Middle earth shadow of war why they betray. Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Definitive Edition (2018) (RePack from xatab) PC. Visits to the Fighting Pits

In this Middle-earth: Shadow of War guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about increasing the level of recruited Orcs that will strengthen your army. While playing Shadow of War, you will come across several opponents who you can "convince" to join your party. However, most of these recruits in Shadow of War will start out low level and you will have to level them up to achieve maximum effectiveness in battle.

Nevertheless, this task is completed without any problems and you can bring all your Orcs to maximum level simple enough. Before we begin, there's something important to disclaimer: none of the recruitable Orcs in Shadow of War can be higher than Talion. However, you can find those that will correspond to his level.

Leveling up Orcs in Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Using the Wealth Stone

First, you need to unlock a slot in your ring and put a Wealth Stone into it. This stone is an important item that allows your Subordinate Captains to gain additional levels.

In the game, the Wealth Stone can be found in five types, each of which adds +1 to the Subordinate Captain's level. Know that you can easily add about five levels to a newly Subordinate Captain with a +5 Wealth Stone.

Visits to the Fighting Pits

There are a huge number of Fighting Pits in Mordor. You can force your recruits to fight in these Fighting Pits to gain a huge amount of experience, which will definitely help them gain levels faster.

However, before you immediately run to the Fighting Pits, you must open them first, which is not an easy task. To open the Fighting Pits in Middle-earth: Shadow of War, you need to successfully complete the siege of the Fortress in the region, and then complete the mission of the same name. Completing this mission will allow you to gain permanent access to the Fighting Pit in the region.

Completing Missions and Orders

During the passage of Middle-earth: Shadow of War, you will be able to send your recruits on various tasks: killing the enemy, helping other allies, laying siege to a fortress, and the like. However, we do not recommend that you leave all this management to be done automatically, as it can take a lot of time.

Those of you who want to speed things up can easily see where battles are happening in the world and join them to complete them faster and get your reward. By doing this, you will not only be able to level up your recruits in a short time, but also get additional loot in the form of equipment, new recruits and even more.

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Orcs in Middle-earth: Shadow of War have received the status of things (and wherever animal defenders look), since they are also divided into several categories depending on their rarity and strength. In the game you can get both regular and epic orcs under your command. The latter, naturally, will be much stronger. You will only be able to recruit those orcs that match your level, that is, do not expect to get some famous killer troll at the first levels who can with bare hands tear Karagor apart.

However, there are exceptions to any rule, and in this game they turned out to be Legendary Orcs, since obtaining them does not always depend on your current level, so they can significantly strengthen your army even in the later stages of the game. These captains are considered the strongest in the game.

There are several main ways to get orcs from the higher echelons. Some of them allow you to be guaranteed to get the right commander in your army, while others will require you to perform monotonous actions for several hours. In this guide, we will describe each of these methods.

Obtaining Epic and Legendary Orcs through Subjugation

A very tedious way. When you return to Mordor, you will encounter a huge number of Orc captains and some of them may well be epic or legendary. Such enemies appear extremely rarely, but we still advise you to constantly monitor the balance of power on the map and mark the necessary orcs. If you notice such a military leader, then you should immediately start tracking him down in order to subsequently add him to your army.

Let us also add that most orcs top level have immunities and strengths that ordinary captains do not have. Therefore, when hunting such an enemy, you should first track down the “mole” (Worm) in order to find out more information about your target and be ready to meet him. For example, if you prefer ranged weapons, then you will probably find it useful to know whether the orc you are hunting is immune to arrows.

This is the cheapest, but at the same time the most unreliable and time-consuming method of obtaining epic and legendary orcs. The fact is that it is not known exactly when such a captain will appear. You can try to cut off all the military leaders in the location and wait until new ones arrive. But even after killing 50 captains, there is no guarantee that 51 will be legendary.

Purchasing chests

Thanks to the Shadow of War in-game store, you can quickly and easily get a legendary orc into your army, but you will have to pay for it. For 1.5 thousand Mirian you can purchase a Silver Chest, which is guaranteed to contain one epic and standard orc. There is also a small chance that the Silver Chest will drop a Legendary Orc, but it is extremely low.

