Coins numismatics collecting in contact. How to earn VKontakte coins. What you need to know about pre-sale preparation

Social networks that offer paid services to participants thus attract real money from users. Thanks to coins purchased in games on the site " In contact with“You can buy additional equipment, decorative elements, tips to make the player’s life easier, and other services. Moreover coins you don't have to buy it, there are several ways to earn them without spending them real money.

You will need


Follow the site's competitions " In contact with» outside of games where the prizes are votes. True, such competitions usually do not promise a very large number of votes. If you have votes on your balance, exchange them for coins directly inside the game at the appropriate rate (each game has its own rate).

Complete simple tasks (quests), earn money coins and don’t waste them for a while - thus save up coins for an expensive virtual item you need in the game.

Complete special quests and pay attention to everyday items. Sometimes in game world After completing a separate game, additional locations open up, where coins are hidden in secluded places that some players do not pay attention to. Sometimes, instead of quests, the player is offered competitions (for example, for the best arrangement of a garden), take part in them - this is also a good alternative for earning coins.

Exchange regular ones coins for gold, which has a higher value, or vice versa. Some games allow you to transfer the base currency (such as bronze or silver coins) into gold or other coins, which are valued higher.

Sell ​​valuables in the game, if such an option is provided. For a sold item you can sometimes get regular coins.

Move higher through the levels. Traditionally, the game provides a gift in the form of prize coins or useful things when switching to new level which can later be sold.

Numismatics, that is, collecting rare coins, is a phenomenon that has spread widely in our country, and thanks to the availability of information on the Internet, it has become not only a hobby for connoisseurs, but also a source of income for ordinary people.

You will need

  • - small starting capital;
  • - a computer with an Internet connection;
  • - time and patience.


Stories about people who received in change a rare coin worth thousands of times more than its face value have become so popular that many are wondering whether it is worth quitting their day job and living off the income from selling similar coins to numismatists. Unfortunately, the reality is somewhat harsher than it seems, since the number of numismatists and rare coins is limited, while the number of people seeking to make money by selling coins is constantly increasing. Accordingly, your chances of finding a truly rare coin for next to nothing are slim.

If you are still going to make numismatics a source of income, you should decide on the direction of your activity. First, you can look for rare modern coins that had a limited supply. For example, a ruble coin from 1997 with a wide edge costs about 10,000 rubles. Full list rare modern coins can be found on the Internet. Your next step will be to find such coins. It is almost impossible to get them in change, but you can negotiate with cashiers in stores or minibus drivers, because a significant amount of small change passes through them.

Secondly, you can devote yourself to searching for ancient coins. Of course, the easiest option is to buy such coins from elderly people, preferably away from the centers of civilization: in villages, towns, small towns. There is a possibility that some grandmother has a coin in her piggy bank worth the price of a new car. However, it is worth remembering that other coin collectors are also not sitting still, and have already bought up almost everything that was of some value. Besides, ancient coins can be found as treasure. Amateur treasure hunting is a very popular hobby in Russia, and sometimes visiting old abandoned houses brings good profits to metal detector enthusiasts.

Finally, without leaving anywhere, you can search for cheaper coins on online auctions and sell them at a higher price. Much depends on the condition of the coin at the time of sale. By purchasing oxidized coins at a low price and cleaning them, you can make a profit on the subsequent sale. Naturally, it is necessary to have knowledge of the restoration of coins so as not to spoil them by inept cleaning.

Having found a rare coin in one way or another, you should photograph it as large as possible and post an advertisement for sale on the Internet. You can also sell it at periodic collectors' meetings or to a numismatic shop.


Another simple but not the most profitable way is to make money by selling commemorative coins, for example 10-ruble coins. Usually their cost on the market is 2-3 times higher than their face value, but they are not difficult to get.

Helpful advice

Carefully study resources on numismatics so as not to pay scammers money for a coin that no one needs.


