Mathematical domino "abbreviated multiplication formulas". Game "mathematical dominoes" (5th grade)

Domino test (D-48) is an intelligence test created by A. Anstey in 1943 and is intended to measure non-verbal intellectual abilities in persons over 12 years of age.

Test Description

Dominoes test consists of 44 main tasks and 4 examples. The tasks are arranged in order of increasing difficulty, established during the design of the methodology. The main element of all test tasks is an image of domino chips arranged in accordance with various patterns. One of the chips (the last one in the row) is “empty” and is indicated by a dotted outline.

The number of chips in tasks varies (from 4 to 14) and increases as you move from task to task. The subject must identify the principle according to which the chips are arranged and determine the chip that should be placed in the place indicated by the dotted line. Despite the fact that all tasks use the same stimulus material, the principles of solution are very diverse. Completing the Domino test does not require mathematical knowledge or arithmetic abilities, although the test taker does work with numbers. The first four tasks are used as training tasks.


Before starting work, the subject is informed about the time regulations for work. The total test time is 25 minutes. The subject writes down the answers on the form using any recording option - two numbers indicating the number of dots on the last bone can be written separated by a comma (2,3), a dash (2-3) or in the form of a fraction (2/3), or simply as a two-digit number (23).

10 minutes before the end of work, the subject is warned about the time remaining at his disposal. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum score is 44 points.

Rating scale

Primary scores are converted into percentiles or IQ scores. Research shows that this test is practically highly saturated with the G factor and is considered one of the most “pure” in relation to the measurement of this factor. The results of factor analysis indicate that Domino test scores are predominantly associated with fluid abilities. Knowledge and experience acquired by an individual, or crystallized abilities, influence results to a lesser extent (V. Miglierini, 1982). The technique has all the advantages of nonverbal tests. The Domino test is highly reliable. Thus, the reliability coefficient of the test parts, obtained by splitting into two parts, was r = 0.781 - 0.818 in various samples. Reliability coefficient calculated using the Kuder-Richardson formula, r = 0.771 - 0.867. Test-retest reliability coefficient rt = 0.758.

The discriminativity of 2 test items when comparing 27% of samples of subjects with low and high results was rphi = 0.74. Internal consistency index r = 0.36. Data on construct validity were obtained based on a comparison of the Domino test with the most common non-verbal tests of general abilities (r = 0.68-0.80); there is a high correlation between the results of the Domino test and test batteries aimed at measuring general factors of intelligence (V. Miglierini, 1982). When analyzing criterion validity by comparing test results with criteria for schoolchildren’s performance, validity coefficients in different samples were distributed within the range r = 0.31-0.80.

The norms determined for the French and Czech samples turned out to be very close, which indicates the relative stability of the Domino test to interethnic factors. There were also no statistically significant differences in test performance between men and women (V. Cherny, T. Kollarik, 1988). In the first years after its development, the test was used only in the army, later it began to be used for the civilian population, and the age limits for use were significantly expanded. Today the Domino test is used in the field of professional counseling and school psychodiagnostics. Combining the Domino battery test with verbal tests is effective. In domestic practice, the Domino test has found application in clinical psychodiagnostics (V. M. Bleikher I. V. Kruk. Pathopsychological diagnostics. Kyiv, 1986).

Domino scale

It was proposed by Anstey (1943) to replace Raven matrices. It has been statistically shown that the Domino test is more homogeneous in relation to the so-called G factor according to C. Spearman (1904). He experimentally discovered that tests aimed at identifying individual abilities are interconnected by significant positive correlations and came to the conclusion that there is a certain general, general factor G that influences all the studied variables (tests). The general factor identified by S. Spearmen is interpreted as a plastic function of the central nervous system. Thus, general intelligence is viewed as a biologically determined property.

The concept of a general factor is still the subject of debate among supporters of various 3 directions. In testology, the Domino scale is still considered to be aimed at measuring general (innate) intelligence. Since the general factor is believed to be particularly sensitive to pathological disorders mental activity, the domino scale is considered as a test that is especially suitable for studying intelligence in psychiatric practice. At the same time, it is also believed that, unlike verbal tests, which reflect the intellectual level that preceded the disease, the “domino” scale reflects the level at the time of the study, i.e., we are again talking about tests with constant and variable results.

