Mods for Minecraft PE. Mods for Minecraft (Minecraft) Where to download mods for minecraft

Modifications are gaining popularity every day. Their number is now difficult to calculate, as well as to try everything without exception.

Perhaps there is not a single real gamer who does not know what mods and addons are. If someone is still not in the know, then briefly: these are all kinds of additions that can either slightly change the game or completely beyond recognition. For example:

  • new models are added in the game world;
  • new tasks are issued;
  • dialogue changes;
  • new game cards are added;
  • are subject to modification of capabilities;
  • hitherto unknown characters appear;

Not Enough Pets for Minecraft 1.9.4

Innovations have appeared in the Minecraft game, thanks to an exciting modification called Not Enough Pets for version 1.9.4.

Just A Regular Goat for Minecraft 1.12.2

The original modification called Just A Regular Goat for version 1.12.2 will delight and perfectly entertain Minecraft players with its additions.

Not Enough Pets for Minecraft 1.12.2

The original Not Enough Pets modification for version 1.12.2 will delight Minecraft players with its interesting additions.

Not Enough Pets for Minecraft 1.11.2

A new modification called Not Enough Pets for version 1.11.2 will tell players about the color shades of animals in the game, such as dogs and cats.

Not Enough Pets for Minecraft 1.10.2

Original mod with the name Not Enough Pets for version 1.10.2 will add a little player independence to the game.

Just A Regular Goat for Minecraft 1.15.2

The Just A Regular Goat modification for version 1.15.2 touches on a rather interesting topic in the game and immediately makes you want to take an active part in the Minecraft game.

Crafting Spawn for Minecraft 1.15.2

If you often use spawn eggs in your activities in Minecraft version 1.15.2, then we have for you a simple and effective tool for creating such eggs, which is called Crafting Spawn.

Crafting Spawn for Minecraft 1.15.1

Crafting Spawn will definitely be one of the very useful modifications for version 1.15.1 if you actively use spawn eggs.

Storage Drawers for Minecraft 1.8

Be sure to download the excellent Storage Drawers mod for version 1.8 and use it as needed, it’s very convenient, fast and simple.

Storage Drawers for Minecraft 1.7.10

There have been interesting changes in the world of Minecraft associated with a new modification called Storage Drawers for version 1.7.10.

The word "mod" itself is short for the more cumbersome "modification". There are mods from official developers and so-called amateur mods. However, the term “amateur” in this case in no way means low quality. Often it is amateur mods that subsequently move forward a seemingly initially failed game project, or even become no less famous than their “parents”. For example, the well-known Dota is “just” a mod for game World Of Warcraft.

Mods give a second life to many projects and significantly expand and complement the player’s capabilities. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are also looking for how download Minecraft mods.

Minecraft was no exception. Indeed, today it is perhaps one of the most long-lasting and famous game projects worldwide. Who would have thought that a simple, at first glance, simulator of a resource miner from the category of casual toys would later develop into such a large-scale phenomenon...

And Minecraft mods themselves are gaining popularity. Here is just a small list of mods and addons that are available for various Minecraft versions:

  • Desno Guns - this mod introduces all kinds of modern weapons into the world of Minecraft. However, it does not become available immediately, but only after mining a certain type of craft. There are more than fifty types of weapons - sniper rifles, guarantors, machine guns...;
  • Portal. As you can guess from the name itself, the mod introduces elements from the famous Portal games. Using a teleportation gun, you can create an entrance and exit and, accordingly, move to a given point;
  • Shoulder Surfing- the mod adds a third-person view (by pressing the F5 key). You can clearly observe the movements of your game character and change the position of the camera;
  • World Handler. The mod adds the ability to control the world around you. For example, change the weather, time of day, play all kinds of sounds, change the difficulty of the game and much more;
  • Industrial Craft - adds all kinds of industrial structures to the world of Minecraft. And Industrial Craft 2 are electric;
  • Lycanite's Mobs. Surely this mod will appeal to all fans of such a wonderful toy as Doom. After all, with its help you can populate the world of Minecraft with monsters from Doom! However, some other new types of monsters will also appear;
  • Flowercraft. Minecraft worlds are replenished with a whole biome in which a huge number of flowers grow. Existing flowers are also replaced by new species.

Some mods that were written for some versions of Minecraft may not work correctly or not work at all on other versions of the game. Therefore, before downloading this or that mod, you need to inquire about the installed version of Minecraft and the version for which the mod was created. The same goes for mods for mobile versions Minecraft is not compatible with PC and console versions.

In this section you can download the mod you need absolutely free and quickly for Minecraft games Pocket Edition. Our website simply contains huge archive the coolest mods for Minecraft PE!

Do you want a mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition to your Android, iOS or Windows 10 device? Then come visit us and download hundreds of mods to suit your taste!

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Probably every player eventually gets tired of surviving in standard . What to do? Looking for another game? Don’t rush to do this, because special ones for Minecraft can help you in this case. What is a mod (modification)? Such additions can completely change game process(gameplay) in Minecraft Pocket Edition, for example, adding a bunch of new blocks and items, each of which is useful for some new recipe.

Thanks to the huge Minecraft PE community, new mods appear every day, among which you are sure to find what you need. Each version has its own addon (add-on), so carefully look at which version you download the mod.

On our portal you can easily and quickly find the necessary Minecraft mods. Installing mods is really simple, it can be an addon.mcpack/.mcaddon, which you just need to run and install the MCPE itself. But this can also be a mod for, which is also not difficult to install.

The content on our site is of high quality and wide variety. Rest assured for your Android, iOS or Windows 10 device, because every file is checked before publication!

Minecraft is wonderful and very interesting game, in which you can find many adventures. Main feature The game's greatest feature is its extensibility. You can easily install several mods and the game will be even more exciting. But what if you install not just one, but many at once? Like, 200 pieces! You just won't recognize the games. She will change completely and will draw you back into her mysterious world with even greater power! Interested? Then download minecraft for free with mods (200 mods) from our website and go in search of adventure! But what if there are too many mods and it’s difficult to deal with them? I recommend downloading to get comfortable with the add-ons and only then move on to no more modifications.

What mods are included in the build?

Please note that depending on the version of the game, the composition of the modifications may change slightly, but, in general, there will be no changes.

Have you read all the add-ons? After installing the assembly, you will have new ores, you will be able to create new mechanisms, build nuclear power plants, shoot from real small arms, explore new biomes, build big cities and even get to know alien life. Agree, this is very cool and these features will add only 15-20 mods to you. If you include the rest in the list, then I'm afraid you'll be reading until the morning.

Download minecraft - 200 mods

The assembly can be downloaded either in the usual way or via torrent, but, unfortunately, the torrent will have low speed, so I recommend downloading Minecraft with 200 mods via the clouds:

Download minecraft 1.7.10 with mods (200 mods):

Download minecraft 1.7.2 with mods (200 mods):

Download minecraft 1.6.4 with mods (200 mods):

How to install a build with 200 mods?

  1. You must download the Minecraft assembly (200 mods) to your computer.
  2. Go to the main drive (C:), then to the folder User->%Username%->AppData->Roaming.
  3. Unpack the archive into this directory.
  4. Afterwards you can launch and play. The assembly should start without crashes or other problems.

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