Remember that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap, so convert votes into coins only through VKontakte - your safety will be guaranteed.

Pay attention to the address in the address bar, as sometimes scammers change the official address of (or to a similar one.

Helpful advice

Don't forget to check apps during the holidays. Typically, developers donate a certain number of coins on behalf of the application in honor of holiday (New Year, Victory Day and others).

Collecting and selling valuable coins is a hobby and a business, the line between which is often blurred. Many modern collectors view numismatics as profitable investment, because the cost of rare specimens only increases over the years. So, if necessary, the owner can sell all or part of his collection.

Since the Renaissance

Passionate people have existed at all times: already in ancient times there were adventurers who were ready to do anything for the sake of possessing ancient metal money. People started talking seriously about numismatics as a science during the Renaissance, associating it with the Italian poet Francesco Petrarch.

Researchers call Petrarch the first numismatist. He was interested in ancient money and, as the poet’s contemporaries claimed, amassed an impressive collection. Local winegrowers found small change in the fields and brought it to Petrarch, who gladly purchased it.

Russian collectors

Numismatists have existed at all times, and they still exist today. The most famous coin collectors in Russia are Andrey Fedorin, Igor Lavruk, Yuri Petrunin.

Andrey Fedorin is an expert in his field; he has been interested in collecting since the 70s of the last century. He is considered the owner of the country's largest collection of USSR coins.

The passion for numismatics was passed on to him from his great uncle when he gave him a bag of change. Inside were pennies from 1926-1928. In one of his interviews, Fedorin recalled that he wanted to collect all the missing denominations over the years. I didn’t notice how carried away I was.

On March 12, 2016, on his 62nd birthday, the collector put up part of his collection for auction. 340 of 412 lots were sold. The total sale amount is almost 31 million rubles.

Andrei Fedorin wrote several thematic books and compiled a complete numismatic catalog “Coins of the Land of the Soviets”.

Igor Lavruk is the founder of the Coins and Medals company. It was he who held the first numismatic auction in Russia in 1996. The businessman does not hide the fact that he became interested in collecting in the 3rd grade of school. First, he bought up the collections of his classmates, then did the same with his fellow students at the institute.

In 1990, when a difficult period began in the country, Igor Lavruk became a numismatist dealer, and later organized an auction and compiled a full-fledged color catalog for it in his own binding. Not every auction can boast its own high-quality catalog.

Today Igor Lavruk is one of the best experts, capable of determining the authenticity and market value of specimens from different eras. His portfolio includes hundreds of conducted auctions and prepared articles on numismatics.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Yuri Petrunin has been collecting metal money for several years. In numismatist circles, he is considered an experienced professional and his opinion is listened to.

Petrunin wrote a series of thematic books. Readers note his scientific approach to the presentation of the material - the author provides only facts, uses archival information and information from other sources that does not raise doubts about its authenticity.

How much do numismatists earn?

The amounts vary depending on the following factors:

  • historical value;
  • artistic value;
  • state;
  • year of issue;
  • circulation;
  • rarity.

Every investor has his own priorities. Some are interested in Soviet money, others collect foreign coins. The cost of individual lots often reaches 25-50 thousand dollars, and sometimes exceeds these amounts.

If we analyze the rise in prices for investment coins, then in 2-3 years it increases by 50-100%. This is more profitable than deposits and the purchase of certain types of shares.

Rare samples

Rare items have different price dynamics: the rarer the item is, the faster its value increases. A specific example is the Konstantinovsky ruble, made of silver shortly after the death of Alexander the First.

The coin weighing about 21 grams depicts Konstantin Romanov - he was supposed to ascend the throne, but lost to Nikolai Romanov. Silver money was minted, but not put into circulation and information about it was classified. The rubles were discovered by chance in the archives in 1871 - 8 pieces in total.

In the 2000s, two Konstantinovsky rubles were sold at auction - the cost of each exceeded 70 thousand dollars. According to experts, its current price exceeds $1 million.