These fighters are guaranteed to drop from Gold and Mithril chests. The first one gives at least one legendary and two epic orcs, and the mithril one gives four legendary captains at once. However, you won’t be able to purchase these chests for Miriana, since they can only be purchased for premium Gold, that is, by spending real money.

You can also get top level Orcs from Trophy War Chests, which can be purchased with Spoils of War points. They are earned by participating in online sieges, completing challenges and completing vendetta missions. The advantage of grinding is the fact that you don't have to spend Mirians or Gold. In addition, you can use Spoils of War boosts to double the rewards given for completing quests.

Create legendary orcs

Any normal orc in the game can become a captain if he can kill you. When this happens, he is given a title and personality traits. Once you've completed the initial missions and have some extra time to figure out your orcs, you can influence the creation of the captains you want by simply letting the right enemy kill you.

If you need an archer captain, then die by an archer. Do you want to get a good defender in your army? Then let yourself be killed by an orc with a shield. The formation of an orc's personal characteristics is influenced by the place of your death, because each region in Mordor is ruled by a certain tribe with its own characteristics. To find out which tribe controls the area you are in, simply look at the banners hanging around.

Dying is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because you need to be killed by a certain orc. If you are fighting with a group of opponents, we advise you to first kill all extraneous enemies, and then die from the blow of the desired orc. After he kills you, the game will start sending requests to the god of randomness and he will choose what kind of captain this orc will be - ordinary, epic or legendary.

It is also worth knowing that if there are no free places for captains in the area, the newcomer will enter into a duel with one of the military leaders. Of course, he may die in this battle, so we advise you, before giving your life to a random orc, to clear a place for him so that he does not have to fight for it.

This method is also not very reliable. You can die a couple of dozen times, but still not get a legendary orc, so the most effective method is still buying chests.

Shadow of War: Fortresses

Fortresses in this game represent danger, a place to hunt, a plot, but more importantly, a valuable trophy. Will the bright ruler really deny himself the pleasure of conquering one or two forts? Let's do more, the more the merrier! If you follow the following advice, then fortresses will not stand before you in Middle-earth: Shadow of War. We will talk about how a siege works, how to weaken the enemy and how to increase your chances in a duel with the ruler. Grab your sword and prepare your battle cry!

To capture fortresses, we can use the “Hulk destroy” option, or we can approach the issue wisely.

What will help you in your battle. First, let's describe the principle of capturing a fortress. You choose your own captains to participate in the assault. You give them additional body kit and see your chances in the ratio of the levels of attackers - defenders.

Having made sure that your forces are worthy for the battle, you send your fighters into battle and, shouting “For Gondor”, “For Gandalf”, etc., and rush into battle.

Do you want a goal for additional entertainment? Recruit an army that can win even without your participation and... remain an observer. Just watch as your army scatters the enemy or dies. How your captains lay down their heads in battle... their own or others'.

In Shadow of War, capturing a fortress involves knocking the enemy out of control points, so you still have to help them a little... because they don't have an elven staff. The show won't suffer from this. Just walk in as your troops have an undeniable advantage... and cry if the army falls... will such a show be worth it? You tell me.

But let's get back to it simple option- your personal participation in the capture of the fortress. In battle you can use own strength, and therefore his own bodyguard. This fighter will give you an extra boost in battle, which is always nice.

The battle involves the enemy ruler, his military leaders and their bodyguards (in addition to ordinary fighters). They all need to be beaten. If you decide to save a lot of time, then you will have to fight with everyone. If you were cunning, the battle will be easier.

Advice: You can begin to reduce the defense of the fortress with any level of Talion, but if it matches the level of the enemy generals, then you can recruit them. They will not hold their own places, but they make very worthy captains.

Before you attack, think about whether you can defeat the ruler of the fortress. If the enemy is ten levels superior to you, be on your guard. His damage may be too harsh. Of course, the main burden is on your attentiveness and reaction, but the amount of health is also welcome... as is the damage. If the enemy is too strong, do tasks and raise your level.

