Bigfoot mission GTA 5

There are many secrets and Easter eggs in GTA V that will delight any fan of this series. Fans to this day continue to find all sorts of interesting things in GTA V. In this article we have collected as many as thirteen interesting facts about this wonderful project from Rockstar Games, which you might not even be aware of to this day. So let's go through them.

To be more specific, Ned Luke, the voice actor of Michael De Santa, has some hearing problems in his right ear. Exactly like this interesting feature and was passed on to the character in the game. So when you play as Michael in GTA 5, try to watch him and you will notice how he constantly turns to the left side of the characters in dialogues or tilts his head towards them.

Fact No. 2 The legacy of John Marston

Passing by one day bookshelves in Franklin's house, look closely at the shelf and you can see a rather interesting book. It will be a blue book with “Red Dead” written on it, and Marston will be the author. Naturally, you need to understand that this book is a reference to game Red Dead Redemption. However, the author is not main character epics about the Wild West, and his son, John Marston, who, as some of you may remember, was a real bookworm. Here is the result - the boy became a writer and created his own book.

Fact #3 Lamar was a playable character

Few people actually know about this. If you've completed GTA 5, then you know that it has three endings. So, in the happy ending, Trevor, Michael and Franklin remain alive. However, earlier the developers prepared something different. Previously, in the happy ending, Franklin died, and instead the player could take control of his friend, Lamar Davis. Such a thing was found by players in the code of GTA 5 itself. To be honest, it would be interesting to play as Lamar.

Fact No. 4 The origin of Trevor's car

No matter how you look at it, Trevor has one of the most interesting vehicles. What is most remarkable about this car is its name - Bohdi. It’s immediately worth drawing a parallel between the name of the vehicle and the name of the son of actor Steven Ogg, who voiced Trevor, since his name is also Bodie. The second parallel emerges with the fairly well-known film “On the Crest of a Wave.” Not only is the main antagonist's name Bodie, but there is even a car in the film that is a complete copy of Trevor's vehicle. This is such an interesting car.

Fact #5 All heroes sleep differently

This fact is very difficult to notice in the game, since the need for sleep has practically disappeared with the introduction of manual saving. However, still try to calculate how much time each of the characters spends in bed. Having done this, you will understand that the three heroes have individual sleep schedules. Michael sleeps the least - only six hours. Franklin is quite young and sleeps the standard eight hours. But Trevor sleeps all twelve hours and it is incomprehensible to understand what his schedule is based on.

Fact No. 6 The three heroes are classic types

Have you ever thought about what the main characters are like? No? But if you try to take a closer look at them, you will understand that Trevor, Michael and Franklin are the most classic types of characters. Michael is a former bandit who has already retired and is now trying not to cause a stir around himself. Trevor is a real hurricane, for whom there are absolutely no rules in this world. Franklin is an ambitious young man who is trying to get out of the cesspool and achieve all kinds of heights in life. It's interesting that Rockstar themselves once admitted that they took their inspiration from the types of GTA players themselves.

Fact #7 Bonding Between Voice Actors

No matter how it sounds, Franklin and CJ from GTA San Andreas can be called brothers, but only in quotation marks. The thing is that Christopher Bellard, the voice actor of Carl Johnson, has a cousin - Sean Fontenot, who is the voice actor for Franklin. This is such a family.

Fact #8 Mysterious underwater hatch

If you dive underwater in the Sandy Shores area right now, you can find a rather interesting hatch at the bottom. It has no special purpose, as such. This hatch is a reference to the popular TV series LOST. Those who have watched this series will immediately understand everything. However, it doesn't end there. If you get close to the hatch, you can hear some tapping. These knocks have already been deciphered. The very famous phrase of Roman Bellik about bowling is encrypted in the knocks. Brother Niko was literally able to reach the players from the very depths.

Fact #9 James Bond's Car

On the streets of Los Santos you can find a car that is a reference to the incredibly popular spy James Bond. The car is called JB700. Not only is it based on an Aston Martin, but its name also contains a reference to a spy.

