Mass effect andromeda sudoku. Mass Effect Andromeda guide - all Relic codes. Eos Relic Codes Mass Effect Andromeda

Completed. Added glyphs and new puzzles.

Another an abandoned vault can be found in the northern part of the planet. Inside there will be a container with a puzzle.

Remnant Code planet Elaaden

After arriving on the planet, complete several missions and, one way or another, a task will appear to investigate the abandoned Relic ship (north of the map). How to reach the room with the console and enter it The glyph will be on the second column from the left.

During routine research and tasks "Pacifying the desert» Examine any of the three monoliths to access the glyph finder and console. Then there will be a second puzzle inside the vault. The code from the storage can be entered only once, in case of failure - blocking.

North console glyphs are located side by side on the tops of the monolith, just scan the yellow pipeline with the scanner. The western monolith also has all the glyphs nearby, but on the southern one, your goal is to use additional consoles to raise a ladder of blocks and use it to climb to the top of the column and scan the glyphs.

In this guide, we'll take a look at deciphering the code of the Relics inmass effect: Andromeda . These are sudoku-style puzzles, but from the future, and therefore, you are not picking up numbers, but symbols.

Now we will tell you how to do it the easiest way, and at the end you will find relics already unraveled.

The rules of the game are as follows: we have a field in front of us, with a certain amount cells. These cells are divided into sections, which are clearly framed by blue lines. In some cells there are symbols, and in the rest we need to substitute other necessary symbols. How it's done? The main rule is that new symbols must not simultaneously coincide with symbols from the same section, in the same horizontal line and the same vertical line. Everything is very simple, but sometimes you have to sweat.

You can also see question marks in some cells. This means that by scanning the area near the Relic Console, you can find cables that have symbols at the ends that replace question marks.

Let's move on to manual deciphering the code of relicsMass Effect: Andromeda and selection of characters. First, fill in those elements in which it remains to find only one character, for example, in a section of 4 cells, 3 are already filled, it remains just to insert the remaining character into the fourth and it's done. The same goes for vertical and horizontal lines.

Then we look where else we can substitute only one character. Try not to complicate the task and do not guess, otherwise the whole puzzle may be wrong.

Another trick is to give each symbol some meaning, for example, I redraw them on a piece of paper and write a number in front of each and represent them in such a way so as not to be confused.

If for some reason you get stuck and can't move on, you can always use relic decryption keyMass Effect: Andromeda , but they are difficult to find, especially at the very beginning, so try to find the clue yourself.

Decoded Mass Effect: Andromeda Relic Codes

Eos Relic Codes Mass Effect Andromeda

Part of the consoles will open on the second mission, and the other part during the passage of the third.

Gavarl Mass Effect Andromeda Relic Codes

Puzzle you must complete as part of the Dying Planet quest

The second will come across to you during execution additional mission"Help scientists"

And the third, hidden, is in the cache, which is marked on the map after passing the "Dying Planet" and reading the mail.

Voeld Mass Effect Andromeda Relic Codes

Will be available after the second story mission.

Northern and Eastern

Western and the key to the asylum

As well as a secret panel available in add. Mission "Secret Project"

Relic Codes R-047S Mass Effect Andromeda

In order to find the panel, you need to complete the Out of the Dust quest, then head to the nearest dome and find the datapad, which will start a new task, at the end of which you will find this terminal.

Elaaden Relic Codes Mass Effect Andromeda

After completing a few missions on the planet, you will stumble upon a mission to explore an abandoned Remnant ship.

A few more will be available during the quest Pacifying the Desert.

And you will find a secret monolith in the subway, in the northeast.

Kadara Relic Codes Mass Effect Andromeda

They will be opened after interrogation of Ven Terev, in the task "Catch the Archon". Next, just solve two puzzles.

Khi Taseer Relic Codes Mass Effect Andromeda

Located thanks to the fifth story mission, in the south tower. Once on the bridge, jump down and find the desired console. I advise you to save, otherwise, if an error occurs, the panel will be blocked.

Now you know, how to decipher the code of relics inMass Effect: Andromeda and breaking will not take you much time, and if you find more puzzles, then leave screenshots of their solution in the comments.

Have a nice game!

Sudoku will be found on all planets. With their help, the technique of the ancient race of relics is hacked. This puzzle can bring a lot of headaches. After all, if you fail, you have to start over. In fact, there is a very simple way to solve this puzzle - you probably thought of it yourself. He helps out especially great on an icy planet, where, as you know, the number of rows and columns is five, while it is necessary to arrange the glyphs in such a way that they do not repeat not only in each row and column, but also within the selected areas.

Manipulating glyphs is quite difficult - if you watch numerous videos, then many streamers, let's players are terribly dumb. The difficulty is that the glyphs are multi-colored. Those that are fixed are red, the rest are light green. Because of this, ripples in the eyes.

Seriously simplifying life will allow replacing glyphs with numbers from 1 to 5. Carefully number them without confusing anything.

The principle of filling cells with numbers is very simple: select the cell around which there is an open maximum amount numbers (that is, glyphs). And as soon as you fill one of the rows, switch your attention to the inner area

The table below is one of the real examples of the puzzle from the ice planet.

Let's start with the second cell in the first row. It is quite obvious that in this position there cannot be five, three, one and four, because the first three digits are in the first row, and the four in the second column). What remains? That's right, a deuce - put it without hesitation. In the fourth empty cell in the first row, it remains to put a four.