After defeating the generals, capture control points using the appropriate key and go to the throne room.

Advice: if you have a bodyguard's brother in your ranks... and any allies in general, then during a siege they will be aggressive.

You will have to fight the rulers alone, so you should seriously prepare for this. Why can't you take captains with you in Middle-earth: Shadow of War? Perhaps Talion loves pathos? One way or another, in the throne room you can meet a large group of opponents, some of whom may have shields or counter attack your attacks. You should get rid of them before the battle begins, because then you will have no room to maneuver.

A supply of anger will not be superfluous. This way you can get rid of most of the opponents and clear a place for yourself to fight.

On a note: Talion in Shadow of War uses anger and power, which have very serious effects. Power is easily earned through attacks, but anger increases with kills and using the Absorb ability with the Lord of Wrath modifier.

Advice: To significantly increase the amount of anger, you can cut down all the orcs that survived the assault... well, we don’t like them anyway.

The most dangerous thing when fighting in cramped conditions is the inability to run away and hide in order to safely heal. After a series of missed attacks, your health will drop to a critical level. Only a few skills can save you in such a case:

"Absorption" tops the list of skills that allow you to survive in cramped conditions. With accumulated power, you, by pressing the C key, instantly subjugate ordinary opponents and thereby restore health.

Some items increase the amount of health restored when subjugated.

"Finishing on the ground" + "exhaustion on the ground." These skills do not guarantee healing, only the possibility that you will have time to recover, but if you are surrounded by enemies, you will be trampled.

"Adamant" + "Retribution" will give you a second chance to survive, which will also increase your survivability.

Bird of Prey + Claw Strike will allow you to stun a group of enemies caught in the blast radius, this can give you time to... feed, however this will only work if you have Shadow Wanderer + Eagle's Nest.

A little help in cramped conditions will be the use of vampire weapons. In general, you could write a separate guide on weapons in Shadow of War, but we’ll tell you in a simpler way. How best quality the equipment has, the greater the effects it has, but that’s not all. Stones allow you to increase various characteristics. Red damage, green health. Since healing in battle is difficult, you can use the green stone in your weapon. It will restore a certain percentage of health from your damage.

A little about intrigue

To weaken the enemy's positions, you can deprive the ruler of his generals. There are several similar methods.

Generals cannot be recruited without resigning. If the enemy ruler has worthy replacements, the seat will not be empty, but if there is no replacement, then you will have a chance to promote your supporter in his place. This orc will need to defeat the pit. You will be able to see the enemy and identify him by his portrait, then it will be possible to select an adequate candidate.

A recruited general is able to start a mutiny during an assault, or try to kill an enemy general, starting a “general battle.”

The general battle in Shadow of War is a military clash between your supporters and the enemy. You have to stand next to your henchman and take direct part in the battle. By finishing the battle victoriously, you can deprive the enemy overlord of his defensive structures and, if you want, recruit several enemy captains.

Unfortunately, your general will be exposed and lose his place in the sun... however, he, along with other candidates, has the right to compete for the open vacancy.

The second way is to recruit bodyguards or send spies. During the assault, they will betray their master and cause him significant damage. It will be easier to finish off, and instead of one enemy, there will be one ally. Major change on the scales, isn't it?

On a note: If you brand a captain in service, you should use him as a spy right away, otherwise he will reject his leader and will not be able to commit treason.

Now you have learned the most important thing that will help you get all the emotions from Middle-earth: Shadow of War. Play it right!

Year of issue:
Genre: Action, RPG, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Monolith Productions
Publisher: WB Games
Platform: PC
Publication type: RePack
Interface language:
Voice language:
Tablet: Sewn in (CODEX)

New this year in RPG genre"Middle-earth: Shadow of War" from Monolith Productions is an exciting, innovative action game. The fantasy continuation of the first part takes place there, in the great universe of The Lord of the Rings.