Fact #10 Broken deal

Wandering around GTA world 5, you may stumble upon another random event, which is called “Failed Deal.” This incident is a direct reference to the famous film “No Country for Old Men.” In the event, you will come across the scene of a shootout between two groups of drug dealers. However, not all of them are dead. There is only one survivor left and you can take away his briefcase with 25 thousand dollars. Before you take the money, the drug dealer will warn you about the consequences of such a decision.

Fact #11 Age differences

Playing GTA 5, we understand very well that the character Sean Fontenot, i.e. Franklin is obviously younger than Trevor. However, in real life it's the other way around. Steven Ogg, although he appears older, is actually five years younger than Sean Fontenot.

Fact #12 History of underwear

Trevor is truly an insane character in GTA 5. So insane that the next time you switch to him you don't know what to expect. However, he can often still be seen somewhere high in the mountains wearing only white shorts. It is with these white panties that the following fact is connected - Steven Ogg voiced Trevor in only his underwear. He did this, according to him, in order to better understand the character.

Fact #13 Alien under the ice

None of you probably went out to get some air on the snowy streets of North Yankton during the Prologue in GTA 5. Well, that’s understandable, since the mission is very straightforward and there’s no time for walking at all. However, if you are curious, you will find something very interesting. Try to replay this mission, but this time risk driving onto the ice under the railway bridge. It is there, under the ice, that you can see a real alien, who is very reminiscent of the Alien from the film of the same name.

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Secrets of GTA 5 were no exception, concealing within themselves, like the previous parts Grand Theft Auto, a large number of secret places and surprises from the developers. And since the genre of Easter eggs in games itself originated a long time ago, a decent amount of secrets have accumulated.

Since the game came out very big, this article will probably not have the status “one hundred percent complete” any time soon, so you can add it to your bookmarks and check it once a week as it gets filled in and new finds are found.

Version 1.0.3 There are spoilers

1. Luke from Lost.

Underwater there is a hatch that shines with a bright light. If you watched the TV series “Lost,” then your heart should respond with sweet languor. If you find yourself near the hatch, you will die almost instantly.

However, it can be observed from a safe distance. It is located here:

In the east of the map. You can get there by submarine or boat and with equipment.

2. Skeleton of a giant sea monster (or whale).

It is also underwater. What it is? Opinions vary. Some say that this is the skeleton of a huge monster, like the Loch Ness monster. Others prefer a more reasonable explanation and say it is the skeleton of a whale.

Located here:

To the west of the map. You can get there by submarine or boat and with equipment.

3. UFO underwater.

As in GTA 5, the cult of UFOs, flying saucers, extraterrestrial life and all that other stuff is very developed. A separate article will be published about this on our website in the future. In the meantime, we can see with our own eyes the crash of an unidentified flying object underwater.

It is located here:

In the north of the map. You can get there by submarine or boat and with equipment.

4. The Ghost of Mount Gordo.

Appears at night, from 23:00 to 00:00 on Mount Gordo, north of the lighthouse. Will disappear if you get too close. Next to the ghost, in blood, it says Jock. Associated with Letter Scraps (GTA 5 Collectibles). If you search online for "Who Killed Lenora Johnson?" you will find another article called "Blood on the Rocks."

The article says that this is the ghost of Jolene Cranley-Evans and that her husband is suspected of pushing her into the abyss. The husband's name is Jock Cranley. He later moved to Los Santos, became a famous stuntman, and is currently the governor of the state of San Andreas.

In one of the missions of "Strangers and Freaks" he works for Nigel, for whom he needs to steal the things of celebrities. Nigel mistakes Trevor for Jock and is completely sure of this until the end of the mission.

5. Bigfoot.

For a long time, Bigfoot was one of the most popular, at least in Russia. One way or another, Rockstar Games introduced Bigfoot into GTA 5.

