Mods for minecraft 1.7.10 wiring. Project: Red – Wiring and Logic Diagrams

Mod Project: Red will immerse you in the world of technology. If you like to use redstones in Minecraft, after this mod you will always ask yourself - how did I play without it before? This modification opens up such a huge number of possibilities and things that you can do with red dust and red stone. Your machines will become much more compact and efficient. The main thing that the Project Red mod adds to Minecraft is wires and logic gates. The wires work as wires are supposed to, they transmit a signal, they will replace the red dust paths that you previously used to transmit signals. Only now the distance at which you can transmit this signal is as much as 256 blocks. And logical gates will make it possible to create compact mechanisms, which without this mod you would have spent more than one day on and your final result could reach several floors up and would not be inferior in area big house. This mod gives you a tool that will give Redstone exactly what it should, it will unlock its full potential.

Crafting recipes

Video review of the Project: Red mod

Project: Red is dedicated to technology. You can't do without this mod if you love redstone schemes. It gives players access to a huge number of features and allows them to create circuits in a cleaner and more compact form. The two main features of the Project Red mod are wires and logic gates. Wires work similar to red dust, but are capable of transmitting a signal over distances of up to 256 blocks. In addition, they can be placed on the lower and side faces of the block and conduct the signal around the corner. Logic gates make it possible to fit huge, building-sized circuits into one small object and place it on any face of a solid block. This mod also adds tools to the game that allow you to use the full potential of redstone.

Detailed information:

Project: Red – Microblocks


Where to begin:


The first thing the player must craft to start using microblocks. The saw allows you to give blocks any size and shape. Over time, it wears out - it lasts for 1000 uses.



With a saw you can cut almost any block into small pieces. These parts are called microblocks. They can be used for detailed home decoration or, more practically, as a separator between nearby wires.

Empty blocks:

You can also combine microblocks into empty blocks that you can run wires inside.

An association:

Microblocks can be combined in many different ways, allowing you to create decorations of absolutely any size and shape.

These are just some of the ways you can use microblocks. You will have access to a huge variety of ways to edit blocks. Please note that these recipes work not only with stone, but also with any type of block.

Project: Red – Wiring and Logic Diagrams:


Where to begin:

The main element in the circuit for creating wires and logic gates. With the help of a smelter, you can smelt several resources together into one finished product.


Red Alloy Ingot:

These ingots can be crafted by throwing 4 handfuls of red dust and one iron ingot. The conductivity of the red alloy is 16 times greater than that of red dust.

Red alloy wire:

Can travel along walls and carries a signal up to 255 blocks, instead of the usual 16 blocks. When active, it also activates the block on which it is located.

Red Alloy Insulated Wire:

A special kind of wire that can be connected to ordinary red alloy wire and cable. However, insulated wires of different colors cannot be connected. In addition, such wires do not activate the unit on which they are located.

Red alloy cable:

The cable allows you to carry signals from several wires at once. Only insulated wire can be connected to the cable.

Sheathed wires:

By combining wires with sticks, you can place them vertically, even if there is no wall nearby. You can return the sheathed wires to their previous appearance by placing them in the crafting window.

Principle of operation:


All wires can be placed on blocks, including along walls and ceilings. They stay connected even when going around corners. On this moment Only wires of one type can be placed in an area of ​​1x1x1 block.

Red alloy wires:

They transmit a signal over a distance of up to 255 blocks and activate the block on which they are located. Connect only to insulated wires.

Insulated wires:

Unlike ordinary wires, they do not activate the block on which they are located.


Connects only to insulated wires. The cable allows you to carry signals from several wires of different colors at once. If the white insulated wire at one end of the cable is activated, all other white wires connected to the cable are also activated. Wires of other colors will remain intact.

Sheathed wires:

They work like other wires, but do not require support in the form of a block. They can be useful for running wires over other wires or when there are no other blocks nearby.

Microblock support:
Microblocks can be used as a separator for different wires. They fit easily between wires and prevent their signals from mixing. Only sheathed wires can be routed through empty microblocks.

Logic gates

Where to begin:


Allows you to interact with logic gates and turn them. It will wear out with use and will eventually need to be replaced.

Drawing board: spiral of copper, iron and gold wire:

The drawing board is made of a diamond plate surrounded by four pieces of iron. Ingots pass through it, turning into wire spirals.

Silicone boule: silicone:

Melting a bunch of sand and coal together creates a silicone boule. Thin layers of silicone can be cut from it.

Saturated Silicone: Charged Silicone:

To use silicone, it must be either saturated or charged, depending on what you want to do with it.


A simple stone slab can be used to create the basic elements of the circuit.

Conductive plate:

The plate, combined with red dust, allows the conduction of electricity.

