Mortal kombat how to play together on ps4. Wheels through our childhood. Why, Micro Machines World Series? How to play games together on one PS4

System requirementsMinimum system requirements

Windows 2000/XP
DirectX 9.0c
Pentium-III or Athlon 800MHz
128 MB RAM
Compatible video card with 32 MB video memory

2.0 GB of free hard disk space
2x DVD-ROM drive

Recommended system requirements

Windows 2000/XP
DirectX 9.0c
Pentium 4 or Athlon 1.8GHz
Video card: ATI Radeon 9000 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 4 (not MX) or higher
2.0 GB of free hard disk space
DirectX 9 compatible sound card
2x DVD-ROM drive


Despite the “micro” prefix in the name, the game comes on one DVD and after installation takes up about one and a half gigabytes on the hard drive.

After downloading MicroMachines, you should create your profile - without it, like without a passport, you can’t go anywhere.

After going through the settings, adjust the camera view (dynamic or classic), if you have a fashionable 16:9 screen, turn on the “Wide Screen” option.

Graphics settings (and first of all, of course, anti-aliasing parameters) are made in advance, in the control panel of your video card drivers (ATI Catalyst or ForceWare). You won't find such settings inside the game itself.

As for the controls: both the keyboard and all kinds of joysticks are supported. In the case of a keyboard, the basic set is the following set: cursor keys (responsible for “gas”, “brake”, turns left and right) plus three additional keys: A (use the selected bonus), S (cancel the current bonus), D (sound signal - horn).

The game initially closes most of the maps (levels) and cars that you can choose from. At the very beginning of the game, the information screen notifies you about the current availability of 25 cars (out of 750) and the absence of completed competitions (out of 76 available).

Game process

The gameplay in the case of a single-player passage is as follows: two, three or four cars compete on the track. All cars have different characteristics: Speed, Acceleration, Grip and Weight.

They influence behavior racing car on road. More precisely, a route artificially laid through the interior of a house (or other building). It would be a stretch to call all these attics, stoves and fans expensive...

So, you will fight with the track (obstacles located on it) and your rivals - mini cars. In the skirmish mode - as soon as one of the cars takes a significant lead (the advantage is the full game screen) - it is credited with winning the set (and another colored dot lights up in the status panel). At the same time, the car that was the last in the field at the time of the local win has a colored dot taken away from the current winnings box.

In total, you need to dial eight points in your status line. You can ignore bonuses, focusing on the track, or you can pick up various things that will help eliminate your opponent or improve your parameters (primarily health). You can eliminate competitors using missiles (homing and conventional), a machine gun, a plasma cannon, scattered mines (in the form of dice), electrical discharges (very effective method, recommended for desperate crowds). You can also improve your health using bonus pills or tokens with a heart.

You should monitor your health especially carefully. The health bar (progress bar) decreases due to the malicious influence of your enemies. As soon as the green bar is used up, the progress bar turns yellow, and visually the wheel of your car falls off - movement along the highway noticeably slows down. You should immediately look for a “health pill” or a token with a heart. If you are “finished off” and the stripe turns red, then there is almost no chance of survival. Although your car remains on the move and may be driving slowly, your competitor will quickly move off the edge of the screen and be awarded a local victory in the set.

After winning the current championship race (or the championship itself), you will be rewarded with new cars or even sets of cars.

After winning the championship - opens new tournament. Personally, I stalled at the last race of the second championship. You are given a bus that is noticeably slower than your rivals. As a result, they begin to “rivet” local victories one after another, and it is not clear what to do in such a situation. You cannot change the bus to a faster vehicle in the game. I attribute this situation to a flaw in the game balance.

In general, the game has three difficulty levels: Low, Medium and High. I tried all three and, to be honest, I didn’t see a significant difference :). Although, at the lowest level of difficulty in the first one-on-one races, it becomes noticeable that the computer sometimes slows down its car, allowing you to catch up. But this only applies to one-on-one races, but when there are three or more cars on the track, don’t expect any concessions even at the lowest difficulty level...

