroyed, and Shepard is thrown into open space. While the commander is officially considered dead, the Cerberus organization, which received Shepard's body, is engaged in his recovery and rehabilitation of the commander.

Due to an attack on the station, Shepard is forced to prematurely leave the space station where his recovery took place. The commander meets with the Illusive Man, the leader of Cerberus, who offers him cooperation, within which Shepard will have to investigate the disappearances of the population of small human colonies. During the investigation, it turns out that the collectors are behind the abductions - a little-studied race that practically does not come into contact with anyone. The Illusive Man invites Shepard to start forming and preparing a team, while Cerberus has to collect information. Cerberus also provides Shepard with a new ship, called the Normandy SR-2 and to some extent an improved version of the Normandy SR-1.

After completing key missions, the location of the collector base becomes known and the opportunity to complete the final mission becomes available. Losses in last mission largely depend on the degree of preparedness of the crew and the ship, on the preparation of which the game is primarily focused. It is noteworthy that with insufficient preparation, Shepard can also die in the final mission.

Official additions:

Zayed - The Price of Revenge- adds a quest, the results of which will allow you to accept a new character into the team - Zaid Massani - a former military Alliance and a former bounty hunter. This is the first announced DLC for the game. It became available immediately after the release of Mass Effect 2.
Normandy wreck site- after reconnaissance, the Systems Alliance established the crash site of the first Normandy. Shepard is asked to conduct a more detailed reconnaissance of the area, as well as install a memorial sign.
"Lord of the Flame" mission pack and "Hammer" assault all-terrain vehicle- Contains 5 new missions directly related to the use of the new Hammer vehicle, which is also part of this additional content.
Alternative clothing set- a pack that adds additional clothes for Jack, Thane and Garrus. It became the first paid DLC. Available for download March 23, 2010 for $2.
Kasumi - Stolen Memory- adds a quest to hire a new character, the famous human thief - Kasumi Goto. She appears in the game with the third announced DLC.
Equalizer Pack- a pack that adds the Capacitive helmet, Archon visor and Inferno armor to the game.
Lord- add-on released in June 2010. In it, the player will have to battle with a hostile artificial intelligence, which arose as a result of a failed Cerberus experiment.
Aegis Set- a pack that adds to the game Sniper rifle"Fang" and a full set of "Kestrel" armor.
Firepower Pack- a pack that adds the Phalanx large-caliber pistol, the Geth Plasma Shotgun and the Hoe assault rifle to the game.
Lair of the Shadow Broker- The first story DLC connecting the events of ME 2 and ME 3 (It is possible to complete the DLC before completing the game itself. But the phrases in the dialogues will be slightly changed) Shepard, together with Liara T'Soni, will confront the Shadow Broker, who is the most influential broker in the secret market information. It is also possible to have romantic relationship with Liara (only if saves from the first part of the game are transferred, where the player also started an affair with Liara).
Alternative clothing set No. 2- a pack that adds additional clothes for Miranda, Grunt and Tali.
Arrival- DLC was released on March 29, 2011. One of the main roles in it is given to Admiral Hackett, as well as Doctor Amanda Kenson, who has information about the Reaper invasion. "Arrival" is story DLC for Mass Effect 2, it connects the events of the second part with Mass Effect 3.
Start- DLC, released on May 21, 2011, an interactive comic containing the background of part 2 of the game, in which the player can make a number of decisions that affect the further plot. Relevant for PS3 and PC players who have not played the first Mass Effect. The stated duration of the prologue to Mass Effect 2 is 15 minutes. Inception is the latest DLC for Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 3

Main plot:

The game begins in one of the big cities on Earth - Vancouver. Captain Shepard, the hero of previous games in the series, is on Earth as a person under investigation due to
cooperation with Cerberus and the destruction of the relay. As the Reapers approach Earth, Shepard is summoned to the Alliance Council, where he must present his vision of the situation and propose measures to combat the Reapers. At the same moment, the expansion of the Reapers into solar system and the invasion of Earth. Shepard has to urgently leave the planet to go for help.

The first stop is Mars, where the Normandy team finds Liara T'Soni and drawings of a certain Prothean weapon (the so-called "Forge"), created by the Protheans to destroy the Reapers. Here Shepard first encounters Cerberus, which has its own understanding of how to fight the Reapers.

Throughout the game, Shepard will have to enlist the support of other races of the galaxy, resolving long-standing conflicts between them, help allies in difficult situations, and also find the necessary resources to build the Forge.