Wire plate:

The plate combined with a red alloy wire conducts electricity even better.

Cable plate:

Capable of conducting 16 different signals at once.


Redstone electron source.


Destination of redstone electrons.

Pointer: motor:

An anode with a small motor is capable of turning the needle when the charge changes from negative to positive.

Silicone chip:

Provides advanced information storage capabilities.

Charged silicone chip:

Provides some advanced features.

Platform plate:

2 layers of plates allow signals to cross without mixing them.

Light sensor

Using it you can determine the lighting level. Use a screwdriver to change the threshold. The sensor also has an ambient mode available, in which the sensor transmits a redstone signal equal to the light level (0 – 15).

Redstone fans will appreciate this mod. Project Red contains a lot of different technologies, including a more effective and convenient analogue of red dust in Minecraft. He will add wires and logic switches. The wires are similar to Redstone, but can send a signal 256 blocks, go up, down, and around corners. Logic switches allow you to fit large circuits into a small block.

The mod gives you the tools to realize the true capabilities of the Red Stone. It has good compatibility and works great with Tinkers Construct, Thermal Expansion, Waila, OpenComputers and other modifications. The developers decided to divide it into modules. Before downloading the Project Red mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 or 1.10.2, read key features module and don't forget about dependencies.


  • The mod includes a huge number of technologies and items: wires, pipes, tools, armor, blocks, ores, etc.
  • Thanks to Project Red's modularity, players can choose to install only the functionality they need.
  • The modification is highly compatible with other technological mods.

Video review of Project Red


  1. Download Minecraft Forge. Suitable versions.
  2. Download the wire mod from Redstone Project Red 1.10.2 or 1.7.10 and move the modules to %appdata%/.minecraft/mods.



The main mod required for all others.


  • A basic module that adds crafting recipes and manages dependencies.
  • Requires installation of MrTJPCore and Forge Multipart.


  • Adds Redstone wires and switches.
  • Depends on Base.


  • Adds digital integrated circuits that allow hundreds of switches to be compressed.
  • Requires Integration.


  • Mod with engines, conveyors, pipes and machines.
  • Requires Base, Forge Relocation and Forge Relocation FMP Plugin.


  • Redstone controlled lighting that is brighter and better than torches.
  • Depends on Base.


  • Module with world generation functions, armor and tools.
  • Requires Base.


Forge Relocation

  • A library for 1.7.10 that allows mods to easily move blocks, mainly used for frames and motors.
  • Depends on MrTJPCore.

The Industrial Wires 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 mod for Minecraft is an add-on programmed and designed to integrate two very interesting technology mods: Immersive Engineering And Industrial Craft 2 . One of them is old Minecraft mod with high-tech science theme with nuclear energy, solar energy, and the other is new era fashion, featuring classical science and technology, with wires and other methods of generating electricity, such as water power, steam, etc.

If you've played mods related to upgrades, power, technology, and cars, then you've probably noticed a common feature they focus on, including Industrial Craft 2 . Technology mods focus on upgrading and upgrading the player's survival experience towards a science fiction direction and surprise players with item upgrading. Meanwhile, Immersive Engineering goes in a separate direction, making the experience as "real" as possible.

Technical wire for transmitting energy to minecraft adds an expensive cable to the gameь Immersive Engineering, which can convert the power of EC Industrial Craft 2. Not only this, but the mod allows players to switch between Rotating Energy IE (Windmill, Watermill) and Magnetic Energy IC2. Requires industrial wires and Minecraft 1.12.1, 1.11.2, 1.10.2.

Many dreamed that new technologies would come to the cubic world. The Electrical Age mod will add electricity to Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.7.2, which can be downloaded on this page - this is what was sorely missing. How is it different from the rest? In addition to more than 150 new blocks and items, the minecraft electricity mod 1.7.2, 1.7.10 adds new simulation models to the game. As the author himself states: “This is not just another modification to technological progress.” Electricity will not be exchanged with simple models of various mechanisms, as in Industrial Craft 2 or Build Craft, even Red Power was not even close. The capabilities of this mod are unique, since electrical modeling will be performed only with equations from real life, similar to real-life objects. This quite complicates and diversifies the construction of various electrical circuits. It may not be easy, but the result and compactness of the devices are pleasantly surprising.

The game is also full of familiar things: ovens, turbines, solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, capacitors, alarm mechanisms, X-ray scanner, drills, flashlight. If you like the above-mentioned large modifications, which force you to sweat a lot before creating something truly grandiose, then we recommend downloading the electricity mod for Minecraft 1.7.2/1.7.10.

Video review of Electrical Age

How to install the mod?

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the Electrical Age electricity mod for Minecraft 1.7.2/1.7.10.
  • Copy the mod archive to %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/mods/