Multiplayer mode

Without a doubt, the MicroMachines v4 game is focused primarily on multiplayer mode. Compared to the single-player experience (racing against the computer), multiplayer looks noticeably more advantageous. You can play either over a network (local or Internet), or with two, three, or four players on one computer. In this case, each player must choose his own, pre-created profile. In short, it turns out to be a real family product.

You can play for fun or for cars. You can choose two modes. The first is the passage of the track (who will complete a given number of laps faster).

The second is a fight, when the scheme already described above is in effect: whoever is the first to break away to the distance of the game screen wins the set and receives a colored point on the victory scale (the one who scores eight points becomes the winner).

An important point - if you wish, you can add computer players-bots to your “rides”. If you have access to the Internet, you search for current game servers running by other players, or create your own game while waiting for other users. From my own experience I will say that in MicroMachines v4 it is not always possible to find someone cocked game server, so it’s better to agree in advance with friends to play cars online. When creating a server, you can specify gameplay settings.

For example, choose the already mentioned modes (fights or a full-fledged circuit race), the availability of bonuses and, of course, the route itself (a specific track).

After completing the race, its participants are awarded points, which are stored in the results table.


MicroMachines v4 leaves the impression of a product focused primarily on multiplayer gaming. And it doesn’t matter so much - over the network or together, three of us at one computer. If you play with friends, the cornerstone will be the use of bonuses scattered on the track, as well as overcoming various non-trivial obstacles (like a moving train, crab claws ready to grab you, working clippers, hot stove burners, etc.).

The single-player mode is less interesting, although those who want to go through all the championships and get the full model range of the collection of cars will find something to occupy themselves with. Moreover, the passage opens up new routes. On the other hand, you can create your own track, and those who like to customize everything for themselves can build their own “Nürburgring in the attic”.

There are no complaints about the localization of the game - I personally did not find any errors or typos. Musical arrangement- light and not particularly memorable, the background music is not distracting at all - it’s just there, that’s all. The sound component is also completely ordinary, except for the rumbling sounds of the engines of small cars.

To summarize, we get moderately cute, but simple to the core arcade races - a tool for having fun with friends or randomly discovered network users. One more fact should be noted - not too high system requirements allow you to reach a large audience of potential players.

P.S. If you want to play MicroMachines v4 local network(for example, at home on two computers) - you only need one disc with the game. Install MicroMachines v4 on both systems and after successfully loading the game on one computer, remove the disc and start racing on the second system.


Graphic arts: 60%
Sound: 70%
Game process: 75%

General impression: 70%

Game tested on PlayStation 4

For more than 10 years, the Micro Machines series has not reminded of itself, but the studio that created it, Codemasters, has repeatedly tried to return to these arcade rides with a top-down view. Purchasing a license for the brand from Hasbro probably cost a lot of money, so Toybox Turbos, released a few years ago, had to be called that way, even though it was an almost perfect successor to the ideas of “microcars.” But now, finally, it has happened - Micro Machines has returned to PC and consoles under its own name. However, the price that Codemasters had to pay for using the brand was, apparently, prohibitively high.

⇡ And I’m so small

For some reason, when creating a new game, the authors decided not so much to return to the roots of the series, but to add a bunch of “chips” from other popular projects of our time. Because of this, the World Series is reminiscent of the first launch - when you glance at the main menu, you notice quick matches, ranked mode, containers, and even “Special Races” (which could be called “Brawls”, what can we hide). But no one explained to Codemasters that, with all due respect, it is far from Blizzard.

Let's make a reservation right away: there are no single-player modes in the World Series. We will not take into account Skirmish - for one player this is an almost useless option, since nothing can really be configured here, and experience for gaining new levels is not given. The authors did not create any championships, tournaments or simply races with different levels of difficulty. After completing a short tutorial, you click Play Now, select a mode and go have fun in multiplayer.