References to games, films, music:
- In Chamberlain Hills, there is a sign on the wall that says "Welcome Back - We missed you last time", which is a reference to Los Santos' past in the world.
- If you carefully examine Franklin’s house in Vinewood, you can find there the book “Red Dead”, the author of which is a certain D. Marston (the name of the main hero Red Dead Redemption).
- Los Santos Country Club was created in 1992. In the same year, GTA SA takes place.
- There are billboards all over the city for the TV show "Rehab Island", which is a parody of " Dead Island", only the palm tree is replaced by a marijuana leaf.
- San Andreas Flight School was founded in 2004, the same year GTA SA was released.
- On the east side of Del Perro Pier there is a sign on the wall: “Nothing to see here - groove along” and a smiling face, which is essentially a reference to similar writings on the walls in and.
- Floyd's apartment, Trevor's first apartment in Los Santos, is a copy of Melanie's apartment from Quetin Tarantino's film Jackie Brown.
- There is a clothing store near Trevor's apartment that sells a jacket with the words "Champagne Driver Blouson" on it and a crab on the back. This is a reference to the movie "Drive", only there the hero had a jacket with a scorpion.
- At the Sub Urban store you can buy a Hawaiian shirt, like Payne's in Max Payne 3.
- In the first robbery, Lester refers to an Eastern European guy who lives quietly in Liberty City. This may be a reference to Niko from GTA 4, who has apparently retired.
- Jimmy is browsing LifeInvader while sitting at the kitchen table in the house.
- You can find the QUB3D arcade machine from GTA 4 in the mission “Willy’s Souvenir” if you go down to the basement of the house.
- Lester has a poster with a picture of a flying saucer and the words "Accept the Truth", which is a reference to The X-Files.
- There are several billboards with the woman Tony, who was a DJ at the radio station in the first 3D parts of Grand Theft Auto, for example, in .
- In the Sandy Desert there are several stones with the number 8. And on one of them it is written “One - it was done, two - it will be fun, three - tried to escape, four - called himself mom again, five - does not live, six - reborn, seven - settled in heaven, eight - we won’t wait and won’t ask” [ GRC note: this is our free translation, in the original “One is done, Two was fun, Three tried to run, Four called mom, Five"s not alive, Six is ​​nix, Seven"s in heaven, 8 won"t wait"]. This is is a reference to the films about Freddy Krueger But, among other things, it reveals .

- plays "Righteous Slaughter 7", which is a parody of Call of Duty and various zombie shooters.
- The "Big Deal" mission is a reference to the movie "The Italian Job".
- There's a song on the radio called "Smoke and Ride", which is a reference to GTA heroes San Andreas - Big Smoke and Ryder.
- If you go to the Yellow Jack bar in the Sandy Desert, behind the counter you can see several counterfeit bills, which depict the girl who was on the discs with game Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
- In the Sandy Desert there is an electrical panel with the inscription 1.21 GW - that's exactly how many gigawatts were needed to power the DeLorean in the movie "Back to the Future."
- There are at least two posters with the image and search for Heisenberg, which is a nod to the TV series Breaking Bad. For example, he hides behind a lampshade.
- If you dial 948-555-0100 on your phone, you will hear the sound of an Internet dialer. Interestingly, we used the same phone in GTA 4 to call ZiT to determine the melody from the radio.
- In Lester’s house (and not only), on the bookshelf, there is a book “Surveillance” (“Under Surveillance”) with an image of Carl Johnson from GTA San Andreas. It was written by Emily Cross, who appears to be either the wife or relative of OG Loc, as his real name Cross too.

- In version for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the main character has the opportunity to walk in the skin of any animal. For this you need.

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More Rockstar Games did their best, and we can safely say that GTA 5 turned out great. But its splendor would not be complete without that large number easter eggs, which the developers put into the game. Among the secrets of GTA 5 are zombies, UFOs and aliens, a ghost, Bigfoot (Yeti) and much more. It not only does game process more varied and fun, but also allows you to enjoy the game for many hours after completing storyline. Fans of the series will be pleased with references to previous parts, gamers - references to other games. One cannot help but pay attention to the large number of different allusions to popular and not so popular films. So in this article we present to you a list of Easter eggs that have been discovered so far.