After completing one row, switch your attention to closed areas. They shouldn't have duplicates either. In the first group there are numbers 5, 2, 3 and 4. There is not enough one - we put it in a free position.

Then the process is repeated. That is, take an empty cell around which the most glyphs are open. This is, for example, the third cell of the fourth column. It cannot have threes, twos and fives, because they are designated initially. There can be no four, since we have already placed it in the first row of the same column. One remains. The remaining cell in the same column contains a deuce, because the rest of the numbers have already been filled in.

The more rows or columns filled in, the easier it becomes. After each one or two completed rows or columns, complete the missing numbers inside the highlighted areas. Thus, you can solve any, even very complex puzzle in just a minute or two.

In the diagram, for example, one of the cells is not filled in - it is not at all difficult to guess that a four should be here. Ignore what is in the corresponding row or column. Focus on the numbers that are inside the selected area: 5,3,2,1 is already there, but the four is not enough. And put it on. This approach greatly simplifies the arrangement of glyphs.

How now to transfer the table to the game? After selecting the cell, click the required number of times with the mouse. If it costs one - once, and if it's five - five times.

We make a plate with numbers instead of glyphs.

After filling in a row or column, fill in the cells within the group. And repeat the process.

After solving the puzzle in the notebook sheet, click the required number of times with the mouse. The monolith has been hacked!

Glyphs are tricky to sort through, but if you replace them with numbers, then the puzzles click like nuts.

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Your search for the Elaaden Monoliths has led you to yet another Relic Vault, the activation of which will help change the weather patterns on the planet.

northern monolith

This monolith (N) located in the Sea of ​​Ataraxia. Find and scan three glyphs, then solve the Relic puzzle to activate the monolith.

Scan symbols (1) (2) (3) on the tops of the spiers and activate the console (4) . Use the screenshot to quickly solve the glyph puzzle.

Western monolith

Travel to the Western Monolith (W) and activate the console (5) , which raises columns with which you can jump to the top of the spiers. Scan symbols (6) (7) (8) . Activate the console in the center of the platform. You don't need to solve the Relic puzzle here.

Southern Monolith

Southern Monolith (S) located in the Sands of Eden. Here you will find three Relic consoles that raise columns.

Each console raises columns of various heights from the left and right sides of the monolith. You don't need columns on the left (15) . Use of columns on the right side (12) (13) (14) allows you to reach all three towers with glyphs on top.

Don't even look at the left side while using each console. Start from the console (9) . Important: this is the only console that raises the tallest columns (14) .

Console (10) raises the lowest columns (12) . You may need to activate it several times in a row.

Console (11) responsible for the middle columns (13) and behind the low columns (12) (alternately). Balance between consoles (10) and (11) to get all three groups of columns at the same time.

After all groups of pillars are up, use them to jump to the top of the right tower of the monolith (16) and scan the first character.

From the top of the tower (16) you can easily jump over the tower (17) to scan another character.

Now back to (16) , then on the middle columns (13) and to high (14) . Jump on the last tower and scan the third symbol. There is no puzzle here, so simply activating the console is enough.

Investigate the entrance to the Vault


The Vault of Relics is located in the center of Elaaden. (18) .

Turn on the emergency generator

Puzzle of the Relics with five consoles

There is a somewhat confusing puzzle at the entrance, consisting of five consoles connected to a locked door. Each of the five consoles switches lasers on three consoles. Your goal is to activate all five (all five lasers from the consoles should be glowing). In the screenshot below, the numbers indicate the switchable consoles. For example, console 1 switches the beam on console 1 itself, as well as on adjacent console 2 and the rightmost console 5, and so on.

The decision can take a long time. Aim for getting two out of five connections, then see which console is potentially switching idle connections.

Segment 1: Open the western path

This puzzle is much easier than the previous one. Activate the two Relic consoles with connections leading to the platforms to the west.

Activate the two consoles on the high platform, then return to re-switch the previous two (one more time). This activates the central platform, which opens the far west door.

Unlock Storage

Segment 2: Unlock the door and activate the bridge to the Vault Purification Console

Find another Remnant Console, which opens the door to the Cleansing Console and raises a platform to the northeast (which you can use to get back to the start of the Vault).

You probably noticed the container with rare items protected by a force field. This is one of two containers that will be unlocked during the Vault Escape phase.

Use the Remnant console in the south of the map to activate the bridge to the main purge console, which starts the Vault. But before the final launch, we advise you to check out an additional area in the northeast.

Segment 3: Additional Northeast Rewards

Surrounding the northeast door of the Vault are many Relics, including the deadly Destroyer.

Don't touch consoles with "Unknown Technology" orb

This puzzle is much simpler than the one you dealt with at the entrance. Just bypass and activate any console that not accompanied by a flying orb "Unknown Technology" ("Unknown Technology" in the screenshot).

After activating five consoles, another one will appear - the sixth. Activating this last console opens a door leading west (back to the vault entrance), however it is blocked by a barrier (the barrier disappears during the escape phase). In the center of the room is a central raised platform with a Relic puzzle. Solve it to get +2 skill points.

Note that there is another Remnant console in the eastern part of the map. Activate it to open the door to the Vault's secret room, one of the nine Relic Cores required to complete the Quest: Relic Data Cores quest.

Leave the purification zone and exit the Vault

Escape route

Return to the bridge leading to the Purification Console. Before activating the console, pay attention to the correct return path. See the map above and use the red Escape Route. This way you will be able to search both secret containers.