Although the online component can be called a single-player mode with a stretch, since not a single living soul has been there since the release of the new Micro Machines. The situation may be better on PC (although a lot of negative reviews on Steam hint at a fair share of returns), but on PS4 you can't find players in any mode, no matter what time of day you try. The creators, anticipating this, fill empty slots with bots, but this, of course, is not a panacea.

There are three modes in the World Series. There are regular races where you need to overtake your opponents, periodically using weapons scattered on the tracks. Imagination was only enough to shoot slowing darts, destroy a hammer with one blow, and a bomb that slowly flies back and explodes just as slowly. There are also knockout races, where you need to go so far that all the rivals trailing behind will remain off the screen and explode.

The greatest emphasis is placed on the Battle mode, especially for which special skills were invented for each of the twelve cars. This is where the copying of Overwatch is in full swing. The monster truck can grab opponents with a hook, like Roadhog. The garbage truck plays the role of Torbjorn - he installs a turret that deals damage to all approaching enemies. And the spy car is capable of stunning opponents and becoming invisible for a few seconds, like McCree and Sombra. In addition, each of them has their own weapon - some shoot from a shotgun, others have a machine gun or laser, and something like a snowblower even “spits” freezing snowballs.

But that’s not all - by shooting at opponents and performing other actions in the arena, the cars gradually fill the absolute ability scale. An ambulance will be able to resurrect fallen comrades, a tank will bomb a given point - of course, coming up with something original is not so easy, but there are ridiculously many similarities with the Blizzard shooter. However, there are exceptions - a fire truck, for example, pushes and spins enemies with a strong jet of water, making it impossible for them to escape. We don’t remember this in other games - at least Codemasters was able to come up with something on their own!

⇡ The world always needs new heroes

Probably, due to the need to give each “character” special skills, there are catastrophically few cars in the World Series. There are about three times fewer of them than in Toybox Turbos, and the boats from the original Micro Machines are not here. The number of tracks is also bad - there are only ten of them (and even then one was literally copied from Toybox Turbos), and there are fifteen arenas. They are all beautifully drawn and boast funny elements like a kitchen table with cars rushing across it spreading jam. Battle arenas are full of opportunities to eliminate enemies in special ways - pushing them towards a lawnmower in the garden, for example.

But the lack of full view of the arenas in Battle mode makes battles terribly inconvenient. Yes, there is a mini-map in the corner with blue and red dots appearing from time to time to represent teammates and opponents. However, in most cases, arenas are not banal squares, but full of trampolines, trampolines, teleports and other similar location objects. You experience even greater discomfort in those cases when you need to drag a flag from an enemy base to your own - at first you have difficulty understanding where to go and what to do.

In regular races you can turn a blind eye to this, since the laps are very short and there is no particular need for a map - you memorize many turns within a few minutes after getting to know the new track. But the way the World Series cars turn makes the racing much more difficult than it needs to be. There is a feeling as if we are gliding over any surface, as if through butter. Therefore, you are happy to encounter obstacles here every time, since you won’t fly off the track and won’t have to wait several seconds for rebirth. Over time, of course, it becomes easier to correctly calculate the speed and carefully enter each turn. But in general, physics does not get better from this.

So it turns out that in each mode certain shortcomings very quickly appear, spoiling the impression of Micro Machines World Series. There are also plenty of other problems - as if there weren’t enough gameplay flaws! On consoles, the game runs at 30 frames per second, although graphically there is nothing special about it. Electronic music seems to be quite good, but there are very few compositions. Actors... it’s better not to say anything about them at all - it’s simply impossible to listen to them. Almost all components of the World Series are made anyhow, which ultimately leads to a spoiled mood and a reluctance to spend more than half an hour a day in the game.