Of course, assessing the results of completing test tasks is very one-sided and cannot characterize intelligence in all its manifestations. However, this technique is distinguished by its great simplicity, it depends little on the level of general educational training, can easily be used not only for individual, but also for mass research, and therefore can be used in a set of techniques aimed at characterizing the level of generalization. In addition, the Domino scale can be used for preliminary pre-medical screening - diagnosis of mildly expressed oligophrenia in the practice of labor examination.

Domino test in the FSB: Sample task

Domino test in the FSB: answers

Answer Answer
1 2/2 23 4/2
2 3/5 24 2/4
3 3/1 25 4/0
4 4/2 26 5/3
5 5/5 27 6/0
6 1/1 28 4/3
7 4/1 29 0/2
8 6/4 30 0/6
9 4/2 31 3/0
10 4/4 32 6/0
11 4/0 33 6/6
12 3/2 34 3/6
13 3/4 35 0/2
14 4/2 36 2/1
15 6/4 37 5/4
16 6/2 38 4/5
17 5/4 39 6/6
18 3/4 40 6/0
19 2/3 41 4/3
20 3/5 42 5/5
21 6/5 43 2/6
22 3/3 44 2/4

Didactic game for older children - preparatory group V kindergarten "Mathematical domino"

Khokhlova Natalia Evgenievna
Place of work: MKDOU No. 18, Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Job title: teacher-speech pathologist
Resource name: board-printed didactic game "Mathematical dominoes"
Brief description of the resource: a game for children 5 – 7 years old to develop basic mathematical concepts and develop logical thinking.
Purpose and objectives of the resource: development of the ability to understand the meaning of addition and subtraction operations, and mathematical signs “+”, “-” within ten; development of logical thinking, visual perception.
Relevance and significance of the resource: The game can be used by speech therapists, defectologists, and parents in correctional work with children.
Equipment: the game is played using a PC (personal computer) and consists of cut domino cards.

Practical application: individual lessons, frontal correction lessons (as a demonstration of a task or a direct game “one at a time”).
Methodology for working with the resource:
1. Individually: the child takes domino cards and builds a logical chain.
2. Front: used to demonstrate a task using a magnetic board and magnets; Children in their seats work orally and frontally.

Teaching older children preschool age basic mathematical concepts is not an easy task. To captivate a child, mathematical educational material must be presented to him in a game form. And didactic games that will allow you to easy gaming form to introduce children to numbers, numbers, basic counting, and arithmetic operations.
The presented game will allow you and your child to remember new information and, with the help of clarity, reinforce the material being studied.

Option I

In front of you on the playing field are domino cards, on some halves of which various numbers are written, and on the other - arithmetic operations for addition. You need to arrange the cards so that with each arithmetic operation- it turned out to be a suitable number. To do this, of course, you need to correctly solve all the examples, find the half with the answer and substitute it next to it.

Option II

The presented domino cards are printed and cut.

In front of you on the playing field are domino cards, on some halves of which various numbers are written, and on the other - arithmetic operations for subtraction. You need to arrange the cards so that with each arithmetic operation you get a number that makes sense. To do this, of course, you need to correctly solve all the examples, find the half with the answer and substitute it next to it.
Alternatively, you can use domino cards to combine the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction.

Option III

The presented colored domino cards are printed and cut.
This version of the domino game will help you test how well your child can count and whether he is familiar with geometric shapes.

In front of you on the playing field are domino cards, on some halves of which various numbers are written, and on the other - geometric shapes. You need to arrange the cards so that with each geometric figure- it turned out to be a suitable number. To do this, you need to count the number of angles for each geometric figure.

I hope that this resource will help you and your child consolidate their knowledge of mathematics. I wish you success!

Mathematical game "Dominoes". 8-9 grade. Solutions. January 2013

0–0. The lame king can move to any adjacent cell on the side or corner of the board, except for the top and bottom (i.e., no more than 6 possible moves from each cell). What is the maximum number of moves a lame king can make on a 9x9 board without repeating squares? (The initial position of the king is an arbitrary square.) (72 moves . Let's color the verticals in a checkerboard pattern. Then the lame king will alternate the colors of the cells with his moves. But there are only 36 black cells, so the lame king will make no more than 36 moves to black cells, and, therefore, no more than 36 moves to white cells. An example for 72 moves is built naturally, starting, for example, from a corner white cell.)