Secrets of GTA 5

GTA V has paranormal phenomena, mystical creatures, aliens, and much more! This game is not without jokes, secrets and mysteries:

Zombie. Nowadays zombies are very popular, they are literally everywhere, and now in GTA! At least one of these can be found on the street in Vinewood. This zombie is quite friendly and harmless - he does not suffer from human flesh or brains, you can even chat with him, although you can kill him, depending on how you feel about him the walking dead

Bigfoot, also known as Bigfoot or Yeti, this is the most famous myth of GTA San Andreas. In GTA V we can finally meet him. On a mission Predator you have the opportunity to look at people in the forest using a thermal imager on a helicopter, so you can observe the figure of Bigfoot for a very short time. After completing the game 100%, a secret mission related to Bigfoot will be available, which will finally shed light on this story. In general, we can say that in GTA 5 the Bigfoot theme is fully revealed!

Aliens. They exist in GTA V, and not only in drug hallucinations. For example, there is an alien frozen in ice, with a very angry face, by the way. And at the bottom of the sea you can find a UFO that no longer flies. Those who want to know more about the green men in the game can read about them in a separate article: GTA 5: Aliens.

Ghost on Mount Gordo. From 23:00 to 00:00 a ghost of a woman appears on Mount Gordo. He floats above the name "Jock" written in blood. Apparently this is the ghost of Jock Cranley's ex-wife Jolene Cranley-Evans. In 1978, Jolene and her husband Jock were walking in Mount Gordo when they got into an argument: Jock wanted to leave Blaine County to pursue his dream of becoming a stuntwoman, but Jolene didn't want to leave because she had to take care of her parents. While walking, Jock pushed his wife off a cliff, thereby killing her. The police ruled it an accident and Jock was released without charge.

Playboy Mansion. Grand Theft Auto V features a huge mansion, with pink exterior lighting, much like the famous Playboy Mansion. In the surrounding area there is a swimming pool and tennis courts, and at night there are parties with topless girls. You won’t see anyone like Hugh Hefner and, unfortunately, you can’t go into the house itself.

Second coming? If you wander around the docks, you can meet a young man named Jessy, who talks about life, has a brown beard and long hair. Around his neck, over his shirt, he wears a cross. Perhaps Jessy will remind some of someone. In any case, let's hope that Rockstar Games didn't offend anyone's feelings.

A huge orange ball. Actually just a ball and nothing more. It is located on the roof of a juice bar in Vinewood Hills. If you hit him, he will roll down the hill. Be careful, don't fall under it!

Hidden message on the map. In the special edition of GTA 5 there is a special map, if you hold it under ultraviolet light you can read a message from Trevor and several notes about where safe places are, where you can find weapons and other clues. Here GTA 5: secrets of the special edition map you can find out more about the map.

Whale skeleton. Big whale. So big that some might call it a sea monster. These remains rest on the bottom of the sea, and, by the way, a crashed jet plane can also be found underwater.

Cursor In the in-game Internet, when you hover your mouse over a link, a cursor with a straightened middle finger appears, instead of the usual index finger. This is the humor of Rockstar Games.

If you simply swim in the sea far from the shore, a shark may appear, which, circling around, will tear the character apart. In this case, you will receive an achievement with the description: “We"re Going To Need A Bigger Boat" (which is a reference to the movie "Jaws"). By the way, on the beach you can find a sand sculpture of a shark's head with a surfboard inserted into its teeth.

Infinite 8 Killer. In the Gran Senora Desert and Sandy Shores there are walls and rocks covered in inscriptions by former Sandy Shores resident Merle Abrahams, who was obsessed with the number "8" and infinity. He was trying to carry out some kind of bloody ritual, for which he needed 8 victims. Players nicknamed him the Infinite 8 killer. Those interested can read more about this killer: GTA 5: Merle Abrahams - crazy killer Infinite 8 Killer.