Towards the end of the game, Shepard learns the location of Cerberus' secret base, where he will have to obtain the information necessary to complete the Horn. Shepard manages to find Prothean data, from which it becomes clear that for the full functioning of the Forge, a “Catalyst” is needed, which is the Citadel. At the same time, it is revealed that the Illusive Man was informing the Reapers about Project Gorn, which caused the Citadel to be directed into Earth's orbit, where most of the Reaper forces are located.

At the same time, in London, the Reapers built a special device for transporting dead bodies of people to the Citadel. The Alliance and all the allies gathered by Shepard attack the Reapers to gain access to this device. At the cost of huge losses, Shepard and Admiral Anderson still manage to get to the Citadel.
Here they encounter the Illusive Man, completely controlled by the Reapers, and stop him, thereby ensuring the successful docking of the Gorn with the Citadel, which, however, does not activate it. Shepard loses consciousness.
Upon awakening, he discovers a certain intelligence that calls itself the “Catalyst.” It is revealed that it was the "Catalyst" who created the Reapers and the cycles of destruction. The Catalyst explains to Shepard that “the creation will always rebel against its creator, creating chaos.” According to the Catalyst, if civilization is allowed to develop further, it will eventually create artificial intelligence, capable of enslaving them themselves, and thus destroying all organic life in the Universe. To avoid this, cycles of destruction were created, when the most advanced races of the galaxy were destroyed by the Reapers, after which new Reapers were created from them. “Catalyst” also informs Shepard that this solution no longer works and that it is he who needs to make a choice that will determine the future fate of the galaxy.

There are 3 endings available in the game, and only the fate of the Earth significantly depends on the degree of readiness.

Wikipedia material about the Mass Effect series was used.
My rating of the game, despite many disagreements, is 9 out of 10

First addition - Bring Down The Sky. It represents just one additional game mission. The plot of the add-on tells the story of a group of extremist aliens - batarians - who are preparing a terrorist act of unprecedented scale in the Asgard system. Terrorists plan to bring down asteroid X57 on the human colony Terra Nova located in the system. Only the crew of the Normandy, under the leadership of Shepard, is able to save innocent people from mortal danger and prevent the end of the world on a single planet. The mission becomes available immediately after Commander Shepard receives the Specter stripes.

Key Features:

  • A new race has been added to the game world: batarians;
  • A new one appears available for research. Exodus sector, in which it is located Asgard system;
  • It becomes possible to increase your game character development score by 50 points.

Second addition - Pinnacle Station. In it you will have the opportunity to visit a secret Alliance station, where you can go through 12 combat scenarios to become the best of the best. The station will become available after Shepard becomes a Spectre. After completing all 12 maps (three in each scenario) with the maximum rating, a additional card(simulating one of the battles of the First Contact War), in which you need to obtain intelligence and survive five minutes under the constant attacks of the turians. Having broken all records, he can get a new weapon. The Pinnacle space station was created to train the best soldiers. Using virtual simulation, fighters train in four different patterns:

  • Survival - a team of three is trying to repel incessant enemy attacks;
  • Time trial - you need to kill a certain number of enemies within the allotted time;
  • Capture mode - capture and hold points on the map;
  • Hunt mod - similar to Time trial, only time increases with each kill.

After completing all the maps, the reward is a recreation room, which is located on the outermost planet from the center of this system. There you can replenish the ammunition of grenades and panacelin, there is an audio system for background music and a port for entering the extranet. Through the port you can buy various goods - from improvements to armor.

Installation: We throw a folder from the archive DLC to the game directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Mass Effect or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect.

Attention: Both additions are not completely in Russian, but only subtitles! 100% works on the Steam version of the game!

New downloadable mini-addon for Mass Effect, called Pinnacle Station, came out quite a long time ago, but, oddly enough, there is no information about it on the Internet. Even the XBIT gaming department, famous for its efficiency and reviewing the first mini-addon, Bring Down the Sky, almost on the day of his appearance, remains mysteriously silent. As a result, I found out about the release of the long-awaited addition, where we were promised “more drive” and “gladiator-style arena battles,” almost by accident. I was surprised to discover that, unlike what was already mentioned Bring Down the Sky, the newcomer is by no means free - in the European section EA Store they want 4.99 euros for it. Well, what can I do - the habit of legal products has completely strengthened in me in recent months, and, despising torrents, I unsheathed my credit card. The exchange of a little over two hundred hard-earned rubles for a little over two hundred meters of traffic was successful, and I began to get acquainted with Pinnacle Station.