Codemasters, of course, tried to give players reasons to return to the project again and again. For this purpose, a level system has been introduced - experience is awarded for completing each match (and for the first victory of the day, they are awarded double the amount). The rewards for levels are containers that drop new replicas, sprays and skins (we're still talking about Micro Machines, yes) - the latter are traditionally divided into normal, epic and legendary. They really make a big difference appearance cars, and your favorite “skins” will be able to be purchased over time for virtual currency. There are no microtransactions (yet) in the game.

But you don’t get any pleasure from this collecting. Judging by what we saw, Hasbro really wanted to make its own version of Overwatch, and only on these conditions did the corporation agree to give Codemasters the go-ahead to use its brand. However, the boring gameplay, low level of quality and completely empty online put an end to this idea. A single-player mode with different championships and the same containers as prizes could have saved the situation, but either there was not enough budget, or time, or desire. Surely free updates will be able to partially fix Micro Machines World Series, but why this game exists in its current form is completely unclear.

Platform: PC, PS4, X-One
Language: English only

operating system:
CPU: AMD FX or Intel Core i3
Video card: AMD HD5570 or NVIDIA GT440 (1GB)
DirectX: 11
Free space: 5 GB

Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (x64)
CPU: Intel Core i5 4690 or AMD FX 8320
Video card: NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD R9 290X
DirectX: 11
Free space: 5 GB

The early 90s turned out to be the pinnacle for the children's toy publisher Galoob in the USA and Western Europe: under the auspices of the company, not only green soldiers and pistols with bullets, popular among boys, came from the assembly line to the market, but also collectible cars from the series, popular in wide circles. Micro Machines.

But the severe crisis, especially merciless in relation to the most successful brands, alas, did not spare the large manufacturer, razing the popular brand to the ground. The only salvation for small machines was the computer industry, which was then rapidly gaining momentum.

26 years have passed since the release of the first computer Micro Machines. During this time, the series managed to acquire several restarts, a number of fundamental changes and transformations. Their result was , which came straight from the studio.

The creators immediately assured: a new game, despite today's trends, will remain true to the series and will be correlated with the classic first part. This was due to the negative reaction of fans to the release on iOS - the game released on smartphones introduced strong differences from other games in the line.

The preservation of traditions is clearly celebrated in the recreation original maps: billiard table, garden and others. Each location has a number of features, but the similarity ensures high difficulty - to complete all the routes you will need skill.

The classic modes also remained unchanged: Battle and Race. The first invites players to clash in the chosen arena, using lasers, rocket launchers, huge sledgehammers and other arsenal. All proposed weapons can also be used in Race, while participating in racing events. The list will be complemented by Elimination mode, in which one racer from the list will become the target for a mass hunt.

By the way, in multiplayer battles Up to twelve players can participate. The game also offers to play modes on one screen with help - in this case, up to four people can participate in the race.

Information about network modes:


  • (Review)
  • Official site


  • Modern consoles allow the player to enjoy a variety of projects that differ in both scale and gameplay. There are many on PlayStation various games, which allow the gaming process not only for one person, but also for two people. There are several ways cooperative game, but the most common is a two-player game on two joysticks from one console. This method is considered the most classic and interesting, because the partner is not somewhere in another city, but nearby. In addition, live communication cannot be replaced by any, even the most modern, communication devices.

    How to play with two joysticks on Sony PlayStation 4

    Connecting a second gamepad may seem like a simple task, however, it is not. The pairing process is really simple, however, to use an additional device, you will also need to activate it. This is quite easy to do; you just need to follow simple instructions.

    If there are no problems connecting and setting up the first and main gamepad, then activating the second joystick can cause a number of difficulties. In order to activate an additional device you will have to create a new one account. Below are sequential instructions on how to turn on and configure the device:

    1. Turn on the console and go to system settings.
    2. The second gamepad should also be turned on and the “PS” button held down for a few seconds, after which the main window will open.
    3. Using the second joystick, you need to log in under your or a guest profile.

    After this, users will have the opportunity to play together.