0–1. What number should be subtracted from the numerator of the fraction" width="15" height="41 src=">? (443 . The sum of the numerator and denominator will not change if the same number is subtracted from one of them and added to the second. Since this sum is equal to 1000, the fraction before reduction must be equal to , and to obtain it, we must subtract and, accordingly, add the number 543–100 = 443.)

0–2. Solve the number puzzle: . (The same letters indicate the same numbers, different letters indicate different numbers.) (2222 - 999+11 - 0=1234 . The uniqueness of this solution is easy to prove by brute force.)

0–3. What is the largest number of 1x5 strips that can be cut along the grid lines from an 8x8 checkered square? Please provide an answer and an example.(From the estimate for area = 12 it follows that there are no more than 12 strips in total, which can be placed using the “propeller” method.)

0–4. Find the smallest four-digit natural number from different digits that is divisible by any of its digits. ( 1236 , the first three digits are obtained in an obvious way as the smallest (0 cannot be used), the last digit is obtained due to divisibility by 2 and 3)

0–5. Mark 16 squares of the chessboard so that there is not a single acute triangle with vertices in the centers of the marked squares. (You can take any two adjacent rows of the board - see figure.)

0–6. At what minimum n among the tops of the right n-gon there are vertices that form regular three-, four-, five- and hexagons? (60 =NOK(3, 4, 5, 6))

1–1. Find all four-digit natural numbers divisible by 5 that, when divided by 11, yield a two-digit odd number. (1045 . The quotient must be an odd number that is a multiple of 5, which means it ends in 5. If it does not exceed 85, then the dividend is not greater than 85× 11 = 935, and it should be four digits. This means that only 1045:11=95 is suitable.)

1–2. When Gulliver got to Lilliput, he discovered that all things there were exactly 12 times shorter than in his homeland. How many Lilliputian matchboxes will fit in Gulliver's matchbox? (A Gulliver matchbox should contain 12 Lilliputian boxes in width, 12 in length and 12 in height, i.e. a total of 12∙12∙12= 1728 boxes.)

1–3. In how many ways can one dark-squared bishop and one light-squared bishop be placed in adjacent squares of a chessboard? (112 ways. These 2 opposite-sex bishops form a domino, and each domino is determined by a partition between these squares. Total on the board 2× 8 × 7=112 partitions.)

1–4. At what minimum N among any N Are there always two natural numbers whose difference is divisible by 5? (6 . Let's divide the set of natural numbers into 5 classes: the first class includes all numbers that when divided by 5 give a remainder 0, the second class - a remainder 1, the third class - a remainder 2, the fourth class - a remainder 3, the fifth - a remainder 4 Then the difference between two numbers belonging to different classes is not divisible by 5. If you take six numbers, then among them there will definitely be two numbers that have an equal remainder, and the difference of these numbers is divisible by 5.)

1–5. Given a parallelogram ABCD. In a triangle ABC marked the point M intersection of medians. Find an attitude VM:MD. (1:2 , because M divides a segment IN in a ratio of 2:1, and VO=O D , Where ABOUT– point of intersection of parallelogram diagonals)

1–6. There were less than 100 people on the bus, and the number of seated passengers was twice the number of standing ones. At the stop, 4% of passengers got off. How many passengers are left on the bus? (72 passengers. Since the number of seated passengers was twice the number of standing passengers, then the total number of passengers is a multiple of 3. At the stop, 4% of passengers got off, which means that the number of people who got off is one twenty-fifth of the total number of passengers, and the total number of passengers is a multiple of 25. Numbers less 100 and multiples of 25, there are three in total: 25, 50 and 75. Among them, only 75 is divisible by 3. Therefore, there were 75 passengers, three got off, and 72 remained.)