Rarities do not necessarily date back to the 17th and 18th centuries - they were also minted in 1999. The starting price for individual denominations today is 150-200 thousand rubles.

Rarities include:

  • 5 rubles issued by St. Petersburg mint in 1999. Externally – regular coin with modern design. It is known that the circulation amounted to tens of thousands of copies, but numismatists have only two of them. Where are the rest is the question. The minimum price of metal 5 rubles is 150 thousand;
  • 5 kopecks issued in the same year by the same mint are even more expensive - 200 thousand rubles or more. The high price is justified by the fact that there is a single copy of the coin.

Where to submit?

There are other specimens of interest to numismatists. To sell them at real market value, you need to decide where to donate rare coins. There are several options for selling collectible and anniversary samples:

You are interested in numismatics, and are looking for where with maximum benefit and minimal hassle sell coins? Welcome to! Experienced sellers already know that a serious online auction has such undeniable advantages as:

  • strict adherence to transaction rules and protection of their rights
  • convenience (once you decide “I’m selling my collection,” you don’t even need to leave home and look for buyers on your own)
  • selling through an auction on the global network makes it possible to enjoy the process itself, which is exciting and exciting
  • Often prices for individual lots increase so much that they exceed even the most optimistic hopes of the owners.

So, what should you do when you decide to Sell your coins? Of course, we need to find out their value and prepare them for sale.

Auction price of coins

A novice numismatist should remember the proverb that says: “All that glitters is not gold.” You need to be prepared that existing copies, on which high hopes are pinned due to inexperience, may cost very little. But, on the contrary, for example, samples that are unremarkable at first glance are often valued very highly. What is the auction price formed from?

The first and most important factor is circulation. Of course, numismatics considers rare coins, test antique money made of metal, issued in single copies and limited editions, to be incredibly expensive.

In addition, the degree of preservation of the specimens, the presence of the mintzmeister mark or its absence (if this concerns Russian metal money), incorrect ringing and, often, history are of great importance. Yes, it is the history of a particular sample that is sometimes so fascinating that it significantly influences the cost of coins and fuels the interest of the public even long before the start of the auction.

How to find out the value of coins

Not every novice numismatist and collector of metal money, and sometimes even an experienced specialist, can confidently determine the authenticity of a particular specimen and indicate its real market value. How can you find out the cost of existing samples so that the sale of coins really brings benefits?

There are many specialized coin catalogs. For example, for Russian samples that numismatics knows, two of them are most often used: the Krause and Uzdennikov catalogs, which contain data on prices depending on the degree of their preservation, variety and rarity. However, any of the catalogs helps determine only the total price, regardless of the actual state of preservation.

As for the real price, this is the actual market value of rare coins and common specimens. As a rule, it differs significantly from the figures indicated in the catalogs. One way to find out the “right” price is to find prices for exactly the same item that has already been sold. Experienced numismatists who carry out expert assessments to order also help.

What you need to know about pre-sale preparation

After the situation with the price becomes clear and the actual sale of the coin is approaching, the goods must be prepared. In general, used antique pieces do not look very attractive: they are not perfectly clean and may be scratched or erased. Therefore, you need to bring the product into proper shape, at least by cleaning it from dirt. And this issue should be approached carefully.

Alas, sometimes such preparation can irrevocably destroy the product. There is no need to try to clean the dark green or black patina from metal money. It is recommended not to even wash them, since the patina crumbles under running water along with the relief of the product. As for special reagents for removing oxides and contaminants, they can ruin the surface. If used improperly, even ordinary brushes lead to the formation of micro-scratches, which reduce the cost. What is the advice of experienced numismatists? It is better not to take risks, and not to try to clean rare specimens yourself - it is more advisable to leave this to, for example, restoration specialists. A professional will carefully clean the product, preserving the noble patina - that same touch of antiquity that is highly valued by most collectors.

Good deals for you!