Like Bring Down the Sky, new location available at any time during the passage, while Shepard has freedom of action (that is, after receiving the spectrum stripes, but before landing on Virmire). The star system in which the Vershina station awaits us is carefully marked on the galactic map with the corresponding flag - again, like asteroid X57 in Bring Down the Sky. But the motivation for which we have to fly there sounds rather strange.

Mass Effect They have already been criticized enough for the fact that the declared intensity of the plot does not correspond to the real gameplay. Well, that is, they wash our ears for a long time about the fact that Saren is supposedly many steps ahead of us, that we cannot waste a minute and that the fate of the Galaxy depends on the speed of our actions, and then they suddenly release us into freedom, where we are allowed to fly around to our heart’s content. different planets and be endlessly distracted by small side quests(and often these quests themselves are given out - they say, you, Shepard, are running past here anyway, do us a favor, figure it out). As a result, the scriptwriters try hard to pretend that the timer is ticking, but in no way motivate the player to hurry up. I’m still ready to forgive that same asteroid X57 from the first mini-addon - the situation there is really critical, the whole planet is under threat, so you can forget about chasing Saren for a while and pull out Shepard. But then! "Hey, Shepard, there's a station over there that hosts competitions for tough fighters in virtual reality! Would you like to fly out and test your skills?" Yeah, that’s exactly what they say. What these same characters told me a little earlier about the ticking timer and Holacteco danger is so, bullshit. Your Saren will wait, they say.

Okay, to hell with them. He cheered up on the captain's bridge of the Normandy and barked at the Joker to go wherever he was told. The Pointed Tower station turned out to be a rather small room of two rooms, in which three characters with normal dialogues, two with monosyllabic lines, and about five mute extras hang out. I suffered a heckling right on the threshold from the man-phobe Vidinos of turian nationality. I went inside and talked with the human Admiral Ahern, the commander of this computer and gaming club, about the fate of virtual reality in these difficult years for all of us. I finally got to the local system administrator - a salarian with the abusive name Alud Ohren. Based on the results of the conversation with all three, I found out that there was absolutely nothing to do here except go through these same missions on a virtual simulator. I went to go through.

There are four types of missions - hunting (kill as many enemies as possible in a limited time), capture (take all control points in the minimum time), race against time (destroy all enemies in the minimum time) and survival (last as long as possible against endlessly respawning enemies) . There are also four maps on which this outrage occurs - mountains, jungle, cave and warehouse. Moreover, there are no new objects or landscape details there - everything is the same as in other locations of the game. The mountains and the cave are pieces of the planet on which we save Liara, the jungle is the vicinity of Saren’s base on Virmire, and the warehouse is completely typical, found several times in the game. Those who wanted new sensations fly by. Each mission takes place on three maps(in a cave, mountains and jungle, only a race against time - in a warehouse, in the mountains and in the jungle), in total we have twelve sadly monotonous tests that need to be overcome. Initially, however, only eight are available (two maps for each mission).

By the way, it’s not easy to overcome - you need to take first place in the leaderboard of each mission, and the scores of local regulars are simply fantastic. On high levels complexity, you have to be a sharp Quaker, and for people of a non-arcade orientation, like me, the addon turns out to be basically impassable. I had to step on the throat of my own pride and reduce the difficulty of the game from crazy to the easiest. It’s good that the number of approaches is not limited in any way - a lot of nerves and time are saved on the save load.

Then things seemed to get more interesting - after winning the first mission, the misanthrope Vidinos started a scripted dialogue with one of the human extras and declared him a cheater. Shepard, of course, stood up for the honor of the race and declared that, without any cheats, in full view of the entire station, he would become the first in all competitions. It smelled of quests, intrigue and all that other stuff. But hopes were in vain - everything was limited to the fact that after I took the first lines in eight tables, Vidinos sprinkled ashes on his head and dropped the charges, and the acquitted man offered me any of his guns as a reward. After that, I was recognized as a mighty father and given access to four more missions - in the sense, they added one map to each of the modes. Indignantly asking, “Is that all?! Where’s the intrigue?!”, I trudged off to complete the newly discovered tasks. Having passed them, I was awarded another scripted dialogue - this time with the admiral. He discreetly praised me and offered to go through a custom mission, which this elderly modder, in his free time, sculpted on the engine of a government-owned virtual simulator. It recreates the operation in which the admiral took part in the years of his stormy youth - to penetrate the enemy’s camp, steal important data and, firing back from the attacking adversaries, wait for evacuation. Since I prudently left the difficulty level at a minimum, the passage was not difficult. I made it in ten minutes, five of which were waiting for the evacuation ship.

