Metal gear ground zero walkthrough. Guide to completing the additional mission “Deja Vu”

To occupy yourself in your free time with something really interesting and interesting, just choose some good game. But therein lies the problem. The media space offers users too large a range of entertainment, among which it is extremely difficult to choose just one. In order not to be misled and choose a worthy product, you should first watch the walkthrough.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, a game released in 2014 on almost all gaming platforms, was able to gain great popularity among users. But what are its main advantages and benefits? What is the difference this game from all other projects?

One side of the participants talks about an interesting process of execution, cool characters, while the second half of gamers assures that this prologue is a pathetic parody of quality game. Who is right?

About the game

This project was released in 2014 and took a leading position among other similar third-person action games. This part is a prologue, but in its graphics, quality of execution and technical specifications can be considered as a full-fledged independent game - as the developers themselves say. This franchise has been delighting critics for a decade. gaming industry, and ordinary users with constant innovations, perfect game design and virtual world, which shocks with its realism. At the same time, the released prologue misled the participants and divided all players into two large groups: those who appreciated the project and saw positive aspects in it, and those who consider this “retreat” to be a failed experiment. Each of these groups has its own evidence of correctness.

One mission

The entire game is one mission, and it will take a maximum of about 90 minutes of diligent concentration to get the reward, that is, to complete the passage. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is one thing military action, taking place on a rainy evening at a certain base. The participant in the game plays the role of Big Boss, Captain Snake. His image causes fear among enemies, and appearance He immediately says that he is not to be trifled with. He is smart, angry, knows how to think through his steps and demand from those around him everything that is needed to complete the mission. His task is to rescue the hostages in this base, find out the information they need and at the same time complete a couple of locations. In the game they are presented as military operations in the form of raids and assaults.

Different weather conditions, time of day and armed enemies of all levels of “minds” make this passage interesting and exciting. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is essentially a stealth action game or, as many gamers say, a good sandbox game, worthy of attention from fans of military operations and special operations. This is fully confirmed by the developers themselves: they do not talk about the game’s high standards and do not consider it a work of art. A high-quality prologue with its own “zest” - this expression is more suitable to describe this project.

Game Features

The only thing that is important to note is the very meaning of “stealth” in this game. Everything is quite arbitrary, since the character practically does not cast a shadow, and even in pitch darkness they can detect him without the use of flashlights and special equipment. The barriers themselves that appear during combat do not always provide protection. There are no sounds of falling bodies when the character cannot see them. But all these minor flaws are quite tolerable, so to speak, a trifle in the game. But specific bewilderments are caused by military reinforcements floating “out of thin air”, which significantly complicate the passage.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes does not imply endless character leveling. Here this is not required at all, since even the arsenal of weapons is more like a “survival first aid kit”: a pistol with a silencer, a tranquilizer and grenades. Well, just in case, we note that Captain Snake is excellent at using his fists, which he uses during interrogation to elicit the necessary information. This makes the passage faster. Ground Zeroes has a lot of "unnecessary" conversations that lead nowhere. Even if you delve deeply into all these dialogues, you can involuntarily want to sleep - they are very boring and uninteresting.

Sometimes it seems that Captain Snake has an eye, which is stuffed with various tracking systems. This is a complete lie. If you delve into the story of the loss of Big Boss's eye, you can generally get confused in the whole plot. Here the developers clearly made a mistake and simply threw out the “draft text” instead of rich, motivating dialogues.

Participants' opinions

There are legends on the Internet about super fast completion of missions in the game. This is a fairytale! It will take at least 30 minutes to complete. Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes has a lot of cutscenes that you can't miss, and in total they take about 8 minutes. Quite a lot for a prologue!

Overall the game is not bad, only because there is interesting walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes. It is impossible to completely overcome the prologue in 10 minutes, since, trying to move from one part of the game to another, you will still have to spend time “destroying” the enemy base and freeing your guys from hostages.

Gamers who tried this project appreciated the graphics and sound of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. The passage, although fast, is exciting: there is something to think about and even start the same mission again. Sometimes at first it is difficult to imagine what awaits behind the fence, and Captain Snake suffers defeat faster than he can strike his opponent. When choosing a game where you can become a war hero, know that this prologue will definitely suit you: the plot, the graphics, and the interface itself will delight every participant.

The only thing that greatly clouds the situation is the time to complete the mission. The exciting gameplay, high-quality graphics, Hollywood explosions - it all ends too quickly. I would like to see a little more, to have some intricate digressions. Participants note that the plot is too linear: everything is clear from the very beginning.

Cuba, 1975. Operative Snake, in the pouring rain, accompanied by the magical sounds of the duet Joan Baez and Ennio Morricone, makes a landing nearby secret object. His task is to find and rescue two rebels imprisoned in a military base - the guy Chico and the big-eyed girl Paz - in order to take them to a safe place.

Ground Zeroes is the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain. The events mentioned above are the basis of one single main mission. Provided that the player knows exactly the route and the correct algorithm of actions, it will take him about 15 minutes to find Paz and Chico. True, the game's introduction is structured in such a cunning way that it will be extremely difficult to do it the first time.

In Ground Zeroes, as before, there are two possible ways passage: to the ringing howl of sirens, go ahead, unceremoniously shooting the guards, or eliminate the guards one by one as quietly as possible.

Something constantly distracts you from completing the main plot. For example, while sitting in ambush, you can listen to the dialogues of the guards for ten minutes, no less. Theoretically, during this time the mission can be completed! You will have to take an unusual approach to the mission itself, because in order to determine the location of any of the hostages, you will have to rely on the information recorded on the audio tape.

In Ground Zeroes you will have to do without many of the usual things that were in previous parts of the game: camouflage, radar and other equipment. Snake can only boast of night vision goggles. Binoculars will become the player's best assistant. Thanks to it, you can mark opponents on the map, look for shelter, shadows that will help the main character move around the base without being noticed. The player chooses the rest of the details, such as the passage scenario and its route, literally on the fly.

In addition to the gameplay, the Ground Zeroes developers have improved the game's controls. Now main character knows how to press against walls on its own, accelerates while running, and hides faster in cover. When detected by guards, the flow of time slows down, giving the hero a few moments to correct the situation. For example, to stun a vigilant guard.

It should be noted that the entire game was shot in one shot; there are not even minimal cuts. Perfectly chosen camera angles go well with the behind-the-scenes soundtrack. The soundtrack is simply excellent - when using good headphones, you can hear every rustle near the character. Naturally, it’s also for business - all these sounds make orientation in space much easier, making the mini-map, now hidden in the menu, unnecessary.

It's hard to try to predict what Phantom Pain will be like from the prologue. The passage opposite raises many questions: will the developers be able to harmoniously combine all the plot threads into one coherent story, how will the idea function? open world in a full-fledged game, will the game be able to go beyond the usual framework of “secret passage - open passage”, so inevitable in the stealth-action genre?

In short, fans of Metal Gear Solid can only enjoy the prologue, trying to find the strength to wait for the release of Phantom Pain, because after such a powerful and interesting start as Ground Zeroes, they want to plunge into a full-fledged game now.

  • Developer: Kojima Productions
  • Genre: Stealth / TPS
  • Release date in Russia: December 18, 2014

At the beginning, you will be asked to pick up binoculars and explore the area around you. You will immediately find three enemies - one on the tower, two more near the gate. To get to the base, you need to neutralize the one on the tower. This is the only way you will have a chance not to be noticed.

On the right, you can climb up to an area where you can easily use your tranquilizer gun. Meanwhile, beware of the spotlight. After knocking out the guard, you can easily get to the base.

Inside, hide to avoid being discovered by the driver of the jeep driving along the road. Next, turn right and go east to the place where the prisoners are. Another ambush is discovered in front of the “prison”. There are three guards here, two inside the building and one outside. Knock out all three with a tranquilizer, hide the bodies and move on carefully, still avoiding the spotlight.

Continue east. Here you will find the enemy again. We use the tranquilizer again and hide the body again. A little further they hold Checo. He is guarded by two - one behind the gate, the other in front. We use the tranquilizer again. If you do everything right, you will go unnoticed.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes - Saving Paz

You saved Cheko. The path to the beach is immediately revealed. Call a helicopter, it will pick up Cheko. After studying the film given to you by Cheko, go back - you need to save Paz. On your way back you will see a truck. Climb into it, it will take you to the well-guarded section of the “fortress”, where Paz is located. Hurry up to leave the body before it completes the turn, and immediately hide from the guard. You can either knock him out with a tranquilizer, or use CQC melee techniques, or just leave him alone - he won’t interfere much.

There weren't many security guards out around the administrative building, but there were plenty of cameras. Walk behind the building in front of which the truck is parked - this way you won't get caught on camera. There is an enemy in front of small buildings - CQC to help. Drag the body into the shadows - here you can interrogate him, and then kill him or simply knock him out. Next you will see two more guards.

Walk down the yellow steps and you'll find yourself literally next to where Paz is being held. There is one guard in front of the entrance, and two more inside. Hide and take them out with tranquilizers. There will be no more enemies! At the end of the path, turn right, then left. This is where you will find Paz.

After freeing your comrade, be careful - on the way back you will meet at least three guards. Place Paz in a dark corner, take out the first enemy, then hide behind the boilers and take out two more before exiting.

Then you will have to walk with Paz on your back along the main street, trying not to get caught on cameras and dealing with enemies using a tranquilizer. Outside the gate, call a helicopter in a place where it is safe, since in a dangerous place there is a chance that it will be destroyed. It is better to call the turntable for Paz in the same place where you did it for Cheko, or where you started the game. When Paz is in the helicopter, shoot back for about 15 seconds. That's it, it's over! you passed Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes.

General information:

Achievement Difficulty: 4/10

Offline: 15/15 (1000 ); (13 , 1 , 1 )

Online: 0

Approximate time to get 1000 or 100%: 8-12 hours

Minimum number of playthroughs: You need to play each mission several times on different difficulties. Cm. "Unlocked.”

Achievements you can miss: No (Mission Selection)

Does difficulty affect achievements? Yes, you need to play on normal or hard difficulty to unlock challenges/access tapes.

Unbreakable/glitchy achievements: No

Optional equipment: Not required

Step 1: Main MissionGroundZeroes

To access the remaining missions, you will first need to complete the main mission in Ground Zeroes. Once you finish with it, you will have access to 4 side quests. They all take place in the same camp, but at different times of the day. There are also additional missions Jamevu on Xbox and Dejavu on PlayStation, which are unlocked if you collect all XOF squad patches in the main Ground Zeroes mission. XOF patches can only be found here; they are not found in side quests. In addition, you will have to reach S rank in each mission, and to do this you will have to act quickly and stealthily. In addition, you need to complete challenges by meeting certain requirements, such as marking all enemies in a mission (aim at them for a few seconds or look at them through binoculars so that a marker appears above their head). Cassette tapes are also hidden in missions.

There are only 4 achievements associated with the main mission. Two of them are story related, so you don't have to worry about getting them ( “Reunion / Reunion” And “Downfall”). For achievement Rescue / Salvation” you have to save a certain prisoner and evacuate him from the camp by calling a helicopter. And of course, Insignia / Insignia”, which requires you to collect all 9 squad patches XOF.

Once completed, you will be able to replay the mission to complete challenges and achieve S rank while you still remember the mission's location and objectives, and before taking on additional missions. Earning your first S rank will unlock the achievement “ Skilled”.

Step 2: Four Side Quests

After you complete the main mission, 4 side missions will open to you: “Destroy the traitors”, “Rescue the scout”, “Collect intelligence”, and “Destroy air defense points”.

After completing any of them, you will receive the achievement “ Genesis / Origin”.

Each side quest has its own specific achievement. In “Intelligence Gathering”, you need to complete the mission while sitting in the back of a truck ( Infiltration / Penetration). In "Scout Rescue" you will have to avoid killing enemies ( Pacifist / Pacifist). In "Destroy the Traitors", you must evacuate both targets instead of killing them ( Depth / Depth). In "Destroying Air Defense Points", you have to evacuate all 4 prisoners by helicopter ( Extraction / Evacuation). As with the main mission, you will have to achieve S rank and find the tapes in side missions.

Step 3: Additional tasksJamaisVu (Xbox) and Dj-Vu (PlayStation)

After you find all 9 XOF squad patches in the main quest, you will unlock additional task Jamavu on Xbox and Dejavu on PlayStation.

There is one achievement for the Jamevu mission that will unlock if you complete the mission without killing anyone or raising an alarm.

Just like Jamevue on Xbox, Sony consoles also received an exclusive mission. For the Deja Vu mission, you will have to restore all the scenes from the original Metal Gear Solid.

If you complete all missions you will receive the achievement “Accomplished”, for completing all tasks.

Just like with other missions, you will have to complete this one to rank S.


All that's left for you to do is find the missing tapes if you missed them ( Information / Information), replay all missions on hard twice and tag all enemies on normal difficulty ( Unlocked), and earn S ranks if you haven't already ( Hero / Hero). Maybe it will seem challenging task, but remember that all missions take place on the same map. You must remember all the locations and features that will help you quickly complete each mission with enough practice.

Reunion / Reunion 50

Reunite with Chico or Paz.

Ground Zeroes , and you can't miss it. Once you find Chico or Paz, a cutscene will trigger. After completing the video, the achievement will unlock.

Downfall 50

Complete the mission" Ground Zeroes."

This is a story achievement related to the main mission. Ground Zeroes , and you can't miss it. The achievement will unlock after completing the mission before the scoreboard appears.

Genesis / Origin 50

Complete a side or optional mission.

You need to complete the main mission Ground Zeroes to unlock 4 side missions.

If you want to go through an additional mission before starting side missions, then collect all the squad badges XOF in the main mission Ground Zeroes (achievement Insignia / Insignia). You won't find the patch in any of the side missions.

Accomplished / Completed 50

Complete all missions (including side and optional missions).

Cm. Hero / Hero for details.

You will unlock this achievement when you complete all missions. There are six of them in total.

Main mission:

  • Ground Zeroes

Side missions:

  • Destroy the traitors
  • Scout Rescue
  • Intelligence collection
  • Destruction of air defense points

Additional tasks:

  • Jamevue (Xbox)
  • Deja Vu (PlayStation)

Skilled 100

Complete any mission (including side or optional missions) with a rating S.

Cm. Hero / Hero for details.

Hero / Hero 250

Complete all missions (including side and optional missions) with a rating S.

Do your best to avoid getting killed and not harass any enemy throughout the mission. Play smart and use Wu's Silent Pistol when required. Take your time and shoot accurately in the head so that the enemy falls asleep instantly.

You can complete all 6 missions on normal difficulty with a rank S get the achievement and you won't have to worry about it on hard difficulty.

After completing the mission, you will be taken to the results screen. Some of the results will be listed here depending on your progress. The lion's share of missions will require you to earn 50,000 or more points to get a rank S . The only exceptions here are the side quest "Rescue the Scout" and the additional quest " Jamevu" (and "Deja Vu" "), as they are no more action-oriented (you will need to get about 20,000 points to rank S when fulfilling the tasks). Points are not cumulative for repeated playthroughs; Points are valid only for the current playthrough. Keep the following in mind:

1. Be fast and efficient. If you want to replay the mission, then remember the locations of the objectives and complete them. Don't wander around, but stick to your goals. Remember the places where the guards stand still.

2. Enemy combat alert. If you put someone to sleep with the Wu Silent Pistol and another patroller notices him "sleeping on the job", then you don't have to worry about it until you are noticed. If the white detection line fills up on the screen, then you will automatically enter reflex mode and you can quickly take care of the enemy. Don't go into reflex mode too often!

3. Kills deduct points from the final mission result. If you killed a guard, then you will receive 200 points less (if two, then 400 points and so on).

4. Rescue the prisoners. For each prisoner saved, you will be awarded an additional 3500 points to the final score of this mission.

5. Don't lose the helicopter when calling it. If enemies see him, they will start shooting. Choose a safe place that is isolated from enemy eyes. I usually call him to the rock in the east-northeast of the cells where you find Chico in the main mission (where you take him to be evacuated).

6. If you made a small mistake, for example, wasted one tranquilizer cartridge, then you should not replay the mission right away. Restarting from a checkpoint deducts 300 points from the final result.

7. Turn off the reflex to get a bonus to the final result score (it is not necessary to do this, since I received ranks S in all missions on normal difficulty and with reflex enabled). To receive the bonus, you must turn it off before starting the mission.

Rescue / Salvation 50

In the mission "Ground Zeroes" "Release and evacuate by helicopter a prisoner who is about to be executed.

After the main mission Ground Zeroes, you will encounter a prisoner in a small area with a tent camp. He sits in a small wooden shed in the northwest of this fenced area. Study the location of all the guards, especially on the floodlight towers.

While you're putting most of the nearby guards to sleep, don't forget to call a helicopter to the cliff where you started the mission. Place the prisoner in the helicopter and the achievement will unlock.

Depth / Depth 50

Pass side mission"Destroy the traitors" by evacuating both targets.

Kaz will task you with killing two targets in this mission, Eye and Palitz. To get this achievement, you will need to evacuate them, not kill them.

Isolate the targets from the two guards and put them to sleep using Wu's silent pistol. Then take them to the evacuation point and call a helicopter.

When you start, the Eye will be in the clock tower near the Administration building (You found the Groove in the main mission in the dungeon behind the Administration building). Palitz tends to roam the open area south of the Eye. However, while you are working on the Eye, Palitz will already change position (or vice versa). Try to find them both first and mark them with binoculars before tackling either one.

Kaz will update your map to iDROID , and will mark places where targets might appear if you lose them. Be careful and listen to messages from Kaz.

Below are pictures of the two. Eye on the left, Palitz on the right.

You can watch the video guide.

Pacifist / Pacifist 50

Complete the "Scout Rescue" side mission without killing any enemies.

It's quite difficult. You can only use the Hurricane-5 pistol, as it is the only non-lethal weapon. Most of the level is “linear,” and the helicopter flies along a set path while you cover a secret agent who runs to an extraction point.

Eventually you will have to jump out of the helicopter and run to save the scout, as he will fall unconscious during the mission. Once you get to it, don't forget to grab the FB MR R -Launcher that lies behind it.

The armored vehicle will roll out near the main gate of the Administration building. Don't worry about killing the soldiers who are inside the armored car, but when using the rocket launcher, make sure there are no enemies nearby that you neutralized with the pistol. The shock wave from the explosion can kill them.

Use Hurricane-5 again on the enemy that will be on your way to the helicopter at the end.

You can watch the video guide.

Infiltration / Penetration 50

Complete the "Intelligence Gathering" side mission while sitting in the back of a truck.

This mission begins in the back of a truck. Don't jump out of it, just lie there. The truck is heading towards the Camp Omega Administration building and will arrive there in a minute or so. When you reach the large gate, it will open and the truck will drive inside. After passing the gate, the truck will park on the left. We quickly get out of it and go left to the place where the “off limits” sign hangs. Don't shoot or do anything to the truck driver when he gets out of the truck.

Crawl and move on. Next, you can meet a guard who patrols the area. Eliminate him with Wu's silent pistol. Climb the stairs on the left that lead to the watchtower. Move towards the tower carefully, as there is a surveillance camera inside. Switch to the AM MRS -4 rifle and shoot it.

Then go inside the tower and take the tape. Return to the back of the truck and lie down and wait for the driver. Mission Complete. The driver will return and help you escape.

You can watch the video guide.

Extraction / Evacuation 50

In the side mission "Destroying air defense points", evacuate all prisoners by helicopter.

There are four prisoners in total. Three are in the cages where you found Chico, and the fourth are in the Administration building where you found Paz. Call a helicopter and designate the evacuation point that you consider necessary. I usually call him to the rock in the east-northeast of the cells where you find Chico in the main mission (where you take him to be evacuated).

You can watch the video guide.

Hidden / Hidden 50

Complete the "Jame Vue" side mission without raising any alarms.

You can only kill soldiers captured by the Body Snatcher, and you cannot kill regular soldiers. Eliminate regular soldiers only with non-lethal weapons, such as the Wu Silent Pistol. You must not raise the alarm. You can determine whether a Soldier has a Body -Snatcher inside or not by placing marks on them. An ordinary soldier, as a rule, turns blue when placing a tag, and the Body-Snatcher turns green.

Right after you take care of the 12 enemies, head to the main gate and first run into the locked container opposite the gate with the red door. There you will find a rocket launcher. Later in this mission, I used a rocket launcher on soldiers with a Body-Snatcher inside them as they ran out of the main gate of the Administration building. Remember not to be seen. Be careful when entering reflex mode, as if you use it for too long, sometimes the entire camp can go into full alert, even if you barely managed to get rid of the enemy who discovered you.

You can watch the video guide.

Reminiscence / Memories

Restore all scenes in the additional mission "Deja Vu".

There are seven references from the original Metal Gear Solid , which can be recreated in GZ . If you follow video guide upon receiving rank S , then you will receive this achievement.

  • Liquid's HIND-D – Sneak up to the nose of the helicopter on the helipad. Both guards should be there.
  • Chaff grenades – West of the helicopter, there is another helipad with a box of grenades in the middle. Don't go out into the light. Wait until the light from the projectors clears and take the grenades.
  • Surveilance camera – Approach the camera at the easternmost door of the Administration building. The camera light should be green, that is, you should not be detected and there should be no dead bodies in front of it.
  • Moai – The statue can be found in the basement of the Administration building.
  • Ravan's tank - Throw a grenade at the armored car located in the western campground (where you found the escaped prisoner).
  • Jeep chase – Take the jeep east of the helicopter and drive under the bridge.
  • Mantis's blackout – Click on the switch transformer in the Administration building.

Unlocked 50

Unlock all challenges.

This is the most difficult achievement in the game. To begin with, you will have to complete the mission on normal difficulty to unlock the first challenge. You will then have to replay the mission again to complete the first challenge, and then complete the mission and unlock a new one. There are various challenges, both on normal and hard difficulties, and you will need to unlock them all. Keep in mind that you will need to complete the mission on normal difficulty to access the hard difficulty for the same mission.

The test for installing "marks" may vary. For example, you will start the "quickly tag all enemies" challenge in the main mission Ground Zeroes, a notification will appear at the bottom indicating the progress of the challenge (Marked enemies). The challenge says that you need to tag 40 opponents, but some of them may leave Camp Omega, which means there won't be that many. When you trigger an alarm, enemies will call for backup, meaning you can tag those enemies as well to complete the challenge. Don't forget to mark all enemies inside the Administration building. Search the entire map. Don't kill anyone until you mark them.

After completing a mission on normal difficulty, play it again, but tag all enemies (if you chose a challenge with tags), then play it on hard, and then replay it again on hard. You will have to go through each mission 4 times. Twice on normal and 2 on hard difficulty.

On a mission" Scout Rescue"All challenges are unlocked after you complete them once on normal difficulty and then again on high. You don't have to worry about quickly completing the mission and neutralizing all enemies.

You can view your challenge records in the main menu. Closed tests are displayed like this - ??? and you don't see their names. Remember that you do not need to complete them, you only need to open them, and for this you should not have questions like these in the test record table???.

Information / Information 50

Collect all the cassette tapes.

There are 12 cassettes in total. The game doesn't track your progress through collected tapes until you complete a mission, so we don't recommend leaving the game in the middle of a mission, otherwise you'll have to start collecting them all over again.

Cassette Chico 5

Main mission “ Ground Zeroes ”: On the trash can behind to the left of the stairs down with the yellow railing that leads to the Groove. This staircase can be found at the back of the Administration building, where you will find the control box that shuts off the power. The cassette can only be obtained before rescuing Chico.

Cassette Chico 2

Main mission “ Ground Zeroes ”: In the watchtower of the Administration building, on the table.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Music Tape

Main mission “ Ground Zeroes ”: In the cage behind Chico.

Cassette Chico 3

Main mission “ Ground Zeroes ”: Received from Chico when you save him.

Cassette Chico 4

Main mission “ Ground Zeroes ”: Evacuate the prisoner who is about to be executed ( achievement “Rescue” )

Cassette Chico 6

Side mission “Destroy the traitors”: In the locked armory on the side of the warehouses, in the area where Palitz usually walks. This location is not far from where you start the main mission. Ground Zeroes and if you go straight to the main goal. Along the way, there should be an armory with a red door on your right.

Cassette Chico 1

Complete the side mission "Scout Rescue".

Agent Record

Side mission "Intelligence Gathering": In the watchtower of the Administration building, on the table.

Intelligence collection

Side mission "Intelligence Gathering": After receiving the Agent's tape, find a soldier who will tell you information on how to get this tape.

Cassette Chico 7

Side mission "Destroying Air Defense Points": Rescue the hostage who can be found in the place where you find Paz in the mission “ Ground Zeroes ” (part of the achievement “Extraction / Evacuation”).

Music cassette Deja Vu / Jamevu

Side mission "Deja Vu / Jamevu": Not far from the place where the mission begins, next to the evacuation point at the cliff. Use night vision to find the cassette tape and nearby mines!

Song fromZoneoftheEnders: The 2 ndRunner

Just complete all missions on hard difficulty.

You can watch the video guide.

Insignia / Insignia 50

Collect all squad patches XOF.

In total, you have to collect 9 XOF squad patches. All of them can only be found in the main mission of Ground Zeroes.

To get the achievement, you not only need to collect all 9 patches, but also complete the mission by evacuating Chico and Paz. If you die before a checkpoint and you collect several patches before reaching the next checkpoint, you will have to collect those patches again. The achievement will unlock after collecting all 9 patches once you complete the mission and reach the reward screen after the cutscene. You can skip the video by pressing back or select and selecting "skip".

Use night vision to make it easier to find XOF squad patches if you can't see them.

Patch #1

Got into Big Boss's bag. Just roll on the ground until it falls out and you can pick it up.

Patch #2

At the edge of the cliff where the mission begins.

Patch #3

On the trash heap in the western camp, where you will find a prisoner who needs to be evacuated and saved from execution.

Patch #4

Just outside the gate leading to Chico's cage.

Patch #5

On the roof of the white guard house north of Chico's cage; there you will hear soldiers talking about an escaped prisoner.

Patch #6

Northern part of the base, behind bars into an underground tunnel near the eastern door to the administration building.

Patch #7

Enter the Administration building through the east door. Climb onto the generator and then onto the roof on the left. The patch will be on the ventilation shaft on the left.

Stripe #8

Between two helipads.

Stripe #9

Go south from the helipad and go through the westernmost hole in the fence and you will see three generators. Take it to the western generator and you will find a patch.

You can watch the video guide.

Indian Solitaire