    REFERENCE. This instruction is valid only for official DualShok 4 models.

    How to connect 2 joystick to ps4 fifa

    When you connect a second gamepad, any game will automatically recognize it and include it in additional settings. Including, along with the gamepad, a second profile will appear, be it a player account or a guest profile.

    How to set up a second joystick on PlayStation 4

    It is also possible to connect a second gamepad, not via a wireless connection, but via a special USB cable. To do this, just insert the corresponding end of the wire into the port of the console, and connect the other end to the pro gamepad. After this, you need to press and hold the PS button on the joystick for at least three seconds, after which the device will automatically begin setting up the connected device.

    How to connect the second joystick of PS 4

    In order to register a device connected via Bluetooth, you must go to the wireless connection settings. To do this, on the console itself you need to select “Properties” - “Devices” - “Bluetooth devices”. Then, on the joystick that you want to connect, press the combination “SHARE” + “PS” and hold for at least 10 seconds.

    After this, the device will appear in the list of Bluetooth devices. You need to select it, after which the connection will begin.

    The second joystick does not work on ps4 - why and what to do?

    The gamepad may not connect to the console; there are several reasons for this malfunction, here are the most common ones.

    ATTENTION! If the controller does not respond to connection even in Recovery Mode, the device may be faulty. In this case, it should be taken to a special service center. You should not take the gamepad to an unlicensed technician or try to fix the problem yourself. Unauthorized opening of the gamepad case will remove the device from warranty service.

    What to play on Sony PlayStation 4 with two joysticks

    Currently, there are many different games and projects that allow you to enjoy the gameplay together by connecting two gamepads at the same time. Listed below are a few of the most popular games for SonyPlastation 4, which are capable of providing play for two joysticks.

    REFERENCE! Split screen– this is a split-screen mode, when the monitor is divided into two halves, one of which shows gameplay from one controller, the other from the other.

    1. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The continuation of the famous franchise, which began as a shooter about the Second World War, has now been breaking all records for a long time gaming industry. The events of this part take place in the future, namely the end of the 21st century. The world of the future is full of technology, and instead of states, the world is ruled by private military corporations that clash with each other over the division of remaining resources. The game supports Split screen mode, which allows two players to play on the same console.
    1. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2. Fun adventures heroes in the Lego world can amuse both adults and the youngest players. This game combines interesting dynamic gameplay, as well as funny and understandable humor. You can play the game alone or with two people.
    1. Gran Turismo Sport. A real racing simulator that differs from the rest in the unique design of the cars, their realistic behavior on the track and complete destructibility. The game can please both car enthusiasts and those who have never driven a real car. It is she who will help fill the gap for many players who dreamed of moving from an office chair to the seat of a racing car. The game supports Split screen mode, which makes it possible to enjoy the race either alone or with two people.
    1. Mortal Kombat X. The legendary series rightfully takes its place on this list. It has earned fame not only due to the abundance of cruelty, but also due to its unique and dynamic gameplay. Mortal Kombat is fun to play either alone or together, fighting with each other, or going through the next tests together, and you already know how to add a PS4 joystick.

    Want to play with a friend, but don't know how to connect a second controller to the PlayStation 4? Don't worry, everything is as simple as shelling pears. Anyone can enable support for a second gamepad on their console - Sony has made the process convenient and easy. Our article is designed to help you figure out how to connect a second joystick to PS4.

    In our guide, we'll show you, step by step, how to connect the DualShock 4 to your console. Let's say right away that there are two methods - wired and wireless, via Bluetooth.

    Method number 1. How to connect a joystick to PS4 via USB cable

    If you do not have the original DualShock 4, but a controller from another manufacturer that is connected only via wire, then follow these instructions:

      press the power button on the PS4 console to turn on the device;

      insert the other end of the cable from the PS4 controller into the USB port of the console;

      press the PS button (or its equivalent) on the gamepad and hold it for three seconds;

      your wired PS4 controller should now be connected to the console.