Tunnel in Mount Chiliad. In the walls of this tunnel there are two doors on which "Danger" is written, next to one there is large written T01, the other - T02. It is unknown where these doors lead, but Mount Chiliad has secrets, the answers to which could be behind these doors. Although, maybe these are just the textures of the doors in a regular tunnel. The truth is somewhere near.

References to previous GTA games

GTA 5 has a huge number of references to previous parts of the series GTA games, here are just a few of them:
  • In GTA V, you can meet Packie Mcreary, a character from GTA IV, committing a robbery. You can help him escape, and then he will be able to take part in robbery missions. However, being a skilled robber, Patrick demands an impressive payment for his work.
  • During the first robbery, Lester mentions an Eastern European from Liberty City who has calmed down. This is probably Niko from GTA IV and thus he is either retired or dead.
  • Jimmy can be seen browsing Niko Bellic's Lifeinvader page while sitting at the dinner table.
  • The Yellow Jack bar has several fifty dollar bills hanging on the wall behind the bar. These bills feature an image of Rochell"le from GTA San Andreas.
  • In Franklin's house in Vinewood Hills you can see records of OG lock and Madd Dog, characters from GTA San Andreas.
  • In Chamberlain Hills there is graffiti that reads "Welcome Back - We missed you last time" in the green colors of the Grove Street gang. This is an obvious reference to GTA San Andreas, the previous GTA title set in Los Santos.
  • Sometimes people being pulled out of the car say “I’m moving to Vice City!”
  • There's a song on Radio Los Santos called "Smoke and Ride". This may be a reference to Big Smoke and Ryder from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
  • You can find several slot machines QUB3D from GTA IV.
  • Bruce Kibbutz, GTA character IV, has an account on Bleeter, an analogue of Twitter. New messages will appear as the story progresses.
  • On a mission Hood Safari at the turn onto Grove Street you can see three cyclists on BMXs, they look very much like C.J., Sweet and Big Smoke during the mission Sweet & Kendl from GTA San Andreas.

References to other games

GTA 5 also contains references to other games such as Red Dead Redemption, Halo and Dead Island.

Rockstar Games couldn't ignore their popular game about the Wild West, Red Dead Redemption. So on the bookshelf in the Franklin apartment you can find a book called “Red Dead” by a certain J. Marston. Perhaps this refers to the son of the main character of Red Dead Redemption Jack, who loved to read and even once said that he might write a book someday. And in Sandy Shores there is Cholla Springs Avenue and Armadillo Avenue - this is an obvious reference to RDR, where there are cities with such names.

GTA 5 has a couple of references to Halo. So on the street near Cinema Doppler you can meet a man in a suit similar to Master Chief, with whom tourists are actively taking pictures. Also in Lester's house, in the closet on a shelf there are several figures, including Master Chief (and also Superman, Black Adam and, presumably, Han Solo; in the box under the shelf there is a copy of Excalibur). Strictly speaking, both the figure and the man in the suit belong to the animated series Republican space Rangers? from GTA IV, which, in turn, is an allusion to Halo. The animated series itself can be watched on TV in this version.

In GTA V you can see posters and TV spots promoting the television show "Rehab Island", the logo of which is very similar to the game logo Dead Island. Only instead of the top of a palm tree there is a marijuana leaf.

  • GTA 5 has Elysian Fields Freeway, this is a reference to another game from Rockstar Games, L. A. Noire, which has a construction company called Elysian Fields - a local evil corporation.
  • During the mission Blitz Play Trevor says: "At least we"re not dressed like Clowns." Apparently this is a hint at Pay Day where robbers wear clown masks.
  • In the yoga mission there is a task called "Praise the Sun!", apparently this is a reference to the game Dark Souls, in which there is a gesture with that name, somewhat similar to a yoga pose corresponding to the task.
  • On the radio you can hear a discussion about medications, and one of the medications mentioned is Zombrex, which is unpopular among patients. This is a reference to Dead Rising, where Zombrex is a means of preventing transformation into zombies.
  • GTA 5 has generators whose color scheme is copied from Claptrap from Borderlands
  • In the Sub Urban store you can buy the "Flamingo Shirt", the shirt worn by the main character Max Payne 3. By the way, with a beard, shaven and in this shirt, Michael looks very much like Max Payne.