This concludes this addon. As a result, the touched admiral gave me his dacha on the outskirts of the Universe and said goodbye tearfully. The dacha is a pitiful semblance of houses from production games Bethesda and contains the following:
1. A dull, deserted interior in the spirit of the rest of the game’s rooms, one thing.
2. Radio playing melodies from the game soundtrack, one piece.
3. Dispenser with endless free grenades, one piece.
4. Dispenser with endless free honey gel, one piece.
5. Terminal for communication with the arms dealer, one piece.

The terminal is the most interesting of the above. Somewhat reminiscent of the well-known one-legged boy Virt from the well-known game. The bottom line is this: you pay money - you get random clothes. Contributions of 5,000, 75,000 and 220,000 credits are available, the steepness of the items is proportional. The attraction is reusable, so you can, with patience and a tight wallet, stock up on at least a full set of the coolest gaming things.

The result, alas, is sad. The addition takes, of course, not an hour and a half, like Bring Down the Sky, and more, but solely because of the endless replaying of the same missions in a circle in the hope of getting to the prize. There are no characters as such, no quests as such, no plot either, populated by robots. If we add to this the blatant inconsistency with the global plot and the colorless final prize, we get a simple conclusion - the addon is merged. The Apotheosis station is in no way worth its five euros; it is recommended to purchase only for a collection. It's a shame that such great game How Mass Effect provided with such an empty and worthless appendage, which loses in everything Bring Down the Sky- and at the same time, unlike it, it is by no means free.

P.S. I remember someone there was outraged by addons for Fallout 3? Yes in the background Pinnacle Station they look like absolute masterpieces of game design!

P.P.S. The only good thing about the addon is

Death from Heaven

"Death from Heaven"(English) "Bring Down the Sky") is the first add-on for Mass Effect, expanding the universe of the game and adding another episode to the adventures of Captain Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The expansion was announced on February 6, 2008. Overseas, the Xbox 360 version was released on March 10, and the PC version was released on July 29, 2008. The Russian version of the add-on, which includes update 1.01a, was released only on December 30, 2008.

The add-on is just one additional game mission, designed for a maximum of 90 minutes of gameplay. The plot of the add-on tells the story of a group of extremist aliens - batarians - who are preparing a terrorist act of unprecedented scale in the Asgard system. Terrorists plan to bring down asteroid X57 on the human colony of Terra Nova located in the system. Only the crew of the Normandy, under the leadership of Shepard, is able to save innocent people from mortal danger and prevent the end of the world on a single planet. The mission becomes available immediately after Commander Shepard receives the Specter stripes.

Key Features

  • A new race has been added to the game world: batarians
  • A new sector, Exodus, available for exploration, appears, in which the Asgard system is located
  • There is an opportunity to increase your game character development score by 50 points
  • 30-90 minutes of gameplay
Vershina station

"Station "Vershina""(English) "Pinnacle Station") is the second add-on for Mass Effect, adding a training space station to the game. The add-on was released for Xbox Live and PC on August 26, 2009. This addition has not been officially translated into Russian.

The Pinnacle space station, under the command of Admiral Ahern, was created to train the Alliance's finest soldiers. Shepard receives an invitation to this secret training base only after becoming a Spectre. While at the station, the player can hone his skills on a holographic simulator that has 12 training scenarios. Having broken all records, he can get new weapons and a personal home on a new planet. According to the developers, it will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete the add-on.

There are four different training schemes available for training:

  • Survival- a team of three is trying to repel incessant enemy attacks;
  • Time trial- you need to kill a certain number of enemies within the allotted time;
  • Capture mode- capture and hold points on the map;
  • Hunt mode- the mode differs from the “time trial” only in that the time is given significantly less and it only increases with each kill.
After completing all 12 maps (three in each scenario) with the maximum rating, an additional map opens (simulating one of the battles of the First Contact War), on which you need to obtain intelligence and survive for five minutes under the incessant attacks of the turians.

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