    If your controller supports wireless communication, then follow these steps::

      turn on the PS4 console;

      Connect the micro connector of the USB cable to the PS4 controller. The microUSB port is located on the back of the device;

      connect the other end of your USB cable to the set-top box;

      press the PS button and keep it pressed for 3 seconds;

      the wireless controller must now be registered with the set-top box. You can disconnect the USB cable and play wirelessly.

      this way you can register the second, third and fourth controllers to the set-top box. Use the same USB cable, repeat the steps and pair a new user to the controller on the home screen.

    Method number 2. How to connect a joystick to PS4 wirelessly

    If you want to connect a second controller to your box but don't have a USB cable, you can still register the device. Follow these instructions:

      From the PS4 home screen, select Properties > Devices > Bluetooth Devices (using another DualShock 4 controller or remote).

      on the controller you want to connect, press simultaneously SHARE and PS buttons and hold them for 10 seconds.

    Hold down the buttons marked with red frames

      look at the screen. The gamepad should appear in the list of available Bluetooth devices. Select it.

      that's it - your controller is now connected to the console. Enjoy the game!

    Which PS4 controller should you choose?

    In this article, we will also tell you what types of DualShock 4 controllers are available on PS4. First of all, it is worth highlighting Crossfire gamepad from GearZ studio.

    DualShock 4 Crossfire - the choice for professional gamers

    This is a custom controller based on the original DualShock 4. The device is ideal for fans of online battles, as well as for those who want more convenient and responsive controls in games. GearZ studio has been redesigning gamepads for a long time, and the DualShock 4 Crossfire is one of their best achievements. The gamepad differs from the original control device by the presence of petals on the back of the case. The petals are made of ABS plastic and are firmly attached to the body. Their main function is duplication of the main buttons on the front side (all except L2, R2, OPTIONS, SHARE and PS). The convenience and ergonomics of the controller are excellent - it fits perfectly in your hands.

    The convenience of the controller can hardly be overestimated both in single projects and in online battles. So, the petals can be assigned the functions of jumping or running from the face buttons. In games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Destiny and many others, this significantly improves the efficiency of the game. Now you don’t need to rush your fingers around the gamepad in search of the right button - they are always under your palm.

    You may want to purchase a controller in a different color. Nobody argues - the design of the original DualShock 4 is very stylish, and the device immediately attracts attention with its elegance and minimalistic beauty. However, not all gamers like black. DualShock 4 gamepads come in a variety of colors. One of a kind Bloody Mary gamepad from PiterPlay store will make you stand out as a gamer when you play with friends. The gamepad body shimmers spectacularly in the light, and the bright red color justifies the stylish name. The controller has a soft-touch finish and is simply pleasant to hold in your hands while playing.

    Bloody Mary from PiterPlay - a triumph of style and convenience

    The plastic controller face buttons in this version have been replaced with metal ones to match the Lueger bullet style. An aluminum crosspiece will also last longer than conventional plastic. Bloody Mary is the choice for gamers who primarily value style and quality in accessories.

    Recently, a lot of information about PS4 hacking has appeared on the Internet, but often these messages are “duck”.However, there is one way to play games for free on your console. Let’s say right away that this is quite difficult to do, and our article is more of an informational nature. From this text you will learn whether it is worth flashing your PS4 and how the firmware works.

    Overall, the DualShock 4 controller is very well built and there is rarely a need to repair it. If you need to change the appearance of the gamepad or change a part inside, then in this article we will tell you in detail how to disassemble the DualShock 4 controller.

    Recently, complaints about the inability to connect to PSN began to appear online. For some, the network works intermittently, others cannot connect to the Sony server at all, while the status shows that all services are working normally. In all likelihood, the problem lies in the recent attempt by Roskomnadzor to block the Telegram messenger. In this article we will talk about how to bypass PSN blocking, and also indicate the reason why PSN does not work for some players.