Movie references

These references are not always obvious or noticeable, but their presence makes the game special. Some allusions are just phrases, others are images, and there are entire plot and extra-plot scenes.

On the crest of one of the mountains in GTA 5, between 19:00 and 20:00, you can see a red convertible with a cliff on three sides, and a helicopter and several police cars on the fourth. As police officers approach, the convertible suddenly accelerates, crashes into a ravine and explodes. This is a fairly accurate recreation of the final scene of the film. "Thelma and Louise".

After stealing cars for Devin Weston, you can buy a JB 700 car for $475,000 on the in-game website This car is a slightly modified Aston Martin DB5 from the third film about James Bond"Goldenfinger". The very name of the car is a reference to Ian Fleming's hero - JB are the initials of James Bond, 700 is the expanded code number 007. The same car, only equipped with weapons, asks to steal Devin Weston, and when completing this task you can see the car number - "4G3NT" ( AGENT). By the way, “Agent” is also the name of the game that Rockstar Games is currently working on.

One of the country roads in GTA V leads to a hill on which you can observe the results of a gangster shootout - 5 cars and the wounded and dead lying on the ground. If you go down the hill, you can find another wounded man, and next to him a briefcase with $25,000. This is an allusion to the film "No Country for Old Men" in the plot of which the main character finds a large sum of money at the site of a drug deal gone wrong, which ended with the bandits killing each other. Moreover, it looks very similar - the cars are similar, even such a detail as the corpse of a dog was not left unnoticed.

Floyd's apartment is very similar to Melanie's apartment from the Quentin Tarantino film "Jackie Brown". Identical layouts and identical interiors except for the color scheme leave no doubt that Rockstar Games deliberately created such similarities. It could even be seen as a tribute to the master of the crime genre.

In one of the stores you can find the "Overlooked red blouson" jacket. This jacket is very similar to the one Jack Torrance wore in "Shine". In addition, the hotel in which the film took place was called the Overlook Hotel. By the way, Trevor in this jacket looks very much like Nicholson’s character.

In GTA 5, on the seabed you can find a large mysterious hatch with light emanating from a rectangular window. If you swim too close to the hatch, instant death will occur. Nothing is known about him, perhaps this is just a reference to the series "Lost" (Lost), although in the series the hatch was in the jungle and not underwater.

The robbery of a cash-in-transit armored car using a tow truck to ram the armored car stopped on a blocked road is a reference to the film "Fight", in which an identical robbery was committed.

On mission Marriage Counseling Michael ties his car's winch cable to the support of a house on stilts in which Michael's wife's lover is hiding, and then destroys the house by pulling out the support. This scene is similar to the house destruction scene in the second part "Lethal Weapon"
For comparison: Walkthrough of the mission " Family consultation" (Marriage Counseling) and video from the film:

Many electrical panels and transformer booth doors have the inscription "1.21GW" on them. One whole and twenty-one hundredth gigawatts - this is exactly the power needed to travel through time in the trilogy "Back to the Future".

In GTA V there is a list of 5 cars that are planned to be stolen, written in a substance that can only be seen using a black light lamp. The same list, only much longer, was in the film "Gone in 60 seconds"(2000) with Nicolas Cage.

During the tour of Vinewood, one of the last stops is the city hall and the guide says that it appears in the twenty-minute dogfight at the end of the movie "Invasion: Los Santos". The title is a reference to the film "Battle for Los Angeles", and long-lasting air battle in the final - to "Independence Day". Both films are about an alien invasion.