The game quickly unfolds around the new Ring of Power, with the help of which the player will have to resist the iconic villains of Middle-earth - Sauron and his Nazgul. The multi-movement and riot of a wide variety of plot development options that the player can do independently became possible in this edition thanks to the Nemesis system from the first part.

The ranger Talion lost everything that was dear to him: his home, friends, family and, in fact, his life. But he remained in Arda, because as a result of a black magic ritual, the spirit of Celebrimbor, a powerful elf, creator of the Rings of Power, moved into his body. The ranger placed the powerful power he received on the altar of great revenge.

Revenge is the leading motive of the main storylines in "Middle-earth: Shadow of War". The game space is implemented using the same mechanics as the previous part, but the player’s tasks are excellent: to break the enemy, conquer Mordor and drive Sauron out of Middle-earth forever. The player will build his army by tracking down and fighting orc captains, sending spies and punishing traitors.

A delightful and attractive advantage of “Middle-earth: Shadow of War” is that you yourself have the right to decide at what point the main battle will take place: behind the fortifications of the enemy opposition, or before your army reaches his gates. The first such battle will make you clearly understand that fans of the genre cannot help but fall in love with this game. "Middle-earth: Shadow of War" confidently claims to be one of best games in the Lord of the Rings universe for their history.

Based on the CODEX release
Cut out All voices except English and Benchmark cut out / Nothing recoded
Game archives have not been opened
Game version: 1.20

All released (except HD textures and 4k Video) DLC are present:
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Champions of War
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Gold Content
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Sword Of Dominion
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Starter Bundle
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Expansion Pass
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - The Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War - The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion

Changing the language in the game settings menu
Installation time 30 minutes on HDD (Depends on the computer)
Repack by xatab

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
CPU: AMD FX-4350, 4.2 GHz / Intel Core i5-2300, 2.80 GHz
Video card: AMD HD 7870 (2GB) / NVIDIA GTX 660 (2GB)
Sound device: DirectX 11 compatible audio device

In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, a lot revolves around capturing and defending fortresses. At the same time, the complex relationships with the captains and the full mechanics of the assault are only partially explained. In this guide we have collected for you full list tips and tricks that will allow beginners to avoid our mistakes.

How to recruit captains?

Starting in Act 2 of Middle-earth: Shadow of War, you'll be able to recruit enemy captains. This ability will allow you to build your army and capture a fortress in the region. To subjugate the captain to your will, you will first have to break him. In simple terms, lower HP to the level until the green icon lights up above the orc. After that, apply absorption and you will be happy. At the same time, you should definitely remember the following points of the sworn enemy system:

  • You cannot subdue a captain if his level is higher than yours. You can either kill or disgrace such an opponent. With a kill, everything is clear: you will receive excellent equipment as a reward. But what does it mean to disgrace? After this, the orc will run from the battlefield, and his level will decrease. In practice, this means that you will have to find it a second time. Although you can now recruit him to join you, we strongly recommend against doing so. Captains are vindictive creatures. They will definitely harbor a grudge for the humiliation they suffered and will stab you in the back at the most inopportune moment.
  • It is better to collect intelligence in advance. Especially in the early stages of the game, before going after the next captain, catch and subdue an ordinary orc with a green icon above his head. This will allow you to find out all the ins and outs of one of the commanders. Data can also be found in game world: On notice boards or tables in enemy camps.
  • Captains may have unpleasant abilities: Defying Death and Iron Will. The first means that the captain will have to be killed twice. The second is that the captain cannot be recruited at all. It’s better to look at this information in your profile in advance and be mentally prepared.
  • You cannot subdue the captain while he is enraged. We'll have to wait and run in circles until this condition subsides. You can find out what irritates a particular orc by looking at his profile. You need the Hate tab. In the screenshot below you can see that Zuka is enraged by the poison. This means you should be more careful with poisoning.
  • The Hatred tab also indicates the blood relationship of the captains. This is a very important parameter that is worth tracking when killing orcs. Killed your blood brother? The captain will definitely come for revenge. If he is in your army, expect betrayal at the most inopportune moment. In this case, we have not yet met Zuka's blood brother, so we will definitely check the captains' profiles before the battle. When we find our brother, we will recruit him to join us, but we will not kill him.