2–2. Find the smallest even natural number from 10 different digits. ( )

2–3. The circle tangent to the hypotenuse of a right triangle and the extensions of its legs has a radius R. What is the perimeter of a triangle? (2 R . Consider a right triangle ABC, in which the angle WITH– a straight line, and the circle specified in the condition (it is called uninscribed). Let's connect ABOUT– center of a circle with pointsK AndN her contacts with straight lines AC And Sun respectively;M – point of tangency of the circle with the hypotenuse AB. BecauseÐ C = 90 ° , (OK ) ^ (A.C. ), (ON ) ^ (B.C. ) AndOK = ON = R , ThatCKON – a square with a sideR . Using the property of tangents drawn to a circle from one point, we obtain thatA.K. = A.M. AndBN = B.M. . Then,PDABC = A.C. + B.C. + AB = A.C. + A.M. + B.C. + B.M. =(A.C. + A.K. )+ (B.C. + BN )= CK + CN =2 R .)

2–4. What values ​​can the perimeter of a ten-cell polygon on a checkered plane take (the side of the cells is 1)? ( 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22)

2–5. In the books of Novgorod scribes of the 15th century. The following measures of liquids are mentioned: barrel, nozzle and bucket. From the same books it became known that one barrel and 20 buckets of kvass are equal to three barrels of kvass, and 19 barrels, one nozzle and 15.5 buckets are equal to 20 barrels and 8 buckets. Based on these data, determine how many attachments are contained in the barrel. (One barrel contains 4 attachments . Let the capacities of the barrel, nozzle and bucket be equal, respectivelyx , y , z . ThenFrom this system we find thatx =4 y .)

2–6. In a rectangular hall, 100 officials receiving different salaries sit in 10 rows of 10 chairs each. An official considers himself highly paid if, after interviewing all his neighbors (on the right, on the left, in front, behind and diagonally), he is convinced that no more than one of his neighbors receives a salary greater than him. What is the largest number of officials who can consider themselves highly paid? (50 , table 10 is suitable as an example´ 10 with numbers from 1 to 100, when alternating columns with small numbers (from 1 to 50) and columns with large numbers (from 51 to 100), while in each column the numbers are in ascending order. Then officials with salaries from 51 to 100 will consider themselves highly paid. Let’s divide the square 10 ´ 10 by 25 squares 2´ 2. None of them can have more than two highly paid officials, since the third highest paid official in each such four will no longer be able to consider himself highly paid.)

3–3. Cut the square into six obtuse triangles.

3–4. How many solutions does the rebus have: C > Y > P > L > E > N > O > K? (Different letters represent different numbers.) (45 solutions. If the puzzle consisted of 10 letters, it would have a single solution. To get a solution to the rebus, you need to remove two numbers from the chain of numbers from 9 to 0 in descending order..jpg" align="left hspace=12" width="129" height="129">3–5. What is the greatest number of different prime numbers Is it possible to write it in a series so that the sum of any four consecutive numbers also turns out to be a prime number? Please provide an answer and an example. (7 numbers. The sum of four prime numbers will be at least 8, which means that in order to be simple, it must be odd, that is, it cannot consist only of four odd prime numbers, then it contains 2. But there can only be one two, therefore, in a series no more than 7 numbers, with two must be in fourth place. An example is the sequence 7, 5, 3, 2, 13, 11, 17, where the corresponding sums of 4 consecutive numbers are 17, 23, 29, 43.)

3 6. Arranged on a chessboard n chips so that in any 3´3 square there are exactly 3 chips. At what minimum n is this possible? Give an answer and an example. (16 – see example, 16 black cells are 16 chips. Let's assume that there are no more than 15 chips. Let's select 4 corner squares on the board 3´ 3 (each of them has 3 chips) and 4 rectangles 2´ 3 between these squares (they contain a total of 3 chips). Then, according to the Dirichlet principle, one of these rectangles will be empty (up to symmetry, let this be the middle upper rectangle 2´ 3). Together with three cells of neighboring squares, it will form its own squares 3´ 3, which means that both of these triples are filled with chips as shown in the figure. Then in the adjacent upper corner squares 3 ´ 3 middle side rectangles 2´ 3 must contain exactly 2 chips. There are no less than 4 chips in total× 3+2 × 2=16 is a contradiction. This means there are at least 16 chips on the board.)

4–4. Three brothers returned from fishing. Mom asked everyone how many fish they caught together. Vasya said: “More than ten,” Petya: “More than eighteen,” Kolya: “More than fifteen.” How many fish could be caught if it is known that two brothers told the truth and one told a lie? (16, 17 or 18. If the brothers caught more than 18 fish, then they all told the truth. If the brothers caught no more than 15 fish, then Petya and Kolya lied. In both cases we obtain a contradiction with the conditions of the problem. If the brothers caught more than 15, but not more than 18 fish, Vasya and Kolya told the truth, and Petya said a lie, which corresponds to the conditions of the problem.)

4–5. In a triangle ABC: Ð A=15°, Р B=30°. Through the point WITH drawn perpendicular to AC, which crosses the side AB at the point M. Find Sun, If AM=5. (2,5 . Let's carry out WITH K – median of a right triangle MYSELF(see picture). BecauseÐ WITH K IN – external for an isosceles triangle AC K , ThatÐ WITH K IN =30 ° = Ð NE K . That is CB=CK=0,5 A.M. =2,5.)

4–6. What is the smallest number of factorials that can be eliminated from the product 1!·2!·3!·...·2011!·2012! so that the remaining product is a perfect square? Please provide an answer and an example. ( we remind you that n!= 1·2·3·. . .· n) (1 factorial – 1006!. Since (2 k−1)!·(2 k)!=((2k−1)!) 2 ·2 k for any natural k, then our product is equal to (1!·3!·5!·...·2009!·2011!× 2 503 ) 2 ·1006!, while the number is 1006! is not a perfect square, because in its prime factorization the prime number 997 appears only once.)

5–5. At what maximum n You can place several queens on a chessboard so that each hits at least n others? Please provide an answer and an example. (n =4. See pic . Let's look at the topmost row on which the queens stand, and choose the rightmost queen on it. He cannot hit anyone in four of the eight possible directions (up, right, up-right, up-left). Means, n ≤4.)

5–6. 15 volleyball teams played the tournament in one round, and each team won exactly 7 victories. How many teams in this tournament are there that have only one win in their matches? ( 140 team triples. Consider any team A, the remaining teams are divided into 2 groups - 7 who lost to her, and 7 who won against her. Accordingly at 7× 6/2=21 matches between losers A, 21 out of 7 are taken into account× 7=49 wins for these teams. This means that they won 49-21=28 matches against teams from the second group. This means that team A is one of the 28 triples we need. Then only 15 × 28/3=140 triples, because each triple is counted 3 times.)

6–6. Find the sum of digits, numbers equal to the sum . (7380 ." width="119" height="44 src=">.gif" width="153" height="39 src=">, This means that the sum of digits we need is 11× 669+7+2+7+3+2=7380)

Didactic game for children senior group in kindergarten "Mathematical Dominoes"

Khokhlova Natalia Evgenievna
Place of work: MKDOU No. 18, Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Job title: teacher-speech pathologist
Resource name: board-printed didactic game "Mathematical dominoes"
Brief description of the resource: a game for children 5–6 years old to develop basic mathematical concepts and develop logical thinking.
Purpose and objectives of the resource: developing the ability to understand the meaning of addition and the mathematical sign “+” within five; development of logical thinking, visual perception.
Relevance and significance of the resource: The game can be used by speech therapists, defectologists, and parents in correctional work with children.
Equipment: The game is played using a PC (personal computer) and consists of cut domino cards.
Practical use: individual lessons, frontal correctional lessons (as a demonstration of a task or a direct game “one at a time”).
Methodology for working with the resource:
1. Individually: the child takes domino cards and builds a logical chain.
2. Front: used to demonstrate a task using a magnetic board and magnets; Children in their seats work orally and frontally.

Teaching elementary mathematical concepts to older preschool children is a challenging task. To captivate a child, mathematical educational material must be presented to him in a playful way. And didactic games will help with this in the best possible way, which will allow children to familiarize children with numbers, numbers, the basics of counting, and arithmetic operations in an easy playful way.
The presented game will allow you and your child to remember new information and, with the help of clarity, consolidate the material being studied.

Option I

In front of you on the playing field are domino cards, on some halves of which various numbers are written, and on the other halves objects are depicted. You need to arrange the cards so that with each image of an object there is a number that is suitable in meaning. To do this, of course, you need to correctly count the objects, find the half with the answer and substitute it next to it.

Option II

The presented colored domino cards are printed and cut.

In front of you on the playing field are domino cards, on some halves of which various numbers are written, and on the other - arithmetic operations. You need to arrange the cards so that with each arithmetic operation you get a number that makes sense. To do this, of course, you need to correctly solve all the examples, find the half with the answer and substitute it next to it.

I hope that this game will help you teach children basic mathematical concepts.

Mathematical domino
Markovskaya Z.L. mathematic teacher
MBOU "Streletskaya Secondary School" Krasnogvar-
Deysky district of Belgorod region
For this didactic game you need to prepare 30 cards. Divide each card into two halves with a line. On one of them write down some task, on the other + the answer, but to a completely different task. One “starter” card must have tasks on both halves. Two more cards - only with answers, their other halves are empty. 29 tasks and the same number of answers to them are compiled. But tasks and answers are written on different cards. The players must make a chain of cards so that the answer follows the task. 5 or 6 people can participate in the game at once. Each player receives 6 (or 5) cards. The first move is made by the one with the “starting” card. Next, the opportunity to move is given to all team members in order. If the player does not have a suitable card, then he misses his turn. If someone made a mistake in the answer and put the wrong card, and everyone else answered correctly, then the “answer-blank” card will appear in the chain earlier than necessary. Then the whole team is considered a loser. Students with weak mathematical training enjoy taking part in the game.
Dominoes in mathematics for 5th grade
Find the 34th number 12 78th number is 56, and what is the whole number?
The sides of the parallelepiped are 3, 5 and 7. What is its volume? 25
Find the 27th number 35 21
The 59th is 45, but what is the whole number? 315
The sides of the parallelepiped are 3, 5 and 7. Find the length of all the edges of the cube. eleven
Find the root of the equation x +15 = 27 81
Find the root of the equation 32-y=11 26
Find the root of the equation 5y=45 3
Find the root of the equation 2y=64 36
Find the root of the equation x+x=22 32
Find the root of the equation y+y+y=36 8
Calculate: 33,210
Calculate: 52 9
Solve the equation 2x+5x=56 4
Solve the equation 4y+5y=81 64
Calculate: 26+22+14 36
Calculate: 35+17+25 10
What number is 22 greater than 46? 27
What number is three times less than 48? 105
What number is 12 less than 48 ?60
How far will a car travel in 3 hours if it moves at a speed of 70 km/h?9
How long will the boat travel? if he needs to cover a distance of 280 km, and his speed is 70 km/h? 1300
Find the quotient of 12 and 4 16
Find the fifth part of the number 120 12
How many months are there in three years? 24
What is the perimeter of a rectangle if its sides are 4 and 9 cm?68
Calculate 105*3 12
Calculate: 27*13 +73*13 9
Dominoes in mathematics for 6th grade
Which of the numbers 127, 567 or 321 is divisible by 9? Calculate: 27: 0.1
What is the greatest common divisor of the numbers 36, 27, 54? 3
What is the least common multiple of 12, 18, 36 ?270
Calculate: 27*0.1 57Calculate: 1.8 -1.08 12
Calculate: 5 + 2.74 12Calculate: 12.6: 0.3 0.8
Calculate: 1- 344
Calculate: 5 23 - 113567
Calculate: 225 + 3159
Calculate: 2 - 11414Calculate: 715- 125413Calculate: 113 + 3235.6
Calculate: 35 * 5 34Calculate: 113 * 34545Calculate: 58: 11642
Calculate: 67:31436
Calculate: 455
Calculate: (3.5 + 2.5) : 20 0.09
Calculate: 0.32 6
Calculate: 0.52 2.7
Calculate: (4.4 + 5.6) :2 1
Calculate: (4 – 3.4) * 10 5
Find 34 numbers12 0.3
Find the 25th number 30 0.72
Find the number itself if 25 equals 20 0.25
Calculate: 3 14 - 2349
Calculate: 537 - 4577.74

Solitaire Solitaire