When Franklin first meets Omega, Omega is seen holding a device very similar to the P.K.E. meter from "Ghostbusters". After completing all the missions of the Epsilon cult, a mission will be available in which you can run around with such a device.

  • Mission The Big One this is a reference to the movie "Italian Job"
  • Sometimes after killing an enemy Trevor shouts a line from the movie "The Big Lebowski":"You're out of your element."
  • At the skatepark, on one of the ramps there is a catch phrase written from "Star Trek"- "Beam Me Up!"
  • While traveling in a taxi, ask the driver to increase the gas and he will answer with words from "Jurassic Park":"Hold on to your Butt!"
  • In the mission with Barry, during the fight with the clowns, music from the clown scene from the movie plays in the background. "Pee-wee's Big Adventure"
  • In GTA 5 you can buy a jacket like the main character of the film "Drive", only instead of a scorpion on the back there is a crab

After the game is completed 100 percent, in the state nature reserve located at the foot of Mount Chilliad, an icon will appear on the map marking a bonus task for Franklin (the task is only available to Franklin, since he is the only one who is guaranteed to remain alive after completing the story game campaign).

It is noteworthy that the mission may not become available immediately upon reaching 100 percent in the game completion statistics, but some time later, and there is a possibility that you will have to wait several in-game weeks. However, as a rule, the task appears either immediately or in a day or two.

Even if the mission does not appear immediately, it will not be difficult to find an interesting activity that will brighten up the wait. And as soon as the mission marker appears on the map, you can switch to Franklin and go there. If you don’t want to wait, you can speed up receiving the mission. To do this, you need to go into GTA Online, and then return to story mode by switching to Franklin directly from the online game mode - the quest marker will already be waiting for him at the southern slope of Mount Chilliad.

"The Last One"

In the forest near the Raton Canyon, Franklin will meet a hunter reminiscent of the hunter from Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - an add-on for another game from Rockstar Games, available, unfortunately, exclusively on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.

The Yeti hunter will tell you that for the last eight years he has been trying to catch yetis in the local forests. More than once he saw the mysterious Bigfoot from afar, but he never managed to make a successful shot - the agile bigfoot was hiding in the thicket. The hunter will tell you that he saw fresh Bigfoot droppings in the lowlands not far from here, and will send Franklin to inspect the pile. The path is not short, so it would be logical to overcome it in a buggy parked nearby, but one of the conditions for receiving “gold” as a result of this task is to get to the place on foot. Well, on foot, on foot.

After examining the Yeti excrement, Franklin will notice Bigfoot himself at the edge of the forest. The Sasquatch will jump out of the thickets and immediately hide behind the nearest trees. Bigfoot is marked with a red dot on the mini-map, so it’s quite easy to keep track of it. As soon as he appears again, you need to shoot - to get “gold”, you need to hit the yeti at least three times when he runs from bush to bush, trying to hide from the person.

At the same time, we must not forget that the forest is a dangerous place. Having heard the close howls of a cougar, which are found in abundance here, you need to switch to a wild cat - it will instantly kill Franklin if you don’t shoot it. And in order to get the coveted “gold” in this mission, you need to kill at least four pumas during the chase.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time that a yeti has appeared in the game - in the story mission he could be seen playing as Michael, targeting opponents from a helicopter through an infrared sight. However, then the bigfoot appeared for only a second, and then disappeared into the thicket of the forest, as if it had not been there. If you don’t know in advance, then you can wonder for a long time: “Did it appear or not?”

After several runs between bushes and trees, the yeti will finally collapse. The dashes themselves are scripted, and the Bigfoot is invulnerable during them, so it makes no sense to fire clip after clip at him - it’s enough to hit him three times, shooting each time the yeti appears again. Having fallen to the ground, Bigfoot will demand that the hunter finish what he started and finish him off, the last representative of his species. What? Talking yeti? No matter how it is. Another freak! Apparently, San Andres has a special attraction for a variety of eccentrics. Decide for yourself what to do with this would-be role-player after completing the mission. You can finish it off - I asked for it myself.

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