How to upgrade captains?

So, we subdued our first captains. But our level does not stand still, which means it would be nice for our comrades to grow up. In Middle-earth: Shadow of War there are several possibilities for this:

  • Send captains on missions. To do this, select a specific captain in the army menu and click the give order button. You can order him to raid an enemy captain or send him to spy on the leader. For successful completion of the task, your ward will receive new level. If he fails, he may die, so it is better not to leave this process to chance and help the captains with quests if necessary. All tasks are limited by a move timer. In our case, a change of turn is considered to be the completion of any of these tasks or your death. You can also speed up time using fast travel points.
  • After capturing the fortress, the fighting pits of this region will become available to you. Get to the starting point of the mission on the map and carefully study the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed enemy. Select one of your own so that they can successfully carry out this battle, and watch. Your captain will either win and get promoted or die. You won't be able to interfere.
  • Check out the store. Here you can receive combat training instructions that will help you promote your captains or give them new properties. You need war chests. They can be purchased both for game currency and for real money. I would like to note that even without purchasing chests for real money, we can play quite comfortably.

How to capture a fortress?

As we've written before, much of the plot in Middle-earth: Shadow of War revolves around capturing and defending fortresses. To successfully capture an enemy fortress, you will have to carry out preparatory work:

  • Look at the screenshot below. On the towers there are leaders who will participate in the defense of the fortress. It is better to kill/subdue them before the assault. Hover over the leader and you will see white lines that connect him to his bodyguards. These guys will cover his back in case of your surprise attack. Therefore, if your character is still small and does not have enough strength to cope with three or even four captains at once, you will have to start by reducing the number of bodyguards.
  • Next, complete your assault squad. From the army tab, go to Siege Improvements and assign your strongest captains to command your troops. If you have money, spend it on purchasing additional upgrades for each unit. The higher your level, the more captains you can take with you on the assault. Don't forget to buy new cells.
  • Assign a bodyguard to a captain who is really good in close combat and doesn't start bleeding from the slightest breeze. At the end of the assault, a serious battle with the ruler awaits you, which means a large and strong orc will be very useful to you.
  • Collect intelligence about the ruler. If your level is much lower and you cannot defeat him one on one, postpone the assault until better times.

During the assault you will have to capture several control points. Their number is equal to the number of leaders on the towers. If you were too lazy to kill them in advance, you will definitely meet them now. Monitor the health of your allies and get them back on their feet in time if they start to bleed. If one of the captains dies during the assault, then it will be over. In the History skill tree there is an ability that will allow you to heal your captains at the expense of your health. Pump it up. Read more about other skills.

After capturing all the points, you will go to the ruler’s hall. Immediately call a bodyguard, since during the battle many ordinary orcs will spawn. You shouldn’t pay attention to them, concentrate on the ruler. Regular adds will keep arriving, so try not to drag out the fight.

How to defend the fortress?

Finally, the fortress is ours, but this does not mean that Sauron will not try to take it back. Therefore, we need to properly prepare for defense. To do this, take the following steps:

  • Appoint your strongest and most loyal captain as the new ruler. We usually place the one who was our bodyguard in the decisive battle to capture the fortress.
  • Appoint leaders from among the remaining captains. They are the ones who will hold control points during the defense of the fortress, so try to ensure that all your allies survive the capture and put them in charge.
  • Don't forget to assign bodyguards to your leaders. Around this point you may run out of captains, so head to the store. There you will find many new comrades, ready to take places in the empty garrison.
  • Buy siege upgrades for your fortress. Yes, yes, they are needed not only by assault troops. Iron walls, streams of fire from the gates and other delights will greatly spoil the skin of anyone who wants to capture you.

The defense itself is exactly the same as the assault. Only this time you will have to defend the control points. We noticed that after the appearance story mission to defend the fortress, the number of our captains in the garrison began to rapidly decrease. Therefore, we recommend that you do not delay and rush there quickly if